Agustin Sanchez Lavega. Published 210 articles in journals. Has 6 section(s) of books and 2 book(s). Works in the area(s) of Exact Sciences with emphasis on Physical Sciences with emphasis on Astronomy.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Agustin Sanchez Lavega

Nomes de citação

  • Lavega, Agustin
  • Agustin Sanchez-Lavega
  • Agustín Sánchez-Lavega

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
Scopus Author Id

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • (Profissional)

Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Exatas - Física - Astronomia


Artigo em conferência
  1. Chen-Chen,H.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Martian dust size and shape from MSL Engineering Cameras". 2019.
  2. Hueso,R.; Angulo,A.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Martian dust devils: Paving the way for analysis of pressure and wind data from MEDA on Mars 2020". 2018.
  3. Delcroix,Marc; Fischer,Georg; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo,. "Amateurs' contributions to Saturn study during and after the Cassini era". 2018.
  4. Chen-Chen,H.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Martian dust size and shape from Navcam and Hazcam images on MSL". 2018.
  5. Juaristi,Jon; Delcroix,Marc; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Andre,Nicolas,. "DeTeCt3.1.: A software tool to detect impacts of small objects in video observations of Jupiter obtained by amateur astronomers". 2018.
  6. Iñurrigarro,Peio; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Legarreta,Jon; Maria Gomez-Forrellad,Josep,. "Jupiter's 2018 South Temperate Belt Disturbance: Observations and numerical modelling". 2018.
  7. Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Simon,Amy; Wong,Mike; Delcroix,Marc; Felix Rojas,Jose; Colas,François; Barry,Trevor,. "Saturn atmospheric dynamics after Cassini from ground-based observations in the visible punctuated by HST/OPAL yearly observations". 2018.
  8. Hueso,Ricardo; Juaristi,Jon; Legarreta,Jon; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Erard,Stephane; Cecconi,Baptiste; Le Sidaner,Pierre,. "Science from PVOL2 (The Planetary Virtual Observatory and Laboratory): A database of amateur observations of Solar system planets integrated in VESPA". 2018.
  9. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia,Teresa; Garcia-Melendo,Enrique; Soria Guerrero,Manel; Legarreta,Jon; Simon,Amy; et al. "A new polar storm and a long-lived equatorial disturbance in Saturn's post-Cassini era". 2018.
  10. Silva,Miguel; Machado,Pedro; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Luz,David; Peralta,Javier,. "Ground-based Doppler Velocimetry: wind measurements in Saturn's atmosphere with UVES/VLT". 2018.
  11. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Garro,A.; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,R.; Ordo\nez Etxeberria,I.; Chen Chen,H.; Cardesin-Moinelo,A.; et al. "A singular yearly persistent double vortex on Mars". 2018.
  12. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Hueso,Ricardo; Rojas,J. F.; Mendikoa,I.; Irwin,P.; et al. "Changes in the Upper Clouds and Hazes of Jupiter following a North Temperate Belt Disturbance". 2018.
  13. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Eichstadt,G.; Orton,G.; Rogers,J.; Hansen,C. J.; Momary,T.; Tabataba-Vakili,F.,. "Jupiter's Great Red Spot upper cloud morphology and dynamics from JunoCam images". 2017.
  14. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Garro,A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,Ricardo; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Chen,H. Chen; Cardesin-Moinelo,A.; et al. "A singular double baroclinic vortex on Mars". 2017.
  15. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Garcia,Daniel; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia,Teresa; Garcia-Muñoz,Antonio; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo,. "Cassini limb images of hazes in Saturn's northern hemisphere". 2017.
  16. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; del,Rio Gaztelurrutia; Illarramendi,M. A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.; Rojas,J. F.. "Encouraging planetary sciences students at the Master level with observations using small telescopes that lead to their publication". 2017.
  17. Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Observations and Simulations of Martian Weather, a Perspective with Data from MSL Curiosity". 2017.
  18. Peralta,J.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lee,Y. J.; Garcia-Muñoz,A.; Kouyama,T.; Sagawa,H.; et al. "Stationary waves and slow cloud features challenge Venus's night side superrotation". 2017.
  19. Orton,Glenn S.; Hansen,C.; Janssen,Michael A.; Bolton,Scott; Brown,Shannon; Eichstaedt,Gerald; Rogers,John; et al. "Characterization of the Great Red Spot from Observations by Juno and the Earth-Based Supporting Campaign". 2017.
  20. Peralta,J.; Satoh,T.; Horinouchi,T.; Ogohara,K.; Kouyama,T.; Murakami,S.; Imamura,T.; et al. "AKATSUKI-IR2 reveals unexpected opacity disruption affecting Venus's lower clouds every 9 days". 2017.
  21. Delcroix,M.; Hueso,Ricardo; Juaristi,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "DeTeCt planetary impact detection project - frequency estimations and big data set secondary results". 2017.
  22. Chen-Chen,H.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dust on Mars From Navcam and Hazcam Images on MSL". 2017.
  23. Chen-Chen,H.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Study of clouds and dust aerosols in the Martian atmosphere". 2017.
  24. Juaristi,J.; Delcroix,M.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "DeTeCt 3.0: A software tool to detect impacts of small objects in video observations of Jupiter obtained by amateur astronomers". 2017.
  25. Illarramendi,M. A.; Arregui,L.; Zubia,J.; Hueso,R.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.. "Teaching stellar interferometry with polymer optical fibers". 2017.
  26. Hueso,Ricardo; Juaristi,J.; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Erard,S.; Cecconi,B.; Le Sidaner,P.,. "PVOL2 (The Planetary Virtual Observatory and Laboratory): An improved database of amateur observations of Solar system planets". 2017.
  27. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Ordonez-Etxeberria,I.; Rojas,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Mendikoa,I.. "Observations of Uranus and Neptune in Spanish Telescopes: Calar Alto/PlanetCam, WHT/Ingrid y GTC/Osiris". 2017.
  28. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.; Rojas,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J.; Peralta,J.; et al. "Jupiter cloud morphology and zonal winds from ground-based observations during Juno's first year around Jupiter". 2017.
  29. Chen-Chen,Hao; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Dust on Mars from MSL Engineering Cameras". 2017.
  30. Chen-Chen,H.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dust phase function from Navcam and Hazcam images on MSL". 2017.
  31. Cardesín Moinelo,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Almeida,M.; Titov,D.; Wood,S.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Chen Chen,H.; et al. "A 'New' Scientific Camera around Mars, Getting Science with Visual Monitoring Camera onboard Mars Express". 2017.
  32. Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dust Devils and Convective Vortices on Mars". 2017.
  33. Wong,M. H.; Tollefson,J.; De Pater,I.; de Kleer,K.; Hammel,H. B.; Luszcz-Cook,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; et al. "Neptune's New Dark Vortex: Imaging with HST/WFC3". 2016.
  34. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Chen,H. C.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Cardesin,A.; Titov,D.; Wood,S.. "Limb clouds and dust on Mars from VMC-Mars Express images". 2016.
  35. Silva,M.; Mota Machado,P.; Luz,D.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Peralta,J.. "Saturn's Doppler velocimetry wind measurements with VLT/UVES". 2016.
  36. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,Ricardo; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Rojas,J. F.. "Planetary Sciences practical experiences at the Master level with small telescopes". 2016.
  37. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Iñurrigarro,P.; Mendikoa,I.; Rojas,J. F.. "Jupiter cloud morphology and zonal winds from ground-based observations before and during Juno exploration". 2016.
  38. Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A search of dust-devils and convective vortices inside Mars' Gale crater from REMS data on the MSL rover during 1159 sols". 2016.
  39. Rodriguez-Manfredi,J. A.; De la Torre Juarez,M.; Boland,J. S.; Bridges,N. T.; Conrad,P.; Ferri,F.,; Genzer,M.; et al. "MEDA: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer for Mars 2020". 2016.
  40. Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Rojas,J. F.; Iñurrigarro,P.; Mendikoa,I.; Go,C.; PVOL-IOPW Team. "Jupiter before Juno: State of the atmosphere at cloud level in 2016 from PlanetCam observations in the 0.4-1.7 microns wavelength range and amateur observations in the visible". 2016.
  41. Mousis,O.; Atkinson,D. H.; Amato,M.; Aslam,S.; Atreya,S. K.; Blanc,M.; Bolton,S. J.; et al. "HERA: an atmospheric probe to unveil the depths of Saturn". 2016.
  42. Rojas,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Jupiter's Galilean satellites mutual events as a teaching tool". 2015.
  43. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Rojas,J. F.; Simon,A. A.; et al. "Peeking into Saturn's atmosphere: the HST low-phase angle view". 2015.
  44. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Irwin,P. G. J.. "Saturn's cloud structure and particle phase function based on Cassini ISS observations". 2015.
  45. Tamppari,L.; Rodriguez-Manfredi,J. A.; de la Torre-Juárez,M.; Bridges,N.; Conrad,P. G.; Genzer,M.; Gómez,F.; et al. "The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover". 2015.
  46. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Legarreta,J.; García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.. "A Y-like structure in Jupiter's equator". 2015.
  47. Antuñano,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Horizontal velocity of Saturn's polar regions and Hexagon". 2015.
  48. Antuñano,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "An analysis of the stability of Saturn's Hexagon jet and its counterpart in the South". 2015.
  49. Garate-López,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; García Muñoz,A.,. "Atmospheric dynamics at the southern pole of Venus: Three-dimensional winds, temperature and vorticity". 2015.
  50. del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Antuñano,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Rojas,J. F.; Wong,M. H.; et al. "Polar Disturbance Surrounding a Long Living Cyclone in Saturn's Atmosphere". 2015.
  51. Hueso,Ricardo; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Amateur - professional collaborations in Giant Planets Atmospheres Research through the Planetary Virtual Observatory of the International Outer Planets Watch (PVOL - IOPW)". 2015.
  52. Hueso,Ricardo; Delcroix,Marc; Baranec,Christoph; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; María Gómez-Forrellad,Josep; Félix Rojas,Jose; Luszcz-Cook,Statia; et al. "Bright features in Neptune on 2013-2015 from ground-based observations with small (40 cm) and large telescopes (10 m)". 2015.
  53. Hueso,Ricardo; Mendikoa,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Rojas,J. F.; García-Melendo,E.. "Planetcam UPV/EHU - A lucky imaging camera for multi-spectral observations of the Giant Planets in 0.38-1.7 microns". 2015.
  54. Gorosabel,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; Cenarro,A. J.; Figueras,F.; Hernández-Monteagudo,C.; Trujillo Bueno,J.; Valdivielso,L.. "BEGIRA: Basque Educational Gate for Interactive and Remote Astronomy". 2015.
  55. Gorosabel,J.; García Muñoz,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Cenarro,A. J.; Figueras,F.; et al. "Optical linear polarimetry of Solar System bodies using a Wedged Double Wollaston.". 2015.
  56. Rodriguez-Manfredi,J. A.; de la Torre,M.; Conrad,P.; Lemmon,M.; Martinez,G.; Newman,C.; Smith,M.; et al. "MEDA: An Environmental and Meteorological Package for Mars 2020". 2014.
  57. Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A Principal Component Analysis of global images of Jupiter obtained by Cassini ISS". 2014.
  58. Antuñano,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Horizontal velocity in Saturn's northern polar region and Hexagon". 2014.
  59. Gorosabel,J.; García Muñoz,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Optical linear polarimetric observations of Solar System bodies using a Wedged Double Wollaston". 2014.
  60. Hueso,Ricardo; Garate-López,I.; Garcia-Muñoz,Antonio; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Three-dimensional thermal structure of the South Polar Vortex of Venus". 2014.
  61. Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Peralta,J.. "The atmosphere of Venus: Winds and clouds observed by VIRTIS/Venus Express". 2014.
  62. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Tracking the general circulation of Jupiter's atmosphere with images obtained by small telescopes". 2013.
  63. Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Wesley,A.; Hall,G.; Go,C.; Tachikawa,M.; et al. "The flux of impacts in Jupiter: From superbolides to large-scale collisions". 2013.
  64. Hueso,Ricardo; Garate-López,I.; Peralta,J.; Bandos,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Venus winds from ultraviolet, visible and near infrared images from the VIRTIS instrument on Venus Express". 2013.
  65. Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Guirado,J. C.; Lara,L. M.; Quilis,V.; Gorgas,J.. "Convective storms in planetary atmospheres". 2013.
  66. García Muñoz,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Markiewicz,Wojciech; Opitz,Andrea; Witasse,Olivier; Titov,Dmitrij. "Venus Express/VMC observations of the Venus O2 visible nightglow". 2013.
  67. Garate-López,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Guirado,J. C.; Lara,L. M.; Quilis,V.; Gorgas,J.. "A chaotic permanent vortex in Venus' southern pole". 2013.
  68. Garate-López,I.; Garcia-Munoz,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Temperature retrieval at the southern pole of the Venusian atmosphere". 2013.
  69. Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Studying the Jovian System with small telescopes: An activity at Aula EspaZio Gela UPV/EHU". 2013.
  70. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Antuñano,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Mendikoa,I.; Rojas,J. F.; IOPW-PVOL Team. "The long-term rotation period of Saturn's hexagon". 2013.
  71. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Garcia-Muñoz,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; McClintock,W. M.. "Analysis of MESSENGER/MASCS data during second Venus flyby". 2013.
  72. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Studying the Jovian System with small telescopes". 2013.
  73. Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "The storm alley in the southern hemisphere: Analysis of Saturn's mid-scale storm dynamics in the Cassini era". 2012.
  74. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Monitoring Jupiter's atmospheric general circulation with ground-based observations obtained with small telescopes". 2012.
  75. Bandos,T. V.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Peralta-Calvillo,J.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.. "Further multi-wavelength measurements of Venus winds with VEX". 2012.
  76. Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.. "Dynamics of Saturn’s 2010 Great White Spot from high-resolution Cassini ISS observations". 2012.
  77. Oleaga,A.; Salazar,A.; Mendioroz,A.; Apiñaniz,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Study of thermal properties of materials at the MSc Space Science and Technology (Aula Espazio) in the University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain)". 2012.
  78. Legarreta,J.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Amateur contributions to Jupiter and Saturn science using the PVOL-IOPW database of Giant Planets observations". 2012.
  79. Garate-López,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Morphology and dynamics of the South Polar Vortex in Venus from VIRTIS-VEX infrared images". 2012.
  80. Fletcher,L. N.; Hesman,B. E.; Achterberg,R. K.; Bjoraker,G.; Gorius,N.; Irwin,P. G. J.; Hurley,J.; et al. "The Evolution of Saturn's Stratospheric Beacon 2011-2012". 2012.
  81. Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Teaching Planetary Sciences in the Master on Space Science and Technology". 2012.
  82. García-Melendo,E.; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Numerical models of Saturn’s 2010 Great White Spot". 2012.
  83. García-Melendo,E.; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Non-linear simulations of Saturn's 2010 Great White Spot". 2012.
  84. García Muñoz,A.; Wolkenberg,P.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Garate-López,I.. "Effect of clouds and temperatures on model radiances in the night time Venusian atmosphere near 4.3 µm". 2012.
  85. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; de Bilbao,L.; Murga,G.; Ariño,J.; Mendikoa,I.. "Planetcam: A Visible And Near Infrared Lucky-imaging Camera To Study Planetary Atmospheres And Solar System Objects". 2012.
  86. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; De Bilbao,L.; Murga,G.; Ariño,J.. "PlanetCam UPV/EHU: A simultaneous visible and near infrared lucky-imaging camera to study Solar System objects". 2012.
  87. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Vertical cloud structure of Saturn's Great Storm 2010". 2012.
  88. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Slicing The 2010 Saturn's Storm: Upper Clouds And Hazes". 2012.
  89. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Teaching Planetary Sciences with the Master in Space Science and Technology at Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU: Theory and Practice works". 2012.
  90. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Rojas,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Winds and cloud structure on Jupiter's 2009 South Equatorial Belt Fade". 2011.
  91. Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Garcia-Melendo,E.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.. "Observations and non-linear simulations of Jupiter's 2010 SEBD". 2011.
  92. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Saturn's wind profile from Cassini ISS images and its long term variability". 2011.
  93. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,Ricardo; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Legarreta,J.; García-Melendo,E.; et al. "The December 2010 outbreak of a major storm in Saturn's atmosphere: Observations and models". 2011.
  94. Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Legarreta,J.; Peñalba,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "An unusual single row of quasi-equidistantly spaced identical vortices in Jupiter's South Temperate Belt". 2011.
  95. Peralta,J.; Luz,D.; Berry,D. L.; Piccioni,G.; Drossart,P.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Solar Tides in the winds of the southern polar region of Venus using VIRTIS-M/Venus Express images". 2011.
  96. Hammel,Heidi B.; de Pater,I.; Simon-Miller,A. A.; Fletcher,L.; Boslough,M. B.; Orton,G. S.; Djorgovski,G.; et al. "Jupiter In The Crosshairs: Recent Impacts And Their Implications". 2011.
  97. Orton,G.; Fletcher,L.; Yanamandra-Fisher,P.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; de Pater,I.; Wong,M.; et al. "The 2010-2011 Revival of Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt: Perturbations of Temperatures, Clouds and Composition from Infrared Observations". 2011.
  98. Fletcher,L. N.; Orton,G. S.; Irwin,P. G. J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Baines,K. H.; Hesman,B. E.; Read,P. L.; et al. "Thermal Evolution of Saturn's Springtime Disturbance". 2011.
  99. Hueso,Ricardo; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.. "The International Outer Planets Watch atmospheres node database of giant-planet images". 2011.
  100. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Rojas,J. F.. "Vertical cloud structure models of Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt fade.". 2011.
  101. Garate-López,I.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Venus' South Polar Vortex morphology and dynamics from VIRTIS measurements during VEX mission". 2011.
  102. Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Teaching Planetary Sciences at the Universidad del País Vasco in Spain: The Aula Espazio Gela and its Master in Space Science and Technology". 2011.
  103. Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Models and Observations of Moist Convection in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn". 2011.
  104. Rojas,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; Mendikoa,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "The Aula Espazio Gela Observatory: A tool for Solar System Education and Outreach". 2011.
  105. Rojas,J. F.; Arregi,J.; García-Melendo,E.; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Hueso,Ricardo; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "New Measurements Of Jupiter's Equatorial Region In Visible Wavelengths". 2010.
  106. Lanciano,O.; Piccioni,G.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Peralta,J.. "Dynamic regions versus latitude of the Venus lower cloud layer". 2010.
  107. Fletcher,Leigh N.; Orton,G. S.; de Pater,I.; Mousis,O.; Edwards,M.; Lisse,C. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; et al. "Jupiter Impacts in the Thermal-Infrared: Comparing Atmospheric Responses in 1994, 2009 and 2010". 2010.
  108. Wong,Michael H.; Hammel,Heidi B.; Clarke,John T.; de Pater,Imke; Fletcher,Leigh N.; Hueso,Ricardo; Noll,Keith; et al. "Evolution of the 2009 impact on Jupiter: high-resolution HST UV/optical imaging". 2010.
  109. del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dynamics Of Saturn'S Mid-scale Storms In The Cassini Era.". 2010.
  110. Hueso,Ricardo; Peralta,Javier; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Piccioni,Giuseppe; Drossart,Pierre. "Venus winds at cloud level from VIRTIS during the Venus Express mission". 2010.
  111. Arregi,J.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dynamics and Clouds in Jupiter Equatorial Zone". 2010.
  112. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Oleaga,A.. "The Aula Espazio and the Master of Space Science & Technology in the Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)". 2010.
  113. Hammel,Heidi B.; Clarke,J. T.; de Pater,I.; Fletcher,L. N.; Hueso,Ricardo; Noll,K. S.; Orton,G. S.; et al. "Hubble Imaging of Jupiter after the 2009 Impact". 2010.
  114. Garcia-Melendo,Enrique; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Legarreta,J.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo. "A Strong High Altitude Narrow Jet At Saturn'S Equator From Cassini/ISS Images". 2010.
  115. Sayanagi,K. M.; Mitchell,J.; Ingersoll,A. P.; Ewald,S. P.; Marcus,P. S.; de Pater,I.; Wong,M. H.; et al. "A Benchmark for Cloud Tracking Wind Measurements". 2010.
  116. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Wong,M.; Hueso,Ricardo; Hammel,H. B.; Orton,G. S.; et al. "Vertical Cloud Structure Of The 2009 Jupiter Impact Based On HST/WFC3 Observations". 2010.
  117. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Rojas,J. F.. "The Aula Espazio Observatory At The Universidad Del Pais Vasco (Spain): Planetary Observations For Graduate And Undergraduate Students". 2010.
  118. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Peralta,J.; Holsclaw,G.; McClintock,W.. "Venus Spectrophotometry During the MESSENGER Mission Fly-By". 2010.
  119. García-Melendo,E.; Legarreta,Jon; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Saturn's equatorial jet structure from Cassini/ISS". 2010.
  120. Orton,G. S.; Wesley,A.; Mousis,O.; Fletcher,L. N.; Yanamandra-Fisher,P. A.; Fisher,B.; Simon-Miller,A. A.; et al. "Debris Field of the July 19, 2009, Impact in Jupiter and Its Long-term Evolution". 2009.
  121. Clarke,J. T.; Hammel,H. B.; Hueso,Ricardo; Noll,K. S.; Orton,G. S.; de Pater,I.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; et al. "HST UV Observations of the New Jupiter Impact Site". 2009.
  122. Lanciano,O.; Piccioni,G.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Peralta,J.. "Lower clouds dynamics study of Venus as seen by VIRTIS on Venus-Express". 2009.
  123. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Evolution Of The Cloud Field And Wind Structure Of Ntb Disturbance". 2009.
  124. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Oleaga,A.. "Teaching Space and Planetary Sciences: The Aula Espazio and the Master in Space Science, Technology and Observations at Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)". 2009.
  125. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Legarreta,J.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; García-Melendo,E.; Gómez,J. M.; Rojas,J. F.; et al. "Analysis Of The 2009 July Impact Debris In Jupiter'S Atmosphere". 2009.
  126. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Venus Meteorology at cloud level from Venus Express Observations". 2009.
  127. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Solar Flux Deposition And Heating Rates In Jupiter's Atmosphere". 2009.
  128. Fletcher,L. N.; Orton,G. S.; Mousis,O.; de Pater,I.; Hammel,H. B.; Golisch,W.; Edwards,M.; et al. "Thermal Evolution and Composition of the July 2009 Jupiter Impact Site from 7-25 Micron Imaging and Spectroscopy". 2009.
  129. Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Legarreta,J.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Long-lived cyclonic spot in Saturn's atmosphere: observations and models". 2009.
  130. de Pater,I.; Hammel,H. B.; Simon-Miller,A. A.; Clarke,J. T.; Noll,K. S.; Orton,G. S.; Fletcher,L. N.; et al. "HST Observations of the July 2009 Impact on Jupiter". 2009.
  131. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Turbulencia en las nubes de Júpiter.". 2008.
  132. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Jupiter's brightness distribution: periodicities and power s". 2008.
  133. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Atmospheric Turbulence in Jupiter: A Brightness Power Spectra Approach". 2008.
  134. Lanciano,Orietta; Piccioni,Giuseppe; Peralta,Javier; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Study of cloud patterns in the nightside of Venus as seen by VIRTIS.". 2008.
  135. Peralta,Javier; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Piccioni,G.; Lanciano,O.; Drossart,P.. "Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere of Venus as Observed by VIRTIS on Venus Express". 2008.
  136. Peralta,J.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Piccioni,G.; Lanciano,O.; Drossart,P.. "Characterization of gravity waves in the upper and lower clouds of Venus using VIRTIS-VEX images". 2008.
  137. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Direct Detection of Vertical Wind Shear in Saturn on the Peaks of the Eastward Jets". 2008.
  138. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Legarreta,J.; García-Melendo,E.; Gómez,J. M.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; Orton,G. S.; IOPW International Outer Planet Watch Team. "Observations and Models of the Interaction of a Large Red Oval with the Great Red Spot in June-July 2008". 2008.
  139. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; García Melendo,E.; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Jupiter's anticyclone BA: dynamics and color change". 2008.
  140. Peralta,Javier; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Drossart,P.; Piccioni,G.; VIRTIS/Venus Express Team. "Venus Cloud Tracked Winds From Vex-virtis and Galileo-SSI: A Comparison.". 2007.
  141. Hueso,Ricardo; García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Orton,G. S.; Simon-Miller,A.; Yanamandra-Fisher,P. A.. "The 2007 Jupiter's North Temperate Belt Disturbance: III. Dynamical models.". 2007.
  142. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Dinámica de las ondas polares de Júpiter usando imágenes de Cassini y HST (1994-2006)". 2007.
  143. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Orton,G.; Hueso,Ricardo; García-Melendo,E.; Simon-Miller,A.; Rojas,J. F.; et al. "The 2007 Jupiter's North Temperate Belt Disturbance. II. Vertical cloud structure models". 2007.
  144. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Circulation of Jupiter’s Polar Atmosphere from Cassini Images POSTER". 2007.
  145. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Brightness Spectral Distribution in Jupiter's Clouds". 2007.
  146. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Orton,G. S.; Hueso,Ricardo; García-Melendo,E.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Simon-Miller,A.; Rojas,J. F.; et al. "The 2007 Jupiter's North Temperate Belt Disturbance: I. Overview and jet stream changes.". 2007.
  147. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Two years of Saturn's exploration by the cassini spacecraft: Atmospheric studies". 2007.
  148. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Spectral reflectivity of Venus atmosphere". 2006.
  149. Peralta,J.; Hueso,Ricardo; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Reanalysis of Galileo Venus Images". 2006.
  150. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "A Study Of The South Pole And Equatorial Atmosphere Of Saturn Using Cassini Iss Images". 2006.
  151. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo. "Circulación en la atmósfera polar de Júpiter mediante imágenes tomadas por Cassini POSTER". 2006.
  152. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Solar radiation in Saturn's atmosphere: maximum penetration and heating rates". 2005.
  153. Peralta,J.; Hueso,Ricardo; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Introducing PLIA: Planetary Laboratory Image Analysis POSTER". 2005.
  154. Morgado,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,Ricardo. "PVOL: The Planetary Virtual Observatory & Laboratory. An online database of the Outer Planets images.". 2005.
  155. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; García-Melendo,E.; Rojas,J. F.. "Long-term variability of the zonal winds of Jupiter and Saturn". 2005.
  156. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; García-Melendo,E.; Rojas,J. F.. "Long-term variability of the zonal winds of Jupiter and Saturn". 2005.
  157. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "On the variability of Saturn's equatorial jet at cloud top level". 2005.
  158. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; Rojas,J. F.; French,R. G.. "Cloud and Wind Variability in Saturn's Equatorial Jet prior to the Cassini orbital tour". 2004.
  159. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; French,R. G.; Rojas,J. F.; Paillé,Jean-Paul. "Vertical cloud structure of Saturn's southern hemisphere (1994-2003)". 2004.
  160. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; French,R. G.. "Long and short-term reflectivity changes in Saturn: implications for the vertical structure of upper clouds and hazes.". 2004.
  161. Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Numerical simulations of Jupiter's vortices POSTER". 2004.
  162. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; French,R. G.. "Cloud Structure in Saturn's Southern Hemisphere from 1996 to 2002". 2003.
  163. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Baeza,S.. "Atmospheric dynamics of the jovian like planets Epsilon Eridani b and 55 Cancri d". 2003.
  164. Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Jupiter's closed cyclones and anticyclones vorticity". 2003.
  165. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; Rojas,J. F.; French,R. G.; Grupo Ciencias Planetarias Team. "Dynamical variability in Saturn Equatorial Atmosphere". 2003.
  166. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Baeza,S.. "Atmospheric dynamics of the jovian like planets Epsilon Eridani b and 55 Cancri d". 2003.
  167. Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Studies of atmospheric phenomena in the giant planets with grantecan". 2003.
  168. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Acarreta,J. R.; French,R. G.. "Cloud structure of Saturn's Southern Hemisphere". 2002.
  169. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; French,R. G.. "Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Atmospheric Dynamics in Saturn's South Pole from 1997 to 2002". 2002.
  170. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Celorrio,R.. "Effective thermal properties of fiber-reinforced composites". 2002.
  171. Arregui,E.; Rojas,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.,. "A study of the long-term properties of Jovian hot spots from HST and ground-based observations between 1994 and 1998". 2000.
  172. Terrón,J. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Progress in Multiple scattering of thermal waves by subsurface cylinders". 2000.
  173. Terrón,J. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.; Ocáriz,A.. "Multiple scattering of thermal waves by buried cylindrical structures". 1999.
  174. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Planetas en el universo". 1998.
  175. Fisher,B. M.; Orton,G. S.; Lecacheux,J.; Drossart,P.; Colas,F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; et al. "Recent Observations of Jupiter's White Ovals". 1998.
  176. Terrón,J. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.; Ocáriz,A.. "Multiple scattering effects of thermal waves in photothermal experiments". 1998.
  177. Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Gómez,J. M.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.. "The History of the Long-lived South Tropical Oval That Interacted with the GRS in May 1997". 1997.
  178. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Rojas,J. F.; Acarreta,J. R.. "New Observations of the Long-lived Saturn's North Polar Spot: 1992-1995". 1996.
Artigo em revista
  1. A. Sánchez-Lavega; A. García-Muñoz; T. del Río-Gaztelurrutia; S. Pérez-Hoyos; J. F. Sanz-Requena; R. Hueso; S. Guerlet; J. Peralta. "Multilayer hazes over Saturn’s hexagon from Cassini ISS limb images". Nature Communications 11 1 (2020):
  2. Molter, Edward; de Pater, Imke; Luszcz-Cook, Statia; Hueso, Ricardo; Tollefson, Joshua; Alvarez, Carlos; Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín; et al. "Analysis of Neptune’s 2017 bright equatorial storm". Icarus 321 (2019):
  3. Peralta, J.; Iwagami, N.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Lee, Y. J.; Hueso, R.; Narita, M.; Imamura, T.; et al. "Morphology and Dynamics of Venus's Middle Clouds With Akatsuki/IR1". Geophysical Research Letters 46 5 (2019):
  4. Chen-Chen,H.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dust particle size and optical depth on Mars Retrieved by the MSL navigation cameras". Icarus 319 (2019):
  5. Antuñano,A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Read,P. L.; Fletcher,L. N.. "Potential Vorticity of Saturn's Polar Regions: Seasonality and Instabilities". Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 1 (2019):
  6. Ordonez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Millour,E.; Forget,F.. "Meteorological pressure at Gale crater from a comparison of REMS/MSL data and MCD modelling: Effect of dust storms". Icarus 317 (2019):
  7. Hueso,R.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Delcroix,M.; Juaristi,J.; Fernández-González,L. C.. "Detectability of possible space weather effects on Mars upper atmosphere and meteor impacts in Jupiter and Saturn with small telescopes". Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 8 (2018):
  8. Fletcher,L. N.; Melin,H.; Adriani,A.; Simon,A. A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Donnelly,P. T.; Antuñano,A.; et al. "Jupiter's Mesoscale Waves Observed at 5 µm by Ground-based Observations and Juno JIRAM". Astronomical Journal 156 2 (2018):
  9. del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Antuñano,A.; Legarreta,J.; García-Melendo,E.; Sayanagi,K. M.; Hueso,R.; et al. "A planetary-scale disturbance in a long living three vortex coupled system in Saturn's atmosphere". Icarus 302 (2018):
  10. Li,L.; Jiang,X.; West,R. A.; Gierasch,P. J.; Perez-Hoyos,S.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Fletcher,L. N.; et al. "Less absorbed solar energy and more internal heat for Jupiter". Nature Communications 9 1 (2018):
  11. Hueso,R.; Juaristi,J.; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Erard,S.; Cecconi,B.; Le Sidaner,P.. "The Planetary Virtual Observatory and Laboratory (PVOL) and its integration into the Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access (VESPA)". Planetary and Space Science 150 (2018):
  12. Hueso,R.; Delcroix,M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pedranghelu,S.; Kernbauer,G.; McKeon,J.; Fleckstein,A.; et al. "Small impacts on the giant planet Jupiter". Astronomy and Astrophysics 617 (2018):
  13. Antuñano,A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rodríguez-Aseguinolaza,J.. "Cloud morphology and dynamics in Saturn's northern polar region". Icarus 299 (2018):
  14. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Eichstadt,G.; Orton,G.; Rogers,J.; Hansen,C. J.; Momary,T.; Tabataba-Vakili,F.; Bolton,S.. "The Rich Dynamics of Jupiter's Great Red Spot from JunoCam: Juno Images". Astronomical Journal 156 4 (2018):
  15. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Garro,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,R.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Chen Chen,H.; Cardesín-Moinelo,A.; et al. "A seasonally recurrent annular cyclone in mars northern latitudes and observations of a companion vortex". Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 11 (2018):
  16. Wong,M. H.; Tollefson,J.; Hsu,A. I.; Pater,I. D.; Simon,A. A.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; et al. "A New Dark Vortex on Neptune". Astronomical Journal 155 3 (2018):
  17. Vicente-Retortillo,Á.; Martínez,G. M.; Renno,N.; Newman,C. E.; Ordonez-Etxeberria,I.; Lemmon,M. T.; Richardson,M. I.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Seasonal Deposition and Lifting of Dust on Mars as Observed by the Curiosity Rover". Scientific Reports 8 1 (2018):
  18. Simon,A. A.; Hueso,R.; Iñurrigarro,P.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Morales-Juberías,R.; Cosentino,R.; Fletcher,L. N.; et al. "A New, Long-lived, Jupiter Mesoscale Wave Observed at Visible Wavelengths". Astronomical Journal 156 2 (2018):
  19. Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Antuñano,A.; Irwin,P. G. J.. "Haze and cloud structure of Saturn's North Pole and Hexagon Wave from Cassini/ISS imaging". Icarus 305 (2018):
  20. Ordonez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A systematic search of sudden pressure drops on Gale crater during two Martian years derived from MSL/REMS data". Icarus 299 (2018):
  21. Mousis,O.; Atkinson,D. H.; Cavalié,T.; Fletcher,L. N.; Amato,M. J.; Aslam,S.; Ferri,F.; et al. "Scientific rationale for Uranus and Neptune in situ explorations". Planetary and Space Science 155 (2018):
  22. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Chen-Chen,H.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,R.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Garro,A.; Cardesín-Moinelo,A.; Titov,D.; Wood,S.. "Limb clouds and dust on Mars from images obtained by the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) onboard Mars Express". Icarus 299 (2018):
  23. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; García-Muñoz,A.; Irwin,P. G. J.; Peralta,J.; Holsclaw,G.; McClintock,W. M.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.. "Venus Upper Clouds and the UV Absorber From MESSENGER/MASCS Observations". Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 1 (2018):
  24. Peralta,J.; Muto,K.; Hueso,R.; Horinouchi,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Murakami,S. -Y; Machado,P.; et al. "Nightside Winds at the Lower Clouds of Venus with Akatsuki/IR2: Longitudinal, Local Time, and Decadal Variations from Comparison with Previous Measurements". Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series 239 2 (2018):
  25. Ortiz,J. L.; Santos-Sanz,P.; Sicardy,B.; Benedetti-Rossi,G.; Bérard,D.; Morales,N.; Duffard,R.; et al. "The size, shape, density and ring of the dwarf planet Haumea from a stellar occultation". Nature 550 7675 (2017):
  26. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago. "El grupo de ciencias planetarias de la Universidad del Pais Vasco (GCP-UPV/EHU)". Astronomía 214 (2017):
  27. Peralta,J.; Lee,Y. J.; McGouldrick,K.; Sagawa,H.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Imamura,T.; Widemann,T.; Nakamura,M.. "Overview of useful spectral regions for Venus: An update to encourage observations complementary to the Akatsuki mission". Icarus 288 (2017):
  28. Peralta,J.; Lee,Y. J.; Hueso,R.; Clancy,R. T.; Sandor,B. J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lellouch,E.; et al. "Venus's winds and temperatures during the MESSENGER's flyby: An approximation to a three-dimensional instantaneous state of the atmosphere". Geophysical Research Letters 44 8 (2017):
  29. Peralta,J.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lee,Y. J.; Munõz,A. G.; Kouyama,T.; Sagawa,H.; et al. "Stationary waves and slowly moving features in the night upper clouds of Venus". Nature Astronomy 1 (2017):
  30. Arregui,L.; Illarramendi,M. A.; Zubia,J.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Interferometry of binary stars using polymer optical fibres". European Journal of Physics 38 4 (2017):
  31. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Shallow water simulations of Saturn's giant storms at different latitudes". Icarus 286 (2017):
  32. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Iñurrigarro,P.; Rojas,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Mendikoa,I.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.; et al. "Jupiter cloud morphology and zonal winds from ground-based observations before and during Juno's first perijove". Geophysical Research Letters 44 10 (2017):
  33. Hueso,R.; de Pater,I.; Simon,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Delcroix,M.; Wong,M. H.; Tollefson,J. W.; et al. "Neptune long-lived atmospheric features in 2013–2015 from small (28-cm) to large (10-m) telescopes". Icarus 295 (2017):
  34. Rojas,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Using Galilean satellites' mutual orbital events as an educational tool for studies of orbital dynamics". European Journal of Physics 38 6 (2017):
  35. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rogers,J. H.; Orton,G. S.; García-Melendo,E.; Legarreta,J.; Colas,F.; Dauvergne,J. L.; et al. "A planetary-scale disturbance in the most intense Jovian atmospheric jet from JunoCam and ground-based observations". Geophysical Research Letters 44 10 (2017):
  36. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lebonnois,S.; Imamura,T.; Read,P.; Luz,D.. "The Atmospheric Dynamics of Venus". Space Science Reviews 212 3-4 (2017):
  37. Mendikoa,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.; Rojas,J. F.; López-Santiago,J.. "Temporal and spatial variations of the absolute reflectivity of Jupiter and Saturn from 0.38 to 1.7 µ m with PlanetCam-UPV/EHU". Astronomy and Astrophysics 607 (2017):
  38. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; García-Melendo,E.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.; Wong,M. H.; Simon,A.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; et al. "An enduring rapidly moving storm as a guide to Saturn's Equatorial jet's complex structure". Nature Communications 7 (2016):
  39. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Peralta,J.; Gomez-Forrellad,J. M.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Mendikoa,I.; Rojas,J. F.; et al. "Venus cloud morphology and motions from ground-based images at the time of the akatsuki orbit insertion". Astrophysical Journal Letters 833 1 (2016):
  40. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Río Gaztelurrutia, Teresa del; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo; Antuñano, Arrate. "Grandes grupos solares en el verano de 2015". Astronomía 200 (2016):
  41. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Rojas Palenzuela, José Félix. "Lunas en movimiento: Observando los fenómenos mutuos entre los satélites galileanos de Júpiter durante la oposición de 2014-2015". Astronomía 205 (2016):
  42. Ordonez-Etxeberria,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Del Rio-Gaztelurrutia,T.. "Introducing gravitational resonances from simple observations of Jupiter's Galilean satellites". European Journal of Physics 37 6 (2016):
  43. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Irwin,P. G. J.; Smith,A.. "Saturn's tropospheric particles phase function and spatial distribution from Cassini ISS 2010-11 observations". Icarus 277 (2016):
  44. Garate-Lopez,I.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; García Muñoz,A.. "Potential vorticity of the south polar vortex of Venus". Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets 121 4 (2016):
  45. Norwood,J.; Moses,J.; Fletcher,L. N.; Orton,G.; Irwin,P. G. J.; Atreya,S.; Rages,K.; et al. "Giant planet observations with the james webb space telescope". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 128 959 (2016):
  46. Ordonez-Etxeberria,I.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Spatial distribution of jovian clouds, hazes and colors from Cassini ISS multi-spectral images". Icarus 267 (2016):
  47. Mendikoa,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.; Rojas,J. F.; Aceituno,J.; Aceituno,F.; et al. "PlanetCam UPV/EHU: A two-channel lucky imaging camera for solar system studies in the spectral range 0.38-1.7µm". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 128 961 (2016):
  48. Legarreta,J.; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Garcia-Melendo,E.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Gomez-Forrellad,J. M.. "A large active wave trapped in Jupiter's equator". Astronomy and Astrophysics 586 (2016):
  49. Mousis,O.; Atkinson,D. H.; Spilker,T.; Venkatapathy,E.; Poncy,J.; Frampton,R.; Coustenis,A.; et al. "The Hera Saturn entry probe mission". Planetary and Space Science 130 (2016):
  50. Simon,A. A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Legarreta,J.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Perez-Hoyos,S.; Garcia-Melendo,E.; Carlson,R. W.. "Spectral comparison and stability of red regions on Jupiter". Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 120 3 (2015):
  51. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Muñoz,A. G.; García-Melendo,E.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.; Pellier,C.; Delcroix,M.; et al. "An extremely high-altitude plume seen at Mars' morning terminator". Nature 518 7540 (2015):
  52. Río Gaztelurrutia, Teresa del; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo. "Desde el Aula Espazio de la Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU". Astronomía 190 (2015):
  53. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Estudiando y observando enanas blancas: Sirio y 40 Eridani". Astronomía 193 (2015):
  54. Peralta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; López-Valverde,M. A.; Luz,D.; MacHado,P.. "Venus's major cloud feature as an equatorially trapped wave distorted by the wind". Geophysical Research Letters 42 3 (2015):
  55. Tinetti,G.; Drossart,P.; Eccleston,P.; Hartogh,P.; Isaak,K.; Linder,M.; Lovis,C.; et al. "The EChO science case". Experimental Astronomy 40 2-3 (2015):
  56. Antuñano,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.. "Dynamics of Saturn's polar regions". Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets 120 2 (2015):
  57. Garate-Lopez,I.; García Muñoz,A.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Instantaneous three-dimensional thermal structure of the South Polar Vortex of Venus". Icarus 245 (2015):
  58. Hueso,R.; Peralta,J.; Garate-Lopez,I.; Bandos,T. V.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Six years of Venus winds at the upper cloud level from UV, visible and near infrared observations from VIRTIS on Venus Express". Planetary and Space Science 113-114 (2015):
  59. Piccialli,A.; Titov,D. V.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Peralta,J.; Shalygina,O.; Markiewicz,W. J.; Svedhem,H.. "High latitude gravity waves at the Venus cloud tops as observed by the Venus Monitoring Camera on board Venus Express". Icarus 227 (2014):
  60. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Oleaga,A.. "The aula espazio gela and the master of space science and technology in the Universidad del País Vasco (University of the Basque Country)". European Journal of Engineering Education 39 5 (2014):
  61. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; García-Melendo,E.; Antuñano,A.; Mendikoa,I.; et al. "The long-term steady motion of Saturn's hexagon and the stability of its enclosed jet stream under seasonal changes". Geophysical Research Letters 41 5 (2014):
  62. Arridge,C. S.; Achilleos,N.; Agarwal,J.; Agnor,C. B.; Ambrosi,R.; André,N.; Badman,S. V.; et al. "The science case for an orbital mission to Uranus: Exploring the origins and evolution of ice giant planets". Planetary and Space Science 104 PA (2014):
  63. García Muñoz,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Glory revealed in disk-integrated photometry of Venus *". Astronomy and Astrophysics 566 (2014):
  64. Etxeberria,I. O.; Río-Gaztelurrutia,T. D.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Retrieval of orbital parameters of the Galilean satellites using small telescopes". European Journal of Physics 35 4 (2014):
  65. Hueso,Ricardo; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Current status and future upgrades to the Planetary Virtual Observatory (PVOL IOPW) database of Giant Planets observations". European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, Vol.9, id.EPSC2014-778 9 (2014):
  66. Hornoch,K.; Kucakova,H.; Gorosabel,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hues,R.. "Discovery of a Probable Nova in M31". The Astronomer's Telegram 6563 (2014):
  67. Mousis,O.; Hueso,R.; Beaulieu,J. -P; Bouley,S.; Carry,B.; Colas,F.; Klotz,A.; et al. "Instrumental methods for professional and amateur collaborations in planetary astronomy". Experimental Astronomy 38 1-2 (2014):
  68. Mousis,O.; Fletcher,L. N.; Lebreton,J. -P; Wurz,P.; Cavalié,T.; Coustenis,A.; Courtin,R.; et al. "Scientific rationale for Saturn's in situ exploration". Planetary and Space Science 104 PA (2014):
  69. Illarramendi,M. A.; Hueso,R.; Zubia,J.; Aldabaldetreku,G.; Durana,G.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A daylight experiment for teaching stellar interferometry". American Journal of Physics 82 7 (2014):
  70. Hueso,Ricardo; Peralta,J.; Garate-López,I.; Bandos,T. V.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Venus winds at cloud level from UV, visible and near infrared observations from VIRTIS on Venus Express over 2006-2012". European Planetary Science Congress 2014, EPSC Abstracts, Vol.9, id.EPSC2014-160 9 (2014):
  71. Garate-Lopez, I.; Hueso, R.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Peralta, J.; Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.. "A chaotic long-lived vortex at the southern pole of Venus". Nature Geoscience 6 4 (2013):
  72. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Colas,F.; Dauvergne,J. L.; Peach,D.. "Jupiter's zonal winds and their variability studied with small-size telescopes". Astronomy and Astrophysics 554 (2013):
  73. García Muñoz,A.; Wolkenberg,P.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Garate-Lopez,I.. "A model of scattered thermal radiation for Venus from 3 to 5 µm". Planetary and Space Science 81 (2013):
  74. García Muñoz,A.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Markiewicz,W. J.; Titov,D. V.; Witasse,O.; Opitz,A.. "Limb imaging of the Venus O2 visible nightglow with the Venus Monitoring Camera". Geophysical Research Letters 40 11 (2013):
  75. Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Wesley,A.; Hall,G.; Go,C.; Tachikawa,M.; et al. "Impact flux on Jupiter: From superbolides to large-scale collisions". Astronomy and Astrophysics 560 (2013):
  76. García-Melendo,E.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Legarreta,J.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.. "Atmospheric dynamics of Saturn's 2010 giant storm". Nature Geoscience 6 7 (2013):
  77. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Legarreta,J.; García-Melendo,E.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Gõmez-Forrellad,J. M.; Fletcher,L. N.; et al. "Colors of Jupiter's large anticyclones and the interaction of a tropical red oval with the great red spot in 2008". Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets 118 12 (2013):
  78. Arridge,C. S.; Agnor,C. B.; André,N.; Baines,K. H.; Fletcher,L. N.; Gautier,D.; Hofstadter,M. D.; et al. "Uranus Pathfinder: Exploring the origins and evolution of Ice Giant planets". Experimental Astronomy 33 2-3 (2012):
  79. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Raíces cósmicas de la vida, de Josep María Trigo". Revista española de física 26 4 (2012):
  80. Peralta,J.; Luz,D.; Berry,D. L.; Tsang,C. C. C.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Piccioni,G.; Drossart,P.. "Solar migrating atmospheric tides in the winds of the polar region of Venus". Icarus 220 2 (2012):
  81. Mendikoa,I.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Probing clouds in planets with a simple radiative transfer model: The Jupiter case". European Journal of Physics 33 6 (2012):
  82. Fletcher,L. N.; Hesman,B. E.; Achterberg,R. K.; Irwin,P. G. J.; Bjoraker,G.; Gorius,N.; Hurley,J.; et al. "The origin and evolution of saturn's 2011-2012 stratospheric vortex". Icarus 221 2 (2012):
  83. Hueso,R.; Peralta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Assessing the long-term variability of Venus winds at cloud level from VIRTIS-Venus Express". Icarus 217 2 (2012):
  84. Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Barrado-Navascués,D.; Colas,F.; Lecacheux,J.; Parker,D.. "Cloud structure of Saturn's 2010 storm from ground-based visual imaging". Icarus 219 1 (2012):
  85. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Wong,M. H.; Hammel,H. B.; Orton,G. S.; de Pater,I.; et al. "Vertical cloud structure of the 2009 Jupiter impact based on HST/WFC3 observations". Icarus 221 2 (2012):
  86. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Rojas,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "The 2009-2010 fade of Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt: Vertical cloud structure models and zonal winds from visible imaging". Icarus 217 1 (2012):
  87. Titov,D. V.; Markiewicz,W. J.; Ignatiev,N. I.; Song,L.; Limaye,S. S.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Hesemann,J.; et al. "Morphology of the cloud tops as observed by the Venus Express Monitoring Camera". Icarus 217 2 (2012):
  88. Tinetti,G.; Beaulieu,J. P.; Henning,T.; Meyer,M.; Micela,G.; Ribas,I.; Stam,D.; et al. "EChO: Exoplanet characterisation observatory". Experimental Astronomy 34 2 (2012):
  89. Sromovsky,L. A.; Hammel,H. B.; de Pater,I.; Fry,P. M.; Rages,K. A.; Showalter,M. R.; Merline,W. J.; et al. "Episodic bright and dark spots on Uranus". Icarus 220 1 (2012):
  90. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; García-Melendo,E.; Hueso,Ricardo; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Legarreta,J.; Rojas,J. F.. "On the long-term variability of Jupiter and Saturn zonal winds". AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (2012):
  91. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Delcroix,M.; Legarreta,J. J.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.; Hueso,R.; García-Melendo,E.; et al. "Ground-based observations of the long-term evolution and death of Saturn's 2010 Great White Spot". Icarus 220 2 (2012):
  92. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rio-Gaztelurrutia,T. D.; Hueso,R.; Gomez-Forrellad,J. M.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Legarreta,J.; Garcia-Melendo,E.; et al. "Deep winds beneath Saturng-upper clouds from a seasonal long-lived planetary-scale storm". Nature 475 7354 (2011):
  93. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Orton,G. S.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Fletcher,L. N.; García-Melendo,E.; Gomez-Forrellad,J. M.; et al. "Long-term evolution of the aerosol debris cloud produced by the 2009 impact on Jupiter". Icarus 214 2 (2011):
  94. Lanciano,O.; Piccioni,G.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Peralta,J.. "Dynamics of the Venus atmosphere from a Fourier-transform analysis .". Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplementi 16 (2011):
  95. Fletcher,L. N.; Hesman,B. E.; Irwin,P. G. J.; Baines,K. H.; Momary,T. W.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Flasar,F. M.; et al. "Thermal structure and dynamics of Saturn's northern springtime disturbance". Science 332 6036 (2011):
  96. García-Melendo,E.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.. "Saturn's zonal wind profile in 2004-2009 from Cassini ISS images and its long-term variability". Icarus 215 1 (2011):
  97. Orton,G. S.; Fletcher,L. N.; Lisse,C. M.; Chodas,P. W.; Cheng,A.; Yanamandra-Fisher,P. A.; Baines,K. H.; et al. "The atmospheric influence, size and possible asteroidal nature of the July 2009 Jupiter impactor". Icarus 211 1 (2011):
  98. García-Melendo,E.; Arregi,J.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,R.; Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sanz-Requena,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dynamics of Jupiter's equatorial region at cloud top level from Cassini and HST images". Icarus 211 2 (2011):
  99. Hueso,Ricardo; Garate-López,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Dynamics of Venus' Southern hemisphere and South Polar Vortex from VIRTIS data obtained during the Venus Expres Mission". AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 13 (2011):
  100. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "La gran mancha blanca de Saturno del año 2010". Astronomía 149 (2011):
  101. Río Gaztelurrutia, Teresa del; Hueso Alonso, Ricardo; Pérez Hoyos, Santiago; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Capturando la fulguración solar del 18 de febrero: experiencias desde el Observatorio Aula Espazio". Astronomía 145 (2011):
  102. Hueso,R.; Legarreta,J.; Rojas,J. F.; Peralta,J.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "The Planetary Laboratory for Image Analysis (PLIA)". Advances in Space Research 46 9 (2010):
  103. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Wesley,A.; Orton,G.; Hueso,R.; Perez-Hoyos,S.; Fletcher,L. N.; Yanamandra-Fisher,P.; et al. "The impact of a large object on Jupiter in 2009 July". Astrophysical Journal Letters 715 2 PART 2 (2010):
  104. Hammel,H. B.; Wong,M. H.; Clarke,J. T.; De Pater,I.; Fletcher,L. N.; Hueso,R.; Noll,K.; et al. "Jupiter after the 2009 impact: Hubble space telescope imaging of the impact-generated debris and its temporal evolution". Astrophysical Journal Letters 715 2 PART 2 (2010):
  105. Garca-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Legarreta,J.; Perez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.. "A strong high altitude narrow jet detected at Saturn's equator". Geophysical Research Letters 37 22 (2010):
  106. Hueso,R.; Wesley,A.; Go,C.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Wong,M. H.; Fletcher,L. N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; et al. "First Earth-based detection of a superbolide on Jupiter". Astrophysical Journal Letters 721 2 PART 2 (2010):
  107. del Río-Gaztelurrutia,T.; Legarreta,J.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A long-lived cyclone in Saturn's atmosphere: Observations and models". Icarus 209 2 (2010):
  108. de Pater,I.; Fletcher,L. N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hammel,H. B.; Orton,G. S.; Wong,M. H.; Luszcz-Cook,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Boslough,M.. "A multi-wavelength study of the 2009 impact on Jupiter: Comparison of high resolution images from Gemini, Keck and HST". Icarus 210 2 (2010):
  109. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; García-Melendo,E.; Legarreta,J.. "The jovian anticyclone BA. III. Aerosol properties and color change". Icarus 203 2 (2009):
  110. Marty,B.; Guillot,T.; Coustenis,A.; Achilleos,N.; Alibert,Y.; Asmar,S.; Atkinson,D.; et al. "Kronos: Exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission". Experimental Astronomy 23 3 (2009):
  111. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Brightness power spectral distribution and waves in Jupiter's upper cloud and hazes". Icarus 202 1 (2009):
  112. Marty,B.; Guillot,T.; Coustenis,A.; Achilleos,N.; Alibert,Y.; Asmar,S.; Atkinson,D.; et al. "Erratum to Kronos: Exploring the depths of Saturn with probes and remote sensing through an international mission". Experimental Astronomy 23 3 (2009):
  113. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Evolution of the cloud field and wind structure of Jupiter's highest speed jet during a huge disturbance". Astronomy and Astrophysics 507 1 (2009):
  114. Arregi,J.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Gravity waves in Jupiter's equatorial clouds observed by the Galileo orbiter". Icarus 202 1 (2009):
  115. Titov,D. V.; Svedhem,H.; Taylor,F. W.; Barabash,S.; Bertaux,J. -L; Drossart,P.; Formisano,V.; et al. "Venus express: Highlights of the nominal mission". Solar System Research 43 3 (2009):
  116. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Piccioni,G.; Drossart,P.; Gérard,J. C.; Khatuntsev,I.; Zasova,L.; Migliorini,A.. "Morphology and dynamics of venus oxygen airglow from venus express/visible and infrared thermal imaging spectrometer observations". Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets 114 5 (2009):
  117. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Atormentadas atmósferas planetarias". Revista española de física 23 2 (2009):
  118. Hueso,R.; Legarreta,J.; García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "The jovian anticyclone BA. II. Circulation and interaction with the zonal jets". Icarus 203 2 (2009):
  119. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.. "Vertical shears in Saturn's eastward jets at cloud level". Icarus 201 2 (2009):
  120. Peralta,J.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Piccioni,G.; Lanciano,O.; Drossart,P.. "Characterization of mesoscale gravity waves in the upper and lower clouds of Venus from VEX-VIRTIS images". Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets 113 5 (2009):
  121. García-Melendo,E.; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; González,J.; Gómez-Forrellad,J. M.. "The jovian anticyclone BA. I. Motions and interaction with the GRS from observations and non-linear simulations". Icarus 203 2 (2009):
  122. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.. "Jupiter's polar clouds and waves from Cassini and HST images: 1993-2006". Icarus 194 1 (2008):
  123. Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Vertical structure of Jupiter's troposphere from nonlinear simulations of long-lived vortices". Icarus 196 1 (2008):
  124. Gérard,J. -C; Saglam,A.; Piccioni,G.; Drossart,P.; Cox,C.; Erard,S.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Distribution of the O2 infrared nightglow observed with VIRTIS on board Venus Express". Geophysical Research Letters 35 2 (2008):
  125. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Orton,G. S.; Hueso,R.; García-Melendo,E.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Simon-Miller,A.; Rojas,J. F.; et al. "Depth of a strong jovian jet from a planetary-scale disturbance driven by storms". Nature 451 7177 (2008):
  126. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Orton,G. S.; Hueso,R.; García-Melendo,E.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Simon-Miller,A.; Rojas,J. F.; et al. "Depth of a strong jovian jet from a planetary-scale disturbance driven by storms (Nature (2008) 451, (437-440))". Nature 451 7181 (2008):
  127. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Piccioni,G.; Drossart,P.; Peralta,J.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Wilson,C. F.; et al. "Variable winds on Venus mapped in three dimensions". Geophysical Research Letters 35 13 (2008):
  128. Drossart,P.; Piccioni,G.; Gérard,J. C.; Lopez-Valverde,M. A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Zasova,L.; Hueso,R.; et al. "A dynamic upper atmosphere of Venus as revealed by VIRTIS on Venus Express". Nature 450 7170 (2007):
  129. Peralta,J.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Cloud brightness distribution and turbulence in Venus using Galileo violet images". Icarus 188 2 (2007):
  130. Peralta,J.; Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A reanalysis of Venus winds at two cloud levels from Galileo SSI images". Icarus 190 2 (2007):
  131. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.. "Numerical models of Saturn's long-lived anticyclones". Icarus 191 2 (2007):
  132. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "The three-dimensional structure of Saturn's equatorial jet at cloud level". Icarus 187 2 (2007):
  133. Drossart,P.; Piccioni,G.; Adriani,A.; Angrilli,F.; Arnold,G.; Baines,K. H.; Bellucci,G.; et al. "Scientific goals for the observation of Venus by VIRTIS on ESA/Venus express mission". Planetary and Space Science 55 12 (2007):
  134. Piccioni,G.; Drossart,P.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Taylor,F. W.; Wilson,C. F.; Grassi,D.; et al. "South-polar features on Venus similar to those near the north pole". Nature 450 7170 (2007):
  135. Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "'Planetodiversity': The variety of planets and planetary systems in the Universe". Contemporary Physics 47 3 (2006):
  136. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Solar flux in Saturn's atmosphere: Penetration and heating rates in the aerosol and cloud layers". Icarus 180 2 (2006):
  137. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "On the vertical wind shear of Saturn's Equatorial Jet at cloud level". Icarus 180 1 (2006):
  138. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Planetodiversidad". Astronomía 88 (2006):
  139. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Methane storms on Saturn's moon Titan". Nature 442 7101 (2006):
  140. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Rojas,J. F.. "A strong vortex in Saturn's South Pole". Icarus 184 2 (2006):
  141. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; French,R. G.. "Short-term changes in the belt/zone structure of Saturn's Southern Hemisphere (1996-2004)". Astronomy and Astrophysics 460 2 (2006):
  142. Arregi,J.; Rojas,J. F.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Morgado,A.. "Phase dispersion relation of the 5-micron hot spot wave from a long-term study of Jupiter in the visible". Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets 111 9 (2006):
  143. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Dowling,T. E.. "Jupiter's 24° N highest speed jet: Vertical structure deduced from nonlinear simulations of a large-amplitude natural disturbance". Icarus 176 2 (2005):
  144. Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "How long is the day on Saturn?". Science 307 5713 (2005):
  145. Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; French,R. G.; Rojas,J. F.. "Saturn's cloud structure and temporal evolution from ten years of Hubble Space Telescope images (1994-2003)". Icarus 176 1 (2005):
  146. Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Jupiter's cyclones and anticyclones vorticity from Voyager and Galileo images". Icarus 174 1 (2005):
  147. Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "The magnetic field in giant extrasolar planets". Astrophysical Journal 609 2 II (2004):
  148. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Rojas,J. F.; French,R. G.. "Saturn's cloud morphology and zonal winds before the Cassini encounter". Icarus 170 2 (2004):
  149. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Uno en la multitud". IAC noticias: Revista del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias 1 (2004):
  150. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Vientos en los planetas gigantes". Investigación y ciencia 332 (2004):
  151. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,R.. "Clouds in planetary atmospheres: A useful application of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation". American Journal of Physics 72 6 (2004):
  152. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A three-dimensional model of moist convection for the giant planets II: Saturn's water and ammonia moist convective storms". Icarus 172 1 SPEC.ISS (2004):
  153. Morales-Juberías,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Dowling,T. E.. "EPIC simulations of the merger of Jupiter's White Ovals BE and FA: Altitude-dependent behavior". Icarus 166 1 (2003):
  154. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Celorrio,R.. "Scattering of cylindrical thermal waves in fiber composites: In-plane thermal diffusivity". Journal of Applied Physics 93 8 (2003):
  155. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,R.; French,R. G.. "A strong decrease in Saturn's equatorial jet at cloud level". Nature 423 6940 (2003):
  156. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Vientos en los planetas gigantes". Tribuna de Astronomía: Revista de astronomía, astrofísica y ciencias del espacio 51 (2003):
  157. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Guillot,T.. "A model for large-scale convective storms in Jupiter". Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets 107 10 (2002):
  158. Morales-Juberías,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.. "A comparative study of jovian anticyclone properties from a six-year (1994-2000) survey". Icarus 157 1 (2002):
  159. Morales-Juberías,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.. "A comparative study of Jovian cyclonic features from a six-year (1994-2000) survey". Icarus 160 2 (2002):
  160. Terrón,J. M.; Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "General solution for the thermal wave scattering in fiber composites". Journal of Applied Physics 91 3 (2002):
  161. Sanchez-Lavega,A.. "Observations of Saturn's ribbon wave 14 years after its discovery". Icarus 158 1 (2002):
  162. Sanchez-Lavega,A.. "Acoustic waves in planetary atmospheres". Physics Teacher 40 4 (2002):
  163. Salazar,A.; Terrón,J. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Celorrio,R.. "On the effective thermal diffusivity of fiber-reinforced composites". Applied Physics Letters 80 11 (2002):
  164. Salazar,A.; Ang,W. T.; Gateshki,M.; Gutiérrez-Juárez,G.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Photoelastic effect and mirage deflection in anisotropic materials". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 74 1 (2002):
  165. Morales, Raúl; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "La fusión final de los anticiclones de Júpiter". Tribuna de Astronomía: Revista de astronomía, astrofísica y ciencias del espacio 19 (2001):
  166. Yanamandra-Fisher,P. A.; Orton,G. S.; Fisher,B. M.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.. "Saturn's 5.2-µm cold spots: Unexpected cloud variability". Icarus 150 1 (2001):
  167. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Orton,G. S.; Morales,R.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Fisher,B.; Fukumura-Sawada,P.; et al. "The Merger of Two Giant Anticyclones in the Atmosphere of Jupiter". Icarus 149 2 (2001):
  168. Terrón,J. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Multiple scattering of thermal waves by a coated subsurface cylindrical inclusion". Journal of Applied Physics 89 10 (2001):
  169. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Thermal diffusivity measurements using photothermal techniques". Research Advances in Applied Physics 2 (2001):
  170. Sanchez-Lavega,A.. "A similarity approach to the atmospheric dynamics of giant extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs". Astronomy and Astrophysics 377 1 (2001):
  171. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A Three-Dimensional Model of Moist Convection for the Giant Planets: The Jupiter Case". Icarus 151 2 (2001):
  172. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "A Study of the Stability of Jovian Zonal Winds from HST Images: 1995-2000". Icarus 152 2 (2001):
  173. García-Melendo,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Gómez,J. M.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.. "Long-Lived Vortices and Profile Changes in the 23.7°N High-Speed Jovian Jet". Icarus 146 2 (2000):
  174. Hueso Alonso, Ricardo; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Modelos de tormentas en la atmósfera de Júpiter". Revista española de física 14 4 (2000):
  175. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Sada,P. V.. "Saturn's Zonal Winds at Cloud Level". Icarus 147 2 (2000):
  176. Trigo-Rodriguez,J. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Gómez,J. M.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Miyazaki,I.. "The 90-day oscillations of Jupiter's Great Red Spot revisited". Planetary and Space Science 48 4 (2000):
  177. Terrón,J. M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Multiple scattering effects of thermal waves by two subsurface cylinders". Journal of Applied Physics 87 5 (2000):
  178. Salazar,A.; Sánchez Lavega,A.; Terrón,J. M.; Gateshki,M.. "Aplicación de las técnicas fototérmicas al estudio de materiales". Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 39 4 (2000):
  179. Salazar,A.; Gateshki,M.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "On the strong influence of the photoelastic effect in the collinear mirage deflection". Applied Physics Letters 76 19 (2000):
  180. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,R.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Acarreta,J. R.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.. "Interaction of Jovian White Ovals BC and DE in 1998 from Earth-Based Observations in the Visual Range". Icarus 142 1 (1999):
  181. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Rojas,J. F.; Gomez,J. M.. "Discrete cloud activity in Saturn's equator during 1995, 1996 and 1997". Planetary and Space Science 47 10-11 (1999):
  182. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Low temperature thermal diffusivity measurements of gases by the mirage technique". Review of Scientific Instruments 70 1 PART II (1999):
  183. Salazar,A.; Sánchez Lavega,A.. "Un método alternativo de investigación de materiales. Técnicas fototérmicas: aplicación de las ondas térmicas al estudio de la materia". Revista española de física 13 4 (1999):
  184. Sanchez Lavega,A.. "Ondas circumpolares en la estratosfera de Júpiter". Universo (Barcelona) 4 45 (1999):
  185. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Drossart,P.. "A theoretical study of parcel stability and cloud distribution in a Jovian hot spot". Planetary and Space Science 47 10-11 (1999):
  186. Acarreta,J. R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Vertical Cloud Structure in Saturn's 1990 Equatorial Storm". Icarus 137 1 (1999):
  187. Salazar Hernández, Agustín; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "Técnicas fototérmicas: aplicación de las ondas térmicas al estudio de la materia". Revista española de física 13 4 (1999):
  188. Hueso,R.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Motions in Jovian Hot Spot-Plume Regions Using Voyager Images". Icarus 136 2 (1998):
  189. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.; Terrón,J. M.; Ocáriz,A.. "A study of the photothermal signal produced by a series of subsurface cylinders in opaque materials". Journal of Applied Physics 84 9 (1998):
  190. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Rojas,J. F.; Gomez,J. M.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.. "Dynamics and Interaction between a Large-Scale Vortex and the Great Red Spot in Jupiter". Icarus 136 1 (1998):
  191. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Terrón,J. M.. "Effective thermal diffusivity of layered materials measured by modulated photothermal techniques". Journal of Applied Physics 84 6 (1998):
  192. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Measurements of the thermal diffusivity tensor of polymer-carbon fiber composites by photothermal methods". International Journal of Thermophysics 19 2 SPEC.ISS (1998):
  193. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,R.; Acarreta,J. R.. "A system of circumpolar waves in Jupiter's stratosphere". Geophysical Research Letters 25 21 (1998):
  194. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Gómez,J. M.; Rojas,J. F.; Acarreta,J. R.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Hueso,R.; Arregui,J.. "Long-Term Evolution of Comet SL-9 Impact Features: July 1994-September 1996". Icarus 131 2 (1998):
  195. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Acarreta,J. R.; Hueso,R.; Rojas,J. F.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Gómez,J. M.. "An overview of Saturn's equatorial storms: 1990 - 1997". Astrophysics and Space Science 263 1-4 (1998):
  196. Ocariz,A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Photothermal study of subsurface cylindrical structures. I. Theory". Journal of Applied Physics 81 11 (1997):
  197. Ocariz,A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Photothermal study of subsurface cylindrical structures. II. Experimental results". Journal of Applied Physics 81 11 (1997):
  198. Salazar,A.; Sànchez-Lavega,A.; Ocáriz,A.. "Temperature dependence of the thermal diffusivity of unidirectional composites by the mirage technique". High Temperatures - High Pressures 29 4 (1997):
  199. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.; Ocariz,A.; Pottier,L.; Gomez,E.; Villar,L. M.; Macho,E.. "Thermal diffusivity measurements in porous ceramics by photothermal methods". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 65 1 (1997):
  200. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Rojas,J. F.; Acarreta,J. R.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Sada,P. V.. "New observations and studies of Saturn's long-lived north polar spot". Icarus 128 2 (1997):
  201. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Ocáriz,A.. "Photothermal characterization of anisotropic materials with buried principal axes". Optical Engineering 36 2 (1997):
  202. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Gomez,J. M.. "The south equatorial belt of Jupiter, I: Its life cycle". Icarus 121 1 (1996):
  203. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Gomez,J. M.; Colas,F.; Laques,P.; Noll,K.; Gilmore,D.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.. "Large-scale storms in Saturn's atmosphere during 1994". Science 271 5249 (1996):
  204. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Ocáriz,A.; Guitonny,J.; Pandey,G. C.; Fournier,D.; Boccara,A. C.. "Thermal diffusivity of anisotropic materials by photothermal methods". Journal of Applied Physics 79 8 (1996):
  205. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Elejalde,M. J.; Azkargorta,Jon; Okariz,Ana. "On the thermal characterization of anisotropic materials by photothermal methods". Progress in Natural Science 6 SPEC. ISS. (1996):
  206. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Gomez,J. M.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.; Guarro,J.. "The south equatorial belt of Jupiter, II: The onset and development of the 1993 disturbance". Icarus 121 1 (1996):
  207. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Forge,Ph; Salazar,A.; Ocariz,A.. "Photothermal mirage characterization of vertical interfaces separating two different media". Journal of Applied Physics 79 2 (1996):
  208. Ocariz,A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.; Fournier,D.; Boccara,A. C.. "Photothermal characterization of vertical and slanted thermal barriers: A quantitative comparison of mirage, thermoreflectance, and infrared radiometry". Journal of Applied Physics 80 5 (1996):
  209. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Salazar Hernández, Agustín; Iparraguirre San Sebastián, Ignacio. "Sobre la dinámica de los sistemas abiertos". Revista española de física 9 1 (1995):
  210. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "El impacto del cometa Shoemaker-Levy 9 con Júpiter". Revista española de física 9 1 (1995):
  211. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Comments on "On the photothermal method applied to low thermal diffusivity measurements" [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 64, 1576 (1993)]". Review of Scientific Instruments 66 1 (1995):
  212. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Gomez,J. M.; Laques,P.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D. C.. "Motions of the SL9 impact clouds". Geophysical Research Letters 22 13 (1995):
  213. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Ocáriz,A.; Guitonny,J.; Pandey,J. C.; Fournier,D.; Boccara,A. C.. "Novel results on thermal diffusivity measurements on anisotropic materials using photothermal methods". Applied Physics Letters 67 (1995):
  214. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Laques,P.. "Photometry of Saturn's 1990 Equatorial Disturbance". Icarus 108 1 (1994):
  215. Ocariz,A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Characterization of subsurface cylindrical structures by photothermal wave techniques". Journal De Physique.IV : JP 4 7 (1994):
  216. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Thermal diffusivity measurements using linear relations from photothermal wave experiments". Review of Scientific Instruments 65 9 (1994):
  217. Sanchez-Lavega,A.. "Saturn's great white spots". Chaos 4 2 (1994):
  218. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Thermal diffusivity measurements in opaque solids by the mirage technique in the temperature range from 300 to 1000 K". Journal of Applied Physics 76 3 (1994):
  219. Salazar,A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Ocariz,A.. "Application of collinear mirage detection for thermal diffusivity measurements of solids at high temperatures". Journal De Physique.IV : JP 4 7 (1994):
  220. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Lecacheux,J.; Colas,F.; Laques,P.. "Ground-based observations of Saturn's north polar spot and hexagon". Science 260 5106 (1993):
  221. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Photothermal measurements near a 90° edge. I. Mirage deflection by a free edge". Journal of Applied Physics 74 1 (1993):
  222. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Photothermal measurements near a 90° edge. II. Characterization of subsurface rectangular voids and close planar cracks". Journal of Applied Physics 74 1 (1993):
  223. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Fernández,J.. "Thermal diffusivity measurements on solids using collinear mirage detection". Journal of Applied Physics 74 3 (1993):
  224. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Colas,F.; Lecacheux,J.; Laques,P.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.. "The Great White Spot and disturbances in Saturn's equatorial atmosphere during 1990". Nature 353 6343 (1991):
  225. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Miyazaki,I.; Parker,D.; Laques,P.; Lecacheux,J.. "A disturbance in Jupiter's high-speed North temperate jet during 1990". Icarus 94 1 (1991):
  226. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Fernández,J.. "Photothermal detection and characterization of a horizontal buried slab by the mirage technique". Journal of Applied Physics 70 6 (1991):
  227. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Fernández,J.. "Thermal diffusivity measurements in solids by the "mirage" technique: Experimental results". Journal of Applied Physics 69 3 (1991):
  228. Sanchez Lavega,A.. "Estructuras convectivas de escala sinóptica en las atmósferas de Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno". Boletín Astronómico del Observatorio de Madrid 12 4 (1991):
  229. Salazar,A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Arriandiaga,M. A.. "Is the frictional force always opposed to the motion?". Physics Education 25 2 (1990):
  230. Salazar,A.; Sanchez-Lavega,A.. "Motion of a ball on a rough horizontal surface after being stuck by a tapering rod". European Journal of Physics 11 4 (1990):
  231. Sánchez Lavega,A.; Salazar,A.. "Vientos horizontales a gran escala en las atmósferas de los planetas: estudio comparativo". Revista de geofísica 46 1 (1990):
  232. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "La Gran Mancha Roja de Júpiter". Investigación y ciencia 168 (1990):
  233. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Laques,P.; Parker,D. C.; Viscardy,G.. "Midscale dynamical features observed during 1987 in the North Equatorial Belt of Jupiter". Icarus 87 2 (1990):
  234. Salazar,A.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Fernández,J.. "Theory of thermal diffusivity determination by the "mirage" technique in solids". Journal of Applied Physics 65 11 (1989):
  235. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Quesada,J. A.. "Ground-based imaging of Jovian cloud morphologies and motions. II. The northern hemisphere from 1975 to 1985". Icarus 76 3 (1988):
  236. Sanchez-Lavega,A.; Quesada,J. A.. "A survey of Saturn's Northern Hemisphere from 1979 to 1987". Planetary and Space Science 36 12 (1988):
  237. Ojero Pascual,E.; Sanchez Lavega,A.; Alises Barraca,M.. "The efects of nitrogen baking on the detective performance of kodak emulsions iiao, iiad, iiiaj and iiiaf". Anales de física.Serie B: Aplicaciones, métodos e instrumentos 83 B 2 (1987):
  238. Sanchez Lavega,A.. "Motions in Saturn's atmosphere: Observations before Voyager encounters". Icarus 49 1 (1982):
Capítulo de livro
  1. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Sromovsky,L. A.; Showman,A. P.; Del Genio,A. D.; Young,R. M. B.; Hueso,R.; Garcia-Melendo,E.; et al. "Gas giants". 2019.
  2. West,R. A.; Baines,K. H.; Karkoschka,E.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "Clouds and aerosols in saturn's atmosphere". 2009.
  3. Genio,A. D. D.; Achterberg,R. K.; Baines,K. H.; Flasar,F. M.; Read,P. L.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Showman,A. P.. "Saturn atmospheric structure and dynamics". 2009.
  4. Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Peralta,J.. "The atmosphere of Venus: Winds and clouds observed by VIRTIS/Venus Express". 2008.
  5. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín. "La búsqueda de vida extraterrestre". 2008.
  6. Sánchez-Lavega,A.. "The perspective: A panorama of the Solar System". 2007.
  7. Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; García-Melendo,E.; Rojas,J. F.. "Observations and Models of the General Circulation of Jupiter and Saturn". 2004.
Edição de livro
  1. Arribas,S.; Alonso-Herrero,A.; Figueras,F.; Hernández-Monteagudo,C.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S. (ed ).. Highlights on Spanish Astrophysics IX: Proceedings of the XII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) held in Bilbao, July 18-22, 2016    . 2017.
  1. Sánchez-Lavega,A.. An introduction to planetary atmospheres. 2010.
  2. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Cruz Conejo, Manuel. Planetas exteriores. 1987.
Poster em conferência
  1. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Legarreta,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Rojas,J. F.; Mendikoa,I.. "A Long-lived and Color Changing Oval on Jupiter’s NTrZ (at 19ºN)". 2015.
  2. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Pérez-Hoyos,S.. "Jupiter’s Polar Clouds and Dynamics from HST and Cassini imaging: 1994-2000". 2007.
  3. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Peralta,J.,. "Cassini-ISS Observations of Jupiter's Polar Clouds". 2006.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Lavega, Agustin. "Análisis de los cambios de gran escala, espaciales y temporales, en los sistemas de nubes de la atmosfera de Saturno". 1986.


Outra produção
  1. GRB 140907A: 1.23m CAHA optical observations.. 2014. Ugarte,J.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Gorosabel,J..
  2. GRB 140508A: 1.23m CAHA BVRI-band observations.. 2014. Gorosabel,J.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Hueso,Ricardo; Ugarte,J.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria,I.; Arandia,E.; Perez de Nanclares,I..
  3. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Jupiter's zonal winds in 2011 (Barrado-Izagirre+, 2013). 2013. Barrado-Izagirre,N.; Rojas,J. F.; Hueso,Ricardo; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Colas,F.; Dauvergne,J. L.; Peach D.(The Iopw Team),.
  4. GRB 130418A: 1.23m i-band observations.. 2013. Gorosabel,J.; Pérez-Hoyos,S.; Mendikoa,I.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Rojas,J. F.; de Ugarte Postigo,A..
  5. Agustín Sánchez-Lavega: EHUko astrofisikaria. 2010. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Urruzola Arrate, Manex (entrev.).
  6. Marte. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  7. Deep impact. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  8. Planetas enanos. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  9. Génesis. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  10. Planetas extrasolares. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  11. Stardust. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  12. Cassini. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  13. Hayabusa. 2007. Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; Portillo Sisniega, Lorenzo (dir.); Pereda, Javier (dir.); Rodrigo Ibarra, Luis; Marías, Julián (pr.).
  14. Jupiter. 1998. Lecacheux,J.; Drossart,P.; Colas,F.; Orton,G.; Fisher,B.; Sánchez-Lavega,A.; Hueso,Ricardo; Rojas,J. F.; Miyazaki,I..


2019 Medal David Bates in Planetary Sciences
European Geophysical Union, Áustria
2018 I Premio “Javier Gorosábel” de colaboración pro-am en Astrofísica
2016 Premio Euskadi de Invetsigacion
Basque Country Government, Espanha
2014 Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Física (nivel universitario)
2010 Mejor artículo publicado en la Revista Española de Física