In 1995 I graduated (4 year degree) in Marine Biology and Fisheries at University of Algarve. My gradation end with the presentation of a thesis that was developed in Portuguese Institute of Fisheries research (IPMA-IPIMAR) that focus on the ecological impact and selectivity of dredge gears. Due to my capabilities as young research I was invited to work as researcher at Portuguese Institute of Fisheries research (IPMA-IPIMAR). There, I have worked as benthic ecologist and after in studies related to fishing ecology/biology, small scale fishing etc. I didn’t stop to invest in my research carer. Therefore, I post-graduate in Geographical Information Systems in 2003 at "Universidade Nova de Lisboa". Latter I did the master’s in marine Ecology (2004) in University of Coimbra and award PhD in Marine sciences and Populations Dynamic (fisheries sciences) in 2009 at university of Algarve. After the PhD I was invited to work in UNESCO-International Center of ECOHYDROLOGY as coordinator of the scientific area. This position as allow me to enrich my perception about Climate Change and fisheries, team leadership, science extension to broad society and work at multidisciplinary groups. In 2010 I award a international post-doc (CCMAR-UALG & Institute of Marine Research, Norway) and in 2016 a 2nd international postdoc (CCMAR & University of Vancouver) both on these related to fisheries and the role of Climate change in fisheries impact. In 2017 I start to work as researcher at University of Algarve where I was also invited to lecture several disciplines in Marine Biology/ecology and fisheries. Given my scientific trajectory I become skilful on geospatial-databases, data mining, geo-statistical tools, time-series analysis, ecological modelling, stock assessment. Currently my research is focus on the assessment of climate change in fisheries and fisheries ecology and biology. I aimed to evaluate the ecological and socio-economic vulnerability of climate change in marine systems/communities and socio-economic systems. Presently I also focus my research on artisanal coastal and estuarine fisheries, including socioeconomic of fisheries communities. I participated in 38 projects (scientific, technical), organized courses (4), conferences, participated in 35 advanced scientific courses, posters (40) and oral presentations (57) in international/national conferences. I am currently the PI(co-PI) of several ongoing projects. In 2017 I was invited to become leader group of ECOREACH at CCMAR (https://www.ccmar.ualg.pt/en/list/grid_groupleaders). I published more than 80 indexed papers (H=20), 5 as single authors, I have edit special issue/s in several journals and I have produced several technical-scientific reports (34). I am a reviewer of several journals (24). I have been enrolled in multi consultancy works also and in outreach scientific activities for specific target audiences (fisheries) and other stakeholder (municipality, industry, society). I have contributed to divulgate my/institutional research at different media levels, TV, radio, magazines etc. During my career I supervise Undergraduate students (14), master (16); phd(6) and postdocs (4).

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Francisco Leitão

Nomes de citação

  • Leitão, Francisco

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID


Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Agrárias - Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pescas
  • Ciências Agrárias - Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pescas - Pescas
  • Ciências Agrárias - Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pescas - Pescas


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Grau Classificação
2020/03/09 - 2020/03/12
2020 - Advance course: Stock Assessment With Generalized Depletion Models Combined With Population Dynamics Models. Centre of Marine Science ¿ University of Algarve, 9-12 March 2020 (28 hours) (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Especialização em Fisheries Stock Asssessment
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2020/01/20 - 2020/01/24
2020 - Advance course: “Intensive course on niche ecological maps”. Centre of Marine Science – University of Algarve, 20-24 January 2020 (45 hours). Lectured by Prof. Dr. Fernando Cánovas, ‘Universidad Catolica de Murcia, UCAM’ (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Especialização em Niche Ecological Maps
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2016/07/01 - 2018/10/31
PostDoc1 - Trends in Portuguese coastal fisheries landings: the role of hydrological parameters, oceanographic features and fisheries variables (Pós-doutoramento)
Especialização em Trends in Portuguese coastal fisheries landings: the role of hydrological parameters, oceanographic features and fisheries variables
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018 - CAL-Aqua - Laboratory Animal Science Course. Professional training Certificate (Dec. Reg. N. 35/2002) - 2 -6 Julho de 2018, UALG (Outros)
Especialização em Anima welfere
SPCAL- Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório, Portugal
2017 - Intensive trainning on Species distribution modeling (DEA)
Especialização em geo-statistics
The University of British Columbia Faculty of Science, Canadá
PostDoc2 - Assess the impacts of climate change on key fisheries and species in Portugal (Pós-doutoramento)
Especialização em General Domain: Earth Sciences Scientific domain: Climatic & Fisheries Sciences.
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2016 - Presentation skills: Speaking enthusiastically in front of a group. 2nd Mares Conference workshop 2016 (Outros)
Especialização em Advance formation in Presentation skills
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2016 – Laboratory animal Science course (SPCAL- Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório): Animal welfare. Theoretical course (Outros)
Especialização em Animal welfare
SPCAL- Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório, Portugal
2014 – R-Course (advance): Revolution V: quantitative ecology and spatial prediction of species distribution (Outros)
Especialização em Geo-statistics
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
Auxiliar Fishermen cedule - Professional Fisherman license, Category 2. (Outros)
Especialização em Professional Fisherman license, Category 2.
Secretaria de Estado das Pescas, Portugal
2012 – Trainin course: Time-series analysis in marine science and applications for industry. 2-day training course, R-Course (17-18 Sep). (Diplôme d´études supérieures)
Especialização em Statistics
Europolemer, França
2011 - Advanced GIS course (as assistance and lecture of the course also): Practical ecological modelling and analysis for coastal and marine management 11-13 July. Lectured by Dr. Jason Roberts (Duke University) & Francisco Leitão (CCMAR, ECOREACH) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2011 - Certificate of formation in the areas of Biology, nature and Environmental sciences aiming to lecture continuously formation to school professors (Certificate by Portuguese Scientific Pedagogic council) (Outros)
Especialização em Pedagogic
Conselho Científico-Pedagógico de Formação Contínua _ Ministerio da Educação, Portugal
Ciências do Mar e Ambiente (Doutoramento)
Especialização em Fisheries Sciencies - Population Dynamics
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
"Algarve artificial reefs fish assemblages and trophic ecology: implications for the local near shore fisheries" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Muito Bom; Very Good
2009 - Advanced course: Sampling and analysis of freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates and diatoms (in English). 6-9 April. lectured by Dr. Maria João Feio (IMAR-CIC) in University of Coimbra. (Outros)
Especialização em freshwater ecology
Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2009 - Workshop “Métodos e Técnicas para a elaboração de projectos participativos caso de estudo: Comunidades piscatórias “ . 26-27 June. University of Algarve. In English: “Methods and Techniques for elaboration, development and implementation of (Outros)
Especialização em fisheries co-managment
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2008 - Advanced Stock assessment course (27-03-08 to 02-04-08): “Age based stock assessment: A data rich method, a dismal management track record!” lectured by Dr. Einar Hjörleifsson, (United Nations University, Marine Research Institute, Iceland) in (Outros)
Especialização em Stock assessment
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2006 - “Analysing Biological and Environmental Data – Using multivariate analysis” – Course held on University of Algarve, Faro, from 08-12 May by DR. Alain F. Zur (Outros)
Especialização em Statistics
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2005 – Certificate of Pedagogic Skills recognised by the Portuguese Centre of Employment and Professional Ability. (Título de Habilitação de Coordenação Científica)
Especialização em 2005 – Certificate of Pedagogic Skills recognised by the Portuguese Centre of Employment and Professional Ability.
Instituto de emprego e formação profissional, Portugal
2005 – “Analysing Biological and Environmental Data – Using Univariate Methods” – Course held on University of Algarve, Faro, from 23-27 May by DR. Alain F. Zur (Outros)
Especialização em Statistics
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
Ecologia (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Estudo comparativo da mortalidade induzida pela faca de mariscar e draga de mão na comunidade macrobentónica associada aos bancos de pesca do berbigão (Cerastoderma edule, L. 1758)" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Muito bom; Very Good
Tecnologias de Informação geográficas (Pós-Graduação)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação, Portugal
"Nao se aplica" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
2003 - Advanced course: GIS application II (Classification: 13 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
13 out of 20
2003 – Advanced course: Remote sensing (Classification: 12 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em Marine Ecology
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
12 out of 20
2003 – Advanced course: GIS Organization (Classification: 14 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
14 out of 20
2003 - Advanced course: GIS: Geo-spatial Data Mining (Classification: 12 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
12 out of 20
2003 - Advanced course: GIS: Geo-spatial Data Mining (Classification: 12 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2003 – Advanced course: GIS Modelling (Classification: 15 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
15 out of 20
2003 – Advanced course: Acquisition, source and quality of data (Classification: 16 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
16 out of 20
2002 – Advanced course: GIS application I (Classification: 13 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
13 out of 20
2002 - Advanced course: Databases (Classification: 14 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
14 out of 20
2002 - Advanced course: Geo-Spatial Data: Models and operations (Classification: 16 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
16 out of 20
2002 – Advanced course: Science and geographic information systems: an introduction (Classification: 16 out of 20). University of Lisbon (ISEGI-UNL) (Outros)
Especialização em GIS
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
16 out of 20
2001 - Advanced course: Principles of Pollution Abatement – Integration ecology with industry towards a sustainable society, 90 hours (Classification: 17 out of 20) (Outros)
Especialização em Marine Ecology
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
17 out of 20
2001 - Advanced course: Plant – Animal Interactions, 81h. (Classification: 16 out of 20) (Outros)
Especialização em Marine Ecology
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
16 out of 20
2001 – Advanced course “Modelling: Approaches and Attitudes”, Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science, Sea sciences Centre (CCMAR) of the University of Algarve (Outros)
Especialização em Marine Ecology
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2000 - 2000
2000 – Certificate jury/Commissioner of big game fishing, graduated Commissioner by the Portuguese Federation on Big-Game-fishing (Outros)
Especialização em 2000 – Certificate jury/Commissioner of big game fishing, graduated Commissioner by the Portuguese Federation on Big-Game-fishing
Portuguese Federation on Big-Game-fishing, Portugal
2000 – Advanced course: Bio-statistical Analysis and Experimental Design, 60h. (Classification: 18 out 20) (Outros)
Especialização em Bio-statistical Analysis and Experimental Design
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
18 out 20
2000 - Advanced course: Ecological Modelling, 70h. (Classification: 18 out of 20) (Outros)
Especialização em Marine Ecology
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
18 out of 20
2000 - Advanced course: Ecological Modelling, 70h. (Classification: 18 out of 20) (Outros)
Especialização em Marine Ecology
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
18 out of 20
1999 - 1999
1999 – Recreational Skipper (motor and sailing; up to 49 feet and 12 miles from the coast) (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Especialização em 1999 – Recreational Skipper (motor and sailing; up to 49 feet and 12 miles from the coast)
Federação Portuguesa de Actividades Subaquáticas, Portugal
Biologia Marinha e Pescas, Ramo Pescas (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
"Estudo da Selectividade da Ganchorra Utilizada na Zona Ocidental Norte para a captura de amêijoa-branca (Spisula solida, Linnaeus, 1758 e Spisula elliptica, Brown, 1827). Efeito induzido pela arte na macrofauna bentónica (Mortalidade indirecta)." (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
15, Good
1998 - 1998
POPA - Fishery observer and data collection onboard Tuna boats in Azores (Diploma de especialização)
Especialização em Fishery observer and data collection onboard Tuna boats in Azores
Departamento de Oceonografia e Pescas, Portugal
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2018/10/24 - Atual Investigador principal (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
1998/01/01 - 2007/12/31 Investigador (Investigação) Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera Olhão, Portugal
IPMA-IPIMAR - Portuguese Fisheries Research Institute, Portugal

Cargos e Funções

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2017/01/01 - Atual ECOREACH group leader - https://ccmar.ualg.pt/en/list/grid_groupleaders Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2010 - 2018/10/23 PosDoc - Climate change and Fisheries; General Domain: Earth Sciences Scientific domain: Climatic & Fisheries Sciences. Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2009/01/01 - 2010/06/30 Researcher responsable for Scientific area of UNESCO Algarve Regional ICCH Centre International Center of Coastal Ecohydrology-UNESCO, Portugal
2008/01/01 - 2008/12/31 Holds a scholarship investigation grant in University of Algarve; development of data bases, data treatment; writing and publishing scientific articles regarding coastal fisheries Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2024/01/01 - Atual FONDECYT Regular 1240288: The influence of upwelling on tissue biomolecules and thermal performance of coastal species, as modulators of trophic interactions in a warming ocean
FONDECYT Regular 1240288
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
FONDECYT Regular 1240288
Em curso
2018 - Atual COST Action CA15217. Title: Ocean Governance for Sustainability - challenges, options and the role of science (OceaGov)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
European Cooperation in Science and Technology
Em curso
2011 - Atual Pre-implementation environmental impact study regarding the effect of deployment a logline bivalve offshore farming on marine communities, sediments and water proprieties
AquaSacrum Lda
AquaSacrum Lda
2008 - Atual 2008 – SELECT-PAL: “Pescaria nacional de palangre de superfície dirigida ao espadarte (Xiphias gladius) e tubarões pelágicos no Atlântico. PNAB - EU/PIDDAC”. English - National longline surface fishing targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and pelagic sharks in the Atlantic
2023/06/01 - 2029/05/31 Climate-mediated shifts in marine resources: an eco-socio-economic approach to assess vulnerability of fisheries to Climate Change.
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2021/01/01 - 2025/12/31 Centre for Marine and Environmental Research
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2023/03/01 - 2024/08/31 SEARM-FIT:Socioeconomic artificial reef monitoring: fisheries interaction with tourism
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2021/08/01 - 2024/08/31 São Tome and Príncipe little fish threatened - a big opportunity to unravel this fishery resource in tropical islands.
FCT-AGAKHAN / 541718158 / 2019
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2020/06 - 2023/12 CLIMA-PESCA - Vulnerabilidade do setor das pescas às mudanças climáticas: medidas de adaptação; CLIMA-PESCA - Vulnerability of the fisheries sector to climate change: adaptation measures
Projeto MAR-01.03.02-FEAMP-0052 "CLIMAPESCA
2020/02/01 - 2022/12/31 2020-2023 - FONDECYT-1200813 - "Algae-Herbivore Interactions Modulated By Upwelling In The Context Of Global Warming". Fondecy (Conicyt FONDECYT Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
Em curso
2018/04/01 - 2022/12/31 CLIMFISH-A framework for assess vulnerability of coastal fisheries to climate change in Portuguese coast
02/SAICT/2017 - SAICT (Projetos de IC&DT) nº 028518
Projeto ID&T Copromoção Portugal 2020
Em curso
2018/07/01 - 2022/12/27 Análise da vulnerabilidade da pesca costeira às mudanças climáticas na costa Portuguesa
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2018/02 - 2021/03 CRUSTAPANHA - Contributo para a gestão sustentada da pequena pesca de CRUSTACEOS (pequenos caranguejos): Estudo da ecologia, biologia e dinâmica populacional dos pequenos caranguejos com interesse comercial existentes ao longo da costa Portuguesa
Projeto n.º 16-01-04-FMP-0005
Projeto n.º 16-01-04-FMP-0005
MAR2020: Proteção e Restauração da Biodiversidade e dos Ecossistemas Marinhos Portaria nº118/2016, de 29/04 (Artigo 4.º alínea c - Contribuição para um melhor gestão ou conservação dos recursos biológicos marinhos)
2018/02 - 2021 LUANDAWATERFRONT-Luanda Bay ecological assessment - a waterfront based approach to reduce environmental risks and increase quality of life
Reference Proposal:333191101
National Science Foundation
2018 - 2021 BIOFISH-QoL Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) under climate change treats.
Reference Proposal:330785505
Investigador responsável
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
FCT- Portuguese national funding agency for science, research and technology
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Centre of Marine Sciences
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 CCMAR Base funding
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015 - 2019 MINOUW - Science, Technology And Society Initiative To Minimize Unwanted Catches In European Fisheries
EU H2020 RIA project addressing topic SFS-9-2014
EU H2020 RIA project addressing topic SFS-9-2014
2016 - 2018 JELLYFISHERIES - Towards an integrated approach to enhance predictive accuracy of jellyfish impact on coastal marine ecosystems
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015 - 2016 SWAMO - Sowing Water in Monchique Mountain”
Programme AdaPT
Programme AdaPT
2011/09/12 - 2015/06/30 IMPACTO - Desenvolvimento de um modelo integrado de previsão dos factores bióticos e abióticos de habitats ribeirinhos para a aplicação em investigação sobre alterações climáticas e em gestão da água
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal

Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2013 - 2014 MOFETA - Investigating the ecological effects of ocean acidification in shallow water volcanic CO2 vents of the Azores
Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
2009 - 2014 Developing an Integrated Model to Predict Abiotic Habitat Conditions and Biota of Rivers Application in Climate Change Research and Water Management - IMPACT
ERA-Net IWRM-Net European Programme
2010/01/01 - 2013/12/31 FREEZE - Descargas de água doce em meio marinho: caracterização e avaliação do impacto nos ecossistemas costeiros do Algarve
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, Portugal

Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009 - 2010 Ecological classification of Algarve streams (UNESCO-Centre of Coastal Ecohydrology)
Environmental Protection Agency - ARH-Algarve
Environmental Protection Agency
2009 - 2010 Development and harmonization by Portugal and Spain of new indicators and common methodologies for the implementation ofthe Water Framework Directive in transitional and coastal waters of the Guadiana”
2008 - 2010 FREEZE - Submarine FREshwater dischargEs: characteriZation and Evaluation study on their impact on the Algarve coastal ecosystem
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
2008 - 2010 Environmental impact Assessment of used cooling water from Natural Gaz production plant on adjacent coastal zone (3 years consultancy
REN – National Electric Network
2006 - 2008 2002 - 2004 – INTERREG III-A, GESTPESCA I “Bases científicas para a gestão de pescarias litorais”. English - Scientific bases for the management of common coastal fisheries
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera Olhão, Portugal
2003 - 2008 2004-2008 – Full time participation within the Project MARE “Implantação e estudo integrado de sistemas recifais” - INIAP-IPIMAR/MARE-QCA III. English - Implementation and integrated study of artificial reef systems
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2005 - 2007 2005 - 2007 – INTERREG III-A, GESTPESCA II “Bases científicas para a gestão de pescarias litorais”. English - Scientific bases for the management of common coastal fisheries
1995 - 2005 Estudo dos Bivalves de Interesse Económico do Litoral Oceânico Algarvio
2002 - 2004 IMPACT - Impacto dos Recifes Artificiais na costa do Algarve
2001 - 2002 Impacte da pesca de berbigão com draga de mão e faca de mariscar sobre a comunidade macrobentónica da Ria Formosa
Founded by PIDDAC
Founded by ¿ PIDDAC
2001 - 2002 Impacte da pesca de berbigão com draga de mão e faca de mariscar sobre a comunidade macrobentónica da Ria Formosa
Founded by – PIDDAC
Founded by – PIDDAC
1999 - 2002 Fantared II - A study to identify, quantify and ameliorate the impacts of static gear lost at sea
2000 - 2001 IMPACTO "Assessing the Impact of Bivalve Fisheries on the Benthic Ecosystems of the Ria Formosa Lagoon (Portugal), Venice Lagoon (Italy) and Aegean Sea (Kavala - Greece
EC/DG XIV - Nº 062/99
EC/DG XIV - Nº 062/99
1999 - 2000 Hake Set Gears Fisheries in Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic waters
DG XIV Study Contract no. 97/ 0064
EU study contract ; 97/0064


Designação Financiadores
2020 - Atual Assessing the role of the Bons Sinais estuary as a nursery for fish species of socio-economic interest
2021/02/16 - 2022/12/31 Deployment of the Marine Artificial Reef in São Tomé and Príncipe for fisheries enhancement
MARAPA & TaTô ONGSs, São Tomé e Príncipe
Em curso


Artigo em boletim informativo
  1. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão, F., V. Baptista, K. Erzini, D. Iritani and D. Zeller. 2014 (invited by Dr. Daniel Pauly). 2014. Reconstruction of mainland Portugal fisheries catches 1950-2010 Working Paper Series, University of British Columbia, 8: 29pp", Working Paper Series, University of British Columbia, 2014, http://www.seaaroundus.org/doc/publications/wp/2014/Leitao-et-al-Portugal.pdf.
  2. Leitão, Francisco; Miguel Baptista Gaspar (INIAP-IPIMAR/CRIPSUL). "Baptista MB & Leitão, F (2004) Introdução de uma nova tipologia de ganchorra na pescaria de bivalves; Rapala-Shimano. Vol.1. 12-16pp", Rapala-Shimano, 2004, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338148989_Introducao_de_uma_nova_tipologia_de_ganchorra_na_pescaria_de_bivalves.
Artigo em conferência
  1. Fernandes, J. F.; Carrara, Gabriela; Terrinha, Pedro; Sousa, Fátima; Leitão, Francisco; Loureiro, Marisa; Roque, C.; et al. "Descargas do Sistema Aquífero Albufeira-Ribeira de Quarteira em Meio Marinho ¿ Métodos e Cartografia". Trabalho apresentado em 10º Seminário sobre Águas Subterrâneas, Évora, 2015.
  2. Leitão, Francisco. "Judite Fernandes, Gabriela Carrara, Pedro Terrinha, Fátima Sousa, Francisco Leitão, Marisa Loureiro, Cristina Roque, João Noiva, Dmitri Boutov, Pedro Range, Amélia Dill, Costa Almeida. 2015. Descargas do sistema aquífero Albufeira-Ribeira de Quarteira em meio marinho - Métodos e cartografia. 41-44. 10.º SEMINÁRIO SOBRE ÁGUAS SUBTERRÂNEAS. Évora, 9 e 1 0 de abril de 2015 | Universidade de Évora LIV". Évora, 2015.
  3. Sousa, Fátima; Carrara, Gabriela; Fernandes, Judite; Boutov, Dmitri; Loureiro, Marisa; Leitão, Francisco; Range, Pedro; Machado, A. "Descargas de Águas Subterrâneas na região dos Olhos de Água-alguns resultados das campanhas CTD". Trabalho apresentado em 8ª Assembleia Luso-Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica (8ª ALEGG), Évora, 2014.
  4. Leitão, Francisco. "Submarine Groundwater Discharges at Olhos de Água area, Algarve – some results of the CTD surveys". Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings da 8ª Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica, Évora, 2014.
  5. Carrara, Gabriela; Fernandes, Judite; Terrinha, Pedro; Amaral, Helena; Gonçalves, João Noiva; Duarte, Henrique; Costa, Augusto Marques da; et al. "Investigação das descargas de águas subterrâneas em meio marinho : uma abordagem multidisciplinar (Projecto FREEZE)". 2012.
  6. Range, Pedro; Marta Martins; Sara Cabral; Piló, David; Ben-Hamadou, Radhouane; Chícharo, Maria Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco; et al. "Composition and diversity of infaunal macrobenthic assemblages under increased pCO2 and reduced pH.". Trabalho apresentado em Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World, Monterey, 2012.
  7. Leitão, Francisco; FONSECA, LUÍS CANCELA DA. "Macrozoobentos e ambiente sedimentar da Lagoa de Óbidos (Costa Oeste de Portugal): um estudo de referência". Trabalho apresentado em Actas do 1º Seminário sobre Sistemas Lagunares Costeiros, Vila Nova de Santo André, Vila Nova de Santo André, 2004.
Artigo em revista
  1. João N. Monteiro; Rubén Roa-Ureta; Andreia Ovelheiro; Maria Alexandra Teodósio; Francisco Leitão. "Sustainable Harvesting Alone Cannot Prevent Decline of the Green Crab Fishery in Portugal". Fisheries Management and Ecology (2024): https://doi.org/10.1111/fme.12777.
  2. Mocuba, Jeremias J.; Costa, Eudriano F.S.; Mualeque, Daniel Oliveira; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. "Characterising different artisanal fishing gears catches that operate in distinct habitats to assess ichthyofauna assemblages in Bons Sinais estuary, Mozambique". Regional Studies in Marine Science 76 (2024): 103592. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103592.
  3. Jorge Palma; Miguel Correia; Francisco Leitão; José Pedro Andrade. "Temperature Effects on Growth Performance, Fecundity and Survival of Hippocampus guttulatus". Diversity (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/d16120719.
  4. Manuessa, Bonifácio Carlitos; Cuinhane, Calmila J. O.; Borges, Teresa Cerveira; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. "Socioeconomic Importance of the Small-Scale Mud Crab Fishing (Scylla Serrata, Forskall 1775) in the Bons Sinais Estuary—Mozambique". Sustainability 16 5 (2024): 1874. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su16051874.
  5. Ramos, Jorge; Drakeford, Benjamin; Madiedo, Ana; Costa, Joana; Leitão, Francisco. "A Bayesian Approach to Infer the Sustainable Use of Artificial Reefs in Fisheries and Recreation". Sustainability 16 2 (2024): 810. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su16020810.
  6. Monteiro, João N.; Ovelheiro, Andreia; Pinto, Miguel; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. "Reproductive traits of the African mud crab (Panopeus africanus) on the South Portuguese coast". Regional Studies in Marine Science 69 (2024): 103339. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2023.103339.
  7. Leitão, Francisco; Monteiro, João N.; Cabral, Pedro; Teodósio, Maria A.; Roa-Ureta, Ruben H.; Leitão, Francisco; Monteiro, João N.; Teodósio, Alexandra M.. "Revealing the role of crab as bait in octopus fishery: An ecological and fishing approach to support management decisions". Marine Policy 158 (2023): 105878. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105878.
  8. Ovelheiro, Andreia; Monteiro, João; Patrícia Gonçalves; Marco António Campinho; Maia, Francisco; Teodósio, Maria A.; Leitão, Francisco; et al. "Macro and microscopic maturation stage key of green crab (Carcinus maenas, Linnaeus 1758): Reproductive cycle and differences among estuarine systems". Fisheries Research 268 (2023): 106828-106828. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106828.
  9. Pinto, Miguel; M. Albo-Puigserver; Juan Bueno-Pardo; Monteiro, João N.; Teodosio, MA; Leitão, Francisco; Pinto, Miguel; et al. Autor correspondente: Leitão, Francisco. "Eco-socio-economic vulnerability assessment of Portuguese fisheries to climate change". Ecological Economics 212 (2023): 107928. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107928.
  10. João N. Monteiro; Juan Bueno-Pardo; Miguel Pinto; Miguel A. Pardal; Filipe Martinho; Francisco Leitão. "Implications of Warming on the Morphometric and Reproductive Traits of the Green Crab, Carcinus maenas". Fishes (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes8100485.
  11. Moranta, Joan; Florido-del-Corral, David; López-López, Lucía; Gómez, Sílvia; Agujetas, Julio; Albo-Puigserver, Marta; Brent, Zoe W.; et al. "Sowing potential transformative changes in the fishing and agrifood systems – Conference report". Marine Policy 154 (2023): 105673. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2023.105673.
  12. Jeremias Mocuba; Francisco Leitão; Maria Alexandra Teodósio. "The Diversity of Fish Larvae in the Bons Sinais Estuary (Mozambique) and Its Role as a Nursery to Marine Fish Resources". Diversity (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/d15080883.
  13. García-Huidobro, M. Roberto; Aldana, Marcela; Varela, Pablo; García-Herrera, Claudio; Monteiro, João N.; Leitão, Francisco; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; et al. "The influence of upwelling on key bivalves from the Humboldt and Iberian current systems". Marine Environmental Research 189 (2023): 106031. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106031.
  14. Francisco Leitão. "Environmental Conditions Affect Striped Red Mullet (Mullus surmuletus) Artisanal Fisheries". Oceans (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/oceans4030015.
  15. Albo-Puigserver, Marta; Bueno-Pardo, Juan; Pinto, Miguel; Monteiro, João N.; Ovelheiro, Andreia; Teodósio, Maria A.; Leitão, Francisco. "Ecological sensitivity and vulnerability of fishing fleet landings to climate change across regions". Scientific Reports 12 1 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-21284-3.
  16. Baptista, Vânia; Blasco, Ignacio Pérez; Bueno-Pardo, Juan; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. "Environmental variability and fishing effects on artisanal flatfish fisheries along the Portuguese coast". Frontiers in Marine Science 9 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.844158.
  17. Monteiro, João N.; Ovelheiro, Andreia; Ventaneira, Ana M.; Vieira, Vasco; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. "Variability in Carcinus maenas Fecundity Along Lagoons and Estuaries of the Portuguese Coast". Estuaries and Coasts (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12237-021-01035-9.
  18. Francisco Leitão; Juan Bueno-Pardo; Andreia Ovelheiro; João N. Monteiro; Daniela Nobre; Alexandra M. Teodósio. "Effect of bait type on the octopus fishery in Algarve, Southern Portugal". Ocean & Coastal Management (2021): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2021.105587.
  19. Bueno-Pardo, Juan; Nobre, Daniela; Monteiro, João N.; Sousa, Pedro M.; Costa, Eudriano F. S.; Baptista, Vânia; Ovelheiro, Andreia; et al. "Climate change vulnerability assessment of the main marine commercial fish and invertebrates of Portugal". Scientific Reports 11 1 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-82595-5.
  20. Leitão, Francisco. "Ervilia castanea (Mollusca, Bivalvia) populations adversely affected at CO2 seeps in the North Atlantic". Science of The Total Environment (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142044.
  21. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão F., Pardo JB, Ovelheiro A, Monteiro JN, Nobre D, Teodósio A.M. (2020). The role of bait type in the octopus fishery policy decisions. Ocean and Coastal Management (Accepted, In press)". Ocean and Costal Managment (2021):
    Acesso aberto • Aceite para publicação
  22. Leitão, Francisco; Roa-Ureta, Ruben Hernan; Cánovas, Fernando. "Editorial: Vulnerability of Fisheries to Climate Change". Frontiers in Marine Science 7 (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2020.613793.
  23. Vasco M. N. C. S. Vieira; Marcos Mateus; Ricardo Canelas; Francisco Leitão. "The FuGas 2.5 Updated for the Effects of Surface Turbulence on the Transfer Velocity of Gases at the Atmosphere–Ocean Interface". Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 6 (2020): 435-435. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8060435.
  24. João Encarnação; Thomas Seyer; Maria Alexandra Teodósio; Francisco Leitão. "First Record of the Nudibranch Tenellia adspersa (Nordmann, 1845) in Portugal, Associated with the Invasive Hydrozoan Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771)". Diversity 12 6 (2020): 214-214. https://doi.org/10.3390/d12060214.
  25. Baptista, Vânia; Costa, Eudriano F. S.; Carere, Claudio; Morais, Pedro; Cruz, Joana; Cerveira, Inês; Castanho, Sara; et al. "Does consistent individual variability in pelagic fish larval behaviour affect recruitment in nursery habitats?". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74 6 (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-020-02841-0.
  26. Baptista, Vânia; Leitão, Francisco; Morais, Pedro; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra; Wolanski, Eric. "Modelling the ingress of a temperate fish larva into a nursery coastal lagoon". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 235 (2020): 106601. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106601.
  27. Paulo Pinto; José Max Barbosa Oliveira-Junior; Francisco Leitão; Maria M. Morais; Luis Chícharo; Paula Vaz; Sofia M. A. Delgado; et al. "Development of a Metric of Aquatic Invertebrates for Volunteers (MAIV): A Simple and Friendly Biotic Metric to Assess Ecological Quality of Streams". Water 12 3 (2020): 654-654. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12030654.
  28. Bueno-Pardo, Juan; Pierce, Graham J; Cabecinha, Edna; Grilo, Catarina; Assis, Jorge; Valavanis, Vasilis; Pita, Cristina; et al. "Trends and drivers of marine fish landings in Portugal since its entrance in the European Union". ICES Journal of Marine Science (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa010.
  29. "Leitão 2021. UALGZine Nº13. 2020. Study the vulnerability of the fishing sector in Portugal to Climate Change Pp. 40. Transforming our world: 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda ”, proposed by 17 Sustainable Development goals. December 2020elopment Agenda ”, proposed by 17 Sustainable Development goals. December 2020". Ualgoritmo Nº13 13 (2020): 13. https://www.ualg.pt/sites/default/files/inline-files/Revista_2020_final.pdf.
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  30. Costa, E.F.S.; Mocuba, Jeremias; Oliveira, Daniel; Teodosio, Maria; Leitão, Francisco. "Biological aspects of fish species from subsistence fisheries in ¿Bons Sinais¿ estuary, Mozambique". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.1/14665.
  31. Baptista; Morais; Cruz; Castanho; Ribeiro; Pousão-Ferreira; Leitão; Wolanski; Teodósio. "Swimming Abilities of Temperate Pelagic Fish Larvae Prove that they May Control their Dispersion in Coastal Areas". Diversity 11 10 (2019): 185. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/d11100185.
  32. Roa-Ureta, Ruben H.; Santos, Miguel N.; Leitão, Francisco. "Modelling long-term fisheries data to resolve the attraction versus production dilemma of artificial reefs". Ecological Modelling 407 (2019): 108727. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108727.
  33. Francisco Leitão; Paulo Relvas; Fernando Cánovas; Vânia Baptista; Alexandra Teodósio. "Correction to: Northerly wind trends along the Portuguese marine coast since 1950". Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2019): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-019-02806-y.
  34. Leitão, Francisco. "Independent effects of habitat and stream typology on macroinvertebrate communities in Mediterranean-type intermittent streams". Limnetica (2019): http://doi.org/10.23818/limn.38.31.
  35. Francisco Leitão; Paulo Relvas; Fernando Cánovas; Vânia Baptista; Alexandra Teodósio. "Northerly wind trends along the Portuguese marine coast since 1950". Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137 1-2 (2019): 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2466-9.
  36. Francisco Leitão; Vânia Baptista; Vasco Vieira; Patrícia Laginha Silva; Paulo Relvas; Maria Alexandra Teodósio. "A 60-Year Time Series Analyses of the Upwelling along the Portuguese Coast". Water (2019): https://doi.org/10.3390/w11061285.
  37. Leitão, Francisco. "Mean Size of the Landed Catch: A Fishery Community Index for Trend Assessment in Exploited Marine Ecosystems". Frontiers in Marine Science (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00302.
  38. Tiller, Rachel; Arenas, Francisco; Galdies, Charles; Leitão, Francisco; Malej, Alenka; Romera, Beatriz Martinez; Solidoro, Cosimo; et al. "Who cares about ocean acidification in the Plasticene?". Ocean & Coastal Management 174 (2019): 170-180. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.03.020.
  39. Morais, P.; Gaspar, M.; Garel, E.; Baptista, V.; Cruz, J.; Cerveira, I.; Leitão, F.; Teodósio, M.A.; Leitão, Francisco. "The Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 expands its non-native distribution into the Ria Formosa lagoon and the Guadiana estuary (SW-Iberian Peninsula, Europe)". BioInvasions Records 8 1 (2019): 123-133. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85068058454&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  40. Francisco Leitão; Vânia Baptista; Karim Erzini. "Reconstructing discards profiles of unreported catches". Scientia Marina (2018): https://doi.org/10.3989/scimar.04723.08A.
  41. Francisco Leitão; Ravi R. Maharaj; Vasco M.N.C.S. Vieira; Alexandra Teodósio; William W.L. Cheung. "The effect of regional sea surface temperature rise on fisheries along the Portuguese Iberian Atlantic coast". Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems (2018): https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.2947.
  42. Bonifácio Manuessa; Eurico Morais; Teresa Cerveira Borges; Maria Teodósio; Francisco Leitão. "First Assessment of the Thryssa vitrirostris (Engraulidae) Beach Seine Fishery in Northeastern Mozambique". J (2018): https://doi.org/10.3390/j1010012.
  43. D. Piló; A.B. Barbosa; M.A. Teodósio; J. Encarnação; F. Leitão; P. Range; L.A. Krug; J. Cruz; L. Chícharo. "Are submarine groundwater discharges affecting the structure and physiological status of rocky intertidal communities?". Marine Environmental Research 136 (2018): 158-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.02.013.
  44. Baptista, Vânia; Silva, Patrícia Laginha; Relvas, Paulo; Teodósio, M. Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. "Sea surface temperature variability along the Portuguese coast since 1950". International Journal of Climatology 38 3 (2017): 1145-1160. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.5231.
  45. M.A. Teodósio; S. Garrido; J. Peters; F. Leitão; P. Ré; A. Peliz; A.M.P. Santos. "Assessing the impact of environmental forcing on the condition of anchovy larvae in the Cadiz Gulf using nucleic acid and fatty acid-derived indices". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 185 (2017): 94-106. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.ecss.2016.10.023.
  46. Leitão, F.; Baptista, V.. "The discard ban policy, economic trends and opportunities for the Portuguese fisheries sector". Marine Policy 75 (2017): 75-83. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84994036257&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  47. Seyer, T.; Morais, P.; Amorim, K.; Leitão, F.; Martins, F.; Teodósio, M.A.. "On the presence of the ponto-caspian hydrozoan cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771) in an Iberian estuary: Highlights on the introduction vectors and invasion routes". BioInvasions Records 6 4 (2017): 331-337. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85034981749&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  48. Teixeira, C.M.; Gamito, R.; Leitão, F.; Murta, A.G.; Cabral, H.N.; Erzini, K.; Costa, M.J.. "Environmental influence on commercial fishery landings of small pelagic fish in Portugal". Regional Environmental Change 16 3 (2016): 709-716. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84957960596&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  49. Baptista, V.; Campos, C.J.A.; Leitão, F.. "The Influence of Environmental Factors and Fishing Pressure on Catch Rates of Diplodus vulgaris". Estuaries and Coasts 39 1 (2016): 258-272. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84952984009&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  50. Sroczynska, K.; Claro, M.; Range, P.; Wasiak, K.; Wojtal-Frankiewicz, A.; Ben-Hamadou, R.; Leitão, F.; Chícharo, L.. "Habitat-specific benthic metabolism in a Mediterranean-type intermittent stream". Annales de Limnologie 52 (2016): 243-252. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84965062753&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  51. Leitão, F.; Baptista, V.; Teodósio, M.A.; Hughes, S.J.; Vieira, V.; Chícharo, L.. "The role of environmental and fisheries multi-controls in white seabream (Diplodus sargus) artisanal fisheries in Portuguese coast". Regional Environmental Change 16 1 (2016): 163-176. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84953367070&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  52. Vieira, V.M.N.C.S.; Creed, J.; Scrosati, R.A.; Santos, A.; Dutschke, G.; Leitão, F.; Engelen, A.H.; et al. "On the choice of linear regression algorithms for biological and ecological applications". Annual Research and Review in Biology 10 3 (2016): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85009509184&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  53. Francisco Leitão; João Encarnação; Pedro Range; Rüdiger M. Schmelz; Maria A. Teodósio; Luís Chícharo. "Submarine groundwater discharges create unique benthic communities in a coastal sandy marine environment". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 163 (2015): 93-98. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.ecss.2015.06.007.
  54. Leitão, F.. "Landing profiles of Portuguese fisheries: assessing the state of stocks". Fisheries Management and Ecology 22 2 (2015): 152-163. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/fme.12112.
  55. Vieira, Vasco M. N. C. S.; Leitão, Francisco; Mateus, Marcos. "Biomass-density data analysis: a comment on Cabaçoet al. (2013)". Journal of Ecology 103 3 (2015): 537-540. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12294.
  56. Fernandes, J.; Almeida, C.; De Plaen, J.; Condesso De Melo, M.T.; Stigter, T.; Leitão, F.; Range, P.; Carrara, G.. "Submarine groundwater discharge on the algarve shelf: Case study of albufeira-ribeira de quarteira aquifer system | Descargas de água subterrânea na plataforma algarvia: O caso do sistema aquífero albufeira-ribeira de quarteira". Comunicacoes Geologicas 102 Special Is (2015): 111-117. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85021838706&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  57. Leitão, F.. "Time series analyses reveal environmental and fisheries controls on Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) catch rates". Continental Shelf Research 111 (2015): 342-352. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84951869384&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  58. Encarnação , J.; Leitão, F.; Range, P.; Piló, D.; Chícharo, M.A.; Chícharo, L.. "Local and temporal variations in near-shore macrobenthic communities associated with submarine groundwater discharges". Marine Ecology 36 4 (2015): 926-941. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84956843194&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  59. Leitão, F.; Alms, V.; Erzini, K.. "A multi-model approach to evaluate the role of environmental variability and fishing pressure in sardine fisheries". Journal of Marine Systems 139 (2014): 128-138. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84902518962&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  60. Baptista, V.; Leitão, F.. "Commercial catch rates of the clam Spisula solida reflect local environmental coastal conditions". Journal of Marine Systems 130 (2014): 79-89. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84888984485&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  61. Leitão, F.; Range, P.; Gaspar, M.B.. "Survival estimates of bycatch individuals discarded from bivalve dredges". Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 62 4 (2014): 257-263. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84908213451&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  62. Range, P.; Martins, M.; Cabral, S.; Piló, D.; Ben-Hamadou, R.; Teodósio, M.A.; Leitão, F.; et al. "Relative sensitivity of soft-bottom intertidal macrofauna to increased CO2 and experimental stress". Marine Ecology Progress Series 509 (2014): 153-170. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84907391531&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  63. Leitão, F.; Hughes, S.J.; Máximo, I.; Atanasova, N.; Furtado, A.; Chicharo, L.. "Habitat-oriented sampling of macroinvertebrates affects the determination of ecological status in temporary mediterranean river systems". River Research and Applications 30 10 (2014): 1233-1247. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84919480313&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  64. Leitão, F.; Baptista, V.; Zeller, D.; Erzini, K.. "Reconstructed catches and trends for mainland Portugal fisheries between 1938 and 2009: Implications for sustainability, domestic fish supply and imports". Fisheries Research 155 (2014): 33-50. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84896461187&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  65. Teixeira, C.M.; Gamito, R.; Leitão, F.; Cabral, H.N.; Erzini, K.; Costa, M.J.. "Trends in landings of fish species potentially affected by climate change in Portuguese fisheries". Regional Environmental Change 14 2 (2014): 657-669. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84897026753&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  66. Vânia, B.; Ullah, H.; Teixeira, C.M.; Range, P.; Erzini, K.; Leitão, F.. "Influence of Environmental Variables and Fishing Pressure on Bivalve Fisheries in an Inshore Lagoon and Adjacent Nearshore Coastal Area". Estuaries and Coasts 37 1 (2014): 191-205. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84893647956&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  67. Encarnação, J.; Leitão, F.; Range, P.; Piló, D.; Chícharo, M.A.; Chícharo, L.. "The influence of submarine groundwater discharges on subtidal meiofauna assemblages in south Portugal (Algarve)". Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 130 (2013): 202-208. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84883188832&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  68. Leitão, F.. "Artificial reefs: From ecological processes to fishing enhancement tools". Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 61 1 (2013): 77-81. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84876933480&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  69. Soares, F.; Freitas, R.; Soares, J.; Leitão, F.; Cristo, M.. "Feeding ecology and morphometric relationships of white seabream, Diplodussargus lineatus (Sparidae),endemicspecies of Cape Verde". Cybium 36 3 (2012): 461-472. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84867765484&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  70. Ullah, H.; Leitão, F.; Baptista, V.; Chícharo, L.. "An analysis of the impacts of climatic variability and hydrology on the coastal fisheries, Engraulis encrasicolus and Sepia officinalis, of Portugal". Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 12 4 (2012): 337-352. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84882410789&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  71. Piló, D.; Leitão, F.; Ben-Hamadou, R.; Range, P.; Chícharo, M.; Chícharo, L.. "Macrobenthic response to sewage discharges in confined areas from coastal lagoons: Implication on the Ecological Quality Status". Vie et Milieu 61 2 (2011): 107-118. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-82055189800&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  72. Santos, M.N.; Leitão, F.; Moura, A.; Cerqueira, M.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Diplodus spp. on artificial reefs of different ages: Influence of the associated macrobenthic community". ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 1 (2011): 87-97. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79951974553&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  73. Francisco, M.L.; Gaspar, M.B.. "Comparison of the burrowing response of undersized cockles (cerastoderma edule) after fishing disturbance caused by hand dredge and harvesting knife". Marine Biology Research 7 5 (2011): 509-514. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79960501933&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  74. Piló, David; Range, Pedro; Chícharo, Luís; Chícharo, Maria Alexandra; Leitão, Francisco. "Macrobenthic community response to urban effluents: Its implication on the Ecological quality status of Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (Portugal)". Vie et Milieu / Life and Environment 61 2 (2011): 107-118. http://www.obs-banyuls.fr/Viemilieu/index.php/volume-61-2011/61-issue-2/612-article-7.html.
  75. Leitão, F.; Gaspar, M.B.; Santos, M.N.; Monteiro, C.C.. "A comparison of bycatch and discard mortality in three types of dredge used in the Portuguese Spisula solida (solid surf clam) fishery". Aquatic Living Resources 22 1 (2009): 1-10. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-64549137628&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  76. Leitão, F.; Santos, M.N.; Erzini, K.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Diplodus spp. assemblages on artificial reefs: Importance for near shore fisheries". Fisheries Management and Ecology 16 2 (2009): 88-99. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-62349130281&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  77. Moura, A.; Da Fonseca, L. Cancela; Curdia, J.; Carvalho, S.; Boaventura, D.; Cerqueira, M.; Leitao, F.; Santos, M. N.; Monteiro, C. C.. "Is surface orientation a determinant for colonisation patterns of vagile and sessile macrobenthos on artificial reefs?". Biofouling 24 5 (2008): 381-391.
  78. Leitão, F.; Santos, M.N.; Erzini, K.; Monteiro, C.C.. "The effect of predation on artificial reef juvenile demersal fish species". Marine Biology 153 6 (2008): 1233-1244. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-39649090551&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  79. Leitão, F.; Santos, M.N.; Erzini, K.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Fish assemblages and rapid colonization after enlargement of an artificial reef off the Algarve coast (Southern Portugal)". Marine Ecology 29 4 (2008): 435-448. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-57549094623&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  80. Sousa Leitão, F.M.; Gaspar, M.B.. "Immediate effect of intertidal non-mechanised cockle harvesting on macrobenthic communities: A comparative study". Scientia Marina 71 4 (2007): 723-733. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-38049160598&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  81. Moura, A.; Boaventura, D.; Cúrdia, J.; Carvalho, S.; Cancela Da Fonseca, L.; Leitão, F.M.; Santos, M.N.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Effect of depth and reef structure on early macrobenthic communities of the Algarve artificial reefs (southern Portugal)". Hydrobiologia 580 1 (2007): 173-180. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33947526417&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  82. Leitão, F.; Santos, M.N.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Contribution of artificial reefs to the diet of the white sea bream (Diplodus sargus)". ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 3 (2007): 473-478. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34447528764&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  83. Boaventura, D.; Moura, A.; Leitão, F.; Carvalho, S.; Cúrdia, J.; Pereira, P.; Da Fonseca, L.C.; Dos Santos, M.N.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Macrobenthic colonisation of artificial reefs on the southern coast of Portugal (Ancão, Algarve)". Hydrobiologia 555 1 (2006): 335-343. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-29344475734&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  84. Carvalho, S.; Moura, A.; Gaspar, M.B.; Pereira, P.; Cancela Da Fonseca, L.; Falcão, M.; Drago, T.; Leitão, F.; Regala, J.. "Spatial and inter-annual variability of the macrobenthic communities within a coastal lagoon (Óbidos lagoon) and its relationship with environmental parameters". Acta Oecologica 27 3 (2005): 143-159. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-20444399188&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  85. Gaspar, M.B.; Leitão, F.; Santos, M.N.; Chícharo, L.; Dias, M.D.; Chícharo, A.; Monteiro, C.C.. "A comparison of direct macrofaunal mortality using three types of clam dredges". ICES Journal of Marine Science 60 4 (2003): 733-742. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0038717542&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  86. Gaspar, M.B.; Leitão, F.; Santos, M.N.; Sobral, M.; Chícharo, L.; Chícharo, A.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Size selectivity of the Spisula solida dredge in relation to tooth spacing and mesh size". Fisheries Research 60 2-3 (2003): 561-568. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0037316731&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  87. Gaspar, M.B.; Santos, M.N.; Leitão, F.; Chícharo, L.; Chícharo, A.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Recovery of substrates and macro-benthos after fishing trials with a new Portuguese clam dredge". Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83 4 (2003): 713-717. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0041761903&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  88. Gaspar, M.B.; Leitão, F.; Santos, M.N.; Sobral, M.; Chícharo, L.; Chícharo, A.; Monteiro, C.C.. "Influence of mesh size and tooth spacing on the proportion of damaged organisms in the catches of the Portuguese clam dredge fishery". ICES Journal of Marine Science 59 6 (2002): 1228-1236. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0036893145&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Gaspar, Miguel; Leitão, Francisco. "Introdução de uma nova tipologia de ganchorra na pescaria de bivalves.", Revista do 4º Troféu Rapala ¿ Pesca ao atum, 2004
Capítulo de livro
  1. Pessoa, Joao; Airaud, Frederic; Costa, Graciano; Pina, Antunes; do Rio, Manuel Jorge Carvalho; Soares, Venceslau; Santo, Elisio Espirito; et al. "First Insight Into the Deployment of Artificial Reefs to Support Local Fisheries in São Tome and Príncipe". In Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management, 85-102. IGI Global, 2024.
  2. Costa, Joana; Ramos, Jorge; Leitão, Francisco. "Analysing the Role of Artificial Reefs in Blue Tourism: Vilamoura Artificial Reef (South Portugal)". In Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management, 229-252. IGI Global, 2024.
  3. Madiedo, Ana Maria; Ramos, Jorge; Leitão, Francisco. "Enhancing Ecosystem Services: The Role of Artificial Reefs". In Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management, 135-158. IGI Global, 2024.
    Publicado • 10.4018/979-8-3693-2436-3.ch006 • Editor
  4. Leitão, Francisco. "Sousa F, Frazão H, Fernandes J, Boutov D, Leitão F, Range P, Carrara G. 2023. CAPÍTULO 10 - HYDROLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBMARINE GROUNDWATER DISCHARGES AT OLHOS DE ÁGUA, ALGARVE, PORTUGAL – FREEZE PROJECT In book: Estudos em Ciências Exatas e da Terra: Desafios, Avanços e Possibilidades. DOI: 10.37572/EdArt_24022374310". In Estudos em Ciências Exatas e da Terra: Desafios, Avanços e Possibilidades. 2023.
  5. Fátima Sousa; Helena Frazão; Judite Fernandes; Dmitri Boutov; Francisco Leitão; Pedro Range; Gabriela Carrara. "HYDROLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBMARINE GROUNDWATER DISCHARGES AT OLHOS DE ÁGUA, ALGARVE, PORTUGAL – FREEZE PROJECT". 2023.
  6. Leitão, Francisco; Doutor Miguel neves dos Santos (INIAP-IPIMAR/CRIPSUL); Carlos Costa Monteiro. "Portugal (Mainland)". In Global Atlas Of Marine Fisheries: a critical appraisal and Ecosystem impact, 369. Washington, D.C: Island Press, 2016.
  7. Santos, Miguel; Monteiro, Carlos; Leitão, Francisco. "The Role of Artificial Reefs in the Sustainability of Artisanal Fisheries". In Artificial Reefs in Fisheries Management, 221-237. CRC Press, 2011.
Edição de livro
  1. Leitão, Francisco. Ramos J, Drakeford, B, Leitão F, (Eds) (2024-ongoing). Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management. IGI Global eEditorial Discovery. 2024.
    No prelo • Editor
  2. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F, Teodósio E (Eds) (2023). Diversidade Ecológica, pesca e comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais (Quelimane-Moçambique) (in press).. Faro, Portugal: Universidade do Algarve. 2024.
  3. Leitão, Francisco. Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management. IGI Global eEditorial Discovery. 2024.
    Em revisão • Editor
  4. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F, Pinto M, Puigserver M.A, Teodósio A. (Eds) (2023). Vulnerabilidade da pesca em Portugal ao impacto das mudanças climáticas. Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal 76pp. https://doi.org/10.34623/eaem-4626; ISBN: 978-989-9127-26-5 (formato impresso); ISBN: 978-989-9127-27-2. Faro: Universidade do Algarve. 2023.
    Publicado • Editor
  5. Leitão, Francisco. Vulnerability of Fisheries to Climate Change. Frontiers Media SA. 2021.
  1. Leitão, Francisco. Ramos, J., Drakeford, B., & Leitão, F. (Eds.). (2024). Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-2436-3. IGI Global eEditorial Discovery. 2024.
    Publicado • Editor
  2. Leitão, Francisco; Pinto, Miguel; Albo-Puigserver, Marta; Teodosio, MA. Vulnerabilidade da pesca em Portugal ao impacto das mudanças climáticas. Gambelas, Faro, Portugal. 2023.
  3. Leitão, Francisco. Desenvolvimento e harmonização de novos indicadores, metodologias e estratégia comuns por Portugal e Espanha para a aplicação da Directiva Quadro de Água (DQA) às massas de água de transição e Costeiras. Portugal. 2012.
  1. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F. 2021. Manual for building artificial reefs (in Portuguese). BUDOKIA project- Installation Project of Artificial Marine Reefs in the coastal zone of the island of São Tomé. Promoters: MARAPA & Programa Tatô. São Tomé & Príncipe. 66pp.. São Tomé e Príncipe. 2021.
  2. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão 2021. Training manual on artificial reefs (in Portuguese). BUDOKIA project- Installation Project of Artificial Marine Reefs in the coastal zone of the island of São Tomé. Promoters: MARAPA & Programa Tatô. São Tomé & Príncipe. 105pp.. São Tomé e Príncipe. 2021.
  3. Cerqueira, Marco; Barata, Marisa; Quental-Ferreira, Hugo; Leitão, Francisco. Manual de Reprodução Aquícola. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura de Angola. 2019.
    No prelo
  4. Cerqueira, Marco; Barata, Marisa; Leitão, Francisco. Manual de Fundamentos de Nutrição e Patologia na Aquicultura. Angola: Mininstério da Agricultura de Angola. 2019.
    No prelo
  5. Cerqueira, Marco; Barata, Marisa; Quental-Ferreira, Hugo; Leitão, Francisco. Manual de Construção de Instalações Aquícolas. Ministério da Agricultura de Angola. 2019.
    No prelo
  6. Cerqueira, Marco; Leitão, Francisco. Manual de Introdução à Pesca e Aquicultura. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura de Angola. 2019.
    No prelo
  7. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F*1. 2017. Manual de Biologia Aquática 7º e 8.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. English: Aquatic Biology technical Manual; 7th and 8th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministry Of Education National Directorate Of Professional Technical Education. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  8. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F*1, Cerqueira M. 2017. Manual de Introdução à Pesca e Aquicultura 7º e 8.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. English: Introduction to Fisheries and Aquaculture technical Manual; 7th and 8th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministry Of Education National Dire. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  9. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F*1. 2017. Manual de Ictiologia 7º e 8.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. English: Ichthyology technical Manual; 7th and 8th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministry Of Education National Directorate Of Professional Technical Education. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  10. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F*1. 2017. Manual de Ecologia de peixes e ambientes aquáticos tropicais 7º e 8.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. English: Fish ecology and aquatic environment technical Manual; 7th and 8th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministry Of Education National Dire. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  11. Leitão, Francisco. Cerqueira MAC*1, Barata MIJ, Ferreira HQ, Leitão F. 2017. Manual de Reprodução Aquícola 8º e 9.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. English: Aquaculture Reproduction technical Manual; 7th and 8th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministry Of Education National Directo. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  12. Leitão, Francisco. Cerqueira MAC*1, Barata MIJ, Ferreira HQ, Leitão F. 2017. Manual de Construções de Instalações Aquícolas 8º e 9.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. English: Construction of Aquaculture facilities technical Manual; 8th and 9th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministr. Angola: Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  13. Leitão, Francisco. Freitas CS*1, Leitão F. 2017. Manual de Tecnologia do pescado 8º e 9.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. Construção de Instalações Aquícolas. English: Fish Technology technical Manual; 8th and 9th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministry Of Education National Dire. Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  14. Leitão, Francisco. Cerqueira M*1, Barata MIJ, Ferreira HQ, Leitão F. 2017. Manual de Fundamentos de nutrição e patologia na aquicultura 8º e 9.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. Construção de Instalações Aquícolas. English: Nutrition and pathology concepts in aquculture technical Manual; 8th and 9th Class of the. Ministério da Agricultura. 2017.
  15. Leitão, Francisco. Leitão F. 2017*1. Manual de Tecnologia da Pesca 7º e 8.ª Classe do Curso de Auxiliar de Agricultura. República De Angola Ministério Da Educação Direcção Nacional Do Ensino Técnico Profissional. English: Fishing technology technical Manual; 7th and 8th Class of the Agriculture Assistant Course. Republic Of Angola, Ministry Of Education National Directorate Of Professional Technical Education. Angola. 2017.
Poster em conferência
  1. Leitão, Francisco. "Monteiro, JN, Ovelheiro A, Roa-Ureta R, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. Contribution to the green crab fishery along the Portuguese coast. DCMTA seminars, Universidade do Algarve, Faro. 6 January 2025.". Trabalho apresentado em DCMTA seminars, Universidade do Algarve, 2025.
  2. Leitão, Francisco. "Pinto, M., Bueno-Pardo, J., Gaspar, M., Leitão, F. Eco-socioeconomic assessment of climate change in Portuguese fisheries and associated sectors: adaptation measures. DCMTA seminars, Universidade do Algarve, Faro. 6 January 2025.". Trabalho apresentado em DCMTA seminars, Universidade do Algarve, 2025.
  3. Leitão, Francisco. "Madiedo A, Leitao F, Ramos J. 2023. Detecting artificial reefs' usefulness for people using Industry 4.0 tools. International Congress of Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI century. 05-07-2023. Faro". Trabalho apresentado em International Congress of Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI century, 2023.
  4. Leitão, Francisco. "Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Leitão F. 2023. Biologia Reprodutiva de peixes com interesse socio-económico local: Sardinella albella, Thryssa vitriostris, Johnius dussumier: workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais. Presentation made in 13,14 e 16 off May at Murrubune, Gazelas and Icídua fishing communities (poster).". 2023.
  5. Leitão, Francisco. "Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Leitão F. 2023. Biologia Reprodutiva de peixes com interesse socio-económico local: Sillago sihama, Trichiurus lepturos, Stolephorus índicos. workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais. Presentation made in 13,14 e 16 off May at Marrubune, Gazelas and Icídua fishing communities. (poster).". 2023.
  6. Leitão, Francisco. "Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Leitão F. 2023. Biologia Reprodutiva de peixes com interesse socio-económico local: Oreochromis mossambicus, Otholites ruber, Pellona ditchela. workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais. Presentation made in 13,14 e 16 off May at Murrubune, Gazelas and Icídua fishing communities. (poster).". 2023.
  7. Leitão, Francisco. "Manuessa B, Borges T, Leitão F. 2018. Population dynamics, Ecology, reprodutive biology and socioeconomic importance of the mud crab Scylla serrata captured by artisanal fishing along to the Bons Sinais Estuary - Mozambique. Primeiro Congresso De Biologia Marinha Dos Países De Expressão Portuguesa - Uma Ponte Entre Mares. Faro, 24-26 de Janeiro 2018. Campus de Gambelas da Universidade do Algarve,". Trabalho apresentado em Primeiro Congresso De Biologia Marinha Dos Países De Expressão Portuguesa - Uma Ponte Entre Mares, 2018.
  8. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão F, Batista V, Manuessa B, Mocuba J, Oliveira D, Teodósio M.A. 2018. Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) “BIOFISH. Event at the Ismaili Center July 12 (Invited by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), with the presence of the Ministry of Science". Trabalho apresentado em BIOFISH. Event at the Ismaili Center July 12 (Invited by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), 2018.
  9. Leitão, Francisco. "Baptista V, Morais P, Leitão F, Wolanski E, Castanho S, Ribeiro L, Pousão-Ferreira P, Teodósio MA (2017). Habitat choice of temperate fish larvae: Is it a matter of personality? 24th CERF conference. Providence, RI (USA), November 4-9th.". Trabalho apresentado em 24th Coastal Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) conference. Providence, 2017.
  10. Baptista, Vânia; Morais, Pedro; Leitão, Francisco; Wolanski, Eric; Castanho, Sara; Ribeiro, Laura; Pousão-Ferreira, Pedro; Teodosio, MA. "Habitat choice of temperate fish larvae: Is it a matter of personality?". Trabalho apresentado em 24th CERF conference, 2017.
  11. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão F, Baptista V. 2016. What are we losing? -An Economic perspective of fisheries discards in Portugal. Scientific Exhibition: Future Oceans and Natural Resources. Book of Abstracts Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation February 1st - 5th 2016 Olhão Portugal. Pp 99". Trabalho apresentado em Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, 2016.
  12. Halaj, Peter. "Baptista, V., Teodósio, A., Chícharo, L., Leitão, F. 2016. A framework for assess vulnerability of coastal fisheries to climate change in Portuguese coast. Scientific Exhibition: Future Oceans and Natural Resources. Book of Abstracts Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation February 1st - 5th 2016, Olhão Portugal. Pp 90". Trabalho apresentado em Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, 2016.
  13. Leitão, Francisco; Baptista, Vânia. "What are we losing? - An Economic perspective of fisheries discards in Portugal". Trabalho apresentado em MARES Conference 2016, 2016.
  14. Baptista, Vânia; Teodosio, MA; Chícharo, Luís; Leitão, Francisco. "A framework for assess vulnerability of coastal fisheries to climate change in Portuguese coast". Trabalho apresentado em MARES Conference 2016, 2016.
  15. Leitão, Francisco. "Martins M, Leitão F, Hall-Spencer J.M, Couto R, Martins G, Carreiro-Silva M, Monteiro J, Parra H, Peña V, Guilini K, Chícharo L, Range P. 2015. Chronic effects of ocean acidification on benthic assemblages: a study case in central Atlantic volcanic vents. Session on CO2 vent studies at ASLO 2015. Aquatic Sciences Meeting Aquatic Sciences: Global and Regional Perspectives — North Meets South 22-27". Trabalho apresentado em Aquatic Sciences Meeting Aquatic Sciences: Global and Regional Perspectives — North Meets South, 2015.
  16. Leitão, Francisco. "Ferreira R.L., Prazeres I., Silva M., Leitão F., Bentes L., Borges TC, Bolten A.B. 2015. Sea turtle snorkling survey at príncipe island, west africa. 35th International Sea Turtle Symposium, Dalaman, Turkey; 01/2015". Trabalho apresentado em 35th International Sea Turtle Symposium, Dalaman, 2015.
  17. Leitão, Francisco. "Vaz, P; Delgado, S; Rodrigues, A; Furtado, A; Chícharo, A; Range, P; Leitão, F; Pinto, Paulo. 2014. O contributo do voluntariado ambiental para a água na qualidade da água e protecção dos ecossistemas do algarve. 12.º Congresso da Água/16.ºENASB/XVISILUBESA". Trabalho apresentado em 12.º Congresso da Água/16.ºENASB/XVISILUBESA, 2014.
  18. Leitão, Francisco. "Baptista, V. and Leitão, F., 2013. Effect of environmental variables on catch rates in three different bivalve grounds off the Portuguese coast. Poster presented on 6th Scientific Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.". Trabalho apresentado em 6th Scientific Meeting of Young Researchers, 2013.
  19. Baptista, Vânia; Leitão, Francisco. "Effect of environmental variables on catch rates in three different bivalve grounds off the Portuguese coast". Trabalho apresentado em 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto, 2013.
  20. Leitão, Francisco. "Cagarra G, Fernandes, J, Terrinha P, Amaral H, Noiva J, Duarte Henrique, Costa A, Condesso de Melo T, Stigter T, Bronzini S, Leitão F, Range P, Piló D, Encarnação J, Chicharo A, Chicharo L, Sousa F, Nascimento A, Sebastião L, Pinheiro L, Gonçalves D, Magalhães V, Azevedo L, Dill A, Monteiro J. P. 2012. FREEZE - Submarine FREshwater dischargEs: characteriZation and Evaluation study on their impact". Trabalho apresentado em Portuguese Water congress, 2012.
  21. Leitão, Francisco. "D. Piló, A. Chicharo, J. Encarnação, F. Leitão, P. Range, L. Chicharo. 2012. In situ physiological state of intertidal benthic macroinvertebrates under the effect of groundwater discharges. ECSA 50. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Association, Venice, Italy. LINK: http://www.estuarinecoastalconference.com/index.html". Trabalho apresentado em ECSA 50. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Association, 2012.
  22. Leitão, Francisco. "Baptista, V, F. Leitão, H. Ullah, P. Range, Teixeira C, K. Erzini. 2012. Effects of climate change on marine bivalves fisheries in Algarve leeward (South Portugal). Book of Abstracts, International meeting on marine resources, Peniche, Portugal 118p. LINK: http://www.immr.ipleiria.pt/". Trabalho apresentado em International meeting on marine resources, 2012.
  23. Leitão, Francisco. "H. Ullah, F. Leitão, L. Baptista, V, Chicharo. 2012. Climatic Variability-Fisheries Nexus: Identifying the Role of Fresh Water Discharge on the Fisheries of W-Atlantic (Western Portugal) Under the Face of Climate Change. Book of Abstracts, International meeting on marine resources, Peniche, Portugal 119p. LINK: http://www.immr.ipleiria.pt/". Trabalho apresentado em International meeting on marine resources, 2012.
  24. Leitão, Francisco. "F. Leitão. 2012. Times-series analysis for study ecological trends in Portuguese fisheries over the last 60th years. Time-series analysis in marine science and applications for industry". 17 September to 21 September at the Centre nautique Moulin Mer in Logonna-Daoulas, Brittany, France. A Europole Mer Gordon-like Conference at the Crossroad of Marine Science. http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00120". Trabalho apresentado em A Europole Mer Gordon-like Conference at the Crossroad of Marine Science, 2012.
  25. Baptista, Vânia; Leitão, Francisco; Ullah, H.; Teixeira, C.M.; Range, Pedro; Erzini, Karim. "Effects of climate change on marine bivalve fisheries in eastern Algarve (South Portugal)". Trabalho apresentado em International Meeting on Marine Resources, 2012.
  26. Ullah, H.; Leitão, Francisco; Baptista, Vânia; Chícharo, Luís. "Climate variability-fisheries nexus: Identifying the role of fresh water discharge on the fisheries of W-Atlantic (Western Portugal) under the face of climate change". Trabalho apresentado em International Meeting on Marine Resources, 2012.
  27. Leitão, Francisco. "F. Leitão, L. Chicharo. 2011. Assessing climatic effects on crustacean fishing trends. ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium 2011. ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium 2011 Poster Presentations Nº46 (Book of Abstracts).". Trabalho apresentado em ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium 2011, 2011.
  28. Leitão, Francisco. "F. Leitão, C.M. Teixeira, I. Maximo, N. Metelo, L. Chicharo. 2011. Fisheries in mainland Portugal: Climatic influence on exploited marine fish assemblages ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium 2011. ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium 2011 Poster Presentations Nº45 (Book of Abstracts).". Trabalho apresentado em ICES/NAFO Decadal Symposium 2011, 2011.
  29. Leitão, Francisco. "Radhouan Ben-Hamadou, Mateja Skerjanec, Natasa Atanasova, Darko Cerepnalkoski, Francisco Leitão, M. Alexandra Chicharo, Jesus Morales, Carlos Jimenez Garcia, Maria Jose Vargas, Francisco Sempere, Boris Kompare, Saso Dzeroski, Luís Chicharo. 2011. Spatial integrated modelling for assessing EQS of transitional ecosystems. 7th ECEM (European Conference on Ecological Modelling).". Trabalho apresentado em 7th ECEM (European Conference on Ecological Modelling), 2011.
  30. Leitão, Francisco. "Duarte DNR, Blanton JO, Moreira da Silva M, Ferreira Ó, Reis MP, Leitão F, Neves PA, Fernandes F, Santana P, Metelo NR. 2011. MaréFormosa Project - Tidal propagation and energy dissipation in the Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon system. 5th EuroLab. European Coastal Lagoon Symposium. University of Aveiro, 25 – 30 July, 2011. Link:". Trabalho apresentado em 5th EuroLab. European Coastal Lagoon Symposium, 2011.
  31. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão F, Ben-Hamadou R, Chicharo A, Manjua A, Morales J, Moreno O, Jimenez C, Malta Erik-Jan, Sempere F, Chicharo, L. 2010. DIMEAGUA (Development and Harmonization of commun indicators, metodologies and strategies for the application of the WFD to Guadiana Transitional and Coastal areas). In Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association [ECSA 47]: Integrative tools and methods in assessing ecological". Trabalho apresentado em Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association [ECSA 47], 2010.
  32. Leitão, Francisco. "P. Range, D. Piló, R. Ben-Hamadou, M. Chícharo, F. Leitão, D. Matias, S. Joaquim, T. Drago, A.P. Oliveira, L. Chícharo. Composition and diversity of infaunal macrobenthic assemblages under increased pCO2 and reduced pH. Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World.". Trabalho apresentado em Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, 2010.
  33. Leitão, Francisco. "Gigante S, Leitão F, Máximo I, Braga F, Ben-Hamdour R, Chícharo L. 2009. Assessing water quality and ecological status of Algarve (South Portugal) water courses using macroinvertebrates. Inauguration session of international Center for Coastal Ecohydrology (ICCE-UNESCO), Olhão 4 September 2009.". Trabalho apresentado em Inauguration session of international Center for Coastal Ecohydrology, 2009.
  34. Leitão, Francisco. "Braga F, Leitão F, Gigante S, Máximo I , Ben-Hamdour R, Chícharo L. 2009. Freshwater Bioindicators. Inauguration session of international Center for Coastal Ecohydrology (ICCE-UNESCO), Olhão 4 September 2009.". Trabalho apresentado em Inauguration session of international Center for Coastal Ecohydrology, 2009.
  35. Leitão, Francisco. "Moura, A., Cúrdia J., Carvalho S., Boaventura, D., Leitão F., Fonseca, L.C., Santos, M.N., Monteiro, C.C. Benthic succession within an artificial reef on the south of Portugal – one year study; April 2005. Conference: 8th International Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats.At: Biloxi, Mississippi, USA - 10-14 April 2005.". Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats, 2005.
  36. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão F., Miguel, N.S., Cúrdia J., Moura, A., Carvalho S., Falcão M., Carlos C.M. Impact of artificial reefs deployment on the surrounding benthic macrofauna off the Algarve coast (Southern Portugal). 8th International conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats, Biloxi. April 2005.". Trabalho apresentado em 8th International conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats, 2005.
  37. Leitão, Francisco. "D. Boaventura, A. Moura, F. Leitão, S. Carvalho3, J. Cúrdia, L. Cancela Da Fonseca ,M. N. Santos, C. C. Monteiro. 2005. An overview of experimental studies on macrobenthic colonization of artificial reefs (Algarve, Portugal) using non-destructive methods. April 2005. Conference: 8th International Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats. At: Biloxi, Mississippi, USA - 10-14 April 200". Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats, 2005.
  38. Monteiro, Juarez; Granada, Roger; Pinto, Rafael C.; Barros, Rodrigo C.. "Leitão F., Santos, M.N., Moura A., Cúrdia J., Monteiro C.C. 2004. Contribution of the Algarve Artificial reefs (Southern Portugal) in the feeding diet of Diplodus sargus (L. 1758).” EMBS 39th European Marine Biology Symposium”, 21 – 24 Julho de 2004. Artificial habitats and the restoration of degraded systems. 11(3): 131.". Trabalho apresentado em EMBS 39th European Marine Biology Symposium, 2004.
  39. Leitão, Francisco. "Cúrdia, J., Moura, A. Boaventura, D., Carvalho, S., Pereira, P., Cancela da Fonseca, L., Leitão, F. M., M. Santos, N., Monteiro, C. C. Macrobenthic colonization of artificial reefs in the South of Portugal. EMBS 39th European Marine Biology Symposium”, 21 – 24 Julho de 2004. Artificial habitats and the restoration of degraded systems.". Trabalho apresentado em EMBS 39th European Marine Biology Symposium, 2004.
  40. Leitão, Francisco. "Tata-Regala, J., Gaspar, M.B., Leitão F., Alves, F., Chícharo, L., Brand, A. 2004. General forager/scavenger aggregative behaviour towards Portuguese shallow-water clam-dredge tracks. XIII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios del Bentos Marino, 21-24 September 2004, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain: 175p.". Trabalho apresentado em XIII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios del Bentos Marino, 2004.
  41. Leitão, Francisco. "Gaspar, M.B., Leitão, F., Santos, M.N., Chícharo, L., Dias, M.D., Chícharo, A., Monteiro, C.C., 2004. Mitigating the environmental impacts of clam dredging by modifying the gear design. 4th World Fisheries Congress, 2-6 May 2004, Vancouver, BC, Canada: 233-234 pp.". Trabalho apresentado em 4th World Fisheries Congress, 2004.
  42. Leitão, Francisco. "Gaspar M.B., Leitão F., Santos M.N., Chícharo L., Dias M.D., Chícharo M.A., Monteiro C.C. Influence of dredge efficiency and selectivity on macrobenthic mortality. EMBS38- 38th European Marine Biology Symposium”, 8 – 12 September 2003. Management and Conservation.". Trabalho apresentado em EMBS38- 38th European Marine Biology Symposium, 2003.
  43. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão, F.M.S., M.N Santos, Monteiro, C.C., 2003. Importance of the Algarve artificial reefs (Southern Portugal) in the feeding diet of Diplodus sargus (L. 1758): preliminary results. Threats: Marine Biodiversity. EMBS38- 38th European Marine Biology Symposium”, 8 – 12 Setembro 2003: 227.". Trabalho apresentado em EMBS38- 38th European Marine Biology Symposium, 2003.
  44. Leitão, Francisco. "Leitão F. 2003. Contribuição dos recifes artificiais (RAs) da costa Algarvia na Ecologia trófica de Sparídeos. Seminário de doutorandos da Universidade do Algarve. 17 Dezembro". Trabalho apresentado em Seminário de doutorandos da Universidade do Algarve, 2003.
  45. Leitão, Francisco. "Boaventura D., Moura A., Leitão F., Carvalho S., Cúrdia J., Pereira P., Cancela da Fonseca L., Santos M., Costa Monteiro C. 203 Macrobenthic colonisation of artificial reaneef groups with different age on the southern coast of Portugal (Ancão, Algarve). EMBS38- 39th Europ Marine Biology Symposium”, 8 – 12 Setembro de 2003.Artificial habitats and the restoration of degraded systems.". Trabalho apresentado em EMBS38- 39th Europ Marine Biology Symposium, 2003.
  46. Leitão, Francisco. "A. Moura, D. Boaventura, J. Cúrdia, S. Carvalho, L. Cancela da Fonseca, F. M. Leitão, M. N. Santos, C. C. Monteiro. Effect of depth on macrobenthic colonization of artificial reefs in the South of Portugal. EMBS 39th European Marine Biology Symposium”, 21 – 24 Julho de 2004. Artificial habitats and the restoration of degraded systems. 11(3): 66.". Trabalho apresentado em EMBS 39th European Marine Biology Symposium, 2003.
  47. Leitão, Francisco. "Cancela da Fonseca, L., Pereira, P., Gaspar, M.B., Moura, A., Carvalho, S., Leitão, F., 2002. Sedimentary environment and macrozoobenthos of the Óbidos Lagoon (western Portugal). XII Simpósio Ibérico de Estudios del Bentos Marino, Gibraltar, 22-25 de Outubro de 2002: 45-46.". Trabalho apresentado em XII Simpósio Ibérico de Estudios del Bentos Marino, 2002.
  1. Jorge Palma; Miguel Correia; Francisco Leitão; José Pedro Andrade. "Climate Induced Temperature Effects on Growth Performance and Fecundity of Hippocampus guttulatus". 2024. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202408.1103.v1.
  1. Leitão, Francisco. 2022. Araújo, M.B. (Coordenação), Antunes, S., Gonçalves, E.J., Oliveira, R., Santos, S. & Sousa Pinto, I., Alejandro Rozenfeld, Babak Naimi, David Abecasis, Diogo Alagador, Dora Neto, Francisco Leitão, Inês Garcia Martins, Joana Boavida-Portugal, João Morais Mourato, Jorge Assis, Sandra Nogueira, Silvia Chemello. 2022. Biodiversidade 2030: Nova agenda para a conservação em contexto de alterações climát. https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/287595.
  2. 2022. Araújo, M.B. (Coordenação), Antunes, S., Gonçalves, E.J., Oliveira, R., Santos, S. & Sousa Pinto, I., Alejandro Rozenfeld, Babak Naimi, David Abecasis, Diogo Alagador, Dora Neto, Francisco Leitão, Inês Garcia Martins, Joana Boavida-Portugal, João Morais Mourato, Jorge Assis, Sandra Nogueira, Silvia Chemello. 2022. Biodiversidade 2030: Nova agenda para a conservação em contexto de alterações climát.
  3. Leitão, Francisco; Joao Nuno Monteiro. 2022. Leitão F, Monteiro J.N. 2022. Estudo da ecologia, biologia e dinâmica populacional dos pequenos caranguejos com interesse comercial existentes ao longo da costa Portuguesa: contributo para a regulamentação e gestão sustentada da pequena pesca e apanha de pequenos caranguejos CRUSTACEOS (CRUSTAPANHA). Relatório Final do projeto CRUSTAPANHA. Universidade do Algarve. Faro, Gambelas 124pp..
  4. Chícharo, Luis Manuel Zambujal; Leitão, Francisco; Pedro Sousa. 2022. Chicharo L (coord), Leitão F. Sousa P. 2022. ACORDO ESPECÍFICO DE COLABORAÇÃO ENTRE A AdA E A UALG. Componente: Monitorização da Fauna Bentónica. Universidade do Algarve Setembro de 2022. 24pp English: Chicharo L (coord), Leitão F. Sousa P. 2022. Specific AdA &A UALG agreenment. Task: Benthic fauna assessment . Universidade do Algarve Setembro de 2022. 24pp.
  5. Leitão, Francisco. 2022. Albo-Puigserver M, Pinto M, Thiebaut R, Leitão F. 2022. Conversas Clima-Pesca: Adaptação da pesca de Portugal às alterações climáticas: A visão do setor das pescas sobre as alterações climáticas e as medidas de gestão e adaptação que podem ser implementadas. Relatório de atividades das workshops do projeto CLIMAPESCA. Universidade Algarve. 22pp..
  6. Leitão, Francisco. 2022. Leitão F, Pinto M, Albo- Puigserver M. 2022. Vulnerabilidade do setor das pescas às mudanças climáticas: medidas de adaptação (CLIMA-PESCA). Relatório Final do projeto CLIMA-PESCA. Universidade do Algarve. Faro, Gambelas 86pp..
  7. Leitão, Francisco. 2021. Leitão F. 2021. Diagnostic summary report on the possibilities and potential of creating artificial marine reefs on the north coast of the island of São Tomé (in Portuguese). BUDOKIA project- Installation Project of Artificial Marine Reefs in the coastal zone of the island of São Tomé. Promoters: MARAPA & Programa Tatô. São Tomé & Príncipe. April 2021. 55pp.
  8. 2020. Mocuba JJ, Teodósio MAA. Leitão F. 2020. Assessing the role of the Bons Sinais estuary as a nursery for fish species of socio-economic interest: contributing for the monitoring and management of coastal ecosystems to improve the livelihood of local communities. Technical report. MARG-1 PROJECT. WIOSA. 25pp..
  9. Leitão, Francisco; COSTA, E.F.S.;; Mocuba, J.; Manuessa, B.; Encarnação, J.; Nobre, D.; Teodosio, MA. 2019. Progress Report (2018-2019).
  10. Leitão, Francisco. 2018. M Palmer, B Morales-Nin, F Maynou, P Acadia, K Erzini, L Bentes, F Leitão. WP1. Ecological, socioeconomic and technical characteristics of discarding fisheries. Deliverable 1.6 Analysis of fisher’s socio-economic behavior and practices Responsible beneficiary: 1-CSIC. Project MINOW - Science, Technology, and Society Initiative to Minimize Unwanted Catches in European Fisheries. 42.pp.
  11. Leitão, Francisco. 2018. Leitão F, Sroczynska K. 2018. Caracterização Da Qualidade Ecológica (Ribeiras Do Algarve) - Macroinvertebrados Bentónicos Como Bioindicadores: Relatório Desenvolvido Para O Les – Laboratório De Engenharia Sanitária, Campus Penha, Ano De 2018. 10pp. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  12. Leitão, Francisco. 2017. Tiago Carvalho, Rita Carvalho, Raquel Sousa, Rui Agostinho, José Martins Carvalho, Sónia Gil, Miguel Francisco, José Montez, Jorge Santos, Maria Alexandra Anica Teodósio, Ana Marília Barreira Claro, Joana Cruz, Ester Dias, Francisco Leitão, Nicholas Clarke. 2017. Projecto SOWAMO. Livro Resumo. Project AdapPT. 58 pp. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  13. Leitão, Francisco; Baptista, Vânia; Erzini, Karim; Iritani, D; Zeller, D. 2014. Reconstruction of mainland Portugal fisheries catches 1950-2010.
  14. Leitão, Francisco. 2013. Chícharo, M.A.A.T, Leitão F, Range, P, Encarnação J. 2013. Monitorização do projeto “voluntariado ambiental para a água” auditoria aos resultados de macroinvertebrados marinhos como bioindicadores. Fevereiro 2014. Prestação De Serviços De Auditoria Científica. 27p. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  15. Carrara, Gabriela; Fernandes, Judite; Terrinha, Pedro; Amaral, Helena; Gonçalves, João Noiva; Duarte, Henrique; Costa, Augusto Marques da; et al. 2013. Submarine FREsh water dischargEs: characteriZation and Evaluation (Projecto FREEZE). http://hdl.handle.net/10400.9/3934.
  16. Leitão, Francisco. 2012. Chícharo, M.A.A.T, Leitão F, Chícharo L.M.Z. 2012. Monitorização Do Projeto “Voluntariado Ambiental Para A Água”. Faculdade de Ciências e Técnologia. Universidade do Algarve. Outubro 2012. Prestação De Serviços De Auditoria Científica. 24p. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  17. Leitão, Francisco. 2011. Leitão F. 2011. Environmental study on the effect of establishing an shellfish farming for ostrea Crassostrea angulata in offshore waters off Algarve .14p. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  18. Leitão, Francisco. 2011. Leitão F. 2011. Monitoring plan for development of shellfish farming for ostrea Crassostrea angulata in offshore waters off Algarve. 18p. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  19. Leitão, Francisco. 2011. Leitão F. 2011. Response to problems aroused by fishermen’s to the development of a shellfish farming structure for ostrea Crassostrea angulata in offshore waters off Algarve. Setembro de 2011. 8p. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  20. Chícharo, Luís; Ben-Hamadou, Radhouan; Range, Pedro; Leitão, Francisco; Piló, David; Cruz, Joana. 2010. Terminal de GNL de Sines Programa de monitorização dos factores ecológicos e biológicos Marinhos. 2º Relatório de Monitorização.
  21. Leitão, Francisco. 2010. Chicharo L (General coordination), Leitão F (scientific coordination)., Ben-Hamadou R. 2010. RELATORIO 2: Metodologias & Resultados dos trabalhos realizados para a “definição de estratégias para classificação Ecológica das águas costeiras e de transição do Algarve (RH8) ICCE – International Center for Coastal Ecodydrology-UNESCO. 7pg (Consultancy Technical Report).
  22. Leitão, Francisco. 2010. Chìcharo L,Hamadou RB, Range, Pedro, Leitão F, Piló D, Cruz J. 2010. Terminal de GNL de Sines Programa de monitorização dos factores ecológicos e biológicos Marinhos. 2º Relatório de Monitorização – Junho de 2010. 50pp. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  23. Leitão, Francisco. 2010. Chicharo L (General coordination)., Leitão F (scientific coordination); Máximo I, Ben-Hamadou R, Silva M.M. 2010. Caracterização da qualidade ecológica da água das ribeiras do Algarve: Macroinvertebrados bentónicos como bioindicadores. Relatório intercalar relativa ao ano de amostragem de 2010. International Center for Coastal Ecodydrology-UNESCO. 68pg. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  24. Leitão, Francisco. 2009. Chìcharo., L; Hamadou RB., Range, Pedro., Leitão F., Piló D. 2009. Terminal de GNL de Sines Programa de monitorização dos factores ecológicos e biológicos Marinhos. Relatório de Monitorização – Junho de 2009. 55pp. (Consultancy Technical Report) English: Evaluation of the impact of Liquid Natural Gas water discharges over marine benthic communities in 2009..
  25. Leitão, Francisco. 2009. Chicharo L (General coordination)., Leitão F (scientific coordination); Máximo I, Benhamadou B, Silva M.M. 2009. Caracterização da qualidade ecológica da água das ribeiras do Algarve: Macroinvertebrados bentónicos como bioindicadores. Relatório intercalar relativa ao ano de amostragem de 2009. Internationa Center for Coastal Ecodydrology-UNESCO. 68pg. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  26. Leitão, Francisco. 2009. Chicharo L (General coordination)., Leitão F (scientific coordination)., Ben-Hamadou R. 2009. RELATORIO 1: Metodologias dos trabalhos a desenvolver para a classificação ecológica das massas de água de transição e costeiras para a região hidrográfica do Algarve (RH8). ICCE – International Center for Coastal Ecodydrology. 7pg (Consultancy Technical Report) English: Methodological approach’s for ev.
  27. Leitão, Francisco. 2009. Chicharo L(General coordination), Leitão F (scientific coordination), Ben-Hamadou R, Chícharo A, Manjua A. 2009. Relatório intercalar de actividades do Projecto DIMEAGUA. Actividade 1. Revisão e acompanhamento das metodologias e métricas; análise estado actual DQA no Guadiana; definição de limites e identificação diferentes massas de água do Guadiana. 29pp. (Technical Report).
  28. Nierzwicki-Bauer, S.A.. 2007. Leitão, F (scientific coordination). Saraiva, R. 2007. Socio-economic impact analysis. Soyo-fisheries communities. Angola LNG Project. SINFIC, Luanda. (Consultancy Technical Report).
  29. Leitão, Francisco. 2005. Santos, M.N., Gaspar, M.B., Lino, P., Pousão-Ferreira, P., Ferreira, I., Regala, J.T., Constantino, R., Joaquim, J., Pereira, A., Leitão, F., Erzini, K., Bentes, L., Abecasis, D., Gonçalves, J.M.S., Manzano, C., Cordero, M.L., Moreno, O., Manchado, M., Munoz, J.L., Jimenez, M.T., Palanco, I., 2005. GESTPESCA Final report- Bases científicas para a gestão de recursos pesqueiros de interesse comum..
  30. Leitão, Francisco. 2003. Gaspar, M.B.; Leitão, F.; Roque, C.; Monteiro , C.C. 2003. “Impacte da pesca de berbigão com draga de mão e faca de mariscar sobre a comunidade macrobentónica da Ria Formosa”. Relat. Cient.Téc. IPIMAR, digital Series n.º 1, 23pp. (http://www.inrb.pt/ipimar/divulgacao/bivalves-em-portugal/publicacoes-sobre-bivalves).
  31. Leitão, Francisco. 2003. Anon. 2003. MARE Report progress for the period from 2000-2002 of the project: Development and integrate study of Artificial systems in Portugal. Doc. IPIMAR/CRIPSul: 120 p. (IPMA- Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere; IPIMAR – Portuguese Institute for Sea and resources Research).
  32. Leitão, Francisco. 2003. Lart, W. et al. 2003. Evaluation and improvement of shellfish dredge design and fishing effort in relation to technical conservation measures and environmental impact: [ECODREDGE FAIR CT98-4465] FINAL REPORT Volume 1:Review of Dredge Fisheries.
  33. Gaspar, Miguel; Leitão, Francisco; Roque, Cláudia; Monteiro, Carlos Costa. 2003. Impacte da pesca de berbigão com draga de mão e faca de mariscar sobre a comunidade macrobentónica da Ria Formosa.. https://www.ipma.pt/resources.www/docs/publicacoes.site/docweb/2003/Reln01final.pdf.
  34. Leitão, Francisco. 2002. Paula Pereira, Luís Cancela da Fonseca, Miguel Gaspar, Manuela Falcão, Ana Moura, Susana Carvalho, Francisco Leitão, Dora de Jesus. 2002. Reference study (macrofauna characterization) of the Ancão AR zone, prior artificial systems deployment. 31p. Technical intercalary project report of IPMA-IPIMAR (IPMA- Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere; IPIMAR – Portuguese Institute for Sea and resou.
  35. Leitão, Francisco. 2002. Gaspar, M.B., Santos, M.N., Falcão, M., Leitão, F. 2000. 2º Relatório Intercalar do projecto “ECODREDGE” - Evaluation and improvement of shellfish dredge design and fishing in relation to technical conservation measures and environmental impact”. EU FAIR Contract nº 4465. (IPMA- Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere; IPIMAR – Portuguese Institute for Sea and resources Research).
  36. Leitão, Francisco. 2000. Gaspar M., Monteiro C., Santos M., Falcão M., Sobral M., Leitão F. 2000. project ECODREDGE “Evaluation and improvement of shellfish dredge design and fishing in relation to technical conservation measures and environmental impact”. Individual progress report of participant nº 8 (IPIMAR) for the period from 1/12/99 to 30/11/00. Report from Portuguese partners on Task 2 of the EU project Ecodredge ".
  37. Leitão, Francisco. 1999. Gaspar, M.; Chícharo, L.; Santos, M.; Chícharo, A.; Falcão, M.; Sobral, M.; Monteiro, C.; Alves, F. Leitão, F.; Regala, J. & Gouveia, I. 1999. Report from Portuguese partners on Task 1 of the EU project Ecodredge "Evaluation and improvement of shellfish dredge design and fishing in relation to technical conservation measures and environmental impact", EC FAIR-CT98-4465. Universidade do Algarve, Ma.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Baptista, Vânia; Carere, Claudio; Morais, Pedro; Cruz, Joana; Leitão, Francisco; Teodosio, MA; Baptista, Vânia; Cruz, Joana; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra. "Personality in a temperate pelagic fish larvae may affect recruitment in nursery habitats". Trabalho apresentado em 44th Annual Larval Fish Conference (Early Life History Section, AFS), 2021.
  2. Baptista, Vânia; Cruz, Joana; Morais, Pedro; Leitão, Francisco; Wolanski, Eric; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra. "How do white seabream Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus 1758) larvae find a coastal nursery?". Trabalho apresentado em iMarCo2019 ¿ 5th International Marine Connectivity Conference, Aveiro, 2019.
  3. Baptista, Vânia; Carere, Claudio; Morais, Pedro; Cruz, Joana; Castanho, Sara; Ribeiro, Laura; Pousão-Ferreira, Pedro; Leitão, Francisco; Teodósio, Maria Alexandra. "Personality traits of temperate pelagic fish larvae and implications on habitat choice". Trabalho apresentado em VII Congress of the Iberian Society for Ichthyology, Faro, 2018.
  4. Piló, David; Chícharo, Maria Alexandra; Encarnação, João; Leitão, Francisco; Range, Pedro; Chícharo, Luís. "In situ physiological state of intertidal benthic macroinvertebrates under the effect of groundwater discharges". Trabalho apresentado em Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Association - ECSA50, Venice, 2012.
  5. Leitão, Francisco; Encarnação, João; Piló, David; Range, Pedro; Chícharo, Maria Alexandra; Chícharo, Luís. "Effect of groundwater discharges on subtidal benthic communities.". Trabalho apresentado em Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Association - ECSA50, Venice, 2012.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Leitão, Francisco. "Algarve artificial reefs fish assemblages and trophic ecology: implications for the local near shore fisheries. PhD thesis. University of Algarve". Doutoramento, Universidade do Algarve, 2009. https://sapientia.ualg.pt/handle/10400.1/332?mode=full.
  2. Leitão, Francisco. "A comparative study to assess the effect of intertidal non-mechanised cockle harvesting on macrobenthic communities". Mestrado, Universidade de Coimbra, 2004. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338147169_Estudo_comparativo_da_mortalidade_induzida_pela_faca_de_mariscar_e_draga_de_mao_na_comunidade_macrobentonica_associada_aos_bancos_de_pesca_do_berbigao_Cerastoderma_edule_L_1758.
  3. Leitão, Francisco. "Size selectivity of the Spisula solida dredge in relation to tooth spacing and mesh size: Influence of mesh size and tooth spacing on the proportion of damaged organisms.". Licenciatura, Universidade do Algarve, 1999. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338147149_Estudo_da_selectividade_da_ganchorra_utilizada_na_zona_Ocidental_Norte_para_a_captura_de_ameijoa-branca_Spisula_solida_Linnaeus_1758_e_Spisula_elliptica_Brow_1827_Efeito_induzido_pela_arte_na_macrofau.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/09/04 Leitão F, Cánovas F. 2024. Predicting climate change impacts on marine biodiversity and fisheries socio economic sector in Portugal mainland.ECSA60: Implementing Science-Based Solutions and Strategies for Coastal Resilience. Session 8A: Ecology-Coastal biodiversity and ecosystems, 4th Sep 24. Hangzhou, China. (invited) ECSA60: Implementing Science-Based Solutions and Strategies for Coastal Resilience
2024/05 Costa, J., Madiedo, A., Leitão, F. & Ramos, J. "A(I)s coordenadas no azul". SciComPt2024, Braga, May, 2024. Oral presentation. SciComPt2024
Universidade de Braga (Braga)
2023/05/16 Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Leitão F. 2023. Biologia Reprodutiva de peixes com interesse socio-económico local: Oreochromis mossambicus, Otholites ruber, Pellona ditchela. workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais. Presentation made in 13,14 e 16 off May at Murrubune, Gazelas and Icídua fishing communities. (poster). workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais.
(Quelimane, Moçambique)
2023/05/14 2023 - João Monteiro &Francisco Leitão (Workshop organization & lecture), Workshop within the framework of the BIOFISH-QOL project: Evaluation sexual maturation on fish species: Introduction to r-software: Models for calculating reproductive periods; May 14, 2023 – National Institute of Fisheries Research of Mozambique (IIP). These workshop was lectured for all technical team/researchers department of Quelimane National Institute of Fisheries Research of Mozambique (IIP). workshop in fisheries biology
(Quelimane, Moçambique)
2023/05/14 Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Leitão F. 2023. Biologia Reprodutiva de peixes com interesse socio-económico local: Sillago sihama, Trichiurus lepturos, Stolephorus índicos. workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais. Presentation made in 13,14 e 16 off May at Murrubune, Gazelas and Icídua fishing communities. (poster). workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais.
2023/05/13 Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Leitão F. 2023. Biologia Reprodutiva de peixes com interesse socio-económico local: Sardinella albella, Thryssa vitriostris, Johnius dussumier: workshop encerramanto do projeto Biofish-QoL nas comunidades piscatórias do estuário dos Bons Sinais. Presentation made in 13,14 e 16 off May at Murrubune, Gazelas and Icídua fishing communities (poster).
2023/01 Albo-Puigserver M, Thiebaut R, Pinto M, Bueno-Pardo J, Teodósio M.A, Leitão F.2023. Climate-Fishing Conversations: participatory evaluation of adaptation measures to climate change in fisheries in Portugal. IX International Congress of Agroecology, session:P5 Planting initiatives with transformative potential in the fishing sector. Palma, Spain IX International Congress of Agroecology, session:P5 Planting initiatives with transformative potential in the fishing sector.
2023 Ramos, J. & Leitão, F. (2023). Deployed… so what!? Are artificial reefs still useful decades after they were sunk? XXV Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE-2023), May 30 – Jun 01, 2023, Athens, Greece: Oral Presentation. XXV Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE-2023)
2023 Monteiro JN, Roa-Ureta RH, Ovelheiro A, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. The Crab Fishery in Portugal Rebuilding the past Assessing the present Planning the future. ICYMARE18 - 23 September 2023, Oldenburg, Canada ICYMARE
2023 Pinto M, Albo-Puigserver M, Bueno-Pardo J, Teodósio M.A, Leitão F. 2023. Fishing for Climate Resiliency: A participatory approach to develop adaptation measures to cope with climate change. ICYMARE, 18 - 23 September 2023, Oldenburg, Canada. ICYMARE - International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers
2023 Ramos J, Camelo A, Leitão F. 2023. Compreender e gerir as dinâmicas e interações dos intervenientes com os recifes artificiais: o caso algarvio XIII Encontro da Rede BRASPOR 2023, Cascais, 25 a 28 de Outubro de 2023. Lisboa BRASPOR
2023 Leitão F, Camelo MA, Costa J, Ramos J. 2023. Análise comparativa da dinâmica da pesca entre áreas com e sem recifes artificiais na costa sul de portugal. XIII Encontro da Rede BRASPOR, Cascais, 25 a 28 de Outubro de 2023. Lisboa BRASPOR
2023 Leitão F. 2023. Fisheries Management and Climatic Change in Small Scale Fisheries. (webinar Lecture). Invited lecture by WWF Mediterranean. Project: Transforming Small Scale Fisheries Description of the activity: Preparation of training session on climate change adaptation in Small Scale fisheries for SSF team training on Fisheries Management Plans, Trieste 22-23 February 2023.
2022/12/04 Leitão F. Nuno J. 2022. CRUSTAPANHA: Contribution to the sustainable management of small-scale CRUSTACEAN fisheries: Study of the ecology, biology and population dynamics of small crabs with commercial interest existing along the Portuguese coast. Small Fishing Congress. Quarteira Municipality Centre. December 5, 2022 (invited by DOCAPESCA, Keynote Speaker) Small Fishing Congress
2022/10/26 Leitão F, Pinto M, Albo-Puigserver M, Cánovas F, Ito P, Teodósio M.A.2022. CLIMA-PESCA:Vulnerabilidade do setor das pescas às mudanças climáticas: medidas de adaptação (CLIMA-PESCA). 26 October. “ADEPE e os projetos de promoção e desenvolvimento do território e da sua comunidade”. Adepe - Associação para o Desenvolvimento de Peniche. Webinar 2: (invited: Adepe - Association for the Development of Peniche) ADEPE e os projetos de promoção e desenvolvimento do território e da sua comunidade
ADEPE (Peniche, Portugal)
2022/09 Monteiro JN, Roa-Ureta RH, Ovelheiro A, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. 2022. Characterization of the European green crab fisheries in the Portuguese coast: n important small-scale socioeconomic fishery. 4TH WORLD SMALL-SCALE FIHERIES CONGRESS SERIES - EUROPE, MALTA, 12-14. September. WORLD SMALL-SCALE FIHERIES CONGRESS SERIES
2022/09 Monteiro JN, Roa-Ureta RH, Ovelheiro A, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. 2022. Population dynamics, reproductive and growth aspect of the European green crab along estuaries and lagoons of the Portuguese Coast. ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022, 19-24 September, IRELAND. ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022
2022/09 Pinto M, Albo-Puigserver M, Bueno-Pardo J, Teodósio M.A, Leitão F. 2022 Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of Portuguese fisheries to climate change. ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022, 19-24 September, IRELAND. ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022
2022/09 Leitão F, Bueno-Pardo J, Albo-Puigserver M, Cánovas F, Pinto M, Teodósio M.A. 2022 An ecological assessment to determine Vulnerability of the Portuguese Fisheries to climate change. Submitted: ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022, 19-24 September, IRELAND.
2022/09 Albo-Puigserver M, Thiebaut R, Pinto M, Bueno-Pardo J, Teodósio M.A, Leitão F. 2022. Adaptation to climate change of fisheries in Portugal: participatory evaluation of measures. ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022, 19-24 September, IRELAND. ICES ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE 2022,
2022/07/14 Fisheries Ecology and climate change Link: https://noticias.unab.cl/investigadores-europeos-quedaron-impresionados-con-cimarq-de-la-unab-catalogandolo-de-nivel-mundial/ master class
University Andres Bello, Faculdade de Ciencias de la vida (Santiago, Chile)
2022/07/14 Leitão F. 2022. Fisheries Ecology and climate change (magistral class). Invited by University Andres Bello, Faculdade de Ciencias de la vida. Santiago, Chile. 14 of July.
University Andres Bello, Chile (Santiago, Chile)
2022/06/30 Leitão F. 2022. BIOFISH-QoL – Bons Sinais estuary (Mozambique): fisheries and quality of life. 2022 UN Ocean Conference - Virtual side events: Marine Africa: the role in excellence in capacity building to increase globally ocean health and quality of life. UN Ocean Conference
United Nations (Portugal)
2022/06/30 Manuessa B, Borges RC, Leitão F. 2022. Socio-economic importance of small-scale mud crab fishing in the Bons Sinais estuary (Mozambique). 2022 UN Ocean Conference - Virtual side events: Marine Africa: the role in excellence in capacity building to increase globally ocean health and quality of life. UN Ocean Conference
United Nations (Portugal)
2022/06 Leitão F. 2022. Impactos das alterações climáticas na pesca em Portugal. Workshop sobre “Desafios para a pesca e aquacultura: Como podemos assegurar maior sustentabilidade considerando o desafio das alterações climáticas? Projeto projeto NEPTUNUS. 6 julho 2022, Instituto Portugues do Mar e Atmosfera (IPMA) – Instituto das Pescas e do MAR (IPIMAR) (invited speaker). English: Impacts of climate change on fisheries in Portugal. Workshop Challenges for fisheries and aquaculture: How can we ensure greater sustainability considering the challenge of climate change?
ortuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) – Institute of Fisheries and the SEA (IPIMAR) (Portugal)
2022/06 Monteiro JN, Bueno-Pardo J, Pinto M,Pardal M, Martinho F, Leitão F. 2022. More and smaller crabs: Implications of warming on the morphometric and reprodutive traits of Carcinus maenas. Vídeo-Poster: XI CBC – THE CRUSTACEAN SOCIETY SUMMER MEETING 2022 BRAZIL. JUNE 2022
2021 Albo-Puigserver, M., Bueno-Pardo, J., Pinto, M., Monteiro, J.N., Ovelheiro, A., Teodósio, M.A., Leitão, F. Ecological Sensitivity and Vulnerability of the Landings in Portuguese Fisheries: species prioritization for adaptation Plans. IMBIZO 6, Workshop 3: Ocean Governance and climate adaptation: comparing responses, charting future courses. 18-22 October 2021, IMBER. Ocean Governance and climate adaptation: comparing responses, charting future courses
2021 Monteiro J.N, Ovelheiro A, Ventaneira AM, Vieira V, Teodósio MA, Leitão F. Variability in Carcinus maenas fecundity along lagoons and estuaries of the Portuguese Coast. ICYMARE - International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers. 2021 Berlin 21-24 September 2021 ICYMARE - International Conference for YOUNG Marine Researchers
2021 Albo-Puigserver, M., Bueno-Pardo, J., Pinto, M., Monteiro, J.N., Ovelheiro, A., Teodósio, M.A., Leitão, F. Ecological Sensitivity and Vulnerability of the Landings in Portuguese Fisheries: species prioritization for adaptation Plans. IMBIZO 6, Workshop 3: Ocean Governance and climate adaptation: comparing responses, charting future courses. 18-22 October 2021, IMBER. Link: https://imber.info/imbizo-6-recordings-workshop-3/ Ocean Governance and climate adaptation: comparing responses, charting future courses
2021 Leitão F, Puibiserver M.A, Pinto M, Pardo J, Cánovas F, Ito P, Teodósio A. 2021. Webinar: Efeito das alterações climáticas na pesca em Portugal. 7 December. Invited by SCIAENA ONG. Link: https://youtu.be/TcQ6h8eM7Pk English: Impact of climate change in Portuguese Fisheries (INVITED by SCIAENA)
2021 Monteiro, J.N., Bueno-Pardo, J., Pardal, M., Martinho, F., Leitão, F. Efeito da temperatura na reprodução e morfometria de Carcinus maenas. 1-4 Dezembro 2021, 20º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, Ponte de Lima. English: Effect of temperature on reproduction and morphometry of Carcinus maenas
2021 Monteiro, J.N., Bueno-Pardo, J., Pardal, M., Martinho, F., Leitão, F. Efeito da temperatura na reprodução e morfometria de Carcinus maenas. 1-4 Dezembro 2021, 20º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, Ponte de Lima. 20º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia
Escola superior agrária de ponte de lima (Ponte de Lima)
2021 Leitão F, Puibiserver M-A; Pinto M, Ovelheiro A, Monteiro J, Sordo L, Pardo J, Teodósio A. 2021 (Invited by Olhão Mayor/County). As alterações climáticas e a Pesca em Portugal. Dia do Pescador: Olhão 29 de Maio de 2021. Auditório da câmara de Olhão. Sessão subordinada às celebração do dia do pescador. English: Climate change and fisheries in Portugal. Presentation made within celebration of the fishermen day at Olhão to fishermen community. Olhão fishermen day
Municipality of Olhão (Olhão, Portugal)
2020/10/05 Leitão F. 2020. Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) “BIOFISH – QoL. November 5, 2020. Encontro Ciência 2020. “Science and technology summit in Portugal”. Lisbon (INVITED by FCT, with the presence of FCT president and AKDN representant) Encontro Ciência 2020. “Science and technology summit in Portugal”
Encontro Ciência 2020. “Science and technology summit in Portugal” (Lisboa, Portugal)
2020/02/26 Leitão F. 2020 (Invited). Vulnerability of fisheries to climate change. IN Seminar: “Climate change and marine resources: past, present and future”. Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Environment IPMA– IPIMAR (INVITED within CERES-IPMA co-joint action project) Lisbon26 February 2020. “Climate change and marine resources: past, present and future”
uguese Institute of the Sea and the Environment IPMA– IPIMAR (INVITED ) (Portugal)
2018 Leitão F, Baptista V. Teodósio A. 2018. Climate change impacts in Portuguese Marine Resources (University of the Algarve-CCMar). IN The role of actors in the process of implementing climate action and sustainable development agendas: The Partnership of Marrakesh and the Talanoa Dialogue and the ocean-climate interface. 28 de Março de 2018, Lisboa Venue: Academy of Sciences. Thematic: Highlight: The Ocean and coastal Zones as an emergent climate policy and process within the UNFCCC: Why a priority at the Partnership? The role of actors in the process of implementing climate action and sustainable development agendas: The Partnership of Marrakesh and the Talanoa Dialogue and the ocean-climate interface
Lisboa Venue: Academy of Sciences (Lisboa, Portugal)
2018 Leitão F. (2018) Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) “BIOFISH – QoL. February 16, 2018. 1.º Concurso FCT & Aga Khan (INVITED by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia –FCT - Portuguese President of Science and Technology) 1.º Concurso FCT & Aga Khan
FCT (Aveiro, Portugal)
2018 Leitão L., Anjos M, Kirchner C, Ovelheiro A, Campino M, Gavaia P, Quintela J, Teodósio MA (2018). IN Semana do Polvo 2018 Seminário do Polvo, 14 setembro in Centro Autárquico de Quarteira. INVITED by ARMALGARVE fishermen Organization/Association. (INVITED speaker) Semana do Polvo 2018
ARMALGARVE fishermen Organization/Association (Quarteira, Portugal)
2018 Sousa F, Frazão H, Cagarra G, Fernandes J, Boutov D, Leitão F, Range P. 2018. Hydrological characterization of the submarine groundwater discharges at Olhos de Água, Algarve – FREZZE project. IX Symposium on Iberian Atlantic Margin – MIA 2018, Coimbra, 4-7 Setembro de 2018. IX Symposium on Iberian Atlantic Margin – MIA 2018,
University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2018 Mocuba, JJ. Teodósio, MAA., Leitão, F. 2018. The role of the Bons Sinais estuary as a nursery for fish species with commercial interest. III jornadas Cientificas das Instituições do Ensino Superior da Zambézia: Da produção do conhecimento Cientifico para a produção e melhoria de bens e serviços para as comunidades. Sessão de Ciências Marinhas e Pescas. Cidade de Mocuba 18-19 Outubro de 2018. III jornadas Cientificas das Instituições do Ensino Superior da Zambézia
III jornadas Cientificas das Instituições do Ensino Superior da Zambézia (Cidade de Mocuba, Moçambique)
2018 Manuessa, B., Borges TC., Leitão F. 2018. Determinação directa das idades, Dinâmica Populacional, Importância socioeconómica, ecologia e biologia reprodutiva do caranguejo de mangal Scylla serrata (Forskal, 1755) explorado ao longo do estuário dos Bons Sinais. III jornadas Cientificas das Instituições do Ensino Superior da Zambézia: Da produção do conhecimento Cientifico para a produção e melhoria de bens e serviços para as comunidades. Sessão de Ciências Marinhas e Pescas. Cidade de Mocuba 18-19 Outubro de 2018. III jornadas Cientificas das Instituições do Ensino Superior da Zambézia
III jornadas Cientificas das Instituições do Ensino Superior da Zambézia (Macuba, Moçambique)
2018 Leitão F. (2018) Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) “BIOFISH – QoL. February 16, 2018 (INVITED by School of Marine and Coastal Sciences (Eduardo Mondlane University) BIOFISH -PROJECT -School of Marine and Coastal Sciences
BIOFISH -PROJECT -School of Marine and Coastal Sciences (Quelimane, Moçambique)
2018 Baptista V, Carere C, Morais P, Cruz J, Castanho S, Ribeiro L, Pousão-Ferreira P, Leitão F, Wolanski E, Teodósio MA (2018) Personality traits of temperate pelagic fish larvae and implications on habitat choice. VII Congress of the Iberian Society for Ichthyology, Faro, Portugal. VII Congress of the Iberian Society for Ichthyology
University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
2018 Leitão F. Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) “BIOFISH – QoL. July 8, 2019. Encontro Ciência 2019. “Science and technology summit in Portugal”. Lisbon (INVITED by FCT, with the presence of FCT president and AKDN representant) Science and technology summit in Portugal
FCT (Lisboa, Portugal)
2016 Leitão, F. 2016. Portuguese fisheries status and spatial management: the case of sardina pilchardus Fórum Internacional das Pescas dos Açores FIPA 2016, 6-9 de Junho 2016 (Oral communication: INVITED by Azores Regional Fisheries Office Director). Fórum Internacional das Pescas dos Açores FIPA
Azores Regional Fisheries Office Director (Faial, Azores, Portugal)
2016 Leitão F and Teodosio A. 2016. “Biodiversity assessment in Monchique streams”. SOWAMO Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation - Water and Forests at Ås, Norway, 9-10 September 2016. (INVITED by Monchique Mayor/Municipality) SOWAMO Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation
Monchique Mayor/Municipality (Monchique, Portugal)
2015 Ferreira R., Prazeres I, Silva M, Bentes L, Leitão F, Borges T, Bolten A. 2015. Sea turtle snorkling survey at príncipe island, west Africa. 35th International Sea Turtle Symposium, Dalaman, Turkey; 01/2015. 5th International Sea Turtle Symposium
Dalaman, Turkey (Dalaman, Turkey, Turquia)
2014 Sousa F.M., G. Carrara, J. Fernandes, D. Boutov, M. Loureiro, F. Leitão, P. Range e A. Machado, 2014: “Descargas de Águas Subterrâneas na região dos Olhos de Água – alguns resultados das campanhas CTD”, p. 503-507 de “Proceedings da 8ª Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica”, (eds. B. Caldeira, J. Barrenho, J.F. Borges, J. Pombinho, M.J. Costa, M.R. Duque, M. Bezzeghoud e R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989-98836-0-4, 593 pp (em formato digital). Proceedings da 8ª Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica
Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofísica (Portugal)
2014 Sousa F.M., G. Carrara, J. Fernandes, D. Boutov, M. Loureiro, F. Leitão, P. Range e A. Machado, 2014: “Descargas de Águas Subterrâneas na plataforma continental do Algarve, p. 21-22. Encontro de Oceanografia, 21-22 de Março de 2014, Nazaré. Associação Portuguesa de Oceanografia (APOCEAN). Livro de resumos (book abstract) Encontro de Oceanografia
Associação Portuguesa de Oceanografia (APOCEAN) (Portugal)
2014 Leitão F. 2014. Olhos de Água e o impacte na biodiversidade dos ecossistemas costeiros. Comemoração do Dia Nacional da Água. Albufeira, 1 outubro 2014. Salão Nobre da Câmara Municipal de Albufeira (INVITED by Albufeira Mayor/Municipality and Portuguese Environmental Agency of Algarve) National day of the water, Albufeira
Albufeira Municipality (Albufeira, Portugal)
2014 Leitão F. 2014. Dynamic of coastal fisheries resources: ecosystem approach to fisheries. Seminar to student of dynamic of aquatic ecossystems within ERASMUS MUNDUS Biodiversity and Conservation MASTER. 17 de Outubro 2014. University of Algarve, Faro. Seminar to student of dynamic of aquatic ecossystems within ERASMUS MUNDUS Biodiversity and Conservation MASTER
University of Algarve, Faro (Faro, Portugal)
2012 Leitão F., Teixeira C., Roberts J., Chicharo L. 2012. Ecological trends in Portuguese fish assemblage’s over the last 60ths. Proceedings of the 6th World Fisheries Congress Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World. Predictions and adaptations of climate change impacts on fish and fisheries. Edinburgh, Scotland. Book of Abstracts Pg11. 6th World Fisheries Congress Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World. Predictions and adaptations of climate change impacts on fish and fisheries.
Edinburgh, Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland, Reino Unido)
2012 Teixeira C M., Gamito R., Leitão F, Cabral H. N., Erzini K, Costa M.J. 2012. Trends in landings of fish species potentially affected by climate changes in Portuguese fisheries. Predictions and adaptations of climate change impacts on fish and fisheries. Proceedings of the 6th World Fisheries Congress Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World. Edinburgh, Scotland. Book of Abstracts. Pg5 6th World Fisheries Congress Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World
Edinburgh, Scotland (Edinburgh, Scotland, Reino Unido)
2012 F. Leitão, J. Encarnação, D. Piló, P. Range, A. Chicharo, L. Chicharo. 2012. Effect of groundwater discharges on subtidal benthic communities. ECSA 50. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Association, Venice, Italy. LINK: http://www.estuarinecoastalconference.com/index.html ECSA 50. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Association
ECSA 50. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Association (Venice, Italy)
2012 Hughes SJ, Leitão F, Leitão F, Máximo I, Atanasova N, Cortes, MV, Furtado A, Chicharo L. 2012. Macroinvertebrate sampling protocols and classification of ecological status: a comparative experiment in intermittent Mediterranean river systems. TEMPRIV2012 - International Conference on Temporary Rivers. 12-14 September. University of Évora, Portugal. TEMPRIV2012 - International Conference on Temporary Rivers.
University of Évora, (Évora, Portugal)
2012 Leitão F. 2012. Ecossistemas Costeiros e Marinhos. “A avaliação de ecossistemas costeiros e os macroinvertebrados bentónicos”. Voluntariado Ambiental para a Água. Faro, 23 de Abril (Invited by “Ciencia Viva”, Algarve). English title: Marine and Coastal Ecosystems. Evaluation of coastal ecosystems and the macroinvertebrates. Regional meeting for water environmental volunteering. Regional meeting for water environmental volunteering.
Tavira "lyfe Science" center (Tavira, Portugal)
2012 Leitão F. 2012. Climatic changes and near shore fisheries (Doutor Francisco Leitão). Lecture of the Seminars of Ecology of resources, Master in Aquaculture & Fisheries. 15 June. University of Algarve (Invited by master course coordinator, Faculty of sciences and environment) Seminars of Ecology of resources, Master in Aquaculture & Fisheries
Faculty of sciences and environment, university of Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
2012 . Leitão F. 2012. Integrating river influence on coastal fisheries dynamics (Doutor Francisco Leitão). Lecture within the International Summer Course in ECOHYDROLOGY: From River To Coasts. 01 August. University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Environment (Invited by summer course coordinator: Luis Chicharo) Summer Course in ECOHYDROLOGY:
University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and environment (Faro, Portugal)
2012 Leitão F. 2012. Project “Voluntariado Ambiental para a Água” a Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente I.P. - Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Algarve (APA – ARH do Algarve). 16 e 17 de Novembro de 2012, o “3º Encontro Regional de Voluntariado Ambiental para a Água”, Saída 1- Monitorização Voluntária na Ria Formosa – Macroinvertebrados Bentónicos (INVITED by Faro mayor/Municipality-public session) 3º Encontro Regional de Voluntariado Ambiental para a Água
Faro mayor/Municipality (Faro, Portugal)
2011 Atanasova N., Leitão F., Mascarenhas A., Boski T. 2011. Rivers Nutrients and fish Catches in Guadiana estuary: from observations to modelling. Symposium “Margem Sul, Processos e Equilíbrios” 10 November 2011, University of Algarve (Invited by scientific board commision). Symposium “Margem Sul, Processos e Equilíbrios”
University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
2011 Leitão F., Chicharo, A. Chicharo, L. 2011. Os macroinvertebrados bentónicos e os ecossistemas costeiros. 2º Encontro Regional de Voluntariado Ambiental para a Água. Loulé, 24 e 25 de Novembro 2011(speaker: Invited by Regional Water managment authorities, Algarve). Link: http://www.arhalgarve.pt/site/parameters/arhalgarve/files/File/upload/Encontros_VAA/2011/2ERVAA_25_26Nov_2011.pdf). English title: Benthic macroinvertebrates and the coastal ecosystems. 2nd regional meeting for environmental water volunteer. 2nd regional meeting for environmental water volunteer
Regional Water managment authorities, Algarve (Loulé, Portugal)
2010 Leitão F. 2010. Algarve artificial reefs fish assemblages and trophic ecology: implications for the local near shore fisheries (Doutor Francisco Leitão). Lecture of the Seminars of Ecology of resources master aquaculture & fisheries. 09 June. University of Algarve Seminars of Ecology of resources master aquaculture & fisheries
University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
2010 Leitão F., Máximo I. 2010. A Importância da Determinação da Qualidade Ecológica da água nas Ribeiras (Sistemas Aquáticos) do Algarve, no âmbito da Directiva Quadro de Àgua. Encontros imediatos com a Ciência. Centro de Ciência viva de Tavira. 26 Novembro (Invited, oral presentation). English title: Importance of stream ecological quality determination in Algarve within water frame directive proposes. Scientific Lectures of Tavira life Science Centre. 26 November (Invited, oral presentation - public session). Scientific Lectures of Tavira life Science Centre.
Tavira life Science Centre. (Tavira, Portugal)
2009 Leitão, F., 2009. Algarve artificial reefs fish assemblages and trophic ecology: implications for the local near shore fisheries (Doutor Francisco Leitão). Lecture of the Seminars of Ecology of resources master aquaculture & fisheries. 30 April. University of Algarve Lecture of the Seminars of Ecology of resources master aquaculture & fisheries
University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
2009 Santos M.N., Leitão F., Moura A., Cerqueira M. & Monteiro C.C. 2009. Diplodus spp assemblages on artificial reefs of different ages: influence of the associated epibenthic macrofauna. 9th Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats, 8-13 November 2009, Curitiba, Brazil. 9th Conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats
Curitiba, Brazil. (Curitiba, Brazil., Brasil)
2007 Leitão F. 2007. Artificial Reefs: Oasis for Marine Life in Algarve. Seminar about the convention on Biological Diversity - “Biodiversity: Way for a Sustainable Evolution”. (www.Sylvestris.org/seminar.html). Sylvestre Fundation, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, October 27 to 29, Lisbon. (Invited, oral presentation) Biodiversity: Way for a Sustainable Evolution”. (www.Sylvestris.org/seminar.html). Sylvestre Fundation
Sylvestre Fundation, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, (Lisboa, Portugal)
2007 Leitão, F., 2007. Does the attraction of predators to an artificial reef cause indirect effects on reef-associated species? Seminários do mar e do ambiente. Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente. Algarve University. 3 May. Seminários do mar e do ambiente. Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente
Algarve University (Faro, Portugal)
2006 Leitão, F., Santos M.N., Erzini, K. 2006. Does the attraction of predators to an artificial reef cause indirect effects on reef-associated species? The sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) case study. XIV Simpósio ibérico de Estudos de biologia Marinha (SIEBM XIV). 12-5 Setember 2006. Barcelona, Spain: p212 XIV Simpósio ibérico de Estudos de biologia Marinha (SIEBM XIV)
Barcelona, Spain (Barcelona, Spain, Espanha)
2005 Leitão F; Santos, M.N., Curdia, J; Moura, A., Monteiro, C.C. Contribution of the Algarve artificial reefs (Southern Portugal) to the feeding diet of Diplodus sargus (L. 1758). 8th International conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats. 10-14 April 2005. Biloxi, USA:36. 8th International conference on Artificial Reefs and Artificial Habitats
Biloxi, USA (Biloxi, USA, Estados Unidos)
2004 Gaspar, M.B., Leitão, F.M., Santos, M.N., Chícharo, L.M., Chícharo, A., Monteiro, C.C., 2004. Which are the benefits of using more selective and efficient bivalve dredges? World Congress of Malacology, 11-16 July 2004, Perth, Australia: 46. World Congress of Malacology
Perth, Australia ( Perth, Austrália)
2003 Leitão, F.M.S., Gaspar, M.B., 2003. Comparison between the impact induced by harvesting knife and hand dredge in the macrobenthic community associated to cockle (Cerastoderma edule, L.) fishery (Ria Formosa lagoon – Southern Portugal). 38th European Marine Biology Symposium”: Threats: Management and Conservation: Human impacts and restoration. 8-12 Setembro 2003. University of Aveiro, Portugal. (83) 87-88. 38th European Marine Biology Symposium”: Threats: Management and Conservation: Human impacts and restoration
University of Aveiro, (Aveiro, Portugal)
2003 Gaspar, M.B., Leitão, F., Santos, M.N., Chícharo, L., Dias, M.D., Chícharo, A., Monteiro, C.C., 2003. Influence of dredge efficiency and selectivity on macrobenthic mortality. 38th European Marine Biology Symposium, 8 a 12 de Setembro, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro: 80. 38th European Marine Biology Symposium
Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2024 - Atual Camelo AMA. 2024“Analysis of Cultural and Provisioning Ecosystem Services Use: A Comparative Study of Artificial Reefs, Rocky Areas, and Sandy Bottoms in the Algarve”. UNIVERSIDADE DO ALGARVE Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia. Master in Coastal and Marine Systems. 56pp
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2020/11/25 - Atual PhD supervision: Population Dynamics and biological aspects of mud crabs (Carcinus maenas; Uca tangeri) caught along Portuguese coast: contribution for fisheries management
PhD - Doctoral Program in Marine, Earth and Environmental Science. (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2020/11/25 - Atual PhD supervision:Vulnerability assessment of Portuguese fisheries to climate change. University of Algarve
PhD - Doctoral Program in Marine, Earth and Environmental Science. (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2019 - Atual José Rui Ferreira Picoto Carneiro. 2019. Biological characterization of commercial invertebrate and fish species off Portuguese Coast. Experimental work in Marine Biology (3ECTs)
Marine Biology (Iniciação científica)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2019 - Atual Eudriano Costa (Posdoc researcher supervision). 2019. Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique)
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2019 - Atual Juan Bueno Pardo (PostDoc researcher supervision). 2019. A framework for assess vulnerability of coastal fisheries to climate change in Portuguese coast.
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2018 - Atual Loann Brozzetti 2018. Internships B. Sc. in Biology or Marine Biology from University of La Rochelle (ULR), France (FL Scientific supervisor).
Biology or Marine Biology (Iniciação científica)
2018 - Atual María Nieves Cuesta Segura. 2018. certificate of stage Mobility plan | integral program of qualification and employment. European Grant found. Advance professionalization (within CCMAR and public Governmental entities protocol, FL was the Scientific supervisor).
European Grant found. Advance professionalization (Curso de aperfeiçoamento / especialização)
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2018 - Atual Davide Morais Araújo. 2018. Biologia reprodutiva de caranguejo verde (Carcinus maenas); analise de dados aéreos de cavalete (Uca tangeri). Experimental work in Marine Biology (3ECTs)
Marine Biology (Iniciação científica)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2018 - Atual Martyna Plewniak. 2018. Ecological status of water bodies of the Algarve region based on macrofauna communities. Traineeship Agreement signed by Univ. of Gdansk and the CCMAR (4 months traineeship)
Marine Biology (Iniciação científica)
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2018 - Atual Ruben Perez. 2018. Effect of environmental on sea turtles populations in São Tomé and Principe island. Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. International Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation EMBC+. University of Algarve. 40pp.
Marine Biodiversity and Conservation EMBC+ (Mestrado)
2018 - Atual Andreia Ovelheiro (2018-ongoing: fellowship grant supervision) Biology and Ecology of estuarine crab populations along Portuguese Coast (Project name CRUSTAPANHA Projet n.º 16-01-04-FMP-0005 (Founded by MAR2020)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018 - Atual Daniela Nobre da Silva (2018-ongoing: fellowship grant supervision) Vulnerability Assessment framework to Assess the effect of climate change in Portuguese Fisheries. (Project name Biofish-QoL Projet Reference Proposal: 330785505, FCT I.P & AKDN
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018 - Atual João Nuno Monteiro (2018-ongoing: fellowship grant supervision) Recruitment and dynamic populations estuarine crab populations along Portuguese Coast (Project name CRUSTAPANHA Projet n.º 16-01-04-FMP-0005, Founded by MAR2020)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2017 - Atual Co-coordinator of ECOREACH group at Centre of Marine Science, University of Algarve
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2016 - Atual Nacho Pérez Blasco. 2016. Environmental Variability And Fishing Effects On Artisanal Commercial Flatfish Fisheries Along The Portuguese Coast. (International Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, EMBC+, university of Algarve) 39pp.
International Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, EMBC+ (Mestrado)
2016 - Atual Pedro Monteiro. 2016. An analysis of westerly wind intensity on the Portuguese coastline: establishing a baseline for long and short terms of westerly wind intensity in three locations of the Portuguese coastline. International Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, EMBC+, university of Algarve). 38pp.
Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, EMBC+ (Mestrado)
2016 - Atual Jeremias Joaquim Mocuba. 2016. Small scale fisheries and recruitment Ecology of fisheries resources along to the Bons Sinais Estuary - Mozambique. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da University of Algarve (ongoing).
Marine Biology (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2016 - Atual Bonifácio Carlitos Manuessa. 2016. Population dynamics, Ecology, reproductive biology and socioeconomic importance of the mud crab Scylla serrata captured by artisanal fishing along to the Bons Sinais Estuary - Mozambique. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da University of Algarve (ongoing).
Marine Biology (Doutoramento)
2015 - Atual Marta Isabel Oliveira Martins. 2015. Ocean acidification in shallow water volcanic CO2 vents of the Azores: effects of macrobenthic assemblages. Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. Within the ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Programme EMBC. 69pp. (Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation)
Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2015 - Atual Nelson Baiao Cambinda. 2015. Crescimento, ecologia alimentar e reprodução do Carapau do Cunene (Trachurus trecae; Cadenat, 1949), na costa sul de Angola-Namibe. Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biologia Marinha. 88pp. (Marine Biology master, University of Algarve)
Marine Biology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2015 - Atual Domingas Perpétua André Quiatuhanga. 2015. Ecologia alimentar, Idade e crescimento, aspectos reprodutivos e relações morfométricas da Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) e Sardinella maderensis (Lowe, 1838) na costa sul de Angola. Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biologia Marinha. 106pp. (Marine Biology master, University of Algarve)
Marine Biology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2014 - Atual Vânia Baptista (SFRH/BD/104209/2014): Influence of oceanography and larvae behaviour on recruitment of temperate fishes: The importance of physics biology links to manage fisheries at a local scale. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da University of Algarve (PhD student: Aproved 31 October 2019).
Marine Biology (Doutoramento)
2013 - Atual Viola Alms. 2013. A multi-model approach to analyse environmental effects on small (Sardina pilchardus) and medium (Scomber scombrus) pelagic fish species along the Portuguese coast. Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Programme EMBC. June 2013. 73p. (Erasmus Mundus programme Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Bremen University) Link: http://embc.marbef.org/index.asp?p=1660&a=1660&mod=teacher&id=1553
Erasmus Mundus programme Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Bremen University
2012 - Atual Vitali Bakun. 2012. Working with remote sensed oceanographic data (Marine Biology course, Experimental Work).
Marine Biology (Curso de aperfeiçoamento / especialização)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2012 - Atual João Encarnação. 2012. Impact of submarine ground water dischrges on subtidal meiofauna and macrofauna benthic communities/Avaliação do impacto das descargas submarinas de água subterrânea nas comunidades de meiofauna e macrofauna bentónicas, Olhos de Água (Algarve). Dissertação Para Obtenção Do Grau De Mestre Em Ecologia Marinha. Faculdade de Ciências da universidade de Lisboa. Universidade De Lisboa Departamento De Biologia Animal. 65p. (Universidade de Lisboa, Faculty of Sciences). http://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/7829/1/ulfc_tm_joao_enca
Marine Ecology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2012 - Atual Hadayet Ullah. 2012. Establishing relationships between climatic variables and coastal fisheries of Portugal. Master thesis submitted for the fulfilment of the title of Master of Science in Ecohydrology. FCT, University of Algarve, 89p. FCT, University of Algarve (6-September). , Master in Ecohydrology, Programa Erasmus Mundus (University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology)
Ecohydrology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2012 - Atual Vânia Baptista. 2012 Impacts of environmental changes on bivalves harvesting in Portuguese coast. Dissertação de Candidatura ao grau de Mestre em Ciências do Mar. Recursos Marinhos Especialidade em Biologia e Ecologia Marinhas submetida ao Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto.(20 - Dezembro 2012). (University of Porto, Institute of Biological Sciences Abel Salazar, Aquaculture and Fisheries Master).Link: http://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/68938/2/1541.pdf
Aquaculture and Fisheries (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2011 - Atual Matos, A. 2011. Efeito da descarga de águas subterrâneas nas comunidades de macrofauna bentónica arenosa da zona costeira (análises multivariadas). Exprimental Work in Marine Biology. English title: Effect of submarine groundwater discharges over coastal sandy benthic communities – Multivariate analysis (Marine Biology course)
Marine Biology (Iniciação científica)
2011 - Atual - Alexia. G. 2011. Efeito da descarga de água doce subterráneas sobre os Macroinvertebrados de substratos rochosos nas zonas costeiras. (Marine Biology course) English title: Effect of costal groundwater discharges over coastal rocky benthic communities (ongoing)
Marine Biology (Iniciação científica)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2011 - Atual Rogério Ferreira (SFRH/BD/73947/2010) - Title: Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, Population Dynamics in Príncipe Island. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da University of Algarve
Marine Biology (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2009 - Atual Sofia Gigante. 2009. Efeito dos pulsos de água doce nas comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos de ribeiras do Algarve. 15p. University of Algarve, FCT (20-September). English title: The effect of superficial water pulses over stream macroinvertebrates in Algarve region (South Portugal). (Marine Biology course)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2009 - Atual Filipa Braga. 2009. Efeitos dos pulsos de água doce na qualidade da água e na comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentónicos na ribeira do Vascão. 16p University of Algarve, FCT (20-September). English title: The effect of superficial water pulses over the water quality in Vascão stream. Freshwater benthic communities as bio-indicators (Marine Biology course)
Marine Biology (Iniciação científica)
2009 - Atual Isa Máximo. 2009. Avaliação da qualidade da água das ribeiras do Algarve: uso de macroinvertebrados bentónicos como bioindicadores. Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação Marinha. University of Algarve, 50p. FCT , University of Algarve (During April to December, 2009). (University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology) English title: Evaluation of water quality in Algarve watershed: using benthic communities (macroinvertebrates) as bioindicators.
Marine Biology (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2020/11/23 - 2023/10/22 Posdoc supervision: - Marta Albo Puigserver. 2020. Vulnerability of the fishing sector to climate change: adaptation measures (PhD researcher within project CLIMAPESCA)
PhD researcher (Outra)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2022 - 2023 Paula Akemi Ito. 2022. Operações geoespaciais para aquisição e analise de dados climáticos. Projeto. Relatório final da UALG Estágio, integrada no 3º ano da licenciatura de Biologia. English: Geospatial operations for climate data acquisition and analysis. Project. Final report of UALG Internship, integrated in the 3rd year of the Biology degree
licenciatura de Biologia (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2022 - 2022 Thiebaut Romane. 2022 (ongoing). Adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change of the Portuguese fishing community. Université de Perpignan. 6-month internship at CCMAR facilities. (FL Scientific supervisor).
Marine Biology (Mestrado)
Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, França
2022 - 2022 Diana Sofia Nunes Gonçalves (master fellowship Grant). Projeto n.º 16-01-04-FMP-0005: CRUSTAPANHA (ongoing)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2020/12/31 - 2021/06/30 PosDoc supervision: Laura Sordo. 2020. Effect of climate change in fisheries (PhD researcher within project CLIMFISH)
PhD Researcher (Outra)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2020/10/01 - 2021/03/31 bacharel supervision: Fecundidade de caranguejos estuarinos com interesse comercial (Carcinus maenas; Afruca tangeri; Eriphia verrucosa) English: Fecundity of estuarine crabs of commercial interest (Carcinus maenas; Afruca tangeri; Eriphia verrucosa)
Biology (Outra)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2021 - 2021 Arcénia da Piedade Zefanias Chivale. 2021. Estrutura da população e aspetos reprodutivos de treze espécies de peixe capturados pela pesca artesanal no estuário dos Bons Sinais, Zambézia. Tese de licenciatura em Biologia Marinha. Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique Quelimane (Bachelor 4-year-degree; Jeremias Mocuba & Francisco Leitão) English title: Population structure and reproductive aspects of thirteen fish species produced by artisanal fisheries in Bons Sinais, Zambézia
Marine Biology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) , Moçambique
2021 - 2021 Mirena Nhaca. 2021. Distribuição e abundância da Ictiofauna do estuário dos Bons Sinais, Zambézia. Tese de licenciatura em Biologia Marinha. Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique Quelimane (Bachelor 4-year-degree; Supervisor: Jeremias Mocuba & Francisco Leitão) English title: Ichthyofauna distribution and abundance of the Bons Sinais estuary, Quelimane-Mozambique
Marine Biology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) , Moçambique
2021 - 2021 Célia José Mausse. 2021. Estudo preliminar da biologia de Otolithes ruber, Johnius dussumieri e Johnius amblycephalus no estuário dos Bons Sinais, Zambézia. Tese de licenciatura em Biologia Marinha. Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique Quelimane (Bachelor 4-year-degree; Supervisor: Jeremias Mocuba & Francisco Leitão) English title: Preliminary study of the biology of Otolithes ruber, Johnius dussumieri and Johnius amblycephalus in the Bons Sinais estuary, Zambézia
Marine Biology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) , Moçambique
2020 - 2021 Piargy de Maria Patrício Afonso. 2021. Estudo do comportamento alimentar do caranguejo de mangal (Scylla serrata Forskal 1775), acessível a pesca artesanal, no estuário de Bons Sinais, província da Zambézia. Tese de licenciatura em Biologia Marinha. Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique Quelimane (Bachelor 4-year-degree; Supervisor: Bonifácio Carlitos Manuessa & Francisco Leitão) English title: Study of the feeding behavior of the mangrove crab (Scylla serrata Forskal 1775), accessible to ar
Marine Biology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) , Moçambique
2019 - 2021 Laurentino Rui Gumanhiua. 2021. Estimativa dos tamanhos de captura por arte de pesca do Caranguejo de mangal. (Scylla serrata Forskal 1755), capturado pela pesca artesanal no estuário dos bons sinais. Tese de licenciatura em Biologia Marinha. Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique Quelimane (Bachelor 4-year-degree; Supervisor: Bonifácio Carlitos Manuessa & Francisco Leitão) English title: Estimation of mangrove crab catch sizes caught in artisanal fishing in the Good Sign Estuary (Scylla serrata
Marine Biology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique
2019 - 2019 Carmila Jorge Ofiçane Cuinhane. 2019. Estudo preliminar da Caracterização socioeconómica da pesca artesanal do Cranguejo do Mangal (Scylla serrata Forskal 1755) no estuário dos Bons Sinais. Tese de licenciatura em Biologia Marinha. Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique Quelimane (Bachelor, 4-year-degree; Supervisor: Bonifácio Carlitos Manuessa & Francisco Leitão) English title: Preliminary study of the socioeconomic characterization of artisanal fishing of Mangal crabs (Scylla serrata Forskal
Marine Biology (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2024/05 - Atual 2024 - Costa, J., Madiedo, A., Leitão, F. & Ramos, J. "Navegando pelas ondas da previsão com um modelo Bayesiano". SciComPt2024, Braga, May, 2024. Workshop lecture/organization to broad scientific audience. (2024)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
2024/05 - Atual 2024 - Diálogo, literacia e envolvimento dos cidadãos: Ciência cidadã em foco. Workshop presented by Sílvia Silva and Elaine Santana. SciComPt2024, Braga, 7 May, 2024; English: Dialogue, literacy and citizen involvement: (2024)
Oficina (workshop) (Outra)
2023/05/18 - Atual 2023 - Mocuba J, Leitão F. (organization). BIOFISH-QoL Workshop: “BIOFISH-QoL project main results: sharing with the community”, May 18, 2023 – Quelimane, Mozambique (30 people: including chefs of community fishing centers, woman fish sellers from main fishing center/community; 2 teachers from basic education and 2 from preparatory cycle in the community of Cheubo Dembo; maritime/policy authorities). (2023) Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2023/05/14 - Atual 2023 - Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Monteiro J, Francisco Leitão. (organization). Project BIOFISH-QOL workshop to publicize the BIOFISH-QoL project in the fishing community of Murrubune: “Environmental awareness and dissemination of project results in the context of promote fishery sustainability and quality of life enhancement”. 14 of May 2023 – Quelimane, Moçambique (200 participants) (2023)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2023/05/13 - Atual 2023 - Mocuba J, Morais E, Mualeque D, Monteiro J, Leitão F. (organization). Project BIOFISH-QOL workshop to publicize the BIOFISH-QoL project in the fishing community of Murrubune: “Environmental awareness and dissemination of project results in the context of promote fishery sustainability and quality of life enhancement”. 13 of May 2023 – Quelimane, Moçambique (58 participants) (2023)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2022/03/26 - Atual 2022 - Workshop organization & lecture. AAPCS, Porto de Pesca de Sesimbra. Sesimbra, March 26th. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022/03/12 - Atual 2022 - Workshop organization & lecture. Sala For-Mar, Av. do Atântico, Viana do Castelo. Viana do Castelo, March 12th. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022/03/11 - Atual 2022 - Workshop organization & lecture. Sala Coutinho de Lima, Edifício sede Porto de Aveiro. Aveiro, March 11th. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022/03/05 - Atual 2022 - Workshop organization & lecture. Auditório da Junta de Freguesia de Gâmbia-Pontes-Alto da Guerra. Gâmbia, March 5th. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022)
Oficina (workshop)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022/02/28 - Atual 2022 – Workshop organization & lecture. OPCENTRO – Porto de Pesca de Peniche. Peniche 28 February. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022/02/28)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022/02/19 - Atual 2022 – Workshop organization & lecture. Associação de Pescadores Profissionais de Alvor 19 February. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022/02/19)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022/02/12 - Atual 2022 – Workshop organization & lecture. Centro de Interpretação da Lota de Sagres. Sagres 12 February. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022/02/12)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022/02/02 - Atual 2022 - Workshop organization & lecture. Biblioteca Municipal José Mariano Gago, Olhão. Olhão, April 2nd. Climate-Fishing Conversations: Adaptation of Portugal's fisheries to climate change. Main Goal: i) Increase climatic literacy, ii) divulgate ongoing CC effects on fisheries under scientific projects carried out, iii) Participative discussion: identify and discuss management adaptation measures for the fishery under climate change projections (2022)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2022 - Atual 2022 - Alexandra Teodósio, Ester Serrão, Francisco Leitão, Vânia Baptista (Organizers): 2022 UN Ocean Conference; virtual side event: Marine Africa: the role in excellence in capacity building to increase globally ocean health and quality of life (Virtual SIDE Event) ID: OBZB53 30 June the event. 27 June to 1 July 2022, in Lisbon, Portugal. (2022)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018/10/16 - Atual 2018 - Workshop organization & lecture: How to collect scientific data onboard octopus fishing vessels for evaluate the role of crab as a bait. Target audience: Algarve fishermen¿s (representative of the fishermen organizations; N=8). University of Algarve 16 of October 2018 Link: https://crustapanha.eu/reuniao-na-universidade-do-algarve-16-de-outubro-de-2018/ (2018/10/16)
Oficina (workshop)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2011 - Atual 2011 – Centre of Marine Science (university of Algarve): Practical ecological modelling and analysis for coastal and marine management (course Organization); Link: http://www.ccmar.ualg.pt/home/index.php?id=901 The course consisted of lectures followed by computer exercises that demonstrate analysis techniques using real ecological and oceanographic datasets. Both theoretical and practical topics were addressed, but the emphasis will be on practical applications of MGET and ArcGIS software to research problems in Coastal marine ecology & fisheries (2011)
Outro (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
2021/01/21 - 2021/01/25 2021 - Statistic course organization: statistics for fisheries biology (BIOFISH - QoL) Capacity building Action 2. Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) . Duration 24h. LINK: https://www.ccmar.ualg.pt/en/news/biofish-qol-project-organized-course-statistics-applied-fisheries-biology-held-quelimane (2021/01/21)
Outro (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal

Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) , Moçambique
2020/03/09 - 2020/03/12 2020 – Advance course Scientific organization: Stock Assessment With Generalized Depletion Models Combined With Population Dynamics Models. Centre of Marine Science – University of Algarve, 9-12 March 2020 (28 hours) (2020/03/09)
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2019/02/26 - 2019/02/27 2019 - Course organization/Lecture: Introduction to Biological Sampling (experimental design) and data treatment in ecology 'BIOFISH - QoL ' Capacity building Action 1 (2019/02/26)
Outro (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal

Escola Superior de Ciências Marinhas e Costeiras (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane) , Moçambique

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2023/02/22 - Atual Leitão F. 2023. Fisheries Management and Climatic Change in Small Scale Fisheries. (webinar). Invited lecture by WWF Mediterranean. Project: Transforming Small Scale Fisheries ; Description of the activity: Preparation of training session on climate change adaptation in Small Scale fisheries for SSF team training on Fisheries Management Plans, Trieste 22-23 February 2023.
WWF Mediterraneam, Itália
2021 - Atual Leitão F. 2021 (Invited). As alterações climáticas e a Pesca em Portugal. Dia do Pescador: Olhão 29 de Maio de 2021. Auditório da câmara de Olhão. Sessão subordinada às Alterações climáticas. Link: https://www.facebook.com/cmolhao/videos/489651438957684 Oral presentation; English: Climate change and Fisheries in Portugal.
Dia do Pescador: Olhão 29 de Maio de 2021. Auditório da câmara de Olhão. Sessão subordinada às >¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¸¿~¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿´¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿` ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.
Municipio de Olhão, Portugal
2023/09/28 - 2023/09/28 “Marine Artificial Reefs”. Lecture within the scope of the SEARM-FIT project – Socioeconomic artificial reef monitoring: fisheries interaction with tourism, in cooperation with “Ciência viva Faro”. Tomás Cabreira Secondary School in Faro, for economics classes. September 28th.
Oficina (workshop)
Centro de Ciência Viva - Faro, Portugal
1989 - 2019 1998 – 2019 – Several commercial trips in nearshore small artisanal local boats, seine and trawl boats for biological sampling and assess gear selectivity and impact on environment (more than 60 trips); octopus fishery; estuarine fisheries onboard small scale boats for biological sampling, characterization, socio-economic inquiries 2008 – Onboard a longline commercial shark fishing boat (from 12 October to 21 November) for characterise longline catches, biological sampling and hook selectivity experiments. Experience in scientific cruises
1989 - 2019 2003-2008 – Scientific Research Vessel “NI Puntazzo” within projects MARE - “Estudo do Impacto dos Recifes Artificiais na Costa Algarvia” and “Campanhas de Bivalves do Litoral Algarvio” (several campaigns) 1998-2003 Onboard the scientific vessel “NI Donax”within the aim of the following projects: Fantared II” (FAIR CT98-4338); ECODREDGE (FAIR CT98-4465). “Hake set gears fisheries in Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic waters” (Study Contract 97-0064). Scientific vessel “NI Donax”, “Impact of Artificial reefs in the Algarve Coast” (STRIDE/C/-MAR235 Experience in scientific cruises
1989 - 2019 1998 - Scientific vessel campaign onboard “Noruega” within the project “Deep sea fishes cruise” (7 to 23 August). Experience in scientific cruises (only most scientific/technical)
2009 - 2011 At UNESCO Activities: 2009- 2011 – It was participated in several events by invitation or within ICCE – International centre for Coastal ECOHIDROLOGY Activities as a speaker and have been involved in advances seminar (more than 300 hours as a speaker) regarding Educational, Science, Organization & Cooperation. (Municipality; 1,2,3 school cycles; Academia; state association etc)
UNESCO - ICCE – International centre for Coastal ECOHYDROLOGY , Portugal
2009 - 2011 In secondary schools: 2009 -2011 - In collaboration with Algarve University it was participate as a lecture of “Environmental water volunteering” schools project. These sessions aimed to provide teachers with the technical know-how regarding Aquatic systems functioning at a basin scale (LOICZ) and streams bio-assessment using biological indicators (macroinvertebrates). Environmental water volunteering” schools project
UNESCO - ICCE – International centre for Coastal ECOHYDROLOGY , Portugal

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2020/12/02 Links between climate and the upper ocean structure: the Canary current upwelling system case
Arguente principal
Tina Georg (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2019 Vânia Baptista (SFRH/BD/104209/2014): Influence of oceanography and larvae behavior on recruitment of temperate fishes: The importance of physics–biology links to manage fisheries at a local scale. Degree of Philosophy in Marine and Environmental Sciences, Speciality in Marine Biology. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da University of Algarve (31 October 2019).
Vânia Baptista (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2016/09 Suzana João da Conceição Nicolau: Caracterização da Macrofauna Bentónica da Baía de Luanda- Angola. Master in Marine Biology, University of Algarve (15 september 2016)
Arguente principal
Suzana João da Conceição Nicolau (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2016 Miguel Tiago Cantiga Lopes de Oliveira. 2016. The role of artificial reefs to promote biodiversity and sustainability of the Ecotourism in Cape Verde: Ecological, Biological and management aspects (main arguing, Invited by University of Algarve scientific Council). Degree of Philosophy in Marine and Environmental Sciences, Speciality in Marine Biodiversity. University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology (30 September 2016)
Arguente principal
Miguel Tiago Cantiga Lopes de Oliveira (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2015/10 Domingas Domyquia: Ecologia alimentar, Idade e crescimento, aspectos reprodutivos e relações morfométricas da Sardinella aurita (Valenciennes, 1847) e Sardinella maderensis (Lowe, 1838) na costa sul de Angola”. Master in Marine Biology, University of Algarve (12 November 2015).
Domingas Domyquia (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2015 Pedro Munoz Exposito. 2015. “Assessing the atmospheric oscillations effects on the biology of the bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) and its possible linkage with global warning”. Master in Marine Biology, University of Algarve (27 November 2015)
Arguente principal
Pedro Munoz Exposito (Mestrado)
2013 Viola Alms. 2013. A multi-model approach to analyse environmental effects on small (Sardina pilchardus) and medium (Scomber scombrus) pelagic fish species along the Portuguese coast. Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation. ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Programme EMBC. June 2013. 73p.(26 June 2013)
Viola Alms (Mestrado)
2012 Vânia Baptista. 2012. Impacts of environmental changes on bivalves harvesting in Portuguese coast. Dissertação de Candidatura ao grau de Mestre em Ciências do Mar – Recursos Marinhos Especialidade em Biologia e Ecologia Marinhas submetida ao Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar da Universidade do Porto.(20 - Dezembro 2012).
Vânia Baptista (Mestrado)
2012 Rosemary Masikini 2012. Spatial Variability Of Macroinvertebrate Assemblages And The Influence Of Hydrology And Environmental Variables Along The Sigi River, Tanzania- East Africa. Master thesis submitted for the fulfilment of the title of Master of Science in Ecohydrology (within the ERASMUS MUNDUS Master programme ECOHYD). FCT, University of Algarve, 58p. FCT, University of Algarve (1-October).
Arguente principal
Rosemary Masikini (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2012 Hadayet Ullah. 2012. Establishing relationships between climatic variables and coastal fisheries of Portugal. Master thesis submitted for the fulfilment of the title of Master of Science in Ecohydrology (within the ERASMUS MUNDUS Master programme ECOHYD). FCT, University of Algarve, 89p. FCT, University of Algarve (6-September).
Hadayet Ullah (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2011 Rute Brito. 2011. Influência de descargas de água subterrânea na concentração de nutrientes e comunidades planctónicas do sapal de Castro Marim, Vila Real de Santo António (Portugal). Mestre em Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação Marinha. University of Algarve, 89p. FCT, University of Algarve (14-October).
Arguente principal
Rute Brito (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal
2009 Isa Máximo. 2009. Avaliação da qualidade da água das ribeiras do Algarve: uso de macroinvertebrados bentónicos como bioindicadores. Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Biologia Marinha, Especialização em Ecologia e Conservação Marinha. University of Algarve, 50p. FCT, University of Algarve (04-December).
Isa Máximo (Mestrado)
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2020/08 - Atual Water - 2020 - Invited/Guess editor of Water, special topic: Impact of Climate Change in Marine Resources, Their Habitats, and Associated Socio-Economic Systems MDPI
2019/01/30 - Atual Editorial Board Heliyon ELSEVIER
2019 - Atual Frontiers in Marine Science - Guest Associate Editor in Marine Fisheries, Aquaculture and Living Resources Frontiers
2019 - Atual Review editor Marine Pollution Frontiers in Marine Science
2006/01/01 - Atual - Journal of Marine Biological Association of the U.K. - Fisheries Research - Journal of Fish Biology - ICES Journal of Marine Science - Scientia Marina - Marine Biology - Marine Ecology Progress Series - Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography (Environmental Sciences Group)
2005/01/01 - Atual - Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - Journal of Applied Ichthyology - CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine - Asian Fisheries Science journal - Marine Policy - Hydrobiologia - Fisheries Bulletin - Acta oceanologica Sinica
2005/01 - Atual - Journal of Aquatic Research and Marine Sciences - Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems - Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science - Progress in Oceanography - Marine and Coastal Fisheries (Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science) - Ocean & Coastal Management
2005/01 - Atual - Frontiers in Marine Science - Helyion (Elsevier) - Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences - Science of Total Environment - Scientific Reports

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2022 - Atual 2022-ongoing: Invited research to deal as reviewer (peer-review) of the ongoing IUCN PT assessment of marine fish species list. Volunteer Project “Red Book of Marine Fishes of Portugal” conducted by the Oceanário de Lisboa and the Oceano Azul Foundation, in collaboration with the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests (ICNF) and the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ), and with the support of the Lisbon City Council (CML)
2021/06/15 - Atual PhD Commision Board/evaluator panel: “Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia, Secretaria Regional da Cultura, da Ciência e Transição Digital, Governo Regional dos Acores.” Scientific Areas: 1b). Ciências Naturais/Ciências Biológicas/Biologia Marinha English: Regional Science and Technology Fund, Regional Secretariat for Culture, Science and Digital Transition, Regional Government of the Azores.” Scientific Areas: 1b). Natural Sciences/Biological Sciences/Marine Biology
Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia, Secretaria Regional da Cultura, da Ciência e Transição Digital, Governo Regional dos Acores.” Scientific Areas: 1b). Ciências Naturais/Ciências Biológicas/Biologia Marinha , Portugal
2020/03/15 - Atual 2020-ongoing: EEA grants Portugal project evaluator/refee; Commision Board/evaluator panel: "Blue growth Program" Scientific Areas: 1) Environmental monitoring and maritime surveillance; 2) Fisheries and Aquaculture. Directore General for Maritime Policy (Direção Geral das Políticas Marinhas-DGPM); Evaluation pannel of “SGS#1Programa Crescimento Azul no âmbito do Mecanismo Financeiro do Espaço Económico Europeu (MFEEE) 2014-2021 no âmbito do Aviso # 1, Ref 1, pannel Fisheries and Aquaculture.
Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Portugal Directorate General for Maritime Policy
2015 - 2019 Advisor scientific board for Basin-watershed and Coastal management in Algarve. Invited in 2015 by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, ARH-Algarve)
Environmental Protection Agency - Algarve, Portugal

Consultoria / Parecer

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2011 - Atual 2011. Consultant/ adviser (Environmental impact analysis) of the AquaSacrum Lda.) ESTUDO DE INCIDÊNCIAS AMBIENTAIS, Estudo Prévio RESUMO Maio de 2011: Sistema de cultura suspensas em mar aberto (cultura em Off-Shore), para crescimento de bivalves, destacando-se a ostra portuguesa (Crassostrea angulata), em regime de produção extensivo.14p. English: Suspended bivalves aquaculture systems in coastal waters (longline culture) for growth of Portuguese oyster (Crassostrea angulata)
2011 - Atual 2011 - Consultant/ adviser (Environmental impact analysis) of the AquaSacrum Lda. Monitoring plan for development of shellfish farming for ostrea Crassostrea angulata in offshore waters off Algarve. 18p.
2011 - Atual 2011 - Consultant/ adviser (Environmental impact analysis) of the AquaSacrum Lda. Feedback Opinion: Clarification about problems aroused by fishermen’s to the development of a shellfish farming structure for ostrea Crassostrea angulata in offshore waters off Algarve. 8p.
2011 - Atual 2011- Consultant/ adviser (Environmental impact analysis) of the AquaSacrum Lda. It was responsible (scientific coordination) for the pre-implementation environmental impact study regarding the effect of deployment a logline bivalve offshore farming on marine communities, sediments and water proprieties (May 2011).
2006 - Atual 2006 – Consultant/ adviser (Socio-economic impact analysis) of the SINFIC (Sistemas Inf. Ind. e Consultoria, S.A). It was responsible (scientific coordination) for the Health, Environmental and socio-economic impact study regarding the impact of a liquid natural gas facility construction (in Angola, Africa Continent) on Estuarine/marine environment and associated artisanal fishing communities.
2021 - 2022 2021-2022 - Consultant for the consortium 'BIODIVERSITY2030': Biodiversity and Oceans¿ lead by the University of Évora. Work requested by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action and Portuguese Environmental Found. September-February 2022. Thematic: Responsible for fisheries time series and role of climate change on fisheries PT: Consultor do consórcio ¿BIODIVERSIDADE2030: Biodiversidade e Oceano¿ liderado pela Universidade de Évora. Trabalho desenvolvido para o e Fundo Ambiental. Setembro 2021 ¿ Fevereiro 2022. Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2021 - 2022 2021-202 - Consultant/ adviser of ONGs MARAPA & TATÔ Scientific Consultant of BUDOKIA project: Installation Project of Artificial Marine Reefs in the coastal zone of the island of São Tomé (São Tomé and Príncipe), Promoters: MARAPA & Programa Tatô.Thematic: Artificial Reef Project In São Tomé To Promote Small Artisanal Fisheries Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018 - 2021/12/01 2018 - 2021 Consultant/ adviser of LES - Laboratório De Engenharia Sanitária, University of Algarve. Campus Penha. Thematic: Characterization of Ecological Quality (streams of Algarve) - Benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators.
2016 - 2017 2016-2017 – Consultant/ adviser (Socio-economic impact analysis) of the SINFIC (Sistemas Inf. Ind. e Consultoria, S.A). It was responsible (scientific coordination) for the conception and elaboration of the contents of the course of Aquiculture, within Education Ministry of Angola technical-professional Formation area. It was the responsible for technical and scientific development of several manuals the course of “Marine biology, ecology, fisheries and aquaculture technical course in Angola”
2016 - 2016 2013-2016: Consultant of Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA) at Algarve (Hydrographic Regional Administration). Theme: evaluating water quality using benthic macroinvertebrates in Algarve streams within water frame directive mandatory policy

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2023/05/19 - Atual Workshop organization & lecture. Intensive advance course (organization and lecture): Leitão F. 'Experimental design and data analysis in Ecology' - within the framework of the BIOFISH-QOL project. 'BIOFISH – QoL – Capacity building Action 3. School of Marine and Coastal Sciences (Eduardo Mondlane University), Quelimane, Zambézia-Moçambique (hours:8). May 19 2023 Experimental design and data analysis in Ecology
2023/05/11 - Atual 2023 - Intensive advance course (organization and lecture): Leitão F. 'Database in Ecology' - within the framework of the BIOFISH-QOL project. - within the framework of the BIOFISH-QOL project. 'BIOFISH - QoL 'Capacity building Action 4. School of Marine and Coastal Sciences (Eduardo Mondlane University), Quelimane, Zambézia-Moçambique (hours:8). May 11 2023 Database in Ecology
2019/08/01 - Atual • Assistance professor at University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology - FCT (2019-2020): - Nekton and Benthic Processes - (Marine Biology bacharel) processos bentónicos e nectónicos (Licenciatura) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018/07/01 - Atual • Assistance professor at University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology - FCT (2018-2019/2019-2020) : -Marine Ecosystems (Marine Biology bacharel) biologia marinha (1.º ciclo) (Licenciatura) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018/07/01 - Atual • Assistance professor at University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology - FCT (2018-2019/2019-2020): Fisheries Biology and Ecology (Marine Biology Master) Biologia e Ecologia Pesqueira (Mestrado) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018/07/01 - Atual • Assistance professor at University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology - FCT (2019-2020): - Aquaculture and Fisheries Master) Biologia e Ecologia Pesqueira (Mestrado) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018 - Atual • Assistance professor at University of Algarve, Faculty of Sciences and Technology - FCT (2018-2019/2019-2020): - Dynamic of Aquatic ecosystem (Marine Biology Master) Dinâmica de Ecossistemas Aquaticos (Licenciatura) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2021/04/12 - 2021/04/14 Leitão 2021. Advance course on artificial reefs (responsible trainer/lecturer). 12h00. São Tomé 12-14 April 2021. Link: https://www.programatato.org/post/recifes-artificiais-em-s%C3%A3o-tom%C3%A9-budo-ki%C3%A1 dvance course on artificial reefs (Postgraduate Certificate)
2019/02/15 - 2019/02/16 Advance course: Leitão F. Biological Sampling (experimental design) and data treatment in ecology. 'BIOFISH - QoL ' Capacity building Action 1. School of Marine and Coastal Sciences (Eduardo Mondlane University), Quelimane, Zambézia-Moçambique (hours:16). 25 February 2019 (organization and lecture) Biological Sampling (experimental design) and data treatment in ecology (Licence)
2013 - 2014 2013-2014 - Acão de Formação continua, Macroinvetebrados e Sistemas Costeiros. Escolar secundária João de Deus, Faro; Destinatarios: Professores de ensino secundário; Modalidade : Oficina de Formação Carga horária: 25 horas, Centro de Formação a Ria Formosa inicio 27 Dezembro; Categoria: Formador English: Category: Head of the formation in Macroinvertebrates and coastal systems; Target audience: secondary school teachers; content of the formation: FL lecture 25 hours enabling participants to get a certificate Acão de Formação continua, Macroinvetebrados e Sistemas Costeiros (Curso Técnico Superior Profissional)
2006 - 2007 Private sector: Due to the knowledge acquire regarding Data Bases was invited to lecture (FormAlgarve formation centre) the following advanced formations graduation courses (advanced courses) 2007 - Data base (MS Access) former (30 hours) 2006 - Data base (MS Access) former (28 hours) Data base (MS Access) (Ensino secundário)

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2024/09/13 Leitão 2024. Tanto mar para tão pouco peixe: Portugal importa dois terços do que consome; Expresso 13 de setembro de 2024. (interview) expresso
2023/07/12 English Title: Fishing in Portugal is not affected, on the contrary; description: the impact of climate change in commercila species and fisheries is debated. CNN Portugal
2023/05/25 English Title: Biofish Project reveals the 'Bons Sinais' Estuary (video interview)Link: https://regiao-sul.pt/diarionline-tv/projeto-biofish-da-a-conhecer-o-estuario-dos-bons-sinais-video/626213 Regiao-Sul
2023/03/04 Leitão F. 2023. Estudo «Clima-Pesca» revela a vulnerabilidade do sector das pescas às Alterações Climáticas. 4 de março de 2023 - 14:59: Link: https://barlavento.sapo.pt/destaque/estudo-da-ualg-mostra-efeitos-das-alteracoes-climaticas-nas-pescas https://barlavento.sapo.pt/destaque/estudo-da-ualg-mostra-efeitos-das-alteracoes-climaticas-nas-pescas
2023 “A ciência reclama um futuro em Portugal”. 21 de Outubro de 2023. Jornal de Negocios. Link: https://www.jornaldenegocios.pt/weekend/detalhe/a-ciencia-reclama-um-futuro-em-portugal Jornal de Negocios
2022/07/21 unrevealing the impact of climate change in marine fauna Universidad Andreas Bello-CIMARq: Equipo Prensa UNAB
2022/07/15 Opinion: impression of Quintay Marine Research Center (CIMARQ), Andrés Bello University, techological activity research Universidad Andreas Bello-CIMARq: Equipo Prensa UNAB
2022 ALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS: Alterações climáticas “empurram” caranguejo-azul para o prato dos portugueses (English: Climate change “pushes” blue crab onto Portuguese dishes”) Correio da Manhã (“Public -national journal”)
2022 ALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS: Alterações climáticas “empurram” caranguejo-azul para o prato dos portugueses (English: Climate change “pushes” blue crab onto Portuguese dishes”); reveal the role of climate change in fisheries Diário de Noticiais (“national journal”)
2022 ALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS: Alterações climáticas “empurram” caranguejo-azul para o prato dos portugueses (English: Climate change “pushes” blue crab onto Portuguese dishes”);reveal the role of climate change in fisheries Público (“national journal”)
2021/08/28 Lusa agency; Journal Publico (“Public journal”) 28 de Agosto de 2021, 18:48. ALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS: Aquecimento global muda vida e hábitos de plantas e animais em Portugal (English: Climate change: Global warming change the life and habits of plants and animals”) Link: https://www.publico.pt/2021/08/28/ciencia/noticia/aquecimento-global-muda-vida-habitos-plantas-animais-portugal-1975542 Jornal PUBLICO (Agência Lusa)
2021 BUDOKIA Project: Artificial Reef Project In São Tomé Wants To Promote Small Artisanal Fisheries Link: https://www.ccmar.ualg.pt/news/projeto-de-recifes-artificiais-em-sao-tome-pretende-promover-pequena-pesca-artesanal CCMAR
2020/12 UALGZine Nº13. 2020. Study the vulnerability of the fishing sector in Portugal to Climate Change IN UALGZine Nº13. Pp. 40. In the context: Transforming our world: 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda ”, proposed by 17 Sustainable Development goals. December 2020. UALGZine
2020/05 Revista Visão: Visão: O último refúgio selvagem do Algarve: Ria Formosa Paraíso Selvagem. 51-62. 30 de maio de 2019. Link: https://24.sapo.pt/jornais/nacional/4104/2019-05-30#&gid=1&pid=1 English: The last wild haven in the Algarve: Ria Formosa Sevage Paradise. 51-62. May 30, 2019. Revista Visão
2020/02/25 BIOFISH-QoL (Quality of life) - Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) Link https://barlavento.pt/destaque/ualg-visitou-mocambique-e-lancou-o-projeto-biofish Barlavento
2019/02 BIOFISH-QoL (Quality of life) - Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique) Link http://www.postal.pt/2019/02/ualg-estreita-relacoes-com-mocambique/ Postal do Algarve

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2023/02/22 - Atual Leitão 2023. RTP1 - Portugal em Direto interview: The effect of climate change on fisheries. 22 February 17:56. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyt4hmlb3uY Fisheries and climate change
2021/04 - Atual Leitão. F. 2021. BUDOKIA project- Installation Project of Artificial Marine Reefs in the coastal zone of the island of São Tomé. TV – Broadcast. Main evening news at 12 April 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcdKy2GkXdk Artificial reefs
2019/05/16 - Atual Leitão. F. Alterações do ambiente marinho e da temperatura em Portugal. SIC noticias, Primeiro Journal 16.05.2019 00h08. Link: https://sicnoticias.pt/pais/2019-05-16-Universidade-do-Algarve-cria-plataforma-para-identificar-novas-especies-marinhas English: Changes in the marine environment and temperature in Portugal Changes in the marine environment and temperature in Portugal
2019/03/01 - Atual Leitão F. Integrative approach for enhance quality of live in fishing communities of the ‘Bons Sinais’ estuary (Mozambique). TV – Broadcast – evening Mozambique main channel news at 1 Mars 2019 (The news about project BIOFISH are highlighted at: 23:42 minutes). Link: http://online.tvm.co.mz/site/ondemand/informacao/2101903100000500321/jornal_da_tarde How to enhance quality of life of fisheries estuarine communities

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2018 - Atual COST Action - European cooperation in Science & technology; CA COST Action CA15217. Title: Ocean Governance for Sustainability - challenges, options and the role of science (OceaGov). WG5 - Ocean Climate and Acidification (OCA). 3rd International Symposium of Ocean Governance and Sustainability, Aveiro 11-12 June 2018 Link1: https://www.oceangov.eu/working_groups/ocean-climate-change-acidification/ participant
1999 - Atual - Ordem dos Biólogos (National Biology science Association) - Associação Portuguesa para o Estudo e Protecção de Eslamosbrânquios (http://www.apece.pt/) - Associated member of the UNESCO, International Centre for Coastal Ecohydrology (ICCE). - Associated member of the Land Ocean Interaction of Coastal Zone (LOICZ).

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2024 - Atual 2024 – Editor activity; Associated Editor of Regional Environmental Change. Springer (a convite do editor chefe Wolfgang Cramer; https://link.springer.com/journal/10113/editorial-board)
2024 - Atual 2023 - TRANSOCEAN-EUROMARINE - The TransOcean Working Group will explore how the marine scientific community can engage towards attaining the sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially in the frame of the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030, and will hence provide specific recommendations to the EuroMarine network (https://euromarinenetwork.eu/about/)
2023 - Atual 2023 - ongoing: Invited member of TransOcean EuroMarine long-term WG on Ocean Decade (Transoceanic, Transversal and Transformative International Ocean Programs) that aims explore how the marine scientific community can engage towards attaining the sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially in the frame of the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters by 2030, and will hence provide specific recommendations to the EuroMarine network
Centro de Ciências do Mar, Portugal
2022/04 - Atual Editorial Advisory Board - IGI Global eEditorial Discovery® BOOK Editorial Advisory Board (EAB): Impact of Artificial Reefs on the Environment and Communities
Centre of Marine Science - University of Algarve, Portugal
2023 - 2023 2023 - 22º Encontro Nacional de Ecologia. Membro da Comissão Científica (English: National Ecology Meeting. Member of the Scientific Committee). 23 a 25 de novembro. Conservação da Biodiversidade 30 x 30 em Portugal. Comissão científica. SPECO / CCMAR-UAlgarve / CESAM-Uaveiro. https://www.speco.pt/22ene/22ene-bemvindo
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2021 - 2022 2021-202 - Consultant/ adviser of ONGs MARAPA & TATÔ Scientific Consultant of BUDOKIA project: Installation Project of Artificial Marine Reefs in the coastal zone of the island of São Tomé (São Tomé and Príncipe), Promoters: MARAPA & Programa Tatô.Thematic: Artificial Reef Project In São Tomé To Promote Small Artisanal Fisheries (invited member of the scientific artificial reef comite)
2015 - 2015 2015 Element of the scientific board for Basin-watershed and Coastal management in Algarve (advisor board). Invited in 2015 by Environmental protection Agency (APA, ARH-Algarve)

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2025 - Atual 2025 - Fondecy scientific board evaluator: The Research Projects Sub-Directorate (SPI) of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID) of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile. Regular Fondecyt National Projects Competition Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile., Chile


2012 Awards - As recognition of the advance formation given within the “water volunteer” programm,

Outra distinção

2022 Awarded grant by University of Algarve to visit Chile (university Andres Bello, Faculdade de Ciencias de la vida)
2015 Element of the scientific board for Basin-watershed and Coastal management in Algarve (advisor board). Invited in 2015 by Environmental protection Agency (APA, ARH-Algarve)
2000 As recognition of the effort carried out for the promotion of ecological-friendly big-game fishing practises (Catch & Release) within sportive fishermen’s (Link: http://www.apece.pt/apece_bolsas.html)