Miguel Puig is an integrated research in the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being at the University of Algarve, CinTurs at the University of Algarve (Portugal) an his line of research focuses on specialisation and smart development of the territory, tourism, poverty alleviation, socioeconomic inequalities and quality of life. Miguel Puig has a degree in Tourism, a master's degree in Economics and Development and a PhD with outstanding laude (international mention) from the University of Seville (US). He also holds a master's degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the same university. In 2015 he began his research career obtaining a collaboration grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, in the Department of Human Geography of the US, within the line of tourism for poverty alleviation, economic growth and the improvement of the quality of life of the population. In 2017 the results of this project were reflected in his Master's Thesis, obtaining the Extraordinary Award at the national level at the IV Redintur Forum. In 2018 he became part of the Territorial and Tourism Studies Research Group (HUM-875) since 2018. In January 2019 he received a predoctoral fellowship from the Ibero-American University Association of Postgraduate Studies (AUIP) for a research stay at the Technological University of Santiago (Dominican Republic), thus carrying out part of the fieldwork of his thesis, and starting his teaching career at the same university. In June 2020 he presented his doctoral thesis entitled "Instrumentalization of tourism for socioeconomic well-being: a proposal for application in emerging destinations within the framework of the 2030 Agenda", obtaining a qualification of outstanding laude unanimously and the international mention. Miguel Puig currently publishes in international journals of impact and has participated in international conferences in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, the Dominican Republic and the United States, as well as authoring a book and book chapters. All of them specialise in issues related to tourism and its effects on improving the quality of life of the population. In the field of applied research, since 2017 Miguel Puig has also been a consultant in projects at national and international level in the field of strategic planning and public policies, highlighting among others the Industrial Strategy of Andalusia 2020, the Andalusian Strategy for Bioeconomy 2030, or the Strategic Plan for Tourism of Navarre 2018-2025. as well as the coordination of the Technical Secretariat of the Spanish Network of Smart Cities during the period September 2020-June 2021. He has also been part of the research team of two R+D+i projects: "Territorial intelligence versus tourism growth. The planning and management of destinations in the face of the new expansive real estate cycle" (PGC2018-095992-B-I00) funded by the Ministry of Education and Science and "Territorial Intelligence for the management of tourist destinations, governance and T.I.T. tools in the use of public spaces" (PAIDI 2020- REF P20_00982). As technical and financial coordinator of the European project INTERREG MED BLUE DEAL, focused on the promotion and development of marine energy throughout the entire value chain, from its production and regulation to its effective development and use. Miguel Puig also belongs to the Bank of Expert Evaluators of research projects of the Spanish State Research Agency (BECA), and is part of the scientific committee of the journal Tourism Management Studies (SCOPUS), as well as of the prestigious Tourism Management Conference (University of the Algarve) and the World Conference on Smart Tourism Destinations (DTI). Currently, he is also Associate Editor in journal Tourism and Management Studies (Scopus-Q2 and JCR-Q2) and Co-principal investigator in the Sustainable Horizons project (EU-funded Horizon programme).

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Miguel Puig-Cabrera

Nomes de citação

  • Puig-Cabrera, Miguel

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Sociais - Geografia Económica e Social
Grau Classificação
PhD in Geography (Doctor of Philosophy)
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha
Cum laude distinction. PhD Award Course 2019/2020
Masters degree in Economics and Development (Magister)
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha
Masters degree in Tourism Management and Planning (Magister)
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha
2012/09/15 - 2016/07/05
Degree in Tourism (Bachelor)
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2023/03/15 - Atual Investigador (Investigação) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Universidade do Algarve Centro de Investigação em Turismo Sustentabilidade e Bem-Estar, Portugal

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2021/09/01 - 2023/05 Professor Catedrático (Docente Universitário) Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Espanha
2019/09/16 - 2021/01/02 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago, República Dominicana


Designação Financiadores
2023/03/15 - Atual Sustainable Horizons
Project 101071300 — Sustainable Horizons
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
European Research Executive Agency
Em curso
2022/12 - 2023/12 Spatial impacts of touristification in urban environments. New digital tools for diagnosis and management (TED2021-131577B-I00)
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha
Em curso
2019/01 - 2023/09 Territorial intelligence vs. tourism growth. The planning and management of destinations facing the new real estate expansionary cycle
Em curso
2021/10 - 2023/03 Territorial intelligence for the management of tourist destinations. Governance and T.I.T. tools in the use of public spaces (PAIDI 2020- REF P20_00982)


Designação Financiadores
2020/01/01 - 2023/12/31 Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Artigo em conferência
  1. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Concepción Foronda-Robles. "Tourism and poverty eradication: A possible equation?". Trabalho apresentado em Tourism & Management Studies International Conference, Universidad de Algarve, Olhao, 2018.
Artigo em revista
  1. Martínez del Vas, G.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Amilibia A.; Cádiz-Gómez, M.C.. "Smart management of tourist coastal areas in a reborn tourism era: transitioning from safe to sustainable beaches within the Spanish sun and sand model". Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being (2024):
    Acesso aberto • Aceite para publicação
  2. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Martínez-del Vas, Ginesa; Beltrán-Bueno, Miguel Ángel; Nuevo-López, Abraham. "Tourism towards the well-being of Small Island Developing States: Tourism Agenda 2030". Tourism Review Ahead Ahead (2023): Ahead-Ahead. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/tr-02-2022-0100.
  3. María Magdalena Martínez Moreno; Eva M Buitrago Esquinas; Rocío Yñiguez; Miguel Puig-Cabrera. "A global and comparative assessment of the level of economic circularity in the EU". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.138759.
  4. Nuevo-López, A.; Martínez del Vas, G.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Consequences and resilience of tourism to the impact of the pandemic from a local management perspective for the case of Malaga". Revista de Estudios Andaluces 45 (2023): 244-256. https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/REA/article/view/23179.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  5. Abraham Nuevo-López; Ginesa Martínez del Vas; Miguel Puig-Cabrera. "Consecuencias y resiliencia del turismo ante el impacto de la pandemia desde una visión de la gestión a escala local para el caso de Málaga.". REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS ANDALUCES (2023): https://doi.org/10.12795/rea.2023.i45.09.
  6. Miguel Puig Cabrera. "Psychometrics of Tourism: A (de)Builder of Quality of Life? Evidence from the Model of Happiness in Dominican Republic.". Revista de Estudios Andaluces (2021): https://doi.org/10.12795/rea.2021.i41.11.
  7. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Foronda-Robles, Concepción. "Especialización turística en destinos emergentes latinoamericanos: Explorando el algoritmo para un longevo e inclusivo desarrollo socioeconómico". Revista de geografía Norte Grande 78 (2021): 299-321. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/s0718-34022021000100299.
  8. Miguel Puig-Cabrera; Concepción Foronda-Robles. "The Phenomenon of Tourism Poverty Trap: Is It Possible that Tourism Breaks the Vicious Circle of Poverty in Emerging Destinations?". Journal of Poverty 24 4 (2020): 334-353. https://doi.org/10.1080/10875549.2020.1716916.
  9. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Foronda-Robles, Concepción. Autor correspondente: Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Expectations versus reality, does tourism contribute to the quality of life? A psychometric analysis based on Dominican perception". Revista Espacios 40 38 (2019): 21-35.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  10. Foronda-Robles, C.. "Tourism, smallness and insularity: A suitable combination for quality of life in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)?". Island Studies Journal (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.24043/isj.95.
  11. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "El turismo y el alivio de la pobreza: un enfoque desde el prisma de los destinos emergentes en el marco de la Agenda 2030". Revista Investigaciones Turísticas 16 (2018): 1-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.14198/inturi2018.16.01.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Colón-Flores, N.; Orgaz-Agüera, F.. "Importancia de la formación en desarrollo sostenible en los estudiantes universitarios para la inclusión social". In Derecho, Justicia e inclusión social. Madrid, Espanha: Editorial Aranzadi, 2024.
  2. Amibilia Diego A; Martínez del Vas, G.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. Autor correspondente: Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "El destino turístico como un ecosistema socio participativo en torno a la educación y la Agenda 2030". In II Congreso Internacional sobre Investigación y Praxis docente en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (CIIP-ODS). Madrid, Espanha: Editorial Dykinson, 2023.
  3. Amilibia de Diego, A.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Ginesa Martínez del Vas. Autor correspondente: Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Big data y Business Intelligence y su relación con Smart City, destino turístico inteligente y empresas inteligentes Caso de Estudio DATA2SMART". In Avances y promoción en el desarrollo turístico de Melilla. Madrid, Espanha: Dykinson Editorial, 2023.
  4. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. Autor correspondente: Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "New realities on Tourism Studies teaching: bridging the VR gap between research and practice based on empirical evidence". In New trends and research on digital education, technopedagogy and curriculum. Madrid, Espanha: Dykinson Editorial, 2023.
  5. Ginesa Martínez del Vas; Abraham Nuevo-López; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Building sustainability in smart destinations: Applicability of a management model for the case of Spain". In Transitioning Towards the future of tourism destinations: Resilient, smart, and green development (, editado por Femenia Serra, Francisco; Alzúa Sorzabal, Aurkene; Xiang, Zheng, 137-165. Madrid, Espanha: Civitas (Thomson Reuters), 2022.
  6. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Ginesa Martínez del Vas; Beltrán-Bueno, Miguel Ángel. "Capitalización e institucionalización del turismo como motor de transformación socioeconómica para la calidad de vida: un análisis a través del prisma de la Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)". In Políticas públicas y ODS: intervenciones prácticas para la transformación social, editado por Cristóbal Torres; Jorge Arrasco; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel, 224-239. Espanha: Dykinson Editorial, 2022.
  7. Beltrán-Bueno, Miguel Ángel; Ginesa Martínez del Vas; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "De la intención de viajar a la elección final del destino". In Turismo: Nuevas tendencias y desafíos ante un escenario Post-COVID, editado por Marmolejo J.A.; Salvador Moral; M.A. Solano, 207-218. Espanha: Dykinson Editorial, 2021.
  1. Jerez, W.; Muñoz, E.; Moisés de la Serna, J.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. Derecho Justicia e Inclusión Social. Madrid, Espanha: Thomson Reuters - Aranzadi. 2023.
    Publicado • Editor
Poster em conferência
  1. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Concepción Foronda-Robles. "El Alivio de la pobreza: Experiencias Turísticas ST-EP". Trabalho apresentado em VII Congreso Universidad y Cooperación al Desarrollo: La Universidad y los ODS., 2017.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Foronda-Robles, C.; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. Autor correspondente: Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Articulación de la inteligencia turística en la gobernanza socio-participativa de los destinos: evidencias empíricas a través de un modelo sistémico-estructural". Trabalho apresentado em IV Jornadas Franco-españolas de Geografía, Toulousse, 2023.
  2. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Amilibia, A.; Martínez del Vas, G.; Calderón-Fajardo, V.. Autor correspondente: Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Big Data y Business Intelligence y su relación con Smart City, Destino Turístico Inteligente y Empresas Inteligentes: Caso de Estudio DATA2SMART". Trabalho apresentado em III Foro internacional de Turismo de Melilla, Melilla, 2023.
  3. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Terroso-Sáenz, F.; Martínez del Vas, G.; Muñoz, A.. Autor correspondente: Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Una metodología para el estudio del comportamiento de los flujos turísticos basada en el poder de atracción de los destinos". Trabalho apresentado em XXXVI International Conference ASEPELT, Évora, 2023.
  4. Asier Amibilia; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Ginesa Martínez del Vas. "Is safe tourism a way to assure also safe beaches? Empirical evidence based on the Spanish Case". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd World Smart Destinations Conference, Valencia, 2022.
  5. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Ginesa Martínez del Vas; Abraham Nuevo-López. "The "monopolisation" of tourism as an instrument for socio-economic transformation: reality or uthopy?". Trabalho apresentado em Tourism Management Studies 2022 Conference, Olhao, 2022.
  6. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Ginesa Martínez del Vas; M. Dolores Gil Quiles; Beltrán-Bueno, Miguel Ángel. "New realities on Tourism Studies teaching: bridging the VR gap between research and practice based on empirical evidence". Trabalho apresentado em Tourism Management Studies 2022 Conference, Olhao, 2022.
  7. Concepción Parra Meroño; Beltrán-Bueno, Miguel Ángel; Ginesa Martínez del Vas; Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "De la intención de viajar a la elección final del destino". Trabalho apresentado em I Tourism Forum Melilla, Melilla, 2022.
  8. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Concepción Foronda-Robles. "Does tourism volume contribute to economic prosperity in Small Developing Island States?". Trabalho apresentado em Fourth International Conference on Tourism & Leisure Studies, Miami, 2019.
  9. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Concepción Foronda-Robles. "Medición de la competitividad turística en destinos emergentes". Trabalho apresentado em II Congreso Iberoamericano de Turismo y Responsabilidad Social, A Coruña, 2018.
  10. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Concepción Foronda-Robles. "Competitividad turística en destinos emergentes: una interpretación hermenéutica de la literatura". Trabalho apresentado em XII Congreso Iberoamericano Estudios Rurales, Valladolid, 2018.
  11. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "Poniendo cara al turismo en destinos emergentes: un camino hacia la prosperidad". Trabalho apresentado em VI Jornadas de Crecimiento Económico, Turismo y Sostenibilidad, Seville, 2018.
  12. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel; Concepción Foronda-Robles. "Tourism and development in emerging destinations: cause or effect?". Trabalho apresentado em II International Conference Tourism Dynamics and Trends, Seville, 2017.
  13. Puig-Cabrera, Miguel. "El turismo como catalizador de desarrollo local". Trabalho apresentado em Congreso Internacional de Literatura, Lengua y Traducción liLetrad, Seville, 2016.

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2021/09/05 - Atual Consultoría e Investigación Turística Degree in Tourism (Bachelor) Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Espanha

Revisão ad hoc de artigos em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2022/12 - Atual Tourism Review (1660-5373) Emerald
2022/07/01 - Atual Tourism & Management Studies (2182-8466) Universidade do Algarve


2022 Outstanding research in the Tourism Management Studies Conference 2022
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2020 Best PhD thesis presented in Geography program
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha
2019 Extraordinary Distinction to best Master´s thesis in Tourism Research awards in Spain
Universidad de Málaga, Espanha