Graduated in Archaeology by the University of Lisbon in 1998, I have completed a PhD in 2005 on prehistoric stone tools use-wear analysis at the University of Aix-en-Provence (France) funded by the Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT). Given the lack of specialists in use-wear research in Portugal, I worked from 2006 to 2012 on Portuguese Upper Paleolithic sequences located in Côa Valley and Estremadura in the scope of a post-doctoral grant from FCT where I developed an innovative microwear method to assess and to first model the use behavior of stone tools made on coarse grained and microcrystalline rocks from these contexts. Specialized in use-wear analysis of prehistoric stone tools, my present research targets the shift and variability of human adaptive systems in the scope of the dispersion of the Anatomically Modern Humans (AMHs) from the African continent to Eurasia. This has been supported by fellowships and international projects between the CNRS and Southern African universities, where I have acquired specialized competences and scientific network : Following a Marie Curie IOF (2012) at the University of Cape Town, then a IF FCT contract (CEEC) at Cibio-Inbio, University of Porto (2013-2018), and since 2019 to present as a permanent researcher and coordinator of the Laboratory of Archaeological Sciences of DGPC (Ministry of Culture) I have been been investigating Middle Stone Age (MSA) contexts in South Africa. My work aims to explore the mechanisms at play between cultural adaptation and environment. By studying distinct environmental backdrops and material cultural niches of Early Upper Paleolithic Sequences in Western Europe and Middle Stone Age contexts in South Africa, the goal is to determine how ecological factors (e.g. bio-geological resources availability) influenced and shaped subsistence and settlement strategies of the early modern humans. Investigating how artefacts were produced and used in the past by humans is one of the key research topic in the study of human behavioural evolution. I use stone tools use-wear analysis to assess past human activities. In the course of prehistoric times stone tools were the primary means for obtaining and processing a wide range of natural resources being therefore, the main archives of past societies gestures and activities. Use-wear analysis aim to identify how and on what stone tools were used by examining using microscopy direct evidence in the form of use-wear traces on the tools surfaces and edges. In this regard stone tools functionality reflects the manner in which the humans have organized themselves in their cultural and natural contexts, providing information to infer past human behaviors associated with such artifacts. Closely related to the question of the spread of AMH is the source and timing of modern behavior. The Middle Stone Age of South Africa holds the oldest evidence of complex technology and symbolic expressions (beyond 100.000 years) that predate similar behavior only occurring in Europe around 40 000 years B.P. By putting it in line of evidence with the study of Early Upper Paleolithic contexts in Portugal and France I expect to provide keys to better understand how the shift in AMH mentality and practical skills occurred in Europe.

Personal identification

Full name
Marina de Araújo Igreja

Citation names

  • Igreja, Marina

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • marinaigreja@patrimoniocultural.gov.pt (Professional)
  • maraujo_mar@yahoo.com (Personal)


  • CIBIO-INBIO, university of Porto. Campus agrario de Vairao, rua padre armando quintas, n7, 4485-661, Vila do Conde, Vila do Conde, Portugal (Professional)
  • Laboratorio de Arqueociências, Patrimonio Cultural, I.P., Calçada do Mirante a Ajuda 10A, 1300-418, Lisbon, lisbon, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Humanities - History and Archaeology
  • Humanities - History and Archaeology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
French Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Spanish; Castilian Intermediate (B1) Advanced (C1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
« Archéologie, Histoire, et Civilisation de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Age » (Doutoramento)
Aix-Marseille Université, France
"« Etude fonctionnelle des industries lithiques d’un grand habitat gravettien en France (La Vigne Brun) » " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Mention Trés Honorable (18), avec felicitations de
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies en «Archéologie, Histoire, et Civilisation de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Age (Mestrado)
Aix-Marseille Université, France
"« Relations entre l’outil et les modifications des matières dures animales. Approches expérimentale et archéologique sur ossements”" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Arqueologia e Pré-História (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal


Host institution
2013/12/19 - 2018/12/18 Principal Investigator (Research) Universidade do Porto Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Portugal
2012/01/01 - 2013/11/30 Principal Investigator (Research) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe-Afrique, France
2006/09/01 - 2012/08/31 Researcher (Research) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Arqueologia, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Arqueologia, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2019/03/01 - Current Manager of Laboratory, Institute, Museum, Centre or Observatory Laboratorio de Arqueociências, DGPC-Ministry of Culture, Portugal
Laboratorio de Arqueociências, DGPC-Ministry of Culture, Portugal


Designation Funders
2023 - Current Early Modern Humans: tracking diversity of behavioural strategies in South Africa
CO-2023-110 -RECH
Institut français d'Afrique du Sud, South Africa
Institut Francais Afrique du Sud, Joanesburg, South Africa.
2019/11 - 2022/12 “PISTA : Patina and iron on stone tools from Africa”, Taphen International Research Network (IRN 0871) CNRS
Taphen International Research Network (IRN 0871) CNRS
2012/01/01 - 2013/11/30 First AMH-ENVI - Marie Curie IOF
Research Fellow
Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe-Afrique, France

University of Cape Town, South Africa
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development People
2006/09/01 - 2012/08/31 Determining technical and economical behavior during Upper Paleolithic in Portugal: use-wear analysis of stone tools
Post-doc Fellow
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Arqueologia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2003/02/10 - 2006/06/30 La Vigne Brun
PhD Student Fellow
Aix-Marseille Université - Campus Aix-en-Provence Schuman, France
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2013/12/19 - 2018/12/18 Investigating the variability of prehistoric hunter-­-gatherers adaptive behavior in Eurasia and Africa: Human / environment interaction (60 000 – 25 000 years B.P.)
Principal investigator
Universidade do Porto Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2021/07/01 - Current The MileStone Age
Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe-Afrique, France
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe-Afrique, France
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Arqueologia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014/04/19 - Current Bushman Rock Shelter (Limpopo, South Africa)"
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France

University of Johannesburg, South Africa
2011/11/01 - Current Ealands Bay Cave (Western Cape, South Africa)”
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France

University of Cape Town, South Africa
2010/11/04 - Current Diepkloof Rock Shelter (West Coast, South Africa)
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France

University of Cape Town, South Africa
2006 - Current Le site de plein air de Régismont-le-Haut: une halte aurignacienne dans les plaines du Languedoc
Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès UFR d'Histoire Arts et Archéologie, France
2019/01/01 - 2024/03/03 "Heuningneskrans" (Limpopo, south Africa)
Institut français d'Afrique du Sud, South Africa

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
2015/02/05 - 2017/01/01 "Varsche Rivier 003 (Namaqualand, South Africa)"
University of California Davis, United States
2008/03/01 - 2011/04/03 L‘émergence des cultures du Paléolithique moyen au Maroc
Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie, Germany
2005/02/02 - 2007/02/03 La Picardie
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France


  1. Igreja, Marina. Tracéologie lithique d’un grand habitat gravettien en France : Les unités OP10 et KL19 de la Vigne Brun (Loire).. éditions universitaires européennes. 2010.
  2. Igreja, Marina; Ignacio Clemente Conte, I.. Recent functional studies on non flint stone tools : methodological improvements and archaeological inferences.. Lisbon, Portugal: ISBN978-989-20-1803-4/. 2009.
  3. Igreja, Marina; Bracco, j.P.. Burins Préhistoriques : formes, fonctions, fonctionnements.. Luxembourg: Archeologiques 2. 2006.
Book chapter
  1. Douze, Katja; Igreja, Marina; Rots, Veerle; Cnuts, Dries; Porraz, Guillaume. "Technology and Function of Middle Stone Age Points. Insights from a Combined Approach at Bushman Rock Shelter, South Africa". In Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology, 127-141. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  2. Porraz, G.; Igreja, Marina; P.J. Texier. "Développement sur une discontinuité technique dans la séquence Howiesons Poort de l’abri Diepkloof (Afrique du Sud).". In Settlement Systems of the Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Stone Age, edited by Conard, N.; Delagnes, A., 77-104. Oxford University Press, 2015.
  3. Igreja, Marina. "Estudo traceologico de artefactos líticos de Xarez 12 e Carraça 1.". In Margem do grande rio, os últimos caçadores-recolectores e as primeiras sociedades camponesas do Guadiana médio memorias Odiana 2a série, Estudos arqueológicos do Alqueva,, 569-578. Portugal: EDIA, 2013.
  4. Igreja, Marina. "Estudo traceológico : vestígios de uso resultantes da função e do modo de funcionamento de artefactos liticos da Barca do Xerez de Baixo.". In Barca do Xerez de Baixo, um testemunho invulgar das ultimas comunidades de caçadores-recolectores do Alentejo interior, 307-323. Portugal: EDIA, 2013.
  5. Igreja, Marina. "Traceologia das industrias liticas de Toledo.". In O concheiro de Toledo no contexto do Mesolítico Inicial do litoral da Estremadura. Lourinhã, 91-100. Portugal: Trabalhos de Arqueologia, 2011.
  6. Igreja, Marina. "Estudo traceológico das indústrias líticas de Olga Grande 4 e Cardina I: função, modo de funcionamento dos artefactos e outras inferências paleocomportamentais.". In 200 séculos da história do Vale do Côa: incursões na vida quotidiana dos caçadores-artistas do Paleolítico,, 235-247. Portugal: Trabalhos de Arqueologia, 2009.
  7. Igreja, Marina. "Analyse tracéologique des industries lithiques .". In Artisanats et Territoires des chasseurs mousteriens de Champ-Grand, 374-385. France, 2008.
  8. Igreja, Marina. "Lithics / bones interface: use-wear analysis and experimental approaches.". In British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 123-127. Oxford, United Kingdom: British Archaeological Reports, International Series, 2002.
Conference paper
  1. VAL, A., IGREJA, M., PORRAZ, G.. "Using ungulate bones to retouch & (re)sharpen MSA end-scrapers at Bushman Rock Shelter". Paper presented in Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Session: Animal resources in experimental archaeology,, Portland, 2023.
    In press
  2. Brugal, J.P., Andre, G., Fourvel, J.B., Fosse, P., Igreja, M., Magniez, P., Pascal , L., Uzunidis, A.. ") Le site archéo-paléontologique du Mas des Caves à Lunel-Viel (Hérault) : Historique des recherches et nouveaux travaux". Paper presented in 18th International Congress of Speleology - Savoie Mont Blanc, 2022.
  3. Igreja, Marina. "Bon F., Mensan R., Anderson L., Lejay M., Alexis M., Barshay-Szmidt C., Brugal J.-Ph., Costamagno S., Gabucio J., Heckel C., Igreja M., Pradeau J.-V., Quénéa K., Salomon H., Sellami F., Théry-Parisot I., 2019 – « Régismont-le-Haut » (Poilhes, Hérault, France), fenêtre ouverte sur l’organisation d’un campement résidentiel aurignacien. In : C. Montoya, J.-P. Fagnart et J.-L. Locht (dir.), Préhistoir". Paper presented in Préhistoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest : mobilité, climats et identités culturelles, Actes du 28ème congrès préhistorique de France, vol. 2, session 2 (coordonnée par P. Bodu, C. Montoya et C. Paris, Palethnologie du Paléolithique supérieur ancien: où en s, Paris, 2016.
  4. Nukushina, Diana; Mataloto, Rui; Costeira, Catarina; Igreja, Marina. "Foliáceos ovóides e grandes pontas bifaciais nos povoados de São Pedro (Redondo)". 2014.
Journal article
  1. Nabais, Mariana; Rufà, Anna; Igreja, Marina. "Experimental replication of early human behaviour in bird preparation: a pilot-study focusing on bone surface modification and breakage patterns". Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 3 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fearc.2024.1411853.
  2. Porraz, Guillaume; Parkington, John E.; Schmidt, Patrick; Bereiziat, Gérald; Brugal, Jean-Philippe; Dayet, Laure; Igreja, Marina; et al. "Experimentation preceding innovation in a MIS5 Pre-Still Bay layer from Diepkloof Rock Shelter (South Africa): emerging technologies and symbols". Peer Community Journal 1 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.24072/pcjournal.27.
    Published • 10.24072/pcjournal.27
  3. J. Zilhão; D. E. Angelucci; M. Araújo Igreja; L. J. Arnold; E. Badal; P. Callapez; J. L. Cardoso; et al. "Last Interglacial Iberian Neandertals as fisher-hunter-gatherers". Science (2020): https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaz7943.
  4. Anderson, Lars; Lejay, Mathieu; Brugal, Jean-Philip; Costamagno, Sandrine; Heckel, Claire; de Araujo Igreja, Marina; Pradeau, Jean-Victor; et al. "Insights into Aurignacian daily life and camp organization: The open-air site of Régismont-le-Haut.". Quaternary International 498 (2018): 69-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.04.034.
  5. Porraz, Guillaume; Val, Aurore; Tribolo, Chantal; Mercier, Norbert; de la Peña, Paloma; Haaland, Magnus M.; Igreja, Marina; Miller, Christopher E.; Schmid, Viola C.. "The MIS5 Pietersburg at ‘28’ Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo Province, South Africa.". PLOS ONE 13 10 (2018): e0202853. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202853.
  6. Daura, Joan; Sanz, Montserrat; Deschamps, Marianne; Matias, Henrique; Igreja, Marina; Villaescusa, Lucia; Gómez, Sandra; et al. "A 400,000-year-old Acheulean assemblage associated with the Aroeira-3 human cranium (Gruta da Aroeira, Almonda karst system, Portugal).". Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 8 (2018): 594-615. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crpv.2018.03.003.
  7. Igreja, Marina; guillaume porraz; patrick schmidt; John Parkington. "A shape to the microlithic Robberg from “Ealands Bay Cave” (Western Cape, South Africa).". southern african humanities 29 (2016): 203-247. http://www.sahumanities.org/ojs/index.php/SAH/article/view/380.
  8. Igreja, Marina; guillaume porraz; Schmid, Viola C.; Miller, C.E.; Tribolo, C.; Cartwright, C.R.; Charrié-Duhaut, A.; et al. "Update on the 2011 excavation at Elands Bay Cave (South Africa) and the Verlorenvlei Stone Age.". southern african humanities 29 (2016): 33-68. http://www.sahumanities.org/ojs/index.php/SAH/article/view/377.
  9. Charrié-Duhaut, A.; Porraz, G.; Igreja, Marina; Texier, P.-J.; Parkington, J.E.. "Holocene hunter-gatherers and adhesifs manufacture in the West Coast of South Africa.". southern african humanities 29 (2016): 283-306. http://www.sahumanities.org/ojs/index.php/SAH/article/view/383.
  10. Porraz, G.; Parkington, J.E.; Rigaud, J.-P.; Miller, C.E.; Poggenpoel, C.; Tribolo, C.; Archer, W.; et al. "The MSA sequence of Diepkloof and the history of southern African Late Pleistocene populations.". Journal of Archaeological Science 40 9 (2013): 3542-3552. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878960938&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  11. Charrié-Duhaut, A.; Porraz, G.; Cartwright, C.R.; Igreja, M.; Connan, J.; Poggenpoel, C.; Texier, P.-J.. "First molecular identification of a hafting adhesive in the Late Howiesons Poort at Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Western Cape, South Africa).". Journal of Archaeological Science 40 9 (2013): 3506-3518. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878964048&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  12. Igreja, M.; Porraz, G.. "Functional insights into the innovative Early Howiesons Poort technology at Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Western Cape, South Africa).". Journal of Archaeological Science 40 9 (2013): 3475-3491. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878985166&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  13. Igreja, Marina. "La tracéologie des industries lithiques gravettiennes de la Vigne Brun (Loire, France) : une consommation de l’outillage en rupture avec la fonction présupposée du site.". Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française LII (2011): 31-44.
  14. Laurent klaric; Liard, M; Bertrand, P.; Igreja, Marina; Dumarçay, G.; Aubry, T.; walter, B.. "La Picardie (Preuilly – sur – Claise, Indre et Loire) : neuf ans de fouilles sur un gisement rayssien finalement pás si mal conservé.". Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française LII (2011): 31-44.
  15. Jalil Bouzougghar; Barton, N.; Igreja, Marina. "A brief overview of recent research into the aterian and upper palaeolithic of northern and eastern Morocco.". Scienze dell’Antichità 22 (2007): 473-488.
  16. Igreja, Marina; Moreno-Garcia, M.; Pimenta, C.,. "Um exemplo de abordagem experimental de interface Traceologia lítica / Arqueozoologia: esquartejamento e tratamento da pele de um corço (Capreolus capreolus) com artefactos de pedra lascada.". Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 10 2 (2007): 17-34.
    Open access • Published
  17. Rivière, Véronique. "Le travail des matières dures animales dans le site Gravettien « La Vigne Brun » (Loire, France) : Apport de l’analyse tracéologique des outillages lithiques.". Préhistoire et Anthropologie Méditerranéennes 12 1 (2003): 95-101. http://dx.doi.org/10.3917/lfa.188.0017.
    Published • 10.3917/lfa.188.0017
  1. Guillaume Porraz; Parkington E.; Patrick Schmidt; Gérald Bereiziat; Brugal Jean-Philippe; Dayet Laure; Igreja Marina; et al. "Experimentation preceding innovation in a MIS5 Pre-Still Bay layer from Diepkloof Rock Shelter (South Africa): emerging technologies and symbols". 2020. https://doi.org/10.32942/OSF.IO/CH53R.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/07/15 Fauna 3D modelling contribution to zooarchaeological research : a pilot study on pig paedeatric specimens III FMVet Research Meetings
Universidade Lusofona (Lisbon, Portugal)
2024/06/24 Bone-lithic synergy at Bushman Rock Shelter: towards a diversification of resource exploitation during Marine Isotopic Stage 5 in southern Africa,
ASAPA (Lesotho, Lesotho)
2024/05/03 Replicating early human behaviour in bird preparation: A pilot-study focusing on bone surface modification and breakage patterns Spring Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology
Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behaviour (ICArEHB) (Faro, Portugal)
2023/10/10 Seminar “Interdisciplinary research on the Later and Middle Stone Age of the Ohrigstad River Valley (Limpopo Province, South Africa)”, Aurore Val, Viola Schmid, Marina Igreja, Marcin Szymanek, Pierre-Jean Texier et Benoit Longet, School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies from the University of Witwatersrand (org.), 10 october.
School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies from the University of Witwatersrand (Johanesburg, South Africa)
2023/03/29 Using ungulate bones to retouch & (re)sharpen MSA end-scrapers at Bushman Rock Shelter, South Africa Society for American Archaeology Annual Meeting, Session: Animal resources in experimental archaeology,
(Portland, United States)
2019/06/20 Evidence of non-preserved worked materials using end-scrapers : insights from use-wear analysis at BRS Cultural Dynamics of the Middle Stone Age in coastal and interior contexts of southern Africa
N. Conard, A. Val (org.), University of Tubingen, Germany (Tubingen, Germany)
2018/05/29 (2018) IGREJA, M. Tracking the dynamics of cultural and behavioral changes of the MSA in South Africa : insights from use-wear analysis of Still Bay bifacial points from Diepkloof Rock Shelter (South Africa), Awrana, Beyond use-wear traces : on tools and people, 29-31 may, Nice (France). Awrana, Beyond use-wear traces : on tools and people
University of Nice (Nice, France)
2018 (2018) VAL, A., TRIBOLO, C., MERCIER, N., HAALAND, M., IGREJA, M., MILLER, C., DE LA PEN~A, P., SCHMID, V., PORRAZ, G., New technological, chronological & cultural data on the Pietersburg from Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo Province, South Africa, RL07: THE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS FROM THE INTERIOR OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Benjamin COLLINSm Christopher AMES (org.), SAFA 2018 Panafrican Symposia, Toronto, Canada. New technological, chronological & cultural data on the Pietersburg from Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo Province, South Africa, RL07: THE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS FROM THE INTERIOR OF SOUTHERN AFRICA
Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
2018 (2018) DOUZE, K., IGREJA, M., VAL, A., PORRAZ , G.,Technology and use-wear of MIS 5 triangular tools at Bushman Rockshelter (Limpopo, South Africa) in the context of Middle Stone Age convergent tool productions in Africa, RL07: THE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS FROM THE INTERIOR OF SOUTHERN AFRICA Benjamin COLLINSm Christopher AMES (org.), SAFA 2018 Panafrican Symposia, Toronto, Canada. Technology & use-wear of MIS 5 triangular tools at Bushman Rockshelter (Limpopo, South Africa) in the context of Middle Stone Age convergent tool productions in Africa, RL07: THE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS FROM THE INTERIOR OF SOUTHERN AFRICA
Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
2016/06/26 (2016) MACKAY, A., ARMITAGE, S., BLACKWOOD, A., IGREJA, M., KAPLAN, C., MARWICK, B., ORTON, J., STAHLSCHMIDT, M., STEELE, T.E. The Middle and Later Stone Age sequence from Varsche Rivier 003, Southern Namaqualand, South Africa, 23th Biennial Meeting of the SAfA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists) "What Pasts for Africa?" session 13 “Current research on the Middle Stone Age of southern Africa”, June 26 to July 2, 2016, University of Toulouse. The Middle and Later Stone Age sequence from Varsche Rivier 003, Southern Namaqualand, South Africa, 23th Biennial Meeting of the SAfA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists) "What Pasts for Africa?" session 13 “Current research on the Middle Stone Age of southern Africa”,
University of Toulouse (Toulouse, France)
2016/06/26 (2016) PORRAZ, G., VAL, A., TRIBOLO, C., CNUTS, D., DAYET, L., DE LA PEÑA, P., IGREJA, M., MENTZER, S., MERCIER, N., MILLER, C. E., MURUNGI, M., SIEVERS, C., THÉRY-PARISOT, I. “28” at Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo (South Africa) 23th Biennial Meeting of the SAfA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists) "What Pasts for Africa?", Session 13 - Current research on the Middle Stone Age of southern Africa N. J. Conard, S. Wurz (org.), June 26 to July 2, 2016, University of Toulouse. “28” at Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo (South Africa) 23th Biennial Meeting of the SAfA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists) "What Pasts for Africa?", Session 13 - Current research on the Middle Stone Age of southern Africa
University of Toulouse (Toulouse, France)
2016/06/26 2016) IGREJA, M., PORRAZ, G., Discussing the meaning of the bifacial technology within the still bay lithic industry: techno - functional insights from bifacial points of diepkloof rock shelter (western cape, south africa), 23th Biennial Meeting of the SAfA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists) "What Pasts for Africa?" session 15 “For an updated vision of Middle Stone Age point production in Africa: how does McBrearty and Brooks's (2000) map of point "styles" look like 16 years after? “, K., Douze, E., Spinapolice (org.), June 26 to July 2, 2016, Discussing the meaning of the bifacial technology within the still bay lithic industry: techno - functional insights from bifacial points of diepkloof rock shelter (western cape, south africa), 23th Biennial Meeting of the SAfA (Society of Africanist Archaeologists) "What Pasts for Africa?" session
University of Toulouse (Toulouse, France)
2016/06 (2016) BON, F., MENSAN , R., ANDERSON, L., LEJAY , ALEXIS, M., HECKEL, C., IGREJA , M., QUENEA, K PRADEAU , J.V, SALOMON, H., SELLAMI , F., SZMIDT , C. Le campement aurignacien de plein air de Régismont – Le-Haut (Herault, France) XXVIIIe Congres Prehistorique de France, S2 – Palethnologie du paleolithique superieur : ou en sommes-nous?, Amiens, juin. Le campement aurignacien de plein air de Régismont – Le-Haut (Herault, France) XXVIIIe Congres Prehistorique de France, S2 – Palethnologie du paleolithique superieur : ou en sommes-nous?,
Amiens (Amiens, France)
2015/11/13 (2015) IGREJA, M. : Homo Sapiens evolution : Tracking the dynamics of Middle Stone Age cultural and behavioral changes in South Africa, CIBIO-INBIO, Porto (Portugal), 13 november. Homo Sapiens evolution : Tracking the dynamics of Middle Stone Age cultural and behavioral changes in South Africa
Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources , Cibio/Inbio (Porto, Portugal)
2015/10/12 (2015) G. PORRAZ, K. DOUZE, M. IGREJA, P. DE LA PEÑA, A. VAL : The Pietersburg lithic technologies: a preliminary insight from Bushman Rock Shelter (Limpopo), in Lithic Technology. Overview and prospectives, celebration of the 20 anniversary of the French-South African cooperation in archaeology, org. French Institute of South Africa (IFAS) Institute for Research and Development (IRD), the University of the Witwatersrand and the French Embassy in South Africa, 12-15 october, University of wits, Johannesburg, South Africa. he Pietersburg lithic technologies: a preliminary insight from Bushman Rock Shelter (Limpopo), in Lithic Technology. Overview and prospectives, celebration of the 20 anniversary of the French-South African cooperation in archaeology
French Institute of South Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa)
2015/07/01 (2015) VAL, A. BACKWELL, L., BRUGAL, J.-P.; CNUTS, D.; DAYET, L.; DE LA PEÑA, P.; DOUZE, K.; FEYFANT, L.; GRENET, M.; IGREJA, M.; KLOOS, P.; MENTZER, S.; MERCIER, N.; MILLER, C.E.; MURUNGI, M.; ROTS, V.; SCHMID, V.; SIEVERS, C.; THÉRY-PARISOT, I; TRIBOLO, C; VALLADAS, H.; VAN DER HEEVER, A.; VERNA, C; AND PORRAZ, G. New excavations of the Later and Middle Stone Age layers at Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo Province, South Africa, ASAPA, 1-3 July 2015 held at University of Harare, Zimbabwe. New excavations of the Later and Middle Stone Age layers at Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo Province, South Africa
University of Harare (Harare, Zimbabwe)
2015/01/15 (2015) IGREJA, M., O extraordinário contexto do Middle Stone Age Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Western Cape, África do Sul) : contributo para a compreensão da evolução cultural das populações modernas de África do Sul.", dia do investigador, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, Lisbon, 15 january. O extraordinário contexto do Middle Stone Age Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Western Cape, África do Sul) : contributo para a compreensão da evolução cultural das populações modernas de África do Sul.
Museu Nacional de Arqueologia (Lisbon, Portugal)
2014/11/26 (2014) IGREJA, M. Contributo da traceologia litica para a compreensao dos principais complexos tecnologicos e culturais de industrias liticas do MSA na Africa do Sul, o Stillbay e o Howiesons Poort: dados de Diepkloof rock shelter (Western Cape, South Africa), ciclo conferencias Arqueologia em Africa, Conceitos , praticas e projectos, Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 26 november. Contributo da traceologia litica para a compreensao dos principais complexos tecnologicos e culturais de industrias liticas do MSA na Africa do Sul, o Stillbay e o Howiesons Poort: dados de Diepkloof rock shelter (Western Cape, South Africa), ciclo conferencias Arqueologia em Africa, Conceitos , pra
Sociedade de Geografia (Lisbon, Portugal)
2014/10/01 (2014) BOUZOUGGAR, A., MCPHERRON, S., DITCHFIELD, P.,STEELE, T., IGREJA, M, EL HASSAN, T., DORSCHNER,N.,FITZSIMMONS,K.,ALVAREZ-FERNANDEZ, E., HUBLIN, J.J., Cultural transitions in the north African middle stone age: a view from morocco, Origins and evolution of Modern Humans Behaviour: a view from North Africa, commission on Palaeolithic Landscapes, Techniques and Cultures of Western North Africa (Organisers: A. Bouzouggar, N.Barton, N.Aouadi), XVII World UISPP Congress 2014 Burgos, 1-7 September. Cultural transitions in the north African middle stone age: a view from morocco, Origins and evolution of Modern Humans Behaviour: a view from North Africa, commission on Palaeolithic Landscapes, Techniques and Cultures of Western North Africa (
Burgos (Burgos, Spain)
2014/07/14 (2014) IGREJA, M., PORRAZ,G. “Manufacture and consumption of stone tools from the still bay of diepkloof rock shelter (western cape, south africa): results from the techno-functional analysis”, Panafrican Archaeological Association, 14-19 July, Johannesburg, South Africa. “Manufacture and consumption of stone tools from the still bay of diepkloof rock shelter (western cape, south africa): results from the techno-functional analysis”,
University of Johannesburg (Johannesburg, South Africa)
2014/07/14 (2014) PORRAZ,G., IGREJA, M., VALLADAS, H., PARKINGTON, J. “The robberg microlithic technology at Elands Bay Cave, west coast of south Africa” Panafrican Archaeological Association, 14-19 July, Joanesburg, South Africa. The robberg microlithic technology at Elands Bay Cave, west coast of south Africa” Panafrican Archaeological Association,
University of Johannesburg (johannesburg, South Africa)
2013/02/03 (2013) IGREJA, M., PORRAZ, G. "Discussing the temporal variability of the HP at Diepkloof: first statements and observations", in Mapping the origins of modern behaviour, J.Parkington, D. Stynder (org.), dept. Archaeology University of Cape Town (South Africa). "Discussing the temporal variability of the HP at Diepkloof: first statements and observations", in Mapping the origins of modern behaviour,
Dept. archaeology, University of Cape Town (Cape town, South Africa)
2013 (2013) IGREJA, M., PORRAZ, G. “Techno-functional analysis of the strangulated-notched pieces from the Intermediate HP at Diepkloof, South Africa », ASAPA, Gaborone, Botswana. “Techno-functional analysis of the strangulated-notched pieces from the Intermediate HP at Diepkloof, South Africa »
University of Gaborone (Gaborone, Botswana)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2008/01/01 - 2012/10/05 PHd - scientific supervisor of Angela Ferreira, grant from FCT (SFRH/BD/45677/2008) "O Neolítico antigo da desembocadura do Paleo-estuário do Tejo. Análise funcional e tecnológica das indústrias líticas do Palácio dos Lumiares e da Encosta de Sant´Ana" (Fac. Humanities Lisbon / University of Aix-Marseille I).
archaeology (PhD)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal

Aix-Marseille Université, France

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2021/06/18 - Current Institutional film about the Laboratory of Archaeological Sciences - LARC /DGPC - in the scope of the 2021 European Archaeology Days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4FF-RtLkq4 (2021/06/18)
Other (Co-organisor)
Laboratorio de Arqueociências, DGPC-Ministry of Culture, Portugal
2019/05/15 - Current workshop of experimental archaeology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-UxJnGzJFg (2019/05/15)
Laboratorio de Arqueociências, DGPC-Ministry of Culture, Portugal
2008/05/23 - 2008/05/25 IGREJA, M., CLEMENTE-CONTE, I. eds. (2009a) - Recent functional studies on non flint stone tool : Methodological improvements and archaeological inferences, 23-25 May 2008, LISBON - Proceedings of the workshop [CD-ROM]. Lisbon (Padrão dos Descobrimentos), 2009. ISBN978-989-20-1803-4. (2008/05/23 - 2008/05/25)
Congress (Co-organisor)
Direcção Geral do Patrimonio cultural, Portugal
2006/11/03 - 2006/11/05 2003 – Congress “Burins : formes, fonctionnements, fonctions”, M. De Araujo Igreja, J.P. Bracco (org.), 3-5 Mars, LAMPEA UMR 7269, Universite Aix-Marseillle I - Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Aix-en-Provence (France). (2003/03/03 - 2003/03/05)
Conference (Co-organisor)
Aix-Marseille Université, France

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2016/10/01 - Current Seminary to Honours students of archaeology Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (Licenciatura) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2016/01/01 - Current Seminary to Honours students of archaeology, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa (Licenciatura) Universidade de Lisboa Departamento de História, Portugal
2013/01/01 - 2014/10/01 Seminaries for students archaeology , University of Cape Town, South Africa (Licence) University of Cape Town, South Africa
2008/04/01 - 2011/03/01 Ecole thématique de Tracéologie of CEPAM UMR 6130, CNRS, S. Beyries (org.), University of Nice (France). (Licence) Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis - Pôle Universitaire Saint-Jean d'Angély, France
2006/04/02 - 2011/03/01 Methods in Archaeology : the use-wear analysis, students archeology, University of Lisbon (Portugal). (Licenciatura)

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2015/04/01 - Current Job position at the University de Witwatersrand (South Africa)
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2023 "Portraits of research" - IFAS Institut Afrique du Sud https://www.instagram.com/p/C0g-8XvtZfh/?img_index=1

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2019/10/08 - 2019/10/08 "Muito Barulho para nada", Channel RTP2, episode 4 https://www.rtp.pt/play/p6190/muito-barulho-para-nada Use-wear analysis research on the theme of Anatomically Modern Humans in Europe and South Africa

Other jury / evaluation

Activity description Institution / Organization
2016/01/01 - Current Peer Reviewing for journal Plos one
2015/02/02 - Current Research Grant applications F.R.S.-FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS, Belgium). Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS, Belgium
2012/01/01 - Current Peer reviewing for Journal of Human Evolution
2012/01/01 - Current Peer reviewing for Journal of Archaeological and Anthropological Studies.