Artigo em conferência |
- Costa, Jéssica; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Mycotoxin contamination in Capsicum pepper and Merkén: Implications for Human
Health". 2021.
- Costa, Jéssica; Rodriguez, R.; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares, Célia; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Fungi and mycotoxin
contamination in Capsicum pepper and in its derivatives". 2019.
- Costa, Jessica; Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir.
"Ochratoxigenic mycobiota in chilli Capsicum annuum L. and Chilean Merkén". 2019.
- Costa, Jéssica; Rodriguez, R.; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares, Célia; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Hongos filamentosos
y micotoxinas en ají merkén". 2019.
- Aranda, Camila; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Overview of potential mycotoxigenic fungi in Chilean buttery cheese". 2019.
- Costa, Jéssica; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Spoilage fungi and mycotoxins contamination risk in Capsicum products". 2019.
- Costa, Jéssica Souza da; Rodriguez, R.; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Mycobiota
in Chilean Chili Capsicum annuum L. used for production of Merkén". 2019.
- Costa, Jéssica; Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir.
"Mycobiota in chilli Capsicum annuum and Chilean merkén". 2019.
- Costa, Jéssica; Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Lopez, Sebastián; Battilani, Paola; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Mycobiota in Chilean
traditional chilli used for Merkén production". 2018.
- Santos, Cledir; Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Lima, Nelson. "Polyphasic evaluation of long term
preservation on Aspergillus (section Nigri) strains". 2018.
- Ouhibi, Salma; Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Decontardi, Simone; Souza, Jéssica; Lopez, Sebastián; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares,
Célia Maria Gonçalves; et al. "Penicillia diversity from food identified polyphasically, including mycotoxin production".
- Ouhibi, Salma; Rodriguez, R.; Decontardi, Simone; Souza, Jéssica; Lopez, Sebastián; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares,
Célia Maria Gonçalves; et al. "Penicillium species identification and new insights on mycotoxins in food commodities (apples,
chilli and cheese)". 2018.
- Silva, Blenda; Bentes, Jânia; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Diversity of endophytic fungi from
guarana seeds (Paullinia cupana) cultivated in Amazonia, Brazil". 2018.
- Aranda, Camila; Soto, Isabel; Montesinos, Carlos; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Potential mycotoxingenic fungi in Chilean
buttery cheese". 2018.
- Córdoba-Fuzga, Angélica; Santos, Carla; Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Gomez, Juan C.; Loiaza-Díaz, Natalia; Mesa-Arango,
Ana C.; Refojo, Nicolás; et al. "Polyphasic identification and typing Trichophytum rubrum strains of clinical origin". 2017.
- Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Aged freeze-dried ampoules of preserved
biotechnological important fungi". 2017.
- Martins, Maria Rosário; Lima, Nelson; Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Santos, Cledir. "Mucorales strains with biotechnological
use: a polyphasic approach identification". 2017.
- Soto, Isabel; Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Lopez, Sebastián; Burgos, Nicol; Rocha, Adonis; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos,
Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Will fungal strains preserved in culture collections maintain the same biotechnological performance
after years of preservation?". 2017.
- Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Impact of MALDI-TOF MS in Clinical Mycology: Progress and Barriers in Diagnostics". 2017.
- Santos, Cledir; Rodriguez, Rodrigo; Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Lima, Nelson. "Preserved
freeze-dried and aged filamentous fungi of biotechnological importance". 2017.
- Martins, Maria Rosário; Dantas, Vânia; Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Identificação polifásica
de Gongronella sp. e de Rhizopus sp. degradadores do fungicida sistémico metalaxil". 2016.
- Santos, Cledir; Godoy, Patricio; Lima, Nelson. "Limitations of MALDI-TOF MS in the fungal identification: could LC-MS/MS be
a solution?". 2016.
- Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Public service culture collections of microorganisms: are they important for biotechnology?".
- Santos, Cledir; Klein, Nazareth; Schuenck, Ricardo; Lima, Nelson; Asensi, Marise. "Polyphasic identification of clinical multidrug-resistant
bacteria isolated from blood cultures". 2015.
- Cisternas, Carla; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Rubilar, Olga. "Mechanism of extracellular silver nanoparticles synthesis
by Stereum hirsutum and Fusarium oxysporum". 2015.
- Oliveira, Helena M. B.; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, R. R. M.; Gusmão, Norma B.; Lima, Nelson. "Filamentous fungi in free water
and biofilms from Brazilian drinking water systems". 2015.
- Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Proteins on microbial identification: past achievements, present state-of-the-art, and future
challenges". 2015.
- Couto, F.; Santos, Cledir; Souza, T.; Dias, E.; Lima, Nelson; Batista, L.. "Combining analytical methodologies for the identification
of Aspergillus section Flavi strains isolated from Brazilian agricultural commodities". 2015.
- Martins,M. Rosário; Dantas, Vânia; Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Santos, Cledir; Verkley, Gerard; Lima, Nelson. "Polyphasic
identification of a Rhizopus species and a putative novel Gongronella which both degrade the fungicide metalaxyl". 2015.
- Silva, P. B. R.; Oliveira, H. M. B.; Santos, Cledir; Gusmão, N. B.; Lima, Nelson. "Filamentous fungi occurrence in free water
and biofilms from drinking water storage tanks". 2015.
- Santos, Cledir; Francisco, Elaine; Mazza, Mariana; Padovan, Ana Carolina B.; Colombo, Arnaldo; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF MS
and LC MS/MS: New insights for clinical fungal ID". 2015.
- Martins, M. Rosário; Santos, Cledir; Pereira, Pablo; Lima, Nelson. "Degradation of the fungicide metalaxyl by Mucorales strains".
- Santos, Cledir; Francisco, Elaine; Mazza, Mariana; Padovan, Ana Carolina B.; Colombo, Arnaldo; Lima, Nelson. "Advances in
microbial diagnosis: using mass spectrometry for proteomics and genomics applications". 2015.
- Venâncio, Armando; Abrunhosa, Luís; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Tools and strategies to mitigate the effect of mycotoxins".
- Silva, M. C. A.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Bentes, J. L. S.. "Isolation, identification and characterisation of endophytic
and pathogenic Colletotrichum guaranicola isolated from guarana leaves (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis (Mart.) Ducke) in Brazilian
Amazon". 2014.
- Santos, Cledir; Dias, Disney R.; Lima, Nelson; Schwan, Rosane F.. "Identificação de microrganimos isolados de processos fermentativos:
uma abordagem polifásica que inclui a técnica de MALDI-TOF MS". 2014.
- Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "MALDI applications in mycology". 2014.
- Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF MS: uma década de experiência na aplicação em microbiologia, sempre olhando o futuro".
- Pinto, Juliana; Gervásio, Ivani; Dias, Disney R.; Dias, Eutásquio; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Schwan, Rosane F.. "Coleção
de culturas de microbiologia agrícola da UFLA (CCMA-UFLA): da requalificação à certificação baseada na ISO 9001:2008". 2014.
- Antunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Santos, Cledir; Smith, David; Lima, Nelson. "Capacity building initiatives, training and education:
the EMbaRC experience and beyond". 2013.
- Santos, Cledir; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Ventura, José Aires; Lima, Nelson. "Uso e potencial do MALDI-TOF na detecção
de fitopatógenos". 2013.
- Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Rampitsch, Christof; Lima, Nelson. "Proteomic analysis of Aspergillus
niger type strain (MUM 03.01) after accelerated freeze-drying preservation". 2013.
- Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Desafios locais para a gestão global dos Centros de Recursos
Microbiológicos". 2013.
- Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Implementation of a Quality Management System based on
ISO9001:2008 and its importance on culture collections". 2013.
- Filho, Magno Rodrigues de Carvalho; Craveiro, Saluana Rocha; Martinhs, Irene; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir; Miller, Robert
Neil Gerard; Silva, Joseane Padilha da; Mello, Sueli Corrêa Marques de. "Identification and phylogeny of Trichoderma species
by MALDI-TOF analysis and characterization of antagonistic activities against Sclerotinia scleroti". 2013.
- Filho, Magno Rodrigues de Carvalho; Craveiro, Saluana Rocha; Martinhs, Irene; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir; Miller, Robert
Neil Gerard; Silva, Joseane Padilha da; Mello, Sueli Corrêa Marques de. "Evaluation of inhibitory effects of Trichoderma asperellum
metabolites on mycelial growth of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum". 2013.
- Antunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Microbial
resources and applications: preliminary trends and insights for future economic impact estimates". 2013.
- Pereira, Leonel João Pais; Dias, Nicolina Marques; Fernandes, Sara; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Antifungal activity against
Trichophyton rubrum of inorganic vs. biogenic silver nanoparticles produced by filamentous fungi". 2013.
- Antunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Challenges, approaches and future work in the deep-sea anoxic
Brine Lakes of the Red Sea". 2013.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Taxonomy of Aspergillus: integration of
methods for new and revisited species in section Flavi". 2012.
- Maciel, Marília; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Souza-Motta, Cristina Maria. "Polyphasic identification of Aspergillus isolates
belonging to section Nigri with clinical relevance". 2012.
- Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Assessment of fungi stability by MALDI-TOF ICMS following
preservation on alginate encapsulated samples". 2012.
- Santos, Cledir; Rodrigues, Paula; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF MS: improved methods for the identification/characterisation
and authentication of fungal strains". 2012.
- Martins, Margarida Isabel Barros Coelho; Santos, Cledir; Machado, Diana; Maciel, M. H. C.; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Olívia; Rodrigues,
Anabela; et al. "Application of MALDI-TOF MS to the identification of dialysis catheters associated microorganisms". 2012.
- Lima, M. Sanitá; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Polizeli, Maria de Lourdes T. M.. "Identification of Brazilian wild-type isolates
of Aspergillus fumigatus based on polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS technique". 2012.
- Pereira, Leonel João Pais; Santos, Cledir; Dias, Nicolina Marques; Lima, Nelson. "New insights for identification of clinical
isolates of Trichophyton rubrum using MALDI-TOF MS". 2012.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Taxonomy of Aspergillus: integration of
methods for new and revisited species in section Flavi". 2012.
- Soares, Célia Maria Gonçalves; Santos, Cledir; Maciel, Marília; Souza-Motta, Cristina Maria; Lima, Nelson; Venâncio, Armando.
"The importance of a quick identification of Aspergillus niger for a proper mycotoxin related diagnosis". 2012.
- Passamani, F. R. F.; Terra, M. F.; Couto, F. A.; Bastos, S. C.; Dias, D. R.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Batista, Luís R..
"The filamentous fungi culture collection of the Department of Food Science (CCDCA), Federal University of Lavras, Brazil".
- Cruz, Lidiane Roberta; Lima, Juliana Silva; Fonseca, Julyanna C.; Maciel, Marília H. C.; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson;
Moreira, Keila Aparecida; Santos, Cledir; Souza-Motta, Cristina Maria. "Deteção da produção de ocratoxina A (OTA) por espécies
de Penicillium isoladas de solos estocadas na Micoteca URM, Pernambuco, Brasil, através de HPLC". 2012.
- Oliveira, M. M. E.; Santos, Cledir; Sampaio, Paula; Pais, Célia; Lima, Nelson; Zancopé-Oliveira, R. M.. "Implementating a
methodology for identification of Sporothrix complex isolates by MALDI-TOF ICMS". 2012.
- Lima-Neto, Reginaldo Gonçalves; Macêdo, Danielle P.C.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Sampaio, Paula; Pais, Célia; Neves, Rejane
Pereira. "Rapid and reliable identification of intact Candida clinical isolates using MALDI-TOF ICMS". 2012.
- Siqueira, Virgínia M.; Oliveira, H. M. B.; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, R. R. M.; Gusmão, N. B.; Lima, Nelson. "Filamentous fungi
in drinking water in relation to biofilm formation". 2011.
- Siqueira, Virgínia M.; Oliveira, Helena; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, R. R. M.; Lima, Nelson; Gusmão, Norma. "Fungos nas águas
de consumo: qual a sua relevância?". 2011.
- Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF ICMS: avanços na identificação de fungos". 2011.
- Elgueta, S.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Diez, M. C.. "Ligninolytic enzymes activities and SEM analysis of fungal inoculum
of Anthracophyllum discolour". 2011.
- Pereira, Leonel; Dias, Nicolina Marques; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Is MALDI-TOF ICMS able to discriminate dermatophyte
clones?". 2011.
- Passarini, Michel Rodrigo Zambrano; Ottoni, C. A.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Sette, Lara Durães. "Avaliação da produção
de lacase pela indução de íons cobre e detecção do gene em duas linhagens de ascomicetos isolados de esponjas marinhas". 2011.
- Klein, Nazareth M.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Asensi, Marise D.. "Establishment of a bacterial strain reference culture
collection: university hospital Cassiano Antônio de Moraes (CCBR-HUCAM), Vitória (ES), Brazil". 2011.
- Pereira, Leonel João Pais; Dias, Nicolina Marques; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF ICMS vs molecular typing in the
identification of dermatophyte strains". 2011.
- Fraga, Marcelo Elias; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir; Souza, Francisco Adriano de. "Caracterização de estirpes de Trichoderma
por análise morfologica, filogenética e por espectros de massa obtidos por MALDI-TOF". 2011.
- Passarini, Michel R. Z.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Sette, Lara D.. "Characterisation of filamentous fungal diversity of
Trichoderma genus isolated from marine sponge by sequencing ITS-rDNA and MALDI-TOF ICMS". 2011.
- Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM): 15 anos de funcionamento
e sua recente certificação baseada na ISO 9001:2008". 2011.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Santos, Cledir; Kozakiewicz, Z.; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF ICMS as a modern approach to
identify potential aflatoxigenic fungi". 2010.
- Ottoni, C. A.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Utilization of white rot fungi for textile dye decolourisation under alkaline
condition and high salt concentration in solid medium". 2010.
- Simões, Marta Filipa; Martins, Anabela; Dias, Nicolina; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM):
implementation of a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2008". 2010.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Characterization and identification of aspergillus section
flavi isolates from portuguese almonds using a polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF ICMS". 2010.
- Lima, Nelson; Santos, Isabel M.; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir. "Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM):
a culture collection preparing the future". 2010.
- Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Sampaio, Paula; Pais, Célia. "Use of MALDI-TOF ICMS on yeast identification : application on
Candida species with clinical relevance". 2010.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Integrated morphologic, metabolic, molecular and spectral
methods for identification of Aspergillus section Flavi isolated from Portuguese almonds.". 2010.
- Lima, Nelson; Ottoni, C. A.; Santos, Cledir. "Fungos e biorremediação". 2010.
- Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF ICMS as a powerful technique for strain authentications in Culture Collections".
- Rodrigues, Paula; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF ICMS as a modern approach to identify potential
aflatoxigenic fungi". 2010.
- Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF ICMS na microbiologia clínica : porquê começar a usar?". 2010.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Torres, A.; Nunes F.; Leirós, Ana Catarina Correia; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Portuguese
isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi unraveled by the calmodulin gene". 2010.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Calmodulin gene as good voucher as MALDI-TOF ICMS to identify
Portuguese isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi". 2010.
- Oliveira, Helena Maria Bezerra de; Siqueira, Virgínia M.; Barbosa, Patrícia; Callou, Máira Judith A.; Lira, Diana D.; Santos,
Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Gusmão, Norma. "Fungos em água de abastecimento". 2010.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Soares, Célia; Freitas-Silva, Otniel; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, Russell; Kozakiewicz, Zofia; Venâncio, Armando;
Lima, Nelson. "Contributions of Micoteca da Universidade do Minho to food mycology". 2010.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Torres, Aldara; Nunes, Florbela; Leirós, Catarina; Santos, Cledir; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Portuguese
isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi unraveled by the calmodulin gene". 2010.
- Simões, Marta Filipa; Martins, Anabela; Dias, Nicolina; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Micoteca da Universidade do Minho:
Implementação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade com base na ISO 9001:2008". 2010.
- Siqueira, Virgínia M.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Contaminantes e biofilmes fúngicos presentes nos sistemas de distribuição
das águas de abastecimento público". 2009.
- Pereira, Leonel; Santos, Cledir; Dias, Nicolina; Lima, Nelson. "Aplicação do MALDI-TOF ICMS na abordagem polifásicada da identificação
de isolados clínicos de Trichophyton rubrum". 2009.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir; Fraga, Marcelo; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "A polyphasic approach for
black Aspergillus identification using MALDI-TOF MS.". 2009.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Soares, Célia; Freitas-Silva, Otniel; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, Russell; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson.
"Micotoxinas: contributos da Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM) para a segurança alimentar.". 2009.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Santos, Cledir; Kozakiewicz, Zofia; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Polyphasic approach including maldi-tof
mass spectrometry to characterise aflatoxigenic species of aspergillus section flavi". 2009.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Soares, Célia; Freitas-Silva, Otniel; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, Russell; Kozakiewicz, Zofia; Venâncio, Armando;
Lima, Nelson. "Micotoxinas: contributos da micoteca da Universidade do Minho (mum) para a segurança alimentar". 2009.
- Santos, Cledir; Okada, K.; Alves da Silva, C. A.; Gusmão, N. B.; Nascimento, A. E.; Lima, Nelson; Takaki, G. M. Campos; Messias,
A. S.. "Environmental and industrial application criteria to establish the microbial culture collection of the Catholic University
of Pernambuco (UCP)". 2008.
- Motta, Cristina Souza; Neves, Rejane P.; Araújo, J. M.; Calazans, G. M. T.; Santos, Cledir; Carneiro-da-Cunha, Maria G.; Lima-Filho,
José. L.; Lima, Nelson. "The microbial culture collections of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and the new consortium
towards the establishment of BRC-UFPE". 2008.
- Santos, Cledir; Paterson, R. R. M.; Venâncio, Armando; Lima, Nelson. "Integration of MALDI-TOF MS data in the quality control
of microbial culture collections". 2008.
- Rodrigues, Paula; Santos, Cledir; Kallow, Wibke; Erhard, Marcel; Welker, Martin; Kozakiewicz, Zofia; Lima, Nelson; Venâncio,
Armando. "MALDI-TOF MS potentialities and limits to characterise aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus Section Flavi". 2008.
- Lima, Nelson; Rodrigues, Paula; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, Russell; Venâncio, Armando. "Modern polyphasic methods
that include MALDI-TOF analyses for fungal identifications and authentications". 2008.
- Pereira, Cláudia S.G.P.; Santos, Cledir; Barreira, João C.M.; Moreira, Rui; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Estevinho, Leticia M.;
Gomes, Paula. "Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of dipeptide esters of the anti-rectroviral drug acyclovir". 2005.
Artigo em revista |
- Jéssica Costa; Nelson Lima; Cledir Santos. "An overview on possible links between aflatoxin B1 exposure and gallbladder cancer".
Mycotoxin Research 37 3 (2021): 205-214.
- Igor Moreira; Jéssica Costa; Leonardo Vilela; Nelson Lima; Cledir Santos; Rosane Schwan. "Influence of S. cerevisiae and P.
kluyveri as starters on chocolate flavour". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2021):
- Jéssica Costa; Eugénio C. Ferreira; Cledir Santos. "COVID-19, Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika Diseases: An Analytical Platform
Based on MALDI-TOF MS, IR Spectroscopy and RT-qPCR for Accurate Diagnosis and Accelerate Epidemics Control". Microorganisms
- Costa, Jéssica; Ferreira, Eugénio C.; Santos, Cledir. "COVID-19, Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika diseases: an analytical platform
based on MALDI-TOF MS, IR spectroscopy and RT-qPCR for accurate diagnosis and accelerate epidemics control". (2021):
- Gómez-Velásquez, Juan C.; Mojica-Figueroa, Iván L.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Mesa-Arango, Ana C.. "MALDI-TOF MS: foundations
and a practical approach to the clinically relevant filamentous fungi identification". (2021):
- Moreira, Igor; Costa, Jéssica; Vilela, Leonardo; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir; Schwan, Rosane. "Influence of S. cerevisiae
and P. kluyveri as starters on chocolate flavour". (2021):
- Costa, Jéssica; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "An overview on possible links between aflatoxin B1 exposure and gallbladder
cancer". (2021):
- Carla Santos; Blenda Naara Santos da Silva; Ana Francisca Tibúrcia Amorim Ferreira e Ferreira; Cledir Santos; Nelson Lima;
Jânia Lília da Silva Bentes. "Fungal Endophytic Community Associated with Guarana (Paullinia cupana Var. Sorbilis): Diversity
Driver by Genotypes in the Centre of Origin". Journal of Fungi 6 3 (2020): 123-123.
- Maria Rosário Martins; Carla Santos; Célia Soares; Cledir Santos; Nelson Lima. "Gongronella eborensis sp. nov., from vineyard
soil of Alentejo (Portugal)". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 5 (2020): 3475-3482.
- Costa, Jéssica; Rodriguez, R.; Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Soares, Célia; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir. "Mycobiota in Chilean
chilli Capsicum annuum L. used for production of Merkén". (2020):
- Santos, Carla Isabel Arcanjo; Santos da Silva, Blenda Naara; Amorim Ferreira e Ferreira, Ana Francisca Tibúrcia; Santos, Cledir;
Lima, Nelson; Silva Bentes, Jânia Lília da. "Fungal endophytic community associated with guarana (Paullinia cupana var. Sorbilis):
diversity driver by genotypes in the centre of origin". (2020):
- Matos, Aline M. F.; Moreira, Lucas M.; Barczewski, Bianca F.; Matos, Lucas X. de; Oliveira, Jordane B. V. de; Pimentel, Maria
Ines F.; Almeida-Paes, Rodrigo; et al. "Identification by MALDI-TOF MS of Sporothrix brasiliensis isolated from a subconjunctival
infiltrative lesion in an immunocompetent patient". (2020):
- Martins, M. Rosário; Santos, Carla; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Gongronella eborensis sp. nov., from vineyard
soil of Alentejo (Portugal)". (2020):
- Mario Henrique Paziani; Ludmilla Tonani Carvalho; Marcia de Souza Carvalho Melhem; Margarete Teresa Gottardo de Almeida; Maria
Emilia Nadaletto Bonifácio da Silva; Roberto Martinez; Cledir Santos; Marcia Regina von Zeska Kress. "First Comprehensive
Report of Clinical Fusarium Strains Isolated in the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Identified by MALDI-TOF MS and Molecular
Biology". Microorganisms 8 1 (2019): 66-66.
- Aline M. F. Matos; Lucas Machado Moreira; Bianca F. Barczewski; Lucas X. de Matos; Jordane B. V. de Oliveira; Maria Ines
F. Pimentel; Rodrigo Almeida-Paes; et al. "Identification by MALDI-TOF MS of Sporothrix brasiliensis Isolated from
a Subconjunctival Infiltrative Lesion in an Immunocompetent Patient". Microorganisms (2019):
- Rodrigo Rodriguez; Carla Santos; Marta F. Simões; Célia Soares; Cledir Santos; Nelson Lima. "Polyphasic, Including MALDI-TOF
MS, Evaluation of Freeze-Drying Long-Term Preservation on Aspergillus (Section Nigri) Strains". Microorganisms 7 9
(2019): 291-291.
- "Fungal Planet description sheets: 868–950". Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi (2019):
- "Fungal Community Ecology Using MALDI-TOF MS Demands Curated Mass Spectral Databases". Frontiers in Microbiology (2019):
- Jéssica Costa; Rodrigo Rodríguez; Esther Garcia-Cela; Angel Medina; Naresh Magan; Nelson Lima; Paola Battilani; Cledir Santos.
"Overview of Fungi and Mycotoxin Contamination in Capsicum Pepper and in Its Derivatives". Toxins 11 1 (2019): 27-27.
- Rodriguez, R.; Santos, Carla; Simões, Marta Filipa; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Polyphasic, including MALDI-TOF
MS, evaluation of freeze-drying long-term preservation on Aspergillus (section Nigri) strains". (2019):
- Costa, Jéssica; Rodriguez, R.; Garcia-Cela, Esther; Medina, Angel; Magan, Naresh; Lima, Nelson; Battilani, Paola; Santos,
Cledir. "Overview of fungi and mycotoxin contamination in capsicum pepper and in its derivatives". (2019):
- Igor Magalhães da Veiga Moreira; Leonardo de Figueiredo Vilela; Cledir Santos; Nelson Lima; Rosane Freitas Schwan. "Volatile
compounds and protein profiles analyses of fermented cocoa beans and chocolates from different hybrids cultivated in Brazil".
Food Research International 109 (2018): 196-203.
- Moreira, Igor Magalhães da Veiga; Vilela, Leonardo de Figueiredo; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Schwan, Rosane Freitas. "Volatile
compounds and protein profiles analyses of fermented cocoa beans and chocolates from different hybrids cultivated in Brazil".
- "Metalaxyl Degradation by Mucorales Strains Gongronella sp. and Rhizopus oryzae". Molecules (2017):
- "Impact of a Microbial Cocktail Used as a Starter Culture on Cocoa Fermentation and Chocolate Flavor". Molecules (2017):
- "MALDI-TOF MS for identification of food spoilage filamentous fungi". Current Opinion in Food Science (2017):
- "Fermentation profile and identification of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts of rehydrated corn kernel silage". Journal
of Applied Microbiology (2017):
- Martins, M. Rosário; Santos, Cledir; Pereira, Pablo; Cruz-Morais, Júlio; Lima, Nelson. "Metalaxyl degradation by Mucorales
strains Gongronella sp. and Rhizopus oryzae". (2017):
- Martins, M. Rosário; Santos, Cledir; Pereira, Pablo; Crus-Morais, Júlio; Lima, Nelson. "Metalaxyl Degradation by Mucorales
Strains Gongronella sp. and Rhizopus oryzae". (2017):
- Moreira, Igor Magalhães da Veiga; Vilela, Leonardo de Figueiredo; Miguel, Maria Gabriela da Cruz Pedroso; Lima, Nelson; Santos,
Cledir; Schwan, Rosane F.. "Impact of a microbial cocktail used as starter culture on cocoa fermentation and chocolate flavor".
- Miguel, M. G. C. P.; Reis, L. V. C.; Efraim, P.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Schwan, Rosane F.. "Cocoa fermentation: Microbial
identification by MALDI-TOF MS, and sensory evaluation of produced chocolate". (2017):
- Lisboa, Dianny Silva; Santos, Cledir; Barbosa, Renan N.; Magalhães, Oliane; Paiva, Laura M.; Moreira, Keila A.; Lima, Nelson;
Souza-Motta, Cristina M.. "Requalification of a Brazilian Trichoderma collection and screening of its capability to decolourise
real textile effluent". (2017):
- Cledir Santos. "The Chilean Network of Microbial Culture Collections: Establishment and Operation". Boletín Micológico
- "Immobilization of the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor to degrade the herbicide atrazine". AMB Express (2016):
- "High Laccase Expression by Trametes versicolor in a Simulated Textile Effluent with Different Carbon Sources and
PHs". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2016):
- "Establishment of a Quality Management System Based on ISO 9001 Standard in a Public Service Fungal Culture Collection". Microorganisms
- "Polyphasic Approach Including MALDI-TOF MS/MS Analysis for Identification and Characterisation of Fusarium verticillioides
in Brazilian Corn Kernels". Toxins (2016):
- "New insights for diagnosis of pineapple fusariosis by MALDI-TOF MS technique". (2016):
- "Fungi from a groundwater-fed drinking water supply system in Brazil". (2016):
- "Atrazine dissipation in a biobed system inoculated with immobilized white-rot-fungi". (2016):
- Sampaio, J.; Machado, Diana; Gomes, Ana Marta; Machado, Idalina; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Carvalho, Maria João; et al.
"Deciphering the contribution of biofilm to the pathogenesis of peritoneal dialysis infections: characterization and microbial
behaviour on dialysis fluids". (2016):
- Ottoni, Cristiane [UNESP]; Simões, Marta F.; Fernandes, Sara; Santos, Cledir R.; Lima, Nelson. "High laccase expression by
Trametes versicolor in a simulated textile effluent with different carbon sources and PHs". (2016):
- Joana Sampaio; Diana Machado; Ana Marta Gomes; Idalina Machado; Cledir Santos; Nelson Lima; Maria João Carvalho; et al. "Deciphering
the contribution of biofilm to the pathogenesis of peritoneal dialysis infections: Characterization and microbial behaviour
on dialysis fluids". (2016):
- Oliveira, Helena M. B.; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, R. R. M.; Gusmão, Norma B.; Lima, Nelson. "Fungi from a groundwater-fed
drinking water supply system in Brazil". (2016):
- Simões, Marta Filipa; Dias, Nicolina; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Establishment of a quality management system based on
ISO 9001 standard in a public service fungal culture collection". (2016):
- Elgueta, Sebastian; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Diez, M. C.. "Immobilization of the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor
to degrade the herbicide atrazine". (2016):
- Martins, Maria Rosário; Dantas, Vânia; Soares, Célia; Santos, Cledir Rodrigues; Lima, Nelson. "IDENTIFICAÇÃO POLIFÁSICA DE
- Elgueta, Sebastian; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Diez, M. C.. "Atrazine dissipation in a biobed system inoculated with immobilized
white-rot fungi". (2016):
- Ottoni, C. A.; Simões, Marta Filipa; Fernandes, S.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "High laccase expression by Trametes versicolor
in a simulated textile effluent with different carbon sources and pHs". (2016):
- Chang, Susane; Carneiro-Leão, Mariele Porto; Oliveira, Benny Ferreira; Souza-Motta, Cristina; Lima, Nelson; Santos, Cledir;
Oliveira, Neiva Tinti. "Polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS/MS analysis for identification and characterisation of
Fusarium verticillioides in Brazilian corn kernels". (2016):
- Santos, Cledir; Ventura, José Aires; Lima, Nelson. "New insights for diagnosis of Pineapple Fusariosis by MALDI-TOF MS technique".
- "Production and chemical characterization of pigments in filamentous fungi". (2015):
- "MALDI-TOF MS to identify the pineapple pathogen Fusarium guttiforme and its antagonist Trichoderma asperellum on decayed
pineapple". (2015):
- "Induction, expression and characterisation of laccase genes from the marine-derived fungal strains Nigrospora sp. CBMAI 1328
and Arthopyrenia sp. CBMAI 1330". AMB Express (2015):
- "Development and optimization of a new MALDI-TOF protocol for the identification of Sporothrix species complex". Research
in Microbiology (2015):
- "Use of polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS for identification of Aspergillus section Flavi strains isolated from food
commodities in Brazil". Annals of Microbiology (2015):
- Amaral, Cledir de Araújo; Portela, Margareth Crisóstomo; Muniz, Pascoal Torres; Farias, Edson dos Santos; Araújo, Thiago Santos
de; Souza, Orivaldo Florêncio de. "Associação da força de preensão manual com morbidades referidas em adultos de Rio Branco,
Acre, Brasil: estudo de base populacional". (2015):
- Passarini, Michel Rodrigo Zambrano; Ottoni, Cristiane Angelica; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Sette, Lara Durães [UNESP].
"Induction, expression and characterisation of laccase genes from the marine-derived fungal strains Nigrospora sp. CBMAI 1328
and Arthopyrenia sp. CBMAI 1330". (2015):
- Amaral,Cledir de Araújo; Portela,Margareth Crisóstomo; Muniz,Pascoal Torres; Farias,Edson dos Santos; Araújo,Thiago Santos
de; Souza,Orivaldo Florêncio de. "Associação da força de preensão manual com morbidades referidas em adultos de Rio Branco,
Acre, Brasil: estudo de base populacional". (2015):
- Silva, Fernanda Chaves da; Chalfoun, Sara Maria; Batista, Luis Roberto; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "TAXONOMIA POLIFÁSICA
- Passarini, Michel Rodrigo Zambrano; Ottoni, C. A.; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Sette, Lara Durães. "Induction, expression
and characterisation of laccase genes from the marine-derived fungal strains Nigrospora sp. CBMAI 1328 and Arthopyrenia sp.
CBMAI 1330". (2015):
- Santos, Cledir; Ventura, José A.; Costa, Hélcio; Fernandes, Patrícia M.B.; Lima, Nelson. "MALDI-TOF MS to identify the pineapple
pathogen Fusarium guttiforme and its antagonist Trichoderma asperellum on decayed pineapple". (2015):
- Silva, Fernanda Chaves da; Chalfoun, Sara Maria; Batista, Luis Roberto; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Taxonomia polifásica
para a identificação de Aspergillus seção Flavi: uma revisão". (2015):
- "Peritoneal dialysis infections: An opportunity for improvement". American Journal of Infection Control (2014):
- "Application of MALDI-TOF MS for requalification of a Candida clinical isolates culture collection". Brazilian Journal
of Microbiology (2014):
- "Purification of polygalacturonases produced by Aspergillus niger using an aqueous two-phase system". Fluid Phase Equilibria
- "Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) applied to diatom identification:
influence of culturing age". Aquatic Biology (2014):
- "Synthesis, characterisation and antifungal activity of chemically and fungal-produced silver nanoparticles against Trichophyton
rubrum". Journal of Applied Microbiology (2014):
- Lima-Neto,Reginaldo; Santos,Cledir; Lima,Nelson; Sampaio,Paula; Pais,Célia; Neves,Rejane P.. "Application of MALDI-TOF MS
for requalification of a Candida clinical isolates culture collection". (2014):
- Lima-Neto, Reginaldo; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Sampaio, Paula; Pais, Célia; Neves, Rejane P.. "Application of MALDI-TOF
MS for requalification of a Candida clinical isolates culture collection". (2014):
- Rodrigues, Anabela; Maciel, Marília de Holanda Cavalcanti; Santos, Cledir; Machado, Diana Sofia Rodrigues; Sampaio, Joana
Marisa Brito; Lima, Nelson; Carvalho, Maria J.; Cabrita, António; Martins, Margarida Isabel Barros Coelho. "Peritoneal dialysis
infections : an opportunity for improvement". (2014):
- Ottoni, C. A.; Lima, Luís; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Effect of different carbon sources on decolourisation of an industrial
textile dye under alkaline-saline conditions". (2014):
- Maciel, Marília de Holanda Cavalcanti; Ottoni, C. A.; Herculano, Polyanna N.; Porto, Tatiana Souza; Porto, Ana L. F.; Santos,
Cledir; Lima, Nelson; Moreira, Keila; Motta, Cristina Maria de Souza. "Purification of polygalacturonases produced by Aspergillus
niger using an aqueous two-phase system". (2014):
- Pereira, Leonel; Dias, Nicolina; Carvalho, Juliana; Fernandes, Sara; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Synthesis, characterisation
and antifungal activity of chemically and fungal-produced silver nanoparticles against Trichophyton rubrum". (2014):
- Pereira, Leonel João Pais; Dias, Nicolina; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "The use of MALDI-TOF ICMS as an alternative tool
for Trichophyton rubrum identification and typing". (2014):
- "The importance of structural diversity of spores in the taxonomy of Aspergillus (section Nigri)". Microscopy and Microanalysis
- Kozakiewicz, Z.; Lima, N.; Ottoni, C.A.; Santos, C.. "White-rot fungi capable of decolourising textile dyes under alkaline
conditions". Folia Microbiologica 58 3 (2013): 187-193.
- Dias, N.; Lima, N.; Pereira, L.; Santos, C.. "The use of MALDI-TOF ICMS as an alternative tool for Trichophyton rubrum identification
and typing". Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica (2013):
- Lima, N.; MacIel, M.; Moreira, K.; Ottoni, C.; Santos, C.; Souza-Motta, C.. "Production of polygalacturonases by Aspergillus
section Nigri strains in a fixed bed reactor". Molecules 18 2 (2013): 1660-1671.
- Berlinck, R.G.S.; Lima, N.; Passarini, M.R.Z.; Santos, C.; Sette, L.D.. "Filamentous fungi from the Atlantic marine sponge
Dragmacidon reticulatum". Archives of Microbiology 195 2 (2013): 99-111.
- Gusmão, N.B.; Lima, N.; Oliveira, H.M.B.; Paterson, R.R.M.; Santos, C.; Siqueira, V.M.. "Biofilms from a Brazilian water distribution
system include filamentous fungi". Canadian Journal of Microbiology 59 3 (2013): 183-188.
- Ottoni, C.; Lima, L.; Santos, C.; Lima, N.. "Effect of Different Carbon Sources on Decolourisation of an Industrial Textile
Dye Under Alkaline-Saline Conditions". Current Microbiology (2013): 1-6.
- Simes, M.F.; Santos, C.; Lima, N.. "Structural diversity of aspergillus (section nigri) spores". Microscopy and Microanalysis
19 5 (2013): 1151-1158.
- Cruz, R.; Santos, C.; Silva de Lima, J.; Aparecida Moreira, K.; Maria de souza-Motta, C.. "Diversity of Penicillium in soil
of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest areas of Pernambuco, Brazil: An ecological approach". Nova Hedwigia 97 3-4 (2013):
- Cruz, Roberta; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Juliana Silva de; Moreira, Keila; Motta, Cristina Souza. "Diversity of Penicillium in
soil of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest areas of Pernambuco, Brazil: an ecological approach". (2013):
- Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir; Lima, Nelson. "Structural diversity of aspergillus (section nigri) spores".
- "A utilização da técnica de MALDI-TOF MS na identificação de fitopatógenos e no diagnóstico de doenças de plantas". Revisão
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- Fernandes, S.; Simões, M.; Dias, N.; Santos, C.; Lima, N.. "Fungicidal Activity of Microbicides". Russell, Hugo & Ayliffe's:
Principles and Practice of Disinfection, Preservation and Sterilization (2012): 142-154.
- Dias, N.; Lima, N.; Portela, M.; Santos, C.. "Toenail Onychomycosis in a Portuguese Geriatric Population". Mycopathologia
172 1 (2011): 55-61.
- Dias, N.M.; Lima, N.; Oliveira, M.M.E.; Portela, M.A.; Santos, C.; Zancope-Oliveira, R.M.. "Sporotrichosis caused by Sporothrix
mexicana, Portugal". Emerging Infectious Diseases 17 10 (2011): 1975-1976.
- Lima, N.; Rodrigues, P.; Santos, C.; Venâncio, A.. "Species identification of Aspergillus section Flavi isolates from Portuguese
almonds using phenotypic, including MALDI-TOF ICMS, and molecular approaches". Journal of Applied Microbiology 111
4 (2011): 877-892.
- Lima, N.; Pais, C.; Sampaio, P.; Santos, C.. "Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight intact cell mass
spectrometry to detect emerging pathogenic Candida species". Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 71 3 (2011):
- Gusmão, N.B.; Lima, N.; Oliveira, H.M.B.; Paterson, R.R.M.; Santos, C.; Siqueira, V.M.. "Filamentous fungi in drinking water,
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2 (2011): 456-469.
- Martins, M. Rosário; Santos, Cledir; Pereira, Pablo; Simões, Fernanda; Cruz-Morais, Júlio; Lima, Nelson. "Characterisation
by molecular biology and MALDI-TOF ICMS of zygomycete Gongronella sp. isolated from an Alentejo vineyard soil". (2011):
- Fraga, M.E.; Kozakiewicz, Z.; Lima, N.; Santos, C.. "Fourier transform infrared as a powerful technique for the identification
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- "Structure activity relationships for dipeptide prodrugs of acyclovir: Implications for prodrug design". European Journal
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- Santos, Cledir R.; Capela, Rita; Pereira, Claudia S. G. P.; Valente, Emilia; Gouveia, Luis; Pannecouque, Christophe; De Clercq,
Erik; Moreira, Rui; Gomes, Paula. "Structure-activity relationships for dipeptide prodrugs of acyclovir". (2009):
- Lima, N.; Paterson, R.R.M.; Santos, C.; Sariah, M.; Zainal Abidin, M.A.. "Mutagenic and inhibitory compounds produced by fungi
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Sciences 44 3 (2008): 349-360.
- De Clercq, E.; Gomes, P.; Gouveia, L.; Morais, J.; Moreira, R.; Nielsen, C.U.; Pannecouque, C.; Santos, C.; Steffansen, B..
"Dipeptide derivatives of AZT: Synthesis, chemical stability, activation in human plasma, hPEPT1 affinity, and antiviral activity".
ChemMedChem 3 6 (2008): 970-978.
- Santos,Cledir. "Ciclização intramolecular: uma estratégia promissora no desenvolvimento de pró-fármacos". (2008):
- Cledir Santos; Jose Morais; Luis Gouveia; Erik de Clercq; Christophe Pannecouque; Carsten Uhd Nielsen; Bente Steffansen; Rui
Moreira; Paula Gomes. "Dipeptide derivatives of AZT: Synthesis, chemical stability, activation in human plasma, hPEPT1 affinity,
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