Book |
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. The Portuguese of Trinidad and Tobago: Portrait of an Ethnic Minority. Kingston, Jamaica: UWI Press.
Book chapter |
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.; Francis, Ronald T.. "23. Variétés des créoles de la Caraïbe de langue officielle anglaise : une analyse
comparative de la Dominique, de la Grenade, de Sainte-Lucie et de Trinidad". In Manuel des langues créoles à base française,
edited by Philipp Krämer; Katrin Mutz; Peter Stein. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter, 2025.
In press
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "8. A Return to Roots: Researching and Documenting the French Creole Foundations of Trinidadian Speech".
In Creole Languages in Diasporic Contexts: Language Biographies and Plurilingual Identities, edited by Magnus Fischer;
Katrin Mutz; Carolin Patzelt. Trier, Germany: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trie, 2025.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "6. Historical Diasporic Links and Connections between the Caribbean and Brazil". In Connecting Worlds:
Ibero-Caribbean Narratives and Cross-Cultural Diasporas, edited by Irene Maria Ferreira Blayer; Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.;
Dulce Maria Scott. London, United Kingdom: Peter Lang, 2025.
In press
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "13. Les Vestiges d'une langue en voie de disparition: Le cas du créole à base lexicale française à Trinidad".
In La Caraïbe, chaudron des Amériques (The Caribbean, Melting-pot of the Americas), edited by Jean-Michel Devésa;
Savrina Chinien, 135-146. Limoges, France: Presses Universitaires de Limoges (PULIM) and Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
(AUF), 2017.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "8. Arrival of the Portuguese". In Foundation Readings on the History of Trinidad and Tobago,
edited by Theodore Lewis, 129-135. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Education, 2017.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "10. The History of Trinidad and Tobago's Languages". In Foundation Readings on the History of Trinidad
and Tobago, edited by Theodore Lewis, 155-163. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Ministry of Education, 2017.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne; Eliete Sampaio Farneda. "2. Português Língua de Herança: Um Estudo da Tentativa da Manutenção de uma Língua
Praticamente Extinta, em Trinidad e Tobago". In Um Estudo da Tentativa da Manutenção de uma Língua Praticamente Extinta,
em Trinidad e Tobago, edited by Maria Luisa Ortiz Alvarez, 137-156. São Paulo, Brazil: Pontes, 2016.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "5. Behind the Scenes: The Cultural Impact of the Portuguese on Trinidad & Tobago". In Intersecting
Diaspora Boundaries: Portuguese Contexts, edited by Irene Maria Ferreira Blayer; Dulce Maria Scott, 91-109. Berne, Germany:
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2016.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "7. Trinidad's French Creole Linguistic and Cultural Heritage: Documentation and Revitalisation Issues".
In Caribbean Dynamics: Reconfiguring Caribbean Culture, edited by Béatrice Boufoy-Bastick; Savrina Chinien, 111-125.
Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle, 2015.
- Jo-Anne S. Ferreira. "9. L'archivage et la préservation du patrimoine littéraire du créole français trinidadien". In Du
français aux créoles: Phonétique, lexicologie et dialectologie antillaises (Linguistique variationnelle), edited by André
Thibault, 219-231. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier, 2015.
Published • 10.15122/isbn.978-2-8124-3845-5.p.0335
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "9. Caribbean Language and Caribbean Linguistics". In Caribbean Heritage: A Source Book, edited
by Basil A. Reid, 207-221. Kingston, Jamaica: UWI Press, 2012.
- Jo-Anne S. Ferreira; Mervyn C. Alleyne. "15. Comparative perspectives on the origins, development and structure of Amazonian
(Karipúna) French Creole". In Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives on Contact Languages [CLL 32], edited by Magnus
Huber; Viveka Velupillai, 325-357. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins, 2007.
Published • 10.1075/cll.32.19fer
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "7. Madeiran Immigration to Trinidad & Tobago during the 20th Century". In Emigração e Imigração
nas Ilhas, 123-144. Funchal, Portugal: Centro de Estudos de História do Atlântico (CEHA), 2001.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "8. The Madeiran Portuguese of Trinidad & Tobago". In Entrepreneurship in the Caribbean: Culture, Structure
and Conjuncture, edited by Selwyn Ryan; Taimoon Stewart, 208-225. St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago: ISER (now SALISES),
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "The Portuguese of Trinidad". In The Book of Trinidad, edited by Gérard A. Besson; Bridget Brereton,
263-269. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Paria Publishing, 1991.
Conference paper |
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "L'Usage de la graphie créole à Trinité-et-Tobago". Paper presented in Colloque International Tracées
de Jean Bernabé et de l’Hommage à Jean Bernabé, 2017.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "The Impact of Sr Mary Noel Menezes' Work on Lusophone Studies in Guyana and the Caribbean". Paper presented
in Inaugural Prof Mary Noel Menezes Distinguished Lecture, University of Guyana, Georgetown, 2016.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "The Bible: Translations into Caribbean and Caribbean-related Languages". Paper presented in The
Alma Jordan Library West Indiana and Special Collections Division, with Dr Everard Johnston as Respondent, 2013.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "The diversity of endangered languages: Documenting three endangered languages in Trinidad and Tobago".
Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation (ICLDC), Manoa, HI,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S. (471F-9FBB-2FF0). "Aspects of the Attrition of an Immigrant Language: Lexical Loss among Portuguese Trinidadians".
Paper presented in Society for Caribbean Linguistics (SCL) - 14th biennial conference, St Augustine, 2002.
Under revision • 10.13140/rg.2.1.4892.5928
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S. (471F-9FBB-2FF0). "(A Brief Overview of) The Sociolinguistic History of Trinidad & Tobago". Brasília,
Under revision • 10.13140/RG.2.1.2889.6482
Edited book |
- Marise de la Grenade Lashley. Mwen Ka Alé: The French-lexicon Creole of Grenada. United States: Aventine Press. 2016.
Published • Editor
- Barbara Eugene-Wafe. Folktales from Paramin and the Lopinot Pageant. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago: Caribbean
Educational Publishers. 2014.
Published • Editor
- Nnamdi Hodge; Florence Blizzard. Vini Chanté an Patwa (Come Sing in Patois): Patois Songs of Trinidad and Tobago. St
Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago: Society for Caribbean Linguistics. 2009.
Published • Editor
Encyclopedia entry |
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.; Vítor Teixeira. "Trinidad e Tobago". In Dicionário Enciclopédico da Madeira (Projeto Aprender Madeira),
edited by José Eduardo Franco. Clepul, 2015.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.; Jack Popjes. "Wycliffe Caribbean: Partners in Bible Translation". In Encyclopaedia of Caribbean Religions,
edited by Patrick Taylor; Frederick I. Case. University of Illinois Press, 2013.
Journal article |
- Keisha T. Lindsay Nurse; Silvia Martinez; Amber Franklin; Jo-Anne S. Ferreira; Jay Lucker; Gloriajean Wallace. "Culturally
and Linguistically Responsive Speech Sound Assessment Considerations for Speakers of Trinidadian English and Trinidadian English
Creole". Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups (2025):
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Kwézé Kwéyòl, Creole Crossroads: “Decreolisation” or Language Change in the Creole Languages of Trinidad?".
Kréolistika: Revue des mondes créoles (CRILLASH) (2024):
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "Tomás Emeterio del Sacramento Sosa y Wangüemert: un veguero isleño en Cuba, un pionero del tabaco y patriarca
en la isla de Trinidad". Revista de Historia Canaria 205 (2023): 51-86.
Published • 10.25145/j.histcan.2023.205.03
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Tomás Sosa Wangüemert - Nineteenth Century Cuban Tobacco Pioneer in Trinidad". Caribbean Quarterly
68 4 (2022): 506-535.
Published • 10.1080/00086495.2022.2139514
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.; Kathy-Ann Drayton Heitmeier. "A Description of Trinidadian English Pronunciation". Society for Caribbean
Linguistics (SCL) Occasional Papers 42 (2021): 1-37.
Open access • Published
- Cavalcanti-Cunha, Maria Jandyra; Ferreira, Jo-Anne Sharon. "Desenvolvimento do Português como Língua de Herança em Trinidad
e Tobago: Aquisição e Aprendizagem". Revista FSA 18 4 (2021): 159-171.
Open access • 10.12819/2021.18.4.9
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.; Nnamdi Hodge. "Creole in Education in Trinidad & Tobago". Kréolistika - Revue des mondes créoles
1 (2021):
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "The influence of Portuguese on Amazonian French Creole lexicon". Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages
32 2 (2017): 423-432.
Published • 10.1075/jpcl.32.2.09fer
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.; Nunes, Naidea Nunes. "Old love songs: antigas canções de namorados (1921-1992), de Mónica Reis Pestana
(1902-1996)". Revista Islenha 60 (2017): 97-124.
- Jo-Anne S. Ferreira. "7. Trinidad’s French Creole Linguistic and Cultural Heritage: Documentation and Revitalisation Issues
...". (2015):
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "La historia y el futuro del patuá en Paria: Informe de los esfuerzos iniciales en la revitalización del
criollo francés en Venezuela". Romanitas 4 2 (2010):
Open access • Published
- Jo-Anne S. Ferreira. "Bilingual Education among the Karipúna and Galibi-Marwono: Prospects and Possibilities for Language
Preservation". Creoles in Education: An Appraisal of Current Programs and Projects [CLL 36 (2010): 211-236.
- Jo-Anne S. Ferreira. "The History and Future of Patuá in Paria: Report on Initial Language Revitalization Efforts for French
Creole in Venezuela". Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 24 1 (2009): 139-158.
Published • 10.1075/jpcl.24.1.08fer
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "Madeiran Portuguese Migration to Guyana, St. Vincent, Antigua and Trinidad". Portuguese Studies Review
14 2 (2008): 63-85.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne; David J. Holbrook. "Are They Dying? The Case of Some French-Lexifier Creoles". La Torre—Revista de la
Universidad de Puerto Rico 7 (2002): 367-398.
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne. "Um crioulo francês numa nação não-francófona, Trinidad & Tobago". Papia: Revista de Crioulos de Base
Ibérica (Revista Brasileira de Estudos Crioulos e Similares and Revista Brasileira de Estudos do Contato Linguístico)
11 (2001): 27-39.
Journal issue |
- Christopher Larkosh; Emanuel da Silva; Maggie L. N. Felisberto; Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Luso-American Literatures and Cultures
Today". Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies 32 (2019):
Published • Coeditor
Magazine article |
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Portuguese in Trinidad", UWI St Augustine News (STAN), 2016,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Patois in Trinidad and Tobago: From John Jacob Thomas to Lawrence D. Carrington", UWI St Augustine
News (STAN), 2013,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Amerindian Languages in Trinidad and Tobago", UWI St Augustine News (STAN), 2012,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "The Heritage Languages of Trinidad and Tobago", UWI St Augustine News (STAN), 2012,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "The Portuguese of Trinidad and Tobago: Locating an Important Minority", Trinidad and Tobago: 50 Years
of Independence (Official 50th Anniversary of Independence Magazine), 2012,
Newsletter article |
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "The Portuguese Cultural Contribution to Trinidad & Tobago", OPReP Newsletter, 2002
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Some Aspects of Portuguese Immigration into Trinidad & Tobago: An Investigation Based on Oral History",
OPReP Newsletter, 1989
Newspaper article |
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "From John Jacob Thomas to Lawrence D. Carrington: Patois Pioneers of the Past and Present", UWIToday,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "John Jacob Thomas: Pioneer in Patois", UWIToday, 2019,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Preserving What Remains - IYIL 2019", UWIToday, 2019,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Language and Social Justice in Trinidad & Tobago", UWIToday, 2018,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Aks me about Flim and Hoss", UWIToday, 2018,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.. "Winer, the 21st Century Webster", UWIToday, 2017,
- Ferreira, Jo-Anne S.; Gérard A. Besson; Roger A. Camacho; Maria Fátima Araújo de Barros Ferreira; Jorge Gameiro; Thomas E.
Gullickson; Alberto João Cardoso Gonçalves Jardim; et al. "165th Anniversary of the Madeiran Portuguese in Trinidad & Tobago
Supplement", Trinidad & Tobago Guardian, 2011,