Patrícia Valentão is an Associated Professor with Habilitation at Faculty of Pharmacy of University of Porto (FFUP). She is Integrated Member of Associated Laboratory REQUIMTE, within the Natural Products: Chemistry and Bioactivity group. Her research has been focused on the development and application of analytical methods for the study of natural matrices (terrestrial and non-terrestrial ones), and on the chemical and biological characterization of natural and hemi-synthetic bioactive compounds in a context of drug discovery, in the fields of diabetes, inflammatory, neurodegenerative and cancer diseases. She has been acting as Evaluator of Research Projects for various international and national entities (The Icelandic Research Fund, Chilean National Science and Technology Commission (CONICYT), Croatian Science Foundation, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and University of Porto). Patrícia Valentão is (co)supervisor of 19 PhD students, 6 MSc students and 9 Post-Docs. She acted as Executive investigator of 16 scientific projects, funded by various entities. She is member of the Editorial Board of several international journals (Marine Drugs; Food Research International; Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Journal of Chemistry), and Guest Editor of several Special Issues (Alkaloids from Molecules, 2008; Alkaloids: Novel Therapeutic Perspectives from Molecules, 2011; Phenolics and polyphenolics from International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015; Natural anti-inflammatory agents from International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018 and 2020; Biological Potential of Marine and Terrestrial Species from Molecules, 2018; Advances in Marine Alkaloids from Marine Drugs, 2019; Natural Products and Sustainable Bioresource Recovery from Sustainability, 2021). Her expertise is evidenced in more than 30 book chapters and more than 300 articles published in international peer-reviewed journals (h-index = 56).

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Patrícia Carla Ribeiro Valentão

Nomes de citação

  • Valentão, Patrícia

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • (Profissional)
Grau Classificação
Fitoquímica e Farmacognosia (Título de Agregado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
Ciências Farmacêuticas (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
"Limonete, Hipericão-do-Gerês, Cardo-do-Coalho, Fel-da-Terra: metodologias de controlo de qualidade com base na fracção fenólica; estudos de acção antioxidante e hepatoprotectora" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Ciências Farmacêuticas (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2020/08/01 - Atual Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007/03/21 - Atual Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2003/06/13 - 2007/03/20 Assistente (Docente Universitário) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2002/03/21 - 2003/06/12 Assistente Estagiário (Docente Universitário) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2000/10 - 2002/02 Teacher (University Teacher) Universidade Fernando Pessoa Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2023/09/01 - Atual MEDGOAT - Caracterização de sistemas de criação de caprinos e novas estratégias de produção sustentada no âmbito das alterações climáticas na região mediterrânica
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
2021 - Atual Funding of RD Units Strategic plan. Fitoquímica (REQUIMTE)
2021 - Atual GreenValue - Explorando plantas tolerantes ao sal como fontes de aditivos alimentares inovadores
2020 - Atual Funding of RD Units Strategic plan. Fitoquímica (REQUIMTE)
2021/12/10 - 2023/12/31 Plant Active Products: Research, Innovation and Knowledge Advancements through an International NETwork – PAPRIKANET
Local Coordinator
Em curso
2020 - 2023 Tackling Nutritional Deficiencies in Childhood with Anti- Inflammatory Functional Foods Based on African Crops
REQUIMTE LAQV Porto, Portugal
Aga Khan Centre
2019 - 2020 Funding of RD Units Strategic plan. Fitoquímica (REQUIMTE)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018 - 2020 Self-assembled minimalist peptide hydrogels inspired by mussel adhesive proteins for biomedical applications
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018 - 2020 Self-assembled minimalist peptide hydrogels inspired by mussel adhesive proteins for biomedical applications
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014 - 2020 IBERPHENOL - Red cooperativa de investigación en el ámbito de polifenoles y sus aplicaciones industriales
European Union
Em curso
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Rede de Química e Tecnologia Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Tecnologias e Agroambiente, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016 - 2019 New technologies for three health challenges of modern societies: diabetes, drug abuse and kidney diseases
European Union
2015 - 2018 Funding of RD Units Strategic plan. Fitoquímica (REQUIMTE)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2017 - 2017 BAGA-Biological Activity of Gold(I)-Alkynyl complexes
BAGA-Biological Activity of Gold(I)-Alkynyl complexes
2013 - 2015 Food Science
European Union
2012 - 2015 Caracterización y evaluación funcional y de seguridad de compuestos bioactivos de frutas iberoamericanas como ingredientes alimentarios (CORNUCOPIA)
Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo
2013 - 2014 Projeto Estratégico-LA 6. Fitoquímica (REQUIMTE)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012 - 2012 Formulação de uma bebida funcional à base de extrato natural purificado de Spergularia rubra
2012 - 2012 Fine-tuning the hydrophobicity of natural antioxidants: development of innovative mitochondria-targeted antioxidants based on benzoic acid scaffold
Universidade do Porto
2011 - 2012 Projeto Estratégico–LA 6. Fitoquímica (REQUIMTE)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2010 - 2012 Protecção contra pragas da oliveira: fomento da acção dos inimigos naturais pelo estabelecimento da flora autóctone
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009 - 2011 TERMAZ - Termalismo, lamas termais e águas engarrafadas dos Açores: Tipificação, aplicações industriais e indicações terapêuticas
2008 - 2010 Pieris brassicae como laboratório de síntese de novos compostos com potencial biológico a partir de Brassica oleracea var. costata, Brassica oleracea var. acephala e Brassica rapa var. rapa
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2005 - 2007 Caracterização fitoquímica e atividade antioxidante de culturas in vivo e in vitro de Brassica oleracea var. costata (couve tronchuda)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2005 - 2007 Tecnologias para valorização de bio-produtos de Salvia sp. (SalvaBiotech)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2004 - 2006 Rede Nacional para a Conservação e utilização das plantas aromáticas e medicinais
Projeto Agro nº 800
2002 - 2004 Valorização de Salvia sp., Melissa sp., Mentha sp. e Lavandula sp., para obtenção de produtos de valor acrescentado com actividade biológica
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2002 - 2004 Produção de plantas aromáticas e medicinais com garantia de qualidade para herbanário
PO AGRO Acção 8.1 / Ref. 338
1997 - 1999 Tecnologias para a valorização de plantas medicinais autóctones de Entre Douro e Minho (PLANTAMEDI)
PRAXIS XXI / AdI 3.1b / Ref. P-1304
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Artigo em conferência
  1. Valentão, Patrícia. "Brain activity of white wine polyphenols in the Alzheimer's disease context: Effects on cell redox state and amyloid-beta peptides levels". Trabalho apresentado em 53rd ESCI 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Europen Society for Clinical Investigation, 2019.
  2. Grosso, Clara; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Phenolics-rich herbal teas with potential for depression relief (Poster presentation)". Trabalho apresentado em II Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (IICTA2014), Medellin, 2014.
  3. Valentão, Patrícia. "Modulation of Cox-2 and iNOS expression in macrophages by a lipophylic extract of the sea-star Marthasterias glacialis: Cooperative effect of fatty acids and ergosta-7,22-dien-3-ol". Trabalho apresentado em 38th FEBS Congress., 2013.
  4. Gironés-Vilaplana, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Ferreres, F.; García-Viguera, C.; Moreno, D.A.. "Quality and antioxidant capacity of novel beverages based on lemon and exotic berries". 2012.
  5. Valentão, Patrícia. "Seaweeds: new source of MAO-A inhibiting compounds". Trabalho apresentado em 59th International Congress of the GA, 2011.
  6. Valentão, Patrícia. "Further insights into Ficus carica latex metabolome". Trabalho apresentado em 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 2010.
  7. Valentão, Patrícia. "Low molecular weight volatiles in Portuguese Ficus carica varieties.". Trabalho apresentado em 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 2010.
  8. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phytochemical profile and in vitro activities of Capsella bursa-pastoris L. extracts". Trabalho apresentado em 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research., 2010.
  9. Valentão, Patrícia. "Improved loquat cultivars: variation of phenolics and antioxidative potential". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica., 2008.
  10. Valentão, Patrícia. "In vitro cultures of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC: potential plant bioreactor for antioxidant phenolic compounds". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica., 2008.
  11. Valentão, Patrícia; Koltas, Ismail Soner; Bilgin, Ramazan. "Protective effects of Hypericum androsaemum extract against reactive oxygen species". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica, 2008.
  12. Valentão, Patrícia. "Volatile profile of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don plant determined by solid-phase microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry.". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE & SIF - Natural Products with Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Cosmetic, and Agrochemical Interest, 2008.
  13. Valentão, Patrícia. "Screening of antioxidant phenolic compounds produced by in vitro shoots of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE & SIF - Natural Products with Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Cosmetic, and Agrochemical Interest, 2008.
  14. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolics and organic acids with potential bioactivity in Pieris brassicae L. reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L.". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE & SIF - Natural Products with Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Cosmetic, and Agrochemical Interest., 2008.
  15. Valentão, Patrícia. "Rumex induratus leaves: phytochemical profiling and antioxidant activity.". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE & SIF - Natural Products with Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Cosmetic, and Agrochemical Interest, 2008.
  16. Valentão, Patrícia. "Accumulation of phenolic compounds by in vitro cultures of spanish sage (Salvia lavandulifolia L.)". Trabalho apresentado em 55th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant research, 2007.
  17. Silva, Branca M.; Andrade, Paula; Valentão, Patrícia; Seabra, Rosa; Ferreira, Margarida. "Determination of phenolic compounds in quince jams by solid-phase extraction and HPLC". Trabalho apresentado em 5º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos: Qualidade, Segurança e Inovação, Porto, 2001.
  18. Valentão, Patrícia. "Caracterização dos extractos de salvia pelo perfil fenólico". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Simpósio Latino-Americano de Produção de Plantas Medicinais, Aromáticas e Condimentares, 2000.
  19. Silva, Branca M.; Andrade, Paula; Valentão, Patrícia; Seabra, Rosa; Ferreira, Margarida. "Avaliação da autenticidade de derivados de marmelo através do perfil fenólico". Trabalho apresentado em Curso de HPLC - Fundamentos Teóricos e Potencialidades, Bragança, 2000.
Artigo em revista
  1. Adriana Silva; Raquel Martins; Vanessa Silva; Fátima Fernandes; Rosa Carvalho; Alfredo Aires; Gilberto Igrejas; et al. "Red Grape By-Products from the Demarcated Douro Region: Chemical Analysis, Antioxidant Potential and Antimicrobial Activity against Food-Borne Pathogens". Molecules (2024):
  2. Adriana P. Januário; Carina Félix; Félix, Rafael; Katie Shiels; Patrick Murray; Patrícia Valentão; Lemos M.F.L.. "Exploring the Therapeutical Potential of Asparagopsis armata Biomass: A Novel Approach for Acne Vulgaris Treatment". Marine Drugs (2024):
  3. Ana Pinto; Daniela Correia da Silva; Ana Cardoso; Fátima Fernandes; Cristiano Soares; Patrícia Valentão; Fernanda Fidalgo; Jorge Teixeira. "Progesterone and brassinosteroids synergistically enhance progesterone removal and antioxidant capacity of Solanum nigrum L.". Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (2024):
  4. Daniela Correia da Silva; Patrícia Valentão; David M. Pereira. "Naturally occurring small molecules with dual effect upon inflammatory signaling pathways and endoplasmic reticulum stress response". Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry (2024):
  5. Adriana Silva; Vanessa Silva; Teresa Tavares; María López; Beatriz Rojo-Bezares; José Eduardo Pereira; Virgílio Falco; et al. "Rabbits as a Reservoir of Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli: Clonal Lineages and Public Health Impact". Antibiotics (2024):
  6. Adriana Silva; Vanessa Silva; Maria de Lurdes Enes Dapkevicius; Mónica Azevedo; Rui Cordeiro; José Eduardo Pereira; Patrícia Valentão; et al. "Unveiling Antibiotic Resistance, Clonal Diversity, and Biofilm Formation in E. coli Isolated from Healthy Swine in Portugal". Pathogens (2024):
  7. Fátima Fernandes; Raquel Martins; Mariana Barbosa; Patrícia Valentão. "Algae-Based Supplements Claiming Weight Loss Properties: Authenticity Control and Scientific-Based Evidence on Their Effectiveness". Marine Drugs (2024):
  8. João Bernardo; Patrícia Valentão. "Herb-drug interactions: A short review on central and peripheral nervous system drugs". Phytotherapy Research (2024):
  9. Macedo, Tiago; Paiva-Martins, Fátima; Ferreres, Federico; Gomes, Nelson G.M.; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Gil-Izquierdo, Ángel; Araújo, Luísa; Valentão, Patrícia; Pereira, David M.. "Anti-inflammatory effects of naringenin 8-sulphonate from Parinari excelsa Sabine stem bark and its semi-synthetic derivatives". Bioorganic Chemistry 138 (2023): 106614.
  10. Adriana Silva; Vanessa Silva; José Eduardo Pereira; Luís Maltez; Gilberto Igrejas; Patrícia Valentão; Virgílio Falco; Patrícia Poeta. "Antimicrobial Resistance and Clonal Lineages of Escherichia coli from Food-Producing Animals". Antibiotics (2023):
  11. Correia da Silva, Daniela; Jervis, Peter J.; Martins, José A.; Valentão, Patrícia; Ferreira, Paula M.T.; Pereira, David M.. "Fisetin derivatives exhibit enhanced anti-inflammatory activity and modulation of endoplasmic reticulum stress". International Immunopharmacology 119 (2023): 110178.
  12. Andrade, Catarina; Pereira, David M.; G. M. Gomes, Nelson; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Andrade, Paula B.; Duangsrisai, Sutsawat; Valentão, Patrícia. "Kitul, a food plant with antidiabetic-like effects: Reduction of intracellular reactive species in glucose-stimulated RIN-5F pancreatic ß-cells and mitigation of pro-inflammatory mediators in activated RAW 264.7 macrophages". Food Research International 167 (2023): 112615.
  13. Raquel Martins; Fátima Fernandes; Patrícia Valentão. "Unearthing of the Antidiabetic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Solanum betaceum Cav. Leaves". Molecules (2023):
  14. Vera Ribeiro; Federico Ferreres; Andreia Oliveira; Nelson G. M. Gomes; Ángel Gil-Izquierdo; Luísa Araújo; David Pereira; Patrícia Valentão. "Allophylus africanus Stem Bark Extract Modulates the Mitochondrial Apoptotic Pathway in Human Stomach Cancer Cells". Life (2023):
  15. Daniela Correia da Silva; Patrícia Valentão; David M. Pereira. "A Survey of Naturally Occurring Molecules as New Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Activators with Selective Anticancer Activity". Cancers (2022):
  16. Tânia F. L. Vicente; Carina Félix; Rafael Félix; Patrícia Valentão; Marco F. L. Lemos. "Seaweed as a Natural Source against Phytopathogenic Bacteria". Marine Drugs (2022):
  17. Jamila El-Akhal; Andreia P. Oliveira; Rachid Bencheikh; Patrícia Valentão; Paula B. Andrade; Manuela Morato. "Vasorelaxant Mechanism of Herbal Extracts from Mentha suaveolens, Conyza canadensis, Teucrium polium and Salvia verbenaca in the Aorta of Wistar Rats". Molecules (2022):
  18. Silva, Adriana; Silva, Vanessa; Igrejas, Gilberto; Aires, Alfredo; Falco, Virgílio; Valentão, Patrícia; Poeta, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds classification and their distribution in winemaking by-products". European Food Research and Technology 249 2 (2022): 207-239.
  19. Graciliana Lopes; Elisabete Gomes; Mariana Barbosa; João Bernardo; Patrícia Valentão. "Camel Grass Phenolic Compounds: Targeting Inflammation and Neurologically Related Conditions". Molecules (2022):
  20. Immacolata Faraone; Ludovica Lela; Maria Ponticelli; Domenico Gorgoglione; Filomena De Biasio; Patricia Valentão; Paula B. Andrade; et al. "New Insight on the Bioactivity of Solanum aethiopicum Linn. Growing in Basilicata Region (Italy): Phytochemical Characterization, Liposomal Incorporation, and Antioxidant Effects". Pharmaceutics (2022):
  21. Bernardo, João; Santos, Ana Cláudia; Videira, Romeu A.; Valentão, Patrícia; Veiga, Francisco; Andrade, Paula B.. "Trichilia catigua and Turnera diffusa phyto-phospholipid nanostructures: Physicochemical characterization and bioactivity in cellular models of induced neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity". International Journal of Pharmaceutics 620 (2022): 121774.
  22. Félix, Rafael; Dias, Pedro; Félix, Carina; Cerqueira, Teresa; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia; Lemos, Marco F.L.. "The biotechnological potential of Asparagopsis armata: What is known of its chemical composition, bioactivities and current market?". Algal Research 60 (2021): 102534.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102534
  23. Adriana P. Januário; Rafael Félix; Carina Félix; João Reboleira; Patrícia Valentão; Marco F. L. Lemos. "Red Seaweed-Derived Compounds as a Potential New Approach for Acne Vulgaris Care". Pharmaceutics (2021):
  24. Karen G. João; Romeu A. Videira; Fátima Paiva-Martins; Patrícia Valentão; David M. Pereira; Paula B. Andrade. "Homarine Alkyl Ester Derivatives as Promising Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors". ChemMedChem 16 21 (2021): 3315-3325.
  25. Tânia F. L. Vicente; Lemos M.F.L.; Félix, Rafael; Patrícia Valentão; Carina Félix. "Marine Macroalgae, a Source of Natural Inhibitors of Fungal Phytopathogens". Journal of Fungi (2021):
  26. Mendes, Daniela; Valentão, Patrícia; Oliveira, Maria Manuel; Andrade, Paula; Videira, Romeu A.. Autor correspondente: Videira, Romeu A.. "A nanophytosomes formulation based on elderberry anthocyanins and Codium lipids to mitigate mitochondrial dysfunctions". Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 143 (2021): 112157.
  27. Bernardo, João; Malheiro, Inês; Videira, Romeu A.; Valentão, Patrícia; Santos, Ana Cláudia; Veiga, Francisco; Andrade, Paula B.. "Trichilia catigua and Turnera diffusa extracts: In vitro inhibition of tyrosinase, antiglycation activity and effects on enzymes and pathways engaged in the neuroinflammatory process". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 271 (2021): 113865.
  28. Adriana Silva; Vanessa Silva; Gilberto Igrejas; Isabel Gaivão; Alfredo Aires; Naouel Klibi; Maria de Lurdes Enes Dapkevicius; et al. "Valorization of Winemaking By-Products as a Novel Source of Antibacterial Properties: New Strategies to Fight Antibiotic Resistance". Molecules (2021):
  29. Federico Ferreres; Catarina Andrade; Nelson G.M. Gomes; Paula B. Andrade; Angel Gil-Izquierdo; David M. Pereira; Rungcharn Suksungworn; et al. "Valorisation of kitul, an overlooked food plant: Phenolic profiling of fruits and inflorescences and assessment of their effects on diabetes-related targets". Food Chemistry 342 (2021): 128323-128323.
  30. Gomes, Nelson; Madureira-Carvalho, Áurea; Dias da Silva, Diana; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula. "Biosynthetic versatility of marine-derived fungi on the delivery of novel antibacterial agents against priority pathogens". Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy (2021):
    Em revisão • 10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111756
  31. Mariana Barbosa; Patrícia Valentão; Paula B. Andrade. "Polyphenols from Brown Seaweeds (Ochrophyta, Phaeophyceae): Phlorotannins in the Pursuit of Natural Alternatives to Tackle Neurodegeneration". Marine Drugs 18 12 (2020): 654-654.
  32. Andrade, Catarina; Gomes, Nelson G.M.; Duangsrisai, Sutsawat; Andrade, Paula B.; Pereira, David M.; Valentão, Patrícia. "Medicinal plants utilized in Thai Traditional Medicine for diabetes treatment: Ethnobotanical surveys, scientific evidence and phytochemicals". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 263 (2020): 113177.
    Publicado • 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113177
  33. Moreira, Rute; Fernandes, Fátima; Valentão, Patrícia; Pereira, David M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Echium plantagineum L. honey: Search of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and polyphenols, anti-inflammatory potential and cytotoxicity". Food Chemistry 328 (2020): 127169.
  34. da Silva, Daniela Correia; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Pereira, David M.. "Endoplasmic reticulum stress signaling in cancer and neurodegenerative disorders: Tools and strategies to understand its complexity". Pharmacological Research 155 (2020): 104702.
  35. Rafael Félix; Patrícia Valentão; Paula B. Andrade; Carina Félix; Sara C. Novais; Marco F. L. Lemos. "Evaluating the In Vitro Potential of Natural Extracts to Protect Lipids from Oxidative Damage". Antioxidants 9 3 (2020): 231-231.
  36. Suksungworn, Rungcharn; Andrade, Paula B.; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Valentão, Patrícia; Duangsrisai, Sutsawat; Gomes, Nelson G. M.. "Inhibition of Proinflammatory Enzymes and Attenuation of IL-6 in LPS-Challenged RAW 264.7 Macrophages Substantiates the Ethnomedicinal Use of the Herbal Drug Homalium bhamoense Cubitt & W.W.Sm". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 7 (2020): 2421.
  37. Chouiter, Mohamed I; Boulebd, Houssem; Pereira, David M; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B; Belfaitah, Ali; Silva, Artur MS. "New chalcone-type compounds and 2-pyrazoline derivatives: synthesis and caspase-dependent anticancer activity". Future Medicinal Chemistry (2020):
  38. Rute Moreira; Peter J. Jervis; André Carvalho; Paula M. T. Ferreira; José A. Martins; Patrícia Valentão; Paula B. Andrade; David M. Perreira. "Biological Evaluation of Naproxen–Dehydrodipeptide Conjugates with Self-Hydrogelation Capacity as Dual LOX/COX Inhibitors". Pharmaceutics (2020):
  39. Macedo, Tiago; Ribeiro, Vera; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Pereira, David M.; Fernandes, Fátima; Gomes, Nelson G.M.; Araújo, Luísa; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Anti-inflammatory properties of Xylopia aethiopica leaves: Interference with pro-inflammatory cytokines in THP-1-derived macrophages and flavonoid profiling". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 248 (2020): 112312.
  40. Félix, R.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, P.B.; Novais, S.C.; Lemos, M.F.L.. "Evaluating the in vitro potential of natural extracts to protect lipids from oxidative damage". Antioxidants (2020):
  41. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Lopes, Ana C.; Silva, Mara; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring Montagu’s crab: Primary and secondary metabolites and enzyme inhibition". Arabian Journal of Chemistry 12 8 (2019): 4017-4025.
  42. João Bernardo; Romeu A. Videira; Patrícia Valentão; Francisco Veiga; Paula B. Andrade. "Extraction of phospholipid-rich fractions from egg yolk and development of liposomes entrapping a dietary polyphenol with neuroactive potential". Food and Chemical Toxicology 133 (2019): 110749-110749.
  43. Chda, Alae; El Kabbaoui, Mohamed; Fresco, Paula; Silva, Dany; Gonçalves, Jorge; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Andrade, Paula B.; et al. "Centaurium Erythraea Extracts Exert Vascular Effects through Endothelium- and Fibroblast-dependent Pathways". Planta Medica 86 02 (2019): 121-131.
  44. Graciliana Lopes; Mariana Barbosa; Paula B. Andrade; Patrícia Valentão. "Phlorotannins from Fucales: potential to control hyperglycemia and diabetes-related vascular complications". Journal of Applied Phycology 31 5 (2019): 3143-3152.
  45. Vera Ribeiro; Paula B. Andrade; Patrícia Valentão; David M. Pereira. "Benzoquinones from Cyperus spp. trigger IRE1a-independent and PERK-dependent ER stress in human stomach cancer cells and are novel proteasome inhibitors". Phytomedicine 63 (2019): 153017-153017.
  46. Nelson G. M. Gomes; Renato B. Pereira; Paula B. Andrade; Patrícia Valentão. "Double the Chemistry, Double the Fun: Structural Diversity and Biological Activity of Marine-Derived Diketopiperazine Dimers". Marine Drugs 17 10 (2019): 551-551.
  47. Catarina Andrade; Federico Ferreres; Nelson G. M. Gomes; Sutsawat Duangsrisai; Nattawut Srisombat; Srunya Vajrodaya; David M. Pereira; et al. "Phenolic Profiling and Biological Potential of Ficus curtipes Corner Leaves and Stem Bark: 5-Lipoxygenase Inhibition and Interference with NO Levels in LPS-Stimulated RAW 264.7 Macrophages". Biomolecules 9 9 (2019): 400-400.
  48. Valero, Marta Sofía; González, Mateo; Ramón-Gimenez, Mariano; Andrade, Paula B.; Moreo, Eduardo; Les, Francisco; Fernandes, Fátima; et al. "Jasonia glutinosa (L.) DC., a traditional herbal medicine, reduces inflammation, oxidative stress and protects the intestinal barrier in a murine model of colitis". Inflammopharmacology (2019):
  49. Donato Castronuovo; Daniela Russo; Rossana Libonati; Immacolata Faraone; Vincenzo Candido; Pietro Picuno; Paula Andrade; Patricia Valentao; Luigi Milella. "Influence of shading treatment on yield, morphological traits and phenolic profile of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)". Scientia Horticulturae 254 (2019): 91-98.
  50. Nelson G. M. Gomes; Andreia P. Oliveira; Diana Cunha; David M. Pereira; Patrícia Valentão; Eugénia Pinto; Luísa Araújo; Paula B. Andrade. "Flavonoid Composition of Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC. Leaves, Evaluation of Antidermatophytic Effects, and Potential Amelioration of the Associated Inflammatory Response". Molecules (2019):
  51. Renato B. Pereira; David M. Pereira; Carlos Jiménez; Jaime Rodríguez; Rosa M. Nieto; Romeu A. Videira; Olga Silva; Paula B. Andrade; Patrícia Valentão. "Anti-Inflammatory Effects of 5a,8a-Epidioxycholest-6-en-3ß-ol, a Steroidal Endoperoxide Isolated from Aplysia depilans, Based on Bioguided Fractionation and NMR Analysis". Marine Drugs 17 6 (2019): 330-330.
  52. Renato B. Pereira; Nikolai M. Evdokimov; Florence Lefranc; Patrícia Valentão; Alexander Kornienko; David M. Pereira; Paula B. Andrade; Nelson G. M. Gomes. "Marine-Derived Anticancer Agents: Clinical Benefits, Innovative Mechanisms, and New Targets". Marine Drugs 17 6 (2019): 329-329.
  53. Russo, Daniela; Faraone, Immacolata; Labanca, Fabiana; Sinisgalli, Chiara; Bartolo, Mariantonietta; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Milella, Luigi. "Comparison of different green-extraction techniques and determination of the phytochemical profile and antioxidant activity of Echinacea angustifolia L. extracts". Phytochemical Analysis 30 5 (2019): 547-555.
  54. Neves, Dina; Valentão, Patrícia; Bernardo, João; Oliveira, Maria C.; Ferreira, Jorge M.G.; Pereira, David M.; Andrade, Paula B.; Videira, Romeu A.. "A new insight on elderberry anthocyanins bioactivity: Modulation of mitochondrial redox chain functionality and cell redox state". Journal of Functional Foods 56 (2019): 145-155.
  55. André Carvalho; Juan Gallo; David Pereira; Patrícia Valentão; Paula Andrade; loic hilliou; Paula M.T. Ferreira; Manuel Bañobre-López; J.A. Martins. "Magnetic Dehydrodipeptide-Based Self-Assembled Hydrogels for Theragnostic Applications". Nanomaterials (2019):
  56. Barbosa, Mariana; Lopes, Graciliana; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia. "Bioprospecting of brown seaweeds for biotechnological applications: Phlorotannin actions in inflammation and allergy network". Trends in Food Science & Technology 86 (2019): 153-171.
  57. Kachmar, Mohamed R.; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Valentão, Patrícia; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Domínguez-Perles, Raúl; Ouahbi, Abdelilah; Badaoui, Khalid El; Andrade, Paula B.; Ferreres, Federico. "HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn phenolic profile and in vitro biological potential of Centaurium erythraea Rafn aqueous extract". Food Chemistry 278 (2019): 424-433.
  58. Popov, Cláudia S.F.C.; Magalhães, Beatriz Simas; Goodfellow, Brian James; Bocca, Anamélia Lorenzetti; Pereira, David M.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia; et al. "Host-defense peptides AC12, DK16 and RC11 with immunomodulatory activity isolated from Hypsiboas raniceps skin secretion". Peptides 113 (2019): 11-21.
  59. Veloso, Andreia D.; Ferraria, Ana M.; Botelho do Rego, Ana M.; Tavares, Pedro B.; Valentão, Patrícia; Pereira, David D.; Andrade, Paula B.; et al. "Hydrophilic Carbon Nanomaterials: Characterisation by Physical, Chemical, and Biological Assays". ChemMedChem 14 6 (2019): 699-711.
  60. Ana R. F. Carreira; David M. Pereira; Paula B. Andrade; Patrícia Valentão; Artur M. S. Silva; Susana Santos Braga; Vera L. M. Silva. "Novel styrylpyrazole-glucosides and their dioxolo-bridged doppelgangers: synthesis and cytotoxicity". New Journal of Chemistry (2019):
  61. Gonçalves, Sandra; Moreira, Elsa; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia; Romano, Anabela. "Effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the total phenolic contents and antioxidant activity of wild Mediterranean edible plant extracts". European Food Research and Technology 245 3 (2018): 753-762.
  62. Barbosa, Mariana; Lopes, Graciliana; Valentão, Patrícia; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Ángel; Pereira, David M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Edible seaweeds’ phlorotannins in allergy: A natural multi-target approach". Food Chemistry 265 (2018): 233-241.
  63. Mouho, Didier G.; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Kodjo, Charles Guillaume; Valentão, Patrícia; Ouattara, Zana Adama; Bekro, Yves-Alain; Andrade, Paula B.. "Valorisation of Mangifera indica crop biomass residues". Industrial Crops and Products 124 (2018): 284-293.
  64. Pereira, Renato B.; Almeida, Agostinho A.; Pereira, David M.; Silva, Olga; Andrade, Paula B.; Pinto, Edgar; Valentão, Patrícia. "Trace elements in wild edible Aplysia species: Relationship with the desaturation–elongation indexes of fatty acids". Chemosphere 208 (2018): 682-690.
  65. Ferreres, Federico; Gomes, Nelson G.M.; Valentão, Patrícia; Pereira, David M.; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Araújo, Luísa; Silva, Tânia C.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Leaves and stem bark from Allophylus africanus P. Beauv.: An approach to anti-inflammatory properties and characterization of their flavonoid profile". Food and Chemical Toxicology 118 (2018): 430-438.
  66. Puig, Carolina G.; Gonçalves, Rui F.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Reigosa, Manuel J.; Pedrol, Nuria. "The Consistency Between Phytotoxic Effects and the Dynamics of Allelochemicals Release from Eucalyptus globulus Leaves Used as Bioherbicide Green Manure". Journal of Chemical Ecology 44 7-8 (2018): 658-670.
  67. Vilamarim, Rafael; Bernardo, João; Videira, Romeu A.; Valentão, Patrícia; Veiga, Francisco; Andrade, Paula B.. "An egg yolk’s phospholipid-pennyroyal nootropic nanoformulation modulates monoamino oxidase-A (MAO-A) activity in SH-SY5Y neuronal model". Journal of Functional Foods 46 (2018): 335-344.
  68. Valentão, Patrícia. "Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids: Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Food Safety". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018):
  69. Fátima Fernandes; Mariana Barbosa; David M. Pereira; Isabel Sousa-Pinto; Patrícia Valentão; Isabel C. Azevedo; Paula B. Andrade. "Chemical profiling of edible seaweed (Ochrophyta) extracts and assessment of their in vitro effects on cell-free enzyme systems and on the viability of glutamate-injured SH-SY5Y cells". Food and Chemical Toxicology 116 (2018): 196-206.
  70. Mendes, Daniela; Oliveira, Maria Manuel; Moreira, Paula I.; Coutinho, João; Nunes, Fernando M.; Pereira, David M.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Videira, Romeu A.. "Beneficial effects of white wine polyphenols-enriched diet on Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology". The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 55 (2018): 165-177.
  71. Valentão, Patrícia. "Profiling of Heterobranchia Sea Slugs from Portuguese Coastal Waters as Producers of Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Agents". Molecules (2018):
  72. Figueiredo-González, M.; Reboredo-Rodríguez, P.; González-Barreiro, C.; Simal-Gándara, J.; Valentão, P.; Carrasco-Pancorbo, A.; Andrade, P.B.; Cancho-Grande, B.. "Evaluation of the neuroprotective and antidiabetic potential of phenol-rich extracts from virgin olive oils by in vitro assays". Food Research International 106 (2018): 558-567.
  73. Puig, Carolina G.; Reigosa, Manuel J.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Pedrol, Nuria. "Unravelling the bioherbicide potential of Eucalyptus globulus Labill: Biochemistry and effects of its aqueous extract". PLOS ONE 13 2 (2018): e0192872.
  74. Valentão, Patrícia. "Insights into Natural Products in Inflammation". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018):
  75. Mouho, Didier G.; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Kodjo, Charles Guillaume; Valentão, Patrícia; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Andrade, Paula B.; Ouattara, Zana Adama; Bekro, Yves-Alain; Ferreres, Federico. "Chemical findings and in vitro biological studies to uphold the use of Ficus exasperata Vahl leaf and stem bark". Food and Chemical Toxicology 112 (2018): 134-144.
  76. Gonçalves, Sandra; Medronho, Joana; Moreira, Elsa; Grosso, Clara; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia; Romano, Anabela. "Bioactive properties of Chamaerops humilis L.: antioxidant and enzyme inhibiting activities of extracts from leaves, seeds, pulp and peel". 3 Biotech 8 2 (2018):
  77. Valentão, Patrícia. "A Comparative Study on Phytochemical Profiles and Biological Activities of Sclerocarya birrea (A.Rich.) Hochst Leaf and Bark Extracts". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018):
  78. Videira, R.A.; Andrade, P.B.; Monteiro, L.S.; Valentão, P.; Ferreira, P.M.T.; Pereira, D.M.. "Toxicity and structure-activity relationship (SAR) of a,ß-dehydroamino acids against human cancer cell lines". Toxicology in Vitro 47 (2018): 26-37.
  79. Lopes, G.; Barbosa, M.; Vallejo, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, Á.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.; Pereira, D.M.; Ferreres, F.. "Profiling phlorotannins from Fucus spp. of the Northern Portuguese coastline: Chemical approach by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn and UPLC-ESI-QTOF/MS". Algal Research 29 (2018): 113-120.
  80. Gomes, N.G.M.; Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Hybrid MS/NMR methods on the prioritization of natural products: Applications in drug discovery". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 147 (2018): 234-249.
  81. Bernardo, J.; Ferreres, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, Á.; Videira, R.A.; Valentão, P.; Veiga, F.; Andrade, P.B.. "In vitro multimodal-effect of Trichilia catigua A. Juss. (Meliaceae) bark aqueous extract in CNS targets". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 211 (2018): 247-255.
  82. David M. Pereira; Patrícia Valentão; Paula B. Andrade. "Tuning protein folding in lysosomal storage diseases: the chemistry behind pharmacological chaperones". Chemical Science (2018):
  83. Ferreres, Federico; Grosso, Clara; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentão, Patrícia; Mota, Ana T.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Optimization of the recovery of high-value compounds from pitaya fruit by-products using microwave-assisted extraction". Food Chemistry 230 (2017): 463-474.
  84. Bernardo, João; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Ángel; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Bernardo, J.; Ferreres, F.; et al. "Medicinal species as MTDLs: Turnera diffusa Willd. Ex Schult inhibits CNS enzymes and delays glutamate excitotoxicity in SH-SY5Y cells via oxidative damage". Food and Chemical Toxicology 106 (2017): 466-476.
  85. Magalhães, S.C.Q.; Taveira, M.; Cabrita, A.R.J.; Fonseca, A.J.M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "European marketable grain legume seeds: Further insight into phenolic compounds profiles". Food Chemistry 215 (2017): 177-184.
  86. Ferreres, F.; Magalhães, S.C.Q.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Cabrita, A.R.J.; Fonseca, A.J.M.; Andrade, P.B.. "HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn profiling of phenolic compounds from Lathyrus cicera L. seeds". Food Chemistry 214 (2017): 678-685.
  87. Monteiro, L.S.; Oliveira, S.; Paiva-Martins, F.; Ferreira, P.M.T.; Pereira, D.M.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of new phenolic and catecholic dehydroamino acid derivatives". Tetrahedron 73 43 (2017): 6199-6209.
  88. Collado-González, J.; Grosso, C.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Ferreres, F.; Durand, T.; Guy, A.; et al. "Inhibition of a-glucosidase and a-amylase by Spanish extra virgin olive oils: The involvement of bioactive compounds other than oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol". Food Chemistry 235 (2017): 298-307.
  89. Magalhães, S.C.Q.; Cabrita, A.R.J.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Rema, P.; Maia, M.R.G.; Valente, L.M.P.; Fonseca, A.J.M.. "Apparent digestibility coefficients of European grain legumes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)". Aquaculture Nutrition (2017):
  90. da Silva, D.C.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.; Pereira, D.M.. "Neurotoxicity of the steroidal alkaloids tomatine and tomatidine is RIP1 kinase- and caspase-independent and involves the eIF2a branch of the endoplasmic reticulum". Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 171 (2017): 178-186.
  91. Figueiredo-González, M.; Valentão, P.; Pereira, D.M.; Andrade, P.B.. "Further insights on tomato plant: Cytotoxic and antioxidant activity of leaf extracts in human gastric cells". Food and Chemical Toxicology 109 (2017): 386-392.
  92. Gonçalves, S.; Moreira, E.; Grosso, C.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.; Romano, A.. "Phenolic profile, antioxidant activity and enzyme inhibitory activities of extracts from aromatic plants used in Mediterranean diet". Journal of Food Science and Technology 54 1 (2017): 219-227.
  93. Pereira, R.B.; Pinto, D.C.G.A.; Pereira, D.M.; Gomes, N.G.M.; Silva, A.M.S.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "UHPLC-MS/MS profiling of Aplysia depilans and assessment of its potential therapeutic use: Interference on iNOS expression in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages and caspase-mediated pro-apoptotic effect on SH-SY5Y cells". Journal of Functional Foods 37 (2017): 164-175.
  94. Ferreira, V.; Fernandes, F.; Carrasco, D.; Hernandez, M.G.; Pinto-Carnide, O.; Arroyo-García, R.; Andrade, P.; et al. "Spontaneous variation regarding grape berry skin color: A comprehensive study of berry development by means of biochemical and molecular markers". Food Research International 97 (2017): 149-161.
  95. Hadidi, L.; Babou, L.; Zaidi, F.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Grosso, C.. "Quercus ilex L.: How season, Plant Organ and Extraction Procedure Can Influence Chemistry and Bioactivities". Chemistry and Biodiversity 14 1 (2017):
  96. Oliveira, A.P.; Sá, I.; Pereira, D.M.; Gonçalves, R.F.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Exploratory Studies on the in Vitro Anti-inflammatory Potential of Two Herbal Teas (Annona muricata L. and Jasminum grandiflorum L.), and Relation with Their Phenolic Composition". Chemistry and Biodiversity 14 6 (2017):
  97. Magalhães, S.C.Q.; Fernandes, F.; Cabrita, A.R.J.; Fonseca, A.J.M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Alkaloids in the valorization of European Lupinus spp. seeds crop". Industrial Crops and Products 95 (2017): 286-295.
  98. Fernandes, F.; Ferreres, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Oliveira, A.P.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites in edible jackfruit seed tissues and scavenging of reactive nitrogen species". Food Chemistry 233 (2017): 85-95.
  99. Barbosa, M.; Lopes, G.; Ferreres, F.; Andrade, P.B.; Pereira, D.M.; Gil-Izquierdo, Á.; Valentão, P.. "Phlorotannin extracts from Fucales: Marine polyphenols as bioregulators engaged in inflammation-related mediators and enzymes". Algal Research 28 (2017): 1-8.
  100. Da Silva, D.C.; Andrade, P.B.; Ribeiro, V.; Valentão, P.; Pereira, D.M.. "Recent patents on proteasome inhibitors of natural origin". Recent Patents on Anti-Cancer Drug Discovery 12 1 (2017): 4-15.
  101. Ferreres, F.; Duangsrisai, S.; Gomes, N.G.M.; Suksungworn, R.; Pereira, D.M.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Choowongkomon, K.; Andrade, P.B.. "Anti-inflammatory properties of the stem bark from the herbal drug Vitex peduncularis Wall. ex Schauer and characterization of its polyphenolic profile". Food and Chemical Toxicology 106 (2017): 8-16.
  102. Pereira, D.M.; Silva, T.C.; Losada-Barreiro, S.; Valentão, P.; Paiva-Martins, F.; Andrade, P.B.. "Toxicity of phenolipids: Protocatechuic acid alkyl esters trigger disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase activation in macrophages". Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 206 (2017): 16-27.
  103. Silva, T.C.; de Andrade, P.B.; Paiva-Martins, F.; Valentão, P.; Pereira, D.M.. "In vitro anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic effects of aqueous extracts from the edible sea anemones Anemonia sulcata and Actinia equina". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18 3 (2017):
  104. Graciliana Lopes; Paula Andrade; Patrícia Valentão. "Phlorotannins: Towards New Pharmacological Interventions for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2". Molecules 22 1 (2016): 56-56.
  105. Grosso, Clara; Bernardo, João; Correia, P.; Andrade, Catarina; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "In vitro neuroprotection by medicinal plant extracts". Planta Medica (2016):
  106. Babou, Louiza; Hadidi, Lila; Grosso, Clara; Zaidi, Farid; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Study of phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of myrtle leaves and fruits as a function of maturation". European Food Research and Technology 242 9 (2016): 1447-1457.
  107. Renato Pereira; Paula Andrade; Patrícia Valentão. "Chemical Diversity and Biological Properties of Secondary Metabolites from Sea Hares of Aplysia Genus". Marine Drugs 14 2 (2016): 39-39.
  108. Fernandes, F.; Barbosa, M.; Oliveira, A.P.; Azevedo, I.C.; Sousa-Pinto, I.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "The pigments of kelps (Ochrophyta) as part of the flexible response to highly variable marine environments". Journal of Applied Phycology (2016): 1-8.
  109. Ferreira, V.; Fernandes, F.; Pinto-Carnide, O.; Valentão, P.; Falco, V.; Martín, J.P.; Ortiz, J.M.; et al. "Identification of Vitis vinifera L. grape berry skin color mutants and polyphenolic profile". Food Chemistry 194 (2016): 117-127.
  110. Carqueijeiro, I.; Guimarães, A.L.; Bettencourt, S.; Martínez-Cortés, T.; Guedes, J.G.; Gardner, R.; Lopes, T.; et al. "Isolation of cells specialized in anticancer alkaloid metabolism by fluorescence-activated cell sorting". Plant Physiology 171 4 (2016): 2371-2378.
  111. Sousa, C.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Relationships of Echium plantagineum L. bee pollen, dietary flavonoids and their colonic metabolites with cytochrome P450 enzymes and oxidative stress". RSC Advances 6 8 (2016): 6084-6092.
  112. Figueiredo-González, M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Tomato plant leaves: From by-products to the management of enzymes in chronic diseases". Industrial Crops and Products 94 (2016): 621-629.
  113. Oliveira, A.P.; Ferreira, J.G.; Riboira, S.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Bioactive natural products from Piper betle L. leaves and their a-glucosidase inhibitory potential". Records of Natural Products 10 6 (2016): 771-781.
  114. Pinho, B.R.; Reis, S.D.; Guedes-Dias, P.; Leitão-Rocha, A.; Quintas, C.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Santos, M.M.; Oliveira, J.M.A.. "Pharmacological modulation of HDAC1 and HDAC6 in vivo in a zebrafish model: Therapeutic implications for Parkinson's disease". Pharmacological Research 103 (2016): 328-339.
  115. Mahfoudhi, A.; Grosso, C.; Gonçalves, R.F.; Khelifi, E.; Hammami, S.; Achour, S.; Trabelsi-Ayadi, M.; et al. "Evaluation of Antioxidant, Anticholinesterase, and Antidiabetic Potential of Dry Leaves and Stems in Tamarix aphylla Growing Wild in Tunisia". Chemistry and Biodiversity 13 12 (2016): 1747-1755.
  116. Barbosa, M.; Fernandes, F.; Pereira, D.M.; Azevedo, I.C.; Sousa-Pinto, I.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Fatty acid patterns of the kelps Saccharina latissima, Saccorhiza polyschides and Laminaria ochroleuca: Influence of changing environmental conditions". Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2016):
  117. Barbosa, M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Biologically Active Oxylipins from Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic Routes in Macroalgae". Marine Drugs 14 1 (2016):
  118. Andrade, P.B.; Grosso, C.; Valentao, P.; Bernardo, J.. "Flavonoids in neurodegeneration: Limitations and strategies to cross CNS barriers". Current Medicinal Chemistry 23 36 (2016): 4151-4174.
  119. Figueiredo-González, M.; Grosso, C.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "a-Glucosidase and a-amylase inhibitors from Myrcia spp.: A stronger alternative to acarbose?". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 118 (2016): 322-327.
  120. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Correia-Da-Silva, G.; Teixeira, N.; Andrade, P.B.. "Translating endoplasmic reticulum biology into the clinic: A role for ER-targeted natural products?". Natural Product Reports 32 5 (2015): 705-722.
  121. Samardjieva, K.A.; Gonçalves, R.F.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Pissarra, J.; Pereira, S.; Tavares, F.. "Zinc Accumulation and Tolerance in Solanum nigrum are Plant Growth Dependent". International Journal of Phytoremediation 17 3 (2015): 272-279.
  122. Ferreres, F.; Bernardo, J.; Andrade, P.B.; Sousa, C.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.. "Pennyroyal and gastrointestinal cells: Multi-target protection of phenolic compounds against t-BHP-induced toxicity". RSC Advances 5 52 (2015): 41576-41584.
  123. Pereira, R.B.; Taveira, M.; Valentão, P.; Sousa, C.; Andrade, P.B.. "Fatty acids from edible sea hares: Anti-inflammatory capacity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells involves iNOS modulation". RSC Advances 5 12 (2015): 8981-8987.
  124. Grosso, C.; Valentão, P.; Ferreres, F.; Andrade, P.B.. "Alternative and efficient extraction methods for marine-derived compounds". Marine Drugs 13 5 (2015): 3182-3230.
  125. Armentano, M.F.; Bisaccia, F.; Miglionico, R.; Russo, D.; Nolfi, N.; Carmosino, M.; Andrade, P.B.; et al. "Antioxidant and proapoptotic activities of sclerocarya birrea [(A. Rich.) Hochst.] methanolic root extract on the hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2". BioMed Research International 2015 (2015):
  126. Oliveira, A.P.; Lobo-Da-Cunha, A.; Taveira, M.; Ferreira, M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Digestive gland from Aplysia depilans Gmelin: Leads for inflammation treatment". Molecules 20 9 (2015): 15766-15780.
  127. Gironés-Vilaplana, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Ferreres, F.; Moreno, D.A.; García-Viguera, C.. "Beverages of lemon juice and exotic noni and papaya with potential for anticholinergic effects". Food Chemistry 170 (2015): 16-21.
  128. Barbosa, M.; Collado-González, J.; Andrade, P.B.; Ferreres, F.; Valentão, P.; Galano, J.-M.; Durand, T.; Gil-Izquierdo, Á.. "Nonenzymatic a-Linolenic Acid Derivatives from the Sea: Macroalgae as Novel Sources of Phytoprostanes". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63 28 (2015): 6466-6474.
  129. Russo, D.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Fernandez, E.C.; Milella, L.. "Evaluation of antioxidant, antidiabetic and anticholinesterase activities of smallanthus sonchifolius landraces and correlation with their phytochemical profiles". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16 8 (2015): 17696-17718.
  130. Amaro, H.M.; Fernandes, F.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Sousa-Pinto, I.; Malcata, F.X.; Guedes, A.C.. "Effect of solvent system on extractability of lipidic components of Scenedesmus obliquus (M2-1) and Gloeothece sp. on antioxidant scavenging capacity thereof". Marine Drugs 13 10 (2015): 6453-6471.
  131. Grosso, C.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, C.; Andrade, P.B.. "HPLC-DAD analysis and in vitro enzyme inhibition: An integrated approach to predict herbal binary mixture behaviour employing median effect equation". Microchemical Journal 119 (2015): 176-182.
  132. Pereira, R.B.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "A Comprehensive View of the Neurotoxicity Mechanisms of Cocaine and Ethanol". Neurotoxicity Research 28 3 (2015): 253-267.
  133. Teixeira, R.; Dopico-García, S.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.; López-Vilariño, J.M.; González-Rodríguez, V.; Cela-Pérez, C.; Silva, L.R.. "Volatile phenols depletion in red wine using molecular imprinted polymers". Journal of Food Science and Technology 52 12 (2015): 7735-7746.
  134. Sousa, C.; Moita, E.; Valentão, P.; Fernandes, F.; Monteiro, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Effects of colored and noncolored phenolics of echium plantagineum L. bee pollen in caco-2 cells under oxidative stress induced by tert -butyl hydroperoxide". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63 7 (2015): 2083-2091.
  135. Ferreres, F.; Grosso, C.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Fernandes, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Comparing the phenolic profile of Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn with respect to authentication and enzyme inhibition potential". Industrial Crops and Products 77 (2015): 391-401.
  136. Pereira, David; Correia-da-Silva, Georgina; Valentao, Patricia; Teixeira, Natercia; Andrade, Paula. "GC-MS Lipidomic Profiling of the Echinoderm Marthasterias glacialis and Screening for Activity Against Human Cancer and Non-Cancer Cell Lines". Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 17 5 (2014): 450-457.
  137. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Nano-and microdelivery systems for marine bioactive lipids". Marine Drugs 12 12 (2014): 6014-6027.
  138. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Marine natural pigments: Chemistry, distribution and analysis". Dyes and Pigments 111 (2014): 124-134.
  139. Moita, E.; Sousa, C.; Andrade, P.B.; Fernandes, F.; Pinho, B.R.; Silva, L.R.; Valentão, P.. "Effects of echium plantagineum L. Bee pollen on basophil degranulation: Relationship with metabolic profile". Molecules 19 7 (2014): 10635-10649.
  140. Silva, L.R.; Azevedo, J.; Pereira, M.J.; Carro, L.; Velazquez, E.; Peix, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Inoculation of the nonlegume capsicum annuum L. with Rhizobium strains. 2. changes in sterols, triterpenes, fatty acids, and volatile compounds". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62 3 (2014): 565-573.
  141. Fernandes, F.; Andrade, P.B.; Ferreres, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Sousa-Pinto, I.; Valentão, P.. "The chemical composition on fingerprint of Glandora diffusa and its biological properties". Arabian Journal of Chemistry (2014):
  142. Taveira, M.; Sousa, C.; Valentão, P.; Ferreres, F.; Teixeira, J.P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Neuroprotective effect of steroidal alkaloids on glutamate-induced toxicity by preserving mitochondrial membrane potential and reducing oxidative stress". Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 140 (2014): 106-115.
  143. Silva, L.R.; Azevedo, J.; Pereira, M.J.; Carro, L.; Velazquez, E.; Peix, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Inoculation of the nonlegume capsicum annuum (L.) with Rhizobium strains. 1. effect on bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, and fruit ripeness". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62 3 (2014): 557-564.
  144. Pinho, B.R.; Sousa, C.; Valentao, P.; Oliveira, J.M.A.; Andrade, P.B.. "Modulation of basophils' degranulation and allergy- related enzymes by monomeric and dimeric naphthoquinones". PLoS ONE 9 2 (2014):
  145. Pereira, D.M.; Correia-da-Silva, G.; Valentão, P.; Teixeira, N.; Andrade, P.B.. "Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Ergosta-7,22-dien-3-ol from Marthasterias glacialis: Prevention of CHOP-Mediated ER-Stress and NF-kB Activation". PLoS ONE 9 2 (2014):
  146. Lopes, G.; Daletos, G.; Proksch, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Anti-inflammatory potential of monogalactosyl diacylglycerols and a monoacylglycerol from the edible brown seaweed Fucus spiralis linnaeus". Marine Drugs 12 3 (2014): 1406-1418.
  147. Grosso, C.; Ferreres, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Sampaio, M.; Lima, J.; Andrade, P.B.. "Box-Behnken factorial design to obtain a phenolic-rich extract from the aerial parts of Chelidonium majus L.". Talanta 130 (2014): 128-136.
  148. Rebelo, M.J.; Sousa, C.; Valentão, P.; Rego, R.; Andrade, P.B.. "Phenolic profile of Douro wines and evaluation of their NO scavenging capacity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages". Food Chemistry 163 (2014): 16-22.
  149. Ferreres, F.; Oliveira, A.P.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Piper betle leaves: Profiling phenolic compounds by HPLC/DAD-ESI/MS n and anti-cholinesterase activity". Phytochemical Analysis 25 5 (2014): 453-460.
  150. Pereira, D.M.; Correia-da-Silva, G.; Valentão, P.; Teixeira, N.; Andrade, P.B.. "Palmitic acid and ergosta-7,22-dien-3-ol contribute to the apoptotic effect and cell cycle arrest of an extract from Marthasterias glacialis L. in neuroblastoma cells". Marine Drugs 12 1 (2014): 54-68.
  151. Barbosa, M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Bioactive compounds from macroalgae in the new millennium: Implications for neurodegenerative diseases". Marine Drugs 12 9 (2014): 4934-4972.
  152. Grosso, C.; Valentão, P.; Ferreres, F.; Andrade, P.B.. "Bioactive marine drugs and marine biomaterials for brain diseases". Marine Drugs 12 5 (2014): 2539-2589.
  153. Ferreres, F.; Grosso, C.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Azevedo, C.; Andrade, P.B.. "HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn analysis of phenolic compounds for quality control of Grindelia robusta Nutt. and bioactivities". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 94 (2014): 163-172.
  154. Ferreres, F.; Grosso, C.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Assessing Jasminum grandiflorum L. authenticity by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn and effects on physiological enzymes and oxidative species". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 88 (2014): 157-161.
  155. Moita, E.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Sousa, C.; Ferreres, F.; Silva, L.R.; Valentão, P.; Domínguez-Perles, R.; Baenas, N.; Andrade, P.B.. "Integrated Analysis of COX-2 and iNOS Derived Inflammatory Mediators in LPS-Stimulated RAW Macrophages Pre-Exposed to Echium plantagineum L. Bee Pollen Extract". PLoS ONE 8 3 (2013):
  156. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Teixeira, N.; Andrade, P.B.. "Amino acids, fatty acids and sterols profile of some marine organisms from Portuguese waters". Food Chemistry 141 3 (2013): 2412-2417.
  157. Costa, P.; Gonçalves, S.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Almeida, C.; Nogueira, J.M.F.; Romano, A.. "Metabolic profile and biological activities of Lavandula pedunculata subsp. lusitanica (Chaytor) Franco: Studies on the essential oil and polar extracts". Food Chemistry 141 3 (2013): 2501-2506.
  158. Pinho, B.R.; Santos, M.M.; Fonseca-Silva, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Oliveira, J.M.A.. "How mitochondrial dysfunction affects zebrafish development and cardiovascular function: An in vivo model for testing mitochondria-targeted drugs". British Journal of Pharmacology 169 5 (2013): 1072-1090.
  159. Ferreres, F.; Grosso, C.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Phenolic compounds from Jacaranda caroba (Vell.) A. DC.: Approaches to neurodegenerative disorders". Food and Chemical Toxicology 57 (2013): 91-98.
  160. Costa, P.; Gonçalves, S.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Romano, A.. "Accumulation of phenolic compounds in in vitro cultures and wild plants of Lavandula viridis L'Hér and their antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase potential". Food and Chemical Toxicology 57 (2013): 69-74.
  161. Cabana, R.; Silva, L.R.; Valentão, P.; Viturro, C.I.; Andrade, P.B.. "Effect of different extraction methodologies on the recovery of bioactive metabolites from Satureja parvifolia (Phil.) Epling (Lamiaceae)". Industrial Crops and Products 48 (2013): 49-56.
  162. Silva, G.; Pereira, R.B.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Sousa, C.. "Distinct fatty acid profile of ten brown macroalgae". Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy 23 4 (2013): 608-613.
  163. Pereira, R.B.; Sousa, C.; Costa, A.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Glutathione and the antioxidant potential of binary mixtures with flavonoids: Synergisms and antagonisms". Molecules 18 8 (2013): 8858-8872.
  164. Lopes, G.; Pinto, E.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Antifungal Activity of Phlorotannins against Dermatophytes and Yeasts: Approaches to the Mechanism of Action and Influence on Candida albicans Virulence Factor". PLoS ONE 8 8 (2013):
  165. Oliveira, A.P.; Matos, R.P.; Silva, S.T.; Andrade, P.B.; Ferreres, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Meireles, S.; Brandão, T.M.; Valentão, P.. "A new iced tea base herbal beverage with Spergularia rubra extract: Metabolic profile stability and in vitro enzyme inhibition". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61 36 (2013): 8650-8656.
  166. Goncalves, R.F.; Silva, A.M.S.; Silva, A.M.; Valentao, P.; Ferreres, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Silva, J.B.; Santos, D.; Andrade, P.B.. "Influence of taro (Colocasia esculenta L. Shott) growth conditions on the phenolic composition and biological properties". Food Chemistry 141 4 (2013): 3480-3485.
  167. Martins, Neusa; Goncalves, Sandra; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Romano, Anabela. "Changes on organic acid secretion and accumulation in Plantago almogravensis Franco and Plantago algarbiensis Samp. under aluminum stress". Plant Science 198 (2013): 1-6.
  168. Silva, L.R.; Azevedo, J.; Pereira, M.J.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Chemical assessment and antioxidant capacity of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds". Food and Chemical Toxicology 53 (2013): 240-248.
  169. Silva, L.R.; Pereira, M.J.; Azevedo, J.; Mulas, R.; Velazquez, E.; Gonzalez-Andres, F.; Valentao, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum enhances the organic and fatty acids content of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) seeds". Food Chemistry 141 4 (2013): 3636-3648.
  170. Ferreres, F.; Grosso, C.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Ellagic acid and derivatives from cochlospermum angolensis welw. extracts: HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn profiling, quantification and in vitro anti-depressant, anti-cholinesterase and anti-oxidant activities". Phytochemical Analysis 24 6 (2013): 534-540.
  171. Grosso, C.; Valentão, P.; Ferreres, F.; Andrade, P.B.. "The use of flavonoids in central nervous system disorders". Current Medicinal Chemistry 20 37 (2013): 4694-4719.
  172. Pinho, B.R.; Ferreres, F.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Nature as a source of metabolites with cholinesterase-inhibitory activity: An approach to Alzheimer's disease treatment". Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 65 12 (2013): 1681-1700.
  173. Andrade, Paula B.; Barbosa, Mariana; Matos, Rui Pedro; Lopes, Graciliana; Vinholes, Juliana; Mouga, Teresa; Valentao, Patricia. "Valuable compounds in macroalgae extracts". Food Chemistry 138 2-3 (2013): 1819-1828.
  174. Fernandes, Fatima; Ramalhosa, Elsa; Pires, Patricia; Verdial, Joao; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula; Bento, Albino; Pereira, Jose Alberto. "Vitis vinifera leaves towards bioactivity". Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013): 434-440.
  175. Silva, Luis R.; Pereira, Maria J.; Azevedo, Jessica; Goncalves, Rui F.; Valentao, Patricia; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Andrade, Paula B.. "Glycine max (L.) Merr., Vigna radiata L. and Medicago sativa L. sprouts: A natural source of bioactive compounds". Food Research International 50 1 (2013): 167-175.
  176. Ferreres, Federico; Vinholes, Juliana; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentao, Patricia; Goncalves, Rui F.; Andrade, Paula B.. "In vitro studies of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and antiradical constituents of Glandora diffusa (Lag.) DC Thomas infusion". Food Chemistry 136 3-4 (2013): 1390-1398.
  177. Fernandez-Agullo, A.; Pereira, E.; Freire, M. S.; Valentao, P.; Andrade, P. B.; Gonzalez-Alvarez, J.; Pereira, J. A.. "Influence of solvent on the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of walnut (Juglans regia L.) green husk extracts". Industrial Crops and Products 42 (2013): 126-132.
  178. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, Patrícia. "Lessons from the sea: Distribution, sar, and molecular mechanisms of anti-inflammatory drugs from marine organisms". Studies in Natural Products Chemistry 40 (2013): 205-228.
  179. Faleh, E.; Oliveira, A.P.; Valentão, P.; Ferchichi, A.; Silva, B.M.; Andrade, P.B.. "Influence of Tunisian Ficus carica fruit variability in phenolic profiles and in vitro radical scavenging potential". Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy 22 6 (2012): 1282-1289.
  180. Costa, Patricia; Grosso, Clara; Goncalves, Sandra; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Gabriela Bernardo-Gil, M.; Romano, Anabela. "Supercritical fluid extraction and hydrodistillation for the recovery of bioactive compounds from Lavandula viridis L'Her". Food Chemistry 135 1 (2012): 112-121.
  181. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Costa, Rossana M.; Magalhaes, Ana S.; Pereira, Jose A.; Carvalho, Marcia; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Silva, Branca M.. "Targeted metabolites and biological activities of Cydonia oblonga Miller leaves". Food Research International 46 2 (2012): 496-504.
  182. Costa, Patricia; Goncalves, Sandra; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Coelho, Natacha; Romano, Anabela. "Thymus lotocephalus wild plants and in vitro cultures produce different profiles of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity". Food Chemistry 135 3 (2012): 1253-1260.
  183. Gaspar, L.; Oliveira, A.P.; Silva, L.R.; Andrade, P.B.; de Pinho, P.G.; Botelho, J.; Valentão, P.. "Metabolic and biological prospecting of Coreopsis tinctoria". Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy 22 2 (2012): 350-358.
  184. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Correia-da-Silva, G.; Teixeira, N.; Andrade, P.B.. "Plant secondary metabolites in cancer chemotherapy: Where are we?". Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 13 5 (2012): 632-650.
  185. Taveira, Marcos; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Oliveira, Luisa; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Fast determination of bioactive compounds from Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. leaves". Food Chemistry 135 2 (2012): 748-755.
  186. Mariutti, Lilian R. B.; Pereira, David M.; Mercadante, Adriana Zerlotti; Valentao, Patricia; Teixeira, Natercia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Further Insights on the Carotenoid Profile of the Echinoderm Marthasterias glacialis L.". Marine Drugs 10 7 (2012): 1498-1510.
  187. Ferreres, Federico; Goncalves, Rui F.; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentao, Patricia; Silva, Artur M. S.; Silva, Joao B.; Santos, Delfim; Andrade, Paula B.. "Further Knowledge on the Phenolic Profile of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 28 (2012): 7005-7015.
  188. Fernandes, Fatima; Sousa, Carla; Ferreres, Federico; Valentao, Patricia; Remiao, Fernando; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Kale Extract Increases Glutathione Levels in V79 Cells, but Does not Protect Them Against Acute Toxicity Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide". Molecules 17 5 (2012): 5269-5288.
  189. Girones-Vilaplana, Arnadeo; Valentao, Patricia; Moreno, Diego A.; Ferreres, Federico; Garcia-Viguera, Cristina; Andrade, Paula B.. "New Beverages of Lemon Juice Enriched with the Exotic Berries Maqui, Acai, and Blackthorn: Bioactive Components and in Vitro Biological Properties". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 26 (2012): 6571-6580.
  190. Ferreres, Federico; Lopes, Graciliana; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Andrade, Paula B.; Sousa, Carla; Mouga, Teresa; Valentao, Patricia. "Phlorotannin Extracts from Fucales Characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn: Approaches to Hyaluronidase Inhibitory Capacity and Antioxidant Properties". Marine Drugs 10 12 (2012): 2766-2781.
  191. Silva, Luis R.; Valentao, Patricia; Faria, Joana; Ferreres, Federico; Sousa, Carla; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Pinho, Brigida R.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Phytochemical investigations and biological potential screening with cellular and non-cellular models of globe amaranth (Gomphrena globosaL.) inflorescences". Food Chemistry 135 2 (2012): 756-763.
  192. Girones-Vilaplana, Amadeo; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Ferreres, Federico; Moreno, Diego A.; Garcia-Viguera, Cristina. "Phytochemical profile of a blend of black chokeberry and lemon juice with cholinesterase inhibitory effect and antioxidant potential". Food Chemistry 134 4 (2012): 2090-2096.
  193. Pereira, David M.; Vinholes, Juliana; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Mouga, Teresa; Teixeira, Natercia; Andrade, Paula B.. "A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry multi-target method for the simultaneous analysis of three classes of metabolites in marine organisms". Talanta 100 (2012): 391-400.
  194. Escuredo, Olga; Silva, Luis R.; Valentao, Patricia; Seijo, Maria C.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Assessing Rubus honey value: Pollen and phenolic compounds content and antibacterial capacity". Food Chemistry 130 3 (2012): 671-678.
  195. Pinho, C.; Couto, A. I.; Valentao, P.; Andrade, P.; Ferreira, I. M. P. L. V. O.. "Assessing the anthocyanic composition of Port wines and musts and their free radical scavenging capacity". Food Chemistry 131 3 (2012): 885-892.
  196. Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Vinholes, Juliana; Silva, Sara T.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Bauhinia forficata Link authenticity using flavonoids profile: Relation with their biological properties". Food Chemistry 134 2 (2012): 894-904.
  197. Sousa, Carla; Fernandes, Fatima; Valentao, Patricia; Rodrigues, Antonio Sebastiao; Coelho, Marta; Teixeira, Joao P.; Silva, Susana; et al. "Brassica oleracea L. Var. costata DC and Pieris brassicae L. Aqueous Extracts Reduce Methyl Methanesulfonate-Induced DNA Damage in V79 Hamster Lung Fibroblasts". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60 21 (2012): 5380-5387.
  198. Lopes, Graciliana; Sousa, Carla; Silva, Luis R.; Pinto, Eugenia; Andrade, Paula B.; Bernardo, Joao; Mouga, Teresa; Valentao, Patricia. "Can Phlorotannins Purified Extracts Constitute a Novel Pharmacological Alternative for Microbial Infections with Associated Inflammatory Conditions?". Plos One 7 2 (2012):
  199. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Baptista, Paula; Andrade, Paula B.; Martins, Fatima; Pereira, Jose A.; Silva, Branca M.; Valentao, Patricia. "Characterization of Ficus carica L. cultivars by DNA and secondary metabolite analysis: Is genetic diversity reflected in the chemical composition?". Food Research International 49 2 (2012): 710-719.
  200. Costa, Patricia; Goncalves, Sandra; Grosso, Clara; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Gabriela Bernardo-Gil, M.; Romano, Anabela. "Chemical profiling and biological screening of Thymus lotocephalus extracts obtained by supercritical fluid extraction and hydrodistillation". Industrial Crops and Products 36 1 (2012): 246-256.
  201. Ferreres, Federico; Taveira, Marcos; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Oliveira, Luisa; Teixeira, Tania; Valentao, Patricia; Simoes, Nelson; Andrade, Paula B.. "High-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-electrospray ionization multi-stage mass spectrometric screening of an insect/plant system: the case of Spodoptera littoralis/Lycopersicon esculentum phenolics and alkaloids". Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25 14 (2011): 1972-1980.
  202. Ferreres, Federico; Figueiredo, Raquel; Bettencourt, Sara; Carqueijeiro, Ines; Oliveira, Juliana; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Pereira, David M.; et al. "Identification of phenolic compounds in isolated vacuoles of the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus and their interaction with vacuolar class III peroxidase: an H2O2 affair?". Journal of Experimental Botany 62 8 (2011): 2841-2854.
  203. Vinholes, Juliana; Grosso, Clara; Andrade, Paula B.; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentao, Patricia; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Ferreres, Federico. "In vitro studies to assess the antidiabetic, anti-cholinesterase and antioxidant potential of Spergularia rubra". Food Chemistry 129 2 (2011): 454-462.
  204. Costa, Patricia; Goncalves, Sandra; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Romano, Anabela. "Inhibitory effect of Lavandula viridis on Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation, antioxidant and anti-cholinesterase properties". Food Chemistry 126 4 (2011): 1779-1786.
  205. Pinho, Brigida R.; Sousa, Carla; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Is Nitric Oxide Decrease Observed with Naphthoquinones in LPS Stimulated RAW 264.7 Macrophages a Beneficial Property?". Plos One 6 8 (2011):
  206. Dopico-Garcia, M. S.; Castro-Lopez, M. M.; Lopez-Vilarino, J. M.; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. V.; Valentao, P.; Andrade, P. B.; Garcia-Garabal, S.; Abad, M. J.. "Natural Extracts as Potential Source of Antioxidants to Stabilize Polyolefins". Journal of Applied Polymer Science 119 6 (2011): 3553-3559.
  207. Santos, Rui P.; Mendes, Lidia S.; Silva, Branca M.; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Pereira, Jose A.; Carvalho, Marcia. "Phytochemical profiles and inhibitory effect on free radical-induced human erythrocyte damage of Dracaena draco leaf: A potential novel antioxidant agent". Food Chemistry 124 3 (2011): 927-934.
  208. Pereira, David M.; Cheel, Jose; Areche, Carlos; San-Martin, Aurelio; Rovirosa, Juana; Silva, Luis R.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Anti-Proliferative Activity of Meroditerpenoids Isolated from the Brown Alga Stypopodium flabelliforme against Several Cancer Cell Lines". Marine Drugs 9 5 (2011): 852-862.
  209. Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Vinholes, Juliana; Grosso, Clara; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Approach to the study of C-glycosyl flavones acylated with aliphatic and aromatic acids from Spergularia rubra by high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array detection/electrospray ionization multi-stage mass spectrometry". Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25 6 (2011): 700-712.
  210. Silva, Branca M.; Santos, Rui P.; Mendes, Lidia S.; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Pereira, Jose A.; Carvalho, Marcia. "Dracaena draco L. fruit: Phytochemical and antioxidant activity assessment". Food Research International 44 7 (2011): 2182-2189.
  211. Couto, Carla; Silva, Luis R.; Valentao, Patricia; Velazquez, Encarna; Peix, Alvaro; Andrade, Paula B.. "Effects induced by the nodulation with Bradyrhizobium japonicum on Glycine max (soybean) metabolism and antioxidant potential". Food Chemistry 127 4 (2011): 1487-1495.
  212. Lopes, Graciliana; Sousa, Carla; Bernardo, Joao; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Ferreres, Federico; Mouga, Teresa. "STEROL PROFILES IN 18 MACROALGAE OF THE PORTUGUESE COAST". Journal of Phycology 47 5 (2011): 1210-1218.
  213. Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Structural characterization of phenolics and betacyanins in Gomphrena globosa by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection/electrospray ionization multi-stage mass spectrometry". Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25 22 (2011): 3441-3446.
  214. Pereira, D.M.; Vinholes, J.; Correia-da-Silva, G.; Valentão, P.; Teixeira, N.; Andrade, P.B.. "Fatty acids in marine organisms: In the pursuit of bioactive agents". Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 7 2 (2011): 108-119.
  215. Grosso, C.; Vinholes, J.; Silva, L.R.; de Pinho, P.G.; Gonçalves, R.F.; Valentão, P.; Jäger, A.K.; Andrade, P.B.. "Chemical composition and biological screening of Capsella bursa-pastoris". Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy 21 4 (2011): 635-644.
  216. Ribeiro, B.; de Pinho, P.G.; Andrade, P.B.; Oliveira, C.; Ferreira, A.C.S.; Baptista, P.; Valentão, P.. "Do bioactive carotenoids contribute to the color of edible mushrooms?". Open Chemical and Biomedical Methods Journal 4 (2011): 14-18.
  217. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Silva, Luis R.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Silva, Branca M.; Goncalves, Rui F.; Pereira, Jose A.; de Pinho, Paula Guedes. "Further Insight into the Latex Metabolite Profile of Ficus carica". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 20 (2010): 10855-10863.
  218. Carvalho, Marcia; Jeronimo, Carmen; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Silva, Branca M.. "Green tea: A promising anticancer agent for renal cell carcinoma". Food Chemistry 122 1 (2010): 49-54.
  219. Fernandes, Fatima; Pereira, David M.; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Bento, Albino; Andrade, Paula B.. "Headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/ion trap-mass spectrometry applied to a living system: Pieris brassicae fed with kale". Food Chemistry 119 4 (2010): 1681-1693.
  220. Ferreres, Federico; Pereira, David M.; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentao, Patricia; Botelho, Joao; Mouga, Teresa; Andrade, Paula B.. "HPLC-PAD-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-MS metabolite profiling of cytotoxic carotenoids from the echinoderm Marthasterias glacialis (spiny sea-star)". Journal of Separation Science 33 15 (2010): 2250-2257.
  221. Valentao, Patricia; Goncalves, Rui F.; Belo, Cristovao; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Andrade, Paula B.; Ferreres, Federico. "Improving the knowledge on Piper betle Targeted metabolite analysis and effect on acetylcholinesterase". Journal of Separation Science 33 20 (2010): 3168-3176.
  222. Taveira, Marcos; Silva, Luis R.; Vale-Silva, Luis A.; Pinto, Eugenia; Valentao, Patricia; Ferreres, Federico; De Pinho, Paula Guedes; Andrade, Paula B.. "Lycopersicon esculentum Seeds: An Industrial Byproduct as an Antimicrobial Agent". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 17 (2010): 9529-9536.
  223. Pereira, David M.; Ferreres, Federico; Oliveira, Jorge M. A.; Gaspar, Luis; Faria, Joana; Valentao, Patricia; Sottomayor, Mariana; Andrade, Paula B.. "Pharmacological effects of Catharanthus roseus root alkaloids in acetylcholinesterase inhibition and cholinergic neurotransmission". Phytomedicine 17 8-9 (2010): 646-652.
  224. Amaral, Joana S.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Martins, Rui C.; Seabra, Rosa M.. "Phenolic composition of hazelnut leaves: Influence of cultivar, geographical origin and ripening stage". Scientia Horticulturae 126 2 (2010): 306-313.
  225. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Silva, Luis R.; Ferreres, Federico; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Silva, Branca M.; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Chemical Assessment and in Vitro Antioxidant Capacity of Ficus carica Latex". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 6 (2010): 3393-3398.
  226. Valentao, Patricia; Trindade, Pedro; Gomes, Daniela; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Mouga, Teresa; Andrade, Paula B.. "Codium tomentosum and Plocamium cartilagineum: Chemistry and antioxidant potential". Food Chemistry 119 4 (2010): 1359-1368.
  227. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Silva, Luis R.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Silva, Branca M.; Pereira, Jose A.; de Pinho, Paula Guedes. "Determination of low molecular weight volatiles in Ficus carica using HS-SPME and GC/FID". Food Chemistry 121 4 (2010): 1289-1295.
  228. Pereira, David M.; Faria, Joana; Gaspar, Luis; Ferreres, Federico; Valentao, Patricia; Sottomayor, Mariana; Andrade, Paula B.. "Exploiting Catharanthus roseus roots: Source of antioxidants". Food Chemistry 121 1 (2010): 56-61.
  229. Ferreres, Federico; Pereira, David M.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "First report of non-coloured flavonoids in Echium plantagineum bee pollen: differentiation of isomers by liquid chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry". Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24 6 (2010): 801-806.
  230. Carvalho, Marcia; Silva, Branca M.; Silva, Renata; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Bastos, Maria L.. "First Report on Cydonia oblonga Miller Anticancer Potential: Differential Anti proliferative Effect against Human Kidney and Colon Cancer Cells". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 6 (2010): 3366-3370.
  231. Ferreres, Federico; Pereira, David M.; Valentao, Patricia; Oliveira, Jorge M. A.; Faria, Joana; Gaspar, Luis; Sottomayor, Mariana; Andrade, Paula B.. "Simple and reproducible HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS analysis of alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus roots". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 51 1 (2010): 65-69.
  232. Ferreres, Federico; Taveira, Marcos; Pereira, David M.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Seeds: New Flavonols and Cytotoxic Effect". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 5 (2010): 2854-2861.
  233. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Silva, Luis R.; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentao, Patricia; Silva, Branca M.; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Volatile profiling of Ficus carica varieties by HS-SPME and GC-IT-MS". Food Chemistry 123 2 (2010): 548-557.
  234. Oliveira, Andreia; Silva, Luís; Guedes de Pinho, Paula; Valentão, Patrícia; Silva, Branca M.; Pereira, José; Andrade, Paula. "Further insights into Ficus carica latex". Planta Medica 76 (2010): 1275-1275.
  235. Ferreres, Federico; Sousa, Carla; Pereira, David; Valentao, Patricia; Taveira, Marcos; Martins, Anabela; Pereira, Jose; Seabra, Rosa; Andrade, Paula. "Screening of Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds Produced by In Vitro Shoots of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC". Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 12 3 (2009): 230-240.
  236. Fernandes, F.; Pereira, D.M.; de Pinho, P.G.; Valentão, P.; Pereira, J.A.; Bento, A.; Andrade, P.B.. "Erratum to "Metabolic fate of dietary volatile compounds in Pieris brassicae" [Microchemical Journal 93 (2009) 99-109] (DOI:10.1016/j.microc.2009.05.006)". Microchemical Journal 93 2 (2009):
  237. Ribeiro, Barbara; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Andrade, Paula B.; Baptista, Paula; Valentao, Patricia. "Fatty acid composition of wild edible mushrooms species: A comparative study". Microchemical Journal 93 1 (2009): 29-35.
  238. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Silva, Branca M.; Tavares, Fernando; Andrade, Paula B.. "Ficus carica L.: Metabolic and biological screening". Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 11 (2009): 2841-2846.
  239. Ferreres, Federico; Krskova, Zuzana; Goncalves, Rui F.; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Dusek, Jaroslav; Martin, Jan; Andrade, Paula B.. "Free Water-Soluble Phenolics Profiling in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 6 (2009): 2405-2409.
  240. Silva, Luis R.; Videira, Rorneu; Monteiro, Andreia P.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Honey from Luso region (Portugal): Physicochemical characteristics and mineral contents". Microchemical Journal 93 1 (2009): 73-77.
  241. Ferreres, Federico; Gomes, Daniela; Valentao, Patricia; Goncalves, Rui; Pio, Rafael; Chagas, Edvan Alves; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Improved loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) cultivars: Variation of phenolics and antioxidative potential". Food Chemistry 114 3 (2009): 1019-1027.
  242. Taveira, Marcos; Pereira, David M.; Sousa, Carla; Ferreres, Federico; Andrade, Paula B.; Martins, Anabela; Pereira, Jose A.; Valentao, Patricia. "In Vitro Cultures of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC: Potential Plant Bioreactor for Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 4 (2009): 1247-1252.
  243. Ferreres, Federico; Fernandes, Fatima; Sousa, Carla; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Metabolic and Bioactivity Insights into Brassica oleracea var. acephala". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 19 (2009): 8884-8892.
  244. Fernandes, Fatima; Pereira, David M.; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Bento, Albino; Andrade, Paula B.. "Metabolic fate of dietary volatile compounds in Pieris brassicae". Microchemical Journal 93 1 (2009): 99-109.
  245. Pereira, David M.; Faria, Joana; Gaspar, Luis; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Boerhaavia diffusa: Metabolite profiling of a medicinal plant from Nyctaginaceae". Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 8 (2009): 2142-2149.
  246. Sousa, Carla; Pereira, David M.; Taveira, Marcos; Dopico-Garcia, Sonia; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Bento, Albino; Andrade, Paula B.. "Brassica oleracea var. costata: comparative study on organic acids and biomass production with other cabbage varieties". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 89 6 (2009): 1083-1089.
  247. Taveira, Marcos; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Goncalves, Rui F.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia. "Determination of eighty-one volatile organic compounds in dietary Rumex induratus leaves by GC/IT-MS, using different extractive techniques". Microchemical Journal 93 1 (2009): 67-72.
  248. Costa, Rossana M.; Magalhaes, Ana S.; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Carvalho, Marcia; Silva, Branca M.. "Evaluation of free radical-scavenging and antihemolytic activities of quince (Cydonia oblonga) leaf: A comparative study with green tea (Camellia sinensis)". Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 4 (2009): 860-865.
  249. Taveira, Marcos; Fernandes, Fatima; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Andrade, Paula B.; Pereira, Jose A.; Valentao, Patricia. "Evolution of Brassica rapa var. rapa L. volatile composition by HS-SPME and GC/IT-MS". Microchemical Journal 93 2 (2009): 140-146.
  250. Pereira, David M.; Noites, Alexandra; Valentao, Patricia; Ferreres, Federico; Pereira, Jose A.; Vale-Silva, Luis; Pinto, Eugenia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Targeted Metabolite Analysis and Biological Activity of Pieris brassicae Fed with Brassica rapa var. rapa". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 2 (2009): 483-489.
  251. Pereira, David M.; Ferreres, Federico; Oliveira, Juliana; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Sottomayor, Mariana. "Targeted metabolite analysis of Catharanthus roseus and its biological potential". Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 6 (2009): 1349-1354.
  252. de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Goncalves, Rui F.; Sousa, Carla; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Volatile composition of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC leaves using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry". Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23 15 (2009): 2292-2300.
  253. De Pinho, P. Guedes; Goncalves, Rui F.; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, David M.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.; Sottomayor, Mariana. "Volatile composition of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry". Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 49 3 (2009): 674-685.
  254. Fernandes, Fatima; de Pinho, Paula Guedes; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Volatile Constituents throughout Brassica oleracea L. Var. acephala Germination". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 15 (2009): 6795-6802.
  255. Sousa, C.; Pontes, H.; Carmo, H.; Dinis-Oliveira, R. J.; Valentao, P.; Andrade, P. B.; Remiao, F.; Bastos, M. L.; Carvalho, F.. "Water extracts of Brassica oleracea var. costata potentiate paraquat toxicity to rat hepatocytes in vitro". Toxicology in Vitro 23 6 (2009): 1131-1138.
  256. Ferreres, Federico; Fernandes, Fatima; Oliveira, Jorge M. A.; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Metabolic profiling and biological capacity of Pieris brassicae fed with kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala)". Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 6 (2009): 1209-1220.
  257. Almeida, Isabel F.; Fernandes, Eduarda; Lima, Jose L. F. C.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Costa, P. C.; Bahia, M. F.. "Oxygen and Nitrogen Reactive Species Are Effectively Scavenged by Eucalyptus globulus Leaf Water Extract". Journal of Medicinal Food 12 1 (2009): 175-183.
  258. Ferreres, Federico; Fernandes, Fatima; Pereira, David M.; Pereira, Jose A.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Phenolics Metabolism in Insects: Pieris brassicae-Brassica oleracea var. costata Ecological Duo". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 19 (2009): 9035-9043.
  259. Pereira, David M.; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Phenolics: From Chemistry to Biology". Molecules 14 6 (2009): 2202-2211.
  260. Oliveira, Ivo; Valentao, Patricia; Lopes, Rosario; Andrade, Paula B.; Bento, Albino; Pereira, Jose Alberto. "Phytochemical characterization and radical scavenging activity of Portulaca oleraceae L. leaves and stems". Microchemical Journal 92 2 (2009): 129-134.
  261. Sousa, Carla; Pereira, David M.; Valentao, Patricia; Ferreres, Federico; Pereira, Jose A.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Pieris brassicae Inhibits Xanthine Oxidase". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57 6 (2009): 2288-2294.
  262. Magalhaes, Ana S.; Silva, Branca M.; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Carvalho, Marcia. "Protective effect of quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) fruit against oxidative hemolysis of human erythrocytes". Food and Chemical Toxicology 47 6 (2009): 1372-1377.
  263. Sousa, Carla; Taveira, Marcos; Valentao, Patricia; Fernandes, Fatima; Pereira, Jose A.; Estevinho, Leticia; Bento, Albino; et al. "Inflorescences of Brassicacea species as source of bioactive compounds: A comparative study". Food Chemistry 110 4 (2008): 953-961.
  264. Ribeiro, Barbara; Andrade, Paula B.; Baptista, Paula; Barros, Lillian; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Valentao, Patricia. "Leucopaxillus giganteus mycelium: Effect of nitrogen source on organic acids and alkaloids". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 12 (2008): 4769-4774.
  265. Sousa, Carla; Pereira, David M.; Pereira, Jose A.; Bento, Albino; Rodrigues, M. Angelo; Dopico-Garcia, Sonia; Valentao, Patricia; et al. "Multivariate analysis of tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC) phenolics: Influence of fertilizers". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 6 (2008): 2231-2239.
  266. Ferreres, Federico; Pereira, David M.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Sottomayor, Mariana. "New Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Potential of Catharanthus roseus". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 21 (2008): 9967-9974.
  267. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Seabra, Rosa M.; Silva, Branca M.. "Organic acids composition of Cydonia oblonga Miller leaf". Food Chemistry 111 2 (2008): 393-399.
  268. Dopico-Garcia, M. S.; Fique, A.; Guerra, L.; Afonso, J. M.; Pereira, O.; Valentao, P.; Andrade, P. B.; Seabra, R. M.. "Principal components of phenolics to characterize red Vinho Verde grapes: Anthocyanins or non-coloured compounds?". Talanta 75 5 (2008): 1190-1202.
  269. Andrade, Paula B.; Pereira, David M.; Ferreres, Federico; Valentao, Patricia. "Recent trends in high throughput analysis and antioxidant potential screening for phenolics". Current Pharmaceutical Analysis 4 3 (2008): 137-150.
  270. Martins, Rui C.; Lopes, Victor V.; Valentao, Patricia; Carvalho, Joao C. M. F.; Isabel, Paulo; Amaral, Maria T.; Batista, Maria T.; Andrade, Paula B.; Silva, Branca M.. "Relevant principal component analysis applied to the characterisation of Portuguese heather honey". Natural Product Research 22 17 (2008): 1560-1582.
  271. Ribeiro, Barbara; Andrade, Paula B.; Silva, Branca M.; Baptista, Paula; Seabra, Rosa M.; Valentao, Patricia. "Comparative Study on Free Amino Acid Composition of Wild Edible Mushroom Species". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 22 (2008): 10973-10979.
  272. De Pinho, P. Guedes; Ribeiro, Barbara; Goncalves, Rui F.; Baptista, Paula; Valentao, Patrfcia; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Correlation between the pattern volatiles and the overall aroma of wild edible mushrooms". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 5 (2008): 1704-1712.
  273. Amaral, Joana S.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Martins, Rui C.; Seabra, Rosa M.. "Do cultivar, geographical location and crop season influence phenolic profile of walnut leaves?". Molecules 13 6 (2008): 1321-1332.
  274. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Pereira, David M.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Sousa, Carla; Pereira, Jose A.; Bento, Albino; et al. "Free amino acids of tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC): Influence of leaf position (internal or external) and collection time". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 13 (2008): 5216-5221.
  275. Ferreres, F.; Andrade, P. B.; Valentao, P.; Gil-Izquierdo, A.. "Further knowledge on barley (Hordeum vulgate L.) leaves O-glycosyl-C-glycosyl flavones by liquid chromatography-UV diode-array detection-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry". Journal of Chromatography a 1182 1 (2008): 56-64.
  276. Jockovic, Nebojsa; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Sabovljevic, Marko. "HPLC-DAD of phenolics in bryophytes Lunularia cruciata, Brachytheciastrum velutinum and Kindbergia praelonga". Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 73 12 (2008): 1161-1167.
  277. Ferreres, Federico; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jost A.; Bento, Albino; Noites, Alexandra; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI screening of phenolic compounds in Pieris brassicae L. reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L.". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 3 (2008): 844-853.
  278. Almeida, Isabel F.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Pereira, Teresa M.; Amaral, M. Helena; Costa, Paulo C.; Bahia, M. Fernanda. "In vivo Skin Irritation Potential of a Castanea sativa (Chestnut) Leaf Extract, a Putative Natural Antioxidant for Topical Application". Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 103 5 (2008): 461-467.
  279. Guerra, Luis; Pereira, Clara; Andrade, Paula B.; Rodrigues, M. Angelo; Ferreres, Federico; De Pinho, Paula Guedes; Seabra, Rosa M.; Valentao, Patricia. "Targeted metabolite analysis and antioxidant potential of Rumex induratus". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 17 (2008): 8184-8194.
  280. Sousa, Carla; Valentao, Patricia; Ferreres, Federico; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC): Scavenger of reactive nitrogen species". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 11 (2008): 4205-4211.
  281. Almeida, I.F.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Seabra, R.M.; Pereira, T.M.; Amaral, M.H.; Costa, P.C.; Bahia, M.F.. "Oak leaf extract as topical antioxidant: Free radical scavenging and iron chelating activities and in vivo skin irritation potential". BioFactors 33 4 (2008): 267-279.
  282. Vrchovska, V.; Spilkova, J.; Valentao, P.; Sousa, C.; Andrade, P. B.; Seabra, R. M.. "Assessing the antioxidative properties and chemical composition of Linaria vulgaris infusion". Natural Product Research 22 9 (2008): 735-746.
  283. Ribeiro, Barbara; Lopes, Rosario; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Goncalves, Rui F.; Baptista, Paula; Quelhas, Ines; Valentao, Patricia. "Comparative study of phytochemicals and antioxidant potential of wild edible mushroom caps and stipes". Food Chemistry 110 1 (2008): 47-56.
  284. Silva, B.M.; Silva, L.R.; Valentão, P.; Seabra, R.M.; Andrade, P.B.; Trujillo, M.E.; Velázquez, E.. "HPLC determination of free amino acids profile of Dão red wine: Effect of Dekkera bruxellensis contamination". Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies 30 9-10 (2007): 1371-1383.
  285. Valentao, Patricia; Seabra, Rosa M.; Lopes, Graciliana; Silva, Luis R.; Martins, Vitor; Trujillo, Martha E.; Velazquez, Encarna; Andrade, Paula B.. "Influence of Dekkera bruxellensis on the contents of anthocyanins, organic acids and volatile phenols of Dao red wine". Food Chemistry 100 1 (2007): 64-70.
  286. Ferreres, Federico; Sousa, Carla; Valentao, Patocia; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel. "New C-deoxyhexosyl flavones and antioxidant properties of Passiflora edulis leaf extract". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 25 (2007): 10187-10193.
  287. Ribeiro, Barbara; Rangel, Joana; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Pereira, Jose Alberto; Bolke, Hanna; Seabra, Rosa M.. "Organic acids in two Portuguese chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) varieties". Food Chemistry 100 2 (2007): 504-508.
  288. Pereira, Ana Paula; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Marcelino, Filipa; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa; Estevinho, Leticia; Bento, Albino; Pereira, Jose Alberto. "Phenolic compounds and antimicrobial activity of olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Cobrancosa) leaves". Molecules 12 5 (2007): 1153-1162.
  289. Ribeiro, Barbara; Valentao, Patricia; Baptista, Paula; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Phenolic compounds, organic acids profiles and antioxidative properties of beefsteak fungus (Fistulina hepatica)". Food and Chemical Toxicology 45 10 (2007): 1805-1813.
  290. Oliveira, Andreia P.; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricla; Seabra, Rosa M.; Silva, Branca M.. "Phenolic profile of Cydonia oblonga miller leaves". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 19 (2007): 7926-7930.
  291. Sousa, Carla; Lopes, Graciliana; Pereira, David M.; Taveira, Marcos; Valentao, Patricia; Seabra, Rosa M.; Pereira, Jose A.; et al. "Screening of antioxidant compounds during sprouting of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC". Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 10 5 (2007): 377-386.
  292. Dopico-Garcia, M. S.; Valentao, P.; Jagodzinska, A.; Klepczynska, J.; Guerra, L.; Andrade, P. B.; Seabra, R. M.. "Solid-phase extraction versus matrix solid-phase dispersion: Application to white grapes". Talanta 74 1 (2007): 20-31.
  293. Vrchovska, Vendula; Spilkova, Jirina; Valentao, Patricia; Sousa, Carla; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa M.. "Antioxidative properties and phytochemical composition of Ballota nigra infusion". Food Chemistry 105 4 (2007): 1396-1403.
  294. Ferreres, F.; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Andrade, P. B.; Valentao, P.; Tomas-Barberan, F. A.. "Characterization of C-glycosyl flavones O-glycosylated by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry". Journal of Chromatography a 1161 1-2 (2007): 214-223.
  295. Fernandes, Fatima; Valentao, Patricia; Sousa, Carla; Pereira, Jose A.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Chemical and antioxidative assessment of dietary turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa L.)". Food Chemistry 105 3 (2007): 1003-1010.
  296. Dopico-Garcia, M. S.; Valentao, P.; Guerra, L.; Andrade, P. B.; Seabra, R. M.. "Experimental design for extraction and quantification of phenolic compounds and organic acids in white "Vinho Verde" grapes". Analytica Chimica Acta 583 1 (2007): 15-22.
  297. Oliveira, Ivo; Sousa, Anabela; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Ferreres, Federico; Bento, Albino; et al. "Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) leaves as source of antimicrobial and antioxidative compounds". Food Chemistry 105 3 (2007): 1018-1025.
  298. Sousa, Carla; Silva, Branca M.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Silva, Artur; Ferreres, Federico; Seabra, Rosa M.; Ferreira, Margarida A.. "Homo-monoterpenic compounds as chemical markers for Cydonia oblonga Miller". Food Chemistry 100 1 (2007): 331-338.
  299. Ferreres, Federico; Sousa, Carla; Valentao, Patricia; Seabra, Rosa M.; Pereira, Jose A.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC) seeds: Phytochemical characterization and antioxidant potential". Food Chemistry 101 2 (2007): 549-558.
  300. Ferreres, Federico; Sousa, Carla; Valentao, Patricia; Pereira, Jose A.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Tronchuda cabbage flavonolds uptake by Pieris brassicae". Phytochemistry 68 3 (2007): 361-367.
  301. Pereira, Jose Alberto; Oliveira, Ivo; Sousa, Anabela; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Ferreres, Federico; et al. "Walnut (Juglans regia L.) leaves: Phenolic compounds, antibacterial activity and antioxidant potential of different cultivars". Food and Chemical Toxicology 45 11 (2007): 2287-2295.
  302. Lima, Cristovao F.; Valentao, Patricia C. R.; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa M.; Fernandes-Ferreira, Manuel; Pereira-Wilson, Cristina. "Water and methanolic extracts of Salvia officinalis protect HepG2 cells from t-BHP induced oxidative damage". Chemico-Biological Interactions 167 2 (2007): 107-115.
  303. Ferreres, Federico; Ribeiro, Vitor; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Rodrigues, M. Angelo; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia. "Rumex induratus leaves: Interesting dietary source of potential bioactive compounds". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 16 (2006): 5782-5789.
  304. Pereira, Jose Alberto; Pereira, Ana P. G.; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Valentao, Patricia; Andrade, Paula B.; Seabra, Rosa; Estevinho, Leticia; Bento, Albino. "Table olives from Portugal: Phenolic compounds, antioxidant potential, and antimicrobial activity". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 22 (2006): 8425-8431.
  305. Vrchovska, V; Sousa, C; Valentao, P; Ferreres, F; Pereira, JA; Seabra, RM; Andrade, PB. "Antioxidative properties of tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC) external leaves against DPPH, superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid". Food Chemistry 98 3 (2006): 416-425.
  306. Ferreres, F; Sousa, C; Vrchovska, V; Valentao, P; Pereira, JA; Seabra, RM; Andrade, PB. "Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of tronchuda cabbage internal leaves". European Food Research and Technology 222 1-2 (2006): 88-98.
  307. Ribeiro, Barbara; Rangel, Joana; Valentao, Patricia; Baptista, Paula; Seabra, Rosa M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Contents of carboxylic acids and two phenolics and antioxidant activity of dried Portuguese wild edible mushrooms". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54 22 (2006): 8530-8537.
  308. Sousa, Anabela; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Calhelha, Ricardo; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentao, Patricia; Seabra, Rosa; Estevinho, Leticia; Bento, Albino; Pereira, Jose Alberto. "Phenolics and antimicrobial activity of traditional stoned table olives 'alcaparra'". Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 14 24 (2006): 8533-8538.
  309. Meirinhos, J; Silva, BM; Valentao, P; Seabra, RM; Pereira, JA; Dias, A; Andrade, PB; Ferreres, F. "Analysis and quantification of flavonoidic compounds from Portuguese olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf cultivars". Natural Product Research 19 2 (2005): 189-195.
  310. Silva, LR; Andrade, PB; Valentao, P; Seabra, RM; Trujillo, ME; Velazquez, E. "Analysis of non-coloured phenolics in red wine: Effect of Dekkera bruxellensis yeast". Food Chemistry 89 2 (2005): 185-189.
  311. Ferreres, F; Sousa, C; Justin, M; Valentao, P; Andrade, PB; Llorach, R; Rodrigues, A; Seabra, RM; Leitao, A. "Characterisation of the phenolic profile of Boerhaavia diffusa L. by HPLC-PAD-MS/MS as a tool for quality control". Phytochemical Analysis 16 6 (2005): 451-458.
  312. Valentao, P; Andrade, PB; Rangel, J; Ribeiro, B; Silva, BM; Baptista, P; Seabra, RM. "Effect of the conservation procedure on the contents of phenolic compounds and organic acids in chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius) mushroom". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 12 (2005): 4925-4931.
  313. Sousa, C; Valentao, P; Rangel, J; Lopes, G; Pereira, JA; Ferreres, F; Seabra, RA; Andrade, PB. "Influence of two fertilization regimens on the amounts of organic acids and phenolic compounds of tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. Var. costata DC)". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 23 (2005): 9128-9132.
  314. Amaral, JS; Ferreres, F; Andrade, PB; Valentao, P; Pinheiro, C; Santos, A; Seabra, R. "Phenolic profile of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) leaves cultivars grown in Portugal". Natural Product Research 19 2 (2005): 157-163.
  315. Vinha, AF; Ferreres, F; Silva, BM; Valentao, P; Goncalves, A; Pereira, JA; Oliveira, MB; Seabra, RM; Andrade, PB. "Phenolic profiles of Portuguese olive fruits (Olea europaea L.): Influences of cultivar and geographical origin". Food Chemistry 89 4 (2005): 561-568.
  316. Valentao, P; Lopes, G; Valente, M; Barbosa, P; Andrade, PB; Silva, BM; Baptista, P; Seabra, RM. "Quantitation of nine organic acids in wild mushrooms". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 9 (2005): 3626-3630.
  317. Silva, BM; Andrade, PB; Martins, RC; Valentao, P; Ferreres, F; Seabra, RM; Ferreira, MA. "Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) fruit characterization using principal component analysis". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 1 (2005): 111-122.
  318. Ferreres, F; Valentao, P; Llorach, R; Pinheiro, C; Cardoso, U; Pereira, JA; Sousa, C; et al. "Phenolic compounds in external leaves of tronchuda cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC)". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 8 (2005): 2901-2907.
  319. Valentao, P; Carvalho, M; Carvalho, F; Fernandes, E; das Neves, RP; Pereira, ML; Andrade, PB; Seabra, RM; Bastos, ML. "Hypericum androsaemum infusion increases tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced mice hepatotoxicity in vivo". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 94 2-3 (2004): 345-351.
  320. Amaral, JS; Seabra, RM; Andrade, PB; Valentao, P; Pereira, JA; Ferreres, F. "Phenolic profile in the quality control of walnut (Juglans regia L.) leaves". Food Chemistry 88 3 (2004): 373-379.
  321. Valentao, P; Carvalho, M; Fernandes, E; Carvalho, F; Andrade, PB; Seabra, RM; Bastos, MD. "Protective activity of Hypericum androsaemum infusion against tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced oxidative damage in isolated rat hepatocytes". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 92 1 (2004): 79-84.
  322. Silva, BM; Andrade, PB; Valentao, P; Ferreres, F; Seabra, RM; Ferreira, MA. "Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) fruit (pulp, peel, and seed) and jam: Antioxidant activity". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52 15 (2004): 4705-4712.
  323. Valentao, P; Fernandes, E; Carvalho, F; Andrade, PB; Seabra, RM; Bastos, ML. "Hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid scavenging activity of small Centaury (Centaurium erythraea) infusion. A comparative study with green tea (Camellia sinensis)". Phytomedicine 10 6-7 (2003): 517-522.
  324. Valentao, P; Andrade, PB; Silva, AMS; Moreira, MM; Seabra, RM. "Isolation and structural elucidation of 5-formyl-2,3-dihydroisocoumarin from Centaurium erythraea aerial parts". Natural Product Research 17 5 (2003): 361-364.
  325. Valentao, P; Dias, A; Ferreira, M; Silva, B; Andrade, PB; Bastos, ML; Seabra, RM. "Variability in phenolic composition of Hypericum androsaemum". Natural Product Research 17 2 (2003): 135-140.
  326. Valentao, P; Fernandes, E; Carvalho, F; Andrade, PB; Seabra, RM; Bastos, MD. "Antioxidant activity of Hypericum androsaemum infusion: Scavenging activity against superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid". Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 25 10 (2002): 1320-1323.
  327. Valentao, P; Fernandes, E; Carvalho, F; Andrade, PB; Seabra, RM; Bastos, ML. "Antioxidative properties of Cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) infusion against superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical, and hypochlorous acid". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 17 (2002): 4989-4993.
  328. Valentao, P; Andrade, PB; Silva, E; Vicente, A; Santos, H; Bastos, ML; Seabra, RM. "Methoxylated xanthones in the quality control of small centaury (Centaurium erythraea) flowering tops". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 3 (2002): 460-463.
  329. Valentao, P; Fernandes, E; Carvalho, F; Andrade, PB; Seabra, RM; Bastos, MD. "Studies on the antioxidant activity of Lippia citriodora infusion: Scavenging effect on superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid". Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 25 10 (2002): 1324-1327.
  330. Valentao, P; Fernandes, E; Carvalho, F; Andrade, PB; Seabra, RM; Bastos, ML. "Antioxidant activity of Centaurium erythraea infusion evidenced by its superoxide radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 49 7 (2001): 3476-3479.
  331. Areias, FM; Valentao, P; Andrade, PB; Ferreres, F; Seabra, RM. "Phenolic fingerprint of peppermint leaves". Food Chemistry 73 3 (2001): 307-311.
  332. Andrade, PB; Mendes, G; Falco, V; Valentao, P; Seabra, RM. "Preliminary study of flavonols in port wine grape varieties". Food Chemistry 73 4 (2001): 397-399.
  333. Silva, BM; Andrade, PB; Mendes, GC; Valentao, P; Seabra, RM; Ferreira, MA. "Analysis of phenolic compounds in the evaluation of commercial quince jam authenticity". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 7 (2000): 2853-2857.
  334. Areias, F; Valentao, P; Andrade, PB; Ferreres, F; Seabra, RM. "Flavonoids and phenolic acids of sage: Influence of some agricultural factors". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 12 (2000): 6081-6084.
  335. Silva, BM; Andrade, PB; Valentao, P; Mendes, GC; Seabra, RM; Ferreira, MA. "Phenolic profile in the evaluation of commercial quince jellies authenticity". Food Chemistry 71 2 (2000): 281-285.
  336. Areias, F.M.; Valentao, P.; Andrade, P.B.; Moreira, M.M.; Amaral, J.; Seabra, R.M.. "HPLC/DAD analysis of phenolic compounds from lavender and its application to quality control". Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies 23 16 (2000): 2563-2572.
  337. Valentao, P.; Areias, F.; Amaral, J.; Andrade, P.; Seabra, R.; Valentao, P; Areias, F; et al. "Tetraoxygenated xanthones from Centaurium erythraea". Natural Product Letters 14 5 (2000): 319-323.
  338. Valentao, P; Andrade, PB; Areias, F; Ferreres, F; Seabra, RM. "Analysis of vervain flavonoids by HPLC/diode array detector method. Its application to quality control". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 47 11 (1999): 4579-4582.
  339. Andrade, P.B.; Seabra, R.M.; Valentão, P.; Areias, F.. "Simultaneous determination of flavonoids, phenolic acids, and coumarins in seven medicinal species by HPLC/diode-array detector". Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies 21 18 (1998): 2813-2820.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Valentão, Patrícia. "Astaxanthin and fucoxanthin: Promising marine xanthophylls with therapeutic potential". 2020.
    Em revisão
  2. Valentão, Patrícia. "Designing bioactive nanoparticles: The era of nutraceuticals". 2018.
  3. Valentão, Patrícia. "Natural products as enzyme inhibitors". In Natural products targeting clinically-relevant enzymes. 2017.
  4. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phospholipase A2 inhibitors of marine origin". In Natural products targeting clinically-relevant enzymes. 2017.
  5. Grosso, C.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Depressive disorders: Prevalence, costs, and theories". 2016.
  6. Lopes, G.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.. "Screening of a marine algal extract for antifungal activities". In Natural products from marine algae – Methods and protocols. 2015.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-1-4939-2684-8_26
  7. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Meroterpenes from marine invertebrates: Chemistry and application in cancer". In Handbook of anticancer drugs from marine origin. 2015.
    Publicado • 10.1007/978-3-319-07145-9_21
  8. Valentão, Patrícia. "“Omics” technologies: Promises and benefits for molecular medicine.". In Principles of translational science in medicine: From bench to bedside. 2015.
  9. Valentão, Patrícia. "Quince". In Iberian-American fruits rich in bioactive phytochemicals for nutrition and health. 2014.
    Publicado • 10.31819/9783964565136-001
  10. Lopes, G.; Sousa, C.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Sterols in Algae and Health". In Bioactive compounds from marine foods: Plant and animal sources. 2013.
    Publicado • 10.1002/9781118412893.ch9
  11. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds in Catharanthus roseus.". In Natural products - Phytochemistry, botany, metabolism. 2013.
  12. Pinho, B.R.; Sousa, C.; Oliveira, J.M.A.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Naphthoquinones' biological activities and toxicological effects". In Bioactive compounds: Types, biological activities and health effects. 2012.
  13. Taveira, M.; Fernandes, F.; Valentão, P.; Ferreres, F.; Paula, B.A.. "Plant herbivores: Bioactive metabolites besides the pest". In Aquatic plants and plant diseases - Types, characteristics and management. 2012.
  14. Silva, L.R.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Phenolic compounds in honey as health promoters". In Honey: Production, consumption and health benefits. 2012.
  15. Grosso, C.; Vinholes, J.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Halogenated compounds from seaweed, a biological overview". In Seaweed: ecology, nutrient composition and medicinal uses. 2012.
  16. Valentão, Patrícia. "Acid rain: Implications in plants’ growth, biochemistry and physiology". In Advances in chemistry research. 2012.
  17. Lopes, G.; Valentão, P.; Andrade, P.B.. "Free amino acid analysis in natural matrices". In Arginine amino acid. 2011.
  18. Valentão, Patrícia; Pereira, D.M.; Ferreres, F.; Valentão, P.-A.; Andrade, P.B.. "Brassica seeds: metabolomics and biological potential.". In Nuts and seeds in health and disease prevention, 83-91. 2011.
    Publicado • 10.1016/B978-0-12-375688-6.10009-X
  19. Valentão, Patrícia. "Marine metabolomics in cancer chemotherapy". In OMICS: Biomedical prospective and applications. 2011.
  20. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidants in natural matrices: The case of phenolics". In Functional plant science and biotechnology - Antioxidant properties of plants. 2011.
  21. Valentão, Patrícia. "Pieris brassicae as laboratory of synthesis of new compounds with biological potential: interaction with Brassica oleracea var. costata and Brassica rapa var. rapa". In Utilization and management of medicinal plants. 2010.
  22. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds: HPLC analysis.". 2010.
  23. Valentão, Patrícia; Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Ferreres, F.; Andrade, P.B.. "Metabolomic analysis of natural products.". In Reviews in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, 1-19. 2010.
    Publicado • 10.2174/978160805190811001010001
  24. Valentão, Patrícia; Seabra, R.M.; Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.; Faria, M.; Paice, A.G.; Oliveira, M.B.P.P.. "Phenolic profiles of Portuguese olives: Cultivar and geographics". In Olives and olive oil in health and disease prevention, 177-186. 2010.
    Publicado • 10.1016/B978-0-12-374420-3.00020-6
  25. Valentão, P.; Guerra, L.; Pereira, D.M.; Andrade, P.B.. "Red wine phenolics: Reasons for their variation". In Food chemistry research developments. 2009.
  26. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phytochemical and antioxidant characterization of Brassica oleracea var. costata extracts". In Recent progress in medicinal plants. Taylor & Francis, 2009.
  27. Valentão, Patrícia. "Organic acids of plants and mushrooms: are they antioxidants?". In Functional plant science and biotechnology - Antioxidant properties of crops. 2009.
  28. Valentão, Patrícia. "Headspace-solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography mass spectrometry applied to determination of volatiles in natural matrices". 2009.
  29. Andrade, P.B.; Valentão, P.; Sousa, C.; Pereira, D.M.; Taveira, M.; Seabra, R.M.; Ferreres, F.; Silva, B.M.. "Recent advances in Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa varieties phenolics". In Phytochemistry research progress. 2008.
  30. Valentão, Patrícia. "Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller): an interesting source of bioactive compounds". In Food chemistry research developments. 2008.
  31. Silva, Branca M.; Valentão, Patrícia; Seabra, Rosa; Andrade, Paula. "Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller): an interesting dietary source of bioactive compounds". In Food Chemistry Research Developments, 243-266. New York, Estados Unidos: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2008.
  32. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant compounds extracted from several plant materials.". In Biomaterials from aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Cambridge University Press, 2006.
  33. Valentão, Patrícia. "Sage as a source of phytomedicines: compounds from in vivo plants and from in vitro micropropagated plants and suspended cells of Salvia officinalis L.". 2006.
  34. Valentão, Patrícia. "Análise macroscópica e microscópica em Farmacognosia". In Farmacognosia e Fitoquímica. 2005.
  35. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic profiles in the definition of natural products authenticity: cardoon versus artichoke profile". In Natural products in the new millenium. 2003.
  36. Valentão, Patrícia. "El membrillo em Portugal". In El membrillo. 2000.
  37. Andrade, Paula; Silva, Branca M.; Valentão, Patrícia; Seabra, Rosa; Ferreira, Margarida. "El membrillo en Portugal". In El Membrillo y su dulce, 115-124. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial La Colmena, 2000.
Edição de livro
  1. Valentão, Patrícia. Natural products targeting clinically-relevant enzymes. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 2017.
  1. Pereira, D.M.; Valentão, P.; Ferreres, F.; Sottomayor, M.; Andrade, P.B.. Rediscovering catharanthus roseus: Chemistry and biological activity. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2012.
Poster em conferência
  1. Félix, Rafael; Dias, Pedro D. M.; Félix, Carina; Januário, Adriana; Valentão, Patrícia; Lemos, Marco F. L.. "Asparagopsis armata: an invasive seaweed with a chemical arsenal useful in a plethora of industries". Trabalho apresentado em 24th International Seaweed Symposium, 2023.
  2. Vicente, Tânia; Félix, Carina; Toledo, Eloísa; Malia, Marta; Dias, Pedro D. M.; Valentão, Patrícia; Lemos, Marco F. L.. "Potential of seaweed extracts against Stemphylium vesicarium, the causal agent of brown spot disease in pear trees". Trabalho apresentado em Iberian Plant Biology Congress, 2023.
  3. Tânia F.L. Vicente; Eloísa Toledo; Félix, Carina; Augusto, Ana; Joana Silva; Alves, Celso; Roberto Duran; et al. "Seaweed extracts as sustainable solutions to combat orchard phytopathogenic fungi". Trabalho apresentado em Smart and Circular Agriculture towards sustainability, 2022.
  4. Francisca Araújo; Nelson G. M. Gomes; Araújo, Luísa; Paula B. Andrade; Valentão, Patrícia; Andreia P. Oliveira. "Medicinal plants from Guinea-Bissau to target inflammation". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP¿22 ¿ 15th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto, 2022.
  5. Silva, Ana; Duangsrisai, Sutsawat; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia; Gomes, Nelson. Autor correspondente: Gomes, Nelson. "Insights on the anti-inflammatory effects of the Thai medicinal plant Justicia gendarussa Burm.f. and identification of bioactives". Trabalho apresentado em Encontro de Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto - IJUP, 2021.
  6. Moreira, Rute; Ferreres, Federico; Videira, Romeu; Valentão, Patrícia; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Gomes, Nelson; Araújo, Luísa; Andrade, Paula B.. "Delivering a chemical fingerprint of Guiera senegalensis leaves by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS". Trabalho apresentado em IBERPHENOL International Conference - Advances in the role of phenols in health effects and other uses, 2020.
  7. Mendes, Daniela; Guedes, Nuno; Valentão, Patrícia; Oliveira, M.M; Andrade, P.B; Videira, R.V. "Improving the bioactivity of elderberrry polyphenols with algae lipid-based nanoformulations". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol - International Conference - Advances in the role of phenols in health effects and other uses, 2020.
  8. Vera Ribeiro; Andreia P. Oliveira; Nelson G. M. Gomes; David M. Pereira; Andrade, Paula B.; Araújo, Luísa; Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring Guinea-Bissau plants: phenolic compounds and cytotoxicity". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol Intenational Conference: Advances in the role of phenols in health effects and other uses, 2020.
  9. Tiago Macedo; David M. Pereira; Valentão, Patrícia; Andreia P. Oliveira; Nelson G. M. Gomes; Araújo, Luísa; Ángel Gil-Izquierdo; Federico Ferreres; Paula B. Andrade. Autor correspondente: Paula B. Andrade. "Guinean-Bissauan flora as source of bioactive compounds: Extracts from Cassia sieberiana and their interference with anti-inflammatory targets". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol Intenational Conference: Advances in the role of phenols in health effects and other uses, 2020.
  10. Valentão, Patrícia. "Porphyra linearis: A new source of bioactive compounds?". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’20 – 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2020.
  11. Valentão, Patrícia. "Hibiscus sabdariffa L. flowers: Approaches to phytochemical diversity and promising antioxidant effects". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’20 – 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2020.
  12. Valentão, Patrícia. "Providing knowledge on an Asian natural matrix: Citrus japonica Thunb. stems". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’20 – 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2020.
  13. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring the oceans with Isochrysis galbana Parke: Bioactivity and chemical characterization". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’20 – 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2020.
  14. Valentão, Patrícia. "Anti-inflammatory functionality of Karonda (Carissa carandas L.) and Djenkol (Archidendron pauciflorum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen)". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’20 – 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2020.
  15. Valentão, Patrícia. "Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt (Ochrophyta, Fucales): From invasive macroalgae to biotechnological opportunity". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’20 – 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2020.
  16. Mesquita, Sofia; Andrade, Catarina; Suksungworn, Rungcharn; Duangsrisai, Sutsawat; Barbosa, Mariana; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Gomes, Nelson. "Anti-inflammatory functionality of Karonda (Carissa carandas L.) and Djenkol (Archidendron pauciflorum (Benth.) I.C.Nielsen): In vitro evidence and identification of bioactives". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP¿20¿ 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of U. Porto, 2020.
  17. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring the biological activity of homarine alkyl esters derivatives". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Caparica Christmas Conference on Translational Chemistry, 2019.
  18. Valentão, Patrícia. "Towards polyphenolic modulators of inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress.". Trabalho apresentado em The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health – ICPH2019, 2019.
  19. Valentão, Patrícia. "Allophylus africanus phenolics in the discovery of new anticancer drugs". Trabalho apresentado em The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health – ICPH2019, 2019.
  20. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolics and biological profiling of Xylopia aethiopica leaves: HPLC-DAD characterization and interference with anti-inflammatory targets". Trabalho apresentado em The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health – ICPH2019, 2019.
  21. Valentão, Patrícia. "Evidence on the wound healing properties of Homalium bhamoense: Effects upon inflammatory enzymes and interference with NO levels in RAW 264.7 cells". Trabalho apresentado em The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health – ICPH2019., 2019.
  22. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic profiling of Ficus curtipes Corner leaves and stem bark and assessment of their anti-inflammatory potential". Trabalho apresentado em The 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health – ICPH2019, 2019.
  23. Valentão, Patrícia. "Brain activity of white wine polyphenols on Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology: a first step toward a reliable therapeutic concept for brain degeneration". Trabalho apresentado em XXV Encontro Galego-Português de Química., 2019.
  24. Valentão, Patrícia. "Valuing an overlooked food-plant: Phenolic profiling fruits and inflorescences of kitul and assessing their effects on diabetes-related targets.". Trabalho apresentado em 11th Symposium on Metabolism - Ageing & Metabolism, 2019.
  25. Valentão, Patrícia. "White wine extract derived from polyvinylpyrrolidone residue reveals beneficial effects on Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes interlink.". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol Iberian Congress on Phenolic Compounds, 2019.
  26. Valentão, Patrícia. "Guinea-Bissau flora as source of new anti-inflammatory natural products.". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol Iberian Congress on Phenolic Compounds., 2019.
  27. Valentão, Patrícia. "Pyrrolizidine alkaloids and polyphenols composition of Echium plantagineum L. honey: from food security to health benefits.". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol Iberian Congress on Phenolic Compounds, 2019.
  28. Valentão, Patrícia. "Chemical profile and biological activities of hydroethanolic extracts of Guinea-Bissau plants for new anticancer drugs.". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol Iberian Congress on Phenolic Compounds, 2019.
  29. Neves, Dina; Rocha, Lídia; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula; Videira, Romeu. "White wine extract derived from polyvinylpolypyrrolidone residue reveals beneficial effects on Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes interlink". Trabalho apresentado em Iberphenol Iberian Congress of Phenolic Compounds, 2019.
  30. Valentão, Patrícia. "Elderberry anthocyanins: a promising resource to support mitochondria-targeted therapeutic and nutritional approaches.". Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Workshop on Anthocyanins and Betalains (IWA&B 2019)., 2019.
  31. Valentão, Patrícia. "A comparison of the anti-inflammatory potential of hydroethanolic extracts obtained from different platns collected in Guinea-Bissau.". Trabalho apresentado em Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Human Health, PSE Meeting 2019., 2019.
  32. Valentão, Patrícia. "From traditional Guinea-Bissau’s knowledge to anticancer drug discovery.". Trabalho apresentado em Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Human Health, PSE Meeting 2019., 2019.
  33. Valentão, Patrícia. "Valorisation of Gustavia gracillima Miers: Experimental evidence on its antidiabetic properties". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Meeting of Medicinal Biotechnology, 2019.
  34. Valentão, Patrícia. "Chemical characterization and bioactivity analysis of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. rich fruits". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  35. Valentão, Patrícia. "Ulva lactuca (sea lettuce): chemical characterization and biological analysis". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  36. Valentão, Patrícia. "Valorization of a Guinea Bissau’s natural matrix: Xylopia aethiopica leaves". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  37. Valentão, Patrícia. "From the oceans to the lab: Bioactivity and chemical characterization of Pelvetia canaliculata". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  38. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring the neuroprotective potential of Turnera diffusa Willd. ex Schult. (Passifloraceae): in vitro antioxidant, antiglycation and anti-inflammatory effects". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  39. Valentão, Patrícia. "Mezoneuron benthamianum Baill.: chemical and biological findings to uphold its traditional applications". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2019.
  40. Valentão, Patrícia. "In vitro screening of neuroactive properties of Fucus serratus L. phlorotannin-rich extracts". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  41. Valentão, Patrícia. "A multi-target approach towards diabetes based on the metabolic versatility of Diospyros spp. from Thailand". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  42. Valentão, Patrícia. "Honey produced from plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids: quality control and safety". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  43. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring the potential of Corema album (L.) D. Don berries for human health: phenolic profile and neuroprotective effects.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  44. Valentão, Patrícia. "Flavonoid composition and antidermatophytic effects of an hydroalcoholic extract obtained from the leaves of Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2019.
  45. Valentão, Patrícia. "Structure-based virtual screening approach to identify alpha-glucosidase inhibitors". Trabalho apresentado em XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2018.
  46. Valentão, Patrícia. "Elderberry anthocyanins-enriched formulations to target mitochondrial dysfunction underlying degenerative brain diseases". Trabalho apresentado em iMed 10.0 Conference, 2018.
  47. Valentão, Patrícia. "A phytosome with phenolic compounds from pennyroyal aqueous extract with potential to interact with CNS targets". Trabalho apresentado em XXIXth International Conference on Polyphenols., 2018.
  48. Valentão, Patrícia. "Marine algal polyphenols: Phlorotannin-targeted extracts from Fucus sp. and their anti-inflammatory potential". Trabalho apresentado em XXIXth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2018.
  49. Barbosa, Mariana; Andrade, Paula B.; Lopes, Graciliana; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Ángel; Pereira, David M.; Valentão, Patrícia. "Marine Algal Polyphenols: Phlorotannin-targeted extracts from Fucus spp. and their anti-inflammatory potential". Trabalho apresentado em XXIXth International Conference on Polyphenols - 9th Tannin Conference, 2018.
  50. Neves, Dina; Valentão, Patrícia; Bernardo, João; Oliveira, Maria C.; Pereira, David M.; Andrade, Paula B.. "Elderberry anthocyanins-enriched extract to modulate mitochondrial dysfunctions underlying Parkinson¿s disease". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd MitoPorto - Mitochondrial evolution, metabolism and disease (International Symposium), Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, 2018.
  51. Valentão, Patrícia. "Codium tomentosum: A sustainable marine source of lipid-based phytochemicals for promising nutritional, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2018.
  52. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring the bioactivity of white wine phenolics in the context of type II diabetes and Alzheimer disease interlink". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2018.
  53. Valentão, Patrícia. "Extending the knowledge on Psycothria peduncularis (Salisb.) Steyerm". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2018.
  54. Valentão, Patrícia. "Fatty acid profiling of Armina maculata and assessment of its potential as a producer of anti-inflammatory agents". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2018.
  55. Valentão, Patrícia. "Unveiling the antifungal potential of medicinal plants from Guinea-Bissau". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2018.
  56. Valentão, Patrícia. "The bioactive compounds from elderberry to modulate mitochondrial dysfunctions underlying Alzheimer’s disease". Trabalho apresentado em 12th YES Meeting – 2017, 2017.
  57. Valentão, Patrícia. "Ethnopharmacological use of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf and Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng.: Anti-inflammatory potential of phenol-rich extracts". Trabalho apresentado em 12th YES Meeting – 2017, 2017.
  58. Valentão, Patrícia. "UHPLC-MS/MS profiling of Aplysia depilans and assessment of its potential therapeutic use.". Trabalho apresentado em 9th Postgraduate iMed.ULisboa Students Meeting & 2nd i3DU Meeting, 2017.
  59. Valentão, Patrícia. "Anti-inflammatory activity of meroditerpenes isolated from brown algae". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2017.
  60. Valentão, Patrícia. "Anti-inflammatory activity of natural products and its semi-synthetic derivatives". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2017.
  61. Valentão, Patrícia. "Benzoquinones from Cyperus spp.: proteasome inhibitory activity, toxicity profile in cancer cells lines and structure-activity relationship". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2017.
  62. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring the bioactivity of aqueous elderberry extract to fight against neurodegenerative diseases". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2017.
  63. Valentão, Patrícia. "Jasminum grandiflorum L.: a tool for the management of inflammatory conditions?". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2017.
  64. Valentão, Patrícia. "Toxicity of edible aqueous extracts of sea anemones in human gastric adenocarcinoma cells". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2017.
  65. Valentão, Patrícia. "Valorisation of the invasive red macroalgae Grateloupia turuturu as a potential source of anti-inflammatory agents". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2017.
  66. Mendes, Daniela; Gomes, Ana; Coutinho, João; Nunes, Fernando M.; Moreira, Paula I.; Pereira, David M.; Valentão, Patrícia; et al. "Beneficial effects of wine polyphenols enriched-diet on the progressive brain degeneration of a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease". Trabalho apresentado em SPB 2016 - XIX National Congress of Biochemistry, 2016.
  67. Valentão, Patrícia. "Refreshing the marine-derived chemotherapeutic pipeline". Trabalho apresentado em 8th Postgraduate iMed.ULisboa Students Meeting & 1st i3DU Meeting., 2016.
  68. Valentão, Patrícia. "Comparison between two methodologies to evaluate monoamine oxidase a inhibition by polyphenol-rich extracts". Trabalho apresentado em XXVIIIth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2016.
  69. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic composition of seed edible tissues from Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.". Trabalho apresentado em XXVIIIth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2016.
  70. Valentão, Patrícia; Bernardo, João; Andrade, Catarina; Pereira, Renato B.; Andrade, Paula B.; Grosso, Clara. "Comparation between two methodologies to evaluate monoaminoxidase-A inhibition by polyphenol-rich extracts". Trabalho apresentado em XXVIII International Conference in Polyphenols, 2016.
  71. Valentão, Patrícia. "Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. seeds: further approcahes to the chemical composition and biological potential". Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM 2016)., 2016.
  72. Valentão, Patrícia. "Optimization of the extraction of bioactive compounds from the peels of Hylocereus fruits". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’16 – 9th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2016.
  73. Valentão, Patrícia. "Medicinal species in the modulation of the inflammatory process". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’16 – 9th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2016.
  74. Gonçalves, Sandra; Moreira, Elsa; Grosso, Clara; Andrade, PB; Valentão, Patrícia; Romano, Anabela. "Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of extracts from three Asteraceae Mediterranean species". Trabalho apresentado em 9º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia (9ENC) e XVI COLACRO (XVI Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia), 2016.
  75. Gonçalves, Sandra; Moreira, Elsa; Grosso, Clara; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia; Romano, Anabela. "Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of extracts from three Mediterranean Asteraceae species". Trabalho apresentado em XVI Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia (XVI COLACRO) together with 9º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia (9 ENC), 2016.
  76. Valentão, Patrícia. "Natural products: tools for inflammation management". Trabalho apresentado em 11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica, 2015.
  77. Valentão, Patrícia. "a-glucosidase and a-amylase inhibitors from Myrcia spp.: a stronger alternative to acarbose?". Trabalho apresentado em 11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica, 2015.
  78. Valentão, Patrícia. "Kelps from Portuguese Coast: the key for neurodegenerative disorders management?". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’15 - 8th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2015.
  79. Valentão, Patrícia. "Non-enzymatic a-linolenic acid derivatives in macroalgae: phytoprostanes profiling". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd EuCheMS Congresso in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2015.
  80. Valentão, Patrícia. "Optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from exotic fruit by-products". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd EuCheMS Congresso in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2015.
  81. Valentão, Patrícia. "Aplysia depilans Gmelin digestive gland: a tool for inflammation management?". Trabalho apresentado em 5th International Workshop on Opisthobranchs, 2015.
  82. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic profile of several underexplored grapes from Dão region". Trabalho apresentado em X Annual CICS-UBI Symposium 2015, 2015.
  83. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic profile of grapes from Dão region: evolution of noncolored compounds.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’15 - 8th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2015.
  84. Valentão, Patrícia. "In vitro neuroprotection of Annona muricata L. leaves". Trabalho apresentado em 8th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2015.
  85. Valentão, Patrícia. "Inflammation and flavonoids: influence of the structure on cell effects.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’15 - 8th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2015.
  86. Valentão, Patrícia. "Perfil de carotenoides de macroalgas castanhas: efeito de diferentes condições de crescimento". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  87. Valentão, Patrícia. "Lophozozymus incisus como fonte de compostos bioativos". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  88. Valentão, Patrícia. "Avaliação da atividade antidepressiva dos compostos fenólicos de Chelidonium majus L.". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  89. Valentão, Patrícia. "Compostos fenólicos e ação antioxidante de pólen de abelha de Echium plantagineum L.". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  90. Valentão, Patrícia. "Prospeção de espécies medicinais para desenvolvimento de um extrato com propriedades antidepressivas.". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  91. Valentão, Patrícia. "Flavonoides como agentes anti-inflamatórios". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química., 2014.
  92. Valentão, Patrícia. "Caraterização dos ácidos gordos de glândulas de Aplysia depilans e inibição das colinesterases e anti-inflamatório". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  93. Valentão, Patrícia. "Potencial anti-inflamatório dos alcaloides esteroídicos das folhas de Lycopersicon esculentum Miller.". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  94. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metaboloma vs ação biológica das folhas de Piper betle.". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  95. Valentão, Patrícia. "Relação entre a doença de Alzheimer e a diabetes tipo 2: Avaliação das potencialidades de extratos de jaborandi (Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem.)". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  96. Valentão, Patrícia. "Sistema ecológico Spodoptera littoralis / Lycopersicon esculentum: metabolismo vs bioatividade". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2014.
  97. Andrade, Catarina; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Grosso, Clara. "Prospecting for medicinal species to develop an extract with antidepressant". Trabalho apresentado em 20th Luso-Galego Chemistry Encounter, 2014.
  98. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring seaweeds: the potential of phlorotannins". Trabalho apresentado em 8th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications., 2014.
  99. Grosso, Clara; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Phenolics-rich herbal teas with potential for depression relief". Trabalho apresentado em II Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (IICTA2014), 2014.
  100. Valentão, Patrícia. "In vitro antidepressant activity of medicinal plants extracts and mixtures.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  101. Valentão, Patrícia. "Cystoseira usneoides (Linnaeus) M. Roberts effects on the viability of the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y and inhibition of cholinesterases´activity.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  102. Valentão, Patrícia. "Relationship between Alzheimer´s disease and type 2 diabetes: anticholinesterase and anti-a-glucosidase activity of Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lam. herbal tea.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  103. Valentão, Patrícia. "In vitro neuroprotective effects of seaweed extracts.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  104. Valentão, Patrícia. "Development of a factorial design for a phenolic-rich extract of Chelidonium majus L.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  105. Valentão, Patrícia. "Effects of coloured and non-coloured phenolics of Echium plantagineum L. bee pollen in Caco-2 cells.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  106. Valentão, Patrícia. "Flavonoids as anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic agents.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  107. Valentão, Patrícia. "Xantho incisus Leach and Macropipus puber L.: crabs as source of bioactive compounds.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  108. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic profile and in vitro anti-cholinesterase activity of Piper betle leaves". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  109. Valentão, Patrícia. "Effect of different growth conditions in brown macroalgae carotenoids profile". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  110. Valentão, Patrícia. "Spodoptera littoralis/Lycopersicon esculentum: ecological duo.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2014.
  111. Gomes, Natacha; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Grosso, Clara. "In vitro neuroprotective and antioxidant effects of seaweed extracts". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP2014), 2014.
  112. Lima, Júlio; Sampaio, Maria; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Grosso, Clara. "Development of factorial design for a phenolic-rich extract of Chelidonium majus L.". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP2014), 2014.
  113. Fernandes, Andreia; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Grosso, Clara. "Relationship between Alzheimer¿s disease and type 2 diabetes: anticholinesterase and anti-a-glucosidase activity of Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. herbal tea". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP2014), 2014.
  114. Pinho, Brígida R; Leitão-Rocha, Ana; Reis, Sara; Quintas, Clara; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B; Santos, Miguel M ; Oliveira, Jorge MA. "Metabolic and locomotor deficits in a zebrafish Parkinson model: effect of selective HDAC1 and HDAC6 inhibitors". Trabalho apresentado em XVIII congress of the Portuguese Biochemical Society, 2014.
  115. Valentão, Patrícia. "Neuroprotective effect of steroidal alkaloids from Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. on glutamate-induced toxicity in SH-SY5Y cells". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Workshop Annual Bioplant., 2013.
  116. Valentão, Patrícia. "Monogalactosyl diacylglycerols from the edible brown algae Fucus spiralis Linnaeus: Anti-inflammatory potential on RAW 264.7 macrophage cell line". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Workshop Annual Bioplant., 2013.
  117. Valentão, Patrícia. "Grindelia robusta Nutt.: Characterization of the phenolic profile and evaluation of its inhibitory potential against brain enzymes and oxidative species". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2013.
  118. Valentão, Patrícia. "Enzymes inhibition by Piper betle L. leaves.". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2013.
  119. Valentão, Patrícia. "Glandora diffusa (Lag.) D. C. Thomas: metabolic profile in authenticity control and the key of bioactivity.". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Workshop Annual Bioplant., 2013.
  120. Valentão, Patrícia. "Chemical profile and anti-allergic screening of Fucus spiralis Linnaeus and Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy.". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2013.
  121. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds from Jacaranda caroba: interfaces with neurodegenerative disorders". Trabalho apresentado em XXIII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2013.
  122. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metabolic profile of aromatic species from the Algarve region (Portugal): a comparative study between in vitro cultures and wild plants.". Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding, 2013.
  123. Valentão, Patrícia. "Glutathione and the antioxidante potential of binary mixtures with phenolic compounds.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2013.
  124. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolics profile: a tool in the distinction of grape varieties". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2013.
  125. Valentão, Patrícia. "Valuable compounds in macroalgae extracts". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2013.
  126. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant activity of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott and its possible relation with wound healing". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2013.
  127. Valentão, Patrícia. "Cystoseira tamariscifolia (Hudson) Papenfuss ethyl acetate fraction: neuroprotective effects?". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2013.
  128. Valentão, Patrícia. "MIPs recovery methodology for red wines attacked by Dekkera bruxellensis.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2013.
  129. Valentão, Patrícia. "Ficus carica L.: More than a fruit.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2013.
  130. Valentão, Patrícia. "Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. leaves: from waste to bioactivity". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2013.
  131. Valentão, Patrícia. "Gelsemium sempervirens L.: Phenolic profile and in vitro antidepressant activity". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2013.
  132. Valentão, Patrícia. "Glandora difusa: advances in bioactive compounds.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2013.
  133. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metabolites from brown seaweeds with promising biological activities". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2013.
  134. Valentão, Patrícia. "Lactic acid bacteria isolated from Andean fermented foods with antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2013.
  135. Valentão, Patrícia. "Diosquinone inhibits human acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2013.
  136. Winslow, Charles A.. "Hyaluronidase inhibition and antioxidant capacity of phlorotannins from Fucales collected in the Portuguese west coast: possible candidates for the development of an anti-aging formula". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  137. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phytochemical compounds and biological activities of Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne leaves.". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  138. Valentão, Patrícia. "In the pursuit of novel anti-depressant drugs". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  139. Valentão, Patrícia. "Further insights into the chemical profile and bioactivities of Ficus carica L. fruits.". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  140. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic profile of three different varieties of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott from Azores". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  141. Valentão, Patrícia. "Another perspective for the medicinal use of Glandora diffusa (Lag.) D. C. Thomas.". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  142. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn screening of bioactive compounds in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Leaves.". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  143. Valentão, Patrícia. "Dimeric naphthoquinones from Diospyros chamaethamnus Dinter ex. Mildbr. inhibit cholinesterases.". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant., 2012.
  144. Valentão, Patrícia. "Anti-allergic properties of natural naphthoquinones: Menadione inhibits leukotrienes production and naphthazarin inhibits degranulation.". Trabalho apresentado em 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant, 2012.
  145. Valentão, Patrícia. "Biological properties of a lipophilic extract of sea-star Marthasterias glacialis L. upon several cancer cell line". Trabalho apresentado em 22nd IUBMB & 37th FEBS Congress, 2012.
  146. Valentão, Patrícia. "Comparative study of the antioxidant and anticholinesterase potential of four medicinal plants". Trabalho apresentado em 13th Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology., 2012.
  147. Valentão, Patrícia. "In vitro radical scavenging potential of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2012.
  148. Valentão, Patrícia. "Biological activities of Echium plantagienum L. pollen hydro-alcoholic extract". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2012.
  149. Valentão, Patrícia. "Exploring Argentine honey and propolis". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2012.
  150. Valentão, Patrícia. "Satureja parvifolia: bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2012.
  151. Valentão, Patrícia. "Brown macroalgae from Portuguese coast: a source of antioxidants". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2012.
  152. Valentão, Patrícia. "Ubiquinone analogues and histone deacetylase inhibitors in an induced zebrafish model of mitochondrial dysfunction". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2012.
  153. Meliana, Y.; Setiawan, A. H.. "Antioxidant activity of lignin phenolic compounds as by-product of pretreatment process of bioethanol production from empty fruits palm bunch". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2012.
  154. Valentão, Patrícia. "Assessement of Cynara cardunculus L. ethanol extracts biological potential.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2012.
  155. Valentão, Patrícia. "Binary mixtures with phenolic compounds and BHT: Synergistic or antagonistic antioxidant effects.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2012.
  156. Valentão, Patrícia. "Aroma profile of different salted dried codfishes". Trabalho apresentado em iCEF11 – 11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 2011.
  157. Valentão, Patrícia. "Aqueous extract of Pieris brassicae larvae and cabbage host plant: evaluation of mutagenicity and genotoxicity.". Trabalho apresentado em XX Porto Cancer Meeting – Drug resistance in cancer: from biology to molecular targets and drugs., 2011.
  158. Valentão, Patrícia. "Viability assays to evaluate F. carica leaf effects on V79 cells.". Trabalho apresentado em 2º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2011.
  159. Valentão, Patrícia. "In vivo toxicity profile of naphthoquinones in zebrafish embryos". Trabalho apresentado em 2º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2011.
  160. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC-PAD-ESI MSn screening of an insect/plant system: the case of Spodoptera littoralis/Lycopersicon esculentum phenolics and alkaloids". Trabalho apresentado em 2º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2011.
  161. Valentão, Patrícia. "Capsicum annuum seeds: new source of bioactive compounds". Trabalho apresentado em 2º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2011.
  162. Valentão, Patrícia. "Glycine max, Vigna radiata and Medicago sativa sprouts: a natural source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant potential". Trabalho apresentado em 2º Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2011.
  163. Valentão, Patrícia. "Inoculation of Capsicum annuum L. with Rhizobia: bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’11 – 4th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2011.
  164. Valentão, Patrícia. "Chemical and biological characterization of Glycine max, Vigna radiata and Medicago sativa sprouts". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’11 – 4th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP., 2011.
  165. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antimicrobial activity of phlorotannins from brown macroalgae.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’11 – 4th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2011.
  166. Valentão, Patrícia. "Coreopsis tinctoria: Chemistry and biological potentia". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’11 – 4th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2011.
  167. Valentão, Patrícia. "Fatty acids in brown macroalgae of the Portuguese west coast.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’11 – 4th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2011.
  168. Valentão, Patrícia. "Biological effects of the carotenoid extract of Marthasterias glacialis (spiny sea-star) against the cancer cell lines MCF-7 and SH-5Y.". Trabalho apresentado em XVII Congresso Nacional de Bioquímica., 2010.
  169. Grosso, Clara; Vinholes, Juliana; Gonçalves, Rui Filipe Garcia; Jäger, Anna Katharina; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Phenolic profile and in vitro activities of Capsella bursa-pastoris L. extracts". Trabalho apresentado em 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research and the 7th Tannin Conference (GA2010), 2010.
  170. Valentão, Patrícia. "Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic a potential antimicrobial agent.". Trabalho apresentado em XXI Simpósio de Plantas Medicinais do Brasil., 2010.
  171. Valentão, Patrícia. "Further insights into Ficus carica latex metabolome". Trabalho apresentado em 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 2010.
  172. Valentão, Patrícia. "Low molecular weight volatiles in Portuguese Ficus carica varieties.". Trabalho apresentado em 58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 2010.
  173. Valentão, Patrícia. "Cell effects of Pieris brassicae and host Brassica oleracea var. acephala.". Trabalho apresentado em XXVth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2010.
  174. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC/UV-PAD/MSn-ESI in the determination of phenolics in Lycopersicon esculentum seeds.". Trabalho apresentado em XXVth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2010.
  175. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metabolite profiling of wild edible mushrooms species". Trabalho apresentado em IMC9 – The Biology of Fungi, 2010.
  176. Valentão, Patrícia. "First report of non-coloured flavonoids in Echium plantagineum bee pollen: differentiation of isomers by LC-MSn.". Trabalho apresentado em The 51st Annual Meeting of The American Society of Pharmacognosy and The Phytochemical Society of North America, 2010.
  177. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC-PAD-APCI-MS analysis of carotenoids: a case study with the marine echinoderm Marthasterias glacialis.". Trabalho apresentado em 2PYCheM – 2nd Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting, 2010.
  178. Valentão, Patrícia. "Piper betle: targeted metabolite analysis and acetylcholinesterase inhibition.". Trabalho apresentado em 6th Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants of Southeast European Countries (6th CMAPSEEC), 2010.
  179. Valentão, Patrícia. "Anti-inflammatory activity of naphtoquinones isolated from Diospyros chamaethamnus.". Trabalho apresentado em International Simposium: Drugs from nature targeting inflammation, 2010.
  180. Valentão, Patrícia. "Lycopersicon esculentum seeds: byproduct valorization". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª Workshop Annual Bioplant., 2010.
  181. Valentão, Patrícia. "Extending the potential of Capsella bursa-pastoris L.". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2010.
  182. Valentão, Patrícia. "Pieris brassicae vs Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala: Metabolic profiling and biological activity". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2010.
  183. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metabolic and biological activities of Ficus carica materials". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª Workshop Annual Bioplant., 2010.
  184. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phlorotannins in edible macro algae purified extracts.". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª Workshop Annual Bioplant, 2010.
  185. Valentão, Patrícia. "Diospyros chamaethamnus: Naphthoquinones’ bioactivity in inflammation.". Trabalho apresentado em 1ª Workshop Annual Bioplant., 2010.
  186. Lopes, Graciliana; Sousa, Carla; Bernardo, João; Mouga, Teresa; Andrade, Paula B.; Valentão, Patrícia. "Phorotannins in edible macro algae purified extracts.". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Workshop Anual Bioplant, 2010.
  187. Kristiana, Riajeng; Suciatmih; Mangunwardoyo, Wibowo. "Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) seeds: new flavonoids and cytotoxic effect". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2010.
  188. Valentão, Patrícia. "Insights into Brassica oleracea var. acephala metabolites and bioactivity". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2010.
  189. Valentão, Patrícia. "Ficus carica latex: chemical assessment and in vitro antioxidant capacity.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2010.
  190. Valentão, Patrícia. "Naphthoquinones from Diospyros chamaethamnus: Bioactivity in different cells lines.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers of UP, 2010.
  191. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolics metabolism in insects: Pieris brassicae - Brassica oleracea var. costata ecological duo". Trabalho apresentado em 6º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, 2009.
  192. Valentão, Patrícia. "Simple and reproducible HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS analysis of alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus roots". Trabalho apresentado em 6º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, 2009.
  193. Valentão, Patrícia. "Determination of volatile compounds in Portuguese Ficus carica L. varieties by HS-SPME and GC/MS.". Trabalho apresentado em 6º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, 2009.
  194. Valentão, Patrícia. "A lagarta da couve, Pieris brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), como fonte de compostos com interesse farmacêutico.". Trabalho apresentado em VI Congreso Nacional de Entomologia Aplicada. XII Jornadas Científicas de la SEEA, 2009.
  195. Valentão, Patrícia. "Natural antioxidants from aqueous extract of Pieris brassicae larvae: mutagenicity and cytotoxicity evaluation.". Trabalho apresentado em ECNIS Workshop on Biomarkers and Cancer, 2009.
  196. Valentão, Patrícia. "Pieris brassicae excrements: cytological effects". Trabalho apresentado em ECNIS Workshop on Biomarkers and Cancer, 2009.
  197. Valentão, Patrícia. "Protective effect of Ficus carica leaf extract on SH-SY5Y and V-79 cells.". Trabalho apresentado em ECNIS Workshop on Biomarkers and Cancer, 2009.
  198. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metabolic fate of volatiles compounds from diet in Pieris brassicae". Trabalho apresentado em 42nd IUPAC Congress – Chemistry solutions, 2009.
  199. Valentão, Patrícia. "Ficus carica: metabolic and antioxidant screening.". Trabalho apresentado em 42nd IUPAC Congress – Chemistry solutions, 2009.
  200. Valentão, Patrícia. "Codium tomentosum and Plocamium cartilagineum: chemical approach and antioxidant potential". Trabalho apresentado em 6th European Conference on Marine Natural Products, 2009.
  201. Valentão, Patrícia. "Systemic release of volatiles by Brassica oleracea var. acephala induced by Pieris brassicae predation.". Trabalho apresentado em 50th Anual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy., 2009.
  202. Valentão, Patrícia. "Rumex induratus: metabolites and free radical scavenging". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’09 – Second Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto, 2009.
  203. Valentão, Patrícia. "Volatile composition of Rumex induratus leaves using different extractive methods: a comparative study.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’09 – Second Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto., 2009.
  204. Valentão, Patrícia. "Codium tomentosum Stackhouse: news and secrets". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’09 – Second Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto, 2009.
  205. Valentão, Patrícia. "Boerhaavia diffusa: the potential of an ancient species". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’09 – Second Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto, 2009.
  206. Valentão, Patrícia. "Volatile constituents throughout Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala germination.". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’09 – Second Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto., 2009.
  207. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metabolic profiling and biological capacity of Pieris brassicae fed with kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala).". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica., 2008.
  208. Valentão, Patrícia. "New phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Catharanthus roseus.". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica, 2008.
  209. Valentão, Patrícia. "Bioactive products from sage (Salvia officinalis L.): since the extraction to the biotechnological production of therapeutic compounds". Trabalho apresentado em 1º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica., 2008.
  210. Valentão, Patrícia. "Natural extracts as potential source of antioxidants to stabilize polyolefins". Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry., 2008.
  211. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolics and organic acids with potential bioactivity in Pieris brassicae L. reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L.". Trabalho apresentado em 7th Joint Meeting of AFERP, ASP, GA, PSE & SIF - Natural Products with Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical, Cosmetic, and Agrochemical Interest., 2008.
  212. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic composition of Cydonia oblonga Miller leaf.". Trabalho apresentado em XXIVth International Conference on Polyphenols., 2008.
  213. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant activity of methanolic extracts from Cydonia oblonga leaves.". Trabalho apresentado em XXIVth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2008.
  214. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant potential and relation with chemical composition of wild edible mushrooms cap and stipe". Trabalho apresentado em XXIVth International Conference on Polyphenols., 2008.
  215. Valentão, Patrícia. "Determination of phenolics composition and antioxidant potential of Centaurea species". Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products, 2008.
  216. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant activity of some species from Apiaceae family". Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Symposium on Chromatography of Natural Products., 2008.
  217. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC determination of free amino acids profile of Dão red wine: effect of Dekkera bruxellensis contamination". Trabalho apresentado em XVI Jornadas de Biologia de Leveduras “Professor Nicolau van Uden, 2008.
  218. Valentão, Patrícia. "Leucopaxillus giganteus mycelium: effect of nitrogen source on organic acids and alkaloids.". Trabalho apresentado em AOAC Europe Section International Workshop and II Encontro Nacional de Bromatologia, Hidrologia e Toxicologia, 2008.
  219. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC-DAD-MS/MS analysis of phenolics in in vitro shoots of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC". Trabalho apresentado em IJUP’08 – First Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto, 2008.
  220. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI screening of phenolics with potential bioactivity in Pieris brassicae L. reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L.". Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Conference on Drug Design & Discovery., 2008.
  221. Valentão, Patrícia. "Compostos fenólicos de Thymus caespititius Brot: ramos floridos versus ramos vegetativos". Trabalho apresentado em II Colóquio Nacional de Plantas Aromáticas e Medicinais., 2007.
  222. Valentão, Patrícia. "Influence of different fertilization regimes on the amounts of organic acids of Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC.". Trabalho apresentado em Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques – HPLC 2007, 2007.
  223. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds in Brassica oleracea L. var. costata DC: effect of fertilization conditions.". Trabalho apresentado em 31st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques – HPLC 2007, 2007.
  224. Valentão, Patrícia. "Solid Phase Extraction versus Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion for extraction of phenolic compounds and organic acids in white grapes.". Trabalho apresentado em 31st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques – HPLC 2007, 2007.
  225. Valentão, Patrícia. "Reactive nitrogen species scavenging by tronchuda cabbage.". Trabalho apresentado em First Iberic Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry. Anticancer Agents, 2007.
  226. Valentão, Patrícia. "Rumex induratus leaves: phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity". Trabalho apresentado em XXIII International Conference on Polyphenols, 2006.
  227. Mohan Das, Pradeep; Martinez, Jose; Guntur, Krishna; Amano, Ryoichi; Valentão, Patrícia. "Experimental design for extraction and quantification of phenolic compounds and organic acids in white “Vinho Verde” grapes". Trabalho apresentado em ISC’06 - 26th International Symposium on Chromatography, 2006.
  228. Valentão, Patrícia. "Beefsteak fungus Fistulina hepatica: phenolic compounds and organic acids contents and antioxidative properties". Trabalho apresentado em REQUIMTE, 4º Encontro, 2006.
  229. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidative properties and phytochemical composition of Ballota nigra infusion.". Trabalho apresentado em REQUIMTE, 4º Encontro, 2006.
  230. Valentão, Patrícia. "Influence of Dekkera bruxellensis on the contents of anthocyanins, organic acids and volatile phenols of Dão red wine.". Trabalho apresentado em Micro’05Biotec’05, 2005.
  231. Valentão, Patrícia. "Biotechnology and bioactivities of sage compounds for uses in nutraceuticals and healthcare". Trabalho apresentado em Micro’05Biotec’05, 2005.
  232. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phytomedicines from in vivo plants and in vitro cultures of sage (Salvia officinalis L.).". Trabalho apresentado em Phytotherapy – the role of an ancient tradition in modern times, 2005.
  233. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds produced in shoots and roots of plantlets and hairy roots of in vitro cultures of Mentha piperita L.". Trabalho apresentado em 2005 In vitro Biology Meeting, 2005.
  234. Valentão, Patrícia. "Metabolomics in in vitro cultures of sage (Salvia officinalis L.)". Trabalho apresentado em 2005 In vitro Biology Meeting, 2005.
  235. Valentão, Patrícia. "Flavonóides em folhas de cultivares portuguesas de oliveira". Trabalho apresentado em Congresso de Saúde de Bragança, 2005.
  236. Valentão, Patrícia. "Modificações físico-químicas produzidas pelas leveduras Dekkera bruxellensis em vinhos tintos da região do Dão". Trabalho apresentado em 7º encontro de Química de Alimentos., 2005.
  237. Valentão, Patrícia. "Analysis of non-coloured phenolics in red wine: effect of Dekkera bruxellensis yeast". Trabalho apresentado em XXIInd International Conference on Polyphenols, 2004.
  238. Valentão, Patrícia. "HPLC analysis of phenolic compounds in the bryophyte Brachythecium velutinum, Eurhynchium praelongum and Lunularia cruciata". Trabalho apresentado em REQUIMTE, III meeting, 2004.
  239. Valentão, Patrícia. "The reactive oxygen species hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid are efficiently scavenged by small centaury infusion". Trabalho apresentado em REQUIMTE, III meeting, 2004.
  240. Valentão, Patrícia. "Chemical and biological evaluation of Hypericum androsaemum infusion antioxidant activity". Trabalho apresentado em 1st Luso-Spanish Congress on Free Radicals, 2003.
  241. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant effect of cardoon infusion". Trabalho apresentado em XXIst International Conference on Polyphenols, 2002.
  242. Valentão, Patrícia. "Scavenging effect of Lippia citriodora infusion on hydroxyl radical and hypochlorous acid". Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on "Dietary Phytochemicals and Human Health, 2002.
  243. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant activity of Hypericum androsaemum infusion". Trabalho apresentado em Euro Food Chem XI, 2001.
  244. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds in three portuguese olive fruits varieties". Trabalho apresentado em Euro Food Chem XI, 2001.
  245. Valentão, Patrícia. "Development of an HPLC/DAD method for determination of phenolic profile in portuguese olive fruits". Trabalho apresentado em 5º encontro de Química de Alimentos, 2001.
  246. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic compounds in three portuguese olive fruits varieties attacked by Batrocera oleae (Gmel)". Trabalho apresentado em 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, 2001.
  247. Valentão, Patrícia. "Ácidos fenólicos e flavonóides do Hipericão-do-Gerês". Trabalho apresentado em XIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2000.
  248. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant activity of Lippia citriodora". Trabalho apresentado em XXth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2000.
  249. Dida, Lumta; Shehu, Dhurata; Ruci, Thanas. "Comparison of the phenolic composition of Touriga Nacional grape, grape peel, pulp and seed". Trabalho apresentado em XXth International Conference on Polyphenols, 2000.
  250. Valentão, Patrícia. "Determination of phenolic compounds in Cynara cardunculus by solid-phase extraction and HPLC". Trabalho apresentado em PSE Meeting – Natural Products from the Plants and Marine Organisms of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Seabord: Isolation, Synthesis and Industrial Applications, 2000.
  251. Valentão, Patrícia. "Antioxidant activity of Centaurium erythraea". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Congresso de Radicais Livres em Química, Biologia e Medicina., 1999.
  252. Valentão, Patrícia. "Xantonas tetraoxigenadas de Centaurium erythraea". Trabalho apresentado em I Congresso das Plantas Aromáticas e Medicinais dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa., 1999.
  253. Valentão, Patrícia. "Quality control of lavender by its phenolic composition: choosing the best extract and HPLC conditions". Trabalho apresentado em 4º Encontro de Química de Alimentos, 1999.
  254. Valentão, Patrícia. "Characterisation of lavender, vervain and peppermint by their phenolic composition". Trabalho apresentado em XIXth International Conference on Polyphenols, 1998.
  255. Valentão, Patrícia. "Characterization of seven medicinal species by the phenolic constituents of their hydrolyzed extracts". Trabalho apresentado em 1st International Meeting of Aromatic and Medicinal Mediterranean Plants, 1998.
  256. Valentão, Patrícia. "Phenolic profiles of sage, lavander, peppermint and vervain". Trabalho apresentado em Euro Food Chem IX, 1997.
  1. Daniela Correia da Silva; Patrícia Valentão; David M. Pereira. "A survey of naturally-occurring molecules as new endoplasmic reticulum stress activators with selective anticancer activity". 2022.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Grosso, Clara; Sá, A. Clara; Amorim, Célia G.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Montenegro, M. Conceição. "Comparison of the inhibition of MAO-A by medicinal plant extracts using a potentiometric sensor and a spectrophotometric assay (Oral communication)". Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM2016), Coimbra, 2016.
  2. Bernardo, João; Grosso, Clara; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Mota, Ana Teresa; Pereira, Renato B.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Box-behnken design applied to exotic fruits: enhancing betacyanins and phenolic compounds extraction from the peel (Oral communication)". Trabalho apresentado em 36th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM2016), Coimbra, 2016.
  3. Sá, Clara; Amorim, Célia G.; Grosso, Clara; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.; Araújo, Alberto N.; Montenegro, M. Conceição. "Determination of the inhibitory activity of MAO-A by medicinal plants extracts using a potentiometric sensor (Oral communication)". Trabalho apresentado em 9th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP2016), Porto, 2016.
  4. Grosso, Clara; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Barbosa, Mariana; Bernardo, João; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn as a tool for quality control and authentication of herbal drugs (Oral communication)". Trabalho apresentado em II Future Trends in Phytochemistry in the global era of agri-food and health: A Young scientists meeting, San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia, 2015.
  5. Grosso, Clara; Sampaio, Maria; Lima, Júlio; Barbosa, Mariana; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Aplicação de um desenho fatorial do tipo Box-Behnken para a obtenção de um extrato de Chelidonium majus L. rico em compostos fenólicos (Oral communication)". Trabalho apresentado em XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto, 2014.
  6. Matos, Rui; Grosso, Clara; Moita, Eduarda; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B.. "Screening of bioactivity in seaweeds (Oral communication)". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Meeting of young researchers of University of Porto (IJUP2011), Porto, 2011.
  7. Oliveira, Andreia; Valentão, Patrícia; Silva, Branca M.; Andrade, Paula. "Ficus carica L.: das análises químicas aos ensaios biológicos". Trabalho apresentado em Simpósio de Análises Clínicas e Saúde Pública: Águas, Alimentos e Ambiente, Porto, 2011.
  8. Oliveira, Andreia; Silva, Branca M.; Silva, Luís; Taveira, M.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula. "Prospecting bioactive compounds in terestrial organisms". Trabalho apresentado em Requimte, Fátima, 2011.
  9. Oliveira, Andreia; Silva, Luís; Guedes de Pinho, Paula; Valentão, Patrícia; Silva, Branca M.; Pereira, José; Andrade, Paula. "Autenticidade de variedades portuguesas de Ficus carica". Trabalho apresentado em Curso de Autenticidade de Produtos Alimentares, Bragança, 2010.

Propriedade Intelectual

  1. Valentão, Patrícia. 2009. "Extracto aquoso da larva de Pieris brassicae e respectiva utilização como antioxidante.". Portugal.


Outra produção
  1. Methods for Studying Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress. 2019. Daniela Correia da Silva; Patricia Valentao; Paula Andrade; David Pereira.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2023/11/23 Algae-based supplements: validating weight loss properties allegation XXVII Encontro Luso Galego de Química
(Porto, Portugal)
2023/07/05 “PHARMACOKINETICS OF NARINGENIN SULFATES IN HUMAN INTESTINAL CELLS 31st International Conference on Polyphenols
(Nantes, França)
2021/07/07 Food nutraceuticals and food drug interactions International Summer School on Natural Products
2020/03/26 Approaching phlorotannins bioavailability: Challenges and opportunities. Iberphenol Intenational Conference: Advances in the role of phenols in health effects and other uses
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2019/11/30 Plant polyphenols to target the mitochondrial metabolic remodeling at the crossroad of degenerative brain diseases and cancer 2019 Sino-Portugal Forum on Traditional Medicine.
(Nanchang, Jiangxi , China)
2019/11/20 Ésteres alquílicos de homarina: uma nova classe de inibidores da acetilcolinesterase. XXV Encontro Galego-Português de Química.
(Santiago de Compostela, Espanha)
2019/11/20 Can the elderberry anthocyanins overcome the mitochondrial dysfunction associated with degenerative brain diseases? XXV Encontro Galego-Português de Química.
(Santiago de Compostela, Espanha)
2019/10/02 Experimental evidence on the phenolic richness of plants from Guinea-Bissauan medicinal flora and relation with bioactivities. Iberphenol Iberian Congress on Phenolic Compounds.
(Ourense, Espanha)
2019/10/02 Profiting from Thai ethnomedicinal knowledge: Phenolic profiling and biological insights on the anti-inflammatory effects of Thai plants. Iberphenol Iberian Congress on Phenolic Compounds.
(Ourense, Espanha)
2019/10/02 The marine biome and its unlimited potential: Brown seaweed phlorotannins as multimodal agents in inflammation and allergy network. Iberphenol Iberian Congress on Phenolic Compounds.
(Ourense, Espanha)
2019/09/30 Phlorotannins – Extraction, profiling and bioactivities 13th ISANH World Congress on Polyphenols Applications.
(La Valleta , Malta)
2019/07/28 Towards natural product-derived modulators of ER stress. Natural Products in Drug Discovery and Human Health PSE Meeting 2019
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2019/05/24 Benzoquinones from Cyperus spp. trigger cell death by ER stress pathways in human stomach cancer cells and are novel proteasome inhibitors. 4th Syposium on Medicinal Chemistry
(Braga , Portugal)
2019/05/22 Brain activity of white wine polyphenols in the Alzheimer's disease context: Effects on cell redox state and amyloid-beta peptides levels. 53rd ESCI 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Europen Society for Clinical Investigation.
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2018/11/21 Characterization of the phenolic profile of Caryota urens L. – preliminary evidence on its antidiabetic properties. XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química. XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química.
(Porto, Portugal)
2018/11/10 Pharmacognosy, a valuable tool in drug discovery Congress SIN - Supplements, functional Ingredients and Nutraceuticals
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/11/10 Nano-phytosomes to deliver bioactive phytochemicals for brain: Physical-chemical characterization and bioactivity Congress SIN - Supplements, functional Ingredients and Nutraceuticals.
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/10/17 Mentha pulegium-nanofitossomas: desenvolvimento de nutracêuticos com atividade neuromoduladora. Mission 10.000 Conference – Nanotechnology: An enabler for the bioeconomy.
(Braga, Portugal)
2018/07/16 Phenolipids based on protocatechuic acid alkyl esters trigger disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase activation in macrophages. XXIXth International Conference on Polyphenols.
(Madison, Estados Unidos)
2018/02/07 Elderberry anthocyanins: an important bioactive resource to support therapeutic approaches for Parkinson disease. IJUP’18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2017/02/08 Medicinal properties of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf and Cymbopogon schoenanthus (L.) Spreng. IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP.
(Porto, Portugal)
2016/07/11 Structure-activity relationship of phenolic acids dervivatives: impact on toxicity and anti-inflammatory activity. XXVIIIth International Conference on Polyphenols.
(Vienna, Áustria)
2016/06/29 Extracting polyphenols: Trying to get the best. 10th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications.
(Porto, Portugal)
2016/06/15 Age-related degenerative diseases – the great challenge of our time. 1st Workshop of “Novel Compounds from Renewable Sources
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/06/15 Non-clinical efficacy 1st Workshop of “Novel Compounds from Renewable Sources”
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/05/29 Comparison of the inhibition of MAO-A by medicinal plant extracts using a potentiometric sensor and spectrophotometric assay. 6th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM 2016).
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2016/05/29 Box-Behnken design applied to exotic fruits: Enhancing betacyanins and phenolic compounds extraction from the peel. 6th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants (CIPAM 2016).
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2016/02/17 Anti-inflammatory activity of aqueous extracts of sea anemones in macrophages. IJUP’16 – 9th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP.
(Porto, Portugal)
2016/02/17 Benzoquinones from Cyperus spp. as proteasome inhibitors: activity and structure-activity relationship. IJUP’16 – 9th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2016/02/17 Determination of the inhibitory activity of MAO-A by medicinal plants extracts using a potentiometric sensor. IJUP’16 – 9th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2015/12/01 UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS method for phytoprostane profiling in macroalgae. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica.
(Porto, Portugal)
2015/12/01 Anti-inflammatory capacity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells envolves iNOS modulation. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica.
(Porto, Portugal)
2015/12/01 Herbal medicines: A source of phenolic monoamine oxidase A inhibitors. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica.
(Porto, Portugal)
2015/12/01 ER stress and protein quality control pathways: Exploring the natural products chemical space. 11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica.
(Porto, Portugal)
2014/11/26 Mediterranean grain legumes: a source of bioactive compounds.
XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química. (Porto, Portugal)
2014/11/26 Aplicação de um desenho fatorial do tipo Box–Behnken para obtenção de um extrato de Chelidonium majus L. rico em compostos fenólicos. XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química.
(Porto, Portugal)
2014/11/26 Compostos fenólicos de Mentha pulegium L. na prevenção da toxicidade induzida pelo t-BHP em células gástricas e intestinais. XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química.
(Porto, Portugal)
2014/07/30 Dynamic of release of allelochemicals from Eucalyptus globulus leaves incorporated into the soil and their potential phytotoxicity for weed control. Organic Agriculture: Clues for weed prevention and control – International Syposium.
(Vigo, Espanha)
2014/06/05 Polyphenols and inflammation: should they be considered? 8th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications.
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/05/27 Neuroprotective compounds from edible and medicinal plants II Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos.
(Medellín, Colômbia)
2014/05/27 Remoción de fenoles volatiles en vinos tintos usando polimeros molecularmente impresos (MIPS). II Congreso Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos
(Medellín , Colômbia)
2013/06/14 Flavonoids: synergisms and antagonisms with glutathione. XXIII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química.
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2013/05/30 Phenolic composition and antioxidant potential of Vitis vinifera leaves of six varieties harvested in northeast Portugal. I.C. FaBE 2013 - International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering.
(Skiathos Island, Grécia)
2013/05/10 Targeting Alzheimer’s disease: a role for natural cholinesterases inhibitors. Jornada INSA-UB/CORNUCOPIA: NUTRICIÓN Y SEGURIDAD
(Barcelona, Espanha)
2013/02/13 Spergularia rubra: A functional beverage to reduce overweight, obesity and diabetes. IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP.
(Porto, Portugal)
2013/02/06 Lysine deacetylase inhibitors and ubiquinone analogues in a zebrafish (Danio rerio) Parkinson model XLIII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia.
(Porto, Portugal)
2012/12/04 Antifingal activity and mechanism of action of phlorotannins in Candida albicans yeast: possible role in the respiratory chain and induced oxidative stress. 3rd MAP-Bioplant Workshop: Becoming a plant.
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2012/11/13 Interação planta-medicamento: casos de estudo. VII Congresso Científico AEFFUP – Reações adversas e interações medicamentosas: O outro lado da farmacoterapia.
(Porto, Portugal)
2012/05/09 A GC-MS method for the simultaneous identification and quantification of amino acids, fatty acids and sterols in marine organisms. 3PYCheM – 3rd Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting.
(Porto, Portugal)
2012/02/22 Macroalgae chemical profile versus cholinesterases activities. IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2012/02/22 Flavonoids profiles of Bauhinia forficata Link: authenticity and relation with biological potential IJUP’12 – 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Porto (Portugal)
(Porto, Portugal)
2012/02/01 In vivo modelling of mitochondrial dysfunction and testing of ubiquinone analogues in zebrafish. XLII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia.
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2011/04/18 Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of phlorotannins purified extracts from brown seaweeds collected in the Portuguese coast. 2º Workshop Annual Bioplant
(Braga, Portugal)
2011/04/15 Compostos bioativos em organismos marinhos. XIV Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Biologia – Um olhar sobre o mar.
(Peniche, Portugal)
2011/02/17 Screening of bioactivity in seaweeds. IJUP’11 – 4th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP.
(Porto , Portugal)
2011/02/17 Metabolic profiling and bioactivity of Lithospermum diffusum. IJUP’11 – 4th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP.
(Porto, Portugal)
2011/02/02 Pharmacological and toxicity screening of naphthoquinones in a zebrafish model validated with HDAC inhibitors. XLI Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia – XXIX Reunião da Farmacologia Clínica, X Reunião de Toxicologia
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2010/11/16 Marine organisms as source of bioactive molecules: a case study with Marthasterias glacialis (spiny sea-star) IMMR’10 - International Meeting on Marine Resources.
(Peniche, Portugal)
2010/11/08 Matrizes vegetais: a bioatividade como expressão do metaboloma. XIII Jornadas de Engenharia Biológica da Universidade do Minho.
(Braga, Portugal)
2010/11/08 Antioxidantes em plantas: o que é natural é bom? XIII Jornadas de Engenharia Biológica da Universidade do Minho.
(Braga, Portugal)
2010/07/04 Medicinal plants: are they an effective source of antioxidants? Ciência 2010 - Encontro com a Ciência em Portugal.
(Bragança, Portugal)
2010/04/21 Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) seeds: new flavonoids. 2PYCheM – 2nd Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2010/03/29 New insights on metabolomics and bioactivities of Catharanthus roseus. 1ª Workshop Annual Bioplant
(Porto, Portugal)
2010/03/12 Compostos fenólicos no controlo da autenticidade e atividade biológica de sementes de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) Curso de Autenticidade de Produtos Alimentares
(Bragança, Portugal)
2010/03/12 Autenticidade de variedades portuguesas de Ficus carica. Curso de Autenticidade de Produtos Alimentares
(Bragança, Portugal)
2010/03/12 Diospyros kaki: Composição química do fruto na avaliação da sua autenticidade Curso de Autenticidade de Produtos Alimentares
(Bragança, Portugal)
2010/03/12 Brassicae oleracea var. acephala vs Pieris brassicae: autenticidade e bioatividade. Curso de Autenticidade de Produtos Alimentares
(Bragança, Portugal)
2010/03/12 Fitosteróis na autenticidade de macroalgas comestíveis. Curso de Autenticidade de Produtos Alimentares.
(Bragança, Portugal)
2010/02/17 Bio-guided HPLC-PAD-APCI-MS metabolite profiling of cytotoxic carotenoids from the marine echinoderm Marthasterias glacialis (spiny sea-star). IJUP’10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers of UP.
(Porto, Portugal)
2010/02/17 Phytosterols profile of edible macroalgae. IJUP’10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers of UP.
(Porto, Portugal)
2009/12/14 Metabolomic analysis of natural products. 6º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia.
(Funchal, Portugal)
2009/12/02 Cholinesterase inhibition and cholinergic neurotransmission blockade by Catharanthus roseus root alkaloids. XL Reunião da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia
(Porto, Portugal)
2009/11/16 GC-MS volatile profile of algae from the Portuguese coast. International Meeting on Marine Resources
(Peniche, Portugal)
2008/02/20 Phenolic compounds, organic acids and antioxidant properties of Rumex induratus. IJUP08 – First Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2008/02/20 Screening of phenolic compounds with bioactivity in Pieris brassicae L. reared on Brassica rapa var. rapa L. using HPLC-DAD-MS/MS-ESI. IJUP08 – First Meeting of Young Researchers of U.Porto
2007/11/10 Aroma compounds in eleven edible mushroom species: relationship between volatile profile and sensorial characteristics 4th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Proteomics Network (ProCura), 1st Meeting of the Portuguese National Mass Spectrometry Network (RNEM).
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2007/05/02 Caracterização fitoquímica e atividade antioxidante de couve tronchuda, Brassica oleracea var. costata. Seminários 20 Anos de Ensino e Investigação em Ciências Agrárias da Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
(Bragança, Portugal)
2005/05/30 O perfil fenólico como marcador químico de mel de Erica spp. (urze) da Serra da Lousã. Jornadas de Controlo de Qualidade de Produtos Regionais
(Bragança, Portugal)
2005/05/30 Perfil fenólico no controlo de qualidade de plantas aromáticas e medicinais Jornadas de Controlo de Qualidade de Produtos Regionais
(Bragança, Portugal)
2005/05/30 Marmelada: perfil em compostos fenólicos, ácidos orgânicos e aminoácidos livres. Jornadas de Controlo de Qualidade de Produtos Regionais
(Bragança, Portugal)
2001/09/28 Development of an HPLC/DAD method for determination of phenolic profile in Portuguese olive fruits. II Meeting of REQUIMTE
(Monte da Caparica, Portugal)
2001/05/08 Determination of phenolic compounds in quince jams by solid-phase extraction and HPLC. 5º Encontro de Química de Alimentos
(Porto, Portugal)
2000/06/13 Determinação de compostos fenólicos do Cardo-do-Coalho por HPLC/DAD. Curso de HPLC – Fundamentos teóricos e potencialidades.
(Bragança, Portugal)
2000/06/13 Avaliação da autenticidade de derivados de marmelo através do perfil fenólico. Curso de HPLC – Fundamentos teóricos e potencialidades.
(Bragança , Portugal)
1999/06/07 A qualidade em fitoterapia. I Congresso das Plantas Aromáticas e Medicinais dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa.
(Conimbriga-Ansião , Portugal)
1998/07/08 Analysis of vervain flavonoids by HPLC/Diode-Array detector method. Its application to quality control XXVII Reunión Científica del Grupo de Cromatografía y Técnicas Afines.


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2024/02/01 - Atual Seaweed extracts to control pre and postharvest phytopathogenic agents in Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck
2021/04 - Atual Multi-target-directed ligand strategy for Alzheimer's disease
2021/01 - Atual The potential of the seaweed Asparagopsis armata in the treatment of acne vulgaris
2021/01 - Atual Algae-derived compounds against phytopathogenic fungi of Vitis vinifera
2019 - Atual Controlo botânico, químico e biológico de produtos à base de plantas usados no alívio da inflamação
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2019 - Atual Potencial de extratos de diferentes castas de uva autóctones do Douro contra bactérias multi-resistentes
Microbiologia (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2018 - Atual Scientific evidences supporting Guinea-Bissau ethnomedicine
Coorientador de Tiago Manuel Gonçalves Macedo
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018 - Atual Endoplasmic reticulum stress in health and disease: new chemical tools for countering inflammation
Coorientador de Daniela Correia da Silva
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2019 - 2024/01/16 Towards the sustainable biomass valorization of the invasive red seaweed Asparagopsis armata: a multiple-industry approach
Coorientador de Rafael Alexandre Faria da Costa Félix
2019 - 2023/05/10 Plants in pest management: recruiting novel insecticides in Guinea-Bissau species
Coorientador de Rute Moreira
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2017 - 2023 Naturally-occurring alkaloids: Green chemistry approaches for increased bioactivity and lower toxicity
Coorientador de Karen Andreína Godinho João
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018 - 2022/11 Valorization of species of species from Thailand flora: phenolic characterization and antidiabetic properties
Orientador de Ana Catarina Gomes Andrade
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2017 - 2022/07 Práticas etnofarmacológicas na Guiné-Bissau: Estudo fitoquímico e biológico de espécies com atividade citotóxica em células de cancro
Orientador de Vera Alexandra de Macedo Ribeiro
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2017 - 2021/12 The neuroprotective potential of medicinal species: From flavonoid-rich extracts to nanophytosomes with multimodal effects
Coorientador de João Tiago Alves Bernardo
2015 - 2019 Bioprospecting Aplysia sea hares as valuable sources of bioactive molecule
Orientador de Renato Joel Barros Pereira
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Nanoformulations of natural compounds to control the chronic low grade inflammation associated with age-related degenerative diseases
Coorientador de Miguel Ângelo Freitas Ribeiro
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014 - 2018 Multimodal actions of brown seaweeds (Ochrophyta) bioactive compounds on inflammation and allergy network
Coorientador de Mariana Nunes Barbosa
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Mentha pulegium L.: Desenvolvimento e caracterização de uma formulação lipídica para a modulação da atividade cerebral
Coorientador de Rafael Vilamarim
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Avaliação do efeito de moléculas de origem natural e seus derivados em mecanismos de degradação de proteínas
Coorientador de Vera de Macedo Ribeiro
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012 - 2016 Effects of Echium plantagineum L. bee pollen on macrophages and basophils: metabolic profile vs inflammatory mediators, degranulation and oxidative stress
2012 - 2014 Mentha pulegium Linnaeus: from chemistry to cell protection against t-BHP-induced toxicity
Orientador de João Tiago Alves Bernardo
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010 - 2014 Seaweeds from the Portuguese coast: Chemistry, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory capacity
Orientador de Graciliana Luísa Lino Lopes
2010 - 2014 Naphthoquinones and ubiquinone analogues’ biological properties: Modulation of immune and neurological systems
Coorientador de Brígida Ribeiro de Pinho
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2009 - 2013 Lycopersicon esculentum Miller: From by-products towards neuroprotection
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2009 - 2012 Ficus carica L.: Estudo fitoquímico, biológico e molecular
Coorientador de Andreia Patrícia da Silva Oliveira
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007 - 2011 Análise metabólica e capacidade antioxidante de espécies comestíveis de cogumelos selvagens
Coorientador de Bárbara Andreia Pinto Barbosa de Bessa Ribeiro
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007 - 2011 Duo ecológico Pieris brassicae / Brassica oleracea: perfil metabolómico e actividade biológica
Coorientador de Maria de Fátima Gomes Fernandes
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2008 - 2010 Bétele (Piper betle Linn): análise de metabolitos e ação sobre a acetilcolinesterase
Orientador de Cristovão Ramiro Belo
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007 - 2009 Rumex induratus: caracterização química e potencial antioxidante
Orientador de Orlanda Clara Ferreira Pereira
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2019/11/14 - 2019/11/14 Integração no mercado de trabalho, marca pessoal e gestão de carreira: Considerações globais e enquadramento aplicado ao Setor Farmacêutico (2019/11/14 - 2019/11/14)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2019/06/11 - 2019/06/13 “Free radicals, oxidative stress and diseases” (11th Jun); “Antioxidants and methods for determination of anti-oxidative activity” (12th Jun); “Determination of synthetic and endogenous biogenic amines using HPLC methods” (13th Jun) (2019/06/11 - 2019/06/13)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2016/11/24 - 2016/11/24 “Tesouros oceânicos - Actinobactérias de origem marinha como fonte de compostos inovadores e bioativos” (2016/11/24 - 2016/11/24)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2015/12/01 - 2015/12/03 “11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica” (2015/12/01 - 2015/12/03)
Congresso (Membro da Comissão Científica)
2015/02/27 - 2015/02/27 “Fármacos anti-inflamatórios de origem marinha: do mar para a farmácia” (2015/02/27 - 2015/02/27)
Oficina (workshop) (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/10/15 - 2014/11/19 Ciclo de Conferências em Farmacognosia: "Dissecting antigenotoxicity and genotoxicity of plant extracts and phytochemicals” (15th Oct); “Aplicações nanotecnológicas em matrizes naturais” (5th Nov); “Polissacarídeos de origem natural para aplicação biomédica” (12th Nov); "O potencial das plantas medicinais na descoberta de novos fármacos” (19th Nov); “Etnofarmacologia na validação do uso de plantas medicinais africanas”(19th Nov) (2014/10/15 - 2014/11/19) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/06/15 - 2012/06/15 Coordinator of the conference “New advances in molecular pharmacognosy” given by Prof. Doutor Luigi Milella from Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Itália (2012/06/15 - 2012/06/15)
Conferência (Outra)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2008/05/27 - 2008/05/28 Monographic Journeys “Alimentação, Fármacos e Saúde – Ias de Alimentação humana, IVas de Química Farmacêutica” (2008/05/27 - 2008/05/28)
Outro (Membro da Comissão Científica)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2023/09/20 Novel hapten synthesis for antibody generation and development of immunoassays for analysis of Se in Se-rich products Fanfan Yang (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020/02/13 Incorporating Undaria pinnatifida bioactive extracts in electrospun wound dressings
Carolina Alexandra Marzia Ferreira (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2020/02/13 “Incorporating Undaria pinnatifida bioactive extracts in electrospun wound dressings”
Carolina Alexandra Marzia Ferreira (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
2019/12/06 Bioprospecting Aplysia sea hares as valuable sources of bioactive molecules
Renato Joel Barros Pereira (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018/07/13 Role of phytoprostanes and phytofurans for the protection of rice (Oryza sativa L.) against oxidative stress caused by abiotic agentes and technological practices
María Pinciroli (Doutoramento)
Universidad de Murcia, Espanha
2017/12/18 Cancer cells: A crosstalk between general metabolism and sensitivity to apoptotic signals
Andreia Silva Fernandes (Mestrado)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2016/05/30 Targeting dietary antioxidants to mitochondria: Regulating mitochondrial radical production and redox signaling to improve human health
José Carlos Santos Teixeira (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2016/01/29 Pharmacological evaluation of plant extracts from Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, Brazil): Focus on antioxidant and cytotoxic properties
Cláudia Marta Libreiro de Pinho (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Ciências, Portugal
2015/12/21 Effect of regulated deficit irrigation and Spanish-style processing on the generation of phytoprostanes in extra virgin olive oil and green table olives
Jacinta Colldado González (Doutoramento)
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Espanha
2015/12/01 Caracterização química e avaliação da atividade biológica de componentes extratáveis da Cynara cardunculus
Patrícia Alexandra Bogango Ramos (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Química, Portugal
2014/09/15 Mentha pulegium Linnaeus: from chemistry to cell protection against t-BHP-induced toxicity
João Tiago Alves Bernardo (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/02/26 Seaweeds from the Portuguese coast: Chemistry, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory capacity
Graciliana Luísa Lino Lopes (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/12/16 Metabolite profiling of marine organisms: Modulation of ER-stress in cancer and inflammation
David Alexandre Micael Pereira (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/12/13 Lycopersicon esculentum Miller: From by-products towards neuroprotection
Marcos André Pinheiro Taveira Monteiro (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07/22 Perfil fenólico de vinhos do Douro e avaliação da sua capacidade de captação do radical óxido nítrico em macrófagos RAW 264.7 estimulados com LPS
Manuel João Rebelo de Araújo Oliveira (Mestrado)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2012/12/19 Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott: Perfil fenólico e bioatividade
Rui Filipe Garcia Gonçalves (Mestrado)
Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Química, Portugal
2012/12/17 Ficus carica L.: Estudo fitoquímico, biológico e molecular
Andreia Patrícia da Silva Oliveira (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/04/12 Contribuição para o estudo de plantas medicinais de Angola com actividade hepatoprotectora. Caracterização do perfil fenólico da Boerhaavia diffusa L. (Ditumbate) por HPLC-PAD-MS/ESI
Mulangu Malenga Justin (Doutoramento)
Universidade Agostinho Neto, Angola
2012/03/30 Potencial químico e biológico de rebentos de leguminosas. Alteração do metaboloma e da bioactividade de Glycine max (L.) Merr. pela inoculação com Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Maria João Loureiro do Valle Pereira (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho Departamento de Biologia, Portugal
2011/11/29 Duo ecológico Pieris brassicae / Brassica oleracea: perfil metabolómico e actividade biológica
Maria de Fátima Gomes Fernandes (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2011/09/16 Análise metabólica e capacidade antioxidante de espécies comestíveis de cogumelos selvagens
Bárbara Andreia Pinto Barbosa de Bessa Ribeiro (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/11/13 The Chinese phytotherapy: oriental and western pathophysiological aspects and perspectives – the example of Ephedrae decoctum
Helena Cristina Mendes Soares (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2010/02/12 Bétele (Piper betle Linn): análise de metabolitos e acção sobre a acetilcolinesterase
Cristovão Ramiro Belo (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2009/11/20 Rumex induratus: caracterização química e potencial antioxidante
Orlanda Clara Ferreira Pereira (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2009/07/24 Perfil metabólico e potencial antioxidante de Brassica oleracea var. costata
Carla Sara Ferreira de Sousa (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2005/07/12 Marmelo (Cydonia oblonga Miller) e marmelada: perfil em compostos fenólicos, ácidos orgânicos e aminoácidos livres e avaliação do potencial antioxidante
Branca Maria Cardoso Monteiro da Silva (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2021/12 - Atual Food Chemistry
2021/03 - Atual Food Research International
2021/03 - Atual RSC Advances
2020/02 - Atual Marine Drugs
2020 - Atual Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Natural Products and Sustainable Bioresource Recovery" Sustainability
2018 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
2016 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board Food Research International
2012 - Atual Member of the Editorial Board Journal of Chemistry
2004 - Atual Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
2004 - Atual African Journal of Microbiology Research
2004 - Atual Algal Research
2004 - Atual Analytical Chemistry
2004 - Atual Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (1432-0614) Springer-Verlag
2004 - Atual Arabian Journal of Chemistry
2004 - Atual Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
2004 - Atual Bioresource Technology
2004 - Atual BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (1472-6882) Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)
2004 - Atual Chemistry & Biodiversity (1612-1880) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2004 - Atual Chemistry Central Journal
2004 - Atual Czech Journal of Food Sciences
2004 - Atual European Food Research and Technology (1438-2385) Springer-Verlag
2004 - Atual European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (0223-5234) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Evidenced-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
2004 - Atual Food and Chemical Toxicology (0278-6915) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Food Chemistry (0308-8146) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Food Processing & Technology
2004 - Atual Food Research International (0963-9969) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Industrial Crops and Products (0926-6690) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies (1466-8564) Elsevier
2004 - Atual International Journal of Green Pharmacy (1998-4103) BRNSS Publication Hub
2004 - Atual International Journal of Molecular Sciences (1422-0067) MDPI AG
2004 - Atual Italian Journal of Food Science
2004 - Atual Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1520-5118) American Chemical Society
2004 - Atual Journal of Applied Phycology (1573-5176) Springer-Verlag
2004 - Atual Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology (1547-0636) Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
2004 - Atual Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology (1099-0461) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2004 - Atual Journal of Chromatography A (0021-9673) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Journal of Chromatography B (1570-0232) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Journal of Diabetes Research (2314-6753) Hindawi Limited
2004 - Atual Journal of Ethnopharmacology (0378-8741) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (1021-9498) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Journal of Food Composition and Analysis (1096-0481) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Journal of Functional Foods (1756-4646) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (1943-2968) American Chemical Society
2004 - Atual Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (1744-7909) Wiley (Blackwell Publishing)
2004 - Atual Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
2004 - Atual Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B (1862-1783) Zhejiang University Press
2004 - Atual Life Sciences (0024-3205) Elsevier
2004 - Atual LWT – Food Science and Technology
2004 - Atual Marine Drugs (1660-3397) MDPI AG
2004 - Atual Molecular Genetics and Genomics (1617-4623) Springer-Verlag
2004 - Atual Molecules (1420-3049) MDPI AG
2004 - Atual Natural Product Communications (1555-9475) SAGE Publications
2004 - Atual Natural Product Research (1029-2349) Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
2004 - Atual Nutrients (2072-6643) MDPI AG
2004 - Atual Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (1942-0994) Hindawi Limited
2004 - Atual Phytochemical Analysis (1099-1565) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2004 - Atual Phytochemistry (0031-9422) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Phytochemistry Letters (1874-3900) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Phytomedicine (0944-7113) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (1573-9104) Springer-Verlag
2004 - Atual PLoS ONE (1932-6203) Public Library of Science
2004 - Atual Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (1097-0231) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2004 - Atual Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (1319-562X) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Scientific Reports (2045-2322) Springer Science and Business Media LLC
2004 - Atual Spectrochimica Acta (0371-1951) Elsevier
2004 - Atual Tetrahedron Letters (0040-4039) Elsevier
2004 - Atual The Open Agriculture Journal (1874-3315) Bentham Science
2020 - 2020 Guest Editor of the special issue “Natural anti-inflammatory agents 2019” International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2020 - 2020 Guest Editor of the special issue “Advances in Marine Alkaloids” Marine Drugs
2018 - 2018 Guest Editor of the special issue “Natural anti-inflammatory agents 2018" International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2018 - 2018 Guest Editor of the special issue “Biological potential of marine and terrestrial species” Molecules
2008 - 2018 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board The Open Agriculture Journal
2017 - 2017 Guest Editor of the special issue “Natural anti-inflammatory agents” International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2015 - 2015 Guest Editor of the special issue “Phenolics and polyphenolics 2015” International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2014 - 2014 Guest Editor of the special issue “Alkaloids: Novel Therapeutic Perspectives” Molecules
2008 - 2008 Guest Editor of the special issue “Alkaloids” Molecules

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2010 - Atual Fitoterapia Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2008 - Atual Fitoquímica e Farmacognosia I Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2008 - Atual Bioatividade de Matrizes Naturais Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007 - Atual Projeto I Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2020/07/13 - 2020/07/17 Continuing Education Course on "Medicinal Plants: Challenges and Opportunities" (Outros) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018 - 2019 Tópicos de Farmacognosia Biotecnologia Marinha e Aquacultura (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/02/15 - 2016/02/15 Medicinal Chemistry Medicines and Pharmaceutical Innovation i3DU (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/06/11 - 2013/06/11 Oxidantes e stress oxidativo Inter-Universitário em Biologia de Plantas Universidade do Minho Departamento de Biologia, Portugal
2013/02/26 - 2013/02/26 Plant Natural Products & Biotechnology Inter-Universitário em Biologia de Plantas (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2010/10/08 - 2010/10/08 Ficus carica L.: Metabolic profile and biological activities in Programa Doutoral em Bioquímica Aplicada Programa Doutoral em Bioquímica Aplicada (Doutoramento) Universidade Fernando Pessoa Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2010/06/07 - 2010/06/07 Farmacognosia: da química à actividade biológica Inter-Universitário em Biologia de Plantas (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2008 - 2009 Fitoquímica e Farmacognosia II Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007 - 2009 Autenticidade de Produtos Alimentares Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar (Mestrado) Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Escola Superior Agrária, Portugal
2007 - 2008 Química Orgânica I Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007 - 2008 Química Farmacêutica II Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007 - 2008 Fitoterapia Ciências Farmacêuticas (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2005 - 2007 Fitoterapia Ciências Farmacêuticas (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2005 - 2007 Projeto I Ciências Farmacêuticas (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2002 - 2007 Farmacognosia I Ciências Farmacêuticas (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2001 - 2007 Farmacognosia II Ciências Farmacêuticas (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2001 - 2002 Farmacognosia I Ciências Farmacêuticas (Licenciatura) (Licenciatura) Universidade Fernando Pessoa Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2000 - 2001 Farmacologia I Medicina Dentária (Licenciatura) (Licenciatura) Universidade Fernando Pessoa Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2021/10/21 - 2021/10/22 Moderator of oral communications session of "ChemBioGels 2021 – Advanves in hydrogels for biomedical applications"
2021/05/05 - 2021/05/07 Moderator and evaluator of oral and poster sessions of "IJUP’21 – 14th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP"
2020/02/12 - 2020/02/14 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the 13th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2019/07/23 - 2019/07/23 Arguer of the PhD Seminar “Mitochondria: A multifunctional organelle to drive cells towards the world of high complexity” of Daniela Sofia Gonçalves Mendes. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2019/07/23 - 2019/07/23 Jury member of the PhD Seminar “Evaluating the in vitro potential of natural extracts to protect lipids from oxidative damage” of Rafael Alexandre Faria da Costa Félix Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2019/07 - 2019/07 Jury member of the project I “Avaliação in vitro do potencial neuroprotetor de plantas medicinais” of Inês Isabel Silva Malheiro, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2019/02/12 - 2019/02/15 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the IJUP’19 – 12th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2018/11 - 2018/11 Arguer of the Curricular Unit “Internship” report of Sónia Maria Neto Verissimo Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018/11 - 2018/11 Arguer of the Curricular Unit “Internship” report of Elisabete Patrícia Pereira Gomes Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018/07/24 - 2018/07/24 Jury member of the PhD Seminar “Might Thai healers cure diabetes? A survey from Thai indigenous knowledge to scientific evidence” of Ana Catarina Gomes Andrade Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018/07/24 - 2018/07/24 Jury member of the PhD Seminar “Natural products in the modulation of allergic responses” of Vera Alexandra de Macedo Ribeiro. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018/04/26 - 2018/04/26 Arguer of the Master Seminar “Standardization of the functionality of extracts of plants rich in phenolic compounds: Chemical profile and metabolomic assays” of Lídia Cristina Alves da Rocha. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2018/04 - 2018/04 Project Evaluator Hrvatska Zaklada za Znanost, Croácia
2018/02/07 - 2018/02/09 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the IJUP’18 – 11th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2017/11 - 2017/11 Project Evaluator Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile
2017/10/12 - 2017/10/12 Arguer of the Master Seminar “Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in nature: distribution, chemistry and biological activity” of Rute Carina Pinto Martins Moreira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2017/02/08 - 2017/02/10 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the IJUP’17 – 10th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2016/07/20 - 2016/07/20 Jury member of the PhD Seminar “Refreshing the marine-derived chemotherapeutic pipeline” of Renato Joel Barros Pereira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2016/07 - 2016/07 Jury member of the Project I report “Hylocereus undatus e Hylocereus megalanthus usando um desenho fatorial do tipo Box–Behnken” of Ana Teresa Maia Mota Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2016/02/17 - 2016/02/19 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the IJUP’16 – 9th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2015/12/01 - 2015/12/03 Oral Session Moderator of the 11º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica/ 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Terapêutica Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2015/07/21 - 2015/07/21 Arguer of the Master Seminar “Metabolites in sea anemones: Actinia sp. and Anemonia sp.” of Tânia da Costa e Silva. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2015/07 - 2015/07 Arguer of the Project I report “Avaliação biológica de metabolitos de anémonas-do-mar: citotoxicidade e atividade anti-inflamatória” of Joana Filipa Gomes Rodrigues Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2015/05/13 - 2015/05/15 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the IJUP’15 – 8th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2014/11/26 - 2014/11/28 Oral Session Moderator of the XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/09/09 - 2014/09/09 Arguer of the Master Seminar “Uvas e mostos de castas portuguesas: metabolitos primários e secundários” of Ângela Sofia Carvalho Sousa. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2014/09 Jury member of the Project I report “Flavonoides como agentes anti-inflamatórios e antialérgicos” of Flávia Azevedo Soares Abelha Carvalho. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2014/09 Jury member of the Project I report “Chelidonium majus L.: Avaliação da atividade antidepressiva dos compostos fenólicos” of Júlio André Soares Lima. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2014/09 Arguer of the Project I report “Xantho incisus Leach e as enzimas” of Mara Carolina Meneses Silva. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2014/09 Jury member of the Project I report “Atividade antidiabética das folhas de Piper betle L.” of Sofia Barroso Riboira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2014/09 Arguer of the Project I report “Efeito neuroprotetor de macroalgas castanhas” of Natacha Gomes Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/07/08 - 2014/07/08 Arguer of the PhD Seminar “Fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides: features of occurrence and determination in the environment” of Patrícia Lisandri de Souza Peixoto Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014/02/12 - 2014/02/14 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the IJUP’14 – 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2013/11 - 2013/11 Arguer of the monography “Hypericum perforatum L. e interações com medicamentos convencionais" of Mariana Nunes Barbosa. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/10 - 2013/10 Arguer of the monography “Interações entre plantas e medicamentos: desafio no século XXI” of Ana Catarina Araújo Ferreira. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/10 - 2013/10 Jury member of the Curricular Unit “Internship” report of Ana Rita Barbosa Magalhães Ferreira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/10 - 2013/10 Project Evaluator Rannsóknamiðstöð Íslands, Islândia
2013/10 - 2013/10 Project Evaluator Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2013/07/30 - 2013/07/30 Arguer of the Master Seminar “Fenóis voláteis em vinhos tintos” of Alvarina Rafaela Fonseca Teixeira. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07/23 - 2013/07/23 Jury member of the Master Seminar “Mentha pulegium L.: terapêutica vs toxicidade” of João Tiago Alves Bernardo. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07/12 - 2013/07/12 Arguer of the PhD Seminar "Polarization as a biological feature of macrophage identity and plasticity" of Diana Raquel Bento Moreira. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07 - 2013/07 Arguer of the Project I report “Estudo de cultivares tintas de Ficus carica L.: Perfil fenólico vs atividade antioxidante” of Sónia Daniela Novais Oliveira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07 - 2013/07 Arguer of the Project I report “O perfil metabólico no controlo de autenticidade de Glandora difusa (Lag.) D. C. Thomas” of Pedro Miguel Ferreira de Almeida. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07 - 2013/07 Jury member of the Project I report “Mixing phenolic compounds. Consequences for antioxidant defense” of Andreia Daniela Ferreira da Costa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07 - 2013/07 Jury member of the Project I report “Atividade biológica de florotaninos e carotenoides de macroalgas da ordem Fucales” of Tatiana Mendo Pires. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/07 - 2013/07 Arguer of the Curricular Unit “Internship” report of Ana Rita Ferreira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/05 - 2013/05 Jury member of the Project I report “Análise metabólica e efeito sobre a a-glucosidase e colinesterases do fruto de Ficus carica L.” of Rui Manuel Machado Pereira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/05 - 2013/05 Arguer of the Curricular Unit “Internship” report of Eva Maria Mendes Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/02/13 - 2013/02/15 Oral and Poster Sessions Moderator of the IJUP’13 – 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of UP. Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2012/11 - 2012/11 Arguer of the monography “Prevalência e padrões de tratamento farmacológico da hipertensão arterial em Portugal” of Sara Albertina Marques Figueiredo. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/11 - 2012/11 Arguer of the Curricular Unit “Internship” report of Rui Manuel da Silva Costa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/10 - 2012/10 Arguer of the monograph “Cholagutt® A, um suplemento cada vez mais de primeira opção” of Graça Maria Teixeira da Silva Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/09 - 2012/09 Arguer of the Project I report “Macroalgas da costa Portuguesa: perfil metabólico e potencial biológico” of Mariana Nunes Barbosa. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/09 - 2012/09 Arguer of the Project I report “Atividade antioxidante de compostos polifenólicos: sinergismos e antagonismos” of Renato Joel Barros Pereira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/09 - 2012/09 Jury member of the Project I report “Valorization of macroalgae: the case of Osmundea pinnatifida (Hudson) Stackhouse” of Rui Pedro Moreira Pinto de Matos Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/09 - 2012/09 Jury member of the Project I report “Bauhinia forficata Link: em busca da verdade” of Sara Raquel Carneiro Teixeira da Silva. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2011/10 - 2011/10 Arguer of the Curricular Unit “Internship” report of Sónia Garrido Santos Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2011/09/08 - 2011/09/08 Arguer of the Master Seminar “Análise química e molecular na autenticidade e composição de cogumelos” of Luís Miguel da Fonseca Carvalho Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2011/07 - 2011/07 Jury member of the Project I report “Compostos bioativos de macroalgas: potencial antibacteriano de florotaninos” of João Tiago Alves Bernardo. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2011/07 - 2011/07 Arguer of the Project I report “Composição em ácidos gordos de algas castanhas da costa Portuguesa” of Graça Maria Teixeira da Silva Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2011/07 - 2011/07 Arguer of the Project I report “Perfil metabólico e potencial biológico de Gomphrena globosa” of Samuel de Azevedo Saleiro,. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Project Evaluator Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2010/11 - 2010/11 Arguer of the monography “Stress oxidativo” of Carina Dias Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/07/27 - 2010/07/27 Jury member of the PhD seminar "Free amino acid analysis in natural matrices" of Graciliana Luísa Lino Lopes Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/07/26 - 2010/07/26 Arguer of the PhD Seminar “Chiral small molecules as chromatographic tools in medicinal chemistry: state of the art” of Carla Sofia Garcia Fernandes. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/07 - 2010/07 Jury member of the monography “A fitoterapia em perturbações do aparelho digestivo” of Cláudia Cristina dos Santos Matias Carvalho Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/07 - 2010/07 Jury member of the Project I report “Bioatividade da diospirina” of Luís Filipe Silva Gaspar. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/07 - 2010/07 Arguer of the Project I report “Plumbagina: screening de atividade biológica” of Joana Raquel Correia Faria. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/07 - 2010/07 Arguer of the Project I report “Composição química do macro-invertebrado marinho Marthasterias glacialis e seu potencial biológico” of João Francisco Tomaz Santos Botelho Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010/03/24 - 2010/03/24 Arguer of the PhD seminar "Chemical characterization of genetically modified soybean: influence of industrial soybean oil extraction and refining processes on the fatty acid, phytosterol and tocopherol profiles” of Joana Sofia Barros da Costa. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Project Evaluator Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2009/09/21 - 2009/09/21 Jury member of the Master Seminar in Quality Control “Piper betle Linn: fonte de compostos bioativos” of Cristovão Ramiro Belo Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2009/01 - 2009/01 Jury member of the project I report “Compostos bioativos de macroalgas” of Pedro Nunes Trindade Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2008/07 - 2008/07 Jury member of the Project I report “Compostos fenólicos em culturas in vitro de Brassica oleracea var. costata e sua capacidade antioxidante” of Marcos André Pinheiro Taveira Monteiro Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2008/07 - 2008/07 Arguer of the Project I report “Perfil metabolómico e atividade antioxidante do sistema Pieris brassicae - Brassica rapa var. rapa” of David Alexandre Micael Pereira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2008/01 - 2008/01 Jury member of the Project I report “Compostos fenólicos e ácidos orgânicos em Rumex induratus. Atividade antioxidante” of Luís Pedro Guerra Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007/06 - 2007/06 Arguer of the Project I report “Compostos fenólicos em vinhos verdes monovarietais” of Ana Fique Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007/04/27 - 2007/04/27 Arguer of the Master Seminar in the Quality Control “Interacções insecto-planta: caso da Pieris brassicae” of Alexandra de Pinho Noites Lopes Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007/04/26 - 2007/04/26 Jury member of the Master seminar in the Quality Control “Rumex spp.: composição química e atividade biológica” of Orlanda Clara Ferreira Pereira Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2007/01 - 2007/01 Jury member of the Project I report “Estudo comparativo das partes fundamentais de espécies de cogumelos comestíveis: composição química e potencial antioxidante” of Maria do Rosário Pinto Vieira Lopes. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2006/06/14 - 2006/06/14 Jury member of the Master Seminar in the Quality Control “Phenolics in grapes” of Joanna Klepczynsa Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2006/06 - 2006/06 Jury member of the Project I report “Azedas (Rumex induratus): perfil em compostos fenólicos, ácidos orgânicos e potencial antioxidante” of Vítor Miguel Alves Ribeiro Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal


2018 Best Poster Communication in the field of Biological Sciences, at IJUP 2018
2016 Best poster presented in the oral session of the European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2016 annual meeting
2010 Best 2nd Year Teacher attributed by the FFUP Student Association, in 2009/2010 and 2010/2011
2006 E-Learning Excellence Award 2006 of UPorto

Outra distinção

2023 Women in Science
2019 Issue Cover in Molecules "Flavonoid composition of Salacia senegalensis (Lam.) DC leaves, evaluation of antidermatophytic effects, and potential amelioration of the associated inflammatory response"
2017 Top 25% most cited papers in PLOS ONE ("Is nitric oxide decrease observed with naphthoquinones in LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages a beneficial property?")
2017 Top 20 most read paper in Aquaculture Nutrition ("Apparent digestibility coefficients of European grain legumes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)")
2015 Certificate of Recognition for Reviewing Activity in the years 2015, 2016 and 2018, attributed by the ACS Publications (American Chemical Society).
2013 Congratulatory Diploma atributted by the FFUP Pedagogical Council to the Course Unit “Phytotherapy”, in 2012/2013 and 2013/2014
2013 Congratulatory Diploma atributted by the FFUP Pedagogical Council to the Couse Unit "Bioactivity of Natural Matrices”, in 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015