[ENG] Matilde Amaral Marques is a Researcher at the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon (CH-ULisboa), as well as a 3rd year student at the Faculty for Arts and Humanities for the same institution. Matilde has devoloped an interest on the History of Emotions and Family History in the Late Medieval and Early Modern periods. In that regard, she became a member member of The Society for the Study of Medieval Emotions and belong to the reasearchers group of Court and Diplomacy of the above mentioned Centre for History. Matilde Marques has recieved two prizes regarding her academic performance and is curruntly a Scholarship Embassador for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, representing the Institution in various instances.

Personal identification

Full name
Matilde Amaral Marques

Citation names

  • Marques, Matilde Amaral

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Knowledge fields

  • Humanities - History and Archaeology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Upper intermediate (B2) Advanced (C1)
French Elementary (A2) Intermediate (B1) Elementary (A2) Intermediate (B1)
Latin Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Italian Beginner (A1) Elementary (A2) Beginner (A1) Elementary (A2)
Spanish; Castilian Beginner (A1) Elementary (A2) Beginner (A1) Elementary (A2)
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Degree Classification
2022/09 - 2025/05
História (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2024/10/01 - Current Investigadora Integrada Não Doutorada Universidade de Lisboa Centro de História, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de História, Portugal
2024/05 - Current Embaixadora Bolseira Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal


Designation Funders
2024/10/01 - 2025/10/01 Bolsa de Iniciação à Investigação
Scientific Initiation Fellow
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de História, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2023 - 2024 Novos Talentos
Scientific Initiation Fellow
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/07/03 Fratres Disputantes: an emocional aproach to Late Medieval Portugal International Medieval Conference 2024
The Society for The Study of Medieval Emotions (Leeds, United Kingdom)
2024/05 Fratres Disputantes: uma abordagem emocional ao passado (séculos XIII e XIV) III Jornadas de História da Família
Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras (Lisboa, Portugal)


2023 Prémio Caixa Mais Mundo | 6ª Edição
Culturgest Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Portugal
2022 Prémio Caixa Mais Mundo | 5ª Edição
Culturgest Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Portugal