Personal identification
- Full name
- Zita Carvalho dos Santos
- Date of birth
- 1984/03/25
- Gender
- Female
Citation names
- Carvalho-Santos, Zita
Author identifiers
- Ciência ID
- DB1A-9A10-5C0F
- 0000-0001-7100-308X
Email addresses
- (Professional)
- Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes Edifício Egas Moniz Avenida Professor Egas Moniz, 1649-028, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (Professional)
- (Professional)
Knowledge fields
- Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Behavioural Sciences Biology
- Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Cell Biology
- Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Reproductive Biology
- Medical and Health Sciences - Basic Medicine - Physiology
Language | Speaking | Reading | Writing | Listening | Peer-review |
English | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) | Proficiency (C2) |
Portuguese (Mother tongue) |
Degree | Classification | |
2006 - 2010
Biologia (Doutoramento)
Major in Especialidade: Biologia Celular
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal
"Evolution and Biogenesis of Microtubule-derived Structures" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Aprovado por unanimidade |
Licenciatura em Biologia Microbiana e Genética (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
16 |
n/a (Ensino secundário)
Escola Secundária de Porto de Mós, Portugal
18 |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2024/10 - Current | Principal Investigator (Research) | Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Portugal |
Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Portugal (...) |
2023/01 - 2024/09 | Principal Investigator (Research) | Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal |
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal | ||
2019/01 - 2022/12 | Contracted Researcher (Research) | Programa Champalimaud de Neurociências, Portugal |
2012 - 2018/12 | Postdoc (Research) | Programa Champalimaud de Neurociências, Portugal |
2010 - 2012 | Postdoc (Research) | Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal |
2005 - 2006 | Research Trainee (Research) | Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal |
Designation | Funders | |
2023/01/01 - Current | The impact of germline metabolic reprogramming on reproduction and physiology
101043068 - SweetEggs
Principal investigator
European Research Council, Belgium
European Research Council
2022/06/01 - Current | The role of healthy cells on the elimination of premalignant cells
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/08/01 - Current | Metabolic reprogramming, dietary nutrients and food cravings in ovary aging
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
Global Consortium for Reproductive Longevity and Equality, Buck Institute for Research on Aging
2023/12/14 - 2025/12/13 | Sub-cellular Metabolic Compartmentalization during Oocyte Development
Principal investigator
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
2012/01 - 2018/12/31 | Interaction of organ system in nutritional decision making
Post-doc Fellow
Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia |
Designation | Funders | |
2023/01/07 - Current | The impact of germline cellular metabolism on reproduction and physiology
Principal investigator
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal
2019/01/01 - 2023/01/06 | Interaction of organ systems in nutritional decision making
FCT - Norma Transitória DL 57/2016
2013/06/01 - 2015/11/30 | Structural and functional insights into centriole biogenesis
Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal |
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Designation | Funders | |
2018 - 2021 | Microbiome, nutrients and the brain: Identifying the molecular programs underlying the impact of essential amino acids and
the microbiome on brain function.
Post-doc Fellow
2006/09/01 - 2010/10/01 | Evolution and biogenesis of microtubule-based structures.
PhD Student Fellow
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Conference abstract |
Conference poster |
Journal article |
Thesis / Dissertation |
Artistic / Performance
Theatre play |
Other output |
Oral presentation
Presentation title | Event name Host (Event location) |
2024/12 | Decoding the impact of cellular metabolism on cell, organ and animal physiology | PdH Student Retreat Universidade de Aveiro
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2024/11 | Understanding the Interplay of Nutrition, Metabolism and Aging in Ovary Function | Drostuga - Portuguese Drosophila Meeting
(Batalha, Portugal)
2024/11 | Catering Fertility, Fueling Appetite | Drostuga - Portuguese Drosophila Meeting
(Batalha, Portugal)
2024/11 | Cellular Evasion: How Pre-Malignant Mutations Manipulate the Tumor Microenvironment | Drostuga - Portuguese Drosophila Meeting
(Batalha, Portugal)
2024/05 | Germline carbohydrate metabolism regulates female fertility and nutrient appetite | Nutrition Homeostasis Workshop
LIMMES - University of Bonn (Bonn, Germany)
2024/05 | Exploring Molecular Mechanisms in a Premalignant Microenvironment | SINAL 11th meeting on signal transduction
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2024/02 | Metabolism Network - Sub-cellular Metabolic Compartmentalization during Oocyte Development | CZI Metabolism Network Kickoff Meeting
(Redwood City, United States)
2023/11 | Data management | Champalimaud PhD Student Retreat
2023/04 | Metabolic Tango: Gut Bacteria and Dietary Nutrients Dance Together to Regulate Host Food Choices and Reproduction | Fall ABC-RI International Forum and the Spring ABC-RI International Forum (Virtual)
2023/02/05 | Metabolic remodeling as a trigger for female fertility decay | GCRLE Scholar Symposium
Buck Institute (San Francisco, United States)
2023/02/02 | How germline cellular metabolic reprogramming impacts female fertility and whole animal physiology | Building Bridges in Biology
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Oeiras, Portugal)
2022/01/27 | How cellular metabolic programs affect whole animal physiology: Lessons from the germline | Janelia Group Leader in 4DCP Interview Symposium
HHMI Janelia Research Campus (Ashburn, United States)
2021/11 | Mapping Metabolic Programs in a Whole Animal at Single-Cell Resolution | Annual Portuguese Drosophila Meeting
(Virtual, Portugal)
2021/06/24 | Metabolic regulation of reproduction: from egg production to inter-organ communication | Job Interview for Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Université de Lausanne - Suisse - UNIL (Lausanne, Switzerland)
2021/04 | Making sweet eggs with flies. | Making Reproductive Longevity a Reality webinar Series, Virtual.
National Institute of Aging with the Global Consortium for Reproductive Longevity and Equality (GCRLE), Buck Institute for
Research on Aging (
2021/03/31 | Mapping Metabolic Programs in a Whole Animal at Single Cell Resolution | 62nd Annual Drosophila Research Conference
Genetics Society of America (United States)
2020/12 | How does cellular metabolic reprogramming control sugar appetite? | Annual Portuguese Drosophila Meeting
2020/10 | How cellular metabolic reprogramming controls sugar appetite? | World Obesity Day Virtual Workshop.
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown (Lisboa, Portugal)
2020/01 | The metabolic program of proliferating cells controls sugar cravings | Post-Doc Exchange Programme
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Oeiras, Portugal)
2018/12/09 | The metabolic program of proliferating cells controls sugar cravings | Cell symposia - Metabolites as signaling molecules
(Seattle, United States)
2018/11/23 | The gourmet fly: how nutrients and the microbiome shape nutritional decisions | 22º Congresso Portugues de Obesidade
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/10 | Metabolism in feeding behavior and disease | Champalimaud student's Retreat
(Foz do Arelho, Portugal)
2017 | Sugar appetite is controlled by the metabolic program of the germline | European Drosophila Research Conference
(Londres, United Kingdom)
2017 | Sugar appetite is controlled by the metabolic program of germline cells | Drostuga - Portuguese Drosophila Meeting
(Tomar, Portugal)
2016 | Commensal bacteria and essential amino acids control food choice behavior and reproduction | Drostuga - Portuguese Drosophila Meeting
(Tomar, Portugal)
2009 | Stepwise Evolution of Centriole Assembly Mechanisms | FASEB Summer Research Conferences
(´Lucca, Italy)
Thesis Title Role |
Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization |
2024/03 - Current | Unravelling the connection between metabolism and cellular functions in female fertility
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Portugal |
2023/09 - Current | Metabolic plasticity in ovarian physiology and reproduction
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Portugal Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Portugal |
2023/10 - 2024/12 | The impact of oocyte quality on animal nutrient appetites
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2023/03/07 - 2023/05/23 | How do ovarian tissues turn dietary sugars into eggs?
Biologia Evolutiva e do Desenvolvimento (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal |
2020/08/01 - 2023/03/14 | The effects of tumorigenesis on nutrient cravings: dissecting the role of cellular metabolism in directing specific nutritional
appetites to sustain high cell proliferation rates
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal
2018 - 2019 | Impact of the metabolic program of germline cells on feeding behaviour
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
Event organisation
Event name Type of event (Role) |
Institution / Organization | |
2020 - Current | Brain-Body Interactions Virtual Series (2020)
Other (Member of the Organising Committee)
2018/09 - 2019/09 | Member of the organizing committee of the Annual Drosophila Portuguese Meeting (2019 - 2019)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
2017 - 2019 | Lisbon Area Post-Doc Symposium (2019 - 2019)
Symposium (Member of the Organising Committee)
Event participation
Activity description Type of event |
Event name Institution / Organization |
2024/10 - 2024/10 | Round Table on the Impact of Nutrition on Breast Cancer, during the "Semana da Mama 2024" event organized by the Gulbenkian
Institute for Molecular Medicine
Round table
Semana da Mama 2024
Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Portugal
2024/10 - 2024/10 | Round Table participation at the Webinar Shaping Ovarian Ageing: Cutting-Edge Advances in Fertility Science
Round table
Shaping Ovarian Ageing: ¿Cutting-Edge Advances in Fertility Science |
2024/05 - 2024/05 | Round Table on Nutrition and Reproduction at "Feira do Livro, Lisboa, 2024"
Round table
Feira de Livro, Lisboa |
2018/11 - 2018/11 | Project Management Workshop, Prosciencia
Programa Champalimaud de Neurociências, Portugal
2013/05 - 2013/05 | Mechanisms of Nutritional Homeostasis in Insects
LIMES-Institut, Germany
2012/06 - 2012/08 | Exchange scientist visit |
Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Library, United States
2011/06 - 2011/08 | Physiology: Modern Cell Biology Using Microscopic, Biochemical and Computational Approaches
Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Library, United States
2010/01 - 2010/01 | Communicating Scientific Research 2010 Workshop |
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
2008/05 - 2008/05 | Workshop on Evolutionary Cell Biology
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
2006/12 - 2006/12 | Sequence Analysis using High Performance Computation
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Jury of academic degree
Topic Role |
Candidate name (Type of degree) Institution / Organization |
2024/12 | Understanding how Drosophila peripheral glia contribute to neuronal structure and function
(Thesis) Main arguer
Vasco Miguel Barracha Gaspar (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2024/07 | Characterization of the hormonal regulation of Drosophila Neural Stem cells during brain development
(Thesis) Main arguer
Andreia Costa Oliveira (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2024/04 | Toll antiviral signalling after Drosophila oral infection: from viral sensing to NF-kB targets
(Thesis) Arguer
Miguel Correia Landum (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal
2023/12 | The role of ß-Hydroxybutyrate on the energetic homeostasis of synapses and neurons
(Thesis) Main arguer
Tomás Martins Lopes Parra Mateus (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, Portugal |
2023/09 | Cell Competition in Drosophila: the effects of suboptimal cells accumulation and an insight into the winner-loser communication
in a competition scenario
(Thesis) Main arguer
Mariana Marques dos Reis (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal |
2023/07 | Characterization of the metabolic requirements in Drosophila stem cells
(Thesis) Main arguer
Márcia Raquel Antunes Garcez (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
(Thesis) Main arguer
Carolina Quadrado (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal |
2023/02/23 | Identification and characterisation of new players involved in the assembly of the meiotic spindle in Human oocytes
(Thesis) Main arguer
Ana Maria Ferreira da Silva (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2022/04/01 | Neuronal control of suppression, initiation and completion of egg deposition in Drosophila melanogaster
(Thesis) Arguer
Cristina Ferreira (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal
2018/12/14 | The role of succinate dehydrogenase in the Drosophila melanogaster intestinal stem cells and tissue homeostasis
(Thesis) Main arguer
Ricardo André Baptista Pereira da Costa (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
Ad Hoc journal article review
Journal title (ISSN) | Publisher | |
2023 - 2023 | iScience | |
2021 - 2021 | Nature Communications | |
2020 - 2020 | Nature Communications | |
2018 - 2018 | Nature Communications | |
2017 - 2017 | Current Opinion in Insect Science | |
2016 - 2016 | Current Biology | |
2015 - 2015 | Elife | |
2013 - 2013 | Development |
Committee member
Activity description Role |
Institution / Organization | |
2018 - 2019 | Member of Champalimaud Post-Doctoral researchers committee
Programa Champalimaud de Neurociências, Portugal |
2009 - 2010 | Member of Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência PhD students committee
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal |
Course / Discipline taught
Academic session | Degree Subject (Type) | Institution / Organization | |
2023/03/14 - 2024/03/14 | Advanced Techniques in Biomedical Research II: Readouts of animal physiology | Masters in Biomedical Research (Mestrado integrado) | Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal |
Interview (newspaper / magazine)
Activity description | Newspaper / Forum | |
2023/06 | Interview for the Regional Newspaper Jornal de Leiria | |
2022/12/15 | Interview for the Regional Newspaper Jornal de Leiria | |
2022/12/11 | Interview for the National Newspaper Diário de Notícias | Diário de Notícias |
2022/03/03 | Interview for Sábado Magazine in the context of the Fly Cell Atlas publication. | Sábado Magazine |
2021/02/11 | Interview for the national newspaper Diário de Notícias - Da fertilidade à neurobiologia. As mulheres estão a mudar a ciência. | Diario de Noticias |
2020/09/09 | Interview for the regional newspaper "O Portemosense" | O Portemosense |
2020/08/31 | Há células sexuais que fazem com que as moscas-da-fruta anseiem por açucar | Publico |
2020/08 | Interview for the regional newspaper "Jornal de Leiria" - Investigadora de Porto de Mós recebe prémio internacional | Jornal de Leiria |
2018/03/01 | Interview for the regional newspaper "O Portemosense" - Dia da Mulher | O Portemosense |
Interview (tv / radio show)
Program | Topic | |
2021/03 - 2021/03 | Alô Portugal | Dia da Mulher - Mulheres em Ciência |
2012 - 2012 | Jornal 10/12 | |
2012 - 2012 | Antena 1 |
Mentoring / Tutoring
Topic | Student name | |
2023/05 - Current | Diogo Louro | |
2021 - Current | Member of PhD Thesis committee | Catarina Costa |
2024/09 - 2024/10 | Undergraduate Rotational Students | Madalena Marques |
2024/03 - 2024/04 | Graduate Rotational Student | Daniela Figueiredo |
2024/01 - 2024/01 | Graduate Rotational Student | Joana Figueiredo |
2023/11 - 2023/11 | Undergraduate Rotational Students | Catarina Costa, Francisca Pereira |
2023/05 - 2023/06 | Raquel Nóbrega | |
2023/03 - 2023/06 | Maria Inês Trindade Paulino Lorenzo Dominguez, Ana Rita Claro Correia | |
2019/11/01 - 2023/03/14 | Research technician | Inês Vicente |
2018/07 - 2018/08 | David Almeida, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia | |
2017 - 2018 | Master students | Rita Figueiredo, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia |
2017/06 - 2017/08 | Summer student | Nick Archer, Princeton University |
2015 - 2015 | Rotational students | Joana Saraiva, Universidade de Coimbra |
2022 | Outstanding Poster Award in FASEB Reproductive Aging Conference
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, United States
2020 | Best Recorded Talk
Portuguese Drosophila Meeting, Portugal
2017 | Second place for Best Oral Presentation
Portuguese Drosophila Meeting, Portugal
2016 | Honourable mention for Best Oral Presentation
Portuguese Drosophila Meeting, Portugal
2012 | Pfizer Award for Basic Investigation |
2011 | Marine Biological Laboratory Financial Aid Award
Marine Biological Laboratory, United States
2009 | FASEB Young Scientist Travel Award
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, United States
2008 | American Society for Cell Biology Predoc Travel Award
American Society for Cell Biology, United States
2006 | Menção Honrosa de Melhor Poster de Estagiário, Dia do Jovem Investigador
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
2006 | 1º Prémio Concurso de Posters, Encontro Nacional de Estudanted de Biologia
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2006 | Menção Honrosa de Melhor Poster de Estagiário, Dia do Jovem Investigador
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal
2006 | 1º Prémio Concurso de Posters Encontro Nacional de Estudanted de Biologia
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Other distinction
2018 | Best Poster award at Champalimaud Retreat 2018
Programa Champalimaud de Neurociências, Portugal
2017 | As nossas apostas: 12 nomes que vão dar que falar em 2018 |
2011 | European Association for Cancer Research travel Fellowship
European Association For Cancer Research, United Kingdom
2011 | Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds travel Grant |