
Personal identification

Full name
Roman Korolev-Namazov

Citation names

  • Korolev-Namazov, Roman

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Knowledge fields

  • Social Sciences - Sociology - Anthropology
  • Social Sciences - Media and Communications - Media and Socio-cultural Communication


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Russian (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Portuguese Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2)
French Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
German Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2)
Degree Classification
2020 - 2025
Anthropology (Doutoramento)
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
"Practices of Listening to Music. Classical Concerts in Lisbon: A Public Dimension" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2016 - 2018
Cultural Studies (Master)
Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj gumanitarnyj universitet, Russia
"Conceptualization of Urban Everyday Life in Promenade Performances" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2005 - 2010
Global Studies (Graduado)
Moskovskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni M V Lomonosova, Russia
"Cultural trends of glocalization: forms and strategies" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2021 - Current Researcher (Research) Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Portugal
2017 - 2020 Research Assistant (Research) GBUK goroda Moskvy Moskovskij muzej sovremennogo iskusstva, Russia

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2018 - 2019 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Moskovsky Mezhdunarodnyy Universitet, Russia


Host institution
2021 - 2024 Merit Scholarship ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal


Book chapter
  1. Korolev-Namazov, Roman. "(Un)gathered Together: Communal Techniques of Listening to Classical Music in Lisbon". In Ciências Humanas: Estudos para uma Visão Holística da Sociedade VII, 10-23. Editora Artemis, 2023.
Magazine article
  1. Korolev-Namazov, Roman. "Listening under Compulsion: On the Destiny of Sound in the Age of Text Hegemony and Image Dictatorship", Muzikalnaya Zhizn, 2020
  2. Korolev-Namazov, Roman. "The Chernobyl Series (HBO): Sound Materiality as an Evidence of the Catastrophe", Muzikalnaya Zhizn, 2019
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. "Practices of Listening to Music. Classical Concerts in Lisbon: A Public Dimension". PhD, ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2025.
  2. "Conceptualization of Urban Everyday Life in Promenade Performances". Master, Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj gumanitarnyj universitet, 2018.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/06 Listening Techniques and Spatial Acquaintance at Classical Concerts: Beyond Acoustic Factors V Jornada "Música, Media e Públicos: Portugal 1974 – atualidade"
CESEM (Lisbon, Portugal)
2023/09 Media Framing as a Listening Technique: Exploring Preparations for Classical Concerts at the VI Festival Antenna 2 The 12th Meeting of Research in Music
The Portuguese Society for Research in Music (Mafra, Portugal)
2023/07 Perspectives for the Ethnographic Analysis of Listening Practices: Chamber Music Concerts at MNAA, 20-22 April 2023 IV Jornada "Música, Media e Públicos: Portugal 1974 – atualidade"
CESEM (Lisbon, Portugal)
2022/11 Listening to Music as a Body Technique: An Anthropological Approach towards the Study of a Public Dimension in Classical Concerts The 11th Meeting of Research in Music
The Portuguese Society for Research in Music (Aveiro, Portugal)
2022/09 Anthropology of Listening to Music and Sound Studies: Rethinking the Role of the Listener The 8th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association
(Evora, Portugal)
2020/02 Historically Informed Performance: Listening as a Means of Access to Cultural Spaces of the Past Time Traveling as The Form of A Culture Contact
Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia)
2019/06 A Sonic Image and the Problem of Audial Reduction: An Epistemological Approach Sound in Culture
Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia)
2019/04 Classical Music Perception within the Conditions of Distracted Listening New Methods of the Study of Culture
Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia)