Artigo em revista |
- O. Balsalobre-Ruza; J. Lillo-Box; A. M. Silva; S. Grouffal; J. Aceituno; A. Castro-González; C. Cifuentes; et al. "KOBE-1:
The first planetary system from the KOBE survey". Astronomy & Astrophysics (2025):
- Nari, N.; Dumusque, X.; Hara, N. C.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Cretignier, M.; González Hernández, J. I.; Stefanov, A. K.; et
al. "Revisiting the multi-planetary system of the nearby star HD 20794: Confirmation of a low-mass planet in the habitable
zone of a nearby G-dwarf". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2025):
- J. I. González Hernández; A. Suárez Mascareño; A. M. Silva; A. K. Stefanov; J. P. Faria; H. M. Tabernero; A. Sozzetti; et
al. "A sub-Earth-mass planet orbiting Barnard’s star". Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024):
- O. Balsalobre-Ruza; J. Lillo-Box; D. Barrado; A. C. M. Correia; J. P. Faria; P. Figueira; A. Leleu; et al. "The ¿R¿¿ project".
Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024):
- Leleu, Adrien; Delisle, Jean-Baptiste; Burn, Remo; Izidoro, André; Udry, Stéphane; Dumusque, Xavier; Lovis, Christophe; et
al. "Resonant sub-Neptunes are puffier". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2024):
- Battley, M. P.; Collins, K. A.; Ulmer-Moll, S.; Quinn, S. N.; Lendl, M.; Gill, S.; Brahm, R.; et al. "NGTS-30b/TOI-4862b:
An 1 Gyr old 98-day transiting warm Jupiter". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2024):
- André Mourato; João Faria; Rodrigo Ventura. "Automatic sunspot detection through semantic and instance segmentation approaches".
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (2024):
- Campante, T. L.; Kjeldsen, H.; Li, Y.; Lund, M. N.; Silva, A. M.; Corsaro, E.; Gomes da Silva, J.; et al. "Expanding the frontiers
of cool-dwarf asteroseismology with ESPRESSO. Detection of solar-like oscillations in the K5 dwarf ¿ Indi". Astronomy and
Astrophysics (2024):
- Stefano Cristiani; Guido Cupani; Andrea Trost; Valentina D’Odorico; Francesco Guarneri; Gaspare Lo Curto; Massimo Meneghetti;
et al. "Probing the small-scale structure of the intergalactic medium with ESPRESSO: spectroscopy of the lensed QSO UM673".
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2024):
- Cristo, E.; Esparza Borges, E.; Santos, N. C.; Demangeon, O.; Palle, E.; Psaridi, A.; Bourrier, V.; et al. "An ESPRESSO view
of the HD 189733 system. Broadband transmission spectrum, differential rotation, and system architecture". Astronomy and
Astrophysics (2024):
- Damasso, M.; Rodrigues, J.; Castro-González, A.; Lavie, B.; Davoult, J.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Dou, J.; et al. "A compact
multi-planet system transiting HIP 29442 (TOI-469) discovered by TESS and ESPRESSO. Radial velocities lead to the detection
of transits with low signal-to-noise ratio". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2023):
- Delgado Mena, E.; Gomes da Silva, J.; Faria, J. P.; Santos, N. C.; Martins, J. H.; Tsantaki, M.; Mortier, A.; Sousa, S. G.;
Lovis, C.. "Planets around evolved intermediate-mass stars. III. Planet candidates and long-term activity signals in six open
clusters". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2023):
- John, A. Anna; Collier Cameron, A.; Faria, J. P.; Mortier, A.; Wilson, T. G.; Malavolta, L.; Buchhave, L. A.; et al. "Sub-m
s-1 upper limits from a deep HARPS-N radial-velocity search for planets orbiting HD 166620 and HD 144579". Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2023):
- Standing, Matthew R.; Sairam, Lalitha; Martin, David V.; Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.; Correia, Alexandre C. M.; Coleman, Gavin
A. L.; Baycroft, Thomas A.; et al. "Radial-velocity discovery of a second planet in the TOI-1338/BEBOP-1 circumbinary system".
Nature Astronomy (2023):
- Baycroft, Thomas A.; Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.; Faria, João; Correia, Alexandre C. M.; Standing, Matthew R.. "Improving circumbinary
planet detections by fitting their binary's apsidal precession". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
- Camacho, J. D.; Faria, J. P.; Viana, P. T. P.. "Modelling stellar activity with Gaussian process regression networks". Monthly
Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2023):
- Suárez Mascareño, A.; González-Álvarez, E.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Lillo-Box, J.; Faria, J. P.; Passegger, V. M.; González
Hernández, J. I.; et al. "Two temperate Earth-mass planets orbiting the nearby star GJ 1002". Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Balsalobre-Ruza, O.; Lillo-Box, J.; Berihuete, A.; Silva, A. M.; Santos, N. C.; Castro-González, A.; Faria, J. P.; et al.
"KOBEsim: A Bayesian observing strategy algorithm for planet detection in radial velocity blind-search surveys". Astronomy
and Astrophysics (2023):
- Lillo-Box, J.; Santos, N. C.; Santerne, A.; Silva, A. M.; Barrado, D.; Faria, J.; Castro-González, A.; et al. "The KOBE experiment:
K-dwarfs Orbited By habitable Exoplanets. Project goals, target selection, and stellar characterization". Astronomy and
Astrophysics (2022):
- Allart, R.; Lovis, C.; Faria, J.; Dumusque, X.; Sosnowska, D.; Figueira, P.; Silva, A. M.; et al. "Automatic model-based telluric
correction for the ESPRESSO data reduction software. Model description and application to radial velocity computation". Astronomy
and Astrophysics (2022):
- Barros, S. C. C.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Alibert, Y.; Leleu, A.; Adibekyan, V.; Lovis, C.; Bossini, D.; et al. "HD 23472: a
multi-planetary system with three super-Earths and two potential super-Mercuries". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2022):
- Silva, A. M.; Faria, J. P.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Viana, P. T. P.; Martins, J. H. C.; Figueira, P.; et al. "A novel
framework for semi-Bayesian radial velocities through template matching". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2022):
- Faria, J. P.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Figueira, P.; Silva, A. M.; Damasso, M.; Demangeon, O.; Pepe, F.; et al. "A candidate
short-period sub-Earth orbiting Proxima Centauri". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2022):
- Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.; Standing, Matthew R.; Heidari, Neda; Martin, David V.; Boisse, Isabelle; Santerne, Alexandre; Correia,
Alexandre C. M.; et al. "BEBOP III. Observations and an independent mass measurement of Kepler-16 (AB) b - the first circumbinary
planet detected with radial velocities". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022):
- Standing, Matthew R.; Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.; Faria, João P.; Martin, David V.; Boisse, Isabelle; Correia, Alexandre C. M.;
Deleuil, Magali; et al. "BEBOP II: Sensitivity to sub-Saturn circumbinary planets using radial-velocities". Monthly Notices
of the Royal Astronomical Society (2022):
- Adibekyan, V.; Santos, N. C.; Dorn, C.; Sousa, S. G.; Hakobyan, A. A.; Bitsch, B.; Mordasini, Ch.; et al. "Composition of
super-Earths, super-Mercuries, and their host stars". Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (2021):
- Lillo-Box, J.; Faria, J. P.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Figueira, P.; Sousa, S. G.; Tabernero, H.; Lovis, C.; et al. "HD 22496
b: The first ESPRESSO stand-alone planet discovery". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2021):
- Adibekyan, Vardan; Dorn, Caroline; Sousa, Sérgio G.; Santos, Nuno C.; Bitsch, Bertram; Israelian, Garik; Mordasini, Christoph;
et al. "A compositional link between rocky exoplanets and their host stars". Science (2021):
- Demangeon, O. D. S.; Dalal, S.; Hébrard, G.; Nsamba, B.; Kiefer, F.; Camacho, J. D.; Sahlmann, J.; et al. "The SOPHIE search
for northern extrasolar planets. XVIII. Six new cold Jupiters, including one of the most eccentric exoplanet orbits". Astronomy
and Astrophysics (2021):
- Demangeon, O. D. S.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Alibert, Y.; Barros, S. C. C.; Adibekyan, V.; Tabernero, H. M.; Antoniadis-Karnavas,
A.; et al. "Warm terrestrial planet with half the mass of Venus transiting a nearby star". Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Cabona, L.; Viana, P. T. P.; Landoni, M.; Faria, J. P.. "Scheduling strategies for the ESPRESSO follow-up of TESS targets".
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2021):
- Adibekyan, V.; Santos, N. C.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Faria, J. P.; Barros, S. C. C.; Oshagh, M.; Figueira, P.; et al. "Stellar
clustering and orbital architecture of planetary systems". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2021):
- Tabernero, H. M.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Allart, R.; Borsa, F.; Casasayas-Barris, N.; Demangeon, O.; Ehrenreich, D.; et al.
"ESPRESSO high-resolution transmission spectroscopy of WASP-76 b". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2021):
- Pepe, F.; Cristiani, S.; Rebolo, R.; Santos, N. C.; Dekker, H.; Cabral, A.; Di Marcantonio, P.; et al. "ESPRESSO at VLT. On-sky
performance and first results". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2021):
- Santos, N. C.; Cristo, E.; Demangeon, O.; Oshagh, M.; Allart, R.; Barros, S. C. C.; Borsa, F.; et al. "Broadband transmission
spectroscopy of HD 209458b with ESPRESSO: evidence for Na, TiO, or both". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2020):
- Damasso, M.; Sozzetti, A.; Lovis, C.; Barros, S. C. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Demangeon, O. D. S.; Faria, J. P.; et al. "A precise
architecture characterization of the p Mensae planetary system". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2020):
- Lillo-Box, J.; Figueira, P.; Leleu, A.; Acuña, L.; Faria, J. P.; Hara, N.; Santos, N. C.; et al. "Planetary system LHS 1140
revisited with ESPRESSO and TESS". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2020):
- Adibekyan, V.; Sousa, S. G.; Santos, N. C.; Figueira, P.; Allende Prieto, C.; Delgado Mena, E.; González Hernández, J. I.;
et al. "Benchmark stars, benchmark spectrographs. Detailed spectroscopic comparison of ESPRESSO, PEPSI, and HARPS data for
Gaia benchmark stars". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2020):
- Suárez Mascareño, A.; Faria, J. P.; Figueira, P.; Lovis, C.; Damasso, M.; González Hernández, J. I.; Rebolo, R.; et al. "Revisiting
Proxima with ESPRESSO". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2020):
- Hojjatpanah, S.; Oshagh, M.; Figueira, P.; Santos, N. C.; Amazo-Gómez, E. M.; Sousa, S. G.; Adibekyan, V.; et al. "The correlation
between photometric variability and radial velocity jitter. Based on TESS and HARPS observations". Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Faria, J. P.; Adibekyan, V.; Amazo-Gómez, E. M.; Barros, S. C. C.; Camacho, J. D.; Demangeon, O.; Figueira, P.; et al. "Decoding
the radial velocity variations of HD 41248 with ESPRESSO". Astronomy & Astrophysics 635 (2020): A13.
Publicado • 10.1051/0004-6361/201936389
- Akinsanmi, B.; Santos, N. C.; Faria, J. P.; Oshagh, M.; Barros, S. C. C.; Santerne, A.; Charnoz, S.. "Can planetary rings
explain the extremely low density of HIP 41378 f?". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2020):
- Serrano, L. M.; Oshagh, M.; Cegla, H. M.; Barros, S. C. C.; Santos, N. C.; Faria, J. P.; Akinsanmi, B.. "Can we detect the
stellar differential rotation of WASP-7 through the Rossiter-McLaughlin observations?". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society (2020):
- Nelson, Benjamin E.; Ford, Eric B.; Buchner, Johannes; Cloutier, Ryan; Díaz, Rodrigo F.; Faria, João P.; Hara, Nathan C.;
Rajpaul, Vinesh M.; Rukdee, Surangkhana. "Quantifying the Bayesian Evidence for a Planet in Radial Velocity Data". The
Astronomical Journal (2020):
- Barros, S. C. C.; Demangeon, O.; Díaz, R. F.; Cabrera, J.; Santos, N. C.; Faria, J. P.; Pereira, F.. "Improving transit characterisation
with Gaussian process modelling of stellar variability". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2020):
- Lopez, T. A.; Barros, S. C. C.; Santerne, A.; Deleuil, M.; Adibekyan, V.; Almenara, J. -M.; Armstrong, D. J.; et al. "Exoplanet
characterisation in the longest known resonant chain: the K2-138 system seen by HARPS". Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Pereira, Filipe; Campante, Tiago L.; Cunha, Margarida S.; Faria, João P.; Santos, Nuno C.; Barros, Susana C. C.; Demangeon,
Olivier; Kuszlewicz, James S.; Corsaro, Enrico. "Gaussian process modelling of granulation and oscillations in red giant stars".
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2019):
- Ulmer-Moll, S.; Santos, N. C.; Figueira, P.; Brinchmann, J.; Faria, J. P.. "Beyond the exoplanet mass-radius relation". Astronomy
and Astrophysics (2019):
- Sousa, Sérgio G.; Adibekyan, Vardan; Santos, Nuno C.; Mortier, Annelies; Barros, Susana C. C.; Delgado-Mena, Elisa; Demangeon,
Olivier; et al. "The metallicity-period-mass diagram of low-mass exoplanets". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society (2019):
- Barbato, D.; Sozzetti, A.; Biazzo, K.; Malavolta, L.; Santos, N. C.; Damasso, M.; Lanza, A. F.; et al. "The GAPS Programme
with HARPS-N at TNG. XVIII. Two new giant planets around the metal-poor stars HD 220197 and HD 233832". Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Oshagh, M.; Triaud, A. H. M. J.; Burdanov, A.; Figueira, P.; Reiners, A.; Santos, N. C.; Faria, J.; et al. "Activity induced
variation in spin-orbit angles as derived from Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2018):
- Delgado Mena, E.; Lovis, C.; Santos, N. C.; Gomes da Silva, J.; Mortier, A.; Tsantaki, M.; Sousa, S. G.; et al. "Planets around
evolved intermediate-mass stars. II. Are there really planets around IC 4651 No. 9122, NGC 2423 No. 3, and NGC 4349 No. 127?".
Astronomy and Astrophysics (2018):
- Gomes da Silva, João; Figueira, Pedro; Santos, Nuno; Faria, João. "ACTIN: A tool to calculate stellar activity indices". The
Journal of Open Source Software (2018):
- Sousa, S. G.; Adibekyan, V.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Santos, N. C.; Andreasen, D. T.; Ferreira, A. C. S.; Tsantaki, M.; et al. "SWEET-Cat
updated. New homogenous spectroscopic parameters". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2018):
- Lillo-Box, J.; Leleu, A.; Parviainen, H.; Figueira, P.; Mallonn, M.; Correia, A. C. M.; Santos, N. C.; et al. "The TROY project.
II. Multi-technique constraints on exotrojans in nine planetary systems". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2018):
- Delgado Mena, E.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Figueira, P.; González Hernández, J. I.; Santos, N. C.; Tsantaki, M.; Sousa, S. G.; et
al. "Chemical Abundances of Neutron-capture Elements in Exoplanet-hosting Stars". Publications of the Astronomical Society
of the Pacific (2018):
- Martins, J. H. C.; Figueira, P.; Santos, N. C.; Melo, C.; Muñoz, A. Garcia; Faria, J.; Pepe, F.; Lovis, C.. "Recovering the
colour-dependent albedo of exoplanets with high-resolution spectroscopy: from ESPRESSO to the ELT". Monthly Notices of
the Royal Astronomical Society (2018):
- Faria, J. P.; Santos, N. C.; Figueira, P.; Brewer, B. J.. "kima: Exoplanet detection in radial velocities". The Journal
of Open Source Software (2018):
- Santerne, A.; Brugger, B.; Armstrong, D. J.; Adibekyan, V.; Lillo-Box, J.; Gosselin, H.; Aguichine, A.; et al. "An Earth-sized
exoplanet with a Mercury-like composition". Nature Astronomy (2018):
- Lillo-Box, J.; Barrado, D.; Figueira, P.; Leleu, A.; Santos, N. C.; Correia, A. C. M.; Robutel, P.; Faria, J. P.. "The TROY
project: Searching for co-orbital bodies to known planets. I. Project goals and first results from archival radial velocity".
Astronomy and Astrophysics (2018):
- Santos, Nuno C.; Faria, João P.. "Exoplanetary Science: An Overview". (2018):
- Barros, Susana; Faria, João P.. "Tutorial: Detecting Planetary Transits and Radial-Velocity Signals". (2018):
- Santos, N. C.; Adibekyan, V.; Dorn, C.; Mordasini, C.; Noack, L.; Barros, S. C. C.; Delgado-Mena, E.; et al. "Constraining
planet structure and composition from stellar chemistry: trends in different stellar populations". (2017):
- Barros, S. C. C.; Gosselin, H.; Lillo-Box, J.; Bayliss, D.; Delgado Mena, E.; Brugger, B.; Santerne, A.; et al. "Precise masses
for the transiting planetary system HD 106315 with HARPS". (2017):
- Serrano, L. M.; Barros, S. C. C.; Oshagh, M.; Santos, N. C.; Faria, J. P.; Demangeon, O.; Sousa, S. G.; Lendl, M.. "Distinguishing
the albedo of exoplanets from stellar activity". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2017):
- Oshagh, M.; Santos, N. C.; Figueira, P.; Barros, S. C. C.; Donati, J. -F.; Adibekyan, V.; Faria, J. P.; et al. "Understanding
stellar activity-induced radial velocity jitter using simultaneous K2 photometry and HARPS RV measurements". Astronomy
and Astrophysics (2017):
- Santos, N. C.; Adibekyan, V.; Figueira, P.; Andreasen, D. T.; Barros, S. C. C.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Demangeon, O.; et al. "Observational
evidence for two distinct giant planet populations". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2017):
- Faria, J.. "The power of Gaussian processes as models for stellar activity". (2017):
- Adibekyan, V.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Figueira, P.; Sousa, S. G.; Santos, N. C.; González Hernández, J. I.; Minchev, I.; et al.
"Abundance trend with condensation temperature for stars with different Galactic birth places". Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Figueira, P.; Santerne, A.; Suárez Mascareño, A.; Gomes da Silva, J.; Abe, L.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Bendjoya, P.; et al. "Is
the activity level of HD 80606 influenced by its eccentric planet?". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2016):
- Santos, N. C.; Santerne, A.; Faria, J. P.; Rey, J.; Correia, A. C. M.; Laskar, J.; Udry, S.; et al. "An extreme planetary
system around HD 219828. One long-period super Jupiter to a hot-Neptune host star". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2016):
- Adibekyan, V.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Figueira, P.; Sousa, S. G.; Santos, N. C.; Faria, J. P.; González Hernández, J. I.; et al.
"¿2 Reticuli, its debris disk, and its lonely stellar companion ¿1 Ret. Different Tc trends
for different spectra". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2016):
- Adibekyan, V.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Figueira, P.; Sousa, S. G.; Santos, N. C.; Faria, J. P.; Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I.; et al.
"$\zeta^2$ Ret, its debris disk, and its lonely stellar companion $\zeta^1$ Ret. Different $T_{\mathrm{c}}$ trends for different
spectra". (2016):
- Faria, J. P.; Santos, N. C.; Figueira, P.; Mortier, A.; Dumusque, X.; Boisse, I.; Lo Curto, G.; et al. "The HARPS search for
southern extra-solar planets. XL. Searching for Neptunes around metal-poor stars". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2016):
- Figueira, P.; Faria, J. P.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Oshagh, M.; Santos, N. C.. "A pragmatic Bayesian perspective on correlation
analysis: The exoplanetary gravity - stellar activity case". Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere (2016):
- Mortier, A.; Faria, J. P.; Santos, N. C.; Rajpaul, V.; Figueira, P.; Boisse, I.; Collier Cameron, A.; et al. "The HARPS search
for southern extra-solar planets. XXXIX. HD 175607, the most metal-poor G dwarf with an orbiting sub-Neptune". (2016):
- Faria, J. P.; Haywood, R. D.; Brewer, B. J.; Figueira, P.; Oshagh, M.; Santerne, A.; Santos, N. C.. "Uncovering the planets
and stellar activity of CoRoT-7 using only radial velocities". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2016):
- Adibekyan, V.; Figueira, P.; Santos, N. C.; Sousa, S. G.; Faria, J. P.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Oshagh, M.; et al. "Identifying
the best iron-peak and a-capture elements for chemical tagging: The impact of the number of lines on measured scatter". Astronomy
and Astrophysics (2015):
- Mortier, A.; Faria, J. P.; Correia, C. M.; Santerne, A.; Santos, N. C.. "BGLS: A Bayesian formalism for the generalised Lomb-Scargle
periodogram". (2015):
- Martins, J. H. C.; Santos, N. C.; Figueira, P.; Faria, J. P.; Montalto, M.; Boisse, I.; Ehrenreich, D.; et al. "Evidence for
a spectroscopic direct detection of reflected light from 51 Pegasi b". (2015):
- Figueira, Pedro; Humberto, Jorge; Faria, João. "LineProf: Line Profile Indicators". (2015):
- Figueira, P.; Faria, J. P.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Sousa, S. G.; Santos, N. C.; Israelian, G.. "Exoplanet hosts
reveal lithium depletion. Results from a homogeneous statistical analysis". (2014):
- Verma, Kuldeep; Faria, João P.; Antia, H. M.; Basu, Sarbani; Mazumdar, Anwesh; Monteiro, Mário J. P. F. G.; Appourchaux, Thierry;
et al. "Asteroseismic Estimate of Helium Abundance of a Solar Analog Binary System". (2014):
- Santos, N. C.; Mortier, A.; Faria, J. P.; Dumusque, X.; Adibekyan, V. Zh.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Figueira, P.; et al. "The HARPS
search for southern extra-solar planets. XXXV. The interesting case of HD 41248: stellar activity, no planets?". (2014):
- Faria, J. P.; Monteiro, M. J. P. F. G.. "On the possibility of using seismic probes to study the core composition in pulsating
white dwarfs". (2012):