Book |
- María Teresa Caneda-Cabrera; Rui Carvalho Homem; David Johnston. Atlantic Communities. 2022.
- Carvalho Homem, R.. Othello across borders: On an interlocal and intermedial exercise. 2014.
- Homem, R.C.. General Introduction. 2012.
- Homem, Rui. Poetry and Translation in Northern Ireland. United Kingdom. 2009.
- Homem, R.C.; de Fátima Lambert, M.. Introduction. 2006.
- Homem, Rui. Estranha Gente, Outros Lugares: Shakespeare e o Drama da Alteridade. Lisboa: Cadernos de Anglística. Lisboa:
Colibri/CEAUL. 2003.
Book chapter |
- Rui Carvalho Homem. "“Too Learned and Poetical for Our Audience”: Translation, (Self-)canonisation and Satire in Jonson’s
Bartholomew Fair". In Translation, (Self-)canonisation and Satire in Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair. 2023.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘Neoclassical, Romantic? – and Arbiter of Taste: Short Note on Samuel Rogers, His Time and Ours’". In
Rui Morais; Rui M. Sobral Centeno; Daniela Ferreira (eds.), Myths, Gods & Heroes: Greek Vases in Portugal, 65-69. Porto,
Portugal: Imprensa da Universidade do Porto, 2023.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘Afterword – Democracy and the City’". In Márcia Lemos (ed.), Literature and Paralysis in Joyce and
His Counterparts: the Other Dubliners, 181-185. Newcastle, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars, 2022.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘“The office and devotion of their view”: Gaze and Knowledge in Antony and Cleopatra’". In Keith
Gregor, Juan F. Cerdá, Laura Campillo, Clara Calvo (eds.), Shakespeare and the European Heritage: The Legacy of Ángel-Luis
Pujante, 67-84. Murcia, Spain: Universidad de Murcia, 2022.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘“Traduzibilidade”, retórica e apropriação: breves notas sobre Sena, tradutor de poemas de língua inglesa’".
In Joana Matos Frias e Joana Meirim (coord.), A Crítica de Jorge de Sena, 115-124. Lisboa, Portugal: Biblioteca Nacional
de Portugal, 2022.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘“What burgeons in the memory …”: transgression, culture and canon in postmodern adaptations of the
Sonnets’". In Diana E. Henderson and Stephen O’Neill (eds.), The Arden Research Handbook of Shakespeare and Adaptation,
165-186. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury, 2022.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "Forging a Republic of Letters: Shakespeare, Politics and a New University in Early Twentieth-Century
Portugal". 151-166. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘Mobilidade, Patologia e Crise em Péricles’". In Fernanda Medeiros e Liana de Camargo Leão (orgs.),
O que você precisa saber sobre Shakespeare antes que o mundo acabe, 400-412. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Nova Fronteira, 2021.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘Os estudos ingleses na Faculdade de Letras do Porto: alguns textos e contextos’". In Comemorações
do Centenário da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto – Conferências, 127-143. Porto, Portugal: Faculdade de Letras
da Universidade do Porto, 2021.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "Memoirs for ‘a Sunlit Doorstep’: Selfhood and Cultural Difference in Tomé Pinheiro da Veiga’s Fastigínia".
103-129. {BRILL, 2020.
- Homem, R.C.; Homem, Rui. "Offshore desires: Mobility, liquidity and history in Shakespeare's mediterranean". In Critical
Survey 30:3, pp. 36-56, 48-69. United Kingdom, 2020.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘Wilful Borderlands: Shakespeare and Translation, or, the Canon Astray’". In Madalina Nicolaescu,
Oana-Alis Zaharia and Andrei Nae (eds.), Perspectives on Shakespeare in Europe’s Borderlands, 17-43. Bucuresti: Editura
Universitatii din Bucuresti, 2020.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘Itinerância, Tradução e Sátira em Drama do Renascimento Inglês: alguns desafios críticos e éticos’".
In Era uma vez a tradução / Once upon a time there was translation, 201-217. Lisboa, Portugal: Universidade Católica
Editora, 2020.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "“‘A Dilettante’s Lie’? Poetry, Visual Culture and the World Out There’". In Maria Antónia Lima (ed.),
Everything Is A Story: Creative Interactions in Anglo-American Studies, 217-235. Lisboa, Portugal: Húmus, 2019.
- Homem, Rui; Homem, R.C.. "“‘Memory Like Mitigation’: Heaney, Shakespeare and Ireland”". 27-48. United Kingdom, 2018.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "“Receptive Emotion”? Stoker and Irving – Collaboration, Hagiography, Self-Fashioning". In Bram Stoker
and the Late Victorian World, 33-50. Clemson, South Carolina, United States: Clemson University Press, 2018.
Published • 10.2307/j.ctvhn083n.9
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "“Desejo e Cultura: Notas sobre Vénus e(m) Shakespeare”". In Sebastiana Fadda e Maria João Almeida
(orgs.), Rastos luminosos em palcos do tempo: Homenagem a Maria Helena Serôdio, 149-158. Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Estudos
de Teatro, 2018.
- Homem, R.C.. "Form, Deformity: On pathology and poetics in paul muldoon". In Word and Text. 2017.
- Homem, Rui. "A “Medley of Dialects”? Liberality and Stringency in Ted Hughes’s Poetics of Translation". In How Peripheral
Is the Periphery? Translating Portugal Back and Forth – Essays in Honour of João Ferreira Duarte, 119-134. Newcastle,
United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars, 2015.
- Homem, Rui. "Santos seculares: Shakespeare no tricentenário de Camões (1880)". 133-146. Lisboa, Portugal: FLUL / BOND, 2015.
- Homem, Rui. "‘“Private Relations”: Selves, Poems and Paintings – Durcan to Morrissey’.". United Kingdom, 2012.
- Homem, Rui. "Philip massinger: Drama, reputation and the dynamics of social history". 212-225. 2012.
- Homem, Rui. ""The Feast and the Scraps: translating Love´'s Labour´'s Lost into Portuguese".". 2012.
- Homem, Rui. ""Sacro fogo", "verso potente" - algumas notas sobre Marlowe e Jonson (a propósito de Hero e Leandro)". In Hero
e Leandro - Leituras de um Mito, 71-85. Lisboa, Portugal: Cotovia, 2012.
- Homem, Rui. "“Of Idiocy, Moroseness, and Vitriol: Soloists of Rage in Ben Jonson’s Satire”.". Netherlands, 2010.
- Homem, Rui. "“‘The Land of Nod and Wink’: Memory, Conflict and Rewriting in Ciaran Carson’s The Twelfth of Never”.". 2010.
- Homem, Rui. "“Histórias Cruzadas: sobre Shakespeare e algumas imbricações anglo-portuguesas”.". 2009.
- Homem, R.C.. "Cross-Histories, straying Narratives: Anglo-Portuguese imbrications and Shakespeare's history plays". In ABEI
Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies No.1 (São Paulo: June 1999): pp.29-42.. 2008.
- Homem, Rui. "“Introduction – Part IV: Translating Politics, Politicizing Translation”.". United States, 2008.
- Homem, Rui. "“Of Languages and Kings: Names, History, and Shakespeare in Portuguese”.". Italy, 2008.
- Homem, Rui; Homem, R.C.. "Memory, Ideology, Translation: King Lear behind bars and before history". In Alternative Shakespeares
3, 204-220. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2008.
- Homem, Rui. "Portuguese Amazons, Extravagant Voyagers: Perplexities of Travel and Desire in Fletcher's The Sea Voyage and
Brome's The Antipodes". In "So long lives this, and this gives life to thee". Homenagem a Maria Helena de Paiva Correia,
725-737. Lisboa, Portugal: Departamento de Estudos Anglísticos da Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, 2008.
- Homem, Rui. "Space and Spices: The Island Princess". In “And gladly wolde (s)he lerne and gladly teche”: Homenagem a Júlia
Dias Ferreira, 675-685. Lisboa, Portugal: Colibri, 2007.
- Homem, Rui; Homem, R.C.. ""'Their Jealous Art': Translators, Precursors and Epigones in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney".". 151-164.
Netherlands, 2006.
- Homem, Rui. ""Hamlet: a peça e o livro"..". Portugal, 2006.
- Homem, Rui. "Looking for Clues: McGuckian, poems and portraits". In Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image, 187-198.
Netherlands: Rodopi, 2006.
- Homem, Rui. "Gipsy Queens: Portuguese Cleopatras and the Fascination of Opprobrium". In Translating Shakespeare for the
Twenty-First Century, 225-241. Netherlands: Rodopi, 2004.
- Homem, Rui. "Of Beards and Breasts, Baldheads and Babies: Muldoon’s Mongrel Families". In Beyond Borders: IASIL Essays
on Modern Irish Writing, 178-190. Bath, United Kingdom: Sulis Press, 2004.
- Homem, Rui. "Sea Changes: On Mediterranean Shakespeare in Portuguese translation(s)". In Estudos Anglo- Portugueses: Livro
de Homenagem a Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, 213-225. Lisboa, Portugal: : Edições Colibri / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais
e Humanas, 2003.
- Homem, Rui. "From Furrow to Jet Stream, From Worry to Wonder: Heaney and the space of writing". In Irlanda ante un nuevo
milenio, 279-293. Burgos, Spain: Asociación Española de Estudios Irlandeses, 2002.
- Homem, Rui. "No Joelho do Ventríloquo: Tradução como Voz Deflectida na Poesia de Seamus Heaney". In Literatura Comparada:
Os Novos Paradigmas, 175-185. Porto, Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, 1996.
Conference paper |
- Homem, Rui. "Sealinks: Identity, the Seascape, and Seamus Heaney in a Portuguese Reading". Paper presented in As Nove Ondas:
I Simposio Internacional de Estudios Célticos / 1st International Symposium on Celtic Studies, Coruña, 2002.
- Homem, Rui. "Espaço, Lingua(gem) e Identidade: a propósito de Translations, de Brian Friel". Paper presented in Actas das
I Jornadas de Estudos Ingleses, Viseu, 2000.
- Homem, Rui. "Dis-Affections: Public Troubles, Private Strains and some Instances of a "Protestant Sensibility" in Northern-Irish
Poetry". Paper presented in Actas do XVI Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo- Americanos, Vila Real,
- Homem, Rui. "“Sourness in the Clay": Thomas Kinsella, Seamus Heaney and a Not-That-Much-Broken Tradition". Paper presented
in Actas do XIV Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, Coimbra, 1995.
- Homem, Rui. "“Oppressive Tradition"?: poetas, críticos e a "questão de Yeats" na Irlanda". Paper presented in In After
Time: Actas do Colóquio Comemorativo do Cinquentenário da Morte de W.B. Yeats, Coimbra, 1989.
Edited book |
- Homem, Rui. Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts. Netherlands. 2012.
- Homem, Rui. Plural Beckett Pluriel: Centenary Essays / Essais d’un Centenaire. Porto: FlupEdita. 2008.
- Homem, Rui. Rui Carvalho Homem and Maria de Fátima Lambert (eds.), Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image. IFAVL.
Amsterdam and New York, NY: Rodopi, 2006.. Netherlands. 2006.
- Homem, Rui. Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image. Amsterdam and New York, NY: Rodopi. 2006.
- Homem, Rui. Gloriana’s Rule: Literature, Religion and Power in the Age of Elizabeth. Porto: Perspective U.P.. 2006.
- Pimentel Menezes, Eduardo. Olhares e Escritas: Ensaios sobre Palavra e Imagem. Porto: FlupEdita. 2005.
10.24824/978854440942.8 • Editor
- Homem, Rui. Identidades: Alguns Poetas Europeus. Porto: FlupEdita. 2005.
- Homem, Rui. Rui Carvalho Homem and Ton Hoenselaars (eds), Translating Shakespeare for the Twenty-First Century. Amsterdam
and New York, NY: Rodopi, 2004.. Netherlands. 2004.
- Homem, Rui. Translating Shakespeare for the Twenty-First Century. New York, NY: Rodopi. 2004.
Journal article |
- Homem, R.C.. "Shakespeare and Accentism Edited by Adele Lee New York and London: Routledge, 2021". Shakespeare Studies
50 (2022): 214-220.
- Homem, R.C.. "Of imaginings, mobility and mapping". Cahiers Elisabethains 108 1 (2022): 164-166.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘Cross-Border Desires: On Shakespeare, Venus, and Intercultural Challenges’". Shakespeare Jahrbuch
156 (2020): 89-103.
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "‘On Paul Durcan and the Visual Arts: Gender, Genre, Medium’". ABEI Journal — The Brazilian Journal
of Irish Studies 22 2 (2020): 109-118.
Open access • Published
- Homem, Rui Carvalho. "Foreign and Domestic in Love’s Labour’s Lost and The Shoemaker’s Holiday". Memoria di Shakespeare.
A Journal of Shakespearean Studies (2019): N. 6 (2019): On Vani-N. 6 (2019): On Vani.
- Homem, Rui. "‘False Latin’, Double Dutch: Foreign and Domestic in Love’s Labour’s Lost and The Shoemaker’s Holiday". On
Vanitas – special issue of Memoria di Shakespeare. A Journal of Shakespearean Studies 6 (2019): 165-179.
Open access • Published
- Homem, R.C.. "Introduction: shakespeare, translation, culture-"meaningful commensuration"?". Shakespeare Studies 46
(2018): 19-34.
- Homem, R.C.. "Foreword: On Shakespeare, Europe and its Others". Cahiers Elisabethains 96 1 (2018): 3-6.
- Homem, Rui. "‘Of mountebanks, lovers and thieves: rhetoric and desire under two Venetian balconies’, Scènes de balcon / Balcony
scenes". , Arrêt sur scène / Scene Focus - Une revue en ligne bilingue publiée par l'IRCL / A bilingual online journal
published by the IRCL, 6 (2017): 75-84. (2017):
- Homem, R.C.. "Postface". Cahiers Elisabethains 90 1 (2016): 151-154.
- Homem, Rui. "‘A Tale of Two Worlds (or More)’, [review article on Justin Quinn, Between Two Fires: Transnationalism and Cold
War Poetry (Oxford: O.U.P., 2015)]". The Irish Review 53 (2016): 116-120.
- Homem, Rui. "'On Authorship and Intermediality in Seamus Heaney: "I can connect / Some bits and pieces"'.". The Irish Review
49-50 (Winter-Spring 2014/2015): 151-64 (2015):
- Homem, Rui. "[review of] Carmen Bugan, Seamus Heaney and East European Poetry in Translation: Poetics of Exile". Translation
and Literature 23:3 (2014):
- Homem, Rui. "‘Fio e Fantasma: Resenha de AMARAL, Ana Luísa. Próspero morreu. Poema em acto. Lisboa: Caminho, 2011’.". Convergência
Lusíada 28 (Julho-Dezembro 2012): 201-5. (2012):
- Homem, Rui. "Agency as Irony: Akrasia and (In)Action in Antony and Cleopatra and Othello". Revista Alicantina de Estudios
Ingleses – Special Issue: Global Shakespeare 25 (November 2012) (2012):
- Homem, Rui. "'Prospero's Wake: Genre and Transit in the Afterlife of The Tempest". Shakespeare Jahrbuch (2012):
- Homem, Rui. "[review of] Jefferson Holdridge, The Poetry of Paul Muldoon. Dublin: The Liffey Press, 2008.". Irish University
Review 41:2 (Autumn/Winter 2011): 297-300. (2011):
- Homem, Rui. "“The Chore and the Passion: Shakespeare and Graduation in mid-Twentieth-Century Portugal”.". Ton Hoenselaars
and Clara Calvo (special guest eds.), The Shakespearean International Yearbook – 8: Special section, European Shakespeares.
Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008. 15-31. (2008):
- Homem, Rui. "“Figuring the Self: ‘Old Fathers’ and Old Masters in Two Contemporary Irish Poets”.". Anglo-Saxónica, No.
26 (2008): 89-107. (2008):
- Homem, Rui. "Equidades: Memória, visão e refracções do humano em Ciaran Carson e Paul Muldoon". Poesia e Outras Artes:
do Modernismo à Contemporaneidade, Cadernos de Literatura Comparada 17 (2007): 255-270.
- Homem, Rui. "“Hallucination or Lucidity?: Vision and Time in Ciaran Carson’s Ekphrastic Writing”.". Études Britanniques
Contemporaines: Revue de la Société d'Études Anglaises Contemporaines 31 (Novembre 2006) : 127-41. (2006):
- Homem, Rui. ""I'd wandered off the path": tradução e lugares - ou, a deambulação infernal de Ciaran Carson". Anglo-Saxónica:
Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa 24 (2006): 183-221.
- Homem, Rui. "[review of] Ángeles de la Concha (ed..), Shakespeare en la Imaginación Contemporanea (2004)". Folio: Shakespeare-Genootschap
van Nederland en Vlaanderen 13 2 (2006): 35-38.
- Homem, Rui. ""Couplings: Agon and Composition in Paul Muldoon’s Ekphrastic Poetry".". Estudios Irlandeses, nº 0 (Barcelona:
2005): pp.58-66. (2005):
- Homem, R.C.. "'Neither here nor there': Representing the liminal in Irish poetry". Irish University Review 35 2 (2005):
- Homem, Rui. ""Of Furies and Forgers: Ekphrasis, Re-vision, and Translation in Derek Mahon", New Hibernia Review 8:4 (St Paul,
Mn: December 2004): pp.117-138". New Hibernia Review 8:4 (St Paul, Mn: December 2004): pp.117-138. (2004):
- Homem, R.C.. "Richard III in space and time: On translating Shakespeare into Portuguese". Translation and Literature
13 1 (2004): 80-93.
- Homem, Rui. ""´Pawprints in marble´: memorialisation and visual translatio in the poetry of Michael Longley".". Colby Quarterly
XXXIX:3 (Waterville, Me: September 2003) pp.241-57. (2003):
- Homem, Rui. "O "rasto luminescente": algumas notas sobre tradução, tempo e espaço". ". Anglo-Saxónica: Revista do Centro
de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa 20 (2003): 215-235.
- Homem, Rui. "Elegie, ecloghe, traduzioni, trasfusioni: Intervista a Seamus Heaney". ". Poesia: Mensile internazionale di
cultura poetica (2002): 27-30.
- Homem, Rui. ""Fleshly Voyages: Ben Jonson, Space and the Body".". SEDERI XI: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Estudios
Renacentistas Ingleses (Huelva: Universidad de Huelva, 2002): 25-41. (2002):
- Homem, Rui. ""Of Negroes, Jews and Kings: on a nineteenth-century royal translator".". The Translator 7:1 (Manchester:
April 2001): pp.19-42. (2001):
- Homem, Rui. ""Of Power and Race and Sex - with due respect: on some Portuguese translations of Othello".". SEDERI, Revista
de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Renacentistas Ingleses, X (Salamanca: 2001): pp.193-204. (2001):
- Homem, Rui. ""On Elegies, Eclogues, Translations, Transfusions: an interview with Seamus Heaney".". The European English
Messenger X:2 (Autumn 2001): pp.24-30. (2001):
- Homem, Rui. "Misogyny or Misanthropy?: The Doubtful Case of Ben Jonson´s Epicoene". Estudos / Studies / Studien: Revista
de Estudos Anglo-Americanos e Germanísticos (2001): 57-68.
- Homem, Rui. ""The Word Mistrusted: Rhetoric and Self-Irony in Some Modern Irish Poets".". BELLS (Barcelona English Language
and Literature Series) 11 (2000): pp.101-17. (2000):
- Homem, Rui. "[review of] Julie SANDERS, Kate CHEDGZOY and Susan WISEMAN (eds.). Refashioning Ben Jonson: Gender, Politics
and the Jonsonian Canon. Basingstoke and London / New York: Macmillan / St Martin’s Press, 1998; Martin BUTLER (ed.). Re-Presenting
Ben Jonson: Text, History, Performance. Basingstoke and London / New York Macmillan / St Martin’s Press, 1999". Cahiers
Élisabéthains A Journal of English Renaissance Studies (2000): 115-120.
- Homem, Rui. ""´Unroofed scope´?: Heaney in the nineties".". ABEI Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies No.1 (São
Paulo: June 1999): pp.29-42. (1999):
- Corbin, P. F.; Inglis, Fred. "Difficult Ancestors: Modern Irish Poets and their Elizabethan Predecessors". The Modern Language
Review 9 (1999): 149-157.
Published • 10.2307/3723549
- Homem, Rui. ""Oh but my doubt is a sea": Identity and the seascape in some Northern Irish poetry". Op Cit: Revista da APEAA
11 (1998): 73-89.
- Homem, Rui. "At the Damsel´s Feet: Translation and Decorum in a Nineteenth-Century Hamlet". SEDERI 8 (1998): 203-209.
- Homem, Rui. "Mnemosyne´s Continued Reign: Self, Home and Memory in Michael Longley´s Poetry of the Nineties". 7 (1997): 26-48.
- Homem, Rui. ""A More Familiar Straine": Puppetry and Burlesque, or, Translation as Debasement in Ben Jonson´s Bartholomew
Fair". SEDERI 7 (1996): 179-185.
- Homem, Rui. ""No Place as Perfect as Our Hell": Poetas, Público, e o "Estado da Nação" na Irlanda Independente". Anglo-Saxónica:
Revista do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos (1995): 81-102.
- Homem, Rui. "Retórica do Riso: Comédia, Sátira, e um dia na Feira com Ben Jonson". 7 (1995): 301-347.
- Homem, Rui; Cunha, Gualter. "An Interview with Donald Davie". Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo- Americanos 2 (1992):
- Homem, Rui. "Retrato de Jovem Mulher sobre Fundo Alegórico : Austin Clarke, a Irlanda e o Corpo". Revista da Faculdade
de Letras do Porto - Línguas e Literaturas 7 (1990): 137-164.
- Homem, Rui. "The Great Hunger: Anti-Pastoralismo e Representações da Morte". Revista da Faculdade de Letras do Porto -
Línguas e Literaturas 5 (1988): 237-256.
- Homem, Rui. "A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms: Ironia e Arte Satírica". Revista da Faculdade de Letras - Línguas
e Literatura 2 (1985): 295-319.
Journal issue |
- Homem, Rui. "Forum: Shakespeare and Cultural Translation". Shakespeare Studies XLVI (2019):
- Homem, Rui; Caneda-Cabrera, M.T.; Homem, R.C.; Johnston, D.. "Atlantic Communities: Translation, mobility, hospitality". Atlantic
Studies 15 3 (2018):
- Homem, Rui. "Memory, Conflict and Commerce in Early Modern Europe". special issue of Litteraria Pragensia 23 45 (2013):
- Homem, Rui; Cabrera, M.T.C.; Homem, R.C.. "The Place of Translation". , special issue - Word and Text:: A Journal of Literary
Studies and Linguistics II 2 (2012):
Translation |
- Homem, Rui. William Shakespeare, António e Cleópatra. Introdução, tradução e notas por Rui Carvalho Homem - 2nd ed..
Porto, Portugal: Campo das Letras. 2018.
- Homem, Rui. William Shakespeare, Ricardo III. Introdução, tradução e notas por Rui Carvalho Homem. Lisboa: Relógio D'Água,
2015. Portugal. 2015.
- Homem, Rui. A Feira de São Bartolomeu (1614) - (excertos para um burlesco)’, tradução e notas de Rui Carvalho Homem.
Lisboa: Cotovia. 2012.
- Homem, Rui. Christopher Marlowe, ‘Hero e Leandro’, tradução e notas de Rui Carvalho Homem. Lisboa: Cotovia. 2012.
- Homem, Rui. William Shakespeare, Canseiras de Amor em Vão. Introdução, tradução e notas por Rui Carvalho Homem. Porto:
Campo das Letras. 2007.
- Homem, Rui. Philip Larkin, Janelas Altas. Introdução e tradução de Rui Carvalho Homem. Lisboa: Cotovia. 2004.
- Homem, Rui. Seamus Heaney, Luz Eléctrica. Tradução e notas de Rui Carvalho Homem. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Quási Edições.
- Homem, Rui. Seamus Heaney, Da Terra à Luz. Tradução, prefácio e notas de Rui Carvalho Homem. Lisboa: Relógio d'Água.
- Homem, Rui. versão inglesa e notas, em colaboração com o Prof. Doutor Manuel Gomes da Torre, de Um Português em Londres:
Cartas de J.M. Virginiano, correspondente dos Ferreiras da Régua no período pós-napoleónico. edição bilingue. Vila Nova
de Gaia: Arquivo Histórico A.A. Ferreira. 1988.