As an Auxiliary Researcher, R. Santos graduated in Chemistry from the University of Porto in 1998, completed his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry at the same University in 2008. Published ten papers in international peer-review journals, R. Santos also presented 39 scientific works in International Conferences. Co-author of an article in a National book, 23 items of technical production, and 16 application notes at Analytik Jena AJ, he received two awards and/or homage. From 1999 till 2008, he worked at UCTM-Lab as an ICP-MS specialist, developing different analytical methodologies applied to Portuguese Mineral Waters and Geological Materials characterization including ultra-trace elements analysis and isotope ratios determinations. Responsible for the Hydrochemistry Department in UCTM-Lab, he wasin charge of laboratory management to maintain the analytical quality control under the EN ISO/IEC 17025. From 2008 till 2014, he was responsible for the preparation and determination of the reference values of The National Proficiency Testing of Waters project – EAA and participates in a different scientific project, like MinReMol. He is still acting as a National auditor of the Portuguese National Accreditation Institute – IPAC for testing laboratories under the NP EN ISO/IEC 17025. His main research activities were related to Geochemistry and Groundwaters. Using isotope ratios determined by ICP-MS helped to understand the water/rock interactions in Groundwater systems but also in Geochemistry used for environmental studies. Some of the projects involved Isotope Dilution in different types of Reference Materials. Nowadays, titled as Global Manager of Application ICP-MS Specialists at AnalytikJena GmbH is responsible for developed new application notes in all types of sample matrices. Training internal ICP-MS specialists, technical and application customer training support worldwide, promoting AJ products in international conferences, seminars, and workshops are also part of his current role.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Rui Miguel Pereira dos Santos

Nomes de citação

  • Santos, Rui

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
