Mariana Feijó has a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences and, more recently, a Master's degree in Biochemistry, all from the University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal). Her main research interests are focused on the impact of environmental endocrine disruptors on male reproductive tissues, namely on their carcinogenic potential and actions linked to fertility impairment. In the last years, her knowledge and practical skills in immunology have also been deepened. At the present moment, Mariana has 2 papers (one as first author) and 3 abstracts (two as first author) published in highly recognized Q1 journals in the field of oncology, reproductive biology and multidisciplinary sciences. Also, she has been actively participating in national and international scientific events, in which original research results were presented (25 posters; 7 as the first author). The results of Mariana's research awarded the best communication prizes and the "Prémio Professor Alexandre Moreira" from the Portuguese Society of Andrology and, more recently, the "Bolsa de Investigação em Urologia 2022" from the Portuguese Society of Urology. She participated as a team member in 6 research projects, supervised 5 BSc final projects, co-supervised 4 MSc dissertations, trained young researchers in laboratory techniques, and collaborated in the organization of 5 scientific events. Considering lab work experience, Mariana has strong skills in cell culture (immortalized cell lines - GC-6spg, PNT1A, LNCaP, and PC3 cells - and rat and human primary cultures), cell viability assays (MTT, Annexin V, and 7-AAD), immunocytochemistry, RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, conventional PCR, protein extraction and quantification, Western Blot analysis, quantification of extracellular metabolites, measurement of enzymatic activity, isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, magnetic beads-based cell isolation, ELISA assays, and flow cytometry. Also, she is experienced in microbiology, immunochemistry, and hematology routine techniques of a clinical pathology laboratory.

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Mariana Pombal Feijó

Nomes de citação

  • Feijó, Mariana

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Endereços de correio eletrónico

  • mariana.feijo@ubi.pt (Profissional)


  • Avenida Infante D. Henrique, 6200-506, Covilhã, Covilhã, Portugal (Profissional)


Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Biologia da Reprodução
  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Medicina Clínica - Endocrinologia e Metabolismo
  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Medicina Clínica - Andrologia
  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Medicina Básica - Imunologia
  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Medicina Clínica - Oncologia


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Português (Idioma materno)
Inglês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2) Utilizador independente (B2)
Grau Classificação
2020/09 - 2025
Em curso
Biochemistry (Doutoramento)
University of Beira Interior, Faculty of Sciences, Portugal
2022 - 2022
Hands-on NMR-based Metabolomics: principles, methods and applications (Outros)
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal
III curso para el desempeño de la función D en roedores, lagomorfos, carnívoros, cerdos y pequeños rumiantes (Outros)
Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, Espanha
IV curso para el desempeño de las funciones A, B Y C en roedores, lagomorfos, carnívoros, cerdos y pequeños rumiantes (Outros)
Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, Espanha
Revisão Sistemática da Literatura – 2ª Edição (Outros)
Instituto Politécnico de Viseu Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu, Portugal
Understanding prostate cancer (E-Learning) (Outros)
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Estados Unidos
Approved (100%)
Good Practices in In Vitro Research - Advanced course (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Western blot online training course (Outros)
Abcam Inc, Estados Unidos
Fundamentals of Immunology: integrated cycle of courses (E-Learning) - 1. Innate Immunity and B-Cell Function; 2. T Cells and Signaling; 3. Death by Friendly Fire (Outros)
Rice University, Estados Unidos
Approved (93%)
Biochemistry (Master)
University of Beira Interior, Faculty of Sciences, Portugal
"Review and Update of Immunophenotyping of Bronchoalveolar Lavage at Cova da Beira Hospital and Universitary Centre" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
17 values
Certificate of Pedagogical Competence (Outros)
CFIUTE - Training Center Interaction UBI Business Fabric, Portugal

IEFP - Institute for Employment and Vocational Training , Portugal
Excellent (5/5)
Data Analysis with SPSS (Outros)
CFIUTE - Training Center Interaction UBI Business Fabric, Portugal
17 values
Biomedical Sciences (Master)
University of Beira Interior, Faculty of Health Sciences, Portugal
"Effects of 17ß-Estradiol and Endocrine Disruptor Methoxychlor in Spermatogonial Stem Cells: a Protective Effect of Regucalcin?" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
17 values
Introduction to Animal Experimentation (Outros)
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal
18 values
Biomedical Sciences (Bachelor)
University of Beira Interior, Faculty of Health Sciences, Portugal
14 values
MATLAB: Development of Interactive Programs (Outros)
CFIUTE - Training Center Interaction UBI Business Fabric, Portugal
English level B2 (Outros)
University of Beira Interior, Portugal
17 values
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2020/11 - Atual Investigador (Investigação) Hormones and Metabolism research group, Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior, Portugal, Portugal
2019/09 - 2020/11 Investigador (Investigação) Neurologic and Neurovascular Disorders research group, Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior, Portugal, Portugal
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2016/07 - 2018/12 Investigador (Investigação) Hormones and Metabolism research group, Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior, Portugal, Portugal
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2018/09 - 2019/04 Trainee at Clinical Pathology Laboratory (Microbiology, Immunochemistry and Hematology) Cova da Beira Hospital and Universitary Centre, Portugal
Cova da Beira Hospital and Universitary Centre, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2021/11 - Atual Obesogens-induced deregulation of periprostatic adipose tissue: a driven force in the onset and progression of prostate cancer?
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2021/01/04 - 2021/06/04 Endocrine disruptors and obesity as male infertility triggers: a metabolic focus
FC-UBI 2020/2021
Bolseiro de Doutoramento
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Banco Santander Portugal
2019/09 - 2020/10 ICON - Interdisciplinary Challenges On Neurodegeneration
Bolseiro de Investigação
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal
European Regional Development Fund


Designação Financiadores
2020/11 - Atual PROT(IN) - Caracterização do PROteoma testicular de ratos transgénicos com sobreexpressão de regucalcINa: novas perspetivas sobre (in)fertilidade
C4-UBI: CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER- 000019 – C4 – Centro de Competências em Cloud Computing
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal

Cloud Computing Competence Centre of University of Beira Interior (C4-UBI), Portugal
Cloud Computing Competence Centre of University of Beira Interior (C4-UBI)


Artigo em revista
  1. Feijó, Mariana; Martins, Roberta; Socorro, Sílvia; Amaral, Luísa; Correia, Sara. "Effects of the endocrine disruptor vinclozolin in male reproduction: a systematic review and meta-analysis". Biology of Reproduction (2021): https://doi.org/10.1093/biolre/ioab018.
    Publicado • 10.1093/biolre/ioab018
  2. Reis, Cristiana; Teixeira, Rui; Krasteva, Emilia; Feijó, Mariana; Correia, Sara; Faria, Maria da Conceição. "Published abstract: "Analysis of Vitamin D levels in 2018: A Retrospective Study" in 11th National Scientific Congress SPML". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) 58 1 (2019): 34. https://doi.org/10.1515/cclm-2019-1173.
    Publicado • 10.1515/cclm-2019-1173
  3. Feijó, Mariana; Monteiro, Andreia; Amantegui, Patrícia; Reis, Cristiana; Correia, Sara; Valente, Maria de Jesus; Faria, Maria da Conceição. "Published abstract: "Flow Cytometric Cell Pattern of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Pulmonary Diseases: Smokers versus Non-Smokers" in 11th National Scientific Congress SPML". Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM) 58 1 (2019): 24. https://doi.org/10.1515/cclm-2019-1173.
    Publicado • 10.1515/cclm-2019-1173
  4. Mateus, Inês; Feijó, Mariana; Espínola, Luís M.; Vaz, CV; Correia, Sara; Socorro, Sílvia. "Glucose and glutamine handling in the Sertoli cells of transgenic rats overexpressing regucalcin: plasticity towards lactate production". Scientific Reports 8 1 (2018): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28668-4.
    Publicado • 10.1038/s41598-018-28668-4
Poster em conferência
  1. Tavares, Daniel; Feijó, Mariana; Fonseca, Lara; Sousa, Ana Catarina; Correia, Sara; Socorro, Sílvia. "Efeito do desregulador endócrino vinclozolina no metabolismo glicolítico do epidídimo". Trabalho apresentado em Reunião Ibérica de Andrologia, Medicina Sexual e Reprodução, Évora, 2022.
  2. Raposo, Joana; Feijó, Mariana; Maia, Cláudio J. B.; Socorro, Sílvia; Tomaz, Cândida; Correia, Sara. "Efeito do desregulador endócrino metoxicloro em células espermatogoniais". Trabalho apresentado em XVI Reunião Ibérica de Andrologia, Medicina Sexual e Reprodução, Évora, 2022.
  3. Raposo, Joana; Feijó, Mariana; Maia, Cláudio J. B.; Socorro, Sílvia; Tomaz, Cândida; Correia, Sara. "The impact of the endocrine disruptor methoxychlor on spermatogonial survival". Trabalho apresentado em XVII International CICS-UBI Symposium, Covilhã, 2022.
  4. Feijó, Mariana; Fonseca, Lara; A Brás, Luís; Kiss-Toth, Endre; Correia, Sara; Socorro, Sílvia. "Deregulation of periprostatic adipose tissue induced by the obesogen tributyltion: a driven force in tumorigenesis?". Trabalho apresentado em XVII International CICS-UBI Symposium, Covilhã, 2022.
  5. Figueira, Marília; Cardoso, Henrique; Carvalho, Tiago; Feijó, Mariana; Correia, Sara; Oliveira dos Santos, Adriana; Socorro, Sílvia. "G protein-coupled estrogen receptor reduces prostate cancer cells growth through cell cycle arrest and controls their invasive capabilities". Trabalho apresentado em II ASPIC-ASEICA International Meeting - Current Trends in Precision Medicine in Cancer, 2021.
  6. Fonseca, Lara; Figueira, Marília; Feijó, Mariana; Cavaco, José Eduardo; Cardoso, Henrique; Vaz, Cátia V; Socorro, Sílvia. "Deregulated expression of calcium-binding protein regucalcin and progression of prostate cancer: A role in prognosis?". Trabalho apresentado em II ASPIC-ASEICA International Meeting - Current Trends in Precision Medicine in Cancer, 2021.
  7. Silva, Carla; Feijó, Mariana; Fonseca, Lara; Sousa, Ana Catarina; Socorro, Sílvia; Correia, Sara. "The epididymis as a target of endocrine disruption: effect on calcium homeostasis". Trabalho apresentado em XVI Annual Cics-Ubi Symposium, Covilhã, 2021.
  8. Fonseca, Lara; Figueira, Marília; Feijó, Mariana; Brás, Luís; Serra, Catarina; Cavaco, José Eduardo; Cardoso, Henrique; Vaz, Cátia; Socorro, Sílvia. "Regucalcin: A multifunctional calcium-binding protein with a role in preventing prostate cancer development and in its monitorization?". Trabalho apresentado em EACR 2021 Virtual Congress: Innovative Cancer Science: Better Outcomes Through Research, 2021.
  9. Correia, Sara; Feijó, Mariana; Cavaco, José Eduardo; Ramalho-Santos, João; van Pelt, Ans; Socorro, Sílvia. "Effects of the endocrine disruptor methoxychlor in spermatogonial stem cells: a protective role of regucalcin?". Trabalho apresentado em 2nd Health and Well-Being Intervention International Congress, 2021.
  10. Martins, Roberta; Feijó, Mariana; Socorro, Sílvia; Correia, Sara. "Tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced disruption of the testicular glycolytic metabolism and the protective effect of regucalcin". Trabalho apresentado em XV Annual Cics-Ubi Symposium, Covilhã, 2020.
  11. Feijó, Mariana; Castanheira, Mariana; Cavaco, Eduardo; Ramalho-Santos, João; van Pelt, Ans; Socorro, Sílvia; Correia, Sara. "Endocrine disruptors with xenoestrogenic and antiandrogenic activity affect the glycolytic metabolism of spermatogonial stem cells". Trabalho apresentado em XV Annual Cics-Ubi Symposium, Covilhã, 2020.
  12. Martins, Roberta; Silva, AM; Feijó, Mariana; Socorro, Sílvia; Correia, Sara. "Metabolic Cooperation in the Seminiferous Tubules of Transgenic Rats Overexpressing Regucalcin". Trabalho apresentado em XIV CICS-UBI Annual Symposyum, Covilhã, 2019.
  13. Reis, Cristiana; Teixeira, Rui; Krasteva, Emilia; Feijó, Mariana; Correia, Sara; Faria, Maria da Conceição. "Youth Population Vitamin D levels: Pathologies that may be Associated". Trabalho apresentado em XIV CICS-UBI Annual Symposium, Covilhã, 2019.
  14. Feijó, Mariana; Monteiro, Andreia; Reis, Cristiana; Correia, Sara; Valente, Maria de Jesus; Amantegui, Patrícia. "Lymphocyte Subsets Distribution in the Bronchoalveolar Lavage from Pathological vs Healthy Subjects". Trabalho apresentado em XIV CICS-UBI Annual Symposium, Covilhã, 2019.
  15. Feijó, Mariana; Monteiro, Andreia; Correia, Sara; Valente, Maria de Jesus; Amantegui, Patrícia. "Bronchoalveolar Lavage in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Diseases: Flow Cytometry Findings. A 2-Year Study". Trabalho apresentado em XVI Congress of Iberian Society of Flow Cytometry, Salamanca, 2019.
  16. Feijó, Mariana; Monteiro, Andreia; Amantegui, Patricia; Reis, Cristiana; Correia, Sara; Valente, Maria de Jesus; Faria, Maria da Conceição. "Flow Cytometric Cell Pattern of Bronchoalveolar Lavage in Pulmonary Diseases: Smokers versus Non-Smokers". Trabalho apresentado em 11st Scientific Reunion of Portuguese Society of Laboratory Medicine, Coimbra, 2019.
  17. Reis, Cristiana; Teixeira, Rui; Krasteva, Emilia; Feijó, Mariana; Correia, Sara; Faria, Maria da Conceição. "Analysis of Vitamin D levels in 2018: A Retrospective Study.". Trabalho apresentado em 11st Scientific Reunion of Portuguese Society of Laboratory Medicine, Coimbra, 2019.
  18. Feijó, Mariana; Cavaco, Eduardo; Ramalho-Santos, João; van Pelt, Ans; Socorro, Sílvia; Correia, Sara. "Effects of 17ß-Estradiol and Endocrine Disruptor Methoxychlor in Spermatogonial Stem Cells". Trabalho apresentado em XIII CICS-UBI Annual Symposium, Covilhã, 2018.
  19. Correia, Sara; Feijó, Mariana; Ramalho-Santos, João; van Pelt, Ans; Socorro, Sílvia. "Efeitos dos Disruptores Endócrinos nas Espermatogónias Estaminais: onde se enquadra o papel protetor da Regucalcina?". Trabalho apresentado em XVI National Congress of Portuguese Society of Andrology, Sexual Medicine and Reproduction, Porto, 2018.
  20. Correia, Sara; Feijó, Mariana; Ramalho-Santos, João; van Pelt, Ans; Socorro, Sílvia. "Effect of Endocrine Disruptors in Spermatogonial Stem Cells: where does the protective role of Regucalcin fit in?". Trabalho apresentado em Joint Meeting ESAU-Portuguese Society of Andrology, Porto, 2018.
  21. Cavaco, Eduardo; Magalhães, Ângela; Rodrigues, Bernardo; Nascimento, Catarina; Martins, Cláudia; Dias, Daniela; Carrageta, David; et al. "Start Up Research – Uma Chave para o Conhecimento". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Conferences Cicle of Faculty of Sciences – "Ciência: Fazer, Comunicar e Ensinar”, Covilhã, 2015.
  22. Cavaco, Eduardo; Magalhães, Ângela; Rodrigues, Bernardo; Nascimento, Catarina; Martins, Cláudia; Dias, Daniela; Carrageta, David; et al. "Universidade de Verão – Descobrir e Comunicar Ciência". Trabalho apresentado em 4th Conferences Cicle of Faculty of Sciences – "Ciência: Fazer, Comunicar e Ensinar", Covilhã, 2015.
Tese / Dissertação
  1. Feijó, Mariana. "Review and Update of Immunophenotyping of Bronchoalveolar Lavage at Cova da Beira Hospital and Universitary Centre". Mestrado, Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências, 2019.
  2. Feijó, Mariana Pombal. "Effects of 17ß-Estradiol and Endocrine Disruptor Methoxychlor in Spermatogonial Stem Cells: a Protective Effect of Regucalcin?". Mestrado, Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/6732.


2020 Best Poster // Feijó M, Castanheira M, Cavaco JE, Ramalho-Santos J, van Pelt AMM, Socorro S, Correia S. Endocrine disruptors with xenoestrogenic and antiandrogenic activity affect the glycolytic metabolism of spermatogonial stem cells
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal

XV Annual CICS-UBI Symposium, Portugal
2019 Best Poster // Martins RVL, Silva AMS, Feijó M, Socorro S, Correia S. "Metabolic Cooperation in the Seminiferous Tubules of Transgenic Rats Overexpressing Regucalcin"
Health Sciences Research Centre of University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Portugal

XIV Annual CICS-UBI Symposium, Portugal
2018 Professor Alexandre Moreira award in the area of Andrology, Sexual Medicine and Reproduction (2016-2017 Biennium) // Correia S, Feijó M, van Pelt AMM, Socorro S.
Portuguese Society of Andrology, Portugal
2018 Second Best Abstract // Correia S, Feijó M, Ramalho-Santos J, van Pelt AMM, Socorro S. “Effect of Endocrine Disruptors in Spermatogonial Stem Cells: Where Does the Protective Role of Regucalcin Fit In?”
ESAU Oporto Meeting, Joint Meeting ESAU - Portuguese Society of Andrology, Portugal, Portugal

Outra distinção

2021 Early stage researcher Fellowship Santander/UBI
Faculty of Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Portugal

Banco Santander Portugal, Portugal
2021 FCT PhD Fellowship (2021.07367.BD)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal