Identificação pessoal
- Nome completo
- Tanya Wyatt
Identificadores de autor
- Ciência ID
- 131C-AB93-5431
- 0000-0002-5191-7607
Domínios de atuação
- Ciências Sociais - Direito - Criminologia
Grau | Classificação | |
2005/09/04 - 2008/11/05
Criminology (Doctor of Philosophy)
University of Kent School of Social Policy Sociology and Social Research, Reino Unido
"Deep Green Criminology and Wildlife Trafficking: Two Case Studies of the Illegal Fur and Falcon Trades in Russia Far East" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
2000 - 2004
Criminology and Criminal Justice (Master)
Eastern Michigan University, Estados Unidos
3.9/4.0 |
1993 - 1997
Biology (Bachelor)
Mills College, Estados Unidos
3.5/4.0 |
Percurso profissional
Docência no Ensino Superior
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2018 - Atual | Professor Catedrático (Docente Universitário) | Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
Northumbria University, Reino Unido | ||
2016 - 2018 | Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) | Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
2010 - 2016 | Leitor (Docente Universitário) | Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
Cargos e Funções
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2021/09 - 2022/01 | Faculty PGR Director | Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
2019/07 - 2020/01 | ¿ Research mentor staff. Department PGR Director | Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
Categoria Profissional Instituição de acolhimento |
Empregador | |
2017 - 2018 | Head of Criminology | Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
Northumbria University, Reino Unido | ||
2017 - 2017 | Acting Director of Research, Social Sciences | Northumbria University, Reino Unido |
2003 - 2005 | US Peace Corps Volunteer in Ukraine | US Peace Corps, Estados Unidos |
US Peace Corps, Estados Unidos | ||
2000 - 2003 | Police Officer | Police Michigan , Estados Unidos |
Police Michigan , Estados Unidos | ||
1998 - 2000 | Deputy Sheriff | Police California, Estados Unidos |
Police California, Estados Unidos |
Designação | Financiadores | |
2021/09 - 2025/09 | Transnational Environmental Crime, Human Security, and Biosecurity: Building Effective, Integrated, Preventive Networks
Em curso
2019/09 - 2023/09 | Criminal Justice, wildlife conservation and animal rights in the Anthropocene
Em curso
2021/11 - 2022/04 | Improving CITES: Impact and dissemination activities
Investigador responsável
Em curso
2022/03 - 2022/03 | Wildlife Crime Forensics
Em curso
2022/03 - 2022/03 | Alternative Approaches to Justice for Wildlife Crimes
Investigador responsável
Em curso
2022/01 - 2022/03 | Climate Change and Decarbonisation: 'Interdisciplinary Hopping' to strengthen enablers and tackle barriers to a green transition
Em curso
2020/08 - 2022/02 | Identifying and mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on legal and sustainable wildlife trade in LMICs
2020 - 2022 | Impacts of COVID-19 on wildlife trade in LMICs
Global Challenges Research Fund
Em curso
2019 - 2022 | Criminal justice, wildlife conservation and animal rights in the Anthropocene
Norwegian Research Council
Em curso
2021/01 - 2021/03 | COVID-19 Grant Extension Fund
Investigador responsável
2020/10 - 2020/12 | Social Media and Wildlife Trafficking in Brazil
Investigador responsável
2020/10 - 2020/12 | Wildlife Forensics in Southern Africa
2016/08 - 2019/10 | Environmental and Global Justice
Investigador responsável
2019/04 - 2019/07 | Wildlife representations in Colombia
Investigador responsável
2017 - 2019 | Links between Exposure to Violence against Animals and Inter-human Violence
Links between Exposure to Violence against Animals and Inter-human Violence
League Against Cruel Sports
2017/02 - 2018/02 | Wildlife Trade between Mexico and the EU
2017 - 2018 | Wildlife Trade between Mexico and the EU
European Commission
European Commission
2017/07 - 2017/07 | Links between Exposure to Violence against Animals and Inter-human Violence
2015/03 - 2017/03 | International Trade in Wildlife involving Mexico: A Critical Appraisal of Wildlife Trade Dynamics between Mexico and the European
2015 - 2017 | International Trade in Wildlife involving Mexico: A Critical Appraisal of Wildlife Trade Dynamics between Mexico and the European
Newton Advanced Fellowship
The British Academy
2016/02 - 2016/11 | Conducting a capitalisation and gap analysis of environmental crime (pollution, waste and wildlife) prosecutions and sanctions
across the entirety of the European Union
2014/06 - 2016/05 | Exploring invisible crimes and victimisations: a pilot case study of sexual assault in the British Army
Investigador responsável
2016 - 2016 | Capitalisation and Gap Analysis of Environmental Crimes in the EU
Capitalisation and Gap Analysis of Environmental Crimes in the EU
European Network for Prosecutors for the Environment, Bélgica
European Commission
2015/01 - 2015/06 | Showcasing Environmental Crime, Law and Justice
2011/10 - 2013/07 | Economic and Social Research Council Green Criminology Research Seminar Series
Investigador responsável
2012/11 - 2012/11 | Are We Green Yet? Nature within Criminology
Investigador responsável
Designação | Financiadores | |
2020 - 2021 | Non-custodial interventions for animal welfare and wildlife offences
Investigador responsável
Scottish Government
Em curso
2018 - 2020 | Lessons learned on the Implementation and Compliance with the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species
Investigador responsável
Arts and Humanities Research Council
2016 - 2017 | Scoping Research on the Illegal Puppy Trade and Farming
Scottish Government
Investigador responsável
Scottish Government United Kingdom Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs Concluído
Artigo em revista |
Capítulo de livro |
Edição de número de revista |
Livro |
Poster em conferência |
Relatório |
Revisão de livro |
Apresentação oral de trabalho
Título da apresentação | Nome do evento Anfitrião (Local do evento) |
2022/06/30 | Green Criminology and WIldlife Trafficking | National Autonomous University of Mexico Green Criminology Seminar Series
National Autonomous University of Mexico (Cuernavaca, México)
2022/05/25 | Everyday Ecocide and Climate Change |
The Centro Nazionale di Prevenzione e Difesa Sociale
2022/04/16 | Are Fish Wild? |
California Bar Association
2022/03/31 | Deforestation – from fashion to food to furniture | When Climate Change Intersects Crime Webinar Series
Northumbria University (Stockholm, Suécia)
2022/03/31 | Criminology and the Non-human |
Sheffield Animal Research Centre (ShARC) - University of Sheffield (Reino Unido)
2022/02/14 | Preventing Environmental Crime | Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
(Vienna, Áustria)
2021/12/17 | Trophy Hunting and Crime | Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association Conference
Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association
2021/11/29 | Environmental Crime | Colombia Conference on Environmental Cri
UN Office on Drugs and Crime (Colômbia)
2021/11/29 | Gender, Climate Change and Crime | ESRC Festival of Social Sciences
(Durham, Reino Unido)
2021/11/19 | Animal Welfare and Wildlife Trafficking | The Health-Environment Nexus and the Systemic Implications of Environmental Crimes’
European Society of International Law Interest Group on International Criminal Justice
2021/09/07 | CITES and the Bern Convention: the UK context | Findings from the CRIMEANTHROP study
Norwegian Research Council (Noruega)
2021/09/06 | Wildlife Trafficking: a corporate crime | The 38th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime |
2021/07/31 | Wildlife trafficking and Whistleblowing | National Whistle blower Day
National Whistle blower Association
2021/07/07 | The Interface of Harm and Crime | The British Society of Criminology Conference
The British Society of Criminology
2021/06/16 | Green Criminology, Earth Jurisprudence, and the Planetary Emergency | International Environmental Law Colloquium
(Tarragona, Espanha)
2021/06/16 | Wildlife Trafficking and Organised Crime | European Consortium for Political Research Subgroup on Organised Crime Summer School
European Consortium for Political Research Subgroup on Organised Crime
2021/05/20 | Wildlife Trafficking: a Corporate Crime? | CJS Conferences
Interdisciplinary research centre on Crime, Justice and Security of the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto
2021/05/18 | 14) More-than-human aspects to wildlife trade | American Bar Association Panel on Wildlife, Antiquities, and Human Trafficking in Times of Conflict and Disruption
American Bar Association
2021/04/21 | Wildlife Trafficking |
Northumbria University Animal Law Society
2021/04/09 | CITES and Wildlife Trafficking |
University of Edinburgh Student Law Society
2021/04 | The Case for a Fourth Protocol on Wildlife Trafficking to the UN Convention on Transnational Organised Crime | UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
(Kyoto, Japão)
2021/04 | Plant Trafficking in Mexico | UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
(Kyoto, Japão)
2021/03/23 | Illegal Puppy Trade in Scotland |
University of Dundee (Dundee, Reino Unido)
2021/01/27 | Non-custodial Interventions for Animal Welfare and Wildlife Offences | British Society of Criminology Green Crime Research Network Twitter Conference
British Society of Criminology Green Crime Research Network
2021/01/15 | The case for Wildlife Trafficking as a Fourth Protocol to the UN Convention on Transnational Organised Crime |
United States Council on Foreign Relations briefing for the US Congress (Estados Unidos)
2020/12/14 | What Human Rights and Animal Rights can learn from each other | UK Centre for Animal Law Seminar Series
UK Centre for Animal Law (Reino Unido)
2020/11/10 | Why isn’t Environmental Crime a Priority? | Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime 24-hour conference |
2020/11/10 | Puppy Smuggling and Organised Crime | Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime 24-hour conference |
2020/10/16 | The case for Wildlife Trafficking as a Fourth Protocol to the UN Convention on Transnational Organised Crime | UN Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Transnational Organised Crime
United Nations
2020/09/16 | Wildlife Trade and Trafficking in a Post-COVID world | Endangered Species Coalition
(Washington DC , Estados Unidos)
2020/09/11 | The Link between Exposure to Violence against Animals and Inter-human Violence | European Society of Criminology |
2020/09/03 | Wildlife Trafficking and International Criminal Law’ |
Socio-Legal Studies Association
2020/05/22 | Corruption and Wildlife Trafficking | Wildlife Conservation Society |
2020/04/23 | Coronavirus and Wildlife Trade |
University of the Balearic Islands
2020/04/21 | Tackling cross-border illegal pet trade in the EU |
Croatian Presidency of the European Union and Eurogroup for Animals
2020/01/15 | The Non-Human in Criminology | Professorial Inaugural Lecture
Northumbria University (Northumbria , Reino Unido)
2019/09/18 | CITES: how can something be enforced that isn’t implemented? |
European Society of Criminology
2019/09/18 | Cases Studies in the UK, Germany, and Spain exploring social norms towards wildlife |
European Society of Criminology
2019/09/17 | What is Power? | Environmental Crime and Power Conference
(Ghent, Bélgica)
2019/07/02 | Indigenous Representations of Nature |
British Society of Criminology
2019/07/02 | The Wildlife Drug Trafficking Connection’ |
British Society of Criminology
2019/06/14 | Trends in Environmental Crime |
Office of the President of Colombia (Bogotá, Colômbia)
2019/03/28 | Policing Wildlife Crime and Trafficking | Northumbria University Police Seminar Series
Northumbria University (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2019/03/21 | Corruption and Wildlife Trafficking |
Hungarian Public Security Institute (Hungria)
2019/02/14 | Environmental Justice | Newcastle University Go Green Week
Newcastle University (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2019/02/13 | Wildlife Trafficking and Environmental Security | SciBar Public Engagement Seminar Series
(Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2018/11/29 | Speciesism and Wildlife Trafficking |
Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (Canterbury, Reino Unido)
2018/11/15 | Invisible Crimes |
North East Humanists (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2018/11/08 | AHRC Fellowship journeys and tips for bid writing |
AHRC (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2018/10/09 | The Welfare of the Wildlife: talking about animal welfare in the illegal wildlife trade | Evidence to Action: Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference
University of Oxford
2018/09/02 | The Rural-Urban Dynamics of the UK Illegal Puppy Trade |
European Society of Criminology
2018/08/28 | The Security Implications of Green Crime | International Environmental Crime Conference |
2018/05/03 | Crimes of the Powerful |
Royal Society of Arts (Durham, Reino Unido)
2018/04/18 | Corruption in Wildlife Trafficking |
TRAFFIC and U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre (Bergen, Noruega)
2017/12/08 | Green Criminology |
Yarm Shool (Yarm, Reino Unido)
2017/11/16 | Green Constructions of Victimhood and Harm |
American Society of Criminology
2017/11/09 | The Illegal Puppy Trade in the UK |
Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Edinburgh, Reino Unido)
2017/10/05 | Beyond Environmental Justice: Protecting the Non-Human | Northumbria University Environmental Humanities Symposium
Northumbria University (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2017/09/13 | The illegal puppy trade in the UK |
European Society of Criminology
2017/09/13 | The nature, extent and impact of environmental prosecutions and sanctions throughout the EU |
European Society of Criminology
2017/09/12 | USAID’s Wildlife Crime Technology Challenge | International Environmental Crime Conference |
2017/09/01 | Policy and Legal Responses to Biodiversity Loss that Threatens US Interests |
US National Intelligence Council (Washington DC, Estados Unidos)
2017/07/07 | Organised Crime as Green Crime |
European Consortium of Political Research on Organised Crime - University of Bath (Reino Unido)
2017/07/06 | Prosecutions and Sanctions for Waste Crime across the EU: Limitations and Lessons Learned |
British Society of Criminology
2017/06/15 | Ecocide as a challenge to justice and security |
Northumbria Law School Summer Academy
2017/06/14 | Extinction as Ecocide | Northumbria University Law School Summer Academy
Northumbria University (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2017/02/15 | Environmental Crime in the EU’ | UNEP Conference on Environmental Justice |
2017/01/21 | Preventing Environmental Crime |
UK Parliament (London, Reino Unido)
2017/01/18 | Green Criminology |
National Autonomous University of Mexico (Cuernavaca, México)
2016/12/07 | Stolen rare salamanders fuelling the illegal wildlife trade? |
Texas Standard radio (Texas, Estados Unidos)
2016/11/10 | The Non-Human in Criminology |
Northumbria University (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2016/10/12 | Wildlife Trafficking and Organised Criminal Networks |
The Centre for Information and Research on Organised Crime at Utrecht University (Utrecht, Países Baixos)
2016/09/08 | Global Challenges of Wildlife Trafficking |
European Parliament Environment Committee (Brussels, Bélgica)
2016/07 | An Exploration of Littering in the Northeast of England | The British Society of Criminology Conference |
2016/07 | Sexual Assault in the British Army’ | The British Society of Criminology Conference |
2016/05/13 | Capitalisation and Gap Analysis of Environmental Crime |
European Network for Prosecutors for the Environment (Utrecht, Países Baixos)
2016/05/02 | Animal Consumption, Environmental Harm and World Hunger |
Durham University Animal Rights and Welfare Society (Durham, Reino Unido)
2016/04/07 | Preventing Wildlife Crime |
TRAFFIC International (Cambridge, Reino Unido)
2016/03/01 | Wildlife Crime in the UK |
University of Essex Centre for Sustainability (Colchester, Reino Unido)
2016/02/12 | Corruption and Wildlife Crime Workshop |
Transparency International (London, Reino Unido)
2015/11/24 | Comparing Wildlife and Drug Trafficking |
Spanish Society of Criminology (Barcelona, Espanha)
2015/09 | Corruption and Wildlife Trafficking | Environmental Crime and the Money |
2015/09 | Ecological Imperialism: Past, present and future’ |
European Society of Criminology
2015/05/19 | Terrorism and Wildlife Trafficking |
School of Oriental and African Studies (London, Reino Unido)
2015/03/11 | The Illegal Wildlife Trade | Policy Knowledge’s Environmental Crime: Protecting the Environment Through Enforcement and Prosecution
(London, Reino Unido)
2015/02 | Politics, Power and the Media: the visibility of environmental and eco terrorism | Invisible Crimes and Social Harms Book Launch |
2015/02 | The Role of Denial in the Theft of Nature: Bio-piracy and Climate Change | American Society of Criminology Conference |
2015/01/14 | Tips on ESRC Seminar Series Bids | Bidding for the ESRC Seminar Series
University of West England (Bristol, Reino Unido)
2014/12/01 | Security and Wildlife Trafficking |
Royal United Services Institute – Stabilisation and Conservation (London, Reino Unido)
2014/11/21 | Critic for Situational Prevention of Poaching | American Society of Criminology Conference
American Society of Criminology (California, Estados Unidos)
2014/07 | Hierarchies of Green Victims and Offenders | British Society of Criminology Conference |
2014/07 | Comparative Analysis of Wildlife Trafficking in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom | Economic and Social Research Council Green Criminology Research Conference |
2014/03/14 | Comparative Analysis of Wildlife Trafficking in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom | Transnational Environmental Crime Conference
Australian National University (Camberra, Austrália)
2014/03/11 | Green Pillaging: the Corporate Harm of Bio-piracy | Queensland University of Technology Seminar Series
Queensland University (Brisbane, Austrália)
2013/11/07 | Green Conflict: Natural Resources Funding Human Conflict |
Centre for International Development, Northumbria University (Reino Unido)
2013/11 | Invisible Pillaging: the Corporate Harm of Bio-piracy | American Society of Criminology Conference |
2013/09 | Victimless Venison? Deer Poaching and the Black Market Meat Trade in the UK | Environmental Crime Conference |
2013/04/30 | Comparing Wildlife and Drug Trafficking | Regulatory Institutions Network Seminar Series
Australian National University (Canberra, Austrália)
2013/02/13 | Assessing Media and Partner Engagement with the International Consortium for Combating Wildlife Crime | Transnational Environmental Crime Conference
Australian National University (Camberra, Austrália)
2012/11/14 | Comparing Wildlife and Drug Trafficking | The Marjan Centre for Conflict and Conservation
King’s College London (London, Reino Unido)
2012/09 | Assessing the Partner and Media Engagement with the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime | Environmental Crime Conference |
2011/12/02 | An exploration of animal abuse in the increased scale and industrialisation of pig farming | Newcastle University Animal Ethics and Sustainable Food Conference
Newcastle University (Newcastle, Reino Unido)
2011/11 | The Illegal Timber Trade in the Russian Far East: An Organised Crime? | American Society of Criminology Conference |
2011/09/17 | The Nature of Illicit Activity and the Involvement of Criminal Groups in the Smuggling of Wildlife | Transnational Environmental Crime Conference
Australian National University (Camberra, Austrália)
2011/07 | Transnational Wildlife Trafficking in our Back Garden: A Photographic Exploration of the Heathrow Animal Reception Centre | British Society of Criminology Conference |
2010/07 | The Illegal Charcoal Trade in the Cardamom Mountains of Southwestern Cambodia | Stockholm Symposium in Criminology |
Participação em evento
Descrição da atividade Tipo de evento |
Nome do evento Instituição / Organização |
2020/03/03 - 2020/03/03 | UN World Wildlife Day
World Wildlife Day
United Nations, Estados Unidos
2017/09/01 - 2017/09/01 | Biodiversity Loss as a Threat to US National Security
Biodiversity Loss as a Threat to US National Security
National Intelligence Council, Estados Unidos
Consultoria / Parecer
Descrição da atividade | Instituição / Organização | |
2020/07 - 2020/07 | ‘Forest Crime’ Education 4 Justice module in-depth review | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Áustria |
2020/04 - 2020/05 | Peer review of report on CITES implementation for marine species | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Suécia |
2016/09 - 2016/09 | Panellist presenting to members of the EU Parliament support for the draft EU Action Plan on Wildlife Trafficking | European Parliament, França |
2014/08 - 2014/12 | Corruption and Wildlife Trafficking | U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre , Noruega |
2014/05 - 2014/08 | Terrorism and Wildlife Trafficking | National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and the Responses to Terrorism , Estados Unidos |
Curso / Disciplina lecionado
Disciplina | Curso (Tipo) | Instituição / Organização | |
2022/03/30 - 2022/03/30 | Green criminology and the Anthropocene | Global Health | Newcastle University, Reino Unido |
2022/03/23 - 2022/03/23 | The environmental and social harms of deforestation and timber trafficking | Green Criminology | Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega |
2022/03/17 - 2022/03/17 | Green Criminology and Victimisation | Criminology | Durham University, Reino Unido |
2022/03/16 - 2022/03/16 | Corporate and State Crimes of the Environment | Green Criminology | University of New South Wales, Austrália |
2022/02/05 - 2022/02/05 | Differentiating criminal networks in wildlife trafficking | Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, Peru | |
2021/03/25 - 2021/03/25 | The environmental and social harms of deforestation and timber trafficking | Criminology | Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega |
2021/03/15 - 2021/03/15 | Wildlife Trafficking | University of Dundee, Reino Unido | |
2020/12/11 - 2020/12/11 | Corruption and Wildlife Trafficking | Università degli Studi di Bologna, Itália | |
2020/11/30 - 2020/11/30 | Restorative Approaches to Crimes Against Non-Human Animals | Durham University, Reino Unido | |
2020/04 - 2020/05 | Vietnamese government and civil society workshop on corruption and wildlife trafficking | Corruption and Wildlife Trafficking | Vietnamese Government , Vietname |
2019/11/21 - 2019/11/21 | Violence beyond Humans: harm, non-humans and the environment | Durham University, Reino Unido | |
2019/05/10 - 2019/05/10 | Wildlife Trafficking in Mexico | Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colômbia | |
2019/03/21 - 2019/03/21 | Wildlife Crime and Wildlife Trafficking | Green Criminology (Postgraduate Certificate) | Middlesex University, Reino Unido |
2019/03/06 - 2019/03/06 | The environmental and social harms of deforestation and timber trafficking | Green Criminology | Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega |
2018/04/11 - 2018/04/11 | The environmental and social harms of deforestation and timber trafficking | Green Criminology | Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega |
2018/04/05 - 2018/04/05 | Organised Crime and Illegal Wildlife Trade | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Países Baixos | |
2017/10/15 - 2017/10/15 | Corruption and Wildlife Trafficking | Criminology | Michigan State University, Estados Unidos |
2016/10/13 - 2016/10/13 | The environmental and social harms of deforestation and timber trafficking | Green Criminology | Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega |
2015/10/13 - 2015/10/13 | The environmental and social harms of deforestation and timber trafficking | Green Criminology | Universitetet i Oslo, Noruega |
2014/01/30 - 2014/01/30 | Green Criminology and Victimisation | Criminology | Durham University, Reino Unido |
Entrevista (jornal / revista)
Descrição da atividade | Jornal / Forum | |
2016/10 | Interviewed for a POST-note on environmental crime | UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology |
Membro de comissão
Descrição da atividade Tipo de participação |
Instituição / Organização | |
2019/11 - Atual | International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (Academic Committee Member)
International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, Estados Unidos |
2018/07 - 2022/07 | ‘Targeting Natural Resource Corruption’ Academic Advisory Group Member
World Wildlife Fund, Estados Unidos U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre , Noruega |
2007 | Colyer Fergusson Research Award |
2005 | University of Kent International Student Scholarship
University of Kent, Reino Unido
2006 | University of Kent Scholar Athlete
University of Kent, Reino Unido
Outra distinção
2021 | Nominated for Best Book Wildlife Criminology in the International Division of the American Society of Criminology |
2014 | Nominated for Best Lecturer, Best Supervisor and Best for Personal Development |
2013 | Nominated for the British Society of Criminology Book Prize |
2013 | Visiting Fellow at Australian National University |
2005 | Full PhD Studentship to the University of Kent
University of Kent, Reino Unido