Artigo em conferência |
- Silva, M.; Barbosa, R.; Castro, T.. "Multi-legged walking robot modelling in MATLAB/simmechanicsTM and its simulation".
- Pinto, A.B.; Barbosa, R.S.; Silva, M.F.. "Neural control of an autonomous robot". 2014.
- Terra, R.; Figueiredo, L.; Barbosa, R.; Anacleto, R.. "Step count algorithm adapted to indoor localization". 2013.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Application of fuzzy fractional PD+I controllers tuned by a Genetic Algorithm". 2013.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Jesus, I.S.. "Comparative study of fuzzy integer and fractional PID controller". 2013.
- Osório, D.J.; Barbosa, R.S.; Silva, M.F.. "Fuzzy control architecture for a mobile robot system". 2011.
- Paiva, L.S.; Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Tuning of pid controllers by using memetic algorithms". 2011.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Using a PSO algorithm for tuning a PIDß controller applied to a heat system". 2011.
- Oliveira, A.L.C.; Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Human-Machine Interface for the control of a climbing robot". 2011.
- Tenreiro Machado, J.A.; Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.; Silva, M.; Reis, C.. "Application of Fractional Calculus in Engineering".
- Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.; Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro. "Fractional control of dynamic systems". 2011.
- Oliveira, A.L.C.; Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Architecture of an wheeled climbing robot with dynamic adjustment of the adhesion
system". 2010.
- Oliveira, A.L.C.; Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Development of an wheeled climbing robot for metallic surfaces with permanent
magnetic system dynamic adjustment". 2010.
- Silva, Manuel; Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.. "Optimization of hexapod locomotion using genetic algorithms". 2010.
- Silva, Manuel; Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.. "Development of a genetic algorithm for the optimization of hexapod
robot parameters". 2009.
- Silva, Manuel; Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.. "GA Optimization of an Hexapod Robot Parameters for Periodic Gaits".
- Barbosa, R.; Machado, J.A.T.; Jesus, I.S.. "On the fractional PID control of a laboratory servo system". 2008.
- Jesus, Isabel S.; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro. "Fractional modelling of the electrical conduction in nacl electrolyte".
- Jesus, Isabel S.; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro. "Fractional Order Nonlinear Control of Heat System". 2008.
- Jesus, Isabel S.; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro. "Implementing an electrical fractional potential through a genetic
algorithm". 2008.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Jesus, Isabel S.. "Fractional PID Control of an Experimental Servo System". 2008.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.; Jesus, I.S.. "A general discretization scheme for the design of IIR fractional filters". 2007.
- Jesus, I.S.; Machado, J.A.T.; Barbosa, R.S.; Pires, E.S.S.. "Towards the PIDß control of heat diffusion systems".
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro; Jesus, Isabel S.; Silva, Manuel; Figueiredo, Lino; Reis, Cecília; Marcos, Maria
da Graça; et al. "Fractional order dynamical systems and its applications". 2007.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro; Jesus, Isabel S.; Silva, Manuel; Reis, Cecília; M. Afonso, Luís; Marcos, Maria da
Graça; Lima, Miguel F. M.; Pires, Eduardo S.. "Towards the application of fractional calculus in engineering sciences". 2007.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Silva, Manuel; Barbosa, Ramiro; Jesus, Isabel S.; Reis, Cecília; Marcos, Maria da Graça; M. Afonso,
Luís; et al. "Applications of fractional calculus in electrical and computer engineering". 2007.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Silva, Manuel; Reis, Cecília; Figueiredo, Lino; Barbosa, Ramiro; Jesus, Isabel S.. "Application of
Fractional Calculus in Genetic Algorithms, Transportation Systems and Robotics". 2007.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro; Jesus, Isabel S.; Silva, Manuel; Reis, Cecília; Figueiredo, Lino. "Application of
Fractional Calculus in Control and Electromagnetism". 2007.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.; Cunha, J.B.. "Strategies for the control of heat diffusion systems based on fractional
calculus". 2006.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Galhano, Alexandra. "Analysis of Fractional-Order Discrete Controllers in the Presence
of Nonlinearities". 2006.
- Silva, Manuel; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro. "Comparison of Different Fractional Order PD0.5 Control Algorithm
Implementations for Legged Robots". 2006.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Silva, Manuel. "Discretization of complex-order differintegrals". 2006.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Vinagre, B. M.; Calderón, A. J.. "Study of the Van der Pol Oscillator with Fractional
Derivatives". 2006.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Ferreira, Isabel M.. "Pole-zero approximations of digital fractional-order integrators
and differentiators using signal modeling techniques". 2005.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Ferreira, Isabel M.. "Least-squares design of digital fractional-order operators".
- Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro; Ferreira, Isabel M.; Tar, József K.. "Dynamics of the fractional-order Van der
Pol oscillator". 2004.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro; Silva, Manuel; Figueiredo, Lino; Jesus, Isabel S.; Galhano, Alexandra. "Application
of fractional calculus in the system modelling and control". 2004.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.; Ferreira, I.M.. "Describing function analysis of mechanical systems with nonlinear friction
and backlash phenomena". 2003.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro; Jesus, Isabel S.; Duarte, Fernando; Ferreira, Nuno; Galhano, Alexandra. "Sistema
fraccionários". 2003.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Ferreira, Isabel M.. "A fractional calculus perspective of PID tuning". 2003.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.. "Fractional describing function analysis of systems with backlash and impact phenomena".
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.. "Fractional-order describing function of systems with backlash". 2002.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro; Ferreira, N. M.. "Commande d'ordre fractionnaire position/force d'un manipulateur
mécanique". 2002.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Duarte, Fernando B. M.; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.. "A fractional calculus perspective of mechanical systems
modeling". 2002.
- Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Barbosa, Ramiro; Duarte, Fernando B. M.; Ferreira, Nuno M. F.. "Application of fractional calculus
in the control of mechanical systems". 2002.
Artigo em revista |
- Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.. "Limit cycle prediction of systems with fractional controllers and backlash". JVC/Journal
of Vibration and Control 23 4 (2017): 587-603.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Smith-fuzzy fractional control of systems with time delay". AEU - International Journal of
Electronics and Communications 78 (2017): 54-63.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Genetic optimization of fuzzy fractional PD+I controllers". ISA Transactions 57 (2015):
- Barbosa, R.S.; Jesus, I.S.; Tenreiro Machado, J.A.. "Analysis of a fractional-order nonlinear system with hysteresis nonlinearity
via describing function". Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 4 1 (2015): 81-89.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Design of fuzzy fractional PD + i controllers tuned by a genetic algorithm". Mathematical
Problems in Engineering 2014 (2014):
- Terra, Rui; Figueiredo, Lino; Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Anacleto, Ricardo. "Traveled Distance Estimation Algorithm for Indoor Localization".
- Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.; MacHado, J.A.T.. "Optimization of hexapod locomotion using genetic algorithms". Proceedings
of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (2010): 291-297.
- Tenreiro MacHado, J.A.; Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.; Jesus, I.S.; Reis, C.M.; Marcos, M.G.; Galhano, A.F.. "Some applications
of fractional calculus in engineering". Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2010 (2010):
- Jesus, I.S.; Machado, J.A.T.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Control of a heat diffusion system through a fractional order nonlinear algorithm".
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 59 5 (2010): 1687-1694.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Tenreiro Machado, J.A.; Jesus, I.S.. "Effect of fractional orders in the velocity control of a servo system".
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 59 5 (2010): 1679-1686.
- Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.. "Development of a genetic algorithm for the optimization of hexapod robot parameters".
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2009 (2009): 77-82.
- Silva, M.F.; Tenreiro MacAhdo, J.A.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Using fractional derivatives in joint control of hexapod robots". JVC/Journal
of Vibration and Control 14 9-10 (2008): 1473-1485.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Tenreiro MacHado, J.A.; Silva, M.F.. "Discretization of complex-order algorithms for control applications".
JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control 14 9-10 (2008): 1349-1361.
- Machado, J.A.T.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Introduction to the special issue on "fractional differentiation and its applications"".
JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control 14 9-10 (2008): 1253-1253.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Jesus, Isabel S.. "On the Fractional PID Control of a Laboratory Servo System".
- Barbosa, R.S.; MacHado, J.A.T.; Vinagre, B.M.; Caldern, A.J.. "Analysis of the Van der Pol oscillator containing derivatives
of fractional order". JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control 13 9-10 (2007): 1291-1301.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Tenreiro MacHado, J.A.; Galhano, A.M.. "Performance of fractional PID algorithms controlling nonlinear systems
with saturation and backlash phenomena". JVC/Journal of Vibration and Control 13 9-10 (2007): 1407-1418.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Tenreiro Machado, J.A.; Silva, M.F.. "Discretization of complex-order differintegrals". IFAC Proceedings
Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) 2 PART 1 (2006): 274-279.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.. "Implementation of discrete-time fractional- order controllers based on LS approximations".
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 3 4 (2006): 5-22.
- Silva, M.F.; Machado, J.A.T.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Complex-order dynamics in hexapod locomotion". Signal Processing 86 10
(2006): 2785-2793.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Tenreiro Machado, J.A.; Silva, M.F.. "Time domain design of fractional differintegrators using least-squares".
Signal Processing 86 10 (2006): 2567-2581.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.; Ferreira, I.M.. "Tuning of PID controllers based on bode's ideal transfer function". Nonlinear
Dynamics 38 1-4 (2004): 305-321.
- Barbosa, Ramiro; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Ferreira, Isabel M.. "PID controller tuning using fractional calculus concepts".
- Barbosa, R.S.; Machado, J.A.T.. "Describing function analysis of systems with impacts and backlash". Nonlinear Dynamics
29 1-4 (2002): 235-250.
Capítulo de livro |
- Barbosa, R.S.; Jesus, I.S.. "Fuzzy Algorithms for Fractional PID Control Systems". 2020.
- Oliveira, I.; Barbosa, R.; Silva, M.. "Modelling, Trajectory Planning and Control of a Quadruped Robot Using Matlab®/Simulink™".
- Mendes, B.R.; Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Design and implementation of a PI controller for a metal casting machine". 2017.
- Ferreira, L.M.M.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Neural network control strategies applied to a DC motor with a nonlinear load". 2017.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Smith predictor tuned through fuzzy fractional PID controller". 2017.
- Fonseca, P.J.R.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Realization of PID controllers in analog reconfigurable hardware". 2017.
- Pinto, A.B.; Barbosa, R.S.; Silva, M.F.. "Autonomous robot control by neural networks". 2015.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Fuzzy fractional PID controller tuned through a PSO algorithm". 2015.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Jesus, I.S.. "Optimization of control systems by Cuckoo search". 2015.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Jesus, I.S.. "Fuzzy fractional PID controllers: analysis, synthesis and implementation". 2015.
- Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Tuning a fractional order controller from a heat diffusion system using a PSO algorithm". 2013.
- Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.; Oliveira, A.L.C.. "Magnetic wheeled climbing robot: Design and implementation". 2013.
- Barbosa, R.S.; Silva, M.F.; Osório, D.J.. "Development of an AGV controlled by fuzzy logic". 2013.
- Silva, M.F.; Barbosa, R.S.; Castro, T.S.. "Development of a quadruped robot model in simmechanicsTM". 2013.
- Jesus, I.S.; MacHado, J.A.T.; Barbosa, R.S.. "Application of genetic algorithms in the design of an electrical potential of
fractional order". 2011.
- Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Jesus, Isabel S.; Silva, Manuel F.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro. "Realization of fractional-order controllers:
analysis, synthesis and application to the velocity control of a servo system". Springer, 2011.
- Machado, J. A. Tenreiro; Jesus, Isabel S.; Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Silva, Manuel F.; Reis, Cecília. "Application of fractional
calculus in engineering". Springer, 2011.
- Tenreiro Machado, J.A.; Jesus, I.S.; Barbosa, R.S.; Silva, M.F.. "Control and dynamics of fractional order systems". 2009.
- Jesus, Isabel S.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro; Barbosa, Ramiro S.. "On the fractional order control of heat systems". Springer,
- Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Silva, Manuel F.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro. "Tuning and application of integer and fractional order PID
controllers". Springer, 2009.
- Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro; Ferreira, Isabel M.. "Design of Digital Fractional-Order Integrators and Differentiators
by Least Squares". 2005.
- Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Machado, J. A. Tenreiro. "Analysis of Systems with Backlash and Impacts through the Describing Function".
- Machado, J. A. Tenreiro; Barbosa, Ramiro S.; Duarte, Fernando; Ferreira, Nuno. "Application of Fractional Calculus in Mechatronics".