Patricia Sequeira Bras. Completed the Doctor of Philosophy in PhD in 2015/06/30 by Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Master in MA Film Studies in 2008/11/01 by Queen Mary University of London, Postgraduate Certificate in PGCE in Higher Education in 2017/11/21 by Birkbeck University of London and Bachelor in BA (hons) Photography in 2001/07/15 by University for the Creative Arts at Farnham. Is Invited Assistant Professor in Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras. Published 10 articles in journals. Has 5 section(s) of books and 1 book(s). Organized 9 event(s). Participated in 9 event(s). Supervised 2 MSc dissertation(s) e co-supervised 3. Participates and/or participated as Other in 1 project(s), PhD Student Fellow in 1 project(s), Research Fellow in 2 project(s) and Technical development in 1 project(s). Works in the area(s) of Humanities with emphasis on Arts with emphasis on Studies on Film, Radio and Television. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: Portugal; ambivalence; colonialism; post-colonialism; cinema; Artigos Temáticos; .

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Patricia Sequeira Bras

Nomes de citação

  • Sequeira Brás, Patrícia

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Domínios de atuação

  • Humanidades - Artes - Estudos de Cinema, Rádio e Televisão


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português (Idioma materno)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2)
Grau Classificação
2016/10/03 - 2017/11/21
PGCE in Higher Education (Postgraduate Certificate)
Especialização em Education
Birkbeck University of London, Reino Unido
2009 - 2015/06/30
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Especialização em Film Studies
Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
"'The Political Gesture of Pedro Costa's Films'" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
2006/09/30 - 2008/11/01
MA Film Studies (Master)
Especialização em Film Studies
Queen Mary University of London, Reino Unido
"'The Representation of Lisbon in Alain Tanner’s In The White City (1983) and Wim Wenders’ Lisbon Story (1994)'" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
1998/10/08 - 2001/07/15
BA (hons) Photography (Bachelor)
Especialização em Photography
University for the Creative Arts at Farnham, Reino Unido
"'Female Self-Portraiture: The work of Claude Cahun, Cindy Sherman, Francesca Woodman and Frida Kahlo'" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2023/02/01 - Atual Investigador (Investigação) Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX, Portugal
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX, Portugal
2021/04/01 - 2022/10/18 Assistente de Investigação (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Portugal
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Portugal

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2022/11/08 - 2024/08/31 Professor Auxiliar Convidado (Docente Universitário) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2021/02/22 - 2021/04/22 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) University of Exeter College of Humanities, Reino Unido
2016/01/01 - 2020/06/30 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2013/09/01 - 2016/05/31 Leitor (Docente Universitário) Queen Mary University of London - Mile End Campus, Reino Unido
Queen Mary University of London - Mile End Campus, Reino Unido


Artigo em conferência
  1. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "O trabalho coletivo e reconhecimento mútuo nos filmes de Helena Solberg | Collective work and mutual recognition in Helena Solberg’s earlier films". Trabalho apresentado em XXIII ENCONTRO SOCINE -, Porto Alegre, 2019.
Artigo em revista
  1. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "O dissenso da narrativa histórica: O 25 de Abril em Juventude em marcha (2006) e o 11 de Março em Cavalo dinheiro (2014) [The dissensus in the historical narrative: The 25th of April in Juventude em march (2006) and the 11th of March in Horse money (2014)]". Práticas da História, Journal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past [Scopus] 18 (2024): 299-326.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • https://doi.org/10.48487
  2. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Reproductive labour and the anti-colonial struggle in Monangambé (Sarah Maldoror, 1968) and Sambizaga (Sarah Maldoror, 1972)". Black Camera, Close-up issue: Sambizanga (1972): Aesthetics and politics in the film of Sarah Maldoror—Black, African, anti-colonialist, feminist 15 2 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.2979/blc.00004.
    Em revisão • 10.2979/blc.00004
  3. Sampaio, Sofia; Lopes, Rui; Horta, Arlindo; Fernandes, Tiago; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Editorial V11n1". Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento [Scopus] 11 1 (2024): 1-4. https://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/1049.
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v11n1.
  4. Sampaio, Sofia; LOPES, RUI; Horta, Arlindo; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Fernandes, Tiago. "Editorial v11n2". Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image [Scopus] 11 2 (2024): 1-4. https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v11n2.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v11n2
  5. Sampaio, Sofia; Lopes, Rui; Horta, Arlindo; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Fernandes, Tiago. "Editorial v10n2". Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento [Scopus] 10 2 (2023): 1-3. https://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/1008.
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v10n2
  6. Sampaio, Sofia; Lopes, Rui; Horta, Arlindo; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Fernandes, Tiago. "Editorial v10n1". Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento [Scopus] 10 1 (2023): 1-4. https://aim.org.pt/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/988.
  7. Brás, Patrícia Sequeira. "A Ambivalência Colonial nas Imagens em Movimento Contemporâneas: O Caso Português [Colonial Ambivalence in Contemporary Moving Images: The Portuguese Case]". Comunicação e Sociedade [Scopus] 41 (2022): https://doi.org/10.17231/comsoc.41(2022).3698.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.17231/comsoc.41(2022).3698,title
  8. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Reciprocal Narratives in Que Bom te Ver Viva (Lúcia Murat, 1989)". The Journal of Romance Studies [Scopus] 21 2 (2021): 165-183.
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.3828/jrs.2021.10
  9. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Gasiorowski, Dominika; Geraghty, Niall. "Introduction: the cinematic, the personal and the political in Latin America: A continuing conversation". Journal of Romance Studies [Scopus] 21 2 (2021): 151-164.
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.3828/jrs.2021.9
  10. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "The Staging of a Scene: Feminist Politics in Jogo de Cena (2007) & The Arbor (2010)". Cadernos Pagu [Scopus] 60 (2020): https://doi.org/10.1590/18094449202000600004.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1590/18094449202000600004
  11. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "After Occupy, the Looting - Reflections". Excursions, 10 2 (2020): 105-135. https://excursions-journal.sussex.ac.uk/index.php/excursions/article/view/304/254.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  12. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Time and Reproductive Labour in Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975) and Three Sisters (2012)". Parse (2019): https://parsejournal.com/article/time-and-reproductive-labour-in-jeanne-dielman-23-quai-du-commerce-1080-bruxelles-1975-and-three-sisters-2012/.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  13. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Reckitt, Helena; Farinati, Lucia; et al.. "Feminist Duration Reading Group. Transmitting Feminisms. Co-Authoring Values". Daylight 1 1 (2018): 10-15. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5bc849e8c2ff615809f5d3a7/t/5db42e30c081ef6350200369/1572089393622/FDRG_Transmitting+Feminisms_Metabolic+rifts.pdf.
  14. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "How not to Occupy Bartleby". Excursions 6 1 (2015): 1-14. https://excursions-journal.sussex.ac.uk/index.php/excursions/article/view/189/164.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  15. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Ne Change Rien (2009): Time is Political". Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image [Scopus] 5 (2014): 99-112. http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/906805/25244883/1406383839590/5_Bras.pdf?token=%2FHn9U7p5WuhaVS9DFjOssgAgFJY%3D.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Lusotropicalismo no cinema pós-colonial | Lusotropicalism in postcolonial cinema", Gerador, 2023, https://gerador.eu/lusotropicalismo-no-cinema-pos-colonial/.
  2. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Crisis and Catastrophe in Cinema and Video Art", Paletten Art , 2017
  3. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "La Fuerza de lo Falso: en el Cine de Jia Zhangke", La Fuga - Dossier: Duplicadores y Falsarios, 2012, https://lafuga.cl/la-fuerza-de-lo-falso/512.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "The Iceberg and the Shipping Container". In Dive-In: Design in Projection. Porto, Portugal: ESAD-IDEA, 2025.
  2. Brás, Patrícia Sequeira. "Time, Social Reproduction and the Precarious Body in the Films of Apichatpong Weerasethakul". In The Films of Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 27-46. Liverpool, Reino Unido: Liverpool University Press, 2024.
    Publicado • 10.3828/liverpool/9781837645138.003.0002
  3. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Introduction". In Dive-In: Design in Projection. Porto, Portugal: ESAD-IDEA, 2024.
    No prelo
  4. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Reproductive Work in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: maternity in Tempo comum (2018) and Els dies que vindran (2019)". In Cine: Femenino del plural. Mujeres y prácticas creativas en el ámbito ibérico, editado por Cucinotta, Caterina; Ramé Lopez. Madrid, Espanha: Comunicación, Editorial Sindéresis, 2023.
  5. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Má Raça /Mauvais Sang (1986) - Leos Carax. Plano em movimento de Denis Lavant a correr/dançar ao som de Modern Love de David Bowie | Mauvais Sang (1986) - Leos Carax. Moving shot of Denis Lavant running/dancing to the sound of Modern Love by David Bowie". In Os melhores 100 planos do cinema, editado por Araújo, Nelson, 1-432. Lisbon, Portugal: Os 100 Melhores Planos do Cinema, 2023.
  6. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "O testemunho na primeira pessoa no cinema e redes sociais | First-Person Testimony in Cinema and Social Media". In Ativismo em Rede e Plataformas Colaborativas. Portugal: Edições Universitárias Lusófona, 2022.
  7. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Post-Fordism in Active Life (2013), Industrial Revolution (2014) and The Nothing Factory (2017)". In Cinema of Crisis: Film and Contemporary Europe, 76-92. London, Reino Unido: Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
  8. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Neighbouring Sounds: Aural space, surveillance and class struggle". In Space and Subjectivity in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema, editado por da Silva, Antônio Márcio; Cunha, Mariana, 221-232. London, Reino Unido: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Edição de número de revista
  1. Sampaio, Sofia; Costa Lopes, Rui; Horta, Arlindo; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Fernandes, Tiago. "Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento". Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento [Scopus] 11 2 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v11n2.
    Publicado • 10.14591/aniki.v11n2
  2. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Fernandes, Tiago; Sampaio, Sofia; LOPES, RUI; Horta, Arlindo. "Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento". Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento [Scopus] 11 1 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v11n1.
    Publicado • 10.14591/aniki.v11n1
  3. Sampaio, Sofia; LOPES, RUI; Horta, Arlindo; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento". Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento [Scopus] 10 2 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v10n2.
    Publicado • 10.14591/aniki.v10n2
  4. Sampaio, Sofia; LOPES, RUI; Horta, Arlindo; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Fernandes, Tiago. "Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento". Aniki: Revista Portuguesa da Imagem em Movimento [Scopus] 10 1 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.14591/aniki.v10n1.
  5. Flores, Victor; Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media". International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media [Scopus] 5 1 (2021): https://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/stereo/issue/view/807.
    Publicado • Editor associado
  6. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Gasiorowski, Dominika; Geraghty, Niall. "Latin American Women's Filmmaking". The Journal of Romance Studies (Scopus) 21 2 (2021):
    Publicado • Co-editor
  1. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia ; Cucinotta, Caterina. Refocus: The Films of António Reis and Margarida Cordeiro. Edinburgh, Reino Unido: Edinburgh University Press. 2026.
    Em revisão • Editor
  2. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. Dive-In: Design em projeção | Dive-In: Design in Projection. Porto, Portugal: ESAD-IDEA. 2025.
    Publicado • Editor
  3. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. The Political Gesture in Pedro Costa's Films. Reino Unido: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers (Verlag). 2024.
    Publicado • https://doi.org/10.3726/b19659
Revisão de livro
  1. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "An Economy of Abandonment". Revisão de The Care Crisis (2021): https://www.moderntimes.review/the-care-crisis/.
  2. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "The Point of View of Japanese Women". Revisão de Good Wife, Wise Mother (2021): https://www.moderntimes.review/good-wife-wise-mother/.
  3. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "Filmens förmåga att agera politiskt: om Petra Bauers Sisters! Making Films, Doing Politics av [The Ability of Film to Act Politically: Sisters! Making films, Doing Politics by Petra Bauer]". Revisão de Sisters! Making Films, Doing Politics 5/6 (2017):
  4. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia. "The Ministry of Nostalgia by Owen Hatherley". Revisão de The Ministry of Nostalgia 7, 1 (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.16995/ddl.345.
    Publicado • 10.16995/ddl.345


Outra produção
  1. Levante. Film essay (7 min.) submitted to Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts. [Scopus]. 2024. Sequeira Brás, Patrícia.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/10/23 Problematizar o uso do arquivo fotográfico no cinema decolonial [Problematize the use of the photographic archive in decolonial cinema] XXVII Encontro Socine - Desver o mundo, reinventar a cena
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) (Campo Grande, Brasil)
2024/10/16 O dissenso na narrativa histórica: o 25 de Abril em Juventude em marcha (2006) e o 11 de Março em Cavalo dinheiro (2014) [The dissensus in the historical narrative: The 25th of April in Juventude em march (2006) and the 11th of March in Horse money (2014)] Congreso Internacional Portugal, 50 años después: ecos del 25 de Abril
Ateneo de Madrid, Universidad Completense de Madrid, Universidade Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Espanha)
2024/10/04 Um estudo de caso sobre temporalidade fílmica e reprodução social [A Study-Case in Cinematic Temporality and Social Reproduction] Symposium O Movimento das coisas (Manuela Serra, 1985)
Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal)
2024/07/03 The Zone of Interest (2023): A comparative analysis between Jonathan Glazer’s suggestive use of the ‘out-of-field’ and the relentless visual documentation of a genocide 15th edition of the Film-Philosophy Conference
University of British Colombia (Espinho, Portugal)
2024/06/06 O dissenso na narrativa histórica: o 25 de Abril em Juventude em marcha (2006) e o 11 de Março em Cavalo dinheiro (2014) [The dissensus in the historical narrative: The 25th of April in Juventude em march (2006) and the 11th of March in Horse money (2014)] II Congresso de História Pública em Portugal: Usos do Passado nos 50 anos da Revolução dos Cravos
Museu do Aljube – Resistência e Liberdade (Lisbon, Portugal)
2024/05/29 Temporalidade fílmica e reprodução social no filme O Movimento das Coisas (1985) de Manuela Serra [Cinematic Temporality and Social Reproduction in the Film O Movimento das Coisas (1985) by Manuela Serra] AIM XIII Congresso Internacional
Escola Superior Artística do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2023/06/03 De que falamos quando falamos de condições de produção? [What to Mean When We Speak of Conditions of Production] AIM XII Annual Conference
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal)
2022/07/15 Discussion with editors and contributors for paperback publication launch of Cinema of Crisis: Film and Contemporary Europe with editors Thomas Austin and Angelos Koutsourakis at the Film-Philosophy Conference, Middlesex University (online) Film-Philosophy Conference
2022/05/25 Paper presentation ‘Reprodução social, temporalidade e pandemia em Os Diários de Otsoga (2021)’ [Social Reproduction, Temporality and the Pandemic in Tsuga Diaries (2021)] AIM XI Annual Conference
2021/10/15 O testemunho na primeira pessoa no cinema e redes sociais [First-person testimony in Film and Social Media] Seminário Internacional Ativismo em Rede e Plataformas Colaborativas
Universidade Lusófona do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2021/09/01 Care Work and Social Reproduction in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis. The 42nd Association for Iberian Studies Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK
University of Cardiff (Cardiff, Reino Unido)
2020/12/11 O trabalho coletivo e reconhecimento mútuo nos filmes de Helena Solberg [Collective Work and Mutual Recognition in Helena Solberg's films] Oficina de história e imagem
Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH- Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019/10/11 O trabalho coletivo e reconhecimento mútuo nos filmes de Helena Solberg [Collective work and mutual recognition in Helena Solberg's films] XXIII SOCINE MEETING - Preservation and Memory Today, Thematic Seminar: Women in Cinema and Audio-Visual
Unisinos (Porto Alegre, Brasil)
2019/09/19 ‘Contested Urban Space and Class Struggle in Kleber Mendonça Filho’s Neighbouring Sounds (2012) and Aquarius (2016)’ Turbulent Topology: Violence, Space and Landscape in Visual Culture Symposium
UCL (London, Reino Unido)
2019/09/12 Collective work and mutual recognition in Helena Solberg's earlier films Ways of Making and Doing. Women and Cinemas of Latin America, II International Conference
Universidade Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Espanha)
2019/05/25 ‘Staging feminist politics in Jogo de Cena (Eduardo Coutinho, 2007) and The Arbor (Clio Barnard, 2010)’ Lasa Conference
Latin American Studies Association (Boston, Estados Unidos)
2018/07/03 ‘Reciprocal Recognition in Que Bom te Ver Viva (1989)’ Film-Philosophy Conference
University of Gothenburg (Gothenburg, Suécia)
2017/09/18 ‘Voice and Storytelling in Que Bom te Ver Viva (1989)’ Latin American Women’s Filmmakers Conference I
Senate House, University of London (London, Reino Unido)
2017/07/05 ‘Empathy in No Man’s Land (2012)’ Film-Philosophy Conference
Lancaster University (Lancaster, Reino Unido)
2017/01/26 ‘Is Unmasking Possible?’ International conference 'What is a Mask?' Curated by Prof Catherine Malabou
Kungliga Konsthögskolan (Royal Institute of Art) (Stockholm, Suécia)
2016/11/26 ‘Ventura’s “Purloined Letter”’ and the 25 April Revolution’ Symposium Pedro Costa – Film and Thought
Universidade de Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2016/05/17 ‘Pastiche in the Age of Austerity’ Portuguese Research Seminar
Faculty of Medieval & Modern Languages, University of Oxford (Oxford, Reino Unido)
2015/06/19 ‘The Political Gesture in Pedro Costa’s Films’ Histórias do Cinema, Cinema and Moving Image Course
Ar.Co (Lisbon, Portugal)
2012/05/18 ‘The Power of the False in Pedro Costa’s In Vanda’s Room (2000)’ The Powers of the False Symposium
Institut Francais and Ciné Lumière (London, Reino Unido)
2011/11/18 ‘The 25 April in Colossal Youth (2006)’ Workshop Scenes of Class Struggle in Portugal
Birkbeck University of London (London, Reino Unido)
2011/07/26 ‘Repetition as a Political Gesture: Colossal Youth (2006) as a Case Study’ ourth International Deleuze Studies Conference: ‘Creation, Crisis, Critique’
Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen, Dinamarca)
2011/06/24 ‘Sound as Duration and Repetition’ NECS: Sonic Futures: Soundscapes and the Languages of Screen Media
Senate House, University of London (London, Reino Unido)
2010/06 ‘Of Time’ Postgraduate Student Conference, Law Department
Birkbeck, University of London (London, Reino Unido)
2010/04 ‘Transcendence or Immanence in Film – The Travelling Shot in Pedro Costa’s Bones (1997) as a Case Study’ 12th Annual Conference on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics: ‘Saints in the City’
University of California Santa Barbara, Department of Spanish and Portuguese (Santa Barbara, Estados Unidos)
2009/06 ‘Bones (1997): a Case Study on Frame and Out-of-Field’ Student Conference at the Iberian and Latin American Studies Department
Birkbeck, University of London (London, Reino Unido)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2022/10/01 - 2025/08/31 Planeta II: Perspectivas sociopolíticas do cinema Afrofuturista, modos de olhar o Futuro e outras formas de sobrevivência [Planeta II: Socio-political perspectives of Afrofuturist cinema, ways of looking at the Future and other forms of survival]
Doutoramento em Estudos Artísticos (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2022/10/01 - 2025/08/31 Cenografia entre o teatral e o exibitivo [Scenography between the theatrical and the exhibitionary]
Doutoramento em Estudos Artísticos (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2024/01/25 - 2024/08/31 Mimese negativa: a suspensão da realidade nas obras de Artavazd Peleshyan, Harun Farocki e Peter Tscherkassky (1966-2001) [Negative mimesis: the suspension of reality in the works of Artavazd Peleshyan, Harun Farocki and Peter Tscherkassky (1966-2001)]
Estudos Artísticos (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2021/12/01 - 2024/08/02 O espectador como personagem: conexão e dissociação no Mr. Robot [The spectator as character: connection and dissociation in Mr. Robot]
Mestrado de Estudos Cinematográficos (Mestrado)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2022/01/01 - 2023/05/31 A representação de pessoas vulneráveis e o uso da entrevista no cinema do Eduardo Coutinho [The Representation of Vulnerable People and the Use of the Interview in the Cinema of Eduardo Coutinho]
Mestrado de Estudos Cinematográficos (Mestrado)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2021/11/01 - 2022/04/30 The exaltation of the hero's ego: the dominant discourse of the culture of violence in Dune
Kino Eyes (Mestrado)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2021/11/01 - 2022/04/30 Bandersnatch's audience: A choice or a future industry?
Kino Eyes (Mestrado)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2020/01/01 - 2020/09/01 Crisis Mapping: Representing Global Capitalism in Terratreme's Transnational Crisis Cinema.
MA/MRes Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (Mestrado)
Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2024/02/05 - 2024/07/03 Member of the Organizing Committee for the 15th edition of the Film-Philosophy Conference, held concurrently with the FEST Film Festival in Espinho. (2024/07/01 - 2024/07/03)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Científica)
The University of British Columbia Faculty of Arts, Canadá

Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Filosofia, Portugal
2022/03/16 - 2022/04/03 Workshop on Cinema and Feminism at Ar.co - School of Arts in Lisbon (2022/03/16 - 2022/04/03)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Ar.co - School of Arts, Portugal
2021/02/06 - 2021/03/06 Workshop on Cinema and Feminism at Ar.co - School of Arts in Lisbon (2021/02/06 - 2021/03/06)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Ar.co - School of Arts, Portugal
2019/03 - 2019/03 Co-hosting a film screening and discussion of The Nothing Factory (Pedro Pinho, 2017) with Dr. Luis Trindade. The event was organised in collaboration with BIMI and CILAVS. (2019/03/06 - 2019/03/06)
Outro (Coorganizador)
Birkbeck University of London Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido
2019/02/08 - 2019/02/08 Hosting a film screening and discussion on The Short Films of Helena Solberg with Prof. Catherine Grant. This event was organised in collaboration with BIMI and CILAVS. (2019/02/08 - 2019/02/08)
Outro (Coorganizador)
Birkbeck University of London Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido
2017/11/24 - 2017/11/25 International Conference Border Subjects/Global Hispanisms (2017/11/24 - 2017/11/25)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido
2017/09/18 - 2017/09/19 Conference Latin American Women's Filmmaking (2017/09/18 - 2017/09/19)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Científica)
University of London Institute of Latin American Studies, Reino Unido

University of London School of Advanced Study Institute of Modern Languages Research, Reino Unido
2017/06/01 - 2017/06/03 Symposium Culture and Crisis in Portugal. I have co-convened the symposium Culture and Crisis in Portugal, with fellow colleague Dr Luis Trindade in June 2017. The event brought together artists, activists, films, videos and other cultural forms that somehow tried to respond to austerity in Portugal and other southern European countries in the last decade. Through a series of debates and screenings, we analysed both the ways in which cultural forms were able to come up with reliable accounts of contemporary events. (2017/06/01 - 2017/06/03)
Simpósio (Coorganizador)
Birkbeck University of London Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London School of Arts, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido

Camões Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, Portugal
2015/03/30 - 2015/03/30 Hosting and moderating the screening of the film Trading Cities (2014) with the presence of the director Luísa Homem. (2015/03/30 - 2015/03/30)
Outro (Coorganizador)
Queen Mary University of London School of Language Linguistics and Film, Reino Unido

Camões Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, Portugal
2014/03/14 - 2014/03/14 Hosting and moderating the screening of the film Disquiet (2010) with the presence of the director João Botelho. (2014/03/14 - 2014/03/14)
Outro (Coorganizador)
Queen Mary University of London School of Language Linguistics and Film, Reino Unido

Camões Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, Portugal

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2024/07/01 - 2024/07/03 Moderating the presentation of one of our distinguished keynote speakers, Catherine Constable from the University of Warwick, at the 15th edition of the Film-Philosophy Conference.
15th edition of the Film-Philosophy Conference
University of British Colombia Faculty of Arts, Canadá

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Filosofia, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2023/11/10 - 2023/11/18 Member of the Juri Committee for the section "Outros Olhares" ["Other Viewpoints"] in the 29th edition of the Caminhos do Cinema Português Festival in Coimbra.
The 29th edition of the Caminhos do Cinema Português Festival
Festival Caminhos do Cinema Português, Portugal
2022/02/25 - 2022/02/25 Moderador - Seminar Oficina História e Imagem
- Como escrever para um livro de divulgação sobre as imagens da guerra colonial/de libertação na televisão portuguesa tendo em conta a posição como espectador das famílias dos soldados? by Rita Luís
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de História Contemporânea, Portugal
2021/01/29 - 2021/01/29 Moderador - Seminar Oficina História e Imagem
As imagens produzidas nas várias exposições/visualizações do projecto - Para uma Timeline a Haver - genealogias da dança enquanto prática artística em Portugal by Ana Bigotte Vieira, Carlos Oliveira and João dos Santos Martins
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de História Contemporânea, Portugal
2020/10/22 - 2020/10/22 Moderator and Live Translator at the presentation of Bombozila (Latin American platform of independent and autonomous video content) for Media Burn Archive based in Chicago.
Presentation of Bombozila Audiovisual Platform
Media Burn Archive, Estados Unidos
2018/06/26 - 2018/07/06 I attended the London Critical Theory Summer School in 2018. Run by the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, the internationally renowned London Critical Theory Summer School enables graduate students and academics to engage in a two-week course of day-time study with acclaimed critical thinkers.
London Critical Theory Summer School
Birkbeck University of London Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Reino Unido
2018/03/25 - 2018/03/25 Q&A Moderator for the screening of the film Luz Obscura (2017) with the presence of the director Susana Sousa Dias, at the Essay Film Festival in ICA, London.
Essay Film Festival
Birkbeck University of London Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image, Reino Unido
2017/11/24 - 2017/11/25 Chaired Panel: 'Spaces of Flow, Travel and Friction' at the International Conference Border Subjects/Global Hispanisms
International Conference Border Subjects/Global Hispanisms
Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Reino Unido
2017/09/18 - 2017/09/19 Chaired Panel ‘Testimonio and Women's Filmmaking’ at the Latin American Women’s Filmmaking Conference
Latin American Women’s Filmmakers Conference
University of London School of Advanced Study Institute of Modern Languages Research, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido

University of London Senate House Library, Reino Unido
2017/06/03 - 2017/06/03 Chaired Panel: ‘Final Debate – The crisis isn’t over yet’ with Dean Kenning (artist, critic, Kingston University & Central Saint Martins, London).
Symposium Culture and Crisis in Portugal
Birkbeck University of London School of Arts, Reino Unido

Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido
2016/10/27 - 2017/01/30 I attended the 'Philosophy in the Context of Art Workshop' with Professor Catherine Malabou.
Oficina (workshop)
'Philosophy in the Context of Art Workshop' with Prof Catherine Malabou
Kungliga Konsthögskolan, Suécia

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2024/05/16 Autoria e intimidade na criação artística documental [Authorship and Intimacy in Documentary Artistic Creation]
Luísa Neves Soares (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2023/12/11 Processo criativo e experiências amazónicas na narrativa cinematográfica contemporânea [Creative process and Amazonian experiences in contemporary cinematic narrative]
Presidente do júri
Jorane Ramos de Castro (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Coimbra Colégio das Artes, Portugal
2023/06/21 O Papel dos Figurinos na Construção das Personagens e da Narrativa no Cinema de João Pedro Rodrigues [The Role of Costumes in the Construction of Characters and Narrative in João Pedro Rodrigues' Cinema]
Arguente principal
Inês Silva Moreira (Mestrado)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2022/03/17 Fotografia e Construção da Experiência Cinematográfica [Photography and Construction of the Cinematic Experience]
António Afonso Costa (Doutoramento)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2024/07/01 - 2024/07/03 15th edition of the Film-Philosophy Conference FEST Film Festival; University of British Colombia; IFILNova; University of Coimbra
2021/06/24 - 2021/06/25 CIIA - VIII Congresso Internacional de Investigadores de Audiovisual Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologia, CICANT
2017/09/18 - 2017/09/19 Conference Latin American Women’s Filmmaking Senate House, University of London

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2022/08/01 - 2024/06/01 Aniki Portuguese Journal of Moving Image
2022/02/01 - 2022/02/28 Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image (1647-8991)
2022/01/01 - 2022/01/30 Manuscrítica: Revista de Crítica Genética (2596-2477)
2020/10 - 2020/10 Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image (1647-8991)
2020/02 - 2020/02 Cadernos Pagu (0104-8333)

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2024/02/05 - 2024/05/24 Seminário de Estudos Artísticos (Cinema) [Seminar on Artistic Studies (film)] Estudos Artísticos (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2023/11/27 - 2024/01/08 Hibrismo e Transdisciplinaridade [Hybridism and Transdisciplinarity] Estudos Artísticos (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2023/09/09 - 2024/01/08 Metodologias de Investigação em Estudos Artísticos [Research Methodologies in Artistic Studies] Estudos Artísticos (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2023/09/19 - 2023/12/15 Cinema Português [Portuguese Cinema] (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2023/02/06 - 2023/05/25 Seminário de Estudos Artísticos (Cinema) [Seminar on Artistic Studies (Cinema)] Estudos Artísticos (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2023/02/06 - 2023/05/25 Programação Cultural [Cultural Programming] Programação Cultural (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2022/11/28 - 2023/01/09 Hibrismo e Transdisciplinaridade [Hybridism and Transdisciplinarity] Estudos Artísticos (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2022/10/01 - 2023/01/09 Metodologias de Investigação em Estudos Artísticos [Research Methodologies in Artistic Studies] Estudos Artísticos (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2022/10/01 - 2022/12/16 Cinema e Outras Artes [Cinema and Other Arts] Cinema e Outras Artes (Mestrado) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2022/10/01 - 2022/12/16 Cinema Português [Portuguese Cinema] (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2022/10/01 - 2022/12/16 Práticas artísticas e investigação em artes [Artistic practices and research in arts] (Mestrado) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2022/05/04 - 2022/05/04 Cinematic Apparatus Metodologias de Investigação em Comunicação e Artes dos Media (Doutoramento) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Portugal
2022/03/09 - 2022/03/09 Disciplines Epistomologies & Metodologies Metodologias de Investigação em Comunicação e Artes dos Media (Doutoramento) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Portugal
2022/02/23 - 2022/02/23 Introduction Metodologias de Investigação em Comunicação e Artes dos Media (Doutoramento) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Centro de Investigação em Comunicação Aplicada Cultura e Novas Tecnologias, Portugal
2022/01/14 - 2022/02/11 Kino Eyes - Research Metodologies (Mestrado) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2021/11/17 - 2022/01/06 Metodologia de Investigação Científica [Estudos Cinematográficos] (Mestrado) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2021/09/17 - 2021/12/15 Metodologia de Análise de Imagem [Cinema, Vídeo e Comunicação Multimédia] (Licenciatura) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2019/10 - 2020/07 Co-taught: Core Module - Comparative Literature. The course allows students to develop understanding of key critical concepts associated with the comparative study of literature and cultures and to consider historical developments affecting the way we think about literature in comparative terms. In my sessions, I introduced students to the work of Silvia Federeci; Audre Lorde; Judith Butler; among others. MA/MRes Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (Master) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2017/10 - 2020/07 Co-taught: Post-War Themes in Comparative History since 1945. In the sessions taught I introduced students to the social movements and political discourses that emerged in the period of the long 1960s, predominantly in Southern Europe, giving particular attention to the workers movements against the backdrop of the social and cultural changes of the period through a selection of films that embody the workers’ political discourse. Ba in Modern Languages (Bachelor (1.º ciclo de estudos)) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2019/10 - 2020/06 Co-taught: Scenes of Portuguese History: Cultural Approaches to Modern Politics. The course narrates the dramatic history of Portuguese modern politics through different objects, from political discourse and literature to music and film. Its aim is twofold: to familiarize students with two key historical processes in twentieth-century Portuguese society (salazarism and postcolonial period) and to analyse these as scenes and performances with specific actors and plots. BA in Modern Languages; BA in Iberian and Latin American Studies (Bachelor (1.º ciclo de estudos)) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2016/01 - 2020/06 Co-taught: Luso-Brazilian Cultures. This course provides students with a broad introduction to the modern cultural histories of the Lusophone world, including Portugal, Brazil, and Lusophone Africa. The main aims of the course are to provide students with a basic historical and critical framework that will allow them to situate specific themes and problems of the Luso-Brazilian and African Diaspora Cultures in the course of their studies. BA in Modern Languages; BA in Iberian and Latin American Studies Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2019/10/21 - 2019/10/21 Visiting Professor: Accattone (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1961). After viewing the film, the discussion is framed by Pasolini’s own writings about the film, and about how, according to the director, young sub-proletarian’s bodies and desires were captured by consumer capitalism, resulting in the adoption of bourgeois gestures and styles and the eradication of the sub-proletarian culture in the 1970s in Italy. Fashion Studies Master's Degree (Master) Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza Dipartimento di Storia Culture Religioni, Itália
2018/10 - 2019/06 Co-taught: Culture and Critique in the Latin American and Iberian Worlds. The course provides students with critical appreciation of key issues central to the cultural histories of Spain, Portugal and Latin America as well as critical insight into some of the key ways – including visual – in which societies and cultures of Iberia and Latin America have been conceptualized, classified and narrated. During my sessions, students were introduced to Latin American Modern Cinema as well as to notions of Third and Imperfect Cinema. MA/MRes Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (Master) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2017/10 - 2018/07 Course Convenor and Professor: Rethinking Portuguese History through Film. This course narrates the dramatic history of Portuguese modern politics through film. Its aim is twofold: to familiarize students with key historical processes in twentieth-century Portuguese society and to analyse how the cinematic medium has been revisiting and/or problematizing Portuguese colonial history and its postcolonial present. BA in Modern Languages; BA in Iberian and Latin American Studies; BA in Film Studies (Bachelor (1.º ciclo de estudos)) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2017/10 - 2018/07 Course Convenor and Professor: Gender and Feminism in Brazilian and Portuguese Visual Culture. The course introduces key concepts of feminist theory through the analysis of female visual representations in Brazilian and Portuguese contemporary culture. The module’s scope is interdisciplinary, offering a feminist approach, intersecting gender, class, race and ethnicity. BA in Modern Languages; BA in Iberian and Latin American Studies Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2016/10 - 2017/07 Co-taught: Creative Destruction: Cultural responses to contemporary Portugal. By questioning given assumptions about the world, periods of crisis are particularly rich and challenging to culture. This course was focused on the economic crisis experienced in Portugal in the last decade (as well as its social and political manifestations) and analysed how artists and intellectuals from different areas (video, cinema, music, literature, etc) creatively responded to what they perceived as a moment of destruction. BA in Modern Languages; BA in Iberian and Latin American Studies (Bachelor (1.º ciclo de estudos)) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2016/01 - 2017/06 Co-taught: Theory 1 - Cultural History/Visual Cultural. The course provides students with critical appreciation of key issues central to the cultural histories of Spain, Portugal and Latin America as well as critical insight into some of the key ways – including visual – in which societies and cultures of Iberia and Latin America have been conceptualized, classified and narrated. During my sessions, students were introduced to Latin American Modern Cinema as well as to notions of Third and Imperfect Cinema. MA in Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies (Master) Birkbeck University of London Department of Cultures and Languages, Reino Unido
2013/09 - 2016/05 Course Convenor and Lecturer: From Dictatorship to Revolution in Portugal’s Cinema. This module uses the dictatorship and the post-revolutionary period as historical frames to identify aesthetic shifts within Portuguese cinema. It departs from the films produced during the dictatorial regime - Comédias à Portuguesa, introduces Cinema Novo as an aesthetic new paradigm non-aligned with the totalitarian regime and the films produced after 1974 as ways of addressing the collective trauma of the colonial wars. BA in Spanish and Portuguese Queen Mary University of London - Mile End Campus, Reino Unido
2013/09 - 2016/05 Course Convenor and Lecturer: From Page to Screen. This module analyses text-to-screen adaptations, offering a panorama of film and Portuguese literature. Students examine authorship and narrative in Camoes’s epic ‘The Lusiads’; in the work of modernist Fernando Pessoa; and in the cinema of Manoel de Oliveira, also considering the implications of spatial and temporal relocations in these films. BA in Spanish and Portuguese (Bachelor (1.º ciclo de estudos)) Queen Mary University of London - Mile End Campus, Reino Unido

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2021/03/04 - 2021/03/04 Fita-isoladora Contadoras de histórias: a resistência feminina no pequeno e grande ecrã [Storytellers: female resistance on the small and big screen]

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2017/11/21 - Atual The Higher Education Academy Fellow

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2022/02/24 - 2022/10/17 Member of the Scientific Committee at Universidade Lusófona - Escola de Comunicação, Arquitetura, Artes e Tecnologias
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2022/02/24 - 2022/10/17 Member of the Pedagogical Committee at Universidade Lusófona - Escola de Comunicação, Arquitetura, Artes e Tecnologias
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias Escola de Comunicação Arquitectura Artes e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2016/02/01 - 2020/06/30 Member of the steering committee for the Birkbeck Centre of Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies (CILAVS).
Birkbeck University of London Centre for Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies, Reino Unido

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2022/10/04 - 2023/10/26 External advisor in the supervision panel for PhD candidate Veronika Romhàny's practice-based research "Only one discipline: define yourself! Mind Maps - collaborative digital art practices as self- and system critical tools" LUCA School of Arts - Campus Gent/Sint-Lucas, Bélgica