Irina Gorodetskaya is a researcher in the area of Earth and Environmental Sciences with emphasis on Atmospheric Sciences. The focus of her work is on Polar meteorology and climate, with internationally recognised expertise in hydrological cycle processes, combining observations (participated in expeditions in the Arctic Ocean, Antarctic ice sheet and Southern Ocean) and regional climate modelling. Completed PhD degree at Columbia University's Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Obseratory (USA) in October 2008, Master in Columbia University's Graduate program of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (USA) in 2002, and Licence (Diploma) in Saint Petersburg State University, Department of Geography and Geoecology (Russia) in 2000. She worked as Postdoctoral Research Associate at Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement (LGGE), Grenoble, France (2008-2009), and at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Belgium (2009-2015). During 2016-2022, she worked as an Assistant Researcher at CESAM - Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro (Portugal) and since October 2022 she is a Principal Researcher at CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (Porto). She has published more than 50 peer-reviewed articles in top international journals, including in Geophysical Research Letters, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, Reviews of Geophysics. Many of her works are highlighted by media including articles and interviews. Authored a chapter in the book "Arctic Sea Ice Decline: Observations, Projections, Mechanisms, and Implications" (AGU, 2008) and several chapters in the "Atmospheric Rivers" book (Springer, 2020). Participated in more than 100 scientific meetings with oral/poster presentations. She is a nominated Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group 1 - Atlas chapter (Polar Regions). Was invited as a keynote speaker at numerous conferences and gave invited seminars/lectures on the topic of Atmospheric Rivers in the Polar Regions. She plays an active role in international initiatives such as Atmospheric Rivers Tracking methods Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP), Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) initiatives and programs, IAMAS International Commission on Polar Meteorology, Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) activities. Invited member of the steering committee of SCAR SRP Near-term Variability and Prediction of the Antarctic Climate System (AntClimNow). Organized many scientific events, including international workshops, yearly (since 2016) convening sessions at the European Geophysical Union, Portuguese Polar Conferences, and an invited co-convener at the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assemblies. Organized and participated in many outreach events for public and schools around the world, including collaboration with artists. Have supervised (including currently) 20 students at the University of Aveiro and abroad (Belgium, Germany, Ukraine) including PhDs, MSc and BSc. She has experience in academic teaching to bachelor and master students (9 courses in total). Principal investigator of FCT R&D project on precipitation in Antarctica and Portugal, PI of 3 Portuguese Polar Program Antarctic field work project. Currently she participates as a project partner in 3 international projects (German project (AC)3 on Arctic Amplification, French project ARCA, UK project SURFEIT). In her CV the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: Regional climate; Polar regions; Precipitation; Cloud microphysics; Moisture transport; Surface energy balance; Southern Ocean; Hydrological cycle; Antarctica; precipitation; Atmospheric Rivers; Arctic; Temperature; Aerosols; Clouds.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Irina Gorodetskaya

Nomes de citação

  • Gorodetskaya, Irina V

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • irinag@ciimar.up.pt (Profissional)


  • 223401897 (Profissional)


  • CIIMAR | Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões Avenida General Norton de Matos, S/N , 4450-208, Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal (Profissional)


  • https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2294-7823; http://www.researcherid.com/rid/K-1987-2015; www.cesam.ua.pt/irinagorodetskaya (Profissional)
  • www.cesam.ua.pt/irinagorodetskaya (Profissional)

Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Naturais - Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente - Ciências da Atmosfera


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Russo (Idioma materno)
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2) Utilizador proficiente (C2)
Francês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Português Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1)
Grau Classificação
Graduate program of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Doctor of Philosophy)
Columbia University, Estados Unidos

Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Estados Unidos
"The role of sea ice and clouds in the Arctic Ocean radiation budget: Observed sensitivities and contribution to Arctic warming" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Graduate program of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Master)
Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Estados Unidos
"The effects of sea ice and land snow concentrations on planetary albedo" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Saint Petersburg State University, Department of Geography and Geoecology (Licence)
Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, Rússia
"Connection between stratospheric ozone and thermobaric fields of the low and middle stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere during SOLVE (SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment) " (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
5(5) With highest honors
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2022/10/01 - Atual Investigador principal (carreira) (Investigação) Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research of the University of Porto, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
2019/10 - Atual Investigador visitante (Investigação) École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suiça
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suiça
2016/09/01 - 2022/09/30 Investigador Auxiliar (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
2018/03/12 - 2018/03/25 Investigador visitante (Investigação) Universität zu Köln Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Alemanha
2009/09/01 - 2015/11/01 Pós-doutorado (Investigação) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Afdeling Geografie en Toerisme, Bélgica
2007/11/01 - 2009/10/31 Pós-doutorado (Investigação) Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement, França
2002/01/01 - 2007/10/31 Assistente de Investigação (carreira) (Investigação) Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Estados Unidos


Designação Financiadores
2017/01/01 - Atual (AC)3 Arctic Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and Surface Processes and Feedback Mechanisms.
Project collaborator, student supervisor, nominated Mercator Fellow (2020-2023).
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

Universität zu Köln Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Alemanha

Alfred-Wegener-Institut fur Polar und Meeresforschung Forschungsstelle Potsdam, Alemanha

Universität Leipzig Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Alemanha
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG
Em curso
2024/02/01 - 2028/01/31 Drivers and Impacts of Extreme Weather Events in Antarctica
British Antarctic Survey, Reino Unido

Northumbria University, Reino Unido

University of Cambridge Scott Polar Research Institute, Reino Unido

University of Reading, Reino Unido

Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
UK Research and Innovation
Em curso
2023/01/01 - 2027/12/31 Surface Fluxes in Antarctica (SURFEIT)
British Antarctic Survey, Reino Unido
UK Research and Innovation
Em curso
2024/11/15 - 2026/04/15 MICROANT - Microphysical and microbiological signatures of precipitation in Antarctica: role of atmospheric rivers and local sources in a warmer climate
Investigador responsável
Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal

British Antarctic Survey, Reino Unido

Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2023/03/01 - 2024/08/31 MAPS - Measurements and modeling of the atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers at the northern Antarctic Peninsula during the Year of Polar Prediction Special observing periods
Investigador responsável
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Em curso
2020/12/31 - 2023/12/31 ARCA - Atmospheric rivers climatology in Antarctica
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, França
Agence nationale de la recherche
Em curso
2022/01/09 - 2023/09/01 APMAR2 - Antarctic Peninsula precipitation and surface Mass and energy balance: what is the role of Atmospheric Rivers?
Investigador responsável
Portuguese Polar Program - PROPOLAR, Portugal
Portuguese Polar Program - PROPOLAR

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2020/05/01 - 2023/04/30 HALO-(AC)3 “Arctic Air-Mass Transformations During Warm Air Intrusions and Marine Cold Air Outbreaks”
Universität Leipzig Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Alemanha

Universität zu Köln Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Alemanha
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG
Em curso
2020/03/01 - 2023/02/28 ATLACE - ATLantic interactions via atmospheric water cycle: exploiting a unique dataset from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition for better understanding of clouds and precipitation
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Estados Unidos
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT
Em curso
2021/09/01 - 2022/09/01 TULIP - Towards a better Understanding of the Link between cloud microphysics and precipitation during warm air Intrusions north of the Antarctic Peninsula
Investigador responsável
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT

Instituto Antártico Chileno
Em curso
2020/09/01 - 2022/09/01 APMAR - Antarctic Peninsula precipitation and surface Mass balance: what is the role of Atmospheric Rivers?
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile

University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Estados Unidos

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, França
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT

Instituto Antártico Chileno
Em curso
2019/01/01 - 2021/12/31 Sea Salt Aerosol above Artic Sea Ice – sources, processes and climate impacts" (SSAASI-CLIM) - MOSAIC-International Arctic Drift Expedition. Project partner.
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

British Antarctic Survey, Reino Unido
Nature Environment Research Council (NERC)
Em curso
2018/01/01 - 2021/12/31 Assessing the role of atmospheric rivers in Arctic precipitation in present and future climate
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2017 - 2021 Subgrant agreement related to the ACE - Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition project "Quantifying snowfall and its contribution to surface freshening in the Southern Ocean"
Investigador responsável
Swiss Polar Institute, Suiça

Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal
Swiss Polar Institute
Em curso
2016/08/01 - 2020/12/31 Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition project: Quantifying precipitation and its contribution to surface freshening in the Southern Ocean
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
Swiss Polar Institute
Em curso
2015/01/01 - 2019 How do aerosols and clouds affect the East Antarctic climate? (AEROCLOUD)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
BELSPO - Belgian Science Policy
Em curso
2017/09/01 - 2018/09/30 EXPARII - Exploring precipitation in Antarctica and the role of Atmospheric Rivers
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suiça
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Swiss Polar Institute
2017/08/01 - 2018/05/31 Simulation of an extreme precipitation event in Portugal – sensitivity to cloud microphysics
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016/09/01 - 2017/09/01 EXPAR - EXtreme Precipitation events in Antarctica: investigating the role of Atmospheric Rivers
Investigador responsável
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suiça
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Swiss Polar Institute
2016/12 - 2017/02 Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition - field work onboard icebreaker: radiosonde and precipitation measurements
ACE project 18
Desenvolvimento técnico
Swiss Polar Institute, Suiça
Swiss Polar Institute
Em curso
2008/11/01 - 2015/10/31 The atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle in Antarctica (HYDRANT)
Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
BELSPO - Belgian Science Policy
2010/01 - 2010/02 Project HYDRANT - field work as part of Belgian Antarctic Research Expedition 2009-2010: Meteo, cloud and precipitation measurements at Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica
Desenvolvimento técnico
BELSPO - Belgian Science Policy, Bélgica
BELSPO - Belgian Science Policy
2009/01 - 2009/02 Project HYDRANT - field work as part of Belgian Antarctic Research Expedition 2008-2009: Meteorological and cloud measurements at Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica
Desenvolvimento técnico
BELSPO - Belgian Science Policy, Bélgica
BELSPO - Belgian Science Policy
2008 - 2009 LEFE/CHARMANT project: Regional change of the surface mass balance in Antarctica
Bolseiro de Pós-Doutoramento
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, França

Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement, França
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
2004/09/01 - 2007/08/31 NASA Earth System Science PhD fellowship
NASA PhD fellowship
Investigador responsável
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Estados Unidos

Columbia University, Estados Unidos


Designação Financiadores
2017 - Atual Atmospheric Rivers Tracking methods Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Estados Unidos

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Estados Unidos

University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Estados Unidos

Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
National Science Foundation

US Department of Energy (DOE)
Em curso
2010 - Atual Polar-CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment - Arctic and Antarctic Domains)
WCRP-sponsored program
World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
Em curso
2020 - 2028 SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Scientific Research Programme AntClimNow - Near Term Variability and Prediction of the Antarctic Climate System; Member of the Scientific Steering Committee.
Scientific Steering Committee
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Reino Unido
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Em curso
2023/09/01 - 2024/09/30 APMAR2024 - Antarctic Peninsula surface Mass and energy balance: the role of Atmospheric Rivers
Investigador responsável
Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Portuguese Polar Program - PROPOLAR
Em curso
2013 - 2022 The Polar Prediction Project / The Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP)
Organisation meteorologique mondiale, Suiça

World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), Suiça
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

National Science Foundation

World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)

Institut polaire français Paul Emile Victor

Instituto Antártico Chileno

European Union
Em curso


Artigo em conferência
  1. Garreaud, R.; Ralph, M.; Wilson, A.; Ramos, A.M.; Eiras-Barca, J.; Steen-Larsen, H.C.; Rutz, J.; et al. "Running a Scientific Conference During Pandemic Times". 2022.
Artigo em revista
  1. Wille, Jonathan D.; Favier, Vincent; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Agosta, Cécile; Baiman, Rebecca; Barrett, J. E.; Barthelemy, Léonard; et al. "Atmospheric rivers in Antarctica". Nature Reviews Earth & Environment (2025): https://doi.org/10.1038/s43017-024-00638-7.
  2. Simon, Sibin; Turner, John; Meloth, Thamban; Deb, Pranab; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Lazzara, Matthew. "An extreme precipitation event over Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica - A case study of an atmospheric river event using the Polar WRF Model". Atmospheric Research 311 (2024): 107724. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107724.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107724
  3. Zhenhai Zhang; F. Martin Ralph; Xun Zou; Brian Kawzenuk; Minghua Zheng; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Penny M. Rowe; David H. Bromwich. "Extending the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) atmospheric river scale to the polar regions". The Cryosphere (2024): https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-18-5239-2024.
  4. Wille, Jonathan D.; Alexander, Simon P.; Amory, Charles; Baiman, Rebecca; Barthélemy, Léonard; Bergstrom, Dana M.; Berne, Alexis; et al. "The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part I: Observations and Meteorological Drivers". Journal of Climate 37 3 (2024): 757-778. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/jcli-d-23-0175.1.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1175/jcli-d-23-0175.1
  5. Wille, Jonathan D.; Alexander, Simon P.; Amory, Charles; Baiman, Rebecca; Barthélemy, Léonard; Bergstrom, Dana M.; Berne, Alexis; et al. "The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part II: Impacts on the Antarctic Ice Sheet". Journal of Climate 37 3 (2024): 779-799. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/jcli-d-23-0176.1.
    Acesso aberto • 10.1175/jcli-d-23-0176.1
  6. Wille, J.D.; Alexander, S.P.; Amory, C.; Baiman, R.; Barthélemy, L.; Bergstrom, D.M.; Berne, A.; et al. "The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part I: Observations and Meteorological Drivers". Journal of Climate 37 3 (2024): 757-778. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85182524996&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  7. Wille, J.D.; Pohl, B.; Favier, V.; Winters, A.C.; Baiman, R.; Cavallo, S.M.; Leroy-Dos Santos, C.; et al. "Examining Atmospheric River Life Cycles in East Antarctica". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 8 (2024): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85190775689&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  8. Wille, J.D.; Alexander, S.P.; Amory, C.; Baiman, R.; Barthélemy, L.; Bergstrom, D.M.; Berne, A.; et al. "The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part II: Impacts on the Antarctic Ice Sheet". Journal of Climate 37 3 (2024): 779-799. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85182523379&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  9. Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Claudio Durán-Alarcón; Sergi González-Herrero; Kyle R. Clem; Xun Zou; Penny Rowe; Paola Rodriguez Imazio; et al. "Record-high Antarctic Peninsula temperatures and surface melt in February 2022: a compound event with an intense atmospheric river". npj Climate and Atmospheric Science (2023): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41612-023-00529-6.
  10. Evangelista, Heitor; Prado, Luciana F.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Reis Passos, Heber; Nadal Villela, Franco; Sampaio, Marcelo; Alves dos Santos, Elaine; de Brito, Carla M.C.. "The June 2022 extreme warm event in central West Antarctica". Antarctic Science 35 5 (2023): 319-327. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0954102023000238.
  11. Zou, Xun; Rowe, Penny M.; Gorodetskaya, Irina; Bromwich, David H.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Cordero, Raul R.; Zhang, Zhenhai; et al. "Strong Warming Over the Antarctic Peninsula During Combined Atmospheric River and Foehn Events: Contribution of Shortwave Radiation and Turbulence". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 128 16 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2022jd038138.
  12. Lauer, Melanie; Rinke, Annette; Gorodetskaya, Irina; Sprenger, Michael; Mech, Mario; Crewell, Susanne. "Influence of atmospheric rivers and associated weather systems on precipitation in the Arctic". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 15 (2023): 8705-8726. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-23-8705-2023.
  13. Kirbus, Benjamin; Tiedeck, Sofie; Camplani, Andrea; Chylik, Jan; Crewell, Susanne; Dahlke, Sandro; Ebell, Kerstin; et al. "Surface impacts and associated mechanisms of a moisture intrusion into the Arctic observed in mid-April 2020 during MOSAiC". Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1147848.
  14. González-Herrero, Sergi; Vasallo, Francisco; Bech, Joan; Gorodetskaya, Irina; Elvira, Benito; Justel, Ana. "Extreme precipitation records in Antarctica". International Journal of Climatology 43 7 (2023): 3125-3138. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.8020.
  15. Wendisch, M.; Brückner, M.; Crewell, S.; Ehrlich, A.; Notholt, J.; Lüpkes, C.; Macke, A.; et al. "Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms Determining Arctic Amplification: A Review of First Results and Prospects of the (AC)3 Project". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 1 (2023): E208-E242. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-21-0218.1.
  16. Wendisch, M.; Brückner, M.; Crewell, S.; Ehrlich, A.; Notholt, J.; Lüpkes, C.; Macke, A.; et al. "Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms Determining Arctic Amplification". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 1 (2023): E208-E242. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85149120043&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  17. Evangelista, H.; Prado, L.F.; Gorodetskaya, I.V.; Reis Passos, H.; Nadal Villela, F.; Sampaio, M.; Alves Dos Santos, E.; De Brito, C.M.C.. "The June 2022 extreme warm event in central West Antarctica". Antarctic Science 35 5 (2023): 319-327. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85178204470&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  18. Shields, Christine A.; Wille, Jonathan D.; Marquardt Collow, Allison B.; Maclennan, Michelle; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Evaluating Uncertainty and Modes of Variability for Antarctic Atmospheric Rivers". Geophysical Research Letters 49 16 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2022gl099577.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1029/2022gl099577
  19. Annakaisa von Lerber; Mario Mech; Annette Rinke; Damao Zhang; Melanie Lauer; Ana Radovan; Irina Gorodetskaya; Susanne Crewell. "Evaluating seasonal and regional distribution of snowfall in regional climate model simulations in the Arctic". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2022): https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-7287-2022.
  20. Collow, A. B. Marquardt; Shields, C. A.; Guan, B.; Kim, S.; Lora, J. M.; McClenny, E. E.; Nardi, K.; et al. "An Overview of ARTMIP's Tier 2 Reanalysis Intercomparison: Uncertainty in the Detection of Atmospheric Rivers and Their Associated Precipitation". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 8 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2021jd036155.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1029/2021jd036155
  21. Wille, Jonathan D.; Favier, Vincent; Jourdain, Nicolas C.; Kittel, Christoph; Turton, Jenny V.; Agosta, Cécile; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; et al. "Intense atmospheric rivers can weaken ice shelf stability at the Antarctic Peninsula". Communications Earth & Environment 3 1 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00422-9.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1038/s43247-022-00422-9
  22. Carolina Viceto; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Annette Rinke; Marion Maturilli; Alfredo Rocha; Susanne Crewell. "Atmospheric rivers and associated precipitation patterns during the ACLOUD and PASCAL campaigns near Svalbard (May–June 2017): case studies using observations, reanalyses, and a regional climate model". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2022): https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-441-2022.
  23. Hélène Bresson; Annette Rinke; Mario Mech; Daniel Reinert; Vera Schemann; Kerstin Ebell; Marion Maturilli; et al. "Case study of a moisture intrusion over the Arctic with the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) model: resolution dependence of its representation". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2022): https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-173-2022.
  24. O’Brien, Travis A.; Wehner, Michael F.; Payne, A. E.; Shields, Christine A.; Rutz, Jonathan J.; Leung, L. Ruby; Ralph, F. M.; et al. Autor correspondente: O’Brien, Travis A.. "Increases in Future AR Count and Size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 Experiment". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2022):
    Acesso aberto • No prelo
  25. Sebastian Landwehr; Michele Volpi; F. Alexander Haumann; Charlotte M. Robinson; Iris Thurnherr; Valerio Ferracci; Andrea Baccarini; et al. "Exploring the coupled ocean and atmosphere system with a data science approach applied to observations from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition". Earth System Dynamics (2021): https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-12-1295-2021.
  26. David Bromwich; Kirstin Werner; Barbara Casati; Jordan G. Powers; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Francois Massonnet; Vito Vitale; et al.. "Year of Polar Prediction A Focus on Antarctica". Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 101 6 (2021): 515-522.
  27. É. Vignon; M.-L. Roussel; I. V. Gorodetskaya; C. Genthon; A. Berne. "Present and Future of Rainfall in Antarctica". Geophysical Research Letters (2021): https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL092281.
  28. Jonathan D. Wille; Vincent Favier; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Cécile Agosta; Christoph Kittel; Jai Chowdhry Beeman; Nicolas C. Jourdain; Jan T. M. Lenaerts; Francis Codron. "Antarctic Atmospheric River Climatology and Precipitation Impacts". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 126 8 (2021): https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033788.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1029/2020JD033788
  29. Iris Thurnherr; Katharina Hartmuth; Lukas Jansing; Josué Gehring; Maxi Boettcher; Irina Gorodetskaya; Martin Werner; Heini Wernli; Franziska Aemisegger. "The role of air–sea fluxes for the water vapour isotope signals in the cold and warm sectors of extratropical cyclones over the Southern Ocean". Weather and Climate Dynamics 2 (2021): 331-357. https://doi.org/10.5194/wcd-2-331-2021.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/wcd-2-331-2021
  30. Terpstra, A.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Sodemann, H.. "Linking subtropical evaporation and extreme precipitation over East Antarctica: an atmospheric river case study". Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres (2021): https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JD033617.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  31. Susanne Crewell; Ebell, K.; Konjari, P.; Mech, M.; Nomokonova, T.; Radovan, A.; Strack, D.; et al. "A systematic assessment of water vapor products in the Arctic: from instantaneous measurements to monthly means". Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (2021): 4829-4856. https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-14-4829-2021.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  32. Vignon, E.; Roussel, M.-L.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Genthon, Christophe; Berne, Alexis. "Present and Future of Rainfall in Antarctica". Geophysical Research Letters 48 (2021): https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL092281.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  33. Chyhareva, A.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Krakovska, S.; Pishniak, D.; Rowe, P. M.. "Precipitation phase transition in austral summer over the Antarctic Peninsula investigated using observations, ERA5 reanalysis, and the Polar-WRF model". Ukrainian Antarctic Journal (2021):
    Acesso aberto • Aceite para publicação
  34. Maialen Iturbide; José M. Gutiérrez; Lincoln M. Alves; Joaquín Bedia; Ruth Cerezo-Mota; Ezequiel Cimadevilla; Antonio S. Cofiño; et al. "An update of IPCC climate reference regions for subcontinental analysis of climate model data: definition and aggregated datasets". Earth System Science Data 12 (2020): 2959-2970. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-2959-2020.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/essd-12-2959-2020
  35. Bromwich, David H.; Werner, Kirstin; Casati, Barbara; Powers, Jordan G.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Massonnet, Francois; Vitale, Vito; et al. "The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH)". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society preprint 2020 (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-19-0255.1.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1175/bams-d-19-0255.1
  36. Wilson, Anna M.; Chapman, William; Payne, Ashley; Ramos, Alexandre M.; Boehm, Christoph; Campos, Diego; Cordeira, Jason; et al. "Training the Next Generation of Researchers in the Science and Application of Atmospheric Rivers". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 6 (2020): E738-E743. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-19-0311.1.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1175/bams-d-19-0311.1
  37. O’Brien, Travis A.; Payne, Ashley E.; Shields, Christine A.; Rutz, Jonathan; Brands, Swen; Castellano, Christopher; Chen, Jiayi; et al. "Detection Uncertainty Matters for Understanding Atmospheric Rivers". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 6 (2020): E790-E796. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/bams-d-19-0348.1.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1175/bams-d-19-0348.1
  38. Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Silva, Tiago; Schmithüsen, Holger; Hirasawa, Naohiko. "Atmospheric River Signatures in Radiosonde Profiles and Reanalyses at the Dronning Maud Land Coast, East Antarctica". Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 37 5 (2020): 455-476. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00376-020-9221-8.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1007/s00376-020-9221-8
  39. Gossart, A.; Palm, S. P.; Souverijns, N.; Lenaerts, J. T. M.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Lhermitte, S.; van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "Importance of blowing snow during cloudy conditions in East Antarctica: comparison of ground-based and space-borne retrievals over ice-shelf and mountain regions". Frontiers in Earth Science (Cryospheric Sciences) 8 (2020):
    Acesso aberto • Publicado
  40. Rutz, Jonathan J.; Shields, Christine A.; Lora, Juan M.; Payne, Ashley E.; Guan, Bin; Ullrich, Paul; O’Brien, Travis; et al. "The Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Quantifying Uncertainties in Atmospheric River Climatology". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 24 (2019): 13777-13802. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2019jd030936.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1029/2019jd030936
  41. Wille, Jonathan D.; Favier, Vincent; Dufour, Ambroise; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Turner, John; Agosta, Cécile; Codron, Francis. "West Antarctic surface melt triggered by atmospheric rivers". Nature Geoscience 12 11 (2019): 911-916. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41561-019-0460-1.
    Publicado • 10.1038/s41561-019-0460-1
  42. Ramos, Alexandre M.; Wilson, Anna M.; DeFlorio, Michael J.; Warner, Michael D.; Barnes, Elizabeth; Garreaud, Rene; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; et al. "2018 International Atmospheric Rivers Conference: Multi-disciplinary studies and high-impact applications of atmospheric rivers". Atmospheric Science Letters 20 9 (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/asl.935.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1002/asl.935
  43. Lombardi, Denis; Gorodetskaya, Irina; Barruol, Guilhem; Camelbeeck, Thierry. "Thermally induced icequakes detected on blue ice areas of the East Antarctic ice sheet". Annals of Glaciology 60 79 (2019): 45-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/aog.2019.26.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1017/aog.2019.26
  44. Florentin Lemonnier; Jean-Baptiste Madeleine; Chantal Claud; Christophe Genthon; Claudio Durán-Alarcón; Cyril Palerme; Alexis Berne; et al. "Evaluation of CloudSat snowfall rate profiles by a comparison with in situ micro-rain radar observations in East Antarctica". The Cryosphere 13 3 (2019): 943-954. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-13-943-2019.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-13-943-2019
  45. Souverijns, N.; Gossart, A.; Demuzere, M.; Lenaerts, J. T. M.; Medley, B.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Vanden Broucke, S.; van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "A New Regional Climate Model for POLAR-CORDEX: Evaluation of a 30-Year Hindcast with COSMO-CLM2 Over Antarctica". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 124 3 (2019): 1405-1427. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2018jd028862.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1029/2018jd028862
  46. Claudio Durán-Alarcón; Brice Boudevillain; Christophe Genthon; Jacopo Grazioli; Niels Souverijns; Nicole P. M. van Lipzig; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Alexis Berne. "The vertical structure of precipitation at two stations in East Antarctica derived from micro rain radars". The Cryosphere 13 1 (2019): 247-264. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-13-247-2019.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-13-247-2019
  47. Herenz, Paul; Wex, Heike; Mangold, Alexander; Laffineur, Quentin; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Fleming, Zoë L.; Panagi, Marios; Stratmann, Frank. "CCN measurements at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station during three austral summers". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 1 (2019): 275-294. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-19-275-2019.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/acp-19-275-2019
  48. Erlend M. Knudsen; Bernd Heinold; Sandro Dahlke; Heiko Bozem; Susanne Crewell; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Georg Heygster; et al. "Meteorological conditions during the ACLOUD/PASCAL field campaign near Svalbard in early summer 2017". Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 24 (2018): 17995-18022. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-18-17995-2018.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/acp-18-17995-2018
  49. Niels Souverijns; Alexandra Gossart; Stef Lhermitte; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Jacopo Grazioli; Alexis Berne; Claudio Duran-Alarcon; et al. "Evaluation of the CloudSat surface snowfall product over Antarctica using ground-based precipitation radars". The Cryosphere 12 12 (2018): 3775-3789. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-12-3775-2018.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-12-3775-2018
  50. Shields, Christine A.; Rutz, Jonathan J.; Leung, Lai-Yung; Ralph, F. Martin; Wehner, Michael; Kawzenuk, Brian; Lora, Juan M.; et al. "Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): project goals and experimental design". Geoscientific Model Development 11 6 (2018): 2455-2474. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/gmd-11-2455-2018.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/gmd-11-2455-2018
  51. Niels Souverijns; Alexandra Gossart; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Stef Lhermitte; Alexander Mangold; Quentin Laffineur; Andy Delcloo; Nicole P. M. van Lipzig. "How does the ice sheet surface mass balance relate to snowfall? Insights from a ground-based precipitation radar in East Antarctica". The Cryosphere 12 6 (2018): 1987-2003. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-12-1987-2018.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-12-1987-2018
  52. Gossart, Alexandra; Souverijns, Niels; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Lhermitte, Stef; Lenaerts, Jan T. M.; Schween, Jan H.; Mangold, Alexander; Laffineur, Quentin; van Lipzig, Nicole P. M.. "Blowing snow detection from ground-based ceilometers: application to East Antarctica". The Cryosphere 11 6 (2017): 2755-2772. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/tc-11-2755-2017.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-11-2755-2017
  53. Souverijns, N.; Gossart, A.; Lhermitte, S.; Gorodetskaya, I.V.; Kneifel, S.; Maahn, M.; Bliven, F.L.; van Lipzig, N.P.M.. "Estimating radar reflectivity - Snowfall rate relationships and their uncertainties over Antarctica by combining disdrometer and radar observations". Atmospheric Research 196 (2017): 211-223. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.06.001.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.06.001
  54. Ralph, F. M.; Dettinger, M.; Lavers, D.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Martin, A.; Viale, M.; White, A. B.; et al. "Atmospheric Rivers Emerge as a Global Science and Applications Focus". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 9 (2017): 1969-1973. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0262.1.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0262.1
  55. Van Tricht, K.; Lhermitte, S.; Lenaerts, J. T. M.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; L’Ecuyer, T. S.; Noël, B.; van den Broeke, M. R.; Turner, D. D.; van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "Clouds enhance Greenland ice sheet meltwater runoff". Nature Communications 7 1 (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms10266.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1038/ncomms10266
  56. Van Tricht, K.; Lhermitte, S.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "Improving satellite-retrieved surface radiative fluxes in polar regions using a smart sampling approach". The Cryosphere 10 5 (2016): 2379-2397. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-10-2379-2016.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-10-2379-2016
  57. Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Kneifel, S.; Maahn, M.; Van Tricht, K.; Thiery, W.; Schween, J. H.; Mangold, A.; Crewell, S.; Van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "Cloud and precipitation properties from ground-based remote-sensing instruments in East Antarctica". The Cryosphere 9 1 (2015): 285-304. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000350555400021&KeyUID=WOS:000350555400021.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-9-285-2015
  58. Van Tricht, K.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Lhermitte, S.; Turner, D. D.; Schween, J. H.; Van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "An improved algorithm for polar cloud-base detection by ceilometer over the ice sheets". Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7 5 (2014): 1153-1167. https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-7-1153-2014.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/amt-7-1153-2014
  59. Lenaerts, J. T. M.; Brown, J.; Van Broeke, M. R. D.; Matsuoka, K.; Drews, R.; Callens, D.; Philippe, M.; et al. "High variability of climate and surface mass balance induced by Antarctic ice rises". Journal of Glaciology 60 224 (2014): 1126-1134. https://doi.org/10.3189/2014JoG14J040.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3189/2014JoG14J040
  60. Maahn, M.; Burgard, C.; Crewell, S.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Kneifel, S.; Lhermitte, S.; Van Tricht, K.; Van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "How does the spaceborne radar blind zone affect derived surface snowfall statistics in polar regions?". Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 119 24 (2014): 13604-13620. https://doi.org/10.1002/2014JD022079.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1002/2014JD022079
  61. Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Tsukernik, M.; Claes, K.; Ralph, M. F.; Neff, W. D.; Van Lipzig, N. P. M.. "The role of atmospheric rivers in anomalous snow accumulation in East Antarctica". Geophysical Research Letters 41 17 (2014): 6199-6206. https://doi.org/10.1002/2014GL060881.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1002/2014GL060881
  62. Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Van Lipzig, N. P. M.; Van Den Broeke, M. R.; Mangold, A.; Boot, W.; Reijmer, C. H.. "Meteorological regimes and accumulation patterns at Utsteinen, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica: Analysis of two contrasting years". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 4 (2013): 1700-1715. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrd.50177.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1002/jgrd.50177
  63. Bromwich, D. H.; Nicolas, J. P.; Hines, K. M.; Kay, J. E.; Key, E. L.; Lazzara, M. A.; Lubin, D.; et al. "Tropospheric clouds in Antarctica". Reviews of Geophysics 50 1 (2012): https://doi.org/10.1029/2011RG000363.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1029/2011RG000363
  64. Thiery, W.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Bintanja, R.; Van Lipzig, N. P. M.; Van Den Broeke, M. R.; Reijmer, C. H.; Kuipers Munneke, P.. "Surface and snowdrift sublimation at Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica". Cryosphere 6 4 (2012): 841-857. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-6-841-2012.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.5194/tc-6-841-2012
  65. Krinner, G.; Rinke, A.; Dethloff, K.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.. "Impact of prescribed Arctic sea ice thickness in simulations of the present and future climate". Climate Dynamics 35 4 (2010): 619-633. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-009-0587-7.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1007/s00382-009-0587-7
  66. Gallée, H.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.. "Validation of a limited area model over Dome C, Antarctic Plateau, during winter". Climate Dynamics 34 1 (2010): 61-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-008-0499-y.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1007/s00382-008-0499-y
  67. Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Tremblay, L. B.; Liepert, B.; Cane, M. A.; Cullather, R. I.. "The influence of cloud and surface properties on the arctic ocean shortwave radiation budget in coupled models". Journal of Climate 21 5 (2008): 866-882. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-9-285-2015.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1175/2007JCLI1614.1
  68. Tremblay, L. B.; Holland, M. M.; Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Schmidt, G. A.. "An ice-free arctic? Opportunities for computational science". Computing in Science and Engineering 9 3 (2007): 65-74. 10.1109/MCSE.2007.45.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.1109/MCSE.2007.45
  69. Gorodetskaya, I. V.; Cane, M. A.; Tremblay, L. B.; Kaplan, A.. "The effects of sea-ice and land-snow concentrations on planetary albedo from the earth radiation budget experiment". Atmosphere - Ocean 44 2 (2006): 195-205. https://doi.org/10.3137/ao.440206.
    Acesso aberto • Publicado • 10.3137/ao.440206
Capítulo de livro
  1. Rutz, Jonathan J.; Guan, Bin; Bozkurt, Deniz; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Gershunov, Alexander; Lavers, David A.; Mahoney, Kelly M.; et al. "Global and Regional Perspectives". In Atmospheric Rivers, editado por F. Martin Ralph; M. D. Dettinger; J. J. Rutz; D. E. Waliser, 89-140. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-28906-5_4
  2. Dettinger, Michael D.; Lavers, David A.; Compo, Gilbert P.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Neff, William; Neiman, Paul J.; Ramos, Alexandre M.; et al. "Effects of Atmospheric Rivers". In Atmospheric Rivers, 141-177. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-28906-5_5
  3. Ralph, F. Martin; Waliser, Duane E.; Dettinger, Michael D.; Rutz, Jonathan J.; Anderson, Michael L.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Guan, Bin; Neff, William. "The Future of Atmospheric River Research and Applications". In Atmospheric Rivers, 219-247. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-030-28906-5_8
  4. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Tremblay, L.-B.. "Arctic cloud properties and radiative forcing from observations and their role in sea ice decline predicted by the NCAR CCSM3 model during the 21st century". In Arctic Sea Ice Decline: Observations, Projections, Mechanisms, and Implications, editado por E. T. DeWeaver; C. M. Bitz; L.-B. Tremblay. Estados Unidos: American Geophysical Union, 2008.
Documento de trabalho
  1. Hélène Bresson; Annette Rinke; Mario Mech; Daniel Reinert; Vera Schemann; Kerstin Ebell; Marion Maturilli; et al. 2021. "Case study of a moisture intrusion over the Arctic with the ICON model: resolution dependence of its representation". https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-501.
  2. Carolina Viceto; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Annette Rinke; Marion Maturilli; Alfredo Rocha; Susanne Crewell. 2021. "Atmospheric rivers and associated precipitation patterns during the ACLOUD/PASCAL campaigns near Svalbard (May-June 2017): case studies using observations, reanalyses, and a regional climate model".
Poster em conferência
  1. Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Luís, Diogo; Berne, Alexis; Michael Lenhing; Leonard, Katherine. "Connections between supercooled liquid water clouds, melting layer and precipitation phase transitions at the Antarctic Peninsula". Trabalho apresentado em XV Conferência Polar Portuguesa, 2023.
  2. Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Luís, Diogo; Berne, Alexis; Michael Lehning; Leonard, Katherine. "In-situ and radar observations of snowfall during the Antarctic circumnavigation Expedition (ACE).". Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Summer Snowfall Workshop, 2023.
  3. Viceto, Carolina; Pereira, Susana Cardoso; Martinho Marta-Almeida; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Rocha, Alfredo Moreira Caseiro. "Assessment of future extreme climate events over the Porto wine Region". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
  1. Irina Gorodetskaya; Claudio Durán-Alarcón; Sergi Gonzalez-Herrero; Kyle Clem; paola rodriguez imazio; Christophe Leroy-Dos Santos; Diego Campos; et al. "Compound drivers behind new record high temperatures and surface melt at the Antarctic Peninsula in February 2022". 2023. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2544063/v1.
  2. Xun Zou; Penny Marie Rowe; Irina Gorodetskaya; David H. Bromwich; Matthew Lazzara; Raul R. Cordero; Zhenhai Zhang; et al. "Strong Warming over the Antarctic Peninsula during Combined Atmospheric River and Foehn Events: Contribution of Shortwave Radiation and Turbulence". 2022. https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10512808.1.
  3. Jonathan Wille; Vincent Favier; Christoph Kittel; Benjamin Pohl; Steven Cavallo; Christophe Leroy dos Santos; Irina V. Gorodetskaya. "Antarctic Atmospheric River Life Cycles". 2022. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6051.
  4. Annakaisa von Lerber; Mario Mech; Annette Rinke; Damao Zhang; Melanie Lauer; Ana Radovan; Irina Gorodetskaya; Susanne Crewell. "Evaluating seasonal and regional distribution of snowfall in regional climate model simulations in the Arctic". 2022. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-1064.
  5. Anastasiia Chyhareva; Svitlana Krakovska; Lyudmyla Palamarchuk; Irina Gorodetskaya. "Mixed cloud properties during high-intensity precipitation events over Northern Antarctic Peninsula ". 2022. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10388.
  6. Travis Allen O'Brien; Michael F Wehner; Ashley E. Payne; Christine A Shields; Jonathan J. Rutz; L. Ruby Leung; F. Martin Ralph; et al. "Increases in Future AR Count and Size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 Experiment". 2022. https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10504170.4.
  1. AR6 WGI Coordinating and Lead Author team, including; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. 2021. IPCC, 2021: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S. L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M. I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J. B. R. Matthews, T. K. Maycock, et al] Cambridge University Press.. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/#TS.
  2. IPCC, 2021; Contributing Authors, including; ; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. 2021. IPCC, 2021: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson- Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S. L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M. I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J. B. R. Matthews, T. K. Maycock, et al]. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGI_SPM.pdf.
  3. Gutiérrez, J. M.; R. G. Jones; G. T. Narisma; L. M. Alves; M. Amjad; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Grose; et al.. 2021. In: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S. L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M. I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J. B. R. Matthews, T. K. Maycock,, et al (Eds)] Cambridge University Press. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGI_Atlas.pdf.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; et al.. "YOPPsiteMIIP applications over the Antarctic Peninsula". Trabalho apresentado em Workshop on Model Intercomparison and Improvement Projects for the polar regions and beyond, Stockholm University, Sweden, 17-20 April 2023, 2023.
  2. Chyhareva, A.; Krakovska, S.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Palamarchuk, L.. "Cloud and precipitation profiles from observations and Polar-WRF simulations over Vernadsky station (western Antarctic Peninsula) during austral winter 2022". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2023, 2023.
  3. Ehrlich, A.; Wendisch, M.; Klingebiel, M.; Mech, M.; Crewell, S.; Herber, A.; Lüpkes, C.; HALO-(AC)3 team. "HALO-(AC)3: Airborne Observations of Arctic Clouds in Airmass Transformations". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2023, 2023.
    10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7246, 2023
  4. Lauer, M.; Rinke, A.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Sprenger, M.; Mech, M.; Crewell, S.. "Influence of atmospheric rivers, cyclones and fronts on precipitation in the Arctic – a climatological perspective". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2023, 2023.
  5. Tiedeck, S.; Kirbus, B.; Lauer, M.; Crewell, S.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Rinke, A.. "Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on the Arctic Surface Energy Budget". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2023, 2023.
  6. Wille, J.; the East Antarctica heatwave project. "The extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica heatwave". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2023, 2023.
  7. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Christophe Leroy-Dos Santos; et al.. "February 2022 heatwave at the Antarctic Peninsula: subtropical moisture sources, atmospheric river and foehn". Trabalho apresentado em XIV Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences, CCMAR, U. Algarve, Faro, Portugal 18-19 November 2022, 2022.
  8. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Xun Zou; Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Rowe, Penny; Kyle Clem; Sergi Gonzalez-Herrero; et al.. "Summer 2022 temperature extremes at the Antarctic Peninsula triggered by a strong atmospheric river and foehn". Trabalho apresentado em International Atmospheric River Conference 2022, Santiago, Chile, 10-14 October 2022, 2022.
  9. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Penny M. Rowe; Xun Zou; Anastasia Chyhareva; Claudio Duran-Alarcon; et al.. "Heatwaves and rainfall at the Antarctic Peninsula associated with atmospheric rivers from Year of Polar Prediction enhanced observations and regional climate modeling". Trabalho apresentado em Cryosphere 2022, August 21–26, Reijkavik, 2022.
  10. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Claudio Duran-Alarcon; Xun Zou; Penny M. Rowe; Sergi Gonzalez-Herrero; Niels Dutrievoz; Paola Rodriguez Imazio; et al.. "New record high temperatures on the Antarctic Peninsula in February 2022 during an atmospheric river event". Trabalho apresentado em Antarctic Atmospheric River Workshop 2022, Grenoble, 2022.
  11. Jonathan D. Wille; Favier, V.; Kittel, Christoph; Pohl, Benjamin; Cavallo, S.; Christophe Leroy-Dos Santos; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Antarctic Atmospheric River Life Cycles". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, 2022.
  12. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Penny M. Rowe; Xun Zou; Anastasia Chyhareva; Svitlana Krakovska; Cordero, Raul R.. "Antarctic Peninsula warming and precipitation phase transition during atmospheric river events". Trabalho apresentado em The D-A-CH Meteorology Conference (DACH-2022), Leipzig, 2022.
  13. Penny M. Rowe; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Anastasia Chyhareva; Cordero, Raul R.; Xun Zou. Autor correspondente: Penny M. Rowe. "Characterization of Atmospheric River and Foehn Events over the Antarctic Peninsula". Trabalho apresentado em ICSHMO 2022 - 13th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography, 2022.
  14. Claudio Durán-Alarcón; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Luís, Diogo; Alexis Berne; Michael Lehning; Katherine C. Leonard. "Using microphysical information to constrain snowfall rate estimates from micro rain radar during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition". Trabalho apresentado em Cryosphere 2022, 21-26 August, Reikjavik, 2022.
  15. Penny M. Rowe; Xun Zou; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; et al.. "Foehn Warming over the Antarctic Peninsula Amplified by Strong Atmospheric Rivers". Trabalho apresentado em 17th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC), August 4-6, Madison, WI, 2022.
  16. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; et al.. "Enhanced observations during the Year of Polar Prediction special observing periods for improving weather forecasting and climate projections in Antarctica". Trabalho apresentado em AntClimNow workshop on Connecting Models and Observations of the Antarctic Climate System Across Timescales, Cambridge, UK, 28-30 September, 2022.
  17. Gama, Carla; Cátia Lavínia Gonçalves; Monteiro, Alexandra; Luís, Diogo; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Autor correspondente: Gama, Carla. "Modelling aerosol effects on clouds and precipitation during atmospheric river events in Portugal using the WRF-CHIMERE coupled model". Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Atmospheric Rivers Conference, Santiago, 2022.
  18. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Penny M. Rowe; Heike Kalesse; Patric Seifert; Sang-Jong Park; Yonghan Choi; Anastasia Chyhareva; Raul R. Cordero. "Targeted measurements and numerical modelling of atmospheric rivers at the Antarctic Peninsula during the summer YOPP-SH special observing period: impacts on clouds and precipitation". Trabalho apresentado em The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) meeting, 2021.
  19. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Claudio Durán-Alarcón; Negar Ekrami; Vincent Favier; Christophe Genthon; F. Martin Ralph; Penny M. Rowe; Raul Cordero. "Atmospheric rivers and their impacts on clouds, precipitation and melt: the Portuguese contribution to YOPP targeted observing periods during austral winter 2022". Trabalho apresentado em The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) meeting, 2021.
  20. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; AP forecasting team. "Forecasting team and measurement planning of targeted observing periods at the Greater Antarctic Peninsula region during the winter YOPP-SH 2022". Trabalho apresentado em The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) meeting, 2021.
  21. Diogo Luís; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Katherine C. Leonard; Elisabeth Schlosser; Étienne Vignon; F. Martin Ralph; Michael Lehning. "Precipitation over the Southern Ocean: ERA5 and WRF/AMPS evaluation during two snowfall events around Mertz Glacier". Trabalho apresentado em 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC), 2021.
  22. Anastasia Chyhareva; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Svitlana Krakovska; Denis Pishniak; Penny M. Rowe. "Preliminary results of precipitation phase transition study with PolarWRF and MRR-Pro data over Vernadsky station". Trabalho apresentado em 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC), 2021.
  23. Etienne Vignon; M-L. Roussel; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; C. Genthon; A. Berne. "Present and Futur of Rainfall in Antarctica". Trabalho apresentado em 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC), 2021.
  24. Jonathan Wille; Vincent Favier; Nicolas Jourdain; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Cécile Agosta; Christoph Kittel; Xavier Fettweis; et al. "Antarctic Atmospheric River Climatology and Impacts". Trabalho apresentado em 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC), 2021, 2021.
  25. Christine A. Shields; Michelle Maclennan; Jonathan Wille; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Antarctic Atmospheric Rivers: Flavors and Modes of Variability". Trabalho apresentado em 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC), 2021, 2021.
  26. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Penny M. Rowe; Heike Kalesse; Patric Seifert; Sang-Jong Park; Jonghan Choi; Raul Cordero. "Atmospheric rivers landfalling at the Antarctic Peninsula: the Year of Polar Prediction summer special observing period measurements for model and forecast improvement". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2021, virtual, 2021.
  27. Carolina Viceto; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Annette Rinke; Alfredo Rocha; Susanne Crewell. "Forty-year climatology and variability of atmospheric rivers in the Arctic using MERRA-2 reanalysis from 1980 to 2020". Trabalho apresentado em European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2021, 2021.
  28. Diogo Luís; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Katherine Leonard; Elisabeth Schlosser; Étienne Vignon; F. Martin Ralph; Michael Lehning. "Precipitation over the Southern Ocean: evaluation of model and reanalysis products using ground-based remote sensing and in-situ measurements". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021.
  29. Anastasia Chyhareva; Svitlana Krakovska; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Denis Pishniak; Jonathan Wille; Penny M. Rowe. "Cloud and precipitation microphysics evaluated with ERA-5 and Polar WRF over northern Antarctic Peninsula". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021.
  30. Melanie Lauer; Annette Rinke; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Susanne Crewell. "How do Atmospheric Rivers contribute to Arctic precipitation? Lessons learned from field campaigns". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021.
  31. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Anastasia Chyhareva; Svitlana Krakovska; Denis Pishniak; Penny M. Rowe. "Preliminary results of precipitation phase transition study with Polar-WRF and MRR-Pro data over Vernadsky station". Trabalho apresentado em the 16th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC) joint with the Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) meeting, held virtually June 21- 25, 2021, 2021.
  32. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Rowe, P. M.; Kalesse, H.; Seifert, P.; Park, Sang-Jong; Choi, Yonghan. "Atmospheric rivers at the Antarctic Peninsula and their impacts on temperature and precipitation using the Year of Polar Prediction observations.". Trabalho apresentado em 12th Portuguese Polar Conference/ XII Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, held online, 26-27 October, 2020.
  33. Luis, D; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Leonard, K.; Lehning, M.; Vignon, E.. "Precipitation over the Southern Ocean: comparison of two snowfall events around Mertz Glacier.". Trabalho apresentado em 12th Portuguese Polar Conference/ XII Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, 26-27 October 2020., 2020.
  34. Carolina Viceto; Crewell, S.; Rinke, A.; Maturilli, M.; Rocha, Alfredo; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Atmospheric rivers in the Arctic: from case studies to long-term analysis.". Trabalho apresentado em 12th Portuguese Polar Conference/ XII Conferência Portuguesa de Ciências Polares, 26-27 October, 2020.
  35. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Penny M. Rowe; Heike Kalesse; Patric Seifert; Sang-Jong Park; Yonghan Choi. "From Pacific Ocean to South America and to Antarctic Peninsula: a short story of several long atmospheric rivers with important impacts.". Trabalho apresentado em International Atmospheric Rivers Conference (IARC), 5-9 October, Virtual, 2020.
  36. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Penny M. Rowe; Heike Kalesse; Tiago Silva; Naohiko Hirasawa; Holger Schmithüsen; Patric Seifert; et al. "The vertical structure of atmospheric rivers and their impact in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica from the Year of Polar Prediction observations.". Trabalho apresentado em 22nd EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020.
  37. Melanie Lauer; Annette Rinke; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Susanne Crewell. "Poleward moisture transport and its influence on precipitation in the Arctic: From case studies to long-term statistics.". Trabalho apresentado em 22nd EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020.
  38. Jonathan D. Wille; Vincent Favier; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Cecile Agosta; Jai Chowdhry Beeman; Ambroise Dufour; Nicolas Jourdain; et al. "Antarctic Atmospheric River Climatology and Impacts.". Trabalho apresentado em 22nd EGU General Assembly, held online 4-8 May, 2020.
  39. Bresson, H.; Rinke, A.; Schemann, V.; Crewell, S.; Viceto, C.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Atmospheric Rivers over the Arctic with the ICON model.". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, EGU2020-506 https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-506,, 2020.
  40. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Terpstra, A.; Silva, Tiago; Sodemann, H.; Schmithüsen, H.; Hirasawa, N.. "Association of the atmospheric rivers over Southern Ocean/Antarctica with warm conveyor belts.". Trabalho apresentado em Workshop: Warm Conveyor Belts - a challenge to forecasting. 10-12 March 2020. Hybrid (at ECMWF and virtual). ECMWF, UK, 2020.
  41. C. Viceto; M. Mech; S. Crewell; A. Rinke; A. Rocha; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "An atmospheric river case study during the ACLOUD campaign at Ny- Ålesund (Svalbard).". Trabalho apresentado em Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) Arctic Science Workshop 2019, 14-16 January 2019, Finish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 2019.
  42. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Diogo Luis; Elisabeth Schlosser; Iris Thurnherr; Pascal Graf; Franziska Aemisegger; Heini Wernli; et al. "Precipitation over the Southern Ocean: comparison of several ship-based measurement techniques during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria., 2019.
  43. Elisabeth Schlosser; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Diogo Luis; Kevin W. Manning; Jordan G. Powers; Alexis Berne; Josué Gehring; Katherine Leonard. "Evaluation of modelled AMPS (Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System) precipitation in the Southern Ocean.". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria., 2019.
  44. Viceto, C.; Mech, M.; Crewell, S.; Rinke, A.; Rocha A.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Precipitation and moisture analysis during an atmospheric river in the Arctic: the ACLOUD campaign event near Svalbard.". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria., 2019.
  45. Niels Souverijns; Alexandra Gossart; Alexander Mangold; Quentin Laffineur; Paul Herenz; Heike Wex; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; et al. "The impact of aerosols on clouds in the pristine environment of East Antarctica". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria., 2019.
  46. Jonathan Wille; Vincent Favier; Ambroise Dufour; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; John Turner; Cecile Agosta; Francis Codron. "Atmospheric River Climatology of Antarctica". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria., 2019.
  47. Susanne Crewell; Kerstin Ebell; Tatiana Nomokonova; Mario Mech; Ana Radovan; Aranxta Triana Gomez; Georg Heygster; et al. "A systematic assessment of integrated water vapor products from satellite and reanalysis in the Arctic during ACLOUD". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, 7-12 April 2019, Vienna, Austria., 2019.
  48. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; K. Leonard; D. Luis; M. Tsukernik; Y. Weber; A. Haumann; J. Gehring; et al. "Precipitation and Radiosonde Measurements over the Southern Ocean during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition". Trabalho apresentado em 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18,, 2019.
  49. Terpstra, A.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Sodemann, H.. ".: Linking Subtropical Evaporation and Extreme Precipitation over East Antarctica: an Atmospheric River Case Study.". Trabalho apresentado em 27th IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada, July 8-18,, 2019.
  50. C. Viceto; S. Crewell; A. Rinke; M. Maturilli; A. Rocha; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Atmospheric rivers in the Arctic: comparison of re-analysis products and model simulations with observations.". Trabalho apresentado em 11th Portuguese Polar Conference, 24-25 October 2019, Coimbra, Portugal., 2019.
  51. Diogo Luis; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Elisabeth Schlosser; Iris Thurnherr; Pascal Graf; Franziska Aemisegger; Heini Wernli; et al. "Estimation of precipitation over Southern Ocean during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition". Trabalho apresentado em 11th Portuguese Polar Conference, 24-25 October 2019, Coimbra, Portugal., 2019.
  52. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; T. Silva; M. Fish; A. Terpstra; F. Aemisegger; I. Thurnherr; H. Wernli; F.M. Ralph. "Characteristics of enhanced moisture transport towards Antarctica from radiosonde measurements at coastal stations and over Southern Ocean". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria, 8-13 April, 2018.
  53. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; T. Silva; A. Terpstra; P. Graf; I. Thurnherr; F. Aemisegger; H. Wernli; M. Fish; F.M. Ralph. "Atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica: new insights from ship-borne and coastal radiosonde measurements.". Trabalho apresentado em 2018 International Atmospheric Rivers Conference, 25-28 June 2018, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA, 2018.
  54. C. Alves; A.I. Miranda; A. Rocha; C. Borrego; N. Canha; J. Castanheira; M. Cerqueira; et al. "Processos Atmosféricos e Modelação: a investigação de um grupo focado na qualidade do ar e nas alterações climáticas.". Trabalho apresentado em CIALP - Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa, 8-10 May 2018, University of Aveiro., 2018.
  55. D. Luis; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; J.M. Castanheira; A.M. Ramos. "Conexão entre os rios atmosféricos que afetam a Península Ibérica e ciclones extratropicais no Atlântico Norte". Trabalho apresentado em CIALP - Conferência Internacional de Ambiente em Língua Portuguesa, 8-10 May 2018, University of Aveiro., 2018.
  56. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Annick Terpstra; Tiago Silva; Iris Thurnherr; Pascal Graf; Franziska Aemisegger; Heini Wernli; F. Martin Ralph. "Atmospheric rivers and intense precipitation over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica: New insights from ship-borne and coastal radiosonde measurements.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences. University of Aveiro. 25-26 October, 2018.
  57. C. Viceto; M. Mech; S. Crewell; A. Rinke; A. Rocha; Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Atmospheric river events and associated precipitation patterns during the ACLOUD campaign at Svalbard.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences. University of Aveiro, 25-26 October, 2018.
  58. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; A. Terpstra; C. Duran; I. Turnherr; K. Leonard; A. Haumann; A. Berne; et al. "Precipitation predictability, properties and impacts during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition". Trabalho apresentado em 9a Conferencia Portuguesa de Ciencias Polares, UBI-Covilha~, Portugal, November 6-7, 2017.
  59. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; A. Terpstra; C. Duran; A. Flouttard; T. Silva; I. Turnherr; M. Böttcher; et al. "Predictability of an atmospheric river event with intense precipitation affecting Mertz glacier and Dumont D’Urville station, East Antarctica.". Trabalho apresentado em Polar CORDEX meeting, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK, 18-20 October,, 2017.
  60. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Terpstra, A.; Leonard, K.; Tsukernik, M.; Wernli, H.; Genthon, C.; Berne, A.; Ralph, F. M.. "Atmospheric Rivers over the Southern Ocean and Antarctic ice sheet as part of the global water cycle.". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere Meeting (YOPP-SH), NCAR Boulder, CO, USA, 28-29 June 2017., 2017.
  61. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; N. Souverijns; S. Kneifel; A. Terpstra; T. Silva; et al.. "Evaluating Precipitation in a Regional Climate Model Using Ground-Based Remote Sensing Measurements at Princess Elisabeth Station, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica,". Trabalho apresentado em 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, Boulder, Colorado, USA, June 26–28, 2017., 2017.
  62. Silva, T.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; A. Terpstra; A. Rocha; P. Graf; I. Thurnherr; H. Wernli; M. Tsukernik. "Role of Low-level Jets in the Enhanced Moisture Transport Towards Antarctica from Radiosonde Measurements at the Coastal Stations and Southern Ocean.". Trabalho apresentado em 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, Boulder, Colorado, USA, June 26–28, 2017., 2017.
  63. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; R. P. Silva; A. Terpstra. "Antarctic-Wide and Long-Term Detection of the Atmospheric Rivers and their Relevance to Antarctic Precipitation". Trabalho apresentado em 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, Boulder, Colorado, USA, June 26–28, 2017., 2017.
  64. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; N. Souverijns; A. Gossart; S. Kneifel; S. Crewell; N. P. M. Van Lipzig. "Evaluating precipitation in a regional climate model using ground-based radar measurements in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April, 2017., 2017.
  65. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; J. T. M. Lenaerts; M. van den Broeke; S. Kneifel; S. Crewell; N. P. M. Van Lipzig. "Precipitation in East Antarctica and the role of atmospheric rivers: in ground-based observations and regional climate models". Trabalho apresentado em 8th Conferencia Portuguesa de Ciencias Polares, IGOT-ULisboa, 26-28 October 2016., 2016.
  66. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; J. T. M. Lenaerts; N. Souverijns; A. Gossart; M. van den Broeke; S. Crewell; N. P. M. Van Lipzig. "The Role of Atmospheric Rivers in East Antarctic Precipitation and Accumulation: Merging Modeling and Remote Sensing Techniques,". Trabalho apresentado em "From Evaporation to Precipitation", 8th EGU Leonardo Conference, 25-27 October,, Ourense, Spain, 2016.
  67. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; J. T. M. Lenaerts; N. Souverijns; A. Gossart; M. van den Broeke; et al. "Atmospheric rivers impact on the East Antarctic surface mass balance during recent years". Trabalho apresentado em 2016 International Atmospheric Rivers Conference 8-11 August 2016, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA., 2016.
  68. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; J. T. M. Lenaerts; S. Kneifel; N. Souverijns; A. Gossart; et al. "Precipitation and surface mass balance in East Antarctica". Trabalho apresentado em XVI Glaciological Symposium 24-29 May 2016, St.Petersburg. Russia., 2016.
  69. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; S. Kneifel; N. Souverijns; A. Gossart; S. Crewell; N. P.M. Van Lipzig. "Understanding mechanisms behind intense precipitation events in East Antarctica: merging modeling and remote sensing techniques". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April, 2016., 2016.
  70. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. Maahn; H. Galleé; J. T.M. Lenaerts; S. Lhermitte; K. Van Tricht; N. Souverijns; et al. "Exploiting high resolution ground-based and space-borne remote sensing to evaluate precipitation estimates from regional climate models in Antarctica". Trabalho apresentado em HD(CP)2 conference "Understanding clouds and precipitation", 15-19 February, 2016, Berlin, Germany., 2016.
  71. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. Souverijns; A. Ferrone; K. Trusilova; N. P.M. Van Lipzig. "Atmospheric rivers and anomalous snow accumulation in East Antarctica: case study using regional climate model COSMO-CLM". Trabalho apresentado em CLM Assembly 2015, Luxemburg, 29 September - 2 October, 2015.
  72. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; H. Galleé; J.T.M. Lenaerts; M. Maahn; S. Kneifel; K. Van Tricht; J.H. Schween; et al.. "Cloud and precipitation properties in East Antarctica: from ground-based remote sensing and in regional climate models". Trabalho apresentado em International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 26th General Assembly 2015, 22 June - 2 July 2015, Prague, Czech Republic., 2015.
  73. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Kristof Van Tricht; Jan T. M. Lenaerts; Hubert Gallée; Katrien Wouters; Michiel R. van den Broeke; Nicole P. M. van Lipzig. "Cloud-radiation interaction in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, in ground-based measurements and regional climate models.". Trabalho apresentado em 6th SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) Open Science Conference. 22 August-3 September 2014, Auckland, New Zealand, 2014.
  74. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Nicole P. M. van Lipzig; Kim Claes; Andy W. Delcloo; Maria Tsukernik; Gary A. Wick; F. Martin Ralph; William D. Neff. "The role of atmospheric rivers in anomalous snow accumulation in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, 27 April – 02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria., 2014.
  75. Van Tricht, K.; L'Ecuyer, T.; Lhermitte, S.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, N.P.M.. "Cloud radiative impact assessment over the Arctic by active satellite remote sensing.". Trabalho apresentado em The Climate Symposium 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, 13-17 October, 2014.
  76. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P.M. Van Lipzig; J. T. M. Lenaerts; K. Van Tricht; M. Maahn; M. R. van den Broeke. "Evaluation of cloud radiative forcing and precipitation in a regional climate model in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica". Trabalho apresentado em International Conference on Regional Climate - CORDEX 2013, 4-7 November 2013, Brussels, Belgium., 2013.
  77. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. van Lipzig; K. Van Tricht; M. Maahn; S. Kneifel; A. Mangold; J. H. Schween; J. T. M. Lenaerts; M. R. van den Broeke. "Ground-based remote sensing of clouds, virga and snowfall in East Antarctica, used for regional climate model evaluation". Trabalho apresentado em Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly 2013, 4-12 July 2013, Davos, Switzerland., 2013.
  78. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. Van Lipzig; F. M. Ralph; G. A. Wick; M. Tsukernik; A. W. Delcloo; A. Mangold; W. D. Neff. "The role of atmospheric rivers in accumulation in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.". Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 7th Antarctic Meteorological Observation, Modeling and Forecasting Workshop, July 9-11, Boulder, Colorado, USA,, 2012.
  79. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. Van Lipzig; S. Kneifel; M. Maahn; S. Crewell; M. R. van den Broeke. "Summer cloud and precipitation properties at Utsteinen, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, measured by ground-based remote sensing instruments". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 22-27 April,, 2012.
  80. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. Van Lipzig; W. Boot; C. Reijmeer; M. R. van den Broeke. "Synoptic controls of accumulation during 2009-2010 at the Princess Elisabeth station, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, via the moisture transport pathways". Trabalho apresentado em 25th IUGG General Assembly, 28 June-7 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia, 2011.
  81. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. Van Lipzig; L. Scheere; W. Boot; C. Reijmer; M. R. van den Broeke. "Synoptic controls of moisture transport and accumulation during 2009-2010 at the Belgian Antarctic Station Princess Elisabeth, Dronning Maud Land.". Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 6th Antarctic Meteorological Observation, Modeling and Forecasting Workshop, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, June 22-24,, 2011.
  82. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. van Lipzig; M. R. van den Broeke; W. Boot; A. Mangold; S. Crewell. "Meteorological and cloud measurements at the Princess Elisabeth Belgian Antarctic Research Station, Dronning Maud Land". Trabalho apresentado em The Belgian International Polar Year Symposium, 26 May 2010, Brussels, Belgium., 2011.
  83. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. Van Lipzig; M. R. van den Broeke; W. Boot; C. Reijmer; A. Mangold; S. Kneifel; S. Crewell; J. H. Schween. "Ground-based observations of cloud properties, precipitation and meteorological conditions at Princess Elisabeth station in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica.". Trabalho apresentado em 5th Antarctic Meteorological Observation, Modeling and Forecasting Workshop, Columbus, Ohio, USA, July 12-14, 2010. Published in BPRC Technical Report 2010-01, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 82 pages., 2010.
  84. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; N. P. M. van Lipzig; M. R. van den Broeke; W. Boot; A. Mangold; S. Kneifel; J. H. Schween; S. Crewell. "Meteorological and cloud measurements at the Princess Elisabeth Belgian Antarctic Research Station.". Trabalho apresentado em International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference, Oslo, Norway, 8-12 June, 2010.
  85. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; H. Galleé; G. Krinner. "Antarctic climate simulations of the 20th and 21st Centuries using Modèle Atmospherique Régional forced with LMDZ GCM output.". Trabalho apresentado em IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS Joint Assembly (MOCA-09), 19-29 July, 2009, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2009.
  86. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. S. Town; H. Galleé. "Mechanisms behind synoptic-scale variability in South Pole surface meteorology from observations and a regional model". Trabalho apresentado em EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19-24 April, 2009.
  87. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. S. Town; H. Galleé. "Synoptic-scale variations in South Pole surface meteorology from observations and a regional model.". Trabalho apresentado em SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference 2008, July 8-11, St. Petersburg, Russia., 2008.
  88. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; L.-B. Tremblay. "The role of clouds in the Arctic sea ice decline during the 21st century.". Trabalho apresentado em SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference 2008, July 8-11, St. Petersburg, Russia., 2008.
  89. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; L.-B. Tremblay; B. Liepert. "Longwave cloud forcing as a trigger for the Arctic melt onset.". Trabalho apresentado em Air, Océan, Terre et Glace sur le Roc, Congrés SCMO-UGC-AMS, St. John’s, NF, Canada, 26 Mai-1 Juin, 2007.
  90. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; L.-B. Tremblay; B. Liepert; M. A. Cane. "Can Arctic sea ice summer melt be accelerated by changes in spring cloud properties?". Trabalho apresentado em AGU (American Geophysical Union), 10–15 December 2006, San Francisco, CA, USA., 2006.
  91. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; L.-B. Tremblay; M. A. Cane; B. Liepert; R. Cullather. "The influence of clouds and sea ice on the Arctic Ocean shortwave radiation budget in coupled models.". Trabalho apresentado em AGU (American Geophysical Union), 5–9 December 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA., 2005.
  92. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Tremblay. L.-B.; Liepert, B.; Cane, M. A.. "Comparing the Effects of Sea Ice and Cloud Variability on the Top-of-Atmosphere Albedo in Observations and GCMs". Trabalho apresentado em AGU (American Geophysical Union), December 2004, San Francisco, CA, USA., 2004.
  93. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; M. A. Cane; L.-B. Tremblay; A. Kaplan. "Sensitivity of the planetary albedo to changes in sea ice and land snow concentrations: a satellite data study.". Trabalho apresentado em ACSYS Final Science Conference. Progress in Understanding the Arctic Climate System. 11-14 November, 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia., 2003.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "The role of sea ice and clouds in the Arctic Ocean radiation budget: Observed sensitivities and contribution to Arctic warming". Doutoramento, Columbia University, 2018.
  2. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "The effects of sea ice and land snow concentrations on planetary albedo". Mestrado, Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, 2002.
  3. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. "Connection between stratospheric ozone and thermobaric fields of the low and middle stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere during SOLVE (SAGE III Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment)". Licenciatura, Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2000.


Conjunto de dados
  1. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Landwehr, Sebastian, Thomas, Jenny, Gorodetskaya, Irina, Thurnherr, Iris, Robinson, Charlotte, & Schmale, Julia. (2019). Quality-checked meteorological data from the Southern Ocean collected during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition from December 2016 to April 2017. (Version 1.1) [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3379590. https://zenodo.org/record/3379590#.Xk1gEoVmAh4.
  2. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Haumann, F. Alexander, Leonard, Katherine, Meredith, Michael P., Arrowsmith, Carol, Gorodetskaya, Irina V., Hutchings, Jennifer, … Weber, Yvonne. (2019). Seawater stable isotope sample measurements from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1494915. https://zenodo.org/record/1494915#.Xk1hyYVmAh4.
  3. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. HYDRANT data set: The atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle in Antarctica. https://ees.kuleuven.be/hydrant/hydrant.html.
  4. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. AEROCLOUD data set. https://ees.kuleuven.be/hydrant/aerocloud/database/index.html.
  5. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Veledin, Victor, Luís, Diogo, & Gorodetskaya, Irina. (2020). Decoded telegrams of surface weather observations in the Southern Ocean on board the R/V Akademik Tryoshnikov during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) in the austral summer of 2016/2017. (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.. https://zenodo.org/record/3735018#.XvNp2C2ZM1g.
  6. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Veledin, Victor, & Gorodetskaya, Irina. (2020). Original telegrams of surface weather observations in the Southern Ocean on board the R/V Akademik Tryoshnikov during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) in the austral summer of 2016/2017. (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.. 10.5281/zenodo.3734884.
  7. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Luís, Diogo, & Gorodetskaya, Irina. (2020, April 17). Python script to decode WMO FM13 SHIP telegram data recorded during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) (Version 0.1.0). Zenodo.. https://zenodo.org/record/3735028#.Xyl8F3UvyV4.
  8. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Herenz, Paul; Wex, Heike; Mangold, Alexander; Laffineur, Quentin; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Fleming, Zoë L; Panagi, Marios; Stratmann, Frank (2018): Meteorological observations and condensation nuclei measurements at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station during three austral summers. PANGAEA,. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.894841.
  9. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2018). PANGAEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913428.
  10. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2016). PANGAE. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913404.
  11. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2015). PANGAEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913403.
  12. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2014). PANGAEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913344.
  13. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2013). PANGAE. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913343.
  14. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2012). PANGAEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913298.
  15. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2011). PANGAEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.913256.
  16. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Gossart, Alexandra; Souverijns, Niels; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; van Lipzig, Nicole P M (2020): Blowing snow detection derived from ceilometer measurements at Princess Elisabeth station (East Antarctica) - 2010. PANGAEA. https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.911999.
  17. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Haumann, F. Alexander, Leonard, Katherine, Budéus, Gereon, Meredith, Michael P., Gorodetskaya, Irina V., Hutchings, Jennifer, … Thomas, Jenny. (2020). Seawater salinity sample measurements from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1494924. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1494924.
  18. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Gorodetskaya, I.V., Thurnherr, I., Tsukernik, M., Graf, P., Aemisegger, F., Wernli, H. and Ralph, F.M. (2021). Atmospheric profiling data collected from radiosondes in the Southern Ocean in the austral summer of 2016/2017 during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition. (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4382460.
  19. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. Gorodetskaya, Irina, Leonard, Katherine, Tsukernik, Maria, & Lehning, Michael. (2021). Hydrometeor particle size distribution data collected using a snow particle counter on board the R/V Akademik Tryoshnikov in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/17 as part of the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4446616.
Outra produção
  1. An Extreme Precipitation Event Over Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica - a Case Study of an Atmospheric River Event Using the Polar Wrf Model. 2024. Simon, S.; Turner, J.; Thamban, M.; Deb, P.; Gorodetskaya, I.V.; Lazzara, M.. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85185951558&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  2. Antarctic Peninsula warming and precipitation phase transition during atmospheric river events. 2021. Irina Gorodetskaya; Penny Rowe; Xun Zou; Anastasia Chyhareva; Svitlana Krakovska; Raul Cordero. https://doi.org/10.5194/dach2022-309.
  3. Increases in Future AR Count and Size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 Experiment. 2021. Travis Allen O'Brien; Michael F Wehner; Ashley E. Payne; Christine A Shields; Jonathan J. Rutz; L. Ruby Leung; F. Martin Ralph; et al. https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10504170.3.
  4. Increases in Future AR Count and Size: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 CMIP5/6 Experiment. 2021. Travis Allen O'Brien; Michael F Wehner; Ashley E. Payne; Christine A Shields; Jonathan J. Rutz; L. Ruby Leung; F. Martin Ralph; et al. https://doi.org/10.1002/essoar.10504170.2.
  5. Atmospheric rivers and associated precipitation patterns during the ACLOUD/PASCAL campaigns near Svalbard (May–June 2017): case studies using observations, reanalyses, and a regional climate model. 2021. Carolina Viceto; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Annette Rinke; Marion Maturilli; Alfredo Rocha; Susanne Crewell. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-609.
  6. Supplementary material to "Atmospheric rivers and associated precipitation patterns during the ACLOUD/PASCAL campaigns near Svalbard (May–June 2017): case studies using observations, reanalyses, and a regional climate model". 2021. Carolina Viceto; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Annette Rinke; Marion Maturilli; Alfredo Rocha; Susanne Crewell. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-609-supplement.
  7. Case study of a moisture intrusion over the Arctic with the ICON model: resolution dependence of its representation. 2021. Hélène Bresson; Annette Rinke; Mario Mech; Daniel Reinert; Vera Schemann; Kerstin Ebell; Marion Maturilli; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2021-501.
  8. Biogeochemistry and Physics of the Southern Ocean-Atmosphere System Explored With Data Science. 2021. Sebastian Landwehr; Michele Volpi; F. Alexander Haumann; Charlotte M. Robinson; Iris Thurnherr; Valerio Ferracci; Andrea Baccarini; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-2021-16.
  9. Supplementary material to "Biogeochemistry and Physics of the Southern Ocean-Atmosphere System Explored With Data Science". 2021. Sebastian Landwehr; Michele Volpi; F. Alexander Haumann; Charlotte M. Robinson; Iris Thurnherr; Valerio Ferracci; Andrea Baccarini; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-2021-16-supplement.
  10. Cloud and precipitation microphysics evaluated with ERA-5 and Polar WRF over the northern Antarctic Peninsula. 2021. Anastasiia Chyhareva; Svitlana Krakovska; Irina Gorodetskaya; Denis Pishniak; Jonathan Wille; Penny Rowe. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13058.
  11. Atmospheric rivers landfalling at the Antarctic Peninsula: the Year of Polar Prediction summer special observing period measurements for model and forecast improvement . 2021. Irina Gorodetskaya; Penny Rowe; Heike Kalesse; Patric Seifert; Sang-Jong Park; Yonghan Choi; Raul Cordero. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13616.
  12. Forty-year climatology and variability of atmospheric rivers in the Arctic using MERRA-2 reanalysis from 1980 to 2020. 2021. Carolina Viceto; Irina Gorodetskaya; Annette Rinke; Alfredo Rocha; Susanne Crewell. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-14554.
  13. Precipitation over the Southern Ocean: synoptic analysis and model evaluation using ground-based remote sensing and in-situ measurements. 2021. Diogo Luis; Irina Gorodetskaya; Katherine Leonard; Elisabeth Schlosser; Etienne Vignon; F. Martin Ralph; Michael Lehning. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13544.
  14. Case study of an Arctic atmospheric river with the ICON model. 2021. Hélène Bresson; Annette Rinke; Vera Schemann; Mario Mech; Susanne Crewell; Carolina Viceto; Irina Gorodetskaya; Kerstin Ebell. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-1344.
  15. Evaluating atmospheric rivers and their influence on precipitation in the Arctic - comparing observational with reanalysis data. 2021. Melanie Lauer; Annette Rinke; Irina Gorodetskaya; Susanne Crewell. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-2506.
  16. The role of air–sea fluxes for the water vapour isotope signals in the cold and warm sectors of extratropical cyclones over the Southern Ocean. 2020. Iris Thurnherr; Katharina Hartmuth; Lukas Jansing; Josué Gehring; Maxi Boettcher; Irina Gorodetskaya; Martin Werner; Heini Wernli; Franziska Aemisegger. https://doi.org/10.5194/wcd-2020-46.
  17. An update of IPCC climate reference regions for subcontinental analysis of climate model data: Definition and aggregated datasets. 2020. Maialen Iturbide; José Manuel Gutiérrez; Lincoln Muniz Alves; Joaquín Bedia; Ezequiel Cimadevilla; Antonio S. Cofiño; Ruth Cerezo-Mota; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-258.
  18. Antarctic Atmospheric River Climatology and Impacts. 2020. Jonathan Wille; Vincent Favier; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Cécile Agosta; Jai Chowdhry Beeman; Ambroise Dufour; Francis Codron; John Turner. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8476.
  19. Atmospheric Rivers over the Arctic with the ICON model. 2020. Hélène Bresson; Annette Rinke; Vera Schemann; Susanne Crewell; Carolina Viceto; Irina Gorodetskaya. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-506.
  20. Poleward moisture transport and its influence on precipitation in the Arctic: From case studies to long-term statistics. 2020. Melanie Lauer; Annette Rinke; Irina Gorodetskaya; Susanne Crewell. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-12989.
  21. The vertical structure of atmospheric rivers and their impact in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica from the Year of Polar Prediction observations. 2020. Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Penny M. Rowe; Heike Kalesse; Tiago Silva; Naohiko Hirasawa; Holger Schmithüsen; Patric Seifert; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-20313.
  22. Blowing snow in East Antarctica: comparison of ground-based and space-borne retrievals. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2019. Gossart, Alexandra; Palm, Stephen P.; Souverijns, Niels; Lenaerts, Jan T. M.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Lhermitte, Stef; van Lipzig, Nicole P. M.. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/tc-2019-25.
  23. Evaluation of CloudSat snowfall rate profiles by a comparison with in-situ micro rain radars observations in East Antarctica. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2018. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2018-236.
  24. The vertical structure of precipitation at two stations in East Antarctica derived from micro rain radars. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2018. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2018-153.
  25. Evaluation of the CloudSat surface snowfall product over Antarctica using ground-based precipitation radars. 2018. Niels Souverijns; Alexandra Gossart; Stef Lhermitte; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Jacopo Grazioli; Alexis Berne; Claudio Duran-Alarcon; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2018-111.
  26. CCN measurements at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station during three austral summers. 2018. Paul Herenz; Heike Wex; Alexander Mangold; Quentin Laffineur; Irina V. Gorodestkaya; Zoë L. Fleming; Marios Panagi; Frank Stratmann. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-2018-245.
  27. The vertical structure of precipitation at two stations in East Antarctica derived from micro rain radars. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2018. Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Boudevillain, Brice; Christophe Genthon; Grazioli, Jacopo; Souverijns, Niels; van Lipzig, Nicole P. M.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Berne, Alexis. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2018-153.
  28. Evaluation of the CloudSat surface snowfall product over Antarctica using ground-based precipitation radars. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2018. Souverijns, Niels; Gossart, Alexandra; Lhermitte, Stef; Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Grazioli, Jacopo; Berne, Alexis; Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2018-236.
  29. Evaluation of CloudSat snowfall rate profiles by a comparison within-situ micro rain radars observations in East Antarctica. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2018. Lemonnier, Florentin; Madeleine, Jean-Baptiste; Claud, Chantal; Genthon, Christophe; Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Palerme, Cyril; Berne, Alexis; et al. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2018-236.
  30. How does the ice sheet surface mass balance relate to snowfall? Insights from a ground-based precipitation radar in East Antarctica. 2017. Niels Souverijns; Alexandra Gossart; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Stef Lhermitte; Alexander Mangold; Quentin Laffineur; Andy Delcloo; Nicole P. M. van Lipzig. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2017-246-supplement.
  31. How does the ice sheet surface mass balance relate to snowfall? Insights from a ground-based precipitation radar in East Antarctica. 2017. Niels Souverijns; Alexandra Gossart; Irina V. Gorodetskaya; Stef Lhermitte; Alexander Mangold; Quentin Laffineur; Andy Delcloo; Nicole P. M. van Lipzig. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2017-246.
  32. Blowing snow detection from ground-based ceilometers: application to East Antarctica. 2017. Alexandra Gossart; Niels Souverijns; Irina Valerievna Gorodetskaya; Stef Lhermitte; Jan Thérèse Maria Lenaerts; Jan Herbert Schween; Alexander Mangold; Quentin Laffineur; Nicole Petra Marie van Lipzig. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2017-89-supplement.
  33. Blowing snow detection from ground-based ceilometers: application to East Antarctica. The Cryosphere Discuss.. 2017. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. https://www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/tc-2017-89/.
  34. Estimating radar reflectivity - Snowfall rate relationships and their uncertainties over Antarctica by combining disdrometer and radar observations. Atmospheric Research. 2017. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000409290200018&KeyUID=WOS:000409290200018.
  35. "Predictability of an atmospheric river event with intense precipitation affecting Mertz glacier and Dumont d'Urville station, East Antarctica". Abstract presented in Polar CORDEX meeting, British Antarctic Survey, 18-20 October, 2017. 2017. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Terpstra, Annick; Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Flouttard, Alexandre; Silva, T.,; Turnherr, Iris; Böttcher, M.
  36. "Precipitation predictability, properties and impacts during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition". Abstract presented in 9a Conferencia Portuguesa de Ciencias Polares, November 6-7, 2017. 2017. Gorodetskaya, Irina V; Terpstra, Annick; Durán-Alarcón, Claudio; Turnherr, Iris; Leonard, Katherine; Berne, Alexis; Genthon, Christophe; Wernli, Heini; Ralph, F Martin. http://cienciapolar.segal.ubi.pt/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/AbstractsBook_9%C2%AAConfPolar.pdf.
  37. Cloud and precipitation properties from ground-based remote sensing instruments in East Antarctica. The Cryosphere Discussions. 2014. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. https://doi.org/10.5194/tcd-8-4195-2014.
  38. Supplementary material to "Cloud and precipitation properties from ground-based remote sensing instruments in East Antarctica". 2014. I. V. Gorodetskaya; S. Kneifel; M. Maahn; K. Van Tricht; J. H. Schween; S. Crewell; N. P. M. Van Lipzig. https://doi.org/10.5194/tcd-8-4195-2014-supplement.
  39. An improved algorithm for cloud base detection by ceilometer over the ice sheets. 2013. Gorodetskaya, Irina V. https://doi.org/10.5194/amtd-6-9819-2013.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2021 Invited Seminar: "Precipitation in Antarctica and the role of extremes" (Recording: https://youtu.be/s1ze9oVF18k) University Wisconsin-Madison AOS group seminar series
(Estados Unidos)
2020/10/20 Invited presentation of the project ATLACE "ATLantic interactions via atmospheric water cycle: exploiting a unique dataset from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition for better understanding of clouds and precipitation" at the Sessão Especial das comemorações da data da Descoberta do Estreito de Magalhães, 20 October 2020, Lisboa, Portugal Sessão Especial das comemorações da data da Descoberta do Estreito de Magalhães
Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior and Estrutura de Missão para as Comemorações do V Centenário da Viagem de Fernão de Magalhães (ENCFM) and (Lisboa, Portugal)
2020/10/08 Invited Keynote talk "Climate Change and Atmospheric Rivers in the Polar Regions" at the Virtual Symposium by the International Atmospheric Rivers Conference (IARC) Community, 5-9 October 2020, organized by Universidad de Chile Facultad de Ciencias, Chile, and University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, United States Virtual Symposium by the International Atmospheric Rivers Conference (IARC) Community
Universidad de Chile Facultad de Ciencias, Chile and University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, United States
2020/10/07 Invited presentation: Polar regions and CORDEX in the IPCC AR6 WGI regional atlas Polar CORDEX Workshop 2020
2019/10 Precipitation during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition: multi-sensor observations and Polar-WRF model evaluation. Polar CORDEX workshop 2019
Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2019 Invited presentation: "Importance of Atmospheric Rivers for the Cryosphere" 3rd ARTMIP Workshop
LAWRENCE BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY (Berkeley, CA, USA, 16-18 October 2019, Estados Unidos)
2018/10 Atmospheric rivers and intense precipitation over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica: New insights from ship-borne and coastal radiosonde measurements. 10th Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences.
University of Aveiro.
2018/06 Atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica: new insights from ship-borne and coastal radiosonde measurements. International Atmospheric Rivers Conference
, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA.
2018/04 Invited talk: "Atmospheric rivers in Polar Regions." Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP) workshop
Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 23-24 April 2018
2017/11 Precipitation predictability, properties and impacts during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition 9a Conferencia Portuguesa de Ciencias Polares,
UBI-Covilha, Portugal
2017/10 Predictability of an atmospheric river event with intense precipitation affecting Mertz glacier and Dumont D’Urville station, East Antarctica Polar CORDEX meeting
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK, 18-20 October, 2017.
2017/09 Analysis of predictability of one intense precipitation event in East Antarctica/Southern Ocean associated with an atmospheric river (comparison of ECMWF and WRF forecasts) ECMWF ATMOSPHERIC RIVERS MEETING: FORECASTING AND MODEL DIAGNOSTICS
2017/05/24 Invited presentation "Linking precipitation, Southern Ocean freshening, and Antarctic snow : a story from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition" at Jornadas do Mar e da Atmosfera, 23-25 May 2017, Dept of Physics, University of Aveiro, Portugal. Jornadas do Mar e da Atmosfera
University of Aveiro (Portugal)
2017/03/28 Invited Lecture “Antarctic and Arctic climate systems: Similarities and contrasts” for students and postdocs following the 1st (AC)3 Science Conference on Arctic Amplification March 26th – 28th, 2017, University of Bremen, Germany. 1st (AC)3 Science Conference on Arctic Amplification
2017/03/26 Keynote talk "Clouds and precipitation in the polar regions: Integration and synthesis of observations and regional climate models", 1st (AC)3 Science Conference on Arctic Amplification, March 26th – 28th, 2017, University of Bremen, Germany 1st (AC)3 Science Conference on Arctic Amplification, March 26th – 28th, 2017, University of Bremen, Germany
University of Bremen (Bremen, Alemanha)
2016/08/15 Invited seminar "Unveiling processes behind surface mass balance in East Antarctica: atmospheric rivers, clouds, precipitation, and beyond" Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 15 August 2016, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA. Sripps Institution for Oceanograhy Seminar
Sripps Institution for Oceanograhy, UCSD, San Diego, USA (Estados Unidos)
2016/08/08 Invited presentation "Atmospheric rivers impact on the East Antarctic surface mass balance during recent years" during 1st International Atmospheric Rivers Conference, 8-11 August 2016, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA. 1st International Atmospheric Rivers Conference
Sripps Institution for Oceanograhy, UCSD, San Diego, USA (Estados Unidos)
2014/04 The role of atmospheric rivers in anomalous snow accumulation in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica EGU General Assembly
2014 Cloud-radiation interaction in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, in ground-based measurements and regional climate models. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference
(Auckland, New Zealand)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2020/01/01 - Atual Poleward moisture transport and its influence on precipitation in the Arctic
Coorientador de Melanie Lauer
Graduate School of Geosciences (Doutoramento)
Universität zu Köln Institut für Geophysik und Meteorologie, Alemanha
2019 - Atual Cloud and precipitation microphysics at the Antarctic Peninsula
Coorientador de Anastasiia Chyhareva
Aspirantura (Doutoramento)
Ukrainskij gidrometeorologicnij institut Nacional'na akademia nauk Ukraini, Ucrânia
2018/01/01 - Atual Assessing the role of atmospheric rivers in Arctic precipitation in present and future climate
Orientador de Carolina Viceto
Física (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2021/04/01 - 2023/03/31 ATLACE (ATLantic interactions via atmospheric water cycle: exploiting a unique dataset from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition for better understanding of clouds and precipitation) project Tasks 1-3
Orientador de Claudio Duran-Alarcon
Postdoctoral Fellowship (Outra)
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
2020/10 - 2022/02 Aerosols and extreme precipitation: analysis of an Atmospheric River event affecting Portugal
Coorientador de Cátia Gonçalves
Ciências do Mar e da Atmosfera (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2021/02/01 - 2022/01/31 Using ground-based and in-situ observations to investigate clouds and precipitation at the Antarctic Peninsula
Orientador de Negar Ekrami
Erasmus+ Traineeship (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Háskóli Islands, Islândia
2021/05/05 - 2021/07/31 Analysis of precipitation during extra-tropical cyclones over the Southern Ocean using the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition observations and reanalysis
Orientador de Alice Mounier-Vehier
Erasmus+ Traineeship (Master degree) (Outra)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal

Université de Toulon, França
2018/10/01 - 2021/03/15 Characterizing precipitation over the Southern Ocean
Orientador de Diogo Luis
Ciências do Mar e da Atmosfera (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015/03/01 - 2019 Assessing the role of snowdrift on local mass redistribution in East Antarctic
Coorientador de Alexandra Gossart
Arenberg Doctoral School (Doutoramento)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2015/01/01 - 2019 Precipitation and clouds over Antarctica from an observational and modelling perspective
Coorientador de Niels Souverijns
Arenberg Doctoral School (Doutoramento)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2017/10/01 - 2018/07/31 Relationship between the North Atlantic sea surface temperatures and atmospheric rivers influencing Portugal
Orientador de Carlos Moniz
Licenciatura em Meteorologia, Oceanografia e Geofísica. (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal
2017/09/01 - 2018/07/15 Association between atmospheric rivers and precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula from regional climate model simulations: sensitivity to horizontal resolution
Orientador de Catia Goncalves
Licenciatura em Meteorologia, Oceanografia e Geofísica (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal
2017/08/01 - 2018/05/31 Sensitivity of intense precipitation events in Portugal to cloud representation in a regional climate model
Orientador de Rui Silva
MSc fellowship (Iniciação científica)
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
2016/11/01 - 2017/09/05 Connection between the atmospheric rivers affecting the Iberian precipitation and baroclinic life cycles in the North Atlantic
Orientador de Diogo Luis
Licenciatura em Meteorologia, Oceanografia e Geofísica (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2016/12/01 - 2017/08/01 Extreme precipitation events in Antarctica: investigating the role of atmospheric rivers
Orientador de Annick Terpstra
Postdoctoral fellowship (Outra)
Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
2016/11/01 - 2017/07/31 Moisture transport towards the Antarctic ice sheet and its association with low-level jets
Orientador de Tiago Silva
Licenciatura em Meteorologia, Oceanografia e Geofísica (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal
2012/01/01 - 2016/08/31 The role of clouds in the climate of Greenland
Coorientador de Kristof Van Tricht
Arenberg Doctoral School (Doutoramento)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2014/10/01 - 2015/06/30 Precipitation in Antarctica: A comparison between satellite retrievals and ground measurements
Coorientador de Inne Vanderkelen
Bachelor in de geografie (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2013/10/01 - 2014/06/30 Temporal and spatial variability of the surface albedo over Arctic sea ice
Coorientador de Joost Neujens
Bachelor in de geografie (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2012/09/01 - 2013/06/30 Cloud radiative forcing at the surface and importance of cloud phase in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
Orientador de Katrien Wouters
Bachelor in de geografie (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2011/06/01 - 2012/10/01 Modeling surface and snowdrift sublimation at the Belgian Antarctic station Princess Elisabeth
Orientador de Wim Thiery
Master of Geography (Mestrado)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2011/10/01 - 2012/06/30 Influence of atmospheric rivers on the moisture transport to Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
Orientador de Kim Claes
Bachelor in de geografie (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2010/10/01 - 2011/06/30 Precipitation at the Belgian Antarctic station Princess Elisabeth: from anomalously high in 2009 to low in 2010
Orientador de Laura Scheere
Bachelor in de geografie (Licenciatura/Bacharelato)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2023/04/23 - 2023/04/28 EGU General Assembly session AS1.11: Clouds, Moisture and Precipitation in the Polar Regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts (2023/04/23 - 2023/04/28)
2023/03/12 - 2023/03/18 Winterschool on Arctic amplification – the role of clouds (in feedback mechanisms), Hyytiälä, Finnland (2023/03/12 - 2023/03/18)
2021/04 - 2021/04 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2021 session "Clouds, moisture and precipitation in polar regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts" (2021/04 - 2021/04)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
European Geosciences Union, Alemanha
2020/10/05 - 2020/10/09 Virtual Symposium by the International Atmospheric Rivers Conference (IARC) Community (2020/10/05 - 2020/10/09)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidad de Chile Facultad de Ciencias, Chile

University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Estados Unidos
2020/05 - 2020/05 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 sessions "Clouds, moisture and precipitation in polar regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts" and "The atmospheric water cycle: processes, dynamics and characteristics" (2020/05/04 - 2020/05/08)
Simpósio (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
European Geosciences Union, Alemanha
2019/10/24 - 2019/10/25 XI Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference (2019/10/24 - 2019/10/25)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Científica)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Portuguese Polar Program - PROPOLAR, Portugal
2019/07 - 2019/07 IUGG General Assembly, International Association of Cryospheric Sciences symposium, Invited session co-convener "The hydrological cycle at high latitudes: variability, changes and impacts on the cryosphere" (2019/07/08 - 2019/07/18)
Simpósio (Coorganizador)
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Alemanha
2019/05/03 - 2019/05/08 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 sessions "Clouds, moisture and precipitation in polar regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts" and "The atmospheric water cycle: processes, dynamics and characteristics" (2019/05/03 - 2019/05/08)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
European Geosciences Union, Alemanha
2019 - 2019 Outreach activity about Antarctica for pre-school children in Aveiro (2019 - 2019) Centro de Infância Arte e Qualidade (CIAQ), Portugal
2018/11/19 - 2018/11/23 2018 Science Week - Interactive presentation and hands-on educational activities about Antarctica at Primary School (Gafanha da Nazaré, Portugal); (2018/11/19 - 2018/11/23)
Oficina (workshop)
Primary School Praia da Barra, Portugal
2018/10 - 2018/10/26 10th Portuguese Polar Conference (2018/10/25 - 2018/10/26)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2018/04/08 - 2018/04/13 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 sessions "Clouds, moisture and precipitation in polar regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts" and "The atmospheric water cycle: processes, dynamics and characteristics" (2018/04/08 - 2018/04/13)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
European Geosciences Union, Alemanha
2017/04/23 - 2017/04/28 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 session Clouds and precipitation in the Polar Regions: sources, processes and impacts (2017/04/23 - 2017/04/28)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
European Geosciences Union, Alemanha
2016/08 - 2016/08 1st International Atmospheric Rivers conference, La Jolla, California, USA (2016/08 - 2016/08)
University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Estados Unidos
2016/04/17 - 2016/04/22 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 session on Clouds and precipitation in polar regions (2016/04 - 2016/04)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
European Geosciences Union, Alemanha
2012/07 - 2012/07 International Commission on Polar Meteorology Workshop 2012: Atmospheric Model Parameterizations in the Polar Regions (2012/07 - 2012/07)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica

National Center for Atmospheric Research, Estados Unidos
2010 - 2011 2010-2011: Interactive lectures on Antarctic climate for high-school students (Londerzeel engineering school, Belgium); (2010 - 2011)
Oficina (workshop)
Londerzeel engineering school, Bélgica
2006 - 2006 2006 Lecturer on Arctic climate for secondary school students, After-school Science Program at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, USA). (2006 - 2006)
Oficina (workshop)
American Museum of Natural History, Estados Unidos
2003 - 2006 2003-2006 Interactive science activities on clouds and sea ice during the yearly Open Door events at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University (New York, USA). (2003 - 2006)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Estados Unidos

Columbia University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Estados Unidos

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2015/03 - 2015/03 Training course on regional climate model COSMO/ART/CLM (Germany)
Training course
Deutscher Wetterdienst Klima- und Umweltberatung, Alemanha
2013 - 2013 2013: Interactive exposition and outreach educational activities on Antarctic clouds during Antarctic Science Fair "Bringing the Poles to Brussels" (Brussels, Belgium).
Public outreach
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Belgium, Bélgica
2013 - 2013 2013 Collaboration with a youth theatre contributing to the theatre play "Moi Nuage" ("Me Cloud"), Theatre Galafronie (Brussels, Belgium);
Theatre play
Theatre Galafronie , Bélgica
2011/02 - 2011/02 COST school on Water vapor in the climate system (Venice, Italy)
Training school
2008/09 - 2008/09 Ice sheets and glaciers in the climate system (Karthaus, Austria)
Summer school
2007 - 2007 2007 Exposition on Arctic sea ice for New York City International Polar Weekend. American Museum of Natural History.
2006 - 2006 2006 Collaborative work with an artist on the artistic representation of the effect of global warming on Arctic sea ice "Warning Signs" by Susan Munoz (New York, USA); (https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/events/polarweekend/PolarFair.html
New York City International Polar Weekend (Public science outreach activity)
2003/07 - 2003/07 Summer School on the Modeling of Arctic Climate (U Fairbanks, USA)
Summer school
2003/06 - 2003/06 Grand Combin Summer School on Paleoclimate (Aosta, Italy)
Summer school
2002/07 - 2002/07 The 4th Annual Fluid Dynamics Summer School (U Edmonton, Canada)
Summer school

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2019 Synoptic moisture pathways associated to virga and precipitation over coastal Ade´lie Land
Nicolas Jullien (Mestrado)
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suiça
2018 Fog simulation on the north coast of Portugal
Marti´n Senande Rivera (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Física, Portugal
2015 Towards high-resolution climate projections for Belgium: Combining convection permitting models with statistical downscaling techniques
Erwan Brisson (Doutoramento)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Departement Aard- en Omgevingswetenschappen, Bélgica

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2016 - Atual 1st International Atmospheric Rivers conference Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, USA
2023/11/02 - 2023/11/03 Portuguese Polar Conference
2020/11/26 - 2020/11/27 XII Portuguese Conference on Polar Sciences
2020/10/05 - 2020/10/09 Virtual Symposium by the International Atmospheric Rivers Conference (IARC) Community
2020/05 - 2020/05 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020 sessions "Clouds, moisture and precipitation in polar regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts" and "The atmospheric water cycle: processes, dynamics and characteristics" European Geosciences Union
2019/10/24 - 2019/10/25 XI Portuguese Polar Sciences Conference University of Coimbra
2019/07 - 2019/07 IUGG General Assembly, Session on The hydrological cycle at high latitudes: variability, changes and impacts on the cryosphere IUGG General Assembly, Montreal, Canada
2019/05 - 2019/05 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 sessions "Clouds, moisture and precipitation in polar regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts" and "The atmospheric water cycle: processes, dynamics and characteristics" European Geosciences Union, Germany
2019/04/07 - 2019/04/12 European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 sessions "Clouds, moisture and precipitation in polar regions: Sources, Processes and Impacts" and "The atmospheric water cycle: processes, dynamics and characteristics" European Geosciences Union
2018/10 - 2018/10 10th Portuguese Polar Conference University of Aveiro
2018/06/25 - 2018/06/28 2nd International Atmospheric Rivers conference Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, USA
2017/06 - 2017/06 Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate Boulder, USA

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2019 - Atual Ukrainian Antarctic Journal (2415-3087) "State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine"
2019 - Atual Fundamental and Applied Hydro-physics Russian Academy of Sciences
2019 - Atual Science Advances (2375-2548) American Association for the Advancement of Science
2016 - Atual The Open Atmospheric Science Journal (1874-2823) Bentham Science
2015 - Atual Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Copernicus GmbH
2013 - Atual Atmospheric Research (0169-8095) Elsevier
2012 - Atual The Cryosphere Copernicus GmbH
2010 - Atual Geophysical Research Letters (0094-8276) American Geophysical Union
2008 - Atual Journal of Climate (1520-0442) American Meteorological Society
2008 - Atual Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres (2156-2202) American Geophysical Union

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2015 - Atual Review panel committee member for National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) proposals
National Science Foundation, Estados Unidos National Science Foundation
2018 - 2018 Review panel committee member Department of Energy (DOE, USA)
US Department of Energy (DOE), Estados Unidos US Department of Energy (DOE)
2015 - 2015 Review panel committee member for Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (Canada)
Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies, Canadá Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2021/03/15 - 2021/06/18 UC Desenvolvimento sustentável integrado seguindo os Objetivos da ONU para 2030 (The Curricular Unit “Integrated sustainable development following the UN Goals for 2030”): module CAP 2 (ODS 13) e a sua interligação com a componente social e económica DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL INTEGRADO SEGUINDO OS OBJETIVOS DA ONU PARA 2030 ( UC 60014-DSISOO2) (Curso de doutoramento (conclusão de unidades curriculares)) Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2019/06/24 - 2019/07/05 Atmospheric River Colloquium Summer School University of California San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Estados Unidos
2018/05/01 - 2018/06/30 Processing and analysis of the atmospheric and marine data (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2017/05/01 - 2017/06/30 Processing and analysis of the atmospheric and marine data (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2017 - 2017/06/30 Global Climate System (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2013/11/01 - 2013/12/20 Atmospheric Modeling (Magister) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Bélgica
2013/03/01 - 2013/05/31 Data spatial structure and data analysis (Bachelor) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2011/10/01 - 2011/11/30 Geographical Research Methods (Bachelor) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica
2010/11/01 - 2010/12/20 Atmospheric Modeling (Magister) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Bélgica

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Bélgica
2004/09/01 - 2004/12/20 Introduction to Climate (Bachelor) Columbia University, Estados Unidos

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2022/03/28 Interview for Spanish national newspaper El País: "Ola de calor en el lugar más frío del planeta: qué significa que haya 40 grados de más en la Antártida" about Antarctic heatwaves in 2022 and their consequences. https://elpais.com/clima-y-medio-ambiente/2022-03-28/ola-de-calor-en-el-lugar-mas-frio-del-planeta-que-significa-que-haya-40-grados-de-mas-en-la-antartida.html?ssm=whatsapp El Pais
2021/12/02 Interview&discussion for Sustainability at Meta: “Together for Climate” about the challenges brought on by climate change and how communities and businesses in Spain and Portugal can respond. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1743477339376570&ref=sharing Sustainability at Meta
2021/10/06 Interview for Visão Verde “Temos de estar muito preocupados”: Os avisos da ‘nossa’ investigadora climática do IPCC. https://visao.sapo.pt/visao_verde/2021-10-06-temos-de-estar-muito-preocupados-os-avisos-da-nossa-investigadora-climatica-do-ipcc/ Visão Verde
2021/09/28 Interview for newspaper Público: “Como vai ser o clima no futuro? Um novo atlas interactivo mostra-lhe”. https://www.publico.pt/2021/09/28/ciencia/noticia/vai-clima-futuro-novo-atlas-interactivo-mostralhe-1978575 Publico
2021/07/14 Pergunte a um cientista do CESAM – rios atmosféricos / Ask a CESAM scientist - atmospheric rivers na rubrica “Pergunte a um cientista do CESAM” – Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, unidade de investigação da Universidade de Aveiro (UA), published in Diário de Aveiro and Noticias de Universidade de Aveiro https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/9/69680 Diário de Aveiro / Noticias de Universidade de Aveiro
2021/03/21 Interview for National Geographic article "New way to measure Antarctic snowfall helps predict the ice sheet’s survival" https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/new-way-to-measure-antarctic-snowfall-helps-predict-ice-sheets-survival National Geographic
2020/03/13 Entrevista Poligrafo "Temperatura na Antártida ultrapassa os 20ºC porque "há mais Sol" e "os dias são mais longos"? (COM VÍDEO)" https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/temperatura-na-antartida-ultrapassa-os-20oc-porque-ha-mais-sol-e-os-dias-sao-mais-longos Poligrafo - O primeiro jornal portuguese de Fact-Checking
2020/02/20 Entrevista JPN "Antártida ultrapassou os 20ºC, especialistas não fazem previsões climáticas" https://jpn.up.pt/2020/02/20/antartida-ultrapassou-os-20oc-especialistas-nao-fazem-previsoes-climaticas/ JPN-JornalismoPortoNet
2020/01/06 Universitdade de Aveiro research news "Atmospheric rivers trigger melting ice in West Antarctica" https://www.ua.pt/en/news/9/62226 Universitdade de Aveiro research news
2019/11/08 CESAM news "Irina Gorodetskaya, CESAM researcher, was nominated as a Lead Author of the IPCC WG1 Atlas Chapter" http://www.cesam.ua.pt/index.php?menu=4917&language=eng&tabela=post CESAM news
2019/11/05 Universidade de Aveiro Noticias "Rios atmosféricos desencadeiam derretimento de gelo na Antártida Ocidental" https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/9/61406 Universidade de Aveiro Noticias
2019/10/29 Press release published by Univ. Grenoble Alpes / CNRS / Sorbonne Université "Atmospheric rivers trigger melting in West Antarctica" https://www.osug.fr/en/news/press-release/atmospheric-rivers-trigger-melting-in-west-antarctica.html OSUG science
2017/03/22 Universidade de Aveiro Noticias - Investigação "À descoberta dos rios atmosféricos da Antártida" https://www.ua.pt/pt/noticias/9/49850 Universidade de Aveiro Noticias
2015/02/12 Flanders Today news article "Atmospheric rivers affect stability of Antarctic ice" by Andy Furniere, journalist http://www.flanderstoday.eu/innovation/atmospheric-rivers-affect-stability-antarctic-ice Flanders Today
2015/01/30 Passion for the planet Passion for Fresh Ideas article "GIANT ATMOSPHERIC RIVERS ADD MASS TO ANTARCTICA’S ICE SHEET" http://passionforfreshideas.com/articles/giant-atmospheric-rivers-add-mass-antarcticas-ice-sheet/ Passion for the planet - Passion for Fresh Ideas radio station
2015/01/21 Science World Report news article " Atmospheric Rivers May Add Snowy Mass to Antarctica's Melting Ice Sheet" http://www.scienceworldreport.com/articles/21468/20150121/atmospheric-rivers-add-snowy-mass-antarcticas-melting-ice-sheet.htm Science World Report
2015/01/21 Environmental News Network news article "Atmospheric Rivers Add to Antarctica's Ice Sheets" https://www.enn.com/articles/48202?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+EnvironmentalNewsNetwork+%28Environmental+News+Network%29 ENN Environmental News Network
2015/01/21 Space Daily news article "Giant atmospheric rivers add mass to Antarctica's ice sheet" https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Giant_atmospheric_rivers_add_mass_to_Antarcticas_ice_sheet_999.html Space Daily
2015/01/20 Science Daily "Giant atmospheric rivers add mass to Antarctica's ice sheet" https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150120112206.htm Science Daily
2015/01/20 EurekAlert news article "Giant atmospheric rivers add mass to Antarctica's ice sheet" http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-01/kl-gar011915.php EurekAlert (The Global Source for Science News) by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
2015/01/20 PhysOrgNews article "Giant atmospheric rivers add mass to Antarctica's ice sheet" https://phys.org/news/2015-01-giant-atmospheric-rivers-mass-antarctica.html PhysOrgNews
2015/01/19 KU Leuven international press release "Giant atmospheric rivers add mass to Antarctica’s ice sheet" https://nieuws.kuleuven.be/en/content/2015/giant-atmospheric-rivers-add-mass-to-antarcticas-ice-sheet KU Leuven international press release
2015/01/04 Ice and Climate No.22 Cool Science Features: "High variability of climate and surface mass balance induced by Antarctic ice rises" http://www.climate-cryosphere.org/news/clic-newsletters/archive/view/mailid-46?key=qa6SMdPj&tmpl=component Climate and Cryosphere newsletter Ice and Climate
2014/12/04 Scripps Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes publication noice "The role of atmospheric rivers in anomalous snow accumulation in East Antarctica" https://cw3e.ucsd.edu/antarctic-atmospheric-rivers/ Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes News
2009/01/01 Interview for the book "Belgians at the World's Poles. The Fourth International Polar Year", chapter "Low Clouds Over Utsteinen", p. 50-57, https://docplayer.net/58056796-Belgians-at-the-world-s-poles-the-fourth-international-polar-year.html Belgian Science Policy

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2022/01/05 - Atual Interview for TV program Ciência sem Limites broadcasted by RTP3: “Ação Climática”. https://www.rtp.pt/play/p9566/uau-ciencia-sem-limites
2021/12/06 - Atual TV programme at SIC notícias: “Investigadores portugueses estudam efeitos das alterações climáticas nos Pólos”. https://www.msn.com/pt-pt/video/noticias/investigadores-portugueses-estudam-os-efeitos-das-alterações-climáticas-nos-pólos/vi-AARwBZw?category=foryou
2017/03/20 - Atual EPFL Film (Switzerland) ACE Expedition Leg 2 "The 2nd Leg of the Ace Expedition, a three-months voyage around Antarctica launched by the Swiss Polar Institute" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUHk-jAe2Gw Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
2010/12/30 - Atual Interview Video: © International Polar Foundation on Hydrological Cycle in Antarctica project at Princess Elisabeth station http://www.antarcticstation.org/multimedia/video/interview_irina_gorodetskaya International Polar Foundation
2023/06/09 - 2023/06/09 SIC Notícias: Comment on the Arctic sea ice melt https://sicnoticias.pt/especiais/oceanos/2023-06-09-Oceano-Artico-pode-ficar-sem-gelo-em-menos-de-uma-decada-fce8328d
2023/06/09 - 2023/06/09 SIC Noticias: Oceano Ártico pode ficar sem gelo em menos de uma década
2023/04/14 - 2023/04/14 SIC Notícias TV channel: COMMENT on NEW RECORD IN SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURES https://sicnoticias.pt/mundo/2023-04-14-Temperatura-do-oceano-bate-recorde-35d4d82d

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2019 - Atual Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Collaborations Associate member
2016 - Atual Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) - Portugal Associate member
2012 - Atual International Association of Cryospheric Sciences Member
2011 - Atual IAMAS International Commission on Polar Meteorology Elected member
2009 - Atual Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Belgium Elected member
2008 - Atual European Geosciences Union (EGU) Member

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2011 - Atual Elected member of the IAMAS International Commission on Polar Meteorology (ICPM)
IAMAS International Commission on Polar Meteorology (ICPM), Reino Unido
2014 - 2017 Associate Member of the Belgian National Committee on Antarctic Research
Belgian National Committee on Antarctic Research, Bélgica

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2017 - Atual Expert reviewer for New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute (NZARI) New Zealand Antarctic Research Institute, Nova Zelândia
2015 - Atual Expert reviewer for National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) National Science Foundation, Estados Unidos
2015 - Atual Expert reviewer for Italian Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Italian Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (CSNA), Itália
2015 - Atual Expert reviewer for National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT) managed by Chilean National Science and Technology Commission (CONICYT) Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile
2014 - Atual Expert reviewer for French Polar Institute (IPEV) Institut polaire français Paul Emile Victor, França
2020 - 2021 Expert reviewer for Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canadá


2020 Prémio de Investigaçao Cientifica e Desenvolvimento Technológico no Âmbito das Comemorações do V Centenario da Viagem de Circum-Navegação
Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Portugal
2004 NASA Earth System Science PhD Fellowship
2000 Soros-student 2000


2000 Diploma with highest honors

Outra distinção

2019 Invited Distinguished Scientist grant by EPFL, Switzerland
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suiça
2019 Nominated Lead Author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1 (AR6-WG1)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Alemanha
2018 Guest Program for International Highly Regarded Scientists by the Arctic Amplification (AC)3 German Transregional Project
Arctic Amplification (AC)3 German Transregional Project, Alemanha
2015 Elected Associate Member of the Belgian National Committee on Antarctic Research
2011 Elected Member of the IAMAS International Commission on Polar Meteorology
2011 COST travel grant for the Training School on the "Atmospheric water vapour in the climate system", Italy
2008 IASC travel grant from the for the SCAR-IASC IPY Open Science Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia
2007 AMS travel grant for the Congress SCMO-UGC-AMS, St. John’s, NF, Canada
American Meteorological Society, Estados Unidos