
Personal identification

Full name
Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
2016/02/14 - 2020/06/06
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Doutoramento)
Major in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. , Portugal
"Obstructive sleep apnea detection using fourth level devices" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2010 - 2012
Biomedical Engineering (Master Universitario)
Major in Biomedical Engineering
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
"Clench Strength Prediction for Prosthesis Hand using Surface Electrode Electromyogram" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2006 - 2010
Electronics & Communication Engineering (Bachelor)
Major in Electronics and Communication
Khulna University, Bangladesh
"An Efficient Paging Algorithm for multi-Carrier CDMA System" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2023/02/01 - 2024/10/31 Contracted Researcher (Research) Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
2021/03/01 - 2023/12/31 Postdoc (Research) Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia, Portugal
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
2021/01/01 - 2021/02/28 Postdoc (Research) Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
2019/11/01 - 2020/12/31 Researcher (Research) Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
2014/10/01 - 2015/08/31 Research Assistant (Research) Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
2011/12/01 - 2012/11/30 Researcher (Research) Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) , Bangladesh

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2023/04/01 - 2023/04/30 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2018/07 - 2019/02 Lecturer (University Teacher) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2010/07 - 2011/11 Tutor (University Teacher) Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) , Bangladesh

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2023/11/01 - Current Postdoc Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/06/01 - 2023/06 BASE : BAnana Sensing, in partnership with GESBA
Post-doc Fellow
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
2022/04 - 2023/03 RRSO – Restaurant Review Sentiment Output Prociencia Program with the company Zomato
2021/01/01 - 2021/02/28 MTL-Marítimo Training LAB
Post-doc Fellow
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal

Instituto Desenvolvimento Regional, Portugal
Instituto Desenvolvimento Regional
2019/11/01 - 2020/12/31 MITIEXCELL-Improving MITI's Excellence in R&D and leveraging international
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Região Autónoma da Madeira
2014/10/01 - 2015/08/31 Vision 3D
Integration into Research Grant Fellow
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
2011/12 - 2012/11 Performance of Different Bio-signals on Different Physiological and Mental State
Memo No:¿(¿¿)/¿¿¿¿/¿¿¿¿¿/¿¿¿¿¿¿¿(¿)/¿¿¿¿-¿¿/¿¿¿¿ Dated: 08/06/2011
University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh


Conference paper
  1. Mendonca, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Ravelo-Garcia, A.G.. "Cyclic Alternating Pattern Estimation from One EEG Monopolar Derivation Using a Long Short-Term Memory". 2019.
  2. Khondker Jahid Reza; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Mahamudul Hassan Milon; Sabira Khatun; Mohd Faizal Jamlos; Reza, K.J.; Mostafa, S.S.; et al. "Scattering Behaviour Analysis for UWB Antenna in the Vicinity of Heterogeneous Breast Model". 2018.
  3. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fabio Mendonca; Antonio Ravelo-Garcia; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Mostafa, S.S.; Mendonça, F.; Ravelo-García, A.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Combination of Deep and Shallow Networks for Cyclic Alternating Patterns Detection". 2018.
  4. Fabio Mendonça; Ana Fred; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Automatic Detection of a Phases for CAP Classification". 2018.
  5. Mendonca, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Ravelo-García, A.G.; Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia. "Sleep Quality Analysis with Cardiopulmonary Coupling". 2018.
  6. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Joao Paulo Carvalho; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio Ravelo-Garcia; Mostafa, Sheikh. "Optimization of sleep apnea detection using SpO2 and ANN". 2017.
  7. Mostafa, Sheikh. "SpO2 based sleep apnea detection using deep learning". 2017.
  8. Mostafa, S.S.; Sousa, L.N.; Ferreira, N.F.; Sousa, R.M.; Santos, J.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Wany, M.. "On the implementation of the gamma function for image correction on a endoscopic camera". 2017.
  9. Mendonca, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Navarro-Mesa, J.; Julia-Serda, G.; Ravelo-Garcia, A.; Fabio Mendonca; et al. "A minimallyinvasive portable system for sleep apnea detection". 2017.
  10. Mostafa, S.S.; Awal, M.A.; Ahmad, M.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Md. Abdul Awal; Mohiuddin Ahmad; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "A Method for Designing Emg Integrator using an FPGA". 2017.
  11. Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Sousa, L Nat{\'e. "FPGA Implementation of Gamma Correction using a Piecewise Linear Approach for a Small Size Endoscopic Camera". 2016.
  12. Monira Islam; Tazrin Ahmed; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Md. Salah Uddin Yusuf; Mohiuddin Ahmad; Islam, M.; Ahmed, T.; et al. "Human emotion recognition using frequency & statistical measures of EEG signal". 2013.
  13. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Mohiuddin Ahmad; Md. Abdul Awal; Mostafa, S.S.; Ahmad, M.; Awal, Md.A.. "Clench force estimation by surface electromyography for neural prosthesis hand". 2012.
  14. Munia, T.T.K.; Islam, A.; Islam, M.M.; Mostafa, S.S.; Ahmad, M.; Tamanna Tabassum Khan Munia; Atiqul Islam; et al. "Mental states estimation with the variation of physiological signals". 2012.
Journal article
  1. Ahatsham Hayat; Preety Baglat; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Novel Comparative Study for the Detection of COVID-19 Using CT Scan and Chest X-ray Images". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021268.
  2. Preety Baglat; Ahatsham Hayat; Fábio Mendonça; Ankit Gupta; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Non-Destructive Banana Ripeness Detection Using Shallow and Deep Learning: A Systematic Review". Sensors (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020738.
  3. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Diogo Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Multiple Time Series Fusion Based on LSTM: An Application to CAP A Phase Classification Using EEG". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710892.
  4. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Diogo Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Heuristic Optimization of Deep and Shallow Classifiers: An Application for Electroencephalogram Cyclic Alternating Pattern Detection". Entropy (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/e24050688.
  5. Jabed Al Faysal; Sk Tahmid Mostafa; Jannatul Sultana Tamanna; Khondoker Mirazul Mumenin; Md. Mashrur Arifin; MD. ABDUL AWAL; Atanu Shome; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa. "XGB-RF: A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for IoT Intrusion Detection". Telecom (2022): https://www.mdpi.com/2673-4001/3/1/3.
  6. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G Ravelo-García. "On the use of patterns obtained from LSTM and feature-based methods for time series analysis: application in automatic classification of the CAP A phase subtypes". Journal of Neural Engineering (2021): https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/abd047.
  7. Md. Abdul Awal; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Mohiuddin Ahmad; Mohammad Ashik Alahe; Mohd Abdur Rashid; Abbas Z. Kouzani; M. A. Parvez Mahmud. "Design and Optimization of ECG Modeling for Generating Different Cardiac Dysrhythmias". Sensors 21 5 (2021): 1638-1638. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21051638.
  8. Mendonça, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Ravelo-García, A.G.; Mostafa, Sheikh. "A method based on cardiopulmonary coupling analysis for sleep quality assessment with FPGA implementation". Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 112 (2021): 102019-102019. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85099654672&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  9. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "An Oximetry Based Wireless Device for Sleep Apnea Detection". Sensors 20 3 (2020): 888-888. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20030888.
  10. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fabio Mendonca; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia; Gabriel Julia-Serda; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization of Convolutional Neural Network for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection". IEEE Access 8 (2020): 129586-129599. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3009149.
  11. Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Gabriel Julia-Serda; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia. "A Method for Sleep Quality Analysis Based on CNN Ensemble With Implementation in a Portable Wireless Device". IEEE Access (2020): 1-1. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019734.
  12. Mendonça, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Ravelo-García, A.G.. "Matrix of Lags: A tool for analysis of multiple dependent time series applied for CAP scoring". Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 189 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85078198412&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  13. Mostafa, S.S.; Baptista, D.; Ravelo-García, A.G.; Juliá-Serdá, G.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Greedy based convolutional neural network optimization for detecting apnea". Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 197 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85087783031&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  14. Mendonça, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Ravelo-García, A.G.. "Cyclic alternating pattern estimation based on a probabilistic model over an EEG signal". Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 62 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85087912759&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  15. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "A Portable Wireless Device for Cyclic Alternating Pattern Estimation from an EEG Monopolar Derivation". Entropy (2019): https://doi.org/10.3390/e21121203.
  16. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fábio Mendonça; Gabriel Juliá-Serdá; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "SC3: self-configuring classifier combination for obstructive sleep apnea". Neural Computing and Applications (2019): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04582-2.
  17. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G Ravelo-García; Thomas Penzel. "Sleep quality of subjects with and without sleep-disordered breathing based on the cyclic alternating pattern rate estimation from single-lead ECG". Physiological Measurement (2019): https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/ab4f08.
  18. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fábio Mendonça; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado Dias. "A Systematic Review of Detecting Sleep Apnea Using Deep Learning". Sensors (2019): https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/19/22/4934.
  19. Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia; Thomas Penzel. "A Review of Approaches for Sleep Quality Analysis". IEEE Access 7 (2019): 24527-24546. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2900345.
  20. Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia. "Sleep Quality Estimation by Cardiopulmonary Coupling Analysis". IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26 12 (2018): 2233-2239. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2881361.
  21. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Thomas Penzel. "Devices for home detection of obstructive sleep apnea: A review". Sleep Medicine Reviews 41 (2018): 149-160. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.smrv.2018.02.004.
  22. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Nuno Horta; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Analog active filter design using a multi objective genetic algorithm". AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 93 (2018): 83-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2018.06.001.
  23. Dario Baptista; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Lucas Pereira; Leonel Sousa; Fernando Morgado Dias. "Implementation Strategy of Convolution Neural Networks on Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Appliance Classification Using the Voltage and Current (V-I) Trajectory". Energies (2018): http://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/11/9/2460.
  24. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Md. Abdul Awal; Mohiuddin Ahmad; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Design of sEMG-based clench force estimator in FPGA using artificial neural networks". Neural Computing and Applications (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3600-4.
  25. Fábio Mendonça; Ana Fred; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Automatic detection of cyclic alternating pattern". Neural Computing and Applications (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3474-5.
  26. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Comparison of SFS and mRMR for oximetry feature selection in obstructive sleep apnea detection". Neural Computing and Applications (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3455-8.
  27. Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Thomas Penzel. "A Review of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection Approaches". IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 23 2 (2018): 1-1. https://doi.org/10.1109%2Fjbhi.2018.2823265.
  28. Mendonça, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Navarro-Mesa, J.L.; Juliá-Serdá, G.; Ravelo-García, A.G.. "A portable wireless device based on oximetry for sleep apnea detection". Computing 100 11 (2018): 1203-1219. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85046449094&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; L. Natércia Sousa; Nuno Fábio Ferreira; Ricardo M. Sousa; Joao Santos; Martin Wäny; F. Morgado-Dias; Mostafa, Sheikh. "Full image-processing pipeline in field-programmable gate array for a small endoscopic camera". Journal of Electronic Imaging 26 1 (2017): 013005-013005. https://doi.org/10.1117%2F1.jei.26.1.013005.
  30. Mostafa, S.S.; Awal, M.A.; Ahmad, M.; Rashid, M.A.. "Voiceless Bangla vowel recognition using sEMG signal". SpringerPlus 5 1 (2016): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84986631095&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  31. Jahid Reza, K.; Khatun, S.; Jamlos, M.F.; Fakir, M.; Mostafa, S.S.. "Performance evaluation of diversified SVM kernel functions for breast tumor early prognosis". ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 9 3 (2014): 329-335. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84897008126&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  32. Md. Abdul Awal; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Mohiuddin Ahmad; Mohd Abdur Rashid. "An adaptive level dependent wavelet thresholding for ECG denoising". Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 34 4 (2014): 238-249. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbe.2014.03.002.
  33. Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Reza, Khondker Jahid; Rashid, Gazi Maniur; Moinuddin, Muhammad; Amin, Md; Nahid, Abdullah Al; others. "An efficient paging algorithm for multi-carrier CDMA system". International Journal of Computer Science Issues (2011): http://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.2297.
  34. Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Hossian, Md; Reza, Khondker Jahid; Rashid, Gazi Maniur; others. "A Radio Based Intelligent Railway Grade Crossing System to Avoid Collision". arXiv preprint arXiv:1109.0077 (2011):
  35. Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Reza, Khondker Jahid; Amin, Md; Ahmad, Mohiuddin; others. "Intelligent Paging Strategy for Multi-Carrier CDMA System". International Journal of Computer Science Issues (2011):

Intellectual property

Provisional application for patent
  1. 2022. "Data fusion for improving banana crop using IoT and AI technologies".

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2018 Scattering Behaviour Analysis for UWB Antenna in the Vicinity of Heterogeneous Breast Tissues
(Funchal, Portugal)
2018 Combination of Deep and Shallow Networks for Cyclic Alternating Patterns Detection
(Funchal, Portugal)
2017 A minimally invasive portable system for sleep apnea detection International Conference and Workshop on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI)
(Funchal, Portugal)
2017 A Method for Designing EMG Integrator using an FPGA
(Funchal, Portugal)
2017 SpO2 based Sleep Apnea Detection using Deep Learning International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems
(Larnaca, Cyprus)
2016 FPGA Implementation of Gamma Correction using a Piecewise Linear Approach for a Small Size Endoscopic Camera Electronic Imaging, Image Sensors and Imaging Systems
(San Francisco, United States)
2013 Human emotion recognition using frequency & statistical measures of EEG signal International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV)
(Dhaka, Bangladesh)
2012 Clench force estimation by surface electromyography for neural prosthesis hand 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV)
(Dhaka, Bangladesh)
2011 Correlation of Heart-rate and Cardiac Cycle Duration under Different Body Positions and Breathing International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering
Indepedent University (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
2011 Mental states estimation with the variation of physiological signals 2012 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV)
(Dhaka, Bangladesh)
2010 An Analysis and Comparison of Wireless Multi-Hop MAC Protocol for Emergency Networks Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (Sylet , Bangladesh)
2010 E-Health in Bangladesh: Possibilities Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (Sylet, Bangladesh)
2010 A Radio-Based Railway Crossing Control System to Reduce Accident
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (Sylet, Bangladesh)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2023/02/17 - Current Approaches for Banana Harvesting Automation
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2022/10/05 - Current Very Short-Range Forecasting of Wind Speed and Direction for Air Traffic Operations at Madeira Airport
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2022/09/14 - Current Exploratory data analysis for food reviews in the perspective of restaurants owners
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2021/07/27 - 2021/07/30 This 4-day workshop is designed to show the basic steps needed to start a Machine Learning project. On the first day, you will have an introduction to Python and see how to create neural networks in scikit-learn and TensorFlow. In the following days, you will gain some experience with image processing, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTMs) networks. To wrap up the workshop, you will deploy a model to be used in a mobile app. I took one day workshop and organized it with my Professor. (2021/07/27 - 2021/07/30)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
2019/03/01 - 2019/07/25 As committee member of 3rd International Conference in Engineering Applications – ICEA19 arrange , organize and coordinate session. Also review and prepare proceedings. (2019/07/08 - 2019/07/11)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
2018/03/01 - 2018/07/31 As committee member of International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Applications 2018 arrange , organize and coordinate session. Also review and prepare proceedings. (2018/07/09 - 2018/07/12)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
2017/04/01 - 2017/07/31 As committee member of International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence – IWOBI2017 arrange , organize and coordinate session. Also review and prepare proceedings. (2017/07/10 - 2017/07/12)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2021/01/01 - Current As Board Member main activity to achieve the objective of iKnowD spreading research results and supporting science.
Advisor / Consultant
IKnowD-Institute of Knowledge and Development, Portugal

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2022/08/17 - Current Electronics (2079-9292) MDPI
2022/04/15 - Current International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (1660-4601) MDPI
2021/10/29 - 2023/01/31 Signals (2624-6120) MDPI


2017 1st prize in 1st Telefónica Chair Competition of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


2020 PhD Thesis with Distinctions
Instituto Superior Técnico at the University of Lisbon, Portugal. , Portugal