Alexandre Monteiro holds a degree and a postgraduate degree in Archaeology from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon (FCSH/UNL) and in Scientific Diving from the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL). He holds a Diploma of Advanced Studies in History, also from FCSH/UNL, where he was a guest lecturer in the disciplines of Nautical, Maritime and River Archaeology, Contemporary Archaeology and Maritime Archaeology (Project). He is a member of the Navy Academy and a research associate at the University of Western Australia, the Institutes of Archaeology and Palaeosciences and History. Territories. Communities of the New University of Lisbon (UNL) and the University of Coimbra (UC) as well as the Center for Maritime Archaeology and Conservation of Texas A&M University. A specialist in Palaeography and documentary research in historical archives, he locates, transcribes, documents and compiles historical information on shipwrecks from the Medieval, Modern and Contemporary periods, information with which he organizes, in geographic information systems, shipwreck databases from several countries, including Portugal, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Mozambique, Cape Verde and Uruguay. He has directed or co-directed environmental impact mitigation work on the underwater cultural heritage of the Azores, the Portuguese mainland and the United Arab Emirates. He has collaborated with several international institutions in order to identify and prevent treasure hunting actions in the seas and illicit trafficking of cultural goods, being a consultant to the governments of Cape Verde and the Azores, as well as to UNESCO, an institution with which he has collaborated in training, training and clarification actions. He has co-managed the European Project Forest Resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN, Marie-Curie Action), led by the Spanish state agency Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. Professionally, he was a technician at the National Center for Nautical and Underwater Archaeology (CNANS) of the Ministry of Culture. He also collaborated with the Mission Structure for Maritime Affairs (Ministry of National Defence) in the project Profundis - Virtual Museum of Underwater Cultural Heritage, and was co-coordinator of the OPP 2018-2024 Project A Dive into History. He is actually a science manager at the European University. Finally, he is the author or co-author of several dozen scientific articles and more than a hundred texts for dissemination to the general public, being an effective member of the Professional Association of Archaeologists (APA), the Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology (AIMA) and the International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), where he is part of its National Scientific Committee for the Management of Archaeological Heritage. He is also a member of the Heritage Crime Task Force of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Paulo Alexandre de Paiva Monteiro

Nomes de citação

  • Monteiro, Alexandre

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID


  • 962413815 (Pessoal)


  • https://www.mergulho-na-historia.pt/ (Profissional)

Domínios de atuação

  • Humanidades - História e Arqueologia


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Francês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Espanhol; Castelhano Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Alemão Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1)
Chinês Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1)
Grau Classificação
2023/02/15 - 2023/03/28
Curso de Mergulho Profissional - Inicial (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Autoridade Marítima Nacional, Portugal
2022/01/01 - 2022/03/13
Ocean Data Management (Outros)
Especialização em Análise de dados
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, França

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, França
2021/07/05 - 2022/03/06
UX Design Professional Certificate (Outros)
Especialização em Design
Google Inc, Estados Unidos
2021/06/01 - 2022/02/01
Project Management Professional Certificate (Outros)
Google Inc, Estados Unidos
2021/01/02 - 2022/02/01
Mergulho Científico (Pós-Graduação)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2021/06/01 - 2022/01/30
Data Analytics Professional Certificate (Outros)
Google Inc, Estados Unidos
2021/06/01 - 2021/11/02
IT Support Professional Certificate (Outros)
Google Inc, Estados Unidos
Curso de Doutoramento em História (Curso de doutoramento (conclusão de unidades curriculares))
Especialização em Arqueologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal
2010/09/15 - 2011/07/06
Arqueologia (Pós-Graduação)
Especialização em Arqueologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal
2006/09/15 - 2009/08/17
Arqueologia (Licenciatura)
Especialização em Arqueologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2022/04/01 - Atual Gestão de Ciência e Tecnologia Universidade Europeia, Portugal
Instituto de Arte Design e Empresa Universitário Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
1998/03/01 - 2000/08/01 Técnico superior de arqueologia náutica e subaquática (avençado) Ministério da Cultura, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2021/04/01 - 2023/04/01 Um Mergulho na História
Investigador responsável
Republica Portuguesa Direção-Geral do Património Cultural, Portugal
Governo da República Portuguesa
Em curso
2019/11/01 - 2022/10/31 Margullar2. Rede de Parques Arqueológicos do Espaço MAC – Conservar, valorar e divulgar a história marítima através do património submarino da Macaronésia
Consultor convidado
Universidade Nova de Lisboa - História. Territórios. Comunidades, Portugal
European Research Council
Em curso
2016/11/01 - 2020/01/31 iMARECULTURE Advanced VR, iMmersive serious games and Augmented REality as tools to raise awareness and access to European underwater CULTURal heritagE.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de História Contemporânea, Portugal
Conseil de l'Union Europeenne
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Instituto de História Contemporânea
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal

Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Instituto de História Contemporânea
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal

Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Instituto de História Contemporânea
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal

Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014/02/01 - 2018/01/31 ForSEADiscovery - Forest resources for Iberian Empires: Ecology and Globalization in the Age of Discovery
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de História Contemporânea, Portugal
Conseil de l'Union Europeenne
2014/01/01 - 2016/12/31 Shipwrecks of the Roaring 40s (LP130100137)
Investigador convidado
The University of Western Australia, Austrália
Australian Research Council


Artigo em boletim informativo
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre; Pinheiro, Sérgio. "The shipwreck of the silver ship 'Nuestra Señora del Rosario' (Troia, 1589). Research report submitted to the Division of Nautical and Underwater Archaeology", DANS Working Documents, 2010
  2. Alves, Francisco; Monteiro, Alexandre; Pinheiro, Sérgio. "Report of the preliminary archaeography campaign of the wreck of the ship Arade 23", DANS Paper No. 44, 2008
Artigo em conferência
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Potatoes, broad beans, wine and brandy: José Nunes da Silveira's subsidiary trade with Flores and Corvo (1794-1831)". Trabalho apresentado em VIII Colloquium "Faial and the Azorean Periphery in the Fifteenth to Twentieth Centuries, Horta, 2022.
    No prelo
  2. Costa, Maria; Pinto, Jose; Ribeiro, Manuel; Lima, Keila; Monteiro, Alexandre; Kowalczyk, Peter; Sousa, Joao. "Underwater Archaeology with Light AUVs". Marselha, 2019.
    Publicado • 10.1109/oceanse.2019.8867503
  3. Costa, Paulo; Monteiro, Alexandre. ""Tombaram combatendo um inimigo invisível": perda e achamento do caça-minas Roberto Ivens (1917)". Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas do Mar 2016, Almada, 2016.
  4. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Naus and galleons in Arabia Felix- Portuguese nautical archaeology in Oman". 2016.
  5. Costa, Paulo; Monteiro, Alexandre. ""They fell fighting an invisible enemy": loss and finding of the minesweeper Roberto Ivens (1917)". Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas do Mar 2016, 2016.
  6. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Portuguese Merchant Navy in the Career of Macau: Men, Ships, Routes and Cargo in the First Quarter of the Nineteenth Century". Trabalho apresentado em In the seas of China: on the arrival of Jorge Álvares, in 1513: XIII Symposium on Maritime History, 2016.
  7. Monteiro, Alexandre; PINHEIRO, Sérgio; Martins, Adolfo Miguel; FIGUEIREDO, João ; Casimiro, Tânia. "The Underwater Cultural Heritage Database: regional contributions from the Madeira archipelago and the Sado/Grândola estuarine complex". Trabalho apresentado em Segundas Jornadas de Engenharia Hidrográfica, 2012.
  8. Monteiro, Alexandre; Vieira de Castro, Filipe; Génio, Margarida. "Life and death of the caravel 'who walked in the Castle and tract of Arguin': autopsy of a ship of the Discoveries". Trabalho apresentado em International Colloquium 'The Heritage of the Infante', 2011.
  9. Monteiro, Alexandre. "José Nunes da Silveira, wholesale trader, long-haul captain, shipowner of the Correio d'Ázia". Trabalho apresentado em V Congresso "O Faial e a Periferia Açoriana nos século XV a XX", 2010.
  10. Monteiro, Alexandre. "PROFUNDIS: the Underwater Cultural Heritage as a vector of national sovereignty and cultural appreciation". Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas do Mar 2010 – A Nova Era dos Descobrimentos, 2010.
  11. Monteiro, Alexandre. "From the footnote to the pile of ballast: Iberian shipwrecks in the Azores area (1526-1906)". 2008.
  12. Monteiro, Alexandre; Pinheiro, Sérgio; Alves, Francisco. "Arade 23: the archaeography of a shipwreck through Site Recorder 4: problematic and methodology". Trabalho apresentado em Congress of Informatic Applications to Archaeology – CAAPortugal 2007, 2007.
  13. Monteiro, Alexandre; Pinheiro, Sérgio; Alves, Francisco. "Arade 23: preliminary archaeography of an estuarine shipwreck". Trabalho apresentado em 5th Algarve Archaeology Meeting, 2007.
  14. GARCIA, Ana Catarina; Monteiro, Alexandre. "The excavation and dismantling of Angra D, a probable Iberian seagoing ship, Angra bay, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal. Preliminary assessment". Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on Archaeology of Medieval and Modern Ships of Iberian-Atlantic Tradition – Hull remains, manuscripts and ethnographic sources: a comparative approach, 2001.
  15. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Underwater Archaeological Map of the Azores: methodology, use and results in the management of underwater cultural heritage". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd Congress of Peninsular Archaeology, 2000.
  16. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The loss of the galleon São Pantaleão (1651): a shipwreck of the General Company of Commerce of Brazil in the Azores". Trabalho apresentado em As ilhas e o Brasil - VI Colóquio Internacional das Ilhas Atlânticas, Funchal, 2000.
Artigo em revista
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Notícia Preliminar da Localização e Identificação de um Afundamento da Grande Guerra na Barra de Lisboa - o Terje Viken (1916)". Almadan 1 24 (2021): 30-38. http://www.almadan.publ.pt/24_1.htm.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  2. Carita, Rui; Monteiro, Alexandre; Costa, Paulo; Calado, Gonçalo; Vieira de Castro, Filipe. "Portuguese Archaeological Mission to Sharjah Emirate (UAE): Underwater Archaeology Survey – Preliminary Mission Report". Annual Sharjah Archaeology 17 (2019): 320-372.
  3. Costa, Paulo; Monteiro, Alexandre; Freire, Jorge Leonel Vaz; Biscaia, Flávio; Gauthier-Bérubé, M.; Patacas, Pedro; Pinto, Sandro. "Notícia preliminar da descoberta de dois naufrágios na entrada do estuário do Tejo". AL-MADAN on-line nº22 2ª Série TOMO I (2018): 166-170. https://issuu.com/almadan/docs/al-madanonline22_1.
  4. Monteiro, Alexandre; Beja-Pereira, Albano. "Falcoaria e Navegações Tardo-Medievais: Subsídios para a Toponímia do Arquipélago dos Açores". Açoreana 11(2) (2018): 157-170.
  5. Monteiro, Alexandre; Freire, Jorge Leonel Vaz; COSTA, Paulo ; BISCAIA, Flávio; GAUTIER-BERUBE, Marijo; PATACAS, Pedro; PINTO, Sandro. Autor correspondente: Monteiro, Alexandre. "Preliminary News of the Discovery of Two Shipwrecks at the Entrance to the Tagus Estuary". Almadan 22 (2018): 166-170.
  6. Costa, Paulo; Monteiro, Alexandre. "Património Cultural Subaquático da Grande Guerra - Localização e identificação do destroço do caça-minas Roberto Ivens (1917)". AL-MADAN Impressa nº21 - Dossier Património Cultural Subaquático de Época Contemporânea Volume II (2017): 86-95. http://www.almadan.publ.pt/Anteriores%20(geral).htm.
  7. Castro, F.; Bendig, C.; Bérubé, M.; Borrero, R.; Budsberg, N.; Dostal, C.; Monteiro, A.; et al. "Recording, Publishing, and Reconstructing Wooden Shipwrecks". Journal of Maritime Archaeology (2017): 1-12. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85034578840&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  8. Costa, Paulo; Monteiro, Alexandre. "Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Great War: location and identification of the wreck of the minesweeper Roberto Ivens (1917)". Almadan 21 (2017): 86-95.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  9. ALMEIDA, Ana; Vieira de Castro, Filipe; Monteiro, Alexandre; Magalhães, Ivone. "The Sixteenth Century Shipwreck of Belinho, Esposende: preliminary results". Almadan 21 (2017): 80-95.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  10. CASTRO, Filipe; Almeida, Ana; Monteiro, Alexandre; Magalhaes, Ivone. "O naufrágio quinhentista de Belinho 1, Esposende. Resultados preliminares". Almadan 21 3 (2017): 80-95.
  11. Costa, Paulo; Monteiro, Alexandre; Santos, Maria. "O Gomizianes da Graça Odemira? - Investigação histórico-arqueológica sobre um sítio de naufrágio (Santo André, Santiago do Cacém)". AL-MADAN on-line nº21 2ª Série Tomo I (2016): 72-79. https://issuu.com/almadan/docs/al-madanonline21_1.
  12. Monteiro, Alexandre; Costa, Paulo; SANTOS, Maria João. "Gomezianes de Graça Odemira - Archaeological historical investigation on a shipwreck site". Almadan 21 (2016): 72-79.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  13. Monteiro, Alexandre; PINHEIRO, Sérgio. "The shipwreck of the silver ship Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Troia, 1589)". Almadan 17 (2012): 147-159.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  14. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Cannons in the Roca: Preliminary Analysis of a Submerged Set of Artillery Pieces". Almadan 15 (2007): 158-160.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  15. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The shipwreck of the steamer Lidador on the island of Terceira, Azores (1878): preliminary report". Almadan 15 (2007): 1-2.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  16. GARCIA, Ana; Monteiro, Alexandre; PHANEUF, Erik. "The wrecks of the ships Angra C and D discovered during the underwater archaeological intervention carried out in the framework of the project for the construction of a marina in the bay of Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira, Azores)"". Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 2 2 (1999): 211-232.
  17. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The wreck of the ships Angra C and D discovered during the underwater archaeological intervention carried out in the framework of the project for the construction of a marina in the bay of Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira, Azores). Preliminary discussion". The wreck of the ships Angra C and D discovered during the underwater archaeological intervention carried out in the framework of the project for the construction of a marina in the bay of Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira, Azores). Preliminary discussion 2 2 (1999): 233-261.
  18. ALVES, Francisco; GARCIA, Ana Catarina; Monteiro, Alexandre. "Strategies and methodologies of underwater archaeological intervention in the framework of the project for the construction of a marina in the bay of Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira, Azores)". Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia 2 2 (1999): 199-210.
  19. GARCIA, Ana Catarina; Monteiro, Alexandre. "Emergency Intervention in the Bay of Angra do Heroísmo". Almadan 7 (1998): 126-128.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Admiral Isabel and her pilot Queirós: discoveries in the Pacific", Visão História – Grandes Exploradores, 2021
  2. Monteiro, Alexandre. "James Cook, the 'professional' captain", Visão História – Grandes Exploradores, 2021
  3. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Prisoners of the Portuguese", Visão História – Ferdinand Magellan: the First Trip around the World, 2020
  4. Neto, José Luís; Santos, Maria João; Borges, Luís; Monteiro, Alexandre; Parreira, Pedro. "Contribution to the study of Underwater Cultural Heritage on the island of Terceira, Azores. Subsidies from the Historical Archive of the Navy for the investigation of shipwrecks and strandings", Atlântida, Revista de Cultura, 2020
  5. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Portuguese Ships against England (1580-1588)", Visão História – Portugal e a Inglaterra, 2019
  6. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Christian 'Captives' in North Africa", Visão História – In the Times of Slavery, 2018
  7. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Shipwrecks: Time Capsules", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  8. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Iberian Ships of the Discoveries: Top of the Tops", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  9. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Shipwreck of the Bom Jesus Ship: When the Diamonds Were Others...", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  10. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Flores Naval Combat (1591): 'Revenge ´ in the Background", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  11. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The fight of the nau Chagas: better to sink than to surrender", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  12. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The General Company of Commerce of Brazil: An Ephemeral Private Company", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  13. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Battle of Lagos (1759)", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  14. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Berber Corsairs:´There are Moors on the Coast´", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  15. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Shipwrecks in São Jorge: the Bonfire of HMS ´Pallas ´ and the Chitas Ship", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  16. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Combat of the American Corsair General Armstrong: Mad Lloyd's Madness", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  17. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Loss of the Correio da Asia on the Coast of Australia (1816): for the Business of China", Visão História – Shipwrecks and Treasures: The Great Adventure of the Seas, 2016
  18. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Museums at (almost) zero cost", Jornal da Economia do Mar, 2015
  19. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Socotorá: a page of the Discoveries", National Geographic, 2012
  20. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The embarrassing episode of General Armstrong in the bay of Horta (1814)", National Geographic, 2012
  21. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Berlenga anchorage and its archaeological potential", Revista Portugal Romano, 2012
  22. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Six Portuguese shipwrecks worldwide", Mundo Submerso, 2005
Capítulo de livro
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Heritage and the Sea". Reino Unido: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-86464-4
  2. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Underwater Cultural Heritage as a Blue Tourism Driver: A Pilot Project from Littoral Alentejo, Portugal". In Concepts and Dialogues across Shifting Spaces in Intercultural Business, editado por Sarmento, Clara, 154-167. Reino Unido: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022.
  3. Monteiro, Alexandre. "The Belinho I Shipwreck: a Probable 16th Century Ship Lost at Esposende". In Cultural Tourism and Heritage in Northern Portugal., 185-203. Newcastle upon Tyne, Reino Unido: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.
  4. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Comunidade e identidade marítima. Uma aldeia de pescadores na Península de Tróia nos finais do século XIX". editado por Casimiro, Tânia, 45-59. Lisboa: Mazu Press, 2020.
  5. CASTRO, Filipe; Almeida, Ana; Monteiro, Alexandre; Magalhaes, Ivone. "Belinho 1 Shipwreck: A probable 16th century ship lost at Esposende, Portugal". In Cultural Tourism and Heritage in Northern Portugal. Cambridge, Reino Unido: Cambridge Scholars Editors, 2020.
  6. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Quando o X não marca o lugar: o Caça-Minas ‘Roberto Ivens’ e a Base de Dados Endovélico". 205-210. Lisboa: Comissão Cultural de Marinha, 2018.
  7. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Segundo Sargento da Armada Tiago Gil: Pistas Historiográficas no Pós-Guerra de Um Sobrevivente". 151-164. Lisboa: Comissão Cultural de Marinha, 2018.
  8. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Os nossos navios no fundo do Oceano". 275-303. Porto: Câmara Municipal do Porto / Associação para a Divulgação da Cultura de Língua Portuguesa, 2015.
  9. CASTRO, Filipe; Monteiro, Alexandre; Genio, M.. "Vida e morte do caravelão ¿que andava no Castelo e trato de Arguim¿: autópsia de um navio dos Descobrimentos". In A Herança do Infante, 209-224. Portugal: Câmara Municipal de Lagos/Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portuguesa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa/Centro de História de Além Mar, UNL/UAç, 2011.
Catálogo de exposição
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre. Tenebrous Sea: the Margullar project and the shipwrecks of the Azores. Exhibition Catalogue. Regional Directorate of Culture of the Azores and Agency for the Development of Culture in the Azores, 2021.
  2. Monteiro, Alexandre. The Underwater Archaeology of Sharjah in Identity and Culture, Archaeological Heritage of Sharjah (UAE) Catalogue. National Museum of Archaeology / IAP, 2019.
Entrada de enciclopédia
  1. Alves, Francisco; Monteiro, Alexandre. "Underwater Archaeology". In Azorean Encyclopedia. Governo Regional dos Açores, 1997. https://www.culturacores.azores.gov.pt/ea/pesquisa/Default.aspx?id=4533.
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre. Escavando as Águas: a história submersa do arquipélago dos Açores [Digging the Waters: for a submerged history of the Azores]. Portugal: Margullar. Governo dos Açores/Comissão Europeia.. 2023.
  2. Monteiro, Alexandre; Neto, José Luís; Parreira, Pedro. O naufrágio do Ravenswood e outras perdas marítimas na ilha do Pico, Açores. [The Ravenswood shipwreck and other maritime losses at Pico island, Azores]. Portugal: Margullar. Governo dos Açores/Comissão Europeia.. 2023.
  3. Monteiro, Alexandre. Guia do Património Cultural Subaquático dos Açores. Secretaria Regional da Educação e Cultura, Governo Regional dos Açores. 2017.
Prefácio / Posfácio
  1. Monteiro, Alexandre. "Do mistério do Cisne Negro ao Tesouro da Mercedes: o património cultural subaquático a saque em águas portuguesas". Lisboa: Público / Levoir. 2019.
  1. Costa, Paulo; Carita, Rui; Monteiro, Alexandre; CASTRO, Filipe; Calado, Gonçalo. 2022. Terrestrial and Maritime Archaeological Survey of the Sir Bu Na'air Island, Sharjah Emirate (UAE). Sharjah Archaeology Authority - Govt. of Sharjah. https://saa.shj.ae/en/.
  2. Costa, Paulo; Casimiro, Tânia; Pinheiro, Sérgio; Monteiro, Alexandre. 2013. Relatório dos trabalhos arqueológicos subaquáticos e da investigação documental relativos ao Projecto de Contribuição para a Carta Arqueológica Nacional - Concelho de Grândola. Lisboa: Instituto de Arqueologia e Paleociências - FCSH/UNL.
  3. Costa, Paulo; Monteiro, Alexandre; Pinheiro, Sérgio; Russo, Jorge. 2013. Relatório dos trabalhos arqueológicos subaquáticos e da investigação documental relativos ao sítio arqueológico "Primavera" (Berlenga, 1904). Lisboa: Instituto de Arqueologia e Paleociências - FCSH/UNL.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2023/11 Unveiling the Maritime Mysteries of the UAE: Integrating Historical Archives and Machine Learning for Predictive Identification of Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites Archaeological Conference 2023
Zayed National Museum, Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi, Emiratos Árabes Unidos)
2023/08 Pearls, Spices and Trade: the Underwater Cultural Heritage Potential of the United Arab Emirates 56th Seminar for Arabian Studies
IASA, Moesgaard Museum and Aarhus University (Aarhus, Dinamarca)
2023/05 Underwater Cultural Heritage in Portugal: a Status Kemer Diving Days
Akdeniz University (Kemmer, Turquia)
2023/04 When Neither Commercial or Recreational Diving are Solutions: Navigating the Challenges of Scientific Diving in Underwater Archaeology International Conference ScienceDIVER in the Blue Economy Era: Educational Approaches – Operational Challenges – Occupational Modes
University of Malta (La Valleta, Malta)
2023/04 Commercial Threats against Underwater Cultural Heritage
Portuguese Judiciary Police (Lisboa, Portugal)
2022/04/13 The Database of Historical Shipwrecks of the Western Algarve I Symposium on Nautical and Underwater History and Archaeology of Lagos
Municipality of Lagos
2022/04/08 Fluvial Archaeology in Portugal: Challenges and Opportunities River Archaeology Workshop
Municipality of Alcacer do Sal (Alcacer do Sal, Portugal)
2022/02/25 When the absence of evidence is evidence of absence: the peopling of the Azores seen from the point of view of History, Archaeology and Insular Ecology
Regional Directorate of Culture (Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal)
2021/11/27 So little land to be born and so many to die: the Discoveries and the First Globalization
TEDx Talks (Lisboa, Portugal)
2021/11 Best Practices in Inventorying Underwater Cultural Heritage National Meeting on the Implementation of the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage in Namibia
UNESCO (Namíbia)
2021/03 How to establish inventories based on the standard UNESCO inventory sheet Regional Meeting on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa
UNESCO (Namíbia)
2019/04/20 The Cape Verde Historical Shipwreck Database and the Treasure Hunt Margullar
Margullar (Cidade Velha , Cabo Verde)
2019/03/21 The shipwrecks of the Setúbal Peninsula: Approaches in the Historical Archive, Material Encounters in the waters of the Sado 1st Half Journey Arrábida Sado
(Setubal, Portugal)
2019/03/14 Underwater Archaeology in the Azores. Realities, Strategies and Challenges Regional Directorate of Culture of the Azorea
Regional Directorate of Culture of the Azores (Angra do Heroísmo, Portugal)
2018/10 The Underwater Archaeological Map of the Madeira Archipelago: from treasure hunting to scientific-tourism potential. Surveys for the underwater archaeological map of the archipelago of Madeira IV Transnational Working Days of the MARGULLAR Project
Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Culture/Funchal Commercial and Industrial Association (Porto Santo, Portugal)
2016/10 Cabotage navigation on the Alentejo Coast during the Great War: the sinkings of the yachts Gomezianesda Graça Odemira and Correio de Sines (1917) 9th Meeting of the History of the Alentejo Litoral
CCEN (Sines, Portugal)
2016/09 The challenges we face in regards to the protection of sites from treasure-hunting International Meeting on The Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites
UNESCO (Paris, França)
2016/04 Watching ships sail by: the war at sea and underwater cultural heritage International Congress The War at Sea: Combats and Naval Power in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
CMC/UNL (Cascais, Portugal)
2015/11 Portuguese Timber Supply for Iberian Shipbuilding (1580-1640): a Case Study Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology Conference 2015
Nautical Archaeological Society (Portsmouth, Reino Unido)
2015/06 The cork oak in Portuguese shipbuilding – from overseas expansion to Philippine rule
(Ponte de Sor, Portugal)
2015/05 Ship of Gold in a Sea of Diamonds: the Untold Story of the ´Bom Jesus´, a Portuguese East Indiaman Lost Off Namibia in 1533
Latin American Studies Association (San Juan de Puerto Rico, Porto Rico)
2014/12/04 Archives and Archaeology
National Museum of Archaeology (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/11/27 Archaeology vs. Treasure Hunt
National Museum of Archaeology (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/11/09 Ship of Gold in a Sea of Diamonds: the Untold Story of the “Bom Jesus”, a Portuguese East Indiaman Lost Off Namibia in 1533
Archaeological Institute of America Society (Brock, Toronto, Canadá)
2014/11/06 Ship of Gold in a Sea of Diamonds: the Untold Story of the “Bom Jesus”, a Portuguese East Indiaman Lost Off Namibia in 1533
Archaeological Institute of America Society (Boston, Estados Unidos)
2014/11/04 Ship of Gold in a Sea of Diamonds: the Untold Story of the “Bom Jesus”, a Portuguese East Indiaman Lost Off Namibia in 1533
Archaeological Institute of America Society (Rockford, Il., Estados Unidos)
2014/09/26 Archaeology even underwater: discovering the shipwrecks of the grandolense coast
Municipality of Grândola (Grandola, Portugal)
2014/08/02 Ships, Pirates, Treasures and Corsairs - the Underwater Cultural Heritage of the Sintra Coast
Associação 3pontos (Sintra, Portugal)
2014/05 The ForSEADiscovery project: dendrochronology and the use of the forest in Iberian shipbuilding of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
NOVA Lisbon University (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/05 The Great War of 1914-1918 and the Underwater Cultural Heritage in Portuguese Waters 3rd Congress of Peninsular Archaeology
NOVA Lisbon University (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/05 The Underwater Archaeological Maps of Oman and Mozambique 3rd Congress of Peninsular Archaeology
NOVA Lisbon University (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/05 The Schoonhoven: the shipwreck of a jacht of the Dutch East India Company 3rd Congress of Peninsular Archaeology
NOVA Lisbon University (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/04/09 The ForSEADiscovery Project: a Roadmap from a Portuguese Point of View ForSEADiscovery KoM
Centro Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Madrid, Espanha)
2014/03/18 The underwater cultural heritage of Portuguese origin: contact archaeology and Portuguese shipwrecks in the world
NOVA Lisbon University (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/03/15 The Portuguese Underwater Archaeology
ARQUA (Amadora, Portugal)
2014/02/01 New evidences of an Atlantean presence at the Azores archipelago: prehistorical civilizational contacts prior to the Portuguese colonization
Foundation for Science and Technology, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Champalimaud Foundation (Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/11/21 The Archaeological Heritage in the Portuguese Sea The Extension of the Continental Shelf: Strategic Implications for Decision Making
Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/11/05 Pedro Fernandes de Queirós: um português en la mar del sur
Academia de Marinha (Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/10/28 Men, Cargo and Ships: Nautical and Underwater Archaeology in Portugal (XVIII-XX Centuries) Cycle of Conferences of the Institute of Contemporary History – III Series – 3rd Session, Modernity and Tradition: Economy, Society and Innovation in the Contemporary World
NOVA Lisbon University (Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/10 From treasure hunting to State Party to the UNESCO Convention: Portugal’s fifteen bittersweet years with underwater cultural heritage management EUPLOIA: Implementing Underwater Cultural Heritage ‘Best Practices’ in a Mediterranean Context
Soprintendenza del Mare (Noto, Itália)
2013/07 Armadas y Flotas en las Carreras de Brasil (1500–1825) Summer Course "Brazil, the colossus of Lusophonia"
University of Extremadura (Badajoz, Espanha)
2013/06/05 Underwater archaeology. Sado Project The Sado and its Port Vocation
Administration of the Ports of Setúbal and Sesimbra (Setubal, Portugal)
2013/05/17 Golden Ship in a Sea of Diamonds: A Ship of India's Career in Namibia From the Ship of India to the Navy Corvettes: The Underwater Cultural Heritage as a Vector of Development and National Identity
II Tagus Nautical Fair (Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/04 'There is reason to suppose that it is designed to make a slave trade' The misadventures of Félix Cosme Madaíl, Lisboner, slave captain, castaway and captive of the Royal Navy in the Caribbean (1835-1840) International Congress of Masters and Slaves in Ibero-Atlantic Societies
NOVA Lisbon University (Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/03/13 Maritime Archaeology in the municipality of Grândola: Shipwrecks and Heritage
Municipality of Grândola (Grandola, Portugal)
2013/01 The Correio d’ Ázia – an early 19th century Portuguese galera wrecked in Australia. Preliminary findings
Society for Historical Archaeology (Leicester)
2013/01 Shipwrecks and Politics Society for Historical Archaeology 2013 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology
Society for Historical Archaeology (Leicester)
2012/12 The impact and extent of looting and commercial interventions - the Portuguese experience and the planned Portuguese/Spanish collaboration on the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Scientific Colloquium on the Factors impacting Underwater Cultural Heritage
UNESCO (Bruxelas, Bélgica)
2012/12 Coastal developments and waterfront constructions: city, dyke, dam and marina building Scientific Colloquium on the Factors impacting Underwater Cultural Heritage
UNESCO (Bruxelas, Bélgica)
2012/10 The Underwater Cultural Heritage Portuguese in the Waters of Mozambique: Ownership, Management, Threats and Solutions 1st International Congress on Tropical Knowledge in Mozambique: History, Memory and Science
Institute for Tropical Scientific Research (Lisboa, Portugal)
2012/03/12 Diving and Underwater Archaeology in Tróia. Memories of Troia Meeting
SONAE/Tróia Resort (Tróia, Portugal)
2012 The Archaeological Survey of the coast of Grândola. Preliminary results 13th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology
(Amsterdão, Países Baixos)
2011/10 Black Swan" Treasure: A lesson for future management of underwater cultural heritage IKUWA4 Managing the Cultural Underwater Heritage
Zadar University (Zadar, Croácia)

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2018/08/14 "Há cerca de dez mil navios afundados em toda a costa portuguesa" Diário de Notícias
2016/09 O Correio da Ásia está de regresso National Geographic Magazine Portugal

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2020/05/14 - 2020/05/14 Convidado Extra Arqueologia subaquática em Portugal
2019/01/15 - 2020/01/15 Filhos da Nação Alexandre Monteiro |Ep. 115 Jan. 2019 | temporada 6 Arqueologia subaquática em Portugal
2018/02/23 - 2018/02/23 Portugal em Directo O Centro de Arqueologia sediado em Alcácer do Sal acaba de ser inaugurado e promete revelar a história que está debaixo das águas do rio, Alexandre Monteiro arqueólogo e coordenador do centro à conversa com Mário Galego Arqueologia subaquática no Alentejo Litoral
2018/01/25 - 2018/01/25 90 Segundos de Ciência, ep. 307 Projecto europeu iMareculture

Expedição científica

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2024/01/14 - 2024/01/30 UNESCO training archaeologist at the international action 2nd Training on Underwater Archaeology for African Countries, island of Mozambique, January 15 to February 2, 2024, CAIRIM-Eduardo Mondlane University/UNESCO, Mozambique. UNESCO Mozambique, Moçambique
2023/06/01 - 2023/06/14 Participation in the excavation campaign of the Spanish galleon San Giacomo de Galicia (1597), sunk in Ribadeo, under the supervision of Miguel San Claudio. Galeón de Ribadeo Project, Archeonauta S. L. Arqueología Submarina/Xunta de Galicia/Institute of Nautical Archaeology. June 1-14, 2023, Ribadeo, Spain. Xunta de Galicia, Espanha
2021/11/30 - 2021/12/12 Co-coordinator of the Second Nautical and Underwater Archaeology Mission to the Emirate of Sharjah. Underwater exploration of Sir Abu Nair Island in the Persian Gulf. November 30 to December 12, 2021, United Arab Emirates. Sharjah Archaeology Authority, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
2021/06/10 - 2021/06/19 Participation in the excavation campaign of the Spanish galleon San Giacomo de Galicia (1597), sunk in Ribadeo. Prospection and excavation of the port surroundings of the Ribadeo estuary and diachronic analysis of the historical use of the port, under the supervision of Miguel San Claudio. Galeón de Ribadeo Project, Archeonauta S. L. Arqueología Submarina/Xunta de Galicia/Institute of Nautical Archaeology. June 10-19, 2021, Ribadeo, Spain. Xunta de Galicia, Espanha
2019/11/28 - 2019/12/15 UNESCO archaeologist trainer at the international action Training on Underwater Archaeology for African Countries, island of Mozambique, 28 November to 15 December 2019, CAIRIM-Eduardo Mondlane University/UNESCO, Mozambique. UNESCO Mozambique, Moçambique
2018/12/01 - 2018/12/16 Co-coordinator of the Nautical and Underwater Archaeology Mission to the Emirate of Sharjah. Organization of the Historical Shipwrecks of the United Arab Emirates Database. Underwater prospecting of Khor Fakkan, Diba Al Hisn and Quelba, United Arab Emirates Sharjah Archaeology Authority, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
2016/11/01 - 2016/11/30 Excavation of the shipwreck on Ningaloo Reef of the Portuguese galley Correio d'Asia (1816), under the aegis of the Western Australia Museum (Australia), within the scope of the project Linkage Shipwrecks of the Roaring Forties: a maritime archaeological reassessment of some of Australia's earliest shipwrecks, funded by the Australian Research Council and led by the University of Western Australia. The University of Western Australia, Austrália
2015/11/02 - 2015/11/27 Researcher integrated in the multinational and multidisciplinary team of the MASO project - Maritime Archaeological Survey of Oman - led by archaeologists Tom Vosmer, Lucy Blue and Jeremy Green, compiling and organizing the Underwater Archaeological Map of the Sultanate of Oman. Underwater prospecting of Masirah Island. Oman Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Omã


2014 Bolsa de Apoio a Projectos de Investigação em Arqueologia
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal
2013 2013 Scholarship for Maritime Archaeological Research Projects
Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology , Austrália
2011 1º classificado no 5º Concurso de Ideias de Negócios de Cascais (CINC), na categoria Ambiente/Energia, com o projecto Arqueomarítima ¿ Projectos e Consultoria em Arqueologia Náutica e Subaquática.
Câmara Municipal de Cascais, Portugal
2010 Menção Honrosa nas Jornadas do Mar 2010
Marinha Portuguesa, Portugal


2016 Menção Honrosa nas Jornadas do Mar 2016
Marinha Portuguesa, Portugal
2014 AIA's Archaeology of Portugal Lecturer (2014/2015)
Archaeological Institute of America, Estados Unidos