Conference poster |
- Lentilhas-Graça, José ; Santos, Diogo J; Afonso, João L.; Andreia Monteiro; Vidinha-Mira, André; Marta Ferreira; Mendes, Vera
M; et al. "Activated Macrophages and Spinal Cord Injury Repair: The Secretome Effect". Paper presented in Wings For Life
Scientific Meeting, Salzburg, Austria., 2024.
- Sandra I. Anjo; Rosado, Miguel; Baldeiras, Ines; Andreia Gomes; Diana Pires; Cátia Santa; Joana Pinto; et al. Corresponding
author: MANADAS, BRUNO. "Unmasking hidden systemic effects in the serum proteome of neurodegenerative diseases: a double approach protocol
applied to peripheral biomarker discovery". Paper presented in Congresso de Neurologia - Hot Topics 2023, 2023.
- Maria Alcaide; Moutinho Cabral, Inês; Cátia Gonçalves; L Carvalho; VM Mendes; P Rodrigues; António P. Alves de Matos; et al.
"Bioactives from marine invertebrates: Delivery, bioreactivity and molecular characterization of toxins from the sea anemone
Actinia equina.". Paper presented in Encontro Ciência 2023, 2023.
- Magalhães, Carina; Veloso, Caroline; Silveira, Rafael; Djedovic, Ivana; Mendes, Vera M; Karkucinska-Wieckowska, Agnieszka;
Amorim, Ricardo; et al. "The Mitochondriotropic Antioxidant AntiOxCIN4 prevents NAFLD/NASH-Induced Cardiac Alterations". Paper
presented in 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, 2023.
- Caroline Veloso; Carina C. Magalhães; Ester Sofia Teixeira Benfeito; Cagide, Fernando; Rafael Silveira; Ivana Djedovic; Vera
Mendes; et al. "Effects of mitochondriotropic antioxidant AntiOxCIN4 on cardiac alterations in a mouse model for Western Diet-induced
metabolic syndrome". Paper presented in In MitoPorto Mitochondrial physiology, redox biology, and genetics,, 2023.
- Sandra I. Anjo; Rosado, Miguel; Baldeiras, Ines; Andreia Gomes; Diana Pires; Cátia Santa; Joana Pinto; et al. Corresponding
author: MANADAS, BRUNO. "Unmasking Hidden Systemic Effects of Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Double Approach protocol applied
to Serum Biomarker Discovery". Paper presented in CONGRESSO SPDMOV 2023, 2023.
- Magalhães, Carina; Veloso, Caroline; Silveira, Rafael; Djedovic, Ivana; Mendes, Vera M; Karkucinska-Wieckowska, Agnieszka;
Amorim, Ricardo; et al. "Antioxidante mitocondriotrópico AntiOxCIN4 previne as alterações cardíacas no contexto da doença
do fígado gordo não-alcóolico". Paper presented in 19º Congresso Português de Diabetes, 2023.
- Carvalho, Diana; Martins, Maria João; MANADAS, BRUNO; Macedo, António; Castilho, P.. "Perceived barriers to medication adherence:
what do we know and how to move forward? [Poster]". Paper presented in 7º Encontro Nacional do Primeiro Episódio Psicótico,
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17077.04325
- Magalhães, M; Dominguez-Martin, Eva Maria; Jorge, Joana; Gonçalves, Ana Cristina; Diaz-Lanza Ana María; MANADAS, BRUNO; Efferth,
Thomas; Rijo, Patrícia; Cabral, Célia. "Chemotherapeutic potential of a Royleanone compound as natural drug lead against glioblastoma
cells". Paper presented in 5th Grant Period Annual Conference - COST STRATAGEM, 2022.
- Magalhães, Mariana; Dominguez-Martin, Eva Maria; Jorge, Joana; Gonçalves, Ana Cristina; Diaz-Lanza, Ana María; MANADAS, BRUNO;
Efferth, Thomas; Rijo, Patrícia; Cabral, Célia. "Parvifloron D-based therapy for glioblastoma: targeting tumor microenvironment
with a natural drug lead". Paper presented in 56TH ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING, 2022.
- CARAMELO, INÊS; Mendes, Vera M; Domingues, Catarina; Mendes, Ana Carolina Santo; Geraldo, A. Margarida; Cardoso, Carla M.
P.; Alexandra Dinis; et al. "Stiffness and oxygen levels induce common pathway modulation in cultured mesenchymal stem cells
New tools for HIE treatment". Paper presented in ProteoVilamoura, 2022.
- Cardoso, J.M.S.; Anjo, S.I.; MANADAS, BRUNO; Silva, H.; Abrantes, I.; Fonseca, L.. Corresponding author: Cardoso, J.M.S..
"Secretome changes in Bursaphelenchus xylophilus isolates with different virulence.". Paper presented in Advances in Nematology-
Association of Applied Biologists, 2021.
- Fernandes, AF; Gonçalves, Luis Gafeira; Bento, M; Anjos, S; MANADAS, BRUNO; Barroso, C; Villar, M; et al. "Mass Spectrometry-based
Proteomic and Metabolomic profiling of serum samples for discovery and validation of TB diagnostic biomarker". Paper presented
in MSACL 2021, 2021.
- Caeiro, I; Simões, C; Carreira, L; Varela Coelho, Ana; Anjos, S; MANADAS, BRUNO; Jeronimo, E; Lamy, Elsa. "Changes in salivary
proteome of goats induced by a diet supplemented with Cistus ladanifer L.—a preliminary study". Paper presented in ProteOviedo
2020, 2020.
Journal article |
- Moutinho, Daniela; Mendes, Vera M.; Caula, Alessandro; Madeira, Sara C.; Baldeiras, Inês; Guerreiro, Manuela; Cardoso, Sandra;
et al. "Pathophysiological subtypes of mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease identified by CSF proteomics".
Translational Neurodegeneration 13 1 (2024):
Published • 10.1186/s40035-024-00412-1
- Maria Alcaide; Inês Moutinho Cabral; Lara Carvalho; Vera M. Mendes; António P. Alves de Matos; Bruno Manadas; Leonor Saúde;
Mariaelena D’Ambrosio; Pedro M. Costa. "A Comparative Analysis of the Venom System between Two Morphotypes of the Sea Anemone
Actinia equina". Animals (2024):
- Joana Martins-Macedo; Bruna Araújo; Sandra I. Anjo; Tiago Silveira-Rosa; Patrícia Patrício; Nuno Dinis Alves; Joana M. Silva;
et al. "Glial-restricted precursors stimulate endogenous cytogenesis and effectively recover emotional deficits in a model
of cytogenesis ablation". Molecular Psychiatry (2024):
- Joana Cardoso; MANADAS, BRUNO; Abrantes, I.M.D.O.; ROBERTSON, LEE; Susana Arcos; Maria Teresa Troya; Alfonso Navas; Fonseca,
Luís. "Pine wilt disease: what do we know from proteomics?". BMC Plant Pathology (2024):
- Margarida Coelho; João Capela; Vera M. Mendes; João Pacheco; Margarida Sá Fernandes; Isabel Amendoeira; John G. Jones; Luís
Raposo; Bruno Manadas. "Peptidomics Unveils Distinct Acetylation Patterns of Histone and Annexin A1 in Differentiated Thyroid
Cancer". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2023):
- Sónia Campos; Ana P. Rodrigo; Inês Moutinho Cabral; Vera M. Mendes; Bruno Manadas; Mariaelena D’Ambrosio; Pedro M. Costa.
"An Exploration of Novel Bioactives from the Venomous Marine Annelid Glycera alba". Toxins (2023):
- Margarida Coelho; João Capela; Sandra I. Anjo; João Pacheco; Margarida Sá Fernandes; Isabel Amendoeira; John G. Jones; Luís
Raposo; Bruno Manadas. "Proteomics Reveals mRNA Regulation and the Action of Annexins in Thyroid Cancer". International
Journal of Molecular Sciences (2023):
- Rita I. Pacheco; Maria I. Cristo; Sandra Anjo; Silva, Andreia F; Maria Inês Sousa; Renata S. Tavares; Ana Paula Sousa; et
al. "New Insights on Sperm Function in Male Infertility of Unknown Origin: A Multimodal Approach". Biomolecules (2023):
- Inês Caramelo; Margarida Coelho; Miguel Rosado; Carla M. P. Cardoso; Alexandra Dinis; Carlos B. Duarte; Mário Grãos; Bruno
Manadas. "Biomarkers of hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy: a systematic review". World Journal of Pediatrics (2023):
- Beatriz Caramelo; Tamaeh Monteiro-Alfredo; João Martins; José Sereno; João Castelhano; Bruno Manadas; Miguel Castelo-Branco;
Paulo Matafome. "Functional imaging and neurochemistry identify in vivo neuroprotection mechanisms counteracting excitotoxicity
and neurovascular changes in the hippocampus and visual cortex of obese and type 2 diabetic animal models". Journal of
Neurochemistry (2023):
- Cátia Pereira; Ander Castander-Olarieta; Itziar A. Montalbán; Vera M. Mendes; Sandra Correia; Ana Pedrosa; Bruno Manadas;
Paloma Moncaleán; Jorge Canhoto. "Proteomic and Metabolic Analysis of Pinus halepensis Mill. Embryonal Masses Induced under
Heat Stress". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2023):
- Margarida Coelho; Rohit Mahar; Getachew D. Belew; Alejandra Torres; Cristina Barosa; Fernando Cabral; Ivan Viegas; et al.
"Enrichment of hepatic glycogen and plasma glucose from H2 18 O informs gluconeogenic and indirect pathway fluxes in naturally
feeding mice". NMR in Biomedicine (2023):
- Marote, A.; Santos, D.; Mendes-Pinheiro, B.; Serre-Miranda, C.; Anjo, S.I.; Vieira, J.; Ferreira-Antunes, F.; et al. "Cellular
Aging Secretes: a Comparison of Bone-Marrow-Derived and Induced Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Secretome Over Long-Term
Culture". Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 19 1 (2023): 248-263.
- Lima, T.; Rodrigues, J.E.; Manadas, B.; Henrique, R.; Fardilha, M.; Vitorino, R.. "A peptide-centric approach to analyse quantitative
proteomics data- an application to prostate cancer biomarker discovery". Journal of Proteomics 272 (2023):
- Inês Serrenho; Carla M. Cardoso; Mário Grãos; Alexandra Dinis; Bruno Manadas; Graça Baltazar. "Hypothermia Does Not Boost
the Neuroprotection Promoted by Umbilical Cord Blood Cells in a Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia Rat Model". International Journal
of Molecular Sciences (2022):
- Margarida Coelho; Rita S. Patarrão; Inês Sousa-Lima; Rogério T. Ribeiro; Maria João Meneses; Rita Andrade; Vera M. Mendes;
et al. "Increased Intake of Both Caffeine and Non-Caffeine Coffee Components Is Associated with Reduced NAFLD Severity in
Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes". Nutrients (2022):
- Ana Pinto; Ana Beatriz Machado; Hugo Osorio; Marta Laranjeiro Pinto; Vitorino, R.; Gonçalo C. Justino; Cátia Santa; et al.
"Macrophage Resistance to Ionizing Radiation Exposure Is Accompanied by Decreased Cathepsin D and Increased Transferrin Receptor
1 Expression". Cancers (2022):
- Diana Rodrigues; Luis Jacinto; Margarida Falcão; Ana Carolina Castro; Alexandra Cruz; Cátia Santa; Bruno Manadas; et al. "Chronic
stress causes striatal disinhibition mediated by SOM-interneurons in male mice". Nature Communications (2022):
- Ana Filipa Fernandes; Luís Gafeira Gonçalves; Maria Bento; Sandra I. Anjo; Bruno Manadas; Clara Barroso; Miguel Villar; et
al. "Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic and Metabolomic Profiling of Serum Samples for Discovery and Validation of Tuberculosis
Diagnostic Biomarker Signature". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2022):
- Eduardo Esteves; Vera M. Mendes; Bruno Manadas; Rafaela Lopes; Liliana Bernardino; Maria José Correia; Marlene Barros; Ana
Cristina Esteves; Nuno Rosa. "COVID-19 Salivary Protein Profile: Unravelling Molecular Aspects of SARS-CoV-2 Infection". Journal
of Clinical Medicine (2022):
- Fábio Trindade; Ana F. Ferreira; Francisca Saraiva; Diana Martins; Vera M. Mendes; Carla Sousa; Cristina Gavina; et al. "Optimization
of a Protocol for Protein Extraction from Calcified Aortic Valves for Proteomics Applications: Development of a Standard Operating
Procedure". Proteomes (2022):
- João E. Rodrigues; Ana Martinho; Catia Santa; Nuno Madeira; Manuel Coroa; Vítor Santos; Maria J. Martins; et al. "Systematic
Review and Meta-Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Applied to Human Peripheral Fluids to Assess Potential Biomarkers
of Schizophrenia". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 9 (2022): 4917-4917.
- Ana P. Rodrigo; Ana Lopes; Ricardo Pereira; Sandra I. Anjo; Bruno Manadas; Ana R. Grosso; Pedro V. Baptista; Alexandra R.
Fernandes; Pedro M. Costa. "Endogenous Fluorescent Proteins in the Mucus of an Intertidal Polychaeta: Clues for Biotechnology".
Marine Drugs 20 4 (2022): 224-224.
- Pinto, P.I.; Anjos, L.; Estêvão, M.D.; Santos, S.; Santa, C.; Manadas, B.; Monsinjon, T.; Canário, A.V.M.; Power, D.M.. "Proteomics
of sea bass skin-scales exposed to the emerging pollutant fluoxetine compared to estradiol". Science of the Total Environment
814 (2022):
- Salazar, I.L.; Lourenço, A.S.T.; Manadas, B.; Baldeiras, I.; Ferreira, C.; Teixeira, A.C.; Mendes, V.M.; et al. "Posttranslational
modifications of proteins are key features in the identification of CSF biomarkers of multiple sclerosis". Journal of Neuroinflammation
19 1 (2022):
- Cardoso, J.M.S.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Silva, H.; Abrantes, I.; Nakamura, K.; Fonseca, L.. "Virulence Biomarkers of Bursaphelenchus
xylophilus: A Proteomic Approach". Frontiers in Plant Science 12 (2022):
- Mancio, J.; Sousa-Nunes, F.; Martins, R.; Fragao-Marques, M.; Conceicao, G.; Pessoa-Amorim, G.; Barros, A.S.; et al. "Decoding
the radiomic and proteomic phenotype of epicardial adipose tissue associated with adverse left atrial remodelling and post-operative
atrial fibrillation in aortic stenosis". European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging 23 9 (2022): 1248-1259.
- Magalhães, M.; Domínguez-Martín, E.M.; Jorge, J.; Gonçalves, A.C.; Díaz-Lanza, A.M.; Manadas, B.; Efferth, T.; Rijo, P.; Cabral,
C.. "Parvifloron D-based potential therapy for glioblastoma: Inducing apoptosis via the mitochondria dependent pathway". Frontiers
in Pharmacology 13 (2022):
- Guatelli, S.; Ferrario, C.; Bonasoro, F.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Candia Carnevali, M.D.; Varela Coelho, A.; Sugni, M.. "More
than a simple epithelial layer: multifunctional role of echinoderm coelomic epithelium". Cell and Tissue Research 390
2 (2022): 207-227.
- Bebianno, M.J.; Mendes, V.M.; O'Donovan, S.; Carteny, C.C.; Keiter, S.; Manadas, B.. "Effects of microplastics alone and with
adsorbed benzo(a)pyrene on the gills proteome of Scrobicularia plana". Science of the Total Environment 842 (2022):
- Neves, M.; Grãos, M.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Margarida Neves; Mario Graos; Sandra Anjo; MANADAS, BRUNO. Corresponding author:
MANADAS, BRUNO. "Modulation of signaling pathways by DJ-1: An updated overview". Redox Biology 51 (2022):
Accepted • 10.1016/j.redox.2022.102283
- Anjos, L.; Pinto, P.I.S.; Santos, S.; Estêvão, M.D.; Santa, C.; Manadas, B.; Canário, A.V.M.; Power, D.M.. "Proteome dataset
of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) skin-scales exposed to fluoxetine and estradiol". Data in Brief 41 (2022):
- Sofia Ramos Ferreira; Diana Moura; Pedro Oliveira; Vítor Santos; Miguel Bajouco; Sofia Morais; Manuel Coroa; Bruno Manadas;
Nuno Madeira. "Metabolic parameters as possible diagnostic predictors in first-episode psychosis: An exploratory retrospective
cohort study". Early Intervention in Psychiatry (2021):
- Ana F. Cruz; Mariana B. Caleiras; Nuno A. Fonseca; Nélio Gonçalves; Vera M. Mendes; Susana F. Sampaio; Vera Moura; et al.
"The Enhanced Efficacy of Intracellular Delivery of Doxorubicin/C6-Ceramide Combination Mediated by the F3 Peptide/Nucleolin
System Is Supported by the Downregulation of the PI3K/Akt Pathway". Cancers 13 12 (2021): 3052-3052.
- Nuno A. Fonseca; Ana C. Gregório; Vera M. Mendes; Rui Lopes; Teresa Abreu; Nélio Gonçalves; Bruno Manadas; et al. "GMP-grade
nanoparticle targeted to nucleolin downregulates tumor molecular signature, blocking growth and invasion, at low systemic
exposure". Nano Today 37 (2021): 101095-101095.
- Inês Serrenho; Miguel Rosado; Alexandra Dinis; Carla M. Cardoso; Mário Grãos; Bruno Manadas; Graça Baltazar. "Stem Cell Therapy
for Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Systematic Review of Preclinical Studies". International Journal of Molecular
Sciences (2021):
- Ana P. Rodrigo; Vera M. Mendes; Bruno Manadas; Ana R. Grosso; António P. Alves de Matos; Pedro V. Baptista; Pedro M. Costa;
Alexandra R. Fernandes. "Specific Antiproliferative Properties of Proteinaceous Toxin Secretions from the Marine Annelid Eulalia
sp. onto Ovarian Cancer Cells". Marine Drugs (2021):
- Curto, P.; Santa, C.; Cortes, L.; Manadas, B.; Simões, I.. "Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia Trigger Species-Specific Alterations
in Macrophage Proteome Signatures with Different Impacts in Host Innate Inflammatory Responses". Microbiology Spectrum
9 3 (2021):
- Silva, H.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Abrantes, I.; Fonseca, L.; Cardoso, J.M.S.. "Comparative Analysis of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
Secretome Under Pinus pinaster and P. pinea Stimuli". Frontiers in Plant Science 12 (2021):
- Coelho, A.C.; Pires, R.; Schutz, G.; Santa, C.; Manadas, B.; Pinto, P.. "Disclosing proteins in the leaves of cork oak plants
associated with the immune response to Phytophthora cinnamomi inoculation in the roots: A long-term proteomics approach".
PLoS ONE 16 1 January (2021):
- Magalhães, M.; Manadas, B.; Efferth, T.; Cabral, C.. "Chemoprevention and therapeutic role of essential oils and phenolic
compounds: Modeling tumor microenvironment in glioblastoma". Pharmacological Research 169 (2021):
- Guimarães, M.R.; Anjo, S.I.; Cunha, A.M.; Esteves, M.; Sousa, N.; Almeida, A.; Manadas, B.; Leite-Almeida, H.. "Chronic pain
susceptibility is associated with anhedonic behavior and alterations in the accumbal ubiquitin-proteasome system". Pain
162 6 (2021): 1722-1731.
- Castander-Olarieta, A.; Pereira, C.; Montalbán, I.A.; Mendes, V.M.; Correia, S.; Suárez-Álvarez, S.; Manadas, B.; Canhoto,
J.; Moncaleán, P.. "Proteome-Wide Analysis of Heat-Stress in Pinus radiata Somatic Embryos Reveals a Combined Response of
Sugar Metabolism and Translational Regulation Mechanisms". Frontiers in Plant Science 12 (2021):
- Novais, E.J.; Choi, H.; Madhu, V.; Suyama, K.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Shapiro, I.M.; Salgado, A.J.; Risbud, M.V.. "Hypoxia
and Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1a Regulate Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Nucleus Pulposus Cells: Implications of Endoplasmic
Reticulum Stress for Extracellular Matrix Secretion". American Journal of Pathology 191 3 (2021): 487-502.
- Margarida Coelho; Luis Raposo; Brian J. Goodfellow; Luigi Atzori; John Jones; Bruno Manadas. "The Potential of Metabolomics
in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 15 (2020): 5272-5272.
- Anjo, Sandra I.; dos Santos, Patrícia Valério; Rosado, Luiza; Baltazar, Graça; Baldeiras, Inês; Pires, Diana; Gomes, Andreia;
et al. "A different vision of translational research in biomarker discovery: a pilot study on circulatory mitochondrial proteins
as Parkinson’s disease potential biomarkers". Translational Neurodegeneration 9 1 (2020):
Published • 10.1186/s40035-020-00188-0
- Francisca A. de Leeuw; Wiesje M. van der Flier; Betty M. Tijms; Philip Scheltens; Vera M. Mendes; Bruno Manadas; Jörgen Bierau;
et al. "Specific Nutritional Biomarker Profiles in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Subjective Cognitive Decline Are Associated
With Clinical Progression: The NUDAD Project". Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (2020):
- Graça, Inês; Mendes, Vera M.; Marques, Isabel; Duro, Nuno; Costa, Mário; Ramalho, José C.; Pawlowski, Katharina; et al. "Comparative
proteomic analysis of nodulated and non-nodulated Casuarina glauca Sieb. ex Spreng. grown under salinity conditions using
sequential window acquisition of all theoretical mass spectra (SWATH-MS)". International Journal of Molecular Sciences
21 1 (2020): 78-78.
- Domingues, Catarina; Geraldo, A Margarida; Anjo, Sandra Isabel; Matos, André; Almeida, Cláudio; Caramelo, Inês; Lopes-da-Silva,
José A; et al. "Cofilin-1 is a mechanosensitive regulator of transcription". (2020):
- Lucena, S.; Coelho, A.V.; Muñoz-Prieto, A.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Capela e Silva, F.; Lamy, E.; Tvarijonaviciute, A.. "Changes
in the salivary proteome of beagle dogs after weight loss". Domestic Animal Endocrinology 72 (2020):
- Ferreira, D.; Escudeiro, A.; Adega, F.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Chaves, R.. "FA-SAT ncRNA interacts with PKM2 protein: depletion of
this complex induces a switch from cell proliferation to apoptosis". Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 77 7 (2020):
- Ribeiro, I.P.; Esteves, L.; Anjo, S.I.; Marques, F.; Barroso, L.; Manadas, B.; Carreira, I.M.; Melo, J.B.. "Proteomics-based
Predictive Model for the Early Detection of Metastasis and Recurrence in Head and Neck Cancer". Cancer Genomics and Proteomics
17 3 (2020): 259-269.
- Abrantes Dias, A.S.; Amaral Pinto, J.C.; Magalhães, M.; Mendes, V.M.; Manadas, B.. "Analytical methods to monitor dopamine
metabolism in plasma: Moving forward with improved diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders". Journal of Pharmaceutical
and Biomedical Analysis 187 (2020):
- Mancio, J.; Barros, A.S.; Conceicão, G.; Santa, C.; Pessoa-Amorim, G.; Bartosch, C.; Fragao-Marques, M.; et al. "Influence
of EPICardial adipose tissue in HEART diseases (EPICHEART) study: Protocol for a translational study in coronary atherosclerosis,Influência
do Tecido Adiposo Epicárdico nas Doenças Cardíacas (EPICHEART): protocolo para um estudo de translação em aterosclerose coronário".
Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia 39 11 (2020): 625-633.
- Mancio, J.; Barros, A.S.; Conceicao, G.; Pessoa-Amorim, G.; Santa, C.; Bartosch, C.; Ferreira, W.; et al. "Epicardial adipose
tissue volume and annexin A2/fetuin-A signalling are linked to coronary calcification in advanced coronary artery disease:
Computed tomography and proteomic biomarkers from the EPICHEART study". Atherosclerosis 292 (2020): 75-83.
- Lopes, C.; Tang, Y.; Anjo, S.I.; Manadas, B.; Onofre, I.; de Almeida, L.P.; Daley, G.Q.; Schlaeger, T.M.; Rego, A.C.C.. "Mitochondrial
and Redox Modifications in Huntington Disease Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Rescued by CRISPR/Cas9 CAGs Targeting". Frontiers
in Cell and Developmental Biology 8 (2020):
- Laidson P. Gomes; Sandra I. Anjo; Bruno Manadas; Ana V. Coelho; Vania M. F. Paschoalin. "Proteomic Analyses Reveal New Insights
on the Antimicrobial Mechanisms of Chitosan Biopolymers and Their Nanosized Particles against Escherichia coli". International
Journal of Molecular Sciences (2019):
- Vera M. Mendes; Margarida Coelho; Angelo R. Tomé; Rodrigo A. Cunha; Bruno Manadas. "Validation of an LC-MS/MS Method for the
Quantification of Caffeine and Theobromine Using Non-Matched Matrix Calibration Curve". Molecules (2019):
- Sónia Lucena; Ana Varela Coelho; Sandra I. Anjo; Bruno Manadas; Vladimir Mrljak; Fernando Capela e Silva; Elsa Lamy; Asta
Tvarijonaviciute. "Comparative proteomic analysis of saliva from dogs with and without obesity-related metabolic dysfuntion".
Journal of Proteomics 201 (2019): 65-72.
- Sandra I. Anjo; Matilde N. Melo; Liliana R. Loureiro; Lúcia Sabala; Pedro Castanheira; Mário Grãos; Bruno Manadas. "oxSWATH:
An integrative method for a comprehensive redox-centered analysis combined with a generic differential proteomics screening".
Redox Biology (2019): 101130-101130.
- Anjos, Liliana; Pinto, Patricia IS; Tsironi, Theofania; Dimopoulos, George; Santos, Soraia; Santa, Cátia; Manadas, Bruno;
et al. "Experimental data from flesh quality assessment and shelf life monitoring of high pressure processed European sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets". (2019):
- Pinheiro, Bárbara Filipa Mendes; Anjo, Sandra I.; Manadas, Bruno; da Silva, Jorge D.; Marote, Ana Maria Franco Aveiro; Behie,
Leo A.; Teixeira, Fábio G.; Salgado, A. J.. "Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells' secretome exerts neuroprotective effects
in a Parkinson's disease rat model". (2019):
- Tsironi, Theofania; Anjos, Liliana; Pinto, Patricia IS; Dimopoulos, George; Santos, Soraia; Santa, Cátia; Manadas, Bruno;
et al. "High pressure processing of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) fillets and tools for flesh quality and shelf
life monitoring". (2019):
- Willemse, E.A.J.; Vermeiren, Y.; Garcia-Ayllon, M.-S.; Bridel, C.; De Deyn, P.P.; Engelborghs, S.; van der Flier, W.M.; et
al. "Pre-analytical stability of novel cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers". Clinica Chimica Acta 497 (2019): 204-211.
- Anjo, S.I.; Simões, I.; Castanheira, P.; Grãos, M.; Manadas, B.. "Use of recombinant proteins as a simple and robust normalization
method for untargeted proteomics screening: exhaustive performance assessment". Talanta 205 (2019):
- Marques, A.T.; Anjo, S.I.; Bhide, M.; Varela Coelho, A.; Manadas, B.; Lecchi, C.; Grilli, G.; Ceciliani, F.. "Changes in the
intestinal mucosal proteome of turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) infected with haemorrhagic enteritis virus". Veterinary Immunology
and Immunopathology 213 (2019):
- Ribeiro, M.; Brigas, H.C.; Temido-Ferreira, M.; Pousinha, P.A.; Regen, T.; Santa, C.; Coelho, J.E.; et al. "Meningeal ¿d T
cell-derived IL-17 controls synaptic plasticity and short-term memory". Science Immunology 4 40 (2019):
- Barros, D.; Pradhan, A.; Mendes, V.M.; Manadas, B.; Santos, P.M.; Pascoal, C.; Cássio, F.. "Proteomics and antioxidant enzymes
reveal different mechanisms of toxicity induced by ionic and nanoparticulate silver in bacteria". Environmental Science:
Nano 6 4 (2019): 1207-1218.
- Anjo, S.I.; Melo, M.N.; Loureiro, L.R.; Sabala, L.; Castanheira, P.; Grãos, M.; Manadas, B.. "Corrigendum to “oxSWATH: An
integrative method for a comprehensive redox-centered analysis combined with a generic differential proteomics screening”
(Redox Biology (2019) 22, (S2213231718311856), (10.1016/j.redox.2019.101130))". Redox Biology 26 (2019):
- Curto, P.; Santa, C.; Allen, P.; Manadas, B.; Simões, I.; Martinez, J.J.. "A pathogen and a non-pathogen spotted fever group
rickettsiatrigger differential proteome signatures in macrophages". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology
9 MAR (2019):
- Soares, A.; Niedermaier, S.; Faro, R.; Loos, A.; Manadas, B.; Faro, C.; Huesgen, P.F.; Cheung, A.Y.; Simões, I.. "An atypical
aspartic protease modulates lateral root development in Arabidopsis thaliana". Journal of Experimental Botany 70 7
(2019): 2157-2171.
- Santa, Cátia; Coroa, Manuel; Morais, Sofia; Bajouco, Miguel; Anjo, Sandra; Baldeiras, Ines; Madeira, Nuno; Macedo, António;
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