Journal article |
- Varland, Sylvia; Silva, Rui Duarte; Kjosås, Ine; Faustino, Alexandra; Bogaert, Annelies; Billmann, Maximilian; Boukhatmi,
Hadi; et al. Corresponding author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "N-terminal acetylation shields proteins from degradation and promotes
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1038/s41467-023-42342-y
- Carmo, Catarina; Coelho, João; Silva, Rui D; Tavares, Alexandra; Boavida, Ana; Gaetani, Paola; Guilgur, Leonardo G; Martinho,
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resolution and nascent transcript removal in mitosis". EMBO reports 24 9 (2023):
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.15252/embr.202256463
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Drosophila Oocyte Determination". Journal of Developmental Biology 11 2 (2023): 21.
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.3390/jdb11020021
- Feijão, Tália; Marques, Bruno; Silva, Rui D.; Carvalho, Célia; Sobral, Daniel; Matos, Ricardo; Tan, Tian; et al. Corresponding
author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "Polycomb group (PcG) proteins prevent the assembly of abnormal synaptonemal complex structures
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1073/pnas.2204701119
- Prudêncio, Pedro; Savisaar, Rosina; Rebelo, Kenny; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Carmo-Fonseca, Maria. Corresponding author: Martinho,
Rui Gonçalo. "Transcription and splicing dynamics during early Drosophila development". RNA 28 2 (2022): 139-161.
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1261/rna.078933.121
- Gomes, Teresa Lopes; Oliveira-Marques, Virgínia de; Hampson, Richard John; Jacinto, António; de Moraes, Luciana Vieira; Martinho,
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.3389/fphar.2021.752787
- Rathore, Om Singh; Silva, Rui D.; Ascensão-Ferreira, Mariana; Matos, Ricardo; Carvalho, Célia; Marques, Bruno; Tiago, Margarida
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1261/rna.077446.120
- Prudêncio, Pedro; Rebelo, Kenny; Grosso, Ana Rita; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Carmo-Fonseca, Maria. Corresponding author: Carmo-Fonseca,
Maria. "Analysis of Mammalian Native Elongating Transcript sequencing (mNET-seq) high-throughput data". Methods 178
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1016/j.ymeth.2019.09.003
- Navarro-Costa, Paulo; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. Corresponding author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "The emerging role of transcriptional
regulation in the oocyte-to-zygote transition". PLOS Genetics 16 3 (2020): e1008602.
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008602
- Silva, Rui D.; Mirkovic, Mihailo; Guilgur, Leonardo G.; Rathore, Om S.; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Oliveira, Raquel A.. Corresponding
author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "Absence of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Restores Mitotic Fidelity upon Loss of Sister Chromatid
Cohesion". Current Biology 28 17 (2018): 2837-2844.e3.
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1016/j.cub.2018.06.062
- Prudêncio, Pedro; Guilgur, Leonardo G; Sobral, João; Becker, Jörg D; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Navarro-Costa, Paulo. Corresponding
author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "The Trithorax group protein dMLL3/4 instructs the assembly of the zygotic genome at fertilization".
EMBO reports 19 8 (2018):
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.15252/embr.201845728
- Ribeiro, Ana Luisa; Silva, Rui D.; Foyn, Håvard; Tiago, Margarida N.; Rathore, Om Singh; Arnesen, Thomas; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo.
Corresponding author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "Naa50/San-dependent N-terminal acetylation of Scc1 is potentially important
for sister chromatid cohesion". Scientific Reports 6 1 (2016):
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1038/srep39118
- Navarro-Costa, Paulo; McCarthy, Alicia; Prudêncio, Pedro; Greer, Christina; Guilgur, Leonardo G.; Becker, Jörg D.; Secombe,
Julie; Rangan, Prashanth; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. Corresponding author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "Early programming of the oocyte
epigenome temporally controls late prophase I transcription and chromatin remodelling". Nature Communications 7 1 (2016):
Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1038/ncomms12331
- Rathore, Om Singh; Faustino, Alexandra; Prudêncio, Pedro; Van Damme, Petra; Cox, Cymon J.; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. Corresponding
author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "Absence of N-terminal acetyltransferase diversification during evolution of eukaryotic organisms".
Scientific Reports 6 1 (2016):
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1002/pmic.201400631
- Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Guilgur, Leonardo G.; Prudêncio, Pedro. Corresponding author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "How gene expression
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1002/bies.201400195
- Ferreira, Tânia; Prudêncio, Pedro; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. Corresponding author: Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. "Drosophila protein
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Acesso aberto • Published • 10.1016/j.ydbio.2014.08.008
- Pereira, P.A.; Navarro-Costa, P.; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Becker, J.D.. "Evolutionarily conserved mechanisms of male germline
development in flowering plants and animals". Biochemical Society Transactions 42 2 (2014): 377-382.
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- Guilgur, L.G.; Prudêncio, P.; Sobral, D.; Liszekova, D.; Rosa, A.; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo. Corresponding author: Martinho,
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- Alves, Ema; Henriques, Bárbara J.; Rodrigues, João V.; Prudêncio, Pedro; Rocha, Hugo; Vilarinho, Laura; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo;
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- Rangan, Prashanth; DeGennaro, Matthew; Jaime-Bustamante, Kean; Coux, Rémi- Xavier; Martinho, Rui Gonçalo; Lehmann, Ruth. "Temporal
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