Book chapter |
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Chapter 7. Polifenóis da Uva e du Vinho – Importância em Enologia e Efeito Benefico
para Saúde Humana". In Química enológica - métodos analíticos: Avanços recentes no controlo da qualidade de vinhos e de
outros produtos vitivinícolas, 179-220. Portugal: Antonio Curvelo Garcia and Paulo Barros, 2015.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Capítulo I. Competitividade, Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar". In Agrorrural: Contributos
Científicos, 69-81. Portugal: INRB, 2011.
Conference abstract |
- Gao S. ; Lv J.; Sang Y.; Zhang S.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Zein-hyaluronic acid nanoparticles loaded with galloylated
procyanidins: preparation, characterization and evaluation of antitumor activity". Paper presented in 45th World Congress
of Vine and Wine, Dijon, 2024.
- Gao Q.; Liu X.; Shi J.; Fang J.; Li L.; Zhang S.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Interaction between grape seed catechins
and peptides: mechanisms and health benefits research". Paper presented in 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Dijon,
- Ren Y.; Zhang D.; Han P.; Zhang S.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Grape seed oligomeric proanthocyanidins as hepatoprotective
agents: ferroptosis inhibition and gut microbiota regulation in alcoholic liver fibrosis". Paper presented in 45th World
Congress of Vine and Wine, Dijon, 2024.
- Zhang W.; Tang Y.; Bai Z.; Zhang S.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "A new approach for oligomeric proanthocyanidin
preparation by a citric acid-benzyl mercaptan – raney nickel semisynthetic system". Paper presented in 45th World Congress
of Vine and Wine, Dijon, 2024.
- Qin Y.; Zhang S.; Ma Z.; Sang Y.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Preparation and anticancer activity of co-delivered
EGCG/curcumin nanoliposomes". Paper presented in 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Dijon, 2024.
- Yu Y.; Li M.; Jiang J.; Zhang S.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Novel procyanidin B2 3, 3’-di-O-gallate from grape
seed: semi-synthesis and evaluation of antioxidant activities". Paper presented in 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine,
Dijon, 2024.
- Chen Y.; Li S.; Yang C.; Zhong Q.; Yang Y.; Wang F.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "The protective effect and mechanism
of grape seed degradation derivatives ECGT on ethanol-induced hepatotoxicity in brl-3a cell". Paper presented in 45th World
Congress of Vine and Wine, 2024.
- Long Y.; Jia Y.; Sun M.; Zhang S.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Direct-injection HPLC for simultaneous determination
of individual and total polyphenols in red wines: validation of the method". Paper presented in 45th World Congress of
Vine and Wine, Dijon, 2024.
- Zheng W.; Le Z.; Dong M.; Gamboa G.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Evaluation of spraying effects of plant protection
unmanned aerial vehicle on two different training systems of vine". Paper presented in 45th World Congress of Vine and
Wine, Dijon, 2024.
- Zheng W.; Dong M.; Dai P.; Le Z.; Gamboa G.; Sun B.. Corresponding author: Sun B.. "Using unmanned aerial vehicle with multispectral
camara to efficiently and precisely monitor the incidence of downy mildew and technical maturity of Beibinghong (vitis amurensis
Rpru.) grapes". Paper presented in 45th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Dijon, 2024.
- Lin X.X.; Wang K.; Zhao J.; Song J.T.; Fan X.; Wang F.; Sun B.S.. Corresponding author: Sun B.S.. "PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF EPICATECHIN
Paper presented in XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Nantes, 2023.
- Zhao, Jian; Li, Lingxi; Sun B.S.. Corresponding author: Sun B.S.. "STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF POLYPHENOLS IN PERSIMMON
FRUIT". Paper presented in XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Nantes, 2023.
- Ma Z.Y.; Lv J.J.; Yuan J.; Wang R.Y.; Zhang S.T.; Sun B.S.. Corresponding author: Sun B.S.. "OPTIMIZATION OF EPICATECHIN-
AND EPICATECHIN GALLATENANOLIPOSOME PREPARATION APPROACHES". Paper presented in XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols,
Nantes, 2023.
- Ma Z.Y.; Lv J.J.; Yuan J.; Wang R.Y.; Zhang S.T.; Baoshan Sun. "Optimization of epicatechin- and epicatechin gallate-nanoliposome
preparation approaches". Paper presented in XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Nantes, 2023.
- Zhao J.; Li L.X.; Baoshan Sun. "Structural characterization of polyphenols in persimmon fruit". Paper presented in XXXI
International Conference on Polyphenols, Nantes, 2023.
- Lin X.X.; Wang K.; Zhao J.; Song J.T.; Fan X.; Wang F.; Sun B.S.. "Protective effect of epicatechin gallate-4ß-glutathione
methyl ester on the ethanol-induced injury of brl-3a cells via activation of KEAP1-NRF2-HO-1/NQO1 pathway". Paper presented
in XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols, Nantes, 2023.
- Yu Y.X.; Li L.X.; Xue R.W.; Wang C.; Chen M.Y.; Ramos J.; Zhang S.T.; Baoshan Sun. "Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics
of Vitis amurensis Wines affected by Different Oak Chips’ Aging". Paper presented in 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine,
Cádiz e Jerez de la Frontera, 2023.
- Jiao F.X.; Zhang S.T.; Long Y.Q.; Wang H.; Baoshan Sun. "Effect of filter paperboard on metal elements in ice-wine pomace
brandy". Paper presented in 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Cádiz e Jerez de la Frontera, 2023.
- Zhang S.T.; Yu Y.X.; Li Q.; Zhao M.Y.; Baoshan Sun. "Grape Seed Procyanidin B2-3'-gallate: Degradation Method for large Production
and Liver-Protective Effects". Paper presented in 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Cádiz e Jerez de la Frontera,
- Yu Y.X.; Zhang S.T.; Wang D.Y.; Wang Q.X.; Su Y.H.; Baoshan Sun. "Metabolic Profile and Tissue Distribution of Grape Seed
Galloylated Procyanidin B2-3'-G after Oral Administration in Rats.". Paper presented in 44th World Congress of Vine and
Wine, Cádiz e Jerez de la Frontera, 2023.
- Baoshan Sun; Zhang S.T.; Li L.X.; Zhao J.. "Innovative method for large preparation of bioactive polyphenols from grape pomaces.".
Paper presented in 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Cádiz e Jerez de la Frontera, 2023.
- Guo J.Y.; Li L.X.; Baoshan Sun. "Improvement of the quality of Vitis amurensis Rupr. grape ny using salmon protein as fertilizer.".
Paper presented in 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Cádiz e Jerez de la Frontera, 2023.
- Zhao J.; Yang T.T.; Martins P.; Ramos J.; Li L.X.; Baoshan Sun. "Effect of vinification technologies on the structural composition
of polymeric polyphenols in aged red wines". Paper presented in 44th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Cádiz e Jerez
de la Frontera, 2023.
- Martins P.; Caldeira I.; Baoshan Sun; Damásio M.; Egipto R.; Silvestre J.. "Anthocyanin composition and sensory properties
of wines from Portuguese and international grape varieties cultivated in a hot and dry region of Portugal". Paper presented
in In Vino Analytica Scientia 2022, Neustadt, 2022.
- Baoshan Sun; Zhao J.; Yang T.T.; Martins P.; Ramos J.; Li L.X.. "Structural composition of polymeric polyphenols of red wine
after long-term ageing: effect of vinification technology". Paper presented in In Vino Analytica Scientia 2022, Neustadt,
- Xiao, Ting; Sun, Baoshan; Han, L.; Guo, Zhenghong; Zhao, Y. Q.. "Understanding the synergistic action of oligomeric proanthocyanidins
and resveratrol on subacute alcohol-induced liver injury". Paper presented in 42th World Congress of Vine and Wine,
Geneva, 2019.
- Li, Jing; Dong, Yingjie; Zhou, Wei; Wang, Haiyan; Huang, Xiaochun; Zhang, Shuting; Zheng, Wei; Sun, Baoshan. "Improvement
of Vitis amurensis Rupr. grape quality by using fish protein hydrolysates as fertilizer". Paper presented in 42th World
Congress of Vine and Wine, Geneva, 2019.
- Wang, Chen; Li, Lingxi; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhao, Y. Q.; Zhang, Shuting; Sun, Baoshan. "Variation in phenolic composition, color,
antioxidant activity of red wine during vinification.". Paper presented in 42th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Geneva,
- Suo, Hao; Tian, Ruochen; Xu, Wei; Li, Jing; Cui, Yan; Zhang, Shuting; Sun, Baoshan. "Novel antibacterial compounds synthetized
by grape seed proanthocyanidins polymers in the presence of tiopronin". Paper presented in 42th World Congress of Vine
and Wine, Geneva, 2019.
- Zhou, Peiyu; Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. "Preparative separation of anthocyanins from red wine extracts using high speed counter
current chromatography". Paper presented in 10th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, San Michele all’Adige,
- Suo, Hao; Tian, Ruochen; Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Sun, Baoshan. "Compositional characterization of high-molecular-mass polymeric
polyphenols in red wine". Paper presented in 41th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Punta del Este, 2018.
- Bai, Ruifang; Luo, Lanxin; Yuan, Danbing; Wei, Zongmin; Yu, Weichao; Cui, Yan; Sun, Baoshan. "A semisynthetic approach for
the simultaneous reaction of grape seed polymeric procyanidins with catechin and epicatechin to obtain oligomeric procyanidins
in large scale". Paper presented in 41th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Punta del Este, 2018.
- Li, Zhe; Yuan, Danbing; Cui, Yan; Sun, Baoshan. "A new method for quick improving red wine quality before bottling by addition
of wood and grape tannins". Paper presented in 41th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Punta del Este, 2018.
- Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. "Molecular docking study of binding of wine anthocyanins and their polymeric pigments to human pancreatic
a-amylase and salivary a-amylase". Paper presented in 41th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Punta del Este,
- Luo, Lanxin; Bai, Ruifang; Zhao, Y. Q.; Cui, Yan; Wang, Fang; Sun, Baoshan. "Protective Effect of Grape Seed Procyanidins
against H2O2-induced Oxidative Stress in PC-12 neuroblastoma cells: Structure-Activity Relationships". Paper presented in
41th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Punta del Este, 2018.
- Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. "Preparation and antioxidant activity of polymeric pigments from model wine solutions". Paper presented
in 41th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Punta del Este, 2018.
- Zhou, Peiyu; Cui, Yan; Li, Yuanyuan; Li, Lingxi; Luo, Lanxin; Sun, Baoshan. "Comparative research on the anti-digestion and
antioxidation of grape seed proanthocyanidins with different degrees of polymerization". Paper presented in 40th World
Congress of Vine and Wine, Sófia, 2017.
- Luo, Lanxin; Cui, Yan; Li, Lingxi; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhou, Peiyu; Zhang, Lingmin; Zou Mengyu; Sun, Baoshan. "Detailed phenolic
composition of the skin, seed and stem of Vidal grapes by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry".
Paper presented in 40th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Sófia, 2017.
- Zou Mengyu; Zhou, Peiyu; Luo, Lanxin; Li, Yuanyuan; Cui, Yan; Sun, Baoshan. "Basic Research Wine neuroprotective active substance".
Paper presented in 40th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Sófia, 2017.
- Suo, Hao; Cui, Yan; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Lingmin; Li, Zhe; Luo, Lanxin; Sun, Baoshan. "Anthocyanins released from the thiolysis
of red wine polymeric polyphenols". Paper presented in 40th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Sófia, 2017.
- Zhou, Peiyu; Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. "Positive and negative health effects of grape seed proanthocyanidins depending on
their polymerization degrees". Paper presented in 8th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Quebec,
- Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Li, Lingxi; Suo, Hao; Sun, Baoshan. "Grape seed procyanidins in different degree of polymerization
and structure inhibit cellular invasion and migration in gastric cancer". Paper presented in 8th International Conference
on Polyphenols and Health, Quebec, 2017.
- Li, Yuanyuan; Cui, Yan; Li, Lingxi; Gong Ping; Sun, Baoshan. "Separation and purification of polyphenols from red wine extracts
using high speed counter current chromatography". Paper presented in 39th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Bento
Gonçalves, 2016.
- Zhang, Shuting; Li, Lingxi; Li, Yuanyuan; Luo, Lanxin; Cui, Yan; Zhou, Peiyu; Sun, Baoshan. "Preparative high–speed counter–current
chromatography separation of grape seed proanthocyanidins according to degree of polymerization". Paper presented in 39th
World Congress of Vine and Wine, Bento Gonçalves, 2016.
- Luo, Lanxin; Cui, Yan; Zhang, Shuting; Li, Lingxi; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhou, Peiyu; Sun, Baoshan. "Preparative separation of grape
skin polyphenols by high-speed counter-current chromatography". Paper presented in 39th World Congress of Vine and Wine,
Bento Gonçalves, 2016.
- Jia Ying; Yan Tingxu; Wu, Bo; Liao, Zhengzheng; Bi, Kaishun; Dong, Zhiyuan; Sun, Baoshan; Gong, Ping. "Antidepressant-like
activity of red wine phenolic extracts in repeated corticosterone-induced depression mice via BDNF/TRKB/CREB signaling pathway".
Paper presented in 39th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Bento Gonçalves, 2016.
- Li, Lingxi; Cui, Yan; Han, L.; Zhao, Y. Q.; Sun, Baoshan. "Preparative separation of cacao bean procyanidins by high-speed
counter-current chromatography". Paper presented in 9th ISANH Congress on Polyphenols Applications, St Julian's,
- Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Li, Lingxi; Li, Wei; Zhao, Y. Q.; Justino V. S.; Sun, Baoshan. "Separation of grape seed procyanidins
according to their degree of polymerization by semi-preparative and preparative HSCCC". Paper presented in International
Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering, Mykonos, 2015.
- Zhang, Lingmin; Li, Yuanyuan; Sun, Baoshan; Cui, Yan. "Determination of Polyphenols Contents in Apple, Blueberry, Grape Skin
and Grape Seeds". Paper presented in 39th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Bento Gonçalves, 2015.
- Sun, Baoshan; Neves, Ana; de Sá, M.; Zhao, Y. Q.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Reactivity of different anthocyanins towards epicatechin
in the presence of acetaldehyde and identification of the major colored reaction products". Paper presented in XXVIIth
International Conference on Polyphenols & 8th Tannin Conference, Nagoya, 2014.
- Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Sun, Baoshan. "Preparative isolation of catechins from grape seed extract by high-speed counter-current
chromatography". Paper presented in 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Mendoza, 2014.
- Xiaoshu Zhang; Sun, Baoshan; Wei Li; Zhao, Y. Q.. "Anti-diabetic activity of phenolic constituents from red wine against a-glucosidase
and a-amylase". Paper presented in 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Mendoza, 2014.
- Martin P.; de Sá Marta; Zhao, Y. Q.; Han, L.; Justino V. S.; Sun, Baoshan. "Efficiency of different depolymerization methods
for grape proanthocyanidins". Paper presented in 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Mendoza, 2014.
- de Sá, M.; Martin P.; Zhao, Y. Q.; Han, L.; Justino V. S.; Sun, Baoshan. "Thiolysis characterization of proanthocyanidins
from different parts of grape pomace". Paper presented in 37th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Mendoza, 2014.
- Libo Xin; Li X.B.; Yu H.J.; Baoshan Sun; Li W.; Ang X.Q; Zhao Y.Q.. "Antioxidant activities of oligermeric proanthocyanidins
from grape seeds". Paper presented in 35th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Izmir, 2012.
- de Sá, M.; Justino, V.; Zhao, Y. Q.; Ping G.; Bi, K. S.; Maria Isabel Spranger; Sun, Baoshan. "Phenolic composition and antioxidant
activity of different extracts from the winery residues". Paper presented in 35th World Congress of Vine and Wine,
Izmir, 2012.
- Sun, Baoshan; de Sá, M.; Conceição Leandro, M; Caldeira I.; Spranger, Maria Isabel. "Contribution of polymerized proanthocyanidins
to red wine astringency". Paper presented in 35th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Izmir, 2012.
- Sun, Baoshan; Ana Neves; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Hydroxylethyl-anthocyanin-ethyl-flavanol detected in model wine solution
and in red wine by HPLC and ESI-MS analysis". Paper presented in 7th Symposium of In Vino Analytica Scientia 2011,
Graz, 2011.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Important role of polymeric polyphenols in Enology". Paper presented in 34th World
Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto, 2011.
- Libo Xin; Wei Li; Hongjian Yu; Sun, Baoshan; Zhao, Y. Q.. "Determination of major bioactive phenolic compounds in various
red wines". Paper presented in 34th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto, 2011.
- Yu Yan; Yang, Jingyu; Sun, Baoshan; Yan Hua Mou; Maria Isabel Spranger; Wu, Chunfu. "Protective effect of grape and red wine
polyphenols on DNA damage.". Paper presented in 34th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Porto, 2011.
- Ana Neves; Maria Isabel Spranger; Zhao, Y. Q.; Conceição Leandro, M; Sun, Baoshan. "Effect of addition of grape seed tannins
on phenolic composition, chromatic characteristics and antioxidant activity of red wine". Paper presented in XXVth International
Conference on Polyphenols, Montpelier, 2010.
- Sun, Baoshan; Ana Neves; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Kinetic reaction between cyanidin 3-glucoside and epicatechin mediated by
acetaldehyde and identification of the formed condensation products". Paper presented in XXVth International Conference
on Polyphenols, Montpelier, 2010.
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Conceição Leandro, M; Guo, Lei; Sónia Canário; Yang, Jingyu; Zhao, Y. Q.; Wu, Chunfu; Sun, Baoshan.
"Red wine phenolic complexes and their in vitro antioxidant activity". Paper presented in XXIVth International Conference
on Polyphenols, Salamanca, 2008.
- Guo, Lei; Yang, Jingyu; Sun, Baoshan; Wu, Chunfu. "Effect of red wine extracts on ethanol induced DNA damage in rat cerebellargranular
neurons". Paper presented in XXIVth International Conference on Polyphenols, Salamanca, 2008.
- Zhang, Feng-Jiao; Jingyu Yang; Sun, Baoshan; Wang J. M; Wu, Chunfu. "Inhibition of U-87 glioblastoma cell proliferation by
oligomer procyanidins (F2)". Paper presented in XXIVth International Conference on Polyphenols, Salamanca, 2008.
- Sun, Baoshan; Barradas, Tania; Conceição Leandro, M; de Freitas, Victor; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Effect of tartaric acid concentration
on the condensation reaction between flavan-3-ols and malvidin 3-glucoside in the presence of acetaldehyde.". Paper presented
in In Vino Analytica Scientia 2007, Melbourne, 2007.
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Ferreira M.; Canas S.; Sun, Baoshan. "chemical characterization of various commercial enological tannins".
Paper presented in In Vino Analytica Scientia 2007, Melbourne, 2007.
- Zhao, Y. Q.; Guo Lei; Wang L.H.; Sun, Baoshan; Yang, Jingyu; Dong Y.X; Maria Isabel Spranger; Wu, Chunfu. "Direct in vivo
evidence of protective effects of grape seed procyanidin fractions and other antioxidants against ethanol-induced oxidative
DNA damage in mouse brain cells". Paper presented in In Vino Analytica Scientia 2007, Melbourne, 2007.
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Conceição Leandro, M; Gonçalo S.; Sun, Baoshan; Zhao, Y. Q.. "Chemical characterization and antioxidant
activity of bioactive products prepared from winery residues". Paper presented in Vino Analytica Scientia 2007, Melbourne,
- Sun, Baoshan; Santos C.P.R.; Conceição Leandro, M; Maria Isabel Spranger. "HPLC-ESI-MS characterization of new pigments formed
by the reaction between flavanols and malvidin 3-glucoside in the presence of acetaldehyde". Paper presented in XXIII International
Conference on Polyphenols, Winnipeg, 2006.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Quantitative extraction, fractionation and analysis of grape and wine proanthocyanidins
and stilbenes". Paper presented in 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viseu, 2005.
- Sun, Baoshan; Ribes A.; Conceição Leandro, M; Belchior, A. Pedro; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Stilbene levels in grape skins and
in corresponding red wine". Paper presented in In Vino Analytica Scientia 2005, Montpellier, 2005.
- Sun, Baoshan; de Freitas, Victor; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Rapid fractionation of red wine polyphenols by solid phase extraction
and liquid chromatography". Paper presented in In Vino Analytica Scientia 2005, Montpellier, 2005.
- Sun, Baoshan; Rodriques V.; Eiriz, Nilza; Climaco M.C.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Effect of addition of enologiocal tannins
and enzymes during fermentation on phenolic composition of Castelão red wine". Paper presented in 228th ACS National Meeting,
Philadelphia, 2004.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger; Conceição Leandro, M; Belchior A.P.. "Evolution of phenolic compounds in red wines during
ageing". Paper presented in 1st International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Vichy, 2003.
- Eiriz, Nilza; Fortunato C.; Nunes A.; Conceição Leandro, M; Avela M.L; Sun, Baoshan; Belchior A.P.; Climaco M.C.; Maria Isabel
Spranger. "Differentiation of red winemaking technologies by phenolic and volatile composition". Paper presented in Third
Symposium In Vino Analytica Scientia, Aveiro, 2003.
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Mateus A.M.; Sun, Baoshan. "In vitro studies on the antioxidant activities of oligomeric and polymeric
procyanidin fractions from grape seeds". Paper presented in XXI International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Marrakech,
- Huang M; Sun, Baoshan; Zhao, Y. Q.; Liu W.; Maria Isabel Spranger; Yang, Jingyu; Wu, Chunfu. "Resveratrol and other constituents
in red wine increase ethanol-induced ascorbic acid release and suppress hydroxyl radical generation in mouse striatum". Paper
presented in XXI International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Marrakech, 2002.
- Sun, Baoshan; Ferrão C.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Validation of a method for quantification of resveratrol in wines". Paper
presented in XXI International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Marrakech, 2002.
- Dueñas, M.; Sun, Baoshan; Hernandez T.; Estrella I.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Flavan-3-ol composition in seed coat of lentil".
Paper presented in XXI International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Marrakech, 2002.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger; Eiriz, Nilza; Conceição Leandro, M; Belchior, A. Pedro. "Phenolic compositional changes
of Tinta Miúda red wines after two years of storage". Paper presented in International Congress of In Vino Analytica Scientia
2001, Bordeaux, 2001.
- Sun, Baoshan; Ferrão C.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Effect of various winemaking technologies on resveratrol content in red wines".
Paper presented in International Congress of In Vino Analytica Scientia 2001, Bordeaux, 2001.
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Roque-do-Vale, Francisco; Sun, Baoshan; Leandro M.C.; Duarte F.L.. "Reactivity of grape seed procyanidins
with human salivary proteins". Paper presented in XX International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Freising-Weihenstephan,
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Application of HPLC to analysis of grape and wine phenolic compounds". Paper presented
in Actas do Curso de HPLC (Fundamental teóricos e potencialidades), Bragança, 2000.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger; Roque-do-Vale, Francisco; Pinto R.; Belchior, A. Pedro. "Effect of carbonic maceration,
stem contact and non stem contact winemaking technologies on the composition of actechins and proanthocyanidins in red wines".
Paper presented in XX International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Freising-Weihenstephan, 2000.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger; Roque do Vale F.; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva. "Thioacidolysis-HPLC characterization of
oligomeric and polymeric procyanidin fractions from grape seeds". Paper presented in 1º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia,
Lisboa, 1999.
Published • 10.1158/1557-3125.metca15-a03
- Miro S.; Sun, Baoshan; Jorge Ricaro da Silva; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Astringency of grape seed proanthocyanidins". Paper
presented in Abstrct book of the XI congresso Nacional de Bioquímica, Tomar, 1998.
- Sun, Baoshan; Belchior G.P; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva; Maria Isabel Spranger. "An improved method for isolation and purification
of dimeric and trimeric procyanidins from grape seeds". Paper presented in XIXth International Congress of Group Polyphenols,
Lille, 1998.
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva; Leandro M.C.; Cameira dos Santos P. J.; Sun, Baoshan; Le Roux E.; Lozano
Y.. "Characterization of litchi (Litchi chinensis, Sonn.) cultivars by analysis of the phenolic compounds in the pericarp".
Paper presented in XIXth International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Lille, 1998.
- Sun, Baoshan; Pinto T.; Leandro, M.C; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Release of catechins and procyanidins
from solid parts of grape into wines". Paper presented in The 3rd Tannin Conference, Bend, 1998.
- Pinto T.; Sun, Baoshan; Leandro M.C.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Transfer of catechins and procyanidins from different parts
of grape into wines". Paper presented in Proceeding of 3º Encontro de Química de Alimentos, Faro, 1997.
- Sun, Baoshan; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva. "Grape and wine proanthocyanidins and their importance in Enology". Paper presented
in Abstract book of International Symposium of the vine and wine, Yangling, 1997.
- Sara Canas; Sun, Baoshan; Leandro M.C.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "A influencia da estabilidade tartárica na estabilidade da
matéria corante dos Vinho Verdes tintos". Paper presented in 3º Encontro de Química de Alimentos, Faro, 1997.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger; Joege M. Ricardo da Silva. "Extraction of grape seed procyanidins using different organic
solvents". Paper presented in Proceeding of the XVIIIth International Congress of Group Polyphenols, Bordeaux,
- Gato I.; Maria Isabel Spranger; Leandro M.C.; Sun, Baoshan. "Influência de extractos antocianicos (e-163) nas características
dos vinhos tintos". Paper presented in Abstract book of 2º Encontro de Química de Alimentos, Aveiro, 1995.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva. "Frationnation and HPLC quantification of grape seeds procyanidins
according to their degree of polymerisation". Paper presented in Abstract book of 2º Encontro de Química de Alimentos,
Aveiro, 1995.
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger; Leandro M.C.. "Dosage des catéchines et procyanidines du raisin et du vin. Optimisation
de la méthode de réaction de condensation avec la vanilline". Paper presented in Proceedings of XVIIth International Congress
of the Groupe Polyphenols, Palma de Mallorca, 1994.
- Sun, Baoshan. "Teneur globale en catéchines et proanthocynidines dans le raisin et d´autres fruits provenants du nord de la
Chine". Paper presented in Proceedings of XVIth International Congress of the Groupe Polyphenols, Lisboa, 1992.
Conference paper |
- Baoshan Sun; Zhang, Shuting; Li, Lingxi; Zhao, Jian. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "New technology for large preparation
of a series of bioactive polyphenols from by-products of vinification". Paper presented in BIO Web of Conferences 56,
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Sun, Baoshan; Fernades T.A.; Conceição Leandro, M. "Evolution of phenolic composition of red wine during
vinification and maturation and their relationship with wine sensory properties and antioxidant activities". Paper presented
in 32nd World Congress on Vine and Wine, Zagreb, 2009.
- Sun, Baoshan; Fernades T.A.; Maria Isabel Spranger. "A new class of anthocyanin-procyanidin condensation products detected
in red wine by ESI-MSn analysis". Paper presented in 32nd World Congress on Vine and Wine, Zagreb, 2009.
- Sun, Baoshan; Jorge M. Ricardo da Silva; Maria Isabel Spranger. "Proanthocyanidin content of several grapevine varieties from
Portugal". Paper presented in XXIII Word Congress on Vine and Wine, Lisboa, 1998.
- Maria Isabel Spranger; Sun, Baoshan; Leandro, M.C; Cavalho E.C; Belchior, A. Pedro. "Changes in anthocyanins, catechins and
proanthocyanidins during fermentation and early post-fermentation of red grapes". Paper presented in XXIII Word Congress
on Vine and Wine, Lisboa, 1998.
Conference poster |
- Sun, Baoshan. "total 73 poster communications were presented in national and international conferences during 1994-2019".
Journal article |
- Gao, Qian; Liu, Xiaoxiao; Shi, Jiafan; Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. "Polyphenols in different parts of Moringa oleifera Lam.:
Composition, antioxidant and neuroprotective potential". Food Chemistry 475 (2025): 143207.
- Zhao, Jian; Xu, Jiahuan; Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Structural characterization of polymeric
polyphenols from different parts of Diospyros kaki L. cv. Mopan persimmons". Journal of Food Composition and Analysis
141 (2025): 107395.
Published • 10.1016/j.jfca.2025.107395
- Zhang, Shuting; Wang, Fei; Yu, Yanxia; Jia, Yuxing; Sun, Baoshan; Wang, Fang. "Procyanidin B2-3'-O-Gallate Derived
from Grape Seed Polymeric Procyanidins via the Galloyl-Attached Nucleophilic Degradation as a Potential Hepatoprotective Agent".
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 72 34 (2024): 18918-18929.
Published • 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c01704
- Yu, Yanxia; Zuo, Chunying; Li, Mingrui; Tang, Yuanyuan; Li, Lingxi; Wang, Fang; Zhang, Shuting; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding
author: Baoshan Sun. "Novel l-Cysteine Incomplete Degradation Method for Preparation of Procyanidin B2-3'-O-Gallate and Exploration
of its in Vitro Anti-inflammatory Activity and in Vivo Tissue Distribution". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
72 8 (2024): 4023-4034.
- Zhao, Jian; Guo, Min; Martins, Patrícia; Ramos, João; Li, Lingxi; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Effect
of fermentation technologies on the structural composition of polymeric polyphenols in aged red wines". Journal of Food
Composition and Analysis 125 (2024): 105782.
- Chen, Mengying; Zhang, Shuting; Ren, Yuanxiao; Le, Zhao; Li L.X.; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Effects
of Different Brewing Technologies on Polyphenols and Aroma Components of Black Chokeberry Wine". Foods 12 4 (2023):
- Wu, Wenxin; Zhang, Shuting; Tang, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Xiangrong; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Nanoparticles
loaded with procyanidin B2-3'-O-gallate from grape seed: preparation, characterization and antioxidant activity". Ciência
e Técnica Vitivinícola 38 2 (2023): 82-94.
- Zhao, Jian; Guo, Min; Wang, Ruoyao; Li, Lingxi; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Evaluation of color and stability
of ethyl-linked anthocyanin-flavanol pigments in model wine solutions using combined chemical analysis and 3D molecular simulations".
Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola 38 1 (2023): 67-81.
- Brazão, João; Baoshan Sun; Caldeira, Ilda; Baeta, Francisco; Amaral, João; Eiras-Dias, José. Corresponding author: Brazão,
João. "Contributo para a caracterização de vinhos de oito castas portuguesas minoritárias". Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola
38 1 (2023): 21-34.
- Le, Zhao; Zheng, Wei; Dong, Mengde; Cai, Ming; Gutiérrez-Gamboa, Gastón; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Leaf
Removal at Véraison and Foliar K+ Application to Beibinghong Vines Improved Berry Quality under Cold-Climate Conditions".
Plants 11 18 (2022): 2361.
- Yu, Yanxia; Li, Lingxi; Xue, Ruowei; Wang, Chen; Chen, Mengying; Ramos, João; Zhang, Shuting; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author:
Baoshan Sun. "Impact of Different Oak Chips’ Aging on the Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Vitis amurensis
Wines". Foods 11 8 (2022): 1126.
- Li, Lingxi; Zhao, Jian; Yang, Tingting; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "High-speed countercurrent chromatography
as an efficient technique for large separation of plant polyphenols: A review". Food Research International 153 (2022):
- Gao, Qian; Wei, Zongmin; Liu, Yun; Wang, Fang; Zhang, Shuting; Serrano, Carmo; Li, Lingxi; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author:
Baoshan Sun. "Characterization, Large-Scale HSCCC Separation and Neuroprotective Effects of Polyphenols from Moringa oleifera
Leaves". Molecules 27 3 (2022): 678.
- Xu, Lei; Zhang, Xiaoshu; Xiao, Shengnan; Li, Xiaofei; Jiang, Hua; Wang, Ziyi; Baoshan Sun; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding author:
Baoshan Sun. "Panaxadiol as a major metabolite of AD-1 can significantly inhibit the proliferation and migration of breast
cancer cells: In vitro and in vivo study". Bioorganic Chemistry 116 (2021): 105392.
- Wang, Chen; Zhang, Minna; Wu, Limin; Wang, Fang; Li, Lingxi; Zhang, Shuting; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun.
"Qualitative and quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds in blueberries and protective effects on hydrogen peroxide-induced
cell injury". Journal of Separation Science 44 14 (2021): 2837-2855.
- Han, Yang; Gao, Chunhong; Wang, Hao; Sun, Jiejie; Liang, Meng; Feng, Ye; Liu, Qianqian; et al. Corresponding author: Baoshan
Sun. "Macrophage membrane-coated nanocarriers Co-Modified by RVG29 and TPP improve brain neuronal mitochondria-targeting and
therapeutic efficacy in Alzheimer's disease mice". Bioactive Materials 6 2 (2021): 529-542.
- Luo, Lanxin; Song, Shanshan; Ezenwukwa, Chibundum C.; Jalali, Shayan; Baoshan Sun; Sun, Dandan. Corresponding author: Baoshan
Sun. "Ion channels and transporters in microglial function in physiology and brain diseases". Neurochemistry International
142 (2021): 104925.
- Xu, Lei; Li, Xiaofei; Zhang, Yumeng; Ding, Meng; Baoshan Sun; Su, Guangyue; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun.
"The effects of linalool acupoint application therapy on sleep regulation". RSC Advances 11 11 (2021): 5896-5902.
- Canas, Sara; Trindade, Cândida Sofia; Baoshan Sun; Naves, Pedro. Corresponding author: Canas, Sara. "Phenolic compounds involved
in pine wilt disease: HPLC-based method development and validation for their quantification". Journal of Plant Biochemistry
and Biotechnology 30 2 (2020): 343-353.
- Luo, Lanxin; Wang, Jun; Ding, Dawei; Hasan, Md Nabiul; Yang, Sung-Sen; Lin, Shih-Hua; Schreppel, Philipp; et al. Corresponding
author: Sun, Dandan. "Role of NKCC1 Activity in Glioma K+ Homeostasis and Cell Growth: New Insights With the Bumetanide-Derivative
STS66". Frontiers in Physiology 11 (2020):
- Luo, Lanxin; Guan, Xiudong; Begum, Gulnaz; Ding, Dawei; Gayden, Jenesis; Hasan, Md Nabiul; Fiesler, Victoria M.; et al. Corresponding
author: Baoshan Sun. "Blockade of Cell Volume Regulatory Protein NKCC1 Increases TMZ-Induced Glioma Apoptosis and Reduces
Astrogliosis". Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 19 7 (2020): 1550-1561.
- Yu, Wei Chao; Li, Zhe; Baoshan Sun; Cui, Yan. Corresponding author: Cui, Yan. "A quick, accurate and general ultra performance
liquid chromatography method for evaluating the quality of enological tannins". Food Science and Biotechnology 29 8
(2020): 1045-1052.
- Tian, Ruochen; Suo, Hao; Zhang, Shuting; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Separation of a family of antioxidants flavan-3-ol
thio-conjugates from procyanidins by high-speed counter-current chromatography". European Food Research and Technology
246 5 (2020): 1017-1029.
Published • 10.1007/s00217-020-03465-4
- Han, Yang; Chu, Xiaoyang; Cui, Lin; Fu, Shiyao; Gao, Chunsheng; Li, Yi; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Neuronal mitochondria-targeted therapy for Alzheimer’s disease by systemic delivery of resveratrol using dual-modified novel
biomimetic nanosystems". Drug Delivery 27 1 (2020): 502-518.
Published • 10.1080/10717544.2020.1745328
- Lv, Huijie; Luo, Siqi; Tian, Ruochen; Zhang, Wenhua; Sun, Baoshan; Cui, Yan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Analysis
of endogenous epinephrine and norepinephrine enantiomers in rat plasma and application to a stereoselective pharmacokinetics".
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 177 (2020): 112859.
- Xu, Lei; Xu, Jing; Shi, Guohui; Xiao, Shengnan; Dai, Rongke; Wu, Shao; Baoshan Sun; Zhang, Xiaoshu; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding
author: Baoshan Sun. "Optimization of flash extraction, separation of ginsenosides, identification by HPLC-FT-ICR-MS and determination
of rare ginsenosides in mountain cultivated ginseng". RSC Advances 10 72 (2020): 44050-44057.
- Luo, Lanxin; Guan, Xiudong; Begum, Gulnaz; Ding, Dawei; Kohanbash, Gary; Sun, Baoshan; Sun, Dandan. "CSIG-01. NA-K-CL COTRANSPORTER
PROTEIN IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF LOW-GRADE GLIOMAS". Neuro-Oncology 21 Supplement (2019): vi44-vi44.
Published • 10.1093/neuonc/noz175.172
- Suo, Hao; Tian, Ruochen; Xu, Wei; Li, Lingxi; Cui, Yan; Zhang, Shuting; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Novel Catechin–Tiopronin Conjugates Derived from Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Degradation: Process Optimization, High-Speed
Counter-Current Chromatography Preparation, as Well as Antibacterial Activity". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
67 41 (2019): 11508-11517.
Published • 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b04571
- Suo, Hao; Tian, Ruochen; Li, Jing; Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Compositional characterization study on high -molecular -mass polymeric polyphenols in red wines by chemical degradation".
Food Research International 123 (2019): 440-449.
- Song, Shanshan; Luo, Lanxin; Sun, Baoshan; Sun, Dandan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Roles of glial ion transporters
in brain diseases". Glia 68 3 (2019): 472-494.
Published • 10.1002/glia.23699
- Li, Jing; Zhang, Shuting; Zhang, Minna; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Novel approach for extraction of
grape skin antioxidants by accelerated solvent extraction: Box–Behnken design optimization". Journal of Food Science and
Technology 56 11 (2019): 4879-4890.
Published • 10.1007/s13197-019-03958-5
- Bai, Ruifang; Cui, Yan; Luo, Lanxin; Yuan, Danbing; Wei, Zongmin; Yu, Weichao; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"A semisynthetic approach for the simultaneous reaction of grape seed polymeric procyanidins with catechin and epicatechin
to obtain oligomeric procyanidins in large scale". Food Chemistry 278 (2019): 609-616.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.11.091
- Yan, Tingxu; Sun, Yingying; Wu, Bo; Xiao, Feng; Bi, Kaishun; Sun, Baoshan; Jia, Ying. Corresponding author: Jia, Ying. "Red
wine polyphenols reverse depressive-like behaviors in mice induced by repeated corticosterone treatment". Ciência e Técnica
Vitivinícola 34 2 (2019): 115-122.
Published • 10.1051/ctv/201934020115
- Guan, Xiudong; Luo, Lanxin; Begum, Gulnaz; Kohanbash, Gary; Song, Qingkun; Rao, Aparna; Amankulor, Nduka; et al. Corresponding
author: Jia, Wang. "Elevated Na/H exchanger 1 (SLC9A1) emerges as a marker for tumorigenesis and prognosis in gliomas". Journal
of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 37 1 (2018):
Published • 10.1186/s13046-018-0923-z
- Zhou, Peiyu; Zhang, Lingmin; Li, Wei; Zhang, Shuting; Luo, Lanxin; Wang, Jian; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"In vitro evaluation of the anti-digestion and antioxidant effects of grape seed procyanidins according to their degrees of
polymerization". Journal of Functional Foods 49 (2018): 85-95.
Published • 10.1016/j.jff.2018.08.001
- Luo, Lanxin; Bai, Ruifang; Zhao, Yuqing; Li, Jing; Wei, Zongmin; Wang, Fang; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Protective Effect of Grape Seed Procyanidins against H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in PC-12 Neuroblastoma Cells: Structure-Activity
Relationships". Journal of Food Science 83 10 (2018): 2622-2628.
Published • 10.1111/1750-3841.14349
- Luo, Lanxin; Cui, Yan; Cheng, Jinhui; Fang, Bairui; Wei, Zongmin; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "An approach
for degradation of grape seed and skin proanthocyanidin polymers into oligomers by sulphurous acid". Food Chemistry
256 (2018): 203-211.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.02.097
- Li, Lingxi; Zhang, Minna; Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Preparation and Antioxidant
Activity of Ethyl-Linked Anthocyanin-Flavanol Pigments from Model Wine Solutions". Molecules 23 5 (2018): 1066.
- Luo, Lanxin; Cui, Yan; Zhang, Shuting; Li, Lingxi; Suo, Hao; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Detailed phenolic
composition of Vidal grape pomace by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry". Journal of
Chromatography B 1068-1069 (2017): 201-209.
Published • 10.1016/j.jchromb.2017.10.031
- Li, Lingxi; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Grape and wine polymeric polyphenols: Their importance in enology".
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59 4 (2017): 563-579.
- Zheng, Hong-Li; Wang, Li-Hui; Sun, Baoshan; Li, Yi; Yang, Jing-Yu; Wu, Chun-Fu. Corresponding author: Wu, Chun-Fu. "Oligomer
procyanidins (F2) repress HIF-1a expression in human U87 glioma cells by inhibiting the EGFR/ AKT/mTOR and MAPK/ERK1/2 signaling
pathways in vitro and in vivo". Oncotarget 8 49 (2017): 85252-85262.
Published • 10.18632/oncotarget.19654
- Xiao, Ting; Guo, Zhenghong; Sun, Baoshan; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding author: Zhao, Yuqing. "Identification of Anthocyanins
from Four Kinds of Berries and Their Inhibition Activity to a-Glycosidase and Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B by HPLC–FT-ICR
MS/MS". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 65 30 (2017): 6211-6221.
Published • 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b02550
- Li, Yuanyuan; Li, Lingxi; Cui, Yan; Zhang, Shuting; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Separation and purification
of polyphenols from red wine extracts using high speed counter current chromatography". Journal of Chromatography B
1054 (2017): 105-113.
Published • 10.1016/j.jchromb.2017.03.006
- Zhang, Shuting; Li, Lingxi; Cui, Yan; Luo, Lanxin; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhou, Peiyu; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Preparative high-speed counter-current chromatography separation of grape seed proanthocyanidins according to degree of polymerization".
Food Chemistry 219 (2017): 399-407.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.09.170
- Luo, Lanxin; Cui, Yan; Zhang, Shuting; Li, Lingxi; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhou, Peiyu; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Preparative separation of grape skin polyphenols by high-speed counter-current chromatography". Food Chemistry 212
(2016): 712-721.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodchem.2016.06.009
- Li, Lingxi; Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Li, Yuanyuan; Luo, Lanxin; Zhou, Peiyu; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Preparative separation of cacao bean procyanidins by high-speed counter-current chromatography". Journal of Chromatography
B 1036-1037 (2016): 10-19.
- Xia, Xiaoyan; Sun, Baoshan; Li, Wei; Zhang, Xiaoshu; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding author: Zhao, Yuqing. "Anti-Diabetic Activity
Phenolic Constituents from Red Wine Against a-Glucosidase and a-Amylase". Journal of Food Processing and Preservation
41 3 (2016): e12942.
Published • 10.1111/jfpp.12942
- Zhang, Shuting; Cui, Yan; Li, Lingxi; Li, Yuanyuan; Zhou, Peiyu; Luo, Lanxin; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Preparative HSCCC isolation of phloroglucinolysis products from grape seed polymeric proanthocyanidins as new powerful antioxidants".
Food Chemistry 188 (2015): 422-429.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.05.030
author: WU, CHUNFU. "Oligomer procyanidins (F2) isolated from grape seeds inhibits tumor angiogenesis and cell invasion by
targeting HIF-1a in vitro". International Journal of Oncology 46 2 (2014): 708-720.
Published • 10.3892/ijo.2014.2744
- Zhang, Xiangrong; Zhang, Ji; Li, Wei; Liu, Li; Sun, Baoshan; Guo, Zhenghong; Shi, Caihong; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding author:
Zhao, Yuqing. "In Vitro Metabolism of 20(R)-25-Methoxyl-Dammarane-3, 12, 20-Triol from Panax notoginseng in Human, Monkey,
Dog, Rat, and Mouse Liver Microsomes". PLoS ONE 9 4 (2014): e94962.
- Tang, Weizhuo; Sun, Baoshan; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding author: Zhao, Yuqing. "Preparative separation and purification of
rosmarinic acid from perilla seed meal via combined column chromatography". Journal of Chromatography B 947-948 (2014):
- de Sá, M.; Justino, V.; Spranger, M. I.; Zhao, Y. Q.; Han, L.; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Extraction
Yields and Anti-oxidant Activity of Proanthocyanidins from Different Parts of Grape Pomace: Effect of Mechanical Treatments".
Phytochemical Analysis 25 2 (2013): 134-140.
Published • 10.1002/pca.2479
- Yang, Jingyu; Wang, Qing; Zhao, Ruijun; Baoshan Sun; Wang, Lihui; Hou, Yue; Li, Xiaoqin; Wu, Chunfu. Corresponding author:
Wu, Chunfu. "Identification of oligomer proanthocyanidins (F2) isolated from grape seeds as a formyl peptide receptor 1 partial
agonist". International Immunopharmacology 15 4 (2013): 756-763.
Published • 10.1016/j.intimp.2013.03.007
- Sun, Baoshan; Sá, Marta de; Leandro, Conceição; Caldeira, Ilda; Duarte, Filomena L.; Spranger, Isabel. Corresponding author:
Sun, Baoshan. "Reactivity of Polymeric Proanthocyanidins toward Salivary Proteins and Their Contribution to Young Red Wine
Astringency". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61 4 (2013): 939-946.
Published • 10.1021/jf303704u
- Cui, Yuna; Yi, Dawei; Bai, Xiufeng; Sun, Baoshan; Zhao, Yuqing; Zhang, Yixuan. Corresponding author: Zhao, Yuqing. "Ginkgolide
B produced endophytic fungus (Fusarium oxysporum) isolated from Ginkgo biloba". Fitoterapia 83 5 (2012): 913-920.
Published • 10.1016/j.fitote.2012.04.009
- Sun, Baoshan; Neves, Ana C.; Fernandes, Tiago A.; Fernandes, Ana L.; Mateus, Nuno; De Freitas, Vi´tor; Leandro, Conceic¸a~o;
Spranger, Maria I.. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Evolution of Phenolic Composition of Red Wine during Vinification
and Storage and Its Contribution to Wine Sensory Properties and Antioxidant Activity". Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry 59 12 (2011): 6550-6557.
Published • 10.1021/jf201383e
- Canas S; Sun, Baoshan; Coimbra L; Barroca J.. Corresponding author: Canas S. "Effect of sterilising filtration on microbiological
stability, chemical composition and sensory properties of red wine". Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola 26 2 (2011): 77-83.
- Neves, Ana C.; Spranger, Maria I.; Zhao, Yuqing; Leandro, Maria C.; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Effect
of Addition of Commercial Grape Seed Tannins on Phenolic Composition, Chromatic Characteristics, and Antioxidant Activity
of Red Wine". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 58 22 (2010): 11775-11782.
Published • 10.1021/jf1038037
- Han, Y.; Sun, Baoshan; Jiang, B.; Hu, X.; Spranger, M.I.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, Y.. Corresponding author: Zhao, Y.. "Microbial
transformation of ginsenosides Rb1, Rb3 and Rc by Fusarium sacchari". Journal of Applied Microbiology 109 3 (2010):
Published • 10.1111/j.1365-2672.2010.04707.x
- Zhang, Feng-Jiao; Yang, Jing-Yu; Mou, Yan-Hua; Sun, Baoshan; Wang, Ji-Ming; Wu, Chun-Fu. Corresponding author: Wu, Chun-Fu.
"Oligomer procyanidins from grape seeds induce a paraptosis-like programmed cell death in human glioblastoma U-87 cells".
Pharmaceutical Biology 48 8 (2010): 883-890.
Published • 10.3109/13880200903311102
- Sun, Baoshan; Fernandes, Tiago A.; Spranger, M. Isabel. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "A new class of anthocyanin-procyanidin
condensation products detected in red wine by electrospray ionization multi-stage mass spectrometry analysis". Rapid Communications
in Mass Spectrometry 24 3 (2010): 254-260.
Published • 10.1002/rcm.4381
- Sun, Baoshan; Spranger, Isabel; Yang, Jingyu; Leandro, Conceic¸o; Guo, Lei; Cana´rio, So´nia; Zhao, Yuqing; Wu, Chunfu. Corresponding
author: Sun, Baoshan. "Red Wine Phenolic Complexes and Their in Vitro Antioxidant Activity". Journal of Agricultural and
Food Chemistry 57 18 (2009): 8623-8627.
Published • 10.1021/jf901610h
- Zhang, Feng-Jiao; Yang, Jing-Yu; Mou, Yan-Hua; Sun, Bao-Shan; Ping, Yi-Fang; Wang, Ji-Ming; Bian, Xiu-Wu; Wu, Chun-Fu. Corresponding
author: Wu, Chun-Fu. "Inhibition of U-87 human glioblastoma cell proliferation and formyl peptide receptor function by oligomer
procyanidins (F2) isolated from grape seeds". Chemico-Biological Interactions 179 2-3 (2009): 419-429.
Published • 10.1016/j.cbi.2008.12.017
- Zhang F. J.; Yang, Jingyu; Sun, Baoshan; Wu, Chunfu. Corresponding author: Wu, Chunfu. "Oligomeric Procyanidins Induce Generation
of Reactive Oxygen Species and Collapse of Mitochchondrial Membrane Potential in Glioblastoma Cell Lines". Chinese Herbal
Medicines 1 1 (2009): 45-52.
- Sun, Baoshan; Barradas, Tania; Leandro, Conceição; Santos, Cláudia; Spranger, Isabel. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Formation of new stable pigments from condensation reaction between malvidin 3-glucoside and (-)-epicatechin mediated by
acetaldehyde: Effect of tartaric acid concentration". Food Chemistry 110 2 (2008): 344-351.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.02.009
- Spranger, Isabel; Sun, Baoshan; Mateus, Ana M.; Freitas, Vítor de; Ricardo-da-Silva, Jorge M.. Corresponding author: Spranger,
Isabel. "Chemical characterization and antioxidant activities of oligomeric and polymeric procyanidin fractions from grape
seeds". Food Chemistry 108 2 (2008): 519-532.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.11.004
- Han, Ying; Sun, Baoshan; Hu, Xiaomin; Zhang, Hong; Jiang, Binhui; Spranger, Maria Isabel; Zhao, Yuqing. Corresponding author:
Zhao, Yuqing. "Transformation of Bioactive Compounds byFusarium sacchariFungus Isolated from the Soil-Cultivated Ginseng".
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 23 (2007): 9373-9379.
Published • 10.1021/jf070354a
- Guo, Lei; Wang, Li Hui; Sun, Baoshan; Yang, Jing Yu; Zhao, Yu Qing; Dong, Ying Xu; Spranger, Maria Isabel; Wu, Chun Fu. Corresponding
author: Wu, Chun Fu. "Direct in vivo Evidence of Protective Effects of Grape Seed Procyanidin Fractions and Other Antioxidants
against Ethanol-Induced Oxidative DNA Damage in Mouse Brain Cells". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 14
(2007): 5881-5891.
Published • 10.1021/jf070440a
- Sun, Baoshan; Santos, Cláudia P. Reis; Leandro, Maria C.; De Freitas, Vítor; Spranger, Maria I.. Corresponding author: Sun,
Baoshan. "High-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization mass spectrometric characterization of new products
formed by the reaction between flavanols and malvidin 3-glucoside in the presence of acetaldehyde". Rapid Communications
in Mass Spectrometry 21 14 (2007): 2227-2236.
Published • 10.1002/rcm.3082
- Sun, Baoshan; Leandro, M. Conceição; de Freitas, Victor; Spranger, M. Isabel. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Fractionation
of red wine polyphenols by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography". Journal of Chromatography A 1128 1-2
(2006): 27-38.
Published • 10.1016/j.chroma.2006.06.026
- Sun, Baoshan; Ribes, Ana M.; Leandro, M. Conceição; Belchior, A. Pedro; Spranger, M. Isabel. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan.
"Stilbenes: Quantitative extraction from grape skins, contribution of grape solids to wine and variation during wine maturation".
Analytica Chimica Acta 563 1-2 (2006): 382-390.
Published • 10.1016/j.aca.2005.12.002
- Sun, Baoshan; Spranger, M. Isabel. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Changes in phenolic composition of Tinta Miúda red
wines after 2 years of ageing in bottle: effect of winemaking technologies". European Food Research and Technology
221 3-4 (2005): 305-312.
Published • 10.1007/s00217-005-1165-9
- Sun, Baoshan; Maria Isabel Spranger. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Review: quantitative extraction and analysis of
grape and wine proanthocyanidins and stilbenes". Ciência Téc. Vitiv. 20 2 (2005): 59-91.
- Isabel Spranger, M; Cristina Cli´maco, M; Sun, Baoshan; Eiriz, Nilza; Fortunato, Carla; Nunes, Adelina; Conceição Leandro,
M; Lui´sa Avelar, M; Pedro Belchior, A. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Differentiation of red winemaking technologies
by phenolic and volatile composition". Analytica Chimica Acta 513 1 (2004): 151-161.
Published • 10.1016/j.aca.2004.01.023
- Dueñas, M.; Sun, Baoshan; Hernández, Teresa; Estrella, Isabel; Spranger, M. Isabel. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Proanthocyanidin
Composition in the Seed Coat of Lentils (Lens culinarisL.)". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51 27 (2003):
Published • 10.1021/jf0303215
- Sun, Baoshan; Ferrão L.; Maria Isabel Spranger. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Effect of wine style and winemaking technology
on resveratrol level in wines". Ciência Téc. Vitiv. 18 2 (2003): 77-91.
- Huang M; Baoshan Sun; Maria Isabel Spranger; Jingyu Yang; Chunfu Wu. Corresponding author: Chunfu Wu. "Effects of catechin
and its polymers on ethanol-induced ascorbic acid and hydroxyl radical release in mouse striatum". Chin.J. Nat. Med.
1 1 (2003): 34-40.
- Sun, Baoshan; Spranger, Isabel; Roque-do-Vale, Francisco; Leandro, Conceição; Belchior, Pedro. Corresponding author: Sun,
Baoshan. "Effect of Different Winemaking Technologies on Phenolic Composition in Tinta Miúda Red Wines". Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry 49 12 (2001): 5809-5816.
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Magazine article |
- Li Q.; Zhang L.N.; Wang D.Y.; Zhao M.Y.; Baoshan Sun; Zhang S.T.. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Efficient semisynthetic
approach for large preparation of procyanidin C1 through degradation of grape seed polymeric procyanidins", Journal of Polyphenols,
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nanoliposome for catechin: preparation, characterization and stability", Journal of Polyphenols, 2022,
- Baoshan Sun; Cui Y.; Martins P.. "Método rápido e eficiente para avaliar a qualidade dos taninos enológicos", Enologia, 2021
- De Sá M.; Martins P.; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Structural composition of oligomeric and polymeric
proanthocyanidins from different parts of grape pomace", Journal of Polyphenols, 2020,
- Chen M.Y.; Suo H.; Zhang S.T.; Baoshan Sun. Corresponding author: Baoshan Sun. "Study on biological activity of new degradation
products of polymeric proanthocyanidins", Sino-Overseas Grapevine & Wine, 2020
- Lv, Huijie; Zou, Mengyu; Yu, Weichao; Sun, Baoshan; Cui, Yan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Simultaneous determination
of gallic acid and p-coumaric acid in rat plasma by UPLC-MS/MS and its application to a comparative pharmacokinetic study
after oral administration of monomer compound and red wine extract", Journal of Polyphenols, 2019,
- Li, Jing; Dong, Yingjie; Zhou, Wei; Wang, Haiyan; Huang, Xiaochun; Zhang, Shuting; Zheng, Wei; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding
author: Sun, Baoshan. "Improvement of Vitis amurensis Rupr. grape quality by using fish protein hydrolysates as fertilizer",
Journal of Polyphenols, 2019,
- Wang, Chen; Li, Lingxi; Li, Yuanyuan; Sun, Baoshan; Zhang, Shuting. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "Variation in phenolic
composition and color features of red wine during vinification", Journal of Polyphenols, 2019,
- Li, Lingxi; Zhang, Shuting; Sun, Baoshan. Corresponding author: Sun, Baoshan. "In silico study of wine anthocyanins and their
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- Sun, Baoshan; Li Y. Y.; Justino V. S.. "Aproveitamento dos bagaços de vinificação: nova tecnologia de obtenção de compostos
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Cercetãri Agronomice în Moldova (Roumania), 1995
Thesis / Dissertation |
- Sun, Baoshan. "Grape and wine proanthocyanidins: isolation, chemical characterization, quantification and their importance
in Enology". PhD, Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, 2000.
- Sun, Baoshan. "Browning susceptibility of several apple varieties". Master, 1986.