Rubén Domínguez is Superior Technician at the Meat Technology Centre of Galicia (CTC), Ourense, Spain. He has done Agricultural Technical Engineering, a degree in Food Science and Technology and completed a university master in Food Science and Technology at the University of Vigo. He obtained his Ph.D. in Food Science and Technology (University of Vigo) in 2012. He has been a researcher of several projects of R&D and innovation related to meat science and food technology. He has developed numerous projects, many related to agro-industry and meat companies, and acquired extensive experience in the field of food technology. During his professional career, he has acquired great skills in food analysis. Among the techniques used, it is worth highlighting the extensive experience in the use of chromatographic and mass spectrometry techniques. In this regard, he had developed and validated analytical methods with HPLC-DAD/FL, LC-MS/MS, GC-FID and GC-MS. He also had a great experience in the use and optimization of microencapsulation techniques for the incorporation of healthy oils and bioactive compounds in several food matrices. Nowadays, his main research lines are: (i) Development of new healthier meat products; (ii) Use of agro-food industries by-products as potential sources to obtain valuable and bioactive compounds; (iii) Incorporation of bioactive compounds and development of functional foods; (iv) Use of active packaging to protect foods against oxidative degradation; (v) Evaluation of carcass, meat and meat products quality from different species; (vi) Use of emerging and green technologies for the recovery of biologically active compounds from several plant matrices and by-products; (vii) Application of chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques for food analysis. Regarding his research experience, his main achievements and strengths are: 1. He is Editor of the international scientific journals "Antioxidants", "Foods", "Current Research in Food Science", "Frontiers in Animal Science", "Meat Technology", "Ciência Rural" and "Nutrition, Dietetics and Nutraceuticals". Moreover, he is the guest editor from several Special Issues in international journals. 2. He is an active reviewer of multiple international scientific journals. Participate regularly in the review and evaluation processes of scientific articles and book proposals. 3. He is an Active Evaluator of R&D for Concurso Proyectos de Investigación Aplicada y Desarrollo Tecnológico (FONDECYT). 4. He published more than 170 research papers in well-recognized peer-reviewed international journals (SCI), most of them in the first quartile (more than 90), and 59 communications to congresses, mostly international. His h-index is 33 with a number of cites of 3,700 in Scopus. He has participated in more than 43 projects as research collaborator (1 international (SUDOE), 2 international cooperation, 7 national and 33 regional.). Additionally, he managed two R&D projects (a SUDOE and a H2020). He has edited three international books, and he has contributed to 49 chapters of international and national books. Finally, he has supervised a final year project. 5. He has a strong capacity for teamwork and a growing collection of fruitful national and international collaborations. Nowadays, he is a member of the leading research group of an international network that involves the participation of more than 40 international researchers (HealthyMeat).

Personal identification

Full name
Rubén Domínguez Valencia

Citation names

  • Domínguez, Rubén

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Scopus Author Id


  • (+34) 988548277 (Professional)


  • Avenida de Galicia nº4, Parque Tecnolóxico de Galicia, 32900, San Cibrao das Viñas, San Cibrao das Viñas, Spain (Professional)

Knowledge fields

  • Agrarian Sciences - Agrarian and Food Biotechnology
  • Engineering and Technology - Other Engineering and Technologies - Food and Beverages


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Upper intermediate (B2)
Galician (Mother tongue)
Spanish; Castilian Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
English Upper intermediate (B2) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Upper intermediate (B2) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
2010 - 2012/07/09
Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (Doctor)
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2009 - 2010/07/14
Ciencia y tecnología agroalimentaria (Master Universitario)
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2007 - 2009/07/03
Licenciado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (Licence)
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2003 - 2007/06/25
Ingeniero Técnico Agrícola. Especialidad en industria Agro-Alimentaria (Graduado)
Universidade de Vigo, Spain


Host institution
2012/02/23 - Current Researcher (Research) Centro Tecnolóxico da Carne, Spain


Designation Funders
2023/01 - 2026/12 EUNetHorse: European Network for knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning between actors and stakeholders of the Horse sector to improve the resilience of equine farms
HORIZON EUROPE European Research Council
2023 - 2026 FunFood. Functional Food.
Axencia Galega de Innovación
2023 - 2026 Oli4Food: Microbial resources for a sustainable olive oil system and a healthier Mediterranean food: from by-products to functional food
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
2023 - 2026 PAS-AGRO-PAS: The Making of Fragile Agro-ecosystems Productive, Adaptive and Sustainable: Multifunctional Agro-Pastoralism
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
2022/09 - 2025/08 InnoMeatEdu: Innovative digital tools applied to sustainable Meat Science and Technology Higher Education: a link between industry and academia
2022 - 2024 SeaProPep - Algas marinhas como fonte sustentável de Proteínas e Péptidos bioativos
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2022 - 2024 Desarrollo de nuevos productos cárnicos de Porco Celta sin aditivos artificiales
FEADER 2022/001A
Xunta de Galicia
2022 - 2024 Digitalización de la cadena de valor de la IGP Ternera Gallega.
FEADER 2022/007B
Xunta de Galicia
2022 - 2024 Cebo en Galicia: Optimización y protocolización de un sistema de engorde de terneros frisones rentable y replicable.
FEADER 2022/062B
Xunta de Galicia
2021 - 2023 OPFLuPAn: Obtención, purificación y funcionalización de aislados proteicos de altramuz y su aplicación en la elaboración de análogos cárnicos.
Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación
2019 - 2023 Healthy Meat. Productos cárnicos más saludables
Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
2019 - 2022 FunMeat. Productos cárnicos funcionales.
Axencia Galega de Innovación
2020 - 2021 El "sabugueiro" como recurso alimentario. Una apuesta saludable.
FEADER 2020/058A
Xunta de Galicia
2020 - 2021 Aprovechamiento de subproductos en la industria de la oliva para la obtención de productos cárnicos más saludables.
FEADER 2020/012A
Xunta de Galicia
2020 - 2021 Empleo de fracciones de grasa de cerdo Celta para la obtención de productos cárnicos diferenciados.
FEADER 2020/004A
Xunta de Galicia
2020 - 2021 Incorporación de maiz alto oleico y maiz corvo en la produción de carne de cerdo Celta de calidad diferenciada.
FEADER 2020/056A
Xunta de Galicia
2017 - 2020 Calidad de la carne de animales procedentes de pastos de la montaña
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
2017 - 2020 Obtención de péptidos bioactivos a partir de subproductos de origen animal para incrementar la vida útil de los productos cárnicos
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
2017 - 2020 Incremento de la vida útil de jamón cocido loncheado elaborado a partir de carne con baja capacidad de retención de agua mediante empleo de envases activos
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
2016 - 2019 INCYDEN: Incremento de la vida útil y calidad de los productos derivados del ciervo y desarrollo de nuevos productos
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
2016 - 2019 Marcarne. Marcas de calidad de carne y productos cárnicos Iberoamericanos
Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
2015 - 2018 Estudio del efecto de una nueva línea genética con la inclusión de la raza celta sobre la productividad y la calidad de la carne en ganado porcino (PORCEL)
Axencia Galega de Innovación
2015 - 2015 Efecto de la dieta de acabado sobre la calidad de la carne de pavo. Modificación del perfil de ácidos grasos e incremento de la vida útil mediante atmósferas modificadas
FEADER 2015/28
Xunta de Galicia
2015 - 2015 Optimización del proceso de maduración en vacuno.
FEADER 2015/27
Xunta de Galicia
2015 - 2015 INNOALCOOP: Innovación en el procesado de alimentos V gama funcional y procedimientos de cooperativas gallegas
FEADER 2015/18
Xunta de Galicia
2015 - 2015 FECUVAR: caracterización agronómica y tipificación de variedades de patata feculera. Aprovechamiento de patata de destrío de la Limia
FEADER 2015/32
Xunta de Galicia
2013 - 2015 Influencia del cruce con burguete en los parámetros productivos y características de la canal y carne del potro gallego. Maduración y vida comercial de la carne
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
2013 - 2015 Gestión del territorio: producción de carne de cerdo en régimen extensivo en base a recursos propios del monte Gallego
FEADER 2013/69
Xunta de Galicia
2013 - 2015 Obtención de productos cárnicos más saludables mediante la incorporación de aceite de pescado
FEADER 2013/34
Xunta de Galicia
2013 - 2015 Lanzamiento al mercado de tres preparados cárnicos frescos de vauno 100% Ternera Gallega sin conservantes: Carne picada, hamburguesa y steak hache.
FEADER 2013/29
Xunta de Galicia
2013 - 2015 Elaboración de nuevos productos a partir de carne de potro bajo un sistema de producción ecológico
FEADER 2013/42
Xunta de Galicia
2012 - 2014 Caracterización de las pulardas y capones de la raza Mos en un sistema de crianza artesana. Comparación con una estirpe industrial de crianza al aire libre.
FEADER 2012/46
Xunta de Galicia
2012 - 2014 Efecto de la inclusión de castaña en la dieta de finalización sobre la intensidad de los fenómenos autooxidativos y sensoriales del jamón de Porco Celta.
FEADER 2012/64
Xunta de Galicia
2012 - 2014 Obtención de lacón bajo en sal mediante la substitución de NaCl por otros sales
FEADER 2012/45
Xunta de Galicia
2012 - 2014 Obtención de nuevos productos a partir de cruces de Cerdo Celta.
FEADER 2012/85
Xunta de Galicia
2012 - 2014 Desarrollo de nuevos productos a partir de Cerdo.
FEADER 2012/42
Xunta de Galicia
2012 - 2014 Modelo de manejo de Porco Celta en extensivo por retención por aprendizaje
FEADER 2012/65
Xunta de Galicia
2012 - 2013 Optimización Tecnológica para la Valorización y Aprovechamiento de Subproductos del Pez Espada.
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
2010 - 2013 Efecto del cruce, sistema de manejo, sexo, dosis de acabado y edad de sacrifio sobre la calidad de la canal y de la carne de potro galego. Estudio de vida útil.
Xunta de Galicia
2010 - 2012 Estudio comparativo a distintas edades de sacrificio, de las características productivas y de la calidad de la canal y de la carne en animales de raza Vianesa en un sistema sostenible.
FEADER 2010/10
Xunta de Galicia
2010 - 2012 Estudio de las características físico-químicas, nutritivas y organolépticas de la carne de Ternera Gallega y Ternera Gallega Suprema.
FEADER 2010/04
Xunta de Galicia
2010 - 2012 Estudio de la suplementación con castañas en la dieta del cerdo para el desarrollo de una nueva línea de productos.
FEADER 2010/38
Xunta de Galicia
2010 - 2012 Tipificación de productos tradicionales y novedosos derivados de cerdo Celta y sus cruces.
FEADER 2010/15
Xunta de Galicia
2010 - 2012 Potencial de crecimiento y características de la canal y de la carne de terneros Cachenos castrados, sacrificados con diferentes edades y criados en un sistema semi-intensivo.
FEADER 2010/27
Xunta de Galicia
2010 - 2012 Mejora del aroma del jamón de cerdo Celta mediente el uso de starters.
FEADER 2010/35
Xunta de Galicia
2009 - 2012 Caracterización de la canal y de la carne de cerdo Celta. Efecto del sexo, variedad y edad de sacrificio.
Xunta de Galicia
2011 - 2011 Valoración de la carne de caprino mayor, producida en Marruecos, a través de la fabricación de un producto cárnico crudo-curado.
AECID A/030998/10
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo
2008 - 2011 Efecto de la utilización de castaña en la dieta de finalización sobre la calidad de la carne del cerdo de raza Celta.
Gobierno de España
2010 - 2010 Valoración de la carne de caprino mayor, producida en Marruecos, a través de la fabricación de un producto cárnico crudo-curado.
AECID A/024571/09
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo


  1. José Manuel Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E.S. Munekata. Production of Traditional Mediterranean Meat Products. 2022.
  2. José Manuel Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E.S. Munekata. Methods to Assess the Quality of Meat Products. 2022.
  3. Lorenzo, J.M.; Munekata, P.E.; Dominguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Saraiva, J.A.; Franco, D.. Main groups of microorganisms of relevance for food safety and stability: General aspects and overall description. 2018.
  4. Lorenzo, J.M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Baldin, J.C.; Franco, D.; Domínguez, R.; Trindade, M.A.. The use of natural antioxidants to replace chemical antioxidants in foods. 2017.
  5. Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Pérez-Santaescolástica, C.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Lorenzo, J.M.. Salt reduction strategies in meat products made from whole pieces. 2017.
  6. Lorenzo, J.M.; DomÍnguez, R.; Carballo, J.. Control of lipid oxidation in muscle food by active packaging technology. 2017.
  7. Lorenzo, J.M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Domínguez, R.. Studies of procyanidin structure-activity relationship and mechanisms on cardiovascular diseases. 2016.
Book chapter
  1. Pateiro, M.; Purriños, L.; Domínguez, R.; Barretto, A.C.S.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Fraqueza, M.J.; Pazos, A.A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Descriptive sensory analysis of meat-The baseline for any sensory innovation for meat products: Case study". 107-120. 2022.
  2. Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Purriños, L.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Necessary considerations for sensory evaluation of meat products: Quality indicators of meat products". 31-50. 2022.
  3. Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Sepúlveda, N.; Santos, E.M.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Historical perspective of sensory analysis for the development of meat products: A contemporary challenge". 1-27. 2022.
  4. Purriños, L.; Pateiro, M.; Rosmini, M.; Domínguez, R.; Teixeira, A.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Campagnol, P.C.B.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Descriptive sensory analysis as an analytical tool for the sensory characterization of meat products: Fundaments, panel training, and descriptors of meat products". 51-76. 2022.
  5. Pérez-Santaescolástica, C.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Bastianello Campagnol, P.C.; Franco, D.; Dominguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Dry-Cured Ham". 33-75. 2021.
  6. Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Bellucci, E.R.B.; Domínguez, R.; da Silva Barretto, A.C.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Strategies to increase the shelf life of meat and meat products with phenolic compounds". 171-205. 2021.
  7. Agregán, R.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Feng, X.; Gullón, B.; Dominguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Technological Advances for Sustainable Livestock Production". 37-47. 2021.
  8. Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Farag, M.A.; Varzakas, T.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Nanotechnology". 179-202. 2021.
  9. Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Tomasevic, I.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Gagaoua, M.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Pulsed Electric Fields in Sustainable Food". 125-144. 2021.
  10. Cristina, P.-S.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Misihairabgwi, J.M.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Modern Food Production: Fundaments, Sustainability, and the Role of Technological Advances". 1-22. 2021.
  11. Domínguez, R.; Bohrer, B.; Pateiro, M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Packaging Systems". 49-69. 2021.
  12. Munekata, P.E.S.; Domínguez, R.; Pateiroa, M.; Barba, F.J.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Sonocrystallization". 299-316. 2020.
  13. Domínguez, R.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Heterocyclic aromatic amines in cooked food: Toxicology and analysis". 421-460. 2020.
  14. Munekata, P.E.S.; Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Introduction to food fraud". 1-30. 2020.
  15. Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Barba, F.J.; Dominguéz, R.; Gagaoua, M.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Development of new food and pharmaceutical products: Nutraceuticals and food additives". 2019.
  16. Pateiro, M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Tsatsanis, C.; Domínguez, R.; Zhang, W.; Barba, F.J.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Evaluation of the protein and bioactive compound bioaccessibility/bioavailability and cytotoxicity of the extracts obtained from aquaculture and fisheries by-products". 2019.
  17. Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Barba, F.J.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Lipids and fatty acids". 107-137. 2019.
Conference paper
  1. Lorenzo, J.M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Abdulrazzaq Alaghbari, M.; Tomasevic, I.. "Preservation of meat products with natural antioxidants from rosemary". 2021.
Journal article
  1. Rubén Domínguez-Valencia; Aurora Cittadini; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; José M. Lorenzo. "Elderberry Lipophilic and Hydrophilic Bioactive Compounds: Characterization and Extract Encapsulation". Foods (2023):
  2. Rubén Domínguez; Roberto Bermúdez; Mirian Pateiro; Raquel Lucas-González; José M. Lorenzo. "Optimization and Characterization of Lupin Protein Isolate Obtained Using Alkaline Solubilization-Isoelectric Precipitation". Foods (2023):
  3. Ana Leite; Lia Vasconcelos; Iasmin Ferreira; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Sandra Rodrigues; Etelvina Pereira; et al. "Did the Addition of Olive Cakes Obtained by Different Methods of Oil Extraction in the Finishing Diet of Bísaro Pigs Affect the Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Dry-Cured Loin and “Cachaço”?". Foods (2023):
  4. Karolina M. Wójciak; Karolina Ferysiuk; Paulina Keska; Malgorzata Materska; Barbara Chilczuk; Monika Trzaskowska; Marcin Kruk; Danuta Kolozyn-Krajewska; Rubén Domínguez. "Reduction of Nitrite in Canned Pork through the Application of Black Currant (Ribes nigrum L.) Leaves Extract". Molecules (2023):
  5. Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Gema Nieto; Sneh Punia Bangar; Kuldeep Dhama; José M. Lorenzo. "Bioactive Compounds from Leaf Vegetables as Preservatives". Foods (2023):
  6. Ana Leite; Lia Vasconcelos; Iasmin Ferreira; Rubén Domínguez; Etelvina Pereira; Sandra Rodrigues; José M. Lorenzo; Alfredo Teixeira. "Effect of the Inclusion of Olive Cake in the Diet on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Dry-Cured Loin and Dry-Cured “Cachaço” of Bísaro Pig". Applied Sciences (2023):
  7. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Gema Nieto; Manoj Kumar; Kuldeep Dhama; José M. Lorenzo. "Bioactive Compounds from Fruits as Preservatives". Foods (2023):
  8. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Sarah Finardi; Carolina Krebs de Souza; Caroline Meinert; Mirian Pateiro; Tuany Gabriela Hoffmann; Rubén Domínguez; et al. "Applications of Electronic Nose, Electronic Eye and Electronic Tongue in Quality, Safety and Shelf Life of Meat and Meat Products: A Review". Sensors (2023):
  9. Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Pateiro, Mirian; Tomasevic, Igor; Dominguez, Ruben; da Silva Barretto, Andrea C.; Santos, Eva M.; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Functional fermented meat products with probiotics-A review". Journal of Applied Microbiology (2023):
  10. Savita Sharma; Nancy Malhotra; Arashdeep Singh; Rajan Sharma; Rubén Domínguez; José Manuel Lorenzo. "Modulation in Techno-Functional, Textural Properties, In Vitro Starch Digestibility and Macromolecular–Structural Interactions of Pasta with Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)". Molecules (2022):
  11. Marios C. Christodoulou; Jose C. Orellana Palacios; Golnaz Hesami; Shima Jafarzadeh; José M. Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez; Andres Moreno; Milad Hadidi. "Spectrophotometric Methods for Measurement of Antioxidant Activity in Food and Pharmaceuticals". Antioxidants (2022):
  12. Gabriele Rocchetti; Pier Paolo Becchi; Luigi Lucini; Aurora Cittadini; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) Encapsulated Extracts as Meat Extenders against Lipid and Protein Oxidation during the Shelf-Life of Beef Burgers". Antioxidants (2022):
  13. Aurora Cittadini; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; María V. Sarriés; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Microencapsulated Healthy Oil Mixtures to Enhance the Quality of Foal Pâtés". Foods (2022):
  14. Elisa Rafaela Bonadio Bellucci; Camila Vespúcio Bis-Souza; Rubén Domínguez; Roberto Bermúdez; Andrea Carla da Silva Barretto. "Addition of Natural Extracts with Antioxidant Function to Preserve the Quality of Meat Products". Biomolecules (2022):
  15. Ana Leite; Lia Vasconcelos; Iasmin Ferreira; Ainhoa Sarmiento-García; Rubén Domínguez; Eva María Santos; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; et al. "Chemical, Physicochemical and Sensorial Characterization of Nitrite-Free Dry-Cured Bísaro Shoulders". Foods (2022):
  16. Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Bibiana Alves dos Santos; Mariana Basso Pinton; Alexandre José Cichoski; Paulo Cezar Bastianello Campagnol. "Main animal fat replacers for the manufacture of healthy processed meat products". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2022):
  17. Dibyajit Lahiri; Moupriya Nag; Tanmay Sarkar; Rina Rani Ray; Mohammad Ali Shariati; Maksim Rebezov; Sneh Punia Bangar; José M. Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez. "Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB): Autochthonous and Probiotic Microbes for Meat Preservation and Fortification". Foods (2022):
  18. Norma Angélica Santiesteban-López; Julián Andrés Gómez-Salazar; Eva M. Santos; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Alfredo Teixeira; José M. Lorenzo; María Elena Sosa-Morales; Rubén Domínguez. "Natural Antimicrobials: A Clean Label Strategy to Improve the Shelf Life and Safety of Reformulated Meat Products". Foods (2022):
  19. Cristina M. Guedes; Mariana Almeida; Maude Closson; Sofia Garcia-Santos; José M. Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez; Luís Ferreira; et al. "Effect of Total Replacement of Soya Bean Meal by Whole Lupine Seeds and of Gender on the Meat Quality and Fatty Acids Profile of Growing Rabbits". Foods (2022):
  20. Aline Moreira Portella De Melo; Lidiane Fagundes da Silva Monteiro; Roberto Germano Costa; Valdi De Lima Junior; Ariosvaldo Nunes de Medeiros; Rita de Cássia R. E. Queiroga; Neila Lidiany Ribeiro; et al. "Quality of Santa Inês × Dorper sheep meat submitted to different levels of inclusion of sunflower cake". Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2022):
  21. Natalia Soledad Argel; Gabriel Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez; Maria João Fraqueza; Juana Fernández-López; Maria Elena Sosa; Paulo Cesar Bastianello Campagnol; José Manuel Lorenzo; Silvina Cecilia Andrés. "Hybrid Meat Products: Incorporation of White Bean Flour in Lean Pork Burgers". Applied Sciences (2022):
  22. Lidiana Velázquez; John Quiñones; Karla Inostroza; Gastón Sepúlveda; Rommy Díaz; Erick Scheuermann; Rubén Domínguez; et al. "Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz): A Natural Antioxidant to Improve Quality of Meat Patties". Antioxidants (2022):
  23. Ana Leite; Rubén Domínguez; Lia Vasconcelos; Iasmin Ferreira; Etelvina Pereira; Victor Pinheiro; Divanildo Outor-Monteiro; et al. "Can the Introduction of Different Olive Cakes Affect the Carcass, Meat and Fat Quality of Bísaro Pork?". Foods 11 11 (2022): 1650-1650.
  24. Aurora Cittadini; María V. Sarriés; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; José M. Lorenzo. "Effect of Breed and Finishing Diet on Chemical Composition and Quality Parameters of Meat from Burguete and Jaca Navarra Foals". Animals (2022):
  25. Danila Foggiaro; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Aurora Cittadini; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Maria João Fraqueza; Pasquale De Palo; José M. Lorenzo. "Use of Healthy Emulsion Hydrogels to Improve the Quality of Pork Burgers". Foods 11 4 (2022): 596-596.
  26. Maria Federica Sgarro; Aristide Maggiolino; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Francesco Iannaccone; Pasquale De Palo; José M. Lorenzo. "Effects of Anthocyanin Supplementation and Ageing Time on the Volatile Organic Compounds and Sensory Attributes of Meat from Goat Kids". Animals (2022):
  27. Olalla López-Fernández; Benjamin M. Bohrer; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; José Manuel Lorenzo. "Improving oxidative stability of foods with apple-derived polyphenols". Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (2022):
  28. Nitin Mehta; Pavan Kumar; AKHILESH KUMAR VERMA; Pramila Umaraw; Yogesh Kumar; DR OP MALAV; Awis Qurni; Ruben Domínguez; Jose Manuel Lorenzo Rodriguez. "Microencapsulation as a Noble Technique for the Application of Bioactive Compounds in the Food Industry: A Comprehensive Review". Applied Sciences (2022):
  29. Lopez-Fernandez, Olalla; Dominguez, Ruben; Santos, Eva M.; Pateiro, Mirian; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Campagnol, Paulo C. B.; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Comparison Between HPLC-PAD and GC-MS Methods for the Quantification of Cholesterol in Meat". Food Analytical Methods (2022):
  30. Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Yilmaz, Birsen; Pateiro, Mirian; Kumar, Manoj; Dominguez, Ruben; Shariati, Mohammad Ali; Hano, Christophe; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Valorization of by-products from Prunus genus fruit processing: Opportunities and applications". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2022):
  31. Sarkar, T.; Mukherjee, A.; Chatterjee, K.; Shariati, M.A.; Rebezov, M.; Rodionova, S.; Smirnov, D.; Dominguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Comparative Analysis of Statistical and Supervised Learning Models for Freshness Assessment of Oyster Mushrooms". Food Analytical Methods 15 4 (2022): 917-939.
  32. Cittadini, Aurora; Dominguez, Ruben; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Pateiro, Mirian; Sarries, Maria, V; Manuel Lorenzo, Jose. "Use of oil mixture emulsion hydrogels as partial animal fat replacers in dry-fermented foal sausages". Food Research International (2022):
  33. Bou, Ricard; Navarro-Vozmediano, Paola; Dominguez, Ruben; Lopez-Gomez, Miguel; Pinent, Montserrat; Ribas-Agusti, Albert; Benedito, Jose J.; et al. "Application of emerging technologies to obtain legume protein isolates with improved techno-functional properties and health effects". Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety (2022):
  34. Florencia Nagai, Nadia; M Lorenzo, Jose; Ranalli, Natalia; Angel Perez-Alvarez, Jose; Sepulveda, Nestor; Dominguez, Ruben; M Santos, Eva; Teixeira, Alfredo; Cecilia Andres, Silvina. "Use of seaweed powder (Undaria sp.) as a functional ingredient in low-fat pork burgers". Algal Research (2022):
  35. Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Pateiro, Mirian; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Dominguez, Ruben; Rocha, Joao M.; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Application of metabolomics to decipher the role of bioactive compounds in plant and animal foods". Current Opinion in Food Science (2022):
  36. A. Bodaghzadeh; K. Alirezalu; S. Amini; A. Alirezalu; R. Domínguez; J.M. Lorenzo. "Fatty acid composition, phytochemicals and antioxidant potential of Capparis spinosa sedes". Grasas y Aceites 72 4 (2021): e430-e430.
  37. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Wangang Zhang; Paula Garcia-Oliveira; Maria Carpena; Miguel A. Prieto; Benjamin Bohrer; José M. Lorenzo. "Protein Oxidation in Muscle Foods: A Comprehensive Review". Antioxidants (2021):
  38. Marcio Vargas-Ramella; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Daniel Franco; José M. Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez. "Evolution of volatile compounds during dry-cured deer loin processing". International Journal of Food Science & Technology (2021):
  39. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Asad Nawaz; Christophe Hano; Noman Walayat; José M. Lorenzo. "Strategies to Increase the Value of Pomaces with Fermentation". Fermentation 7 4 (2021): 299-299.
  40. Paula Borrajo; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Daniel Franco; Rubén Domínguez; Mohamed Mahgoub; José M. Lorenzo. "Pork liver protein hydrolysates as extenders of pork patties shelf-life". International Journal of Food Science & Technology (2021):
  41. Ammara Arshad; Hira Iqbal; Ayesha Siddiqa; Taha Zulfiqar; Muhammad B. K. Tareen; Dua Amna; Muhammad Shakir; et al. "Comparative Study of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.): Evaluation of Proximate Composition, Polyphenol Content, Mineral and Antioxidant Activities". Applied Sciences (2021):
  42. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Eva María Santos López; José Antonio Rodríguez; Lillian Barros; José M. Lorenzo. "Potential Use of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) as Natural Colorant and Antioxidant in the Food Industry. A Review". Foods (2021):
  43. Esmeralda Rangel-Vargas; Jose Antonio Rodriguez; Rubén Domínguez; José Manuel Lorenzo; Maria Elena Sosa; Silvina Cecilia Andrés; Marcelo Rosmini; et al. "Edible Mushrooms as a Natural Source of Food Ingredient/Additive Replacer". Foods (2021):
  44. Aurora Cittadini; Ruben Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; MªVictoria Sarriés Martínez; Jose Manuel Lorenzo Rodriguez. "Fatty Acid Composition and Volatile Profile of longissimus thoracis et lumborum Muscle from Burguete and Jaca Navarra Foals Fattened with Different Finishing Diets". Foods (2021):
  45. Silvana Bravo; Karla Inostroza; José M. Lorenzo; Gastón Sepúlveda; Rubén Domínguez; Erick Scheuermann; Erwin A. Paz; et al. "Influence of Murta (Ugni molinae Turcz) Powder on the Frankfurters Quality". Applied Sciences 11 18 (2021): 8610-8610.
  46. Roberto Germano Costa; Rayssa M. Bezerril Freire; Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo; Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto Queiroga; Gutemberg Nascimento Paiva; Neila Lidiany Ribeiro; Ronaldo Lopes Oliveira; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Effect of Increased Salt Water Intake on the Production and Composition of Dairy Goat Milk". Animals 11 9 (2021): 2642-2642.
  47. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Marise A. R. Pollonio; Néstor Sepúlveda; Silvina Cecilia Andres; Jorge Reyes; Eva María Santos; José M. Lorenzo. "Beta vulgaris as a Natural Nitrate Source for Meat Products: A Review". Foods (2021):
  48. Zhanibek Yessimbekov; Aitbek Kakimov; Nicola Caporaso; Anuarbek Suychinov; Baktybala Kabdylzhar; Mohammad Ali Shariati; Assemgul Baikadamova; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Use of Meat-Bone Paste to Develop Calcium-Enriched Liver Pâté". Foods (2021):
  49. Yifei Wang; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo; Benjamin M. Bohrer. "The Relationship between Lipid Content in Ground Beef Patties with Rate of Discoloration and Lipid Oxidation during Simulated Retail Display". Foods 10 9 (2021): 1982-1982.
  50. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; David Julian McClements; José M. Lorenzo. "Encapsulation of Bioactive Phytochemicals in Plant-Based Matrices and Application as Additives in Meat and Meat Products". Molecules (2021):
  51. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Carlos A. Conte-Junior; Rubén Domínguez; Asad Nawaz; Noman Walayat; Elena Movilla Fierro; José M. Lorenzo. "Marine Alkaloids: Compounds with In Vivo Activity and Chemical Synthesis". Marine Drugs 19 7 (2021): 374-374.
  52. Noemí Echegaray; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; José M. Lorenzo; Zakariya Chabani; Mohamed A. Farag; Rubén Domínguez. "Measurement of Antioxidant Capacity of Meat and Meat Products: Methods and Applications". Molecules (2021):
  53. Noemí Echegaray; Rubén Domínguez; Vasco A. P. Cadavez; Roberto Bermúdez; Laura Purriños; Ursula Gonzales-Barron; Ettiene Hoffman; José M. Lorenzo. "Influence of the Production System (Intensive vs. Extensive) at Farm Level on Proximate Composition and Volatile Compounds of Portuguese Lamb Meat". Foods 10 7 (2021): 1450-1450.
  54. Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Recent Research Advances in Meat Products". Foods 10 6 (2021): 1303-1303.
  55. Alfredo Teixeira; Rubén Domínguez; Iasmin Ferreira; Etelvina Pereira; Leticia Estevinho; Sandra Rodrigues; José M. Lorenzo. "Effect of NaCl Replacement by other Salts on the Quality of Bísaro Pork Sausages (PGI Chouriça de Vinhais)". Foods (2021):
  56. Roghieh Sakooei-Vayghan; Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; José M. Lorenzo. "Quality Characteristics of Semi-Moist Apricot-Cornflakes: Effect of Different Composite Coating Application and Storage Time". Coatings 11 5 (2021): 516-516.
  57. Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Theodoros Varzakas; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Elena Movilla Fierro; José M. Lorenzo. "Omega-3-Rich Oils from Marine Side Streams and Their Potential Application in Food". Marine Drugs 19 5 (2021): 233-233.
  58. Lucía Gómez-Limia; Nicolás Moya Sanmartín; Javier Carballo; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo; Sidonia Martínez. "Oxidative Stability and Antioxidant Activity in Canned Eels: Effect of Processing and Filling Medium". Foods 10 4 (2021): 790-790.
  59. Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust; Seyedeh Homa Fasihnia; Seyed Jamaleddin Peighambardoust; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Active Polypropylene-Based Films Incorporating Combined Antioxidants and Antimicrobials: Preparation and Characterization". Foods 10 4 (2021): 722-722.
  60. Boris Duralija; Predrag Putnik; Dora Brdar; Anica Bebek Markovinovic; Sandra Zavadlav; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo; Danijela Bursac Kovacevic. "The Perspective of Croatian Old Apple Cultivars in Extensive Farming for the Production of Functional Foods". Foods 10 4 (2021): 708-708.
  61. Marcio Vargas-Ramella; José M. Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Daniel Franco. "Effect of NaCl Partial Replacement by Chloride Salts on Physicochemical Characteristics, Volatile Compounds and Sensorial Properties of Dry-Cured Deer Cecina". Foods (2021):
  62. Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust; Maryam Jafarzadeh-Moghaddam; Mirian Pateiro; José M. Lorenzo; Rubén Domínguez. "Physicochemical, Thermal and Rheological Properties of Pectin Extracted from Sugar Beet Pulp Using Subcritical Water Extraction Process". Molecules 26 5 (2021): 1413-1413.
  63. Aurora Cittadini; María V. Sarriés; Rubén Domínguez; Gregorio Indurain; José M. Lorenzo. "Effect of Breed and Finishing Diet on Growth Parameters and Carcass Quality Characteristics of Navarre Autochthonous Foals". Animals (2021):
  64. Thamirys Lorranne Santos Lima; Gilmar Freire da Costa; Íris Braz da Silva Araújo; George Rodrigo Beltrão da Cruz; Neila Lidiany Ribeiro; Edvaldo Mesquita Beltrão Filho; Rubén Domínguez; Jose M. Lorenzo; Domínguez, Rubén. "Pre-emulsioned linseed oil as animal fat replacement in sheep meat sausages: Microstructure and physicochemical properties". Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2021):
  65. Rubén Domínguez; Benjamin Bohrer; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; José M. Lorenzo. "Recent Discoveries in the Field of Lipid Bio-Based Ingredients for Meat Processing". Molecules (2021):
  66. Echegaray, Noemi; Dominguez, Ruben; Cadavez, Vasco A. P.; Bermudez, Roberto; Pateiro, Mirian; Gonzales-Barron, Ursula; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Influence of feeding system on Longissimus thoracis et lumborum volatile compounds of an Iberian local lamb breed". Small Ruminant Research (2021):
  67. Gonzales-Barron, Ursula; Popova, Teodora; Piedra, Roberto Bermudez; Tolsdorf, Anna; Gess, Andreas; Pires, Jaime; Dominguez, Ruben; et al. "Fatty acid composition of lamb meat from Italian and German local breeds". Small Ruminant Research (2021):
  68. Echegaray, Noemi; Dominguez, Ruben; Bodas, Raul; Montanes, Monica; Garcia, Juan Jose; Benito, Alberto; Bermudez, Roberto; Purrinos, Laura; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Characterization of volatile profile of longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle from Castellana and INRA 401 lambs reared under commercial conditions". Small Ruminant Research (2021):
  69. Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Pateiro, Mirian; Zhang, Wangang; Dominguez, Ruben; Xing, Lujuan; Fierro, Elena Movilla; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Health benefits, extraction and development of functional foods with curcuminoids". Journal of Functional Foods (2021):
  70. Pateiro, Mirian; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Cittadini, Aurora; Dominguez, Ruben; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Metallic-based salt substitutes to reduce sodium". Current Opinion in Food Science (2021):
  71. Cittadini, Aurora; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Pateiro, Mirian; Sarries, Maria V.; Dominguez, Ruben; Lorenzo, Jose M.; Aurora Cittadini; et al. "Physicochemical composition and nutritional properties of foal burgers enhanced with healthy oil emulsion hydrogels". International Journal of Food Science & Technology (2021):
  72. Carvalho, Larissa Tatero; Giampietro-Ganeco, Aline; Malagoli de Mello, Juliana Lolli; Ferrari, Fabio Borba; de Souza, Rodrigo Alves; de Souza, Pedro Alves; Borba, Hirasilva; et al. "Quality and stability of cooked sausages made from turkey meat affected by the white striping myopathy". Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2021):
  73. Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Pateiro, Mirian; Dominguez, Ruben; Santos, Eva M.; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Cruciferous vegetables as sources of nitrate in meat". Current Opinion in Food Science (2021):
  74. Barros, Julliane Carvalho; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Leandro de Carvalho, Francisco Allan; Dominguez, Ruben; Trindade, Marco Antonio; Pateiro, Mirian; Manuel Lorenzo, Jose. "Healthy beef burgers: Effect of animal fat replacement by algal and wheat germ oil emulsions". Meat Science (2021):
  75. Pedro, Douglas; Saldana, Erick; Manuel Lorenzo, Jose; Pateiro, Mirian; Dominguez, Ruben; Dos Santos, Bibiana Alves; Cichoski, Alexandre Jose; Bastianello Campagnol, Paulo Cezar. "Low-sodium dry-cured rabbit leg: A novel meat product with healthier properties". Meat Science (2021):
  76. Ozaki, Maristela Midori; Santos, Mirian dos; Ribeiro, Wanessa Oliveira; Ferreira, Natalia Chinellato de Azambuja; Picone, Carolina Siqueira Franco; Dominguez, Ruben; Lorenzo, Jose Manuel; Pollonio, Marise Aparecida Rodrigues. "Radish powder and oregano essential oil as nitrite substitutes in fermented cooked sausages". Food Research International (2021):
  77. Pateiro, Mirian; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Sant'Ana, Anderson S.; Dominguez, Ruben; Rodriguez-Lazaro, David; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Application of essential oils as antimicrobial agents against spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms in meat products". International Journal of Food Microbiology (2021):
  78. Rubén Domínguez; Paulo ES Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Olalla López-Fernández; José Manuel Lorenzo. "Immobilization of oils using hydrogels as strategy to replace animal fats and improve the healthiness of meat products". Current Opinion in Food Science (2021):
  79. Merlo, Thais Cardoso; Lorenzo, Jose Manuel; Saldana, Erick; Patinho, Iliani; Oliveira, Alais Cristina; Menegali, Beatriz Schmidt; Selani, Miriam Mabel; Dominguez, Ruben; Contreras-Castillo, Carmen J. "Relationship between volatile organic compounds, free amino acids, and sensory profile of smoked bacon". Meat Science (2021):
  80. Rocchetti, Gabriele; Rebecchi, Annalisa; Dallolio, Michele; Braceschi, Gianpaolo; Dominguez, Ruben; Dallolio, Giuliano; Trevisan, Marco; Lorenzo, Jose M.; Lucini, Luigi. "Changes in the chemical and sensory profile of ripened Italian salami following the addition of different microbial starters". Meat Science (2021):
  81. González-Torres, I.; González, P.; Cobas, N.; Barrio, J.C.; Vázquez, L.; Purriños, L.; Franco, D.; Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Influence of liquid feeding with milk whey on “chorizo gallego” fatty acid profile,Influencia de la alimentación líquida con suero de leche en el perfil de ácidos grasos del chorizo gallego". ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria 117 1 (2021): 19-31.
  82. González-Torres, I.; González, P.; Cobas, N.; Barrio, J.C.; Vázquez, L.; Purriños, L.; Franco, D.; Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of sex and liquid feeding with potato on the pork lipid profile,Efecto del sexo y de la alimentación líquida con patata sobre el perfil lipídico en carne de cerdo". ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria 117 1 (2021): 32-43.
  83. Noemí Echegaray; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Juan A. Centeno; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Javier Carballo; José M. Lorenzo. "Total Phenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Different Celta Pig Carcass Locations as Affected by the Finishing Diet (Chestnuts or Commercial Feed)". Antioxidants 10 1 (2020): 5-5.
  84. Larissa Tátero Carvalho; José M. Lorenzo; Francisco Allan L. de Carvalho; Elisa Rafaela Bonadio Bellucci; Marco Antonio Trindade; Rubén Domínguez. "Use of Turkey Meat Affected by White Striping Myopathy for the Development of Low-Fat Cooked Sausage Enriched with Chitosan". Foods 9 12 (2020): 1866-1866.
  85. Rubén Domínguez; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Aristide Maggiolino; Benjamin Bohrer; José M. Lorenzo. "Red Beetroot. A Potential Source of Natural Additives for the Meat Industry". Applied Sciences (2020):
  86. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Wangang Zhang; Rubén Domínguez; Lujuan Xing; Elena Movilla Fierro; José M. Lorenzo. "Autochthonous Probiotics in Meat Products: Selection, Identification, and Their Use as Starter Culture". Microorganisms (2020):
  87. Aristide Maggiolino; José Manuel Lorenzo; Gerardo Centoducati; Rubén Domínguez; Francesca Rita Dinardo; Rosaria Marino; Antonella della Malva; Andrea Bragaglio; Pasquale De Palo. "How Volatile Compounds, Oxidative Profile and Sensory Evaluation Can Change with Vacuum Aging in Donkey Meat". Animals (2020):
  88. Márcio Vargas-Ramella; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mohammed Gagaoua; Daniel Franco; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Mirian Pateiro; Andrea Carla da Silva Barretto; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Inclusion of Healthy Oils for Improving the Nutritional Characteristics of Dry-Fermented Deer Sausage". Foods (2020):
  89. Ashkan Rezaei; Kazem Alirezalu; Sodeif Azadmard Damirchi; Javad Hesari; Photis Papademas; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo; Milad Yaghoubi. "Effect of Pasteurization and Ripening Temperature on Chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Traditional Motal Cheese". Fermentation 6 4 (2020): 95-95.
  90. Zabihollah Nemati; Hosain Ahmadian; Maghsoud Besharati; Steven Lesson; Kazem Alirezalu; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Assessment of Dietary Selenium and Vitamin E on Laying Performance and Quality Parameters of Fresh and Stored Eggs in Japanese Quails". Foods 9 9 (2020): 1324-1324.
  91. Waldeana C. F. Mizael; Roberto Germano Costa; George Rodrigo Beltrão Cruz; Francisco Fernando Ramos de Carvalho; Neila Lidiany Ribeiro; Aécio Lima; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Effect of the Use of Tomato Pomace on Feeding and Performance of Lactating Goats". Animals 10 9 (2020): 1574-1574.
  92. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Beatriz Gullón; Mirian Pateiro; Igor Tomasevic; Ruben Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Natural Antioxidants from Seeds and Their Application in Meat Products". Antioxidants 9 9 (2020): 815-815.
  93. Alessandra Tateo; Aristide Maggiolino; Ruben Domínguez; José Manuel Lorenzo; Francesca Rita Dinardo; Edmondo Ceci; Rosaria Marino; et al. "Volatile Organic Compounds, Oxidative and Sensory Patterns of Vacuum Aged Foal Meat". Animals 10 9 (2020): 1495-1495.
  94. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; José M. Lorenzo. "Influence of Plasma Treatment on the Polyphenols of Food Products—A Review". Foods (2020):
  95. Paulo E.S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; David Rodríguez-Lázaro; Rubén Domínguez; Jian Zhong; Jose M. Lorenzo. "The Role of Essential Oils against Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Food Products". Microorganisms 8 6 (2020): 924-924.
  96. Noemi Echegaray; Mirian Pateiro; Wangang Zhang; Rubén Domínguez; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Javier Carballo; José M. Lorenzo. "Influence of the Inclusion of Chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) in the Finishing Diet and Cooking Technique on the Physicochemical Parameters and Volatile Profile of Biceps femoris Muscle". Foods 9 6 (2020): 754-754.
  97. Olalla López-Fernández; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Gabriele Rocchetti; José M. Lorenzo. "Determination of Polyphenols Using Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry Technique (LC–MS/MS): A Review". Antioxidants 9 6 (2020): 479-479.
  98. Artur J. Martins; José M. Lorenzo; Daniel Franco; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Lorenzo M. Pastrana; et al. "Characterization of Enriched Meat-Based Pâté Manufactured with Oleogels as Fat Substitutes". Gels 6 2 (2020): 17-17.
  99. Marcio Vargas-Ramella; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Daniel Franco; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Igor Tomasevic; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo. "Physicochemical Composition and Nutritional Properties of Deer Burger Enhanced with Healthier Oils". Foods 9 5 (2020): 571-571.
  100. Sol Zamuz; Laura Purriños; Igor Tomasevic; Rubén Domínguez; Mladen Brncic; Francisco J. Barba; José M. Lorenzo. "Consumer Acceptance and Quality Parameters of the Commercial Olive Oils Manufactured with Cultivars Grown in Galicia (NW Spain)". Foods 9 4 (2020): 427-427.
  101. Ghader Ghasemi; Abolfazl Alirezalu; Youbert Ghosta; Azadeh Jarrahi; Seyed Ali Safavi; Mahdi Abbas-Mohammadi; Francisco J. Barba; et al. "Composition, Antifungal, Phytotoxic, and Insecticidal Activities of Thymus kotschyanus Essential Oil". Molecules 25 5 (2020): 1152-1152.
  102. Paulo E. S. Munekata; Rubén Domínguez; Sravanthi Budaraju; Elena Roselló-Soto; Francisco J. Barba; Kumar Mallikarjunan; Shahin Roohinejad; José M. Lorenzo. "Effect of Innovative Food Processing Technologies on the Physicochemical and Nutritional Properties and Quality of Non-Dairy Plant-Based Beverages". Foods (2020):
  103. Marcio Vargas-Ramella; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Daniel Franco; Francisco J. Barba; José M. Lorenzo. "Chemical and physico-chemical changes during the dry-cured processing of deer loin". International Journal of Food Science & Technology (2020):
  104. Francisco Allan L. de Carvalho; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo C.B. Campagnol; Rubén Domínguez; Marco Antonio Trindade; Jose M. Lorenzo. "Effect of replacing backfat with vegetable oils during the shelf-life of cooked lamb sausages". LWT 122 (2020): 109052-109052.
  105. Jana Sic Zlabur; Ivanka Žutic; Sanja Radman; Maja Pleša; Mladen Brncic; Francisco Jose Barba; Gabriele Rocchetti; et al. "Effect of Different Green Extraction Methods and Solvents on Bioactive Components of Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Flowers". Molecules (2020):
  106. Rubén Domínguez; Patricia Gullón; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Wangang Zhang; José Manuel Lorenzo. "Tomato as Potential Source of Natural Additives for Meat Industry. A Review". Antioxidants 9 1 (2020): 73-73.
  107. Julliane Carvalho Barros; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Francisco Allan Leandro de Carvalho; Mirian Pateiro; Francisco J. Barba; Rubén Domínguez; Marco Antonio Trindade; José Manuel Lorenzo. "Use of Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus L.) Oil Emulsion as Animal Fat Replacement in Beef Burgers". Foods 9 1 (2020): 44-44.
  108. Bis-Souza, C.V.; Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Penna, A.L.B.; Lorenzo, J.M.; Silva Barretto, A.C.. "Impact of fructooligosaccharides and probiotic strains on the quality parameters of low-fat Spanish Salchichón". Meat Science 159 (2020):
  109. Perez Serrano, Martina; Maggiolino, Aristide; Landete-Castillejos, Tomas; Pateiro, Mirian; Perez Barberia, Javier; Fierro, Yolanda; Dominguez, Ruben; et al. "Quality of main types of hunted red deer meat obtained in Spain compared to farmed venison from New Zealand". Scientific Reports (2020):
  110. Munekata, Paulo Eduardo S.; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Pateiro, Mirian; Lucini, Luigi; Dominguez, Ruben; Lorenzo, Jose Manuel. "Addition of plant extracts to meat and meat products to extend shelf-life and health-promoting attributes: an overview". Current Opinion in Food Science (2020):
  111. Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Pateiro, Mirian; Dominguez, Ruben; Zhou, Jianjun; Barba, Francisco J.; Lorenzo, Jose M.; Paulo E. S. Munekata; et al. "Nutritional Characterization of Sea Bass Processing By-Products". Biomolecules 10 2 (2020): 232-232.
  112. Pateiro, Mirian; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Dominguez, Ruben; Wang, Min; Barba, Francisco J.; Bermudez, Roberto; Lorenzo, Jose M.; et al. "Nutritional Profiling and the Value of Processing By-Products from Gilthead Sea Bream (Sparus aurata)". Marine Drugs 18 2 (2020): 101-101.
  113. Vargas-Ramella, Marcio; Pateiro, Mirian; Barba, Francisco J.; Franco, Daniel; Campagnol, Paulo C. B.; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Tomasevic, Igor; Dominguez, Ruben; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Microencapsulation of healthier oils to enhance the physicochemical and nutritional properties of deer pate". LWT - Food Science and Technology (2020):
  114. Armesto, Jorge; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Senizza, Biancamaria; Pateiro, Mirian; Barba, Francisco J.; Dominguez, Ruben; Lucini, Luigi; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Nutritional characterization of Butternut squash (Cucurbita moschata D.): Effect of variety (Ariel vs. Pluto) and farming type (conventional vs. organic)". Food Research International (2020):
  115. de Carvalho, Francisco Allan L.; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; de Oliveira, Alessandra Lopes; Pateiro, Mirian; Dominguez, Ruben; Trindade, Marco Antonio; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) extract on oxidative stability, physicochemical and sensory properties of fresh lamb sausage with fat replacement by tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus L.) oil". Food Research International (2020):
  116. Dominguez, Ruben; Zhang, Leilei; Rocchetti, Gabriele; Lucini, Luigi; Pateiro, Mirian; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) as potential source of antioxidants. Characterization, optimization of extraction parameters and bioactive properties". Food Chemistry (2020):
  117. Echegaray, Noemi; Paterio, Mirian; Dominguez, Ruben; Purrinos, Laura; Bermudez, Roberto; Carballo, Javier; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Effects of different cooking methods and of the inclusion of chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) in the finishing diet of Celta pig breed on the physicochemical parameters and volatile profile of Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle". Food Research International (2020):
  118. Perez-Serrano, Martina; De Palo, Pasquale; Maggiolino, Aristide; Pateiro, Mirian; Gallego, Laureano; Dominguez, Ruben; Garcia-Diaz, Andres; Landete-Castillejos, Tomas; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Seasonal variations of carcass characteristics, meat quality and nutrition value in Iberian wild red deer". Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2020):
  119. Pateiro, M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Extensive livestock farming against climate change in Spain,Ganadería extensiva frente al cambio climático en España". ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria 116 5 (2020): 444-460.
  120. Fadila Al Khawli; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo; Patricia Gullón; Katerina Kousoulaki; Emilia Ferrer; Houda Berrada; Francisco J. Barba. "Innovative Green Technologies of Intensification for Valorization of Seafood and Their By-Products". Marine Drugs 17 12 (2019): 689-689.
  121. Fabiane M. Nachtigall; Vitor A. S. Vidal; Radha D. Pyarasani; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo; Marise A. R. Pollonio; Leonardo S. Santos. "Substitution Effects of NaCl by KCl and CaCl2 on Lipolysis of Salted Meat". Foods 8 12 (2019): 595-595.
  122. Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Roberto Bermúdez; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Wangang Zhang; Mohammed Gagaoua; José M. Lorenzo. "Antioxidant active packaging systems to extend the shelf life of sliced cooked ham". Current Research in Food Science 1 (2019): 24-30.
  123. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Mohammed Gagaoua; Francisco J. Barba; Wangang Zhang; José M. Lorenzo. "A Comprehensive Review on Lipid Oxidation in Meat and Meat Products". Antioxidants (2019):
  124. Francisco Allan L. Carvalho; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Sonia Barba-Orellana; Jessy Mattar; Suzana Rimac Brncic; Francisco José Barba; José Manuel Lorenzo. "Replacement of meat by spinach on physicochemical and nutritional properties of chicken burgers". Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2019): e13935-e13935.
  125. Agregan, Ruben; Munekata, Paulo E. S.; Franco, Daniel; Dominguez, Ruben; Carballo, Javier; Muchenje, Voster; Barba, Francisco J.; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "PHENOLIC CONTENT AND ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF EXTRACTS FROM Bifurcaria bifurcata ALGA, OBTAINED BY DIVERSE EXTRACTION CONDITIONS USING THREE DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES (HYDROTHERMAL, ULTRASOUNDS AND SUPERCRITICAL CO2)". Environmental Engineering and Management Journal (2019):
  126. Cittadini, A.; Domínguez, R.; Gómez, B.; Pateiro, M.; Pérez-Santaescolástica, C.; López-Fernández, O.; Sarriés, M.V.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of NaCl replacement by other chloride salts on physicochemical parameters, proteolysis and lipolysis of dry-cured foal “cecina”". Journal of Food Science and Technology (2019):
  127. Hafid, K.; John, J.; Sayah, T.M.; Domínguez, R.; Becila, S.; Lamri, M.; Dib, A.L.; Lorenzo, J.M.; Gagaoua, M.. "One-step recovery of latex papain from Carica papaya using three phase partitioning and its use as milk-clotting and meat-tenderizing agent". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2019):
  128. Gálvez, F.; Domínguez, R.; Maggiolino, A.; Pateiro, M.; Carballo, J.; De Palo, P.; Barba, F.J.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Meat quality of commercial chickens rearing in different production systems: industrial, range and organic". Annals of Animal Science (2019):
  129. Roselló-Soto, E.; Barba, F.J.; Lorenzo, J.M.; Dominguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Mañes, J.; Moltó, J.C.. "Evaluating the impact of supercritical-CO 2 pressure on the recovery and quality of oil from “horchata” by-products: Fatty acid profile, a-tocopherol, phenolic compounds, and lipid oxidation parameters". Food Research International 120 (2019): 888-894.
  130. Maggiolino, A.; Pateiro, M.; Serrano, M.P.; Landete-Castillejos, T.; Domínguez, R.; García, A.; Gallego, L.; De Palo, P.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Carcass and meat quality characteristics from Iberian wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) hunted at different ages". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 4 (2019): 1938-1945.
  131. Serrano, M.P.; Maggiolino, A.; Lorenzo, J.M.; De Palo, P.; García, A.; Landete-Castillejos, T.; Gambín, P.; et al. "Meat quality of farmed red deer fed a balanced diet: Effects of supplementation with copper bolus on different muscles". Animal 13 4 (2019): 888-896.
  132. Domínguez, R.; Purriños, L.; Pérez-Santaescolástica, C.; Pateiro, M.; Barba, F.J.; Tomasevic, I.; Campagnol, P.C.B.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Characterization of Volatile Compounds of Dry-Cured Meat Products Using HS-SPME-GC/MS Technique". Food Analytical Methods 12 6 (2019): 1263-1284.
  133. Bis-Souza, C.V.; Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.; Penna, A.L.B.; da Silva Barretto, A.C.. "Volatile profile of fermented sausages with commercial probiotic strains and fructooligosaccharides". Journal of Food Science and Technology (2019):
  134. Gálvez, F.; Maggiolino, A.; Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Gil, S.; De Palo, P.; Carballo, J.; Franco, D.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Nutritional and meat quality characteristics of seven primal cuts from 9-month-old female veal calves: a preliminary study". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 6 (2019): 2947-2956.
  135. Agregán, R.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Franco, D.; Domínguez, R.; Carballo, J.; Muchenje, V.; Barba, F.J.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of extracts from bifurcaria bifurcata alga, obtained by diverse extraction conditions using three different techniques (Hydrothermal, ultrasounds and supercritical CO2)". Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 18 7 (2019): 1535-1542.
  136. Lorenzo, J.M.; Maggiolino, A.; Gallego, L.; Pateiro, M.; Serrano, M.P.; Domínguez, R.; García, A.; Landete-Castillejos, T.; De Palo, P.. "Effect of age on nutritional properties of Iberian wild red deer meat". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 4 (2019): 1561-1567.
  137. Pateiro, Mirian; Dominguez, Ruben; Sichetti Munekata, Paulo Eduardo; Barba, Francisco J.; Lorenzo, Jose M.. "Lipids and fatty acids". POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY OF TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL FRUITS, VOL 2: ACAI TO CITRUS (2019):
  138. Jose M. Lorenzo; Flávia Carolina Vargas; Isabella Strozzi; Mirian Pateiro; Marianna M. Furtado; Anderson S. Sant'Ana; Gabriele Rocchetti; et al. "Influence of pitanga leaf extracts on lipid and protein oxidation of pork burger during shelf-life". Food Research International 114 (2018): 47-54.
  139. Belén Gómez; Francisco J. Barba; Rubén Domínguez; Predrag Putnik; Danijela Bursac Kovacevic; Mirian Pateiro; Fidel Toldrá; Jose M. Lorenzo. "Microencapsulation of antioxidant compounds through innovative technologies and its specific application in meat processing". Trends in Food Science & Technology 82 (2018): 135-147.
  140. Lorenzo, Jose M.; Munekata, Paulo E.; Dominguez, Ruben; Pateiro, Mirian; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Franco, Daniel. "Main Groups of Microorganisms of Relevance for Food Safety and Stability: General Aspects and Overall Description". Innovative Technologies for Food Preservation: Inactivation of Spoilage and Pathogenic Microorganisms (2018):
  141. Domínguez, R.; Barba, F.J.; Centeno, J.A.; Putnik, P.; Alpas, H.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Simple and Rapid Method for the Simultaneous Determination of Cholesterol and Retinol in Meat Using Normal-Phase HPLC Technique". Food Analytical Methods 11 2 (2018): 319-326.
  142. Araújo, J.P.; Cerqueira, J.L.; Pires, P.; Amorim, I.; Carneiro, M.; Santos Silva, J.; Domínguez, R.; Bermúdez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Influence of rearing systems on carcass quality of bísaro pig breed,Influencia del sistema de producción en la calidad de la canal de cerdos de raza bísara". Archivos de Zootecnia 67 260 (2018): 554-559.
  143. Valencia, Rubén. "Effect of gender on breast and thigh turkey meat quality". British Poultry Science (2018): 1-8.
  144. Valencia, Rubén. "Biochemical, Oxidative, and Lipolytic Changes during Vacuum-Packed Storage of Dry-Cured Loin: Effect of Chestnuts Intake by Celta Pigs". Journal of Food Quality 2018 (2018):
  145. Domínguez, R.; Barba, F.J.; Gómez, B.; Putnik, P.; Bursac Kovacevic, D.; Pateiro, M.; Santos, E.M.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Active packaging films with natural antioxidants to be used in meat industry: A review". Food Research International 113 (2018): 93-101.
  146. Bermúdez, R.; Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Franco, D.; Carballo, J.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Physicochemical changes of semimembranosus muscle during the processing of dry-cured ham from Celta pig. Effect of crossbreeding with Duroc and Landrace genotypes". Animal Production Science 58 10 (2018): 1958-1965.
  147. Pateiro, M.; Barba, F.J.; Domínguez, R.; Sant'Ana, A.S.; Mousavi Khaneghah, A.; Gavahian, M.; Gómez, B.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Essential oils as natural additives to prevent oxidation reactions in meat and meat products: A review". Food Research International 113 (2018): 156-166.
  148. Pateiro, M.; Vargas, F.C.; Chincha, A.A.I.A.; Sant'Ana, A.S.; Strozzi, I.; Rocchetti, G.; Barba, F.J.; et al. "Guarana seed extracts as a useful strategy to extend the shelf life of pork patties: UHPLC-ESI/QTOF phenolic profile and impact on microbial inactivation, lipid and protein oxidation and antioxidant capacity". Food Research International 114 (2018): 55-63.
  149. Echegaray, N.; Domínguez, R.; Franco, D.; Lorenzo, J.M.; Carballo, J.. "Effect of the use of chestnuts (Castanea sativa Miller) in the finishing diet of Celta pig breed on the shelf-life of meat refrigerated and frozen". Food Research International 114 (2018): 114-122.
  150. Lorenzo, J.M.; Domínguez, R.; Franco, D.; Bermúdez, R.; Purriños, L.; Pateiro, M.. "Effect of slaughter age on the fatty acid profile of Celta pig breed,Efecto de la edad de sacrificio en el perfil de ácidos grasos de cerdos de raza Celta". Archivos de Zootecnia 2018 (2018): 227-231.
  151. Araújo, J.P.P.; Cerqueira, J.O.L.; Pires, P.; Amorim, I.; Durão, J.; Cadavez, V.; Santos Silva, J.; et al. "Growth performance of Bísaro pigs in hoop barn and confinement housing systems,Crecimiento de cerdos Bísaros alojados en un sistema hoop barn y en confinamiento tradicional". Archivos de Zootecnia 2018 (2018): 31-35.
  152. Lorenzo, J.M.; Pateiro, M.; Domínguez, R.; Barba, F.J.; Putnik, P.; Kovacevic, D.B.; Shpigelman, A.; Granato, D.; Franco, D.. "Berries extracts as natural antioxidants in meat products: A review". Food Research International 106 (2018): 1095-1104.
  153. Ruiz, M.; Sarriés, M.V.; Beriain, M.J.; Crecente, S.; Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Relationship between carcass traits, prime cuts and carcass grading from foals slaughtered at the age of 13 and 26 months and supplemented with standard and linseed-rich feed". Animal 12 5 (2018): 1084-1092.
  154. Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Crecente, S.; Ruiz, M.; Sarriés, M.V.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of linseed supplementation and slaughter age on meat quality of grazing cross-bred Galician x Burguete foals". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 1 (2018): 266-273.
  155. Munekata, P.E.S.; Domínguez, R.; Campagnol, P.C.B.; Franco, D.; Trindade, M.A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of natural antioxidants on physicochemical properties and lipid stability of pork liver pâté manufactured with healthy oils during refrigerated storage". Journal of Food Science and Technology 54 13 (2017): 4324-4334.
  156. Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Sichetti Munekata, P.E.; Bastianello Campagnol, P.C.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Influence of partial pork backfat replacement by fish oil on nutritional and technological properties of liver pâté". European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 119 5 (2017):
  157. Domínguez, R.; Pateiro, M.; Agregán, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of the partial replacement of pork backfat by microencapsulated fish oil or mixed fish and olive oil on the quality of frankfurter type sausage". Journal of Food Science and Technology 54 1 (2017): 26-37.
  158. de Jesús, M.C.; Domínguez, R.; Cantalapiedra, J.; Iglesias, A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect the inclusion of chestnut in feed formulation on carcass and meat quality of industrial pig,Efecto de la inclusión de castaña en la formulación de piensos sobre calidad de la canal y la carne de cerdo industrial". ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria 113 1 (2017): 36-51.
  159. Lorenzo, J.M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Domínguez, R.. "Role of autochthonous starter cultures in the reduction of biogenic amines in traditional meat products". Current Opinion in Food Science 14 (2017): 61-65.
  160. Agregán, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Dominguez, R.; Carballo, J.; Franco, D.. "Assessment of the antioxidant activity of Bifurcaria bifurcata aqueous extract on canola oil. Effect of extract concentration on the oxidation stability and volatile compound generation during oil storage". Food Research International 99 (2017): 1095-1102.
  161. Agregán, R.; Munekata, P.E.; Domínguez, R.; Carballo, J.; Franco, D.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Proximate composition, phenolic content and in vitro antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of the seaweeds Ascophyllum nodosum, Bifurcaria bifurcata and Fucus vesiculosus. Effect of addition of the extracts on the oxidative stability of canola oil under accelerated storage conditions". Food Research International 99 (2017): 986-994.
  162. Agregán, R.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Franco, D.; Dominguez, R.; Carballo, J.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Phenolic compounds from three brown seaweed species using LC-DAD–ESI-MS/MS". Food Research International 99 (2017): 979-985.
  163. Munekata, P.E.S.; Domínguez, R.; Franco, D.; Bermúdez, R.; Trindade, M.A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of natural antioxidants in Spanish salchichón elaborated with encapsulated n-3 long chain fatty acids in konjac glucomannan matrix". Meat Science 124 (2017): 54-60.
  164. Domínguez, R.; Agregán, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Role of commercial starter cultures on microbiological, physicochemical characteristics, volatile compounds and sensory properties of dry-cured foal sausage". Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 6 5 (2016): 396-403.
  165. De Jesús, M.C.; Domínguez, R.; Cantalapiedra, J.; Iglesias, A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of the amount of chestnuts in the diet of Celta pigs on the fatty acid profile of dry-cured lacon". Grasas y Aceites 67 1 (2016):
  166. Domínguez, R.; Munekata, P.E.; Agregán, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of commercial starter cultures on free amino acid, biogenic amine and free fatty acid contents in dry-cured foal sausage". LWT - Food Science and Technology 71 (2016): 47-53.
  167. Domínguez, R.; Munekata, P.E.; Cittadini, A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of the partial NaCl substitution by other chloride salts on the volatile profile during the ripening of dry-cured lacón". Grasas y Aceites 67 2 (2016):
  168. Lorenzo, J.M.; Munekata, P.E.S.; Pateiro, M.; Campagnol, P.C.B.; Domínguez, R.. "Healthy Spanish salchichón enriched with encapsulated n - 3 long chain fatty acids in konjac glucomannan matrix". Food Research International 89 (2016): 289-295.
  169. Domínguez, R.; Agregán, R.; Gonçalves, A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of fat replacement by olive oil on the physico-chemical properties, fatty acids, cholesterol and tocopherol content of pâté". Grasas y Aceites 67 2 (2016):
  170. De Jesús, C.; Domínguez, R.; Cantalapiedra, J.; Iglesias, A.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of chestnuts level in the formulation of the commercial feed on carcass characteristics and meat quality of Celta pig breed". Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 14 2 (2016):
  171. Domínguez, R.; Borrajo, P.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "The effect of cooking methods on nutritional value of foal meat". Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 43 (2015): 61-67.
  172. Fonseca, S.; Gómez, M.; Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Physicochemical and sensory properties of Celta dry-ripened "salchichón" as affected by fat content". Grasas y Aceites 66 1 (2015):
  173. Lorenzo, J.M.; Cittadini, A.; Bermúdez, R.; Munekata, P.E.; Domínguez, R.. "Influence of partial replacement of NaCl with KCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2 on proteolysis, lipolysis and sensory properties during the manufacture of dry-cured lacón". Food Control 55 (2015): 90-96.
  174. Lorenzo, J.M.; Bermúdez, R.; Domínguez, R.; Guiotto, A.; Franco, D.; Purriños, L.. "Physicochemical and microbial changes during the manufacturing process of dry-cured lacón salted with potassium, calcium and magnesium chloride as a partial replacement for sodium chloride". Food Control 50 (2015): 763-769.
  175. Domínguez, R.; Crecente, S.; Borrajo, P.; Agregán, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of slaughter age on foal carcass traits and meat quality". Animal 9 10 (2015): 1713-1720.
  176. Lorenzo, J.M.; Cittadini, A.; Munekata, P.E.; Domínguez, R.. "Physicochemical properties of foal meat as affected by cooking methods". Meat Science 108 (2015): 50-54.
  177. Domínguez, R.; Martínez, S.; Gómez, M.; Carballo, J.; Franco, I.. "Fatty acids, retinol and cholesterol composition in various fatty tissues of Celta pig breed: Effect of the use of chestnuts in the finishing diet". Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 37 (2015): 104-111.
  178. Lorenzo, J.M.; Fonseca, S.; Gómez, M.; Domínguez, R.. "Influence of the salting time on physico-chemical parameters, lipolysis and proteolysis of dry-cured foal "cecina"". LWT - Food Science and Technology 60 1 (2015): 332-338.
  179. Lorenzo, J.M.; Domínguez, R.. "Cooking losses, lipid oxidation and formation of volatile compounds in foal meat as affected by cooking procedure". Flavour and Fragrance Journal 29 4 (2014): 240-248.
  180. Domínguez, R.; Martínez, S.; Carballo, J.; Franco, I.. "Fatty acid profile and cholesterol and retinol contents in different locations of Celta pig breed". Grasas y Aceites 65 3 (2014):
  181. Domínguez, R.; Gómez, M.; Fonseca, S.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of different cooking methods on lipid oxidation and formation of volatile compounds in foal meat". Meat Science 97 2 (2014): 223-230.
  182. Domínguez, R.; Gómez, M.; Fonseca, S.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Influence of thermal treatment on formation of volatile compounds, cooking loss and lipid oxidation in foal meat". LWT - Food Science and Technology 58 2 (2014): 439-445.
  183. Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.. "Effect of genotype on fatty acid composition of intramuscular and subcutaneous fat of Celta pig breed". Grasas y Aceites 65 3 (2014):
  184. Garrido, R.; Domínguez, R.; Lorenzo, J.M.; Franco, I.; Carballo, J.. "Effect of the length of salting time on the proteolytic changes in dry-cured lacón during ripening and on the sensory characteristics of the final product". Food Control 25 2 (2012): 789-796.
  1. Ana Leite; Lia Vasconcelos; Iasmin Ferreira; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Sandra Rodrigues; Etelvina Pereira; et al. "Did the Addition of Olive Cake in the Finishing Diet of Bísaro Pigs Affect the Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Dry-Cured Loin and Dry-Cured “Cachaço”?". 2023.


Other output
  1. Dry-Cured Loin. 2022. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; María Elena Sosa-Morales; Jorge Felipe Reyes; Adriana Pazos; Gema Nieto; Paulo E. S. Munekata; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  2. Dry-Cured Ham. 2022. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Alfredo Teixeira; José Angel Pérez-Alvarez; Eva María Santos; Marco Antonio Trindade; Paulo E. S. Munekata; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  3. Chouriça de Carne. 2022. Alfredo Teixeira; Rubén Domínguez; Andrea Carla da Silva Barretto; Javier F. Rey; José Manuel Lorenzo; Sandra Rodrigues.
  4. Androlla and Botillo. 2022. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Marcelo Rosmini; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Alfredo Teixeira; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  5. Sobrasada. 2022. Gema Nieto; Gaspar Ros; Rocío Peñalver; Rubén Domínguez; José Angel Pérez-Alvarez; Alfredo Teixeira; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  6. Alheira. 2022. Alfredo Teixeira; Rubén Domínguez; Jorge Felipe Reyes; José Manuel Lorenzo; Marco Antonio Trindade; Sandra Rodrigues.
  7. Cholesterol. 2022. Olalla López-Fernández; Rubén Domínguez; Claudia Ruiz-Capillas; Mirian Pateiro; María Elena Sosa-Morales; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Anderson S. Sant’Ana; José Manuel Lorenzo; Ana M. Herrero.
  8. pH and Color. 2022. Alfredo Teixeira; Rubén Domínguez; Javier F. Rey; Gonzalo Aleu; Mirian Pateiro; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  9. Antioxidant Capacity. 2022. Noemí Echegaray; Roberto Bermúdez; Gema Nieto; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Nestor Sepúlveda; Marco Antonio Trindade; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  10. Amino Acids (Free and Hydrolyzed). 2022. Olalla López-Fernández; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Silvina C. Andrés; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Laura Purriños; José Manuel Lorenzo; Marco Antonio Trindade.
  11. Volatile Organic Compound Profile. 2022. Olalla López-Fernández; Rubén Domínguez; Laura Cutillas; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Laura Purriños; José Manuel Lorenzo; Nestor Sepúlveda; Alfredo Teixeira; Mirian Pateiro.
  12. Fatty Acids. 2022. Rubén Domínguez; Laura Purriños; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo C. B. Campagnol; Jorge Felipe Reyes; Paulo E. S. Munekata; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  13. Nitrate and Nitrite. 2022. Elisa Rafaela Bonadio Bellucci; Camila Vespúcio Bis Souza; José Manuel Lorenzo; Gonzalo Aleu; Alfredo Teixeira; Rubén Domínguez; Andrea Carla da Silva-Barretto.
  14. Biogenic Amines. 2022. Claudia Ruiz-Capillas; Mehdi Triki; Rubén Domínguez; José Manuel Lorenzo; Ana M. Herrero.
  15. Chemical Composition. 2022. Roberto Bermúdez; Noemí Echegaray; Maria João Fraqueza; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Paulo E. S. Munekata; José Manuel Lorenzo; Eva María Santos.
  16. Texture Analysis. 2022. Noemí Echegaray; Marcelo Rosmini; Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Paulo E. S. Munekata; José Manuel Lorenzo; Eva María Santos; Roberto Bermúdez.
  17. Introduction and classification of lipids. 2022. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Laura Purriños; Paulo Eduardo Sichetti Munekata; Noemí Echegaray; José M. Lorenzo.
  18. Marine sources: Fish, shellfish, and algae. 2022. Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Paulo Eduardo Sichetti Munekata; Noemí Echegaray; Rubén Agregán; José M. Lorenzo.
  19. Peptidomic approach for analysis of bioactive peptides. 2022. Sol Zamuz; Daniel Franco Ruiz; Mirian Pateiro; Ruben Dominguez; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Noemí Echegaray; María López Pedrouso; Jose M. Lorenzo.
  20. Encapsulation techniques to increase lipid stability. 2022. Aurora Cittadini; Paulo Eduardo Sichetti Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; María V. Sarriés; Rubén Domínguez; José M. Lorenzo.
  21. New Trends in Aquafeed Formulation and Future Perspectives. 2021. Rubén Agregán; Ruben Dominguez; Roberto Bermúdez; Mirian Pateiro; Jose M. Lorenzo.
  22. Antibiotics in Aquaculture Systems. 2021. Ruth Rodríguez-Bermúdez; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Ruben Dominguez; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  23. Dry-Cured Ham. 2021. Cristina Pérez-Santaescolástica; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo Cezar Bastianello Campagnol; Daniel Franco; Ruben Dominguez; José M. Lorenzo.
  24. Introduction to food fraud. 2021. Paulo E.S. Munekata; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; José M. Lorenzo.
  25. Sonocrystallization. 2021. Paulo E.S. Munekata; Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Francisco J. Barba; Jose Manuel Lorenzo.
  26. Heterocyclic aromatic amines in cooked food: Toxicology and analysis. 2021. Rubén Domínguez; Paulo Eduardo Sichetti Munekata; Mirian Pateiro; José Manuel Lorenzo.
  27. Herbal Product Development and Characteristics. 2020. Mirian Pateiro; Rubén Domínguez; Predrag Putnik; Danijela Bursac Kovacevic; Francisco J. Barba; Paulo S. E. Munekata; Elena Movilla Fierro; José M. Lorenzo.
  28. Extraction of Valuable Compounds from Meat By-Products. 2019. Mirian Pateiro; Paula Borrajo; Rubén Domínguez; Paulo E.S. Munekata; Jose M. Lorenzo; Paulo Cezar Bastianello Campagnol; Igor Tomasevic; Francisco J. Barba.
  29. Exotic Meats: An Alternative Food Source. 2019. Rubén Domínguez; Mirian Pateiro; Paulo E. S. Munekata; Mohammed Gagaoua; Francisco J. Barba; José Manuel Lorenzo.

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2019 - Current Healty Meat (Cyted 119RT0568) Elaboración de productos cárnicos más saludables a través de diferentes estrategias e intervenciones que tengan impacto en la reducción del consumo de algunos nutrientes (nitratos y nitritos, grasas saturadas, grasas trans, sal y azúcar), y con beneficios nutricionales y de salud para los consumidores.
Centro Tecnolóxico da Carne, Spain
2021 - 2021 Member of the Selection Committee of R&D Projects-FONDECYT
Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica, Peru

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2019/10/24 - 2019/10/25 I Congreso Iberoamericano de Marcas de Calidad de Carne y de Productos Cárnicos

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2021 - 2021 R&D Projects Evaluator-FONDECYT (Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica)
Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica, Peru Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica
2021 - 2021 R&D Projects Evaluator-FONDECYT (Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico, Tecnológico y de Innovación Tecnológica)
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2020 - Current Frontiers in Animal Science (2673-6225) Frontiers Editorial Office
2020 - Current Foods (2304-8158) MDPI AG
2020 - Current Antioxidants (2076-3921) MDPI
2019 - Current Current Research in Food Science (2665-9271) Elsevier
2019 - Current Meat Technology (2466-4812) "University of Belgrade"
2015 - Current Ciência Rural (1678-4596) Scielo


2021 Antioxidants 2021 Best Paper Awards

Other distinction

2023 (Ranking University of Standford) - Top 2% of the most cited researchers in scientific publications
2022 (Ranking University of Standford) - Top 2% of the most cited researchers in scientific publications.
2022 Highly Cited Researcher (HCR)
Clarivate Analytics US LLC, United States
2021 (Ranking University of Standford) - Top 2% of the most cited researchers in scientific publications