Xerardo Mera (XM, Ph.D. in Pharmacy, ORCID: 0000-0001-5218-6351) is a Full Professor of Pharmacy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Santiago de Compostela (FF-USC), a pharmacist with vast experience in binding and functional pharmacological assays of GPCR ligands. XGM graduated in Pharmacy at USC in 1978, where he also obtained his Ph.D. in Pharmacy. Currently, his main research focuses on the development of new pharmacological strategies to manage Parkinson's disease by exploring the potential of Melanostin neuropeptide, a positive allosteric modulator of D2 receptors. XM has co-authored over 145 papers in internationally indexed scientific journals, 21 of which in the past 5 years, with a total of 2,426 citations and an h-index of 26, according to the SCOPUS database, and has published 4 book chapters, with an emphasis on CNS diseases. XM has been also the PI or Co-PI of 33 interdisciplinary projects funded through competitive research funding calls (> 1,374,000.00 €). Additionally, XM has established 11 agreements, contracts, or projects with public or private administrations or entities (> 2,580,770.00 €). XM has mentored 11 Ph.D., and 26 M.Sc. students, as well as many pre-graduate and graduate research assistants.

Personal identification

Full name
Xerardo García Mera

Citation names

  • García-Mera, Xerardo

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • xerardo.garcia@usc.es (Professional)


  • Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Campus Sur s/n, 15782, Santiago de Compostela, Galícia, Spain (Professional)

Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Basic Medicine - Medicinal Chemistry


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
French Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Intermediate (B1) Advanced (C1)
English Beginner (A1) Intermediate (B1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
Spanish; Castilian Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
Pharmacy (Doctor)
Major in Química Orgánica
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Facultad de Farmacia, Spain
Sobresaliente cum laude
Pharmacy (Bachelor)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Facultad de Farmacia, Spain
"Contribución a la síntesis de neurolépticos potenciales. Preparación de ácidos 2-aroilcicloalcanocarboxílicos" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2020/08/11 - Current Full Professor (University Teacher) Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Departamento de Química Orgánica, Spain

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
1990/07/17 - 1994/07/24 Vice-Rector Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1990/01/25 - 1990/07/16 Organic Unit Sub-director Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Departamento de Química Orgánica, Spain
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Host institution
2011/09/06 - Current Associate Professor Accredited as Full Professor Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1987/01/29 - Current Associate Professor Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1985/10/01 - 1987/01/28 Assistant Professor Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1983/11/29 - 1985/09/30 Invited Professor Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Designation Funders
2023/01/01 - 2024/06/30 DynaPro: Probing Dynamic Chirality to the Rescue of Melanostatin in Parkinson's Therapy
Rede de Química e Tecnologia Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2017 - 2019 Consolidation and Structuring 2017. GPC GI-1597 Drug Discovery and Synthesis (DISINFARMA) (2017-PG061) "Consolidación e estruturación 2017. GPC GI-1597 Descubrimento e síntese de fármacos (DESINFARMA) (2017-PG061)"
ED431B 2017/70
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2017 - 2019 Consolidation and structuring 2017 NETWORKS - REGID Galician Network for Research and Development of Medicines (2017-PG112) "Consolidación e estruturación 2017 REDES - REGID Rede Galega de Investigación e Desenvolvemento de Medicamentos (2017-PG112)"
ED431D 2017/16
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2017 - 2019 Performing services tuning and development of synthetic methodologies and obtaining libraries of organic molecules "Realización de los servicios de puesta a punto y desarrollo de metodologías sintéticas y la obtención de quimiotecas de moléculas orgánicas"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2016 - 2018 NEOGALFARMA- New drugs against cancer: Development of therapies directed at different therapeutic targets and combined treatments. Conecta-Peme 2016 "PNEOGALFARMA- Nuevos fármacos contra el cáncer: Desarrollo de terapias dirigidas a diferentes dianas terapéuticas y de tratamientos combinados"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2016 - 2016 Collaboration agreement for the translation and revision of texts of the European Pharmacopoeia "Convenio de colaboración para la traducción y revisión de textos de la Farmacopea Europea"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios
2016 - 2016 Synthesis of compounds "Síntesis de compuestos"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2014 - 2016 Consolidation and structuring. GPC GI-1597. Drug discovery and synthesis (2014-PG037) "Consolidación e estruturación. GPC GI-1597. Descubrimento e síntese de fármacos (2014-PG037)"
Principal investigator
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2014 - 2016 Consolidation and structuring. NETWORKS GI-1685 REGID: Galician Network for Research and Development of Medicines. (2014-PG119) "Consolidación e estruturación. REDES GI-1685 REGID: Rede Galega de Investigación e Desenvolvemento de Medicamentos. (2014-PG119)"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2011 - 2014 Technical revision services of the European Pharmacopoeia "Servicios técnicos de revisión de la Farmacopea Europea"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios
2012 - 2013 Multidisciplinary approach to the development of antimitotic drugs "Aproximación multidisciplinar ao desenvolvemento de fármacos antimitóticos"
Principal investigator
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2010 - 2010 Consolidation and structuring of research units (DISINFARMATION) (2010-PG367) "Consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación (DESINFARMA) (2010-PG367)"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2009 - 2010 Technical revision services of the European Pharmacopoeia "Servicios técnicos de revisión de la Farmacopea Europea"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios
2007 - 2010 Development of new neuroprotective Rasagiline analogues as a new therapeutic strategy for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases "Desarrollo de nuevos neuroprotectores análogos de Rasagilina como una nueva estrategia terapéutica para las enfermedades de Parkinson y de Alzheimer"
Principal investigator
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2008 - 2009 Consolidation and structuring of research units (DISINFARMA) (2008-PG358) "Consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación (DESINFARMA) (2008-PG358)"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2006 - 2009 Diversity-Oriented Synthesis on Neurotransmitters: A New Strategy to Accelerate the Discovery of New Candidates for Drugs and Pharmacophores for the Central Nervous System (2006-PG315)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2005 - 2008 Stereospecific synthesis of S-proline derivatives 3.5 and 4.5-disubstituted with interest as proline mimetics (2005-PG046) "Síntese estereoespecífica de derivados de S-prolina 3.5 e 4.5-disustituidos de interese como prolinamiméticos (2005-PG046)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2002 - 2005 Search for new carbonucleosides with cytostatic and/or antiviral activity: synthetic development and biological evaluation "Búsqueda de nuevos carbonucleósidos con actividad citostática y/o antiviral: desarrollo sintético y evaluación biológica"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2001 - 2004 Synthesis and biological evaluation of new isoazanucleosides "Síntesis y evaluación biológica de nuevos isoazanucleósidos"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
2000 - 2001 A2B receptors as a new therapeutic target in allergic asthma. Obtaining new active and selective ligands (Subproject 2) "Los receptores A2B como una nueva diana terapéutica en el asma alérgica. Obtención de nuevos ligandos activos y selectivos (Subproyecto 2)"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1998 - 2001 New mechanisms of action in antiallergic therapy. Design, synthesis and pharmacological characterization of molecules with dual H1/NK1 activity "Nuevos mecanismos de acción en la terapéutica antialérgica. Diseño, síntesis y caracterización farmacológica de moléculas con actividad dual H1/NK1"
DGICYT SAF98-0148-C04-04
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
1998 - 2001 Search for new drugs in antiallergic therapy (3-year extension) "Búsqueda de nuevos fármacos en la terapéutica antialérgica (Prórroga 3 años)"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1998 - 2000 Preparation and biological study of new carbonucleosides analogous to Carbovir and of new cyclic amino acids referable to GABA "Preparación y estudio biológico de nuevos carbonucleósidos análogos al Carbovir y de nuevos aminoácidos cíclicos referibles al GABA"
XUGA 20309B98
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
1998 - 1998 Search for new drugs in antiallergic therapy. (1998-CE066) "Búsqueda de nuevos fármacos en la terapéutica antialérgica. (1998-CE066)"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1995 - 1998 Synthesis and evaluation of the antiviral potential of new carbocyclic nucleosides "Síntesis y evaluación del potencial antivírico de nuevos nucleósidos carbocíclicos"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
1995 - 1997 Carbocyclic nucleoside homologs: synthesis and evaluation of their antiviral and antineoplastic potential "Homólogos de nucleósidos carbocíclicos: síntesis y evaluación de su potencial antivírico y antineoplásico"
XUGA 20307B94
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
1995 - 1997 Receptores 5-HT2: Modelización molecular, síntesis y evaluación farmacológica de nuevos ligandos "Receptores 5-HT2: Modelización molecular, síntesis y evaluación farmacológica de nuevos ligandos"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
1993 - 1995 Synthesis and study of new compounds with anticancer, antiviral and antibacterial activity "Síntesis y estudio de nuevos compuestos con actividad anticancerígena, antiviral y antibacteriana"
XUGA 20312B92
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Xunta de Galicia
1994 - 1994 Synthesis and pharmacological tests of new 5-HT1A receptor ligands. (1994-CE063) "Síntesis y ensayos farmacológicos de nuevos ligandos de receptores 5-HT1A. (1994-CE063)"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1990 - 1993 Synthesis of Carbocyclic Nucleoside Analogs (ACN): enantioselective preparation of key intermediates "Síntesis de Análogos carbocíclicos de Nucleósidos (ACN): preparación enantioselectiva de intermediarios clave"
PB 89-0541
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica
1990 - 1990 Preparation of 2-azabicyclo(2.2.1)hept-5-en-3-one as a key intermediate in the synthesis of carbocyclic nucleoside analogs "Preparación de la 2-azabiciclo(2.2.1)hept-5-en-3-ona como intermediario clave en la síntesis de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos"
Principal investigator
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


Book chapter
  1. Romero-Durán, F.J.; Lopez-Castro, E.; García-Mera, X.; González-Diaz, H.. "High-order perturbation theory models of drug-target interactomes for proteins expressed on networks of hippocampus brain region of alzheimer disease patients". 269-299. 2017.
  2. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Multi-target Markov entropy QSAR for antiviral drugs vs. different viral species.". In Complex Network Entropy: From Molecules to Biology, Parasitology, Technology, Social, Legal, and Neurosciences, 1-15. Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network, 2011.
  3. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Predicting drug-parasite networks based on Markov Entropy indices of drug structure". In Complex Network Entropy: From Molecules to Biology, Parasitology, Technology, Social, Legal, and Neurosciences, 31-40. Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network, 2011.
  4. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Non-self discrimination of parasite proteins with entropy of 3D structure networks and artificial neural networks". In Complex Network Entropy: From Molecules to Biology, Parasitology, Technology, Social, Legal, and Neurosciences, 57-71. Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network, 2011.
Conference poster
  1. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Correia da Silva, Daniela; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Costa, Vera M; et al. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Exploring the biological impact of proline residue on Glypromate bioconjugates". Paper presented in MedChem 2023, 2023.
  2. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Reis-Mendes, Ana; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Costa, Vera M; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias. "Application of 2-azanorbornane for the assembly of bioactive peptidomimetics". Paper presented in MedChem 2023, 2023.
  3. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "New Neuropeptide-Based Constrained Analogs for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases". Paper presented in Ciência 2023, 2023.
  4. Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Costa, Vera M; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Beatriz L. Pires-Lima. "Pyridine-Based Melanostatin Bioisoteres As Positive Allosteric Modulators Of The Dopamine D2 Receptors". Paper presented in IX Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers, 2023.
  5. Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Costa, Vera M; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias. Corresponding author: Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.. "Exploring The Impact Of Proline Puckering On The Modulatory Activity Of Melanostatin Neuropeptide". Paper presented in IX Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers, 2023.
  6. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Maronde, DAIANE; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Costa, Vera M; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias. "Exploring The Lipophilic Bullet Approach In Melanostatin Neuropeptide". Paper presented in IX Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers, 2023.
  7. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Costa, Vera M; Correia da Silva, Daniela; Pereira, David M.; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; et al. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Unraveling the role of Proline on the Biological activity of Glypromate Bioconjugates". Paper presented in IX Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers, 2023.
  8. Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Costa, Vera M; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias. Corresponding author: Beatriz L. Pires-Lima. "Using Proline Bioisosteres for the Assembly of Potent Melanostatin (MIF-1) Analogues". Paper presented in ENEQUI – Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Química, 2023.
  9. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Costa, Vera M; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Glypromate-Based Neuroprotective Conjugates with Pharmaceutical Active Ingredients". Paper presented in XXVI Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química, 2022.
  10. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Santejo, Miguel; Liz, Márcia A.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Discovery of Neuroprotective Hits Using 2-Azanorbornane as a Constrained Proline Surrogate in Glypromate Neuropeptide". Paper presented in XXVI Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química, 2022.
  11. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Costa, Vera M; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Peptide-amine Conjugates targeting Neurodegenerative Diseases". Paper presented in XX National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT), 2022.
  12. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Costa, Vera M; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Application of Hybrid Glypromate® Conjugates in Neurodegenerative Diseases". Paper presented in Encontro Ciência 22, 2022.
  13. Santana, Renata; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Rodrigues dos santos, Luciano; Sara C. Silva-Reis; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Santana, Renata. "A New Methodology for the Synthesis of N-functionalized Glycines: Assembly of Melanostatin-Based Peptoids". Paper presented in IJUP – Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto, 2022.
  14. Rodrigues dos santos, Luciano; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Santana, Renata; Sara C. Silva-Reis; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Rodrigues dos santos, Luciano. "Macrocyclization of Melanostatin Neuropeptide by Ring-Closing Metathesis". Paper presented in IJUP ¿ Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto, 2022.
  15. Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Beatriz L. Pires-Lima. "Exploring the bioisosterism of proline residue in melanostatin neuropeptide using heteroaromatic scaffolds". Paper presented in 7th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, 2021.
  16. Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Correia, Xavier Cruz; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias. Corresponding author: Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.. "Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of melanostatin analogues containing chiral ß-amino acids as proline surrogates". Paper presented in 7th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, 2021.
  17. Correia, Xavier Cruz; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Correia, Xavier Cruz. "Using aza-Proline for the Assembly of a Melanostatin aza-Peptide Derivative". Paper presented in 7th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, 2021.
  18. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Costa, Vera M; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "The Design of New Trofinetide® Conjugates Using Constrained Prolines". Paper presented in XXVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2021.
  19. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Santejo, Miguel; Liz, Márcia A.; Alcoholado, Cristina; Algarra, Manuel; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Probing Constrained Prolines for the Assembly of Neuroprotective Glypromate® Peptidomimetics". Paper presented in RICT – 56th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry (Interfacing Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery), 2021.
  20. Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Sara C. Silva-Reis; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias. Corresponding author: Beatriz L. Pires-Lima. "Replacement of Proline residue in Melanostatin Neuropeptide by chiral and achiral scaffolds: a Bioisosteric approach". Paper presented in VI Jornadas da Bioquímica, 2021.
  21. Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Correia, Xavier Cruz; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.. "Assembly of Melanostatin Peptidomimetics Using Chiral ß-Amino Acids as Proline Surrogates". Paper presented in IJUP ¿ Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto, 2021.
  22. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "NeuroPro: An Innovative Approach for the Assembly of New Neuroprotective Conjugates". Paper presented in Digital Colloquium 2021, 2021.
  23. Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Correia, Xavier Cruz; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Beatriz L. Pires-Lima. "Exploring the role of Proline’s Secondary Amine on Melanostatin (MIF-1) Neuropeptide using a Bioisosteric Approach". Paper presented in Digital Colloquium 2021, 2021.
  24. Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Correia, Xavier Cruz; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.. "Exploring the Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Melanostatin (MIF-1) Peptidomimetics Bearing Chiral ß-Amino Acids as Proline Surrogates". Paper presented in Digital Colloquium 2021, 2021.
  25. Correia, Xavier Cruz; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Costa-Almeida, Hugo F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Correia, Xavier Cruz. "Exploring the Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Melanostatin (MIF-1) Peptidomimetics Bearing Chiral ß-Amino Acids as Proline Surrogates. Digital Colloquium 2021, 2021, March 26-28th, online. - Xavier C. Correia; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Beatriz L. Pires-Lima; Hugo F. Costa-Almeida; Xerardo García-Mera; José E. Rodríguez-Borges. Exploring the Assembly of Melanostatin (MIF". Paper presented in Digital Colloquium 2021, 2021.
  26. Sara C. Silva-Reis; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; García-Mera, Xerardo; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. Corresponding author: Sara C. Silva-Reis. "Rescuing of Neuroprotective Peptides by Chemical Conjugation with Lipophilic Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients". Paper presented in 6th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry, 2020.
  27. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Mechanical Study for the Transprotection of Tertiary Amines using Boc2O: Access to Both Enantiomers of 2-Azanorbornane-3-Exo-Carboxylic Acid (Estudo Mecanístico para a Transproteçao de Aminas Terciarias usando Boc2O: Acesso a Ambos os Enantiómeros do Ácido 2-Azanorbornano-3-exo-carboxílico)". Paper presented in XXV Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2019.
  28. García-Mera, Xerardo. "A2B Antagonists as Antimetastatic Agents: Design, Synthesis and Optimization of Novel Chemotypes". Paper presented in 1st European Purine Meeting, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2019.
  29. Chen, Chin-Ling. "A Multicomponent Approach Enabled the Discovery of D2 Ligands Simultaneously Exhibiting Receptor Subtype and Biased Selectivity". Paper presented in XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Vitoria (España), 2019.
  30. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Ugi-Base Assembly of Peripheral Selective Rimonabant Analogues". Paper presented in XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Vitoria (España), 2019.
  31. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Novel Series of A2A Antagonists: Design, Synthesis and SAR Studies". Paper presented in XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Vitoria (España), 2019.
  32. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Multicomponent-Assisted GPCR Modulation: Adenosine Receptors as a Case Study". Paper presented in XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Vitoria (España), 2019.
  33. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Discovery of Potent and Highly Selective A2B antagonist Chemotypes". Paper presented in XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Vitoria (España), 2019.
  34. García-Mera, Xerardo. "A2B Antagonists as Anticancer Drugs: Enantioselective Recognition, Optimization and Ligand Profiling". Paper presented in XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Vitoria (España), 2019.
  35. García-Mera, Xerardo. "One-Pot Assembly of Oligopeptides in Solution-Phase". Paper presented in 35th European Peptide Symposium, 2018.
  36. García-Mera, Xerardo; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; José Enrique Rodriguez Borges. "Development of a Highly Efficient One-Pot Protocol for the Synthesis of Oligopeptides in Solution-Phase". Paper presented in 16th Iberian Peptide Meeting, 2018.
  37. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of PLG peptidomimetics (Síntese e avaliação farmacológica de peptidomiméticos do PLG)". Paper presented in XXII Encontro Luso-Galego de Química: XXUU ELGQ, Bragança (Portugal), 2016.
  38. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of PLG Peptidomometics based on 2-azanorbornane scaffold". Paper presented in 1st Meeting PDQS, Aveiro (Portugal), 2016.
  39. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of PLG Peptidomometics based on 2-azanorbornane scaffold". 2016.
  40. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and Allosteric Modulation of the Dopamine Receptor by 2-azanorbornane-based peptidomimetics of L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamide (PLG)". Paper presented in Encontro Ciência 2016, Lisboa (Portugal), 2016.
  41. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Multi-Viral Targets Entropy QSAR for Antiviral Drugs Theoretical Model for the Study of New beta-Secretase Inhibitors". Paper presented in MOL2NET, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences (MOL2NET-1), 2015.
  42. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Multi-Target Prediction of Neuroprotective Drugs, Synthesis, Assay, and Theoretical Study of Rasagiline Carbamates". Paper presented in MOL2NET, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences (MOL2NET-1), 2015.
  43. García-Mera, Xerardo. "New Theoretical Model for the Study of New ß-Secretase Inhibitors". Paper presented in MOL2NET, 1st International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences (MOL2NET-1), 2015.
  44. García-Mera, Xerardo; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Dinarte Neves; Fabiana Barros Santos; José Enrique Rodriguez Borges. "Synthesis of Neuroprotective Prolinomimetic Tripeptides PLG Analogs (Síntese de Tripéptidos Prolinomiméticos Neuroprotectores Análogos do PLG)". Paper presented in XX Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, Porto (Portugal), 2014.
  45. García-Mera, Xerardo; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Dinarte Neves; José Enrique Rodriguez Borges. "Enantioselective Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Proline Mimetic of PLG based on (1R,3S)-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane". Paper presented in 7º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, Porto (Portugal), 2014.
  46. García-Mera, Xerardo; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; José Enrique Rodriguez Borges. "New synthetic approach to prolinemimetics of PLG derived from 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane system". Paper presented in 1º Simposio Luso-Brasileiro de Química Orgânica – 10º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica, Lisboa (Portugal), 2013.
  47. García-Mera, Xerardo; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; José Enrique Rodriguez Borges. "Synthesis of New Proline Mimetics of PLG with Potential Neuroprotective Activity". Paper presented in 6º Encontro de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, Porto (Portugal), 2013.
  48. García-Mera, Xerardo. "MI-DRA 3D: new model for reconstruction of US FDA drug-target network and theoretic-experimental studies of rasagiline derivatives inhibitors of AChE". Paper presented in 16th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-16), 2012.
  49. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new molecules based on 1-pyrindane ring as a new strategy in the neurodegenerative diseases treatment". Paper presented in 16th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-16), 2012.
  50. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and selective functionalization of enantiomerically pure iminosugars". Paper presented in 16th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-16), 2012.
  51. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new Pro-Leu-Gly-NH2 (PLG) and Gly-Pro-Glu (GPE) analogues incorporating 3,5-bis(substituted) proline". Paper presented in 9th Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry (SISOC-IX), Tenerife, 2012.
  52. García-Mera, Xerardo. "MI-DRA-3D: A New Predictor For Protein-Ligands Interactions; Theoretic-Experimental Study Of FDA Drug-Target Network, New Rasagiline Derivatives AChE Inhibitors". Paper presented in : 9th Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry (SISOC-IX), Tenerife, 2012.
  53. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and biological evaluation of new analogues of Ladostigil ciclopenta[b]thiophene derivates with potential anti-Parkinson activity". Paper presented in VIII Simposio Investigadores Jóvenes RSEQ Sigma-Aldrich, Torremolinos, 2011.
  54. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Theoretical Study of GSK-3A: Neural Networks QSAR Studies for the Design of New Inhibitors Using 2D-Descriptors for Construction Complex Networks". Paper presented in XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Valencia, 2011.
  55. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and incorporation of the novel 3,5-bis(substituted)proline derivatives into peptides analogues of GPE and PLG". Paper presented in Sao Paulo School on Natural Products, Medicinal Chemistry and Organic Synthesis (ESPCA Chemistry), Campinas (Brasil), 2011.
  56. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Entropy Multi-Target QSAR Model for Prediction of Antiviral Drugs Complex Networks". Paper presented in 2nd Iberic Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Porto (Portugal), 2011.
  57. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Theoretical Study of GSK-3a Using 2D-descriptors". Paper presented in 2nd Iberic Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Porto (Portugal), 2011.
  58. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Contribution to the Synthesis of Peptide Analogues of GPE and PLG from 3,5-bis(substituted) Proline Derivatives". Paper presented in 2nd Iberic Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry, Porto (Portugal), 2011.
  59. González-Díaz, H.; Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Sobarzo-Sánchez, Eduardo; Haddad, Mohamed; Chevalley, Séverine M.; Valentin, Alexis; Quetin-Leclerq, Joelle; et al. "NL Mind-Best: a Web Server for Ligands & Proteins Discovery; Theoretic-Experimental Study of Proteins of Giardia Lamblia". Paper presented in New Trends in Proteomics, 4th Congress of the Spanish Proteomics Society, Segovia (España), 2011.
  60. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Multi-Target Spectral Moment QSAR vs. ANN for antiparasitic drugs against different parasite species". Paper presented in 14th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-14), 2010.
  61. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and biological evaluation of new rasagiline isomers as potential neuroprotective agents (Síntese e avaliaçao biológica de novos isósteros da rasagilina como potenciais agentes neuroprotectores)". Paper presented in 2º Simposio Iberoamericano de Química Orgánica (SIBEAQO-II), Santiago de Compostela (España), 2010.
  62. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new peptidomimetics derived from proline with potential neuroprotective activity (Síntesis de nuevos peptidomiméticos derivados de prolina con potencial actividad neuroprotectora)". Paper presented in 2º Simposio Iberoamericano de Química Orgánica (SIBEAQO-II), Santiago de Compostela (España), 2010.
  63. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and biological evaluation of new rasagiline derivatives with potential antiparkinson activity (Síntesis y evaluación biológica de nuevos derivados de rasagilina con potencial actividad antiparkinson)". Paper presented in 2º Simposio Iberoamericano de Química Orgánica (SIBEAQO-II), Santiago de Compostela (España), 2010.
  64. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Carbonucleoside synthesis via cyclopent-3-enylmethanol functionalization (Síntesis de carbonucleósidos via funcionalización de ciclopent-3-enilmetanol)". Paper presented in 2º Simposio Iberoamericano de Química Orgánica (SIBEAQO-II), Santiago de Compostela (España), 2010.
  65. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and biological evaluation of new rasagiline analogues derived from cyclopenta[b]thiophene with potential antiparkinson activity (Síntesis y evaluación biológica de nuevos análogos de rasagilina derivados de ciclopenta[b]tiofeno con potencial actividad antiparkinson)". Paper presented in 2º Simposio Iberoamericano de Química Orgánica (SIBEAQO-II), Santiago de Compostela (España), 2010.
  66. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of 3,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)pyrrolidine derivatives from 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-enes (Síntese de derivados 3,5-bis(hidroximetil)pirrolidínicos a partir de 2-azabiciclo[2.2.1]hept-5-enos)". Paper presented in 2º Simposio Iberoamericano de Química Orgánica (SIBEAQO-II), Santiago de Compostela (España), 2010.
  67. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Diastereoselective Synthesis of 2-Substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-4-oxopyridine Derivatives via the Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction". Paper presented in 8th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group (GLUPOR 8), Braga (Portugal), 2009.
  68. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Design of Carbocyclic Nucleosides with Antineoplasic Activity". Paper presented in : 3th Joint Italian-German Purine Club Meeting “Purinergic Receptors: New Frontiers for Novel Therapies”, Camerino (Italia), 2009.
  69. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Phosphorylation of methyl 2-hydroxy-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-3-carboxylates". Paper presented in 16th European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC-2009), Praga (República Checa), 2009.
  70. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Theoretical Prediction of Antiproliferative Activity against Murine Leukemia Tumor Cell Line (L1210). 3D-Morse Descriptors and its Application in Computational Chemistry". Paper presented in 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-12), 2008.
  71. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and Antiviral Activities of Novel Purinyl- and Pyrimidinylcarbanucleosides Derived from Indan". Paper presented in 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-12), 2008.
  72. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Ethyl 2-(Diisopropoxyphosphoryl)-2H-Azirine-3-Carboxylate: Reactions with Activated 1,3-Butadienes". Paper presented in 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-12), 2008.
  73. Rodríguez-Borges, José; Sousa, Carlos; Vale, M. Luísa; García-Mera, Xerardo. "Aza-Diels-Alder versus 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of Methyl Glyoxylate Oxime with Cyclopentadiene". Paper presented in 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-12), 2008.
  74. García-Mera, Xerardo. "A Convenient Synthesis of New 6-Substituted Purinylcarbanucleosides on Cyclopenta[b]thiophene". Paper presented in 12th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-12), 2008.
  75. Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Gonçalves, Sofia; Vale, M. Luísa; García-Mera, Xerardo; Coelho, Alberto; Sotelo, Eddy. "Synthesis of proline mimetics containing 1,4-substituted 1,2,3-triazoles". Paper presented in 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2008.
  76. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Novel homoisoazanucleosides with potential biological activity". Paper presented in 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2008.
  77. García-Mera, Xerardo. "A mechanistic proposal for the synthesis and phosphorylation of methyl 2-hydroxy-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-3-carboxylate". Paper presented in 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2008.
  78. García-Mera, Xerardo. "2-Substituted 4-, 5- and 6-[(1E)-3-oxo-3-phenylprop-1-en-1-yl]pyridazin-3(2H)-ones and 2-Substituted 4,5-bis[(1E)-3-oxo-3-phenylprop-1-en-1-yl]pyridazin-3(2H)-ones as Potent Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors: Design, Synthesis and SAR Studies". Paper presented in 11th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry (ECSOC-11), 2007.
  79. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new rasagiline derivatives as potential neuroprotective drugs (Síntesis de nuevos derivados de rasagilina como potenciales fármacos neuroprotectores)". Paper presented in XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid; España), 2007.
  80. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of S-proline derivatives with interest as proline-mimetics (Síntesis de derivados de S-prolina sustituidos de interés como prolina-miméticos)". Paper presented in XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid; España), 2007.
  81. García-Mera, Xerardo. "A QSAR model approach using a large and internally consistent training set for predicting anticancer activity of nucleoside analogues". Paper presented in First Iberic Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry: Anticancer Agents, Régua, Douro (Portugal), 2007.
  82. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Preparation of synthetic precursors via aza-Diels-Alder reaction (Preparación de precursores sintéticos vía reacción de aza-Diels Alder)". Paper presented in III Reunión Ibérica de Ciencias Combinatorias, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2007.
  83. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Highly versatile three-component synthesis of quinazoline libraries". Paper presented in III Reunión Ibérica de Ciencias Combinatorias, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2007.
  84. García-Mera, Xerardo. "The use of (-)-8-phenylisoneomenthol and (-)-8-phenylmenthol in the synthesis of 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane derivatives via aza-Diels-Alder reaction". Paper presented in 4th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2006.
  85. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Efficient synthesis of polyhydroxylated azirinopyrrolidines from 2-azatricyclo[]oct-6-enes". Paper presented in 4th Spanish-Portuguese-Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2006.
  86. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Efficient synthesis of enantiomeric pure 3,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)pyrrolidine derivatives". Paper presented in 1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest (Hungria), 2006.
  87. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new 5'-nor-1'-homopyrimidinylcarbonucleosides derived from indanol (Síntesis de nuevos 5'-nor-1'-homopirimidinilcarbonucleósidos derivados de indanol)". Paper presented in XIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Bilbao (España), 2005.
  88. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of 6-substituted purinylcarbonucleosides with indanylmethanol pseudosugar (Síntesis de 6-sustituidos purinilcarbonucleósidos con pseudoazúcar de indanilmetanol)". Paper presented in XIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Bilbao (España), 2005.
  89. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of isoazanucleoside analogs derived from 2-amino-6-chloropurine with potential anti-viral and anti-neoplastic activities (Síntese de análogos isoazanucleosídicos derivados de 2-amino-6-cloropurina com potenciais actividades anti-vírica e anti-neoplásica)". Paper presented in 6º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica, Braga (Portugal), 2005.
  90. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Enantioselective synthesis of 2-azabyciclo[2.2.1]heptane derivatives via Aza-Diels-Alder reaction". Paper presented in 6º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica, Braga (Portugal), 2005.
  91. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new 6-arylpurinylcarbanucleosides with indanylmethanol pseudosugars". Paper presented in 5th Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2004.
  92. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and QSAR study of the cytostatic activity of new indane-derived carbonucleosides (Síntesis y estudio QSAR de la actividad citostática de nuevos carbonucleósidos derivados del indano)". Paper presented in IV Reunión de Ácidos Nucleicos y Nucleósidos, Granada (España), 2003.
  93. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new carbonucleoside derivatives of 3-(6-arylpurin-9-ylmethyl)-1-indanol (Síntesis de nuevos carbonucleósidos derivados de 3-(6-arilpurin-9-ilmetil)-1-indanol)". Paper presented in XIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2003.
  94. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Cooperative effect in asymmetric aza-Diels Alder reactions using chiral auxiliaries (Efecto cooperativo en reacciones de aza-Diels Alder asimétricas usando dos auxiliares quirales)". Paper presented in XIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2003.
  95. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Study of Asymmetric Induction in the Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction with the Simultaneous Use of Two Chiral Aids: 8-Phenylmenthol and 1-Phenylethylamine (Estudo da Induçao Assimétrica na Reacçao de Aza-Diels-Alder com a Utilizaçao Simultânea de Dois Auxiliares Quirais: 8-Fenilmentol e 1-Feniletilamina)". Paper presented in 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica, Coimbra (Portugal), 2001.
  96. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Application of a new chiral auxiliary in the Asymmetric Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction: (+)-endo-2-benzonorbornenol (Aplicação de um novo auxiliar quiral na Reação Assimétrica de Aza-Diels-Alder: (+)-endo-2-benzonorbornenol)". Paper presented in 4º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica, Coimbra (Portugal), 2001.
  97. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and cytostatic activity of new 6-arylpurinylcarbonucleosides derived from indane (Síntesis y actividad citostática de nuevos 6-arilpurinilcarbonucleósidos derivados del indano)". Paper presented in XII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Sevilla (España), 2001.
  98. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of (+/-)-c-4-amino-r-1,t-2-cyclopentanedimethanol (3) as a key intermediate in the synthesis of 3'-homocarbonucleosides (Síntesis de (+/-)-c-4-amino-r-1,t-2-ciclopentanodimetanol (3) como intermediario clave en la síntesis de 3'-homocarbonucleósidos)". Paper presented in XII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Sevilla (España), 2001.
  99. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and biological activity of carbocyclic nucleoside analogues derived from poly(hydroxymethyl)cyclopentane (Síntesis y actividad biológica de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos derivados de poli(hidroximetil)ciclopentano)". Paper presented in III Reunión de Ácidos Nucleicos y Nucleósidos, Santiago de Compostela (España), 2001.
  100. García-Mera, Xerardo. "New Carbocyclic Nucleosides Derived from Indan". Paper presented in XIV International Round Table on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Their Biological Applications San Francisco (USA), 2000.
  101. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Carbocyclic nucleosides: synthesis of a new uracil-derived carbonucleoside analog (Nucleósidos carbocíclicos: síntesis de un nuevo análogo carbonucleosídico derivado de uracilo)". Paper presented in XIII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química, Vigo (España), 1999.
  102. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Determination of the configurational selectivity achieved in aza-Diels-Alder reactions (Determinación de la selectividad configuracional alcanzada en reacciones de aza-Diels-Alder)". Paper presented in XIII Encontro Galego-Portugués de Química, Vigo (España), 1999.
  103. Hosmane, Ramachandra; Siddiqui, Saika. "Synthesis of (+/-)-cis-3-aminomethyl-1-indanol (2) and (+/-)-cis-3-amino-1-indanol (3) as precursors of Carbocyclic Analogues of Nucleosides". Paper presented in XI National Congress of the Spanish Society of Therapeutic Chemistry, Valencia (España), 1999.
  104. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of (+/-)-cis-3-aminomethyl-1-indanylmethanol as a precursor of Carbocyclic Analogues of Nucleosides". Paper presented in XIII International Round Table “Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Their Biological Applications”, Montpellier (Francia), 1998.
  105. García-Mera, Xerardo. "New carbocyclic nucleoside analogs: synthesis and biological activity (Nuevos análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos: síntesis y actividad biológica)". Paper presented in I Reunión de Ácidos Nucleicos y Nucleósidos, Sitges (España), 1997.
  106. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and biological activity of new carbocyclic nucleoside analogs (Síntesis y actividad biológica de nuevos análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos)". Paper presented in X Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Oviedo (España), 1997.
  107. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Preparation of carbocyclic analogues of nucleosides derived from (+/-)-Cis-3-aminomethylindanylmethanol (Preparación de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos derivados de (+/-)-cis-3-aminometilindanilmetanol)". Paper presented in X Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Oviedo (España), 1997.
  108. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of cis-3-amino-1-indanylmethanol (2) as a precursor of Carbocyclic Analogues of Nucleosides". Paper presented in First International Symposium on New Horizons of Organic Chemistry in Biomedicine, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1996.
  109. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Carbocyclic analogues of Nucleosides: Synthesis of the precursor (1R, cis)-3-amino-1,2,2-trimethylcyclopentylmethanol". Paper presented in II Congresso Congiunto Italiano-Spagnolo di Chimica Farmaceutica, Ferrara (Italia), 1995.
  110. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Asymmetric synthesis of 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1.]heptane derivatives". Paper presented in 10th International Conference on Organic Synthesis, Bangalore (India), 1994.
  111. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of 6-alkoxiphenyl-5-amino-3-hydrazinopyridazines as potential antihypertensive agents". Paper presented in Seventh Fechem Conference on Heterocycles in bio-Organic Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1993.
  112. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of 1,2-carbonucleosides". Paper presented in Seventh Fechem Conference on Heterocycles in bio-Organic Chemistry, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1993.
  113. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of 6-aryl-5-amino-3(2H)-pyridazinones and related compounds as inhibitors of platelet aggregation". Paper presented in 1ères Conférences Européennes du Groupement des Pharmaco-chimistes de L'Arc Atlantique, Bordeaux (Francia), 1992.
  114. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of new 9,10-anthracenediones as potential anticancer agents (Síntesis de nuevas 9,10-antracenodionas como potenciales anticancerígenos)". Paper presented in VII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Jaca (España), 1991.
  115. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Preparation of glyoxylates derived from 8-arylmenthols (Preparación de glioxilatos derivados de 8-arilmentoles)". Paper presented in VII Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Jaca (España), 1991.
  116. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Contribution to the stereospecific synthesis of carbocyclic nucleoside analogues: preparation of chiral glyoxylates (Contribución a la síntesis estereoespecífica de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos: preparación de glioxilatos quirales)". Paper presented in VI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Granada (España), 1989.
  117. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Benzimidazole piperazine derivatives as anthelmintics (I) (Derivados piperazínicos del Benzimidazol como antihelmínticos (I))". Paper presented in V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica - I Congresso Hispano-Português de Química Terapéutica, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1987.
  118. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Derivatives of Pyridazine, XIV. Study of the diuretic activity of new hydrazino-5,6-dihydrobenzo(h)cinnolines (Derivados de la Piridazina, XIV. Estudio de la actividad diurética de nuevas hidrazino-5,6-dihidrobenzo(h)cinolinas)". Paper presented in V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica - I Congresso Hispano-Português de Química Terapéutica, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1987.
  119. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Derivatives of Pyridazine, XIII. Study of the antihypertensive activity of 3-hydrazinocycloheptenyl-(c)-pyridazine and derivatives in three types of experimental hypertension (Derivados de la Piridazina, XIII. Estudio de la actividad antihipertensora de 3-hidrazinocicloheptenil-(c)-piridazina y derivados en tres tipos de hipertensión experimental)". Paper presented in V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica - I Congresso Hispano-Português de Química Terapéutica, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1987.
  120. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Derivatives of Pyridazine, XI. Activity of 6-aryl-5-aminomethyl-4,5-dihydro-3-(2H)pyridazinones as antiplatelet agents (Derivados de la Piridazina, XI. Actividad de 6-aril-5-aminometil-4,5-dihidro-3-(2H)piridazinonas como antiagregantes plaquetarios)". Paper presented in V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica - I Congresso Hispano-Português de Química Terapéutica, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1987.
  121. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Derivatives of Pyridazine, X. Synthesis and pharmacological activity of 3-hydrazinothiene(2,3-h)cinnolines and derivatives (Derivados de la Piridazina, X. Síntesis y actividad farmacológica de 3-hidrazinotieno(2,3-h)cinolinas y derivados)". Paper presented in V Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica - I Congresso Hispano-Português de Química Terapéutica, Santiago de Compostela (España), 1987.
  122. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Preparation and study of the antihypertensive activity of new 3-hydrazinocycloalkenyl(c)pyridazines (Preparación y estudio de la actividad antihipertensora de nuevas 3-hidrazinocicloalquenil(c)piridazinas=". Paper presented in IV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Sitges (España), 1985.
  123. Binda, Renan de Paula; Mondo, Monica Dos Santos; Ulbricht, Vânia Ribas; Fadel, Luciane. "LEARNING OBJECTS: LEARNING AS AGENTS OF THEIR OWN HISTORY THROUGH THE INTERACTIVE NARRATIVE (OBJETOS DE APRENDIZAGEM: APRENDIZES COMO AGENTES DE SUA PRÓPRIA HISTÓRIA ATRAVÉS DA NARRATIVA INTERATIVA)". Paper presented in IV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Química Terapéutica, Sitges (España), 1985.
  124. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of 2-benzoylcyclohexanecarboxylic acid from cyclohexanone (Síntesis del ácido 2-benzoilciclohexanocarboxílico a partir de la ciclohexanona)". Paper presented in XX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, Castellón (España), 1984.
  125. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis of 2-aminomethyltetralin as alpha-blocking agents (Síntesis de 2-aminometiltetralinas como agentes alfa-bloqueantes)". Paper presented in XX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química, Castellón (España), 1984.
  126. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of new hydrazinopyridazines, VIII (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de nuevas hidrazinopiridazinas, VIII)". Paper presented in XVI Congrés International de la Société de Pharmacie de la Méditerranée Latine, Marsella (Francia), 1984.
  127. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de nuevas hidrazinopiridazinas, VII". Paper presented in XVI Congrés International de la Société de Pharmacie de la Méditerranée Latine, Marsella (Francia), 1984.
  128. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of new hydrazinopyridazines, IV (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de nuevas hidrazinopiridazinas, IV)". Paper presented in XVI Congrés International de la Société de Pharmacie de la Méditerranée Latine, Marsella (Francia), 1984.
  129. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of 3-hydrazino-5,6-dihydrobenzo(h)cinnolines, V (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de 3-hidrazino-5,6-dihidrobenzo(h)cinolinas, V.". Paper presented in XVI Congrés International de la Société de Pharmacie de la Méditerranée Latine, Marsella (Francia), 1984.
  130. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of 3-aminomethyl-1-tetralones and 2-aminomethyltetralins as alpha-blocking agents, VIII (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de 3-aminometil-1-tetralonas y 2-aminometiltetralinas como agentes alfa-bloqueantes, VIII)". Paper presented in XVI Congrés International de la Société de Pharmacie de la Méditerranée Latine, Marsella (Francia), 1984.
  131. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of new hydrazinopyridazines, IV (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de nuevas hidrazinopiridazinas, IV)". 1984.
  132. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of 3-hydrazino-6-(N4-arylpiperazinyl) pyridazines (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de 3-hidrazino-6-(N4-arilpiperazinil)piridazinas)". Paper presented in III Congreso Internacional de Química Terapéutica, Pamplona (España), 1983.
  133. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of new pyridazinones and hydrazinopyridazines, III (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de nuevas piridazinonas e hidrazinopiridazinas, III)". Paper presented in III Congreso Internacional de Química Terapéutica, Pamplona (España), 1983.
  134. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of new pyridazinones and hydrazinopyridazines, II (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de nuevas piridazinonas e hidrazinopiridazinas, II)". Paper presented in III Congreso Internacional de Química Terapéutica, Pamplona (España), 1983.
  135. García-Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and pharmacological study of new pyridazinones and hydrazinopyridazines, I (Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de nuevas piridazinonas e hidrazinopiridazinas, I)". Paper presented in III Congreso Internacional de Química Terapéutica, Pamplona (España), 1983.
  136. Setyawati, Amri; Wahyuningsih, Tutik Dwi; Purwono, Bambang. "Synthesis of new pyridazinones and hydrazinopyridazines as potential antihypertensive agents". Paper presented in VII International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Torremolinos (España), 1980.
Journal article
  1. Silva-Reis, S.C.; Costa, V.M.; Correia da Silva, D.; Pereira, D.M.; Correia, X.C.; Costa-Almeida, H.F.; García-Mera, X.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.; Sampaio-Dias, I.E.. "Exploring structural determinants of neuroprotection bias on novel glypromate conjugates with bioactive amines". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 267 (2024): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85184061396&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  2. Claudia Gioé-Gallo; Sandra Ortigueira; José Brea; Iu Raïch; Jhonny Azuaje; M. Rita Paleo; Maria Majellaro; et al. "Pharmacological insights emerging from the characterization of a large collection of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists designer drugs". Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2023.114934.
  3. Silva-Reis SC; Sampaio-Dias IE; Costa VM; Correia XC; Costa-Almeida HF; García-Mera X; Rodríguez-Borges JE. "Concise Overview of Glypromate Neuropeptide Research: From Chemistry to Pharmacological Applications in Neurosciences.". ACS chemical neuroscience (2023): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/36735764.
  4. Silva-Reis, S.C.; Correia, X.C.; Costa-Almeida, H.F.; Pires-Lima, B.L.; Maronde, D.; Costa, V.M.; García-Mera, X.; et al. "Stapling Amantadine to Melanostatin Neuropeptide: Discovery of Potent Positive Allosteric Modulators of the D2 Receptors". ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 14 12 (2023): 1656-1663. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85179153738&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  5. Prieto-Díaz R; González-Gómez M; Fojo-Carballo H; Azuaje J; El Maatougui A; Majellaro M; Loza MI; et al. "Exploring the Effect of Halogenation in a Series of Potent and Selective A2B Adenosine Receptor Antagonists.". Journal of medicinal chemistry (2022): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/36517209.
  6. Tay AHM; Prieto-Díaz R; Neo S; Tong L; Chen X; Carannante V; Önfelt B; et al. "A2B adenosine receptor antagonists rescue lymphocyte activity in adenosine-producing patient-derived cancer models.". Journal for immunotherapy of cancer (2022): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/35580926.
  7. Pastoriza-Miranda, Darío; Bernárdez, Rodrigo; Azuaje, Jhonny; Prieto-Díaz, Rubén; Majellaro, Maria; Tamhankar, Ashish V.; Koenekoop, Lucien; et al. "Exploring Non-orthosteric Interactions with a Series of Potent and Selective A3 Antagonists". ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsmedchemlett.1c00598.
  8. Val C; Rodríguez-García C; Prieto-Díaz R; Crespo A; Azuaje J; Carbajales C; Majellaro M; et al. "Optimization of 2-Amino-4,6-diarylpyrimidine-5-carbonitriles as Potent and Selective A1 Antagonists.". Journal of medicinal chemistry (2022): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/35068155.
  9. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Carlos A. D. Sousa; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Luís Pinto da Sílva; Xerardo García-Mera; José E. Rodríguez-Borges. "Isolation and structural characterization of stable carbamic–carbonic anhydrides: an experimental and computational study". Organic Chemistry Frontiers 9 8 (2022): 2154-2163. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2QO00038E.
  10. Sampaio-Dias IE; Santejo M; Silva-Reis SC; Liz MA; Alcoholado C; Algarra M; García-Mera X; Rodríguez-Borges JE. "Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Hybrid Glypromate Analogues Using 2-Azanorbornane as a Prolyl and Pipecolyl Surrogate.". ACS chemical neuroscience (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/34515466.
  11. Mallo-Abreu A; Reyes-Resina I; Azuaje J; Franco R; García-Rey A; Majellaro M; Miranda-Pastoriza D; et al. "Potent and Subtype-Selective Dopamine D2 Receptor Biased Partial Agonists Discovered via an Ugi-Based Approach.". Journal of medicinal chemistry (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/34110150.
  12. Sampaio-Dias IE; Reis-Mendes A; Costa VM; García-Mera X; Brea J; Loza MI; Pires-Lima BL; et al. "Discovery of New Potent Positive Allosteric Modulators of Dopamine D2 Receptors: Insights into the Bioisosteric Replacement of Proline to 3-Furoic Acid in the Melanostatin Neuropeptide.". Journal of medicinal chemistry (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/33861612.
  13. Jhonny Azuaje; Adrián Rama; Ana Mallo-Abreu; Mónica G. Boado; María Majellaro; Carmen R. Tubío; Rubén Prieto; et al. "Catalytic performance of a metal-free graphene oxide-Al2O3 composite assembled by 3D printing". Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2021): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2020.10.010.
  14. Majellaro M; Jespers W; Crespo A; Núñez MJ; Novio S; Azuaje J; Prieto-Díaz R; et al. "3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones as Antagonists of the Human A2B Adenosine Receptor: Optimization, Structure-Activity Relationship Studies, and Enantiospecific Recognition.". Journal of medicinal chemistry (2020): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/33372800.
  15. Sampaio-Dias IE; Rodríguez-Borges JE; Yáñez-Pérez V; Arrasate S; Llorente J; Brea JM; Bediaga H; et al. "Synthesis, Pharmacological, and Biological Evaluation of 2-Furoyl-Based MIF-1 Peptidomimetics and the Development of a General-Purpose Model for Allosteric Modulators (ALLOPTML).". ACS chemical neuroscience (2020): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/33347281.
  16. Willem Jespers; Grégory Verdon; Jhonny Azuaje; Maria Majellaro; Henrik Keränen; Xerardo García-Mera; Miles Congreve; et al. "X-Ray Crystallography and Free Energy Calculations Reveal the Binding Mechanism of A2A Adenosine Receptor Antagonists". Angewandte Chemie (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/ange.202003788.
  17. Mallo-Abreu, Ana; Prieto-Díaz, Rubén; Jespers, Willem; Azuaje, Jhonny; Majellaro, Maria; Velando, Carmen; García-Mera, Xerardo; et al. "Nitrogen-Walk Approach to Explore Bioisosteric Replacements in a Series of Potent A2B Adenosine Receptor Antagonists". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 63 14 (2020): 7721-7739. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00564.
  18. Sampaio-Dias, Ivo E; Pinto da Silva, Luís; Silva, Sandra G; Garcia-Mera, Xerardo; Rodriguez-Borges, José Enrique. "A Strategy for The Assembly of Glypromate® and Structure-Related Analogues by Tandem Sequential Peptide Coupling". Green Chemistry (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d0gc00143k.
    Published • 10.1039/d0gc00143k
  19. Sara C. Silva-Reis; A. Catarina V. D. dos Santos; Xerardo García-Mera; José E. Rodríguez-Borges; Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias. "Bioinspired design for the assembly of Glypromate® neuropeptide conjugates with active pharmaceutical ingredients". New Journal of Chemistry (2020): https://doi.org/10.1039/D0NJ04851H.
  20. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Luís Pinto da Silva; Sandra G. Silva; Xerardo García-Mera; José E. Rodríguez-Borges. "A sustainable strategy for the assembly of Glypromate® and its structurally-related analogues by tandem sequential peptide coupling". Green Chemistry (2020): https://doi.org/10.1039/D0GC00143K.
  21. Abreu, Ana M.; Majellaro, María; Jespers, Willem; Guerrero, Jhonny A.; Santos, Olga C.; García-Mera, Xerardo; Brea, José M.; et al. "Trifluorinated Pyrimidine-Based A2B Antagonists: Optimization and Evidence of Stereospecific Recognition". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01340.
  22. da Costa, Joana F.; Poceiro, David S.; Santos, Olga C.; Brea, José M.; Loza, María I.; Munteanu, Christian; Pazos, Alejandro; Mera, Xerardo; Gonzalez-Diaz, Humberto. "Perturbation Theory Machine Learning Modeling of Immunotoxicity for Drugs Targeting Inflammatory Cytokines and Study of the Antimicrobial G1 Using Cytometric Bead Arrays". Chemical Research in Toxicology (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00154.
  23. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Mera, Xerardo; Brea, José M.; Loza, María I.; Alves, Carla S.; Algarra, Manuel; J. E. Rodriguez-Borges. "Synthesis, Pharmacological, and Biological Evaluation of MIF-1 Picolinoyl Peptidomimetics as Positive Allosteric Modulators of D2R". ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acschemneuro.9b00259.
  24. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Luís Pinto da Silva; Xerardo García-Mera; Miguel A. Maestro; José E. Rodríguez-Borges; Sampaio-Dias, I.E.; et al. "Mechanistic insights for the transprotection of tertiary amines with Boc2O via charged carbamates: access to both enantiomers of 2-azanorbornane-3-exo-carboxylic acids". Organic Chemistry Frontiers 6 20 (2019): 3540-3554. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9QO00957D.
  25. Ferreira da Costa J; Silva D; Caamaño O; Brea JM; Loza MI; Munteanu CR; Pazos A; García-Mera X; González-Díaz H. "Perturbation Theory/Machine Learning Model of ChEMBL Data for Dopamine Targets: Docking, Synthesis, and Assay of New l-Prolyl-l-leucyl-glycinamide Peptidomimetics.". ACS chemical neuroscience (2018): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29791132.
  26. da Costa, Joana F.; Garcia, Marcos D.; Garcia-Mera, Xerardo; Caamano, Olga. "One-pot Preparation and Characterisation of Five-membered Cyclic Alcohols". Letters in Organic Chemistry 15 6 (2018): 546-550. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000431908400013&KeyUID=WOS:000431908400013.
  27. Ferreira da Costa, Joana; Garcia-Mera, Xerardo; Silva Poceiro, David; Caamano, Olga. "(+/-)-3,5-Bis(substitutedmethyl)pyrrolidines: Application to the Synthesis of Analogues of Glycine-L-proline-L-glutamic Acid (GPE)". Current Organic Synthesis 15 2 (2018): 230-236. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000431152200006&KeyUID=WOS:000431152200006.
  28. Azuaje J; López P; Iglesias A; de la Fuente RA; Pérez-Rubio JM; García D; Stepniewski TM; et al. "Development of Fluorescent Probes that Target Serotonin 5-HT2B Receptors.". Scientific reports (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28883627.
  29. Carbajales, Carlos; Guerrero, Jhonny A.; Oliveira, Ana; Loza, María I.; Brea, José M.; Cadavid, Isabel; F-Masaguer, C.; et al. "Enantiospecific Recognition at the A2B Adenosine Receptor by Alkyl 2-Cyanoimino-4-substituted-6-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylates.". Journal of medicinal chemistry (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28368607.
  30. Rueda, Herrera M. A.; Vásquez, Navarrete G,; Crespo, Aguirre F.; Velázquez, Maldonado M. G.; Galicia, Vergara J.; Canul, H. C.; Mera, Xerardo; Prado, Francisco, J.. "Review of Theoretical Models to Study Natural Products with Antiprotozoal Activity". Current Drug Targets (2017): http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1389450117666161222161335.
  31. Abeijon, Paula; Garcia-Mera, Xerardo; Caamano, Olga; Yanez, Matilde; Lopez-Castro, Edgar; Romero-Duran, Francisco; Gonzalez-Diaz, Humberto. "Multi-Target Mining of Alzheimer Disease Proteome with Hansch’s QSBR-Perturbation Theory and Experimental-Theoretic Study of New Thiophene Isosters of Rasagiline". Current Drug Targets 18 5 (2017): 511-521. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1389450116666151102095243.
    Published • 10.2174/1389450116666151102095243
  32. Carbajales C; Sawada J; Marzaro G; Sotelo E; Escalante L; Sánchez-D Marta A; García-Mera X; Asai A; Coelho A. "Multicomponent assembly of the Kinesin Spindle Protein (KSP) inhibitor CPUYJ039 and analogs as antimitotic agents.". (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28135059.
  33. Ivo E. Sampaio-Dias; Carlos A. D. Sousa; Sara C. Silva-Reis; Sara Ribeiro; Xerardo García-Mera; José E. Rodríguez-Borges; Sampaio-Dias, I.E.; et al. "Highly efficient one-pot assembly of peptides by double chemoselective coupling". Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 15 36 (2017): 7533-7542. https://doi.org/10.1039/C7OB01544E.
  34. da Costa, J.F.; García, M.D.; García-Mera, X.; Caamaño, O.. "Advances towards the synthesis and characterization of five-membered cyclic alcohols and ketones". Chemical Data Collections 9-10 (2017): 44-49. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85044860948&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  35. Borroto, Esvieta T.; Ramirez, Fabiola R.; Chagoyán, Juan C. V.; Jiménez, Roberto M. O.; Mera, Xerardo; Díaz, González D.. "Experimental-Theoretic Approach to Drug-Lymphocyte Interactome Networks with Flow Cytometry and Spectral Moments Perturbation Theory". Current Pharmaceutical Design (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1381612822666160805164308.
  36. Durán, Francisco, J. R.; Sousa, Nerea A.; Yanez, Matilde; Santos, Olga C.; Mera, Xerardo; Díaz, González D.. "Brain-inspired Cheminformatics of drug-target brain interactome, synthesis, and assay of TVP1022 derivatives". Neuropharmacology (2016):
  37. Sousa, C.A.D.; Sampaio-Dias, I.E.; García-Mera, X.; Lima, C.F.R.A.C.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.. "On the scope of oxidation of tertiary amines: Meisenheimer rearrangements: Versus Cope elimination in 2-(cyanoethyl)-2-azanorbornanes". Organic Chemistry Frontiers 3 12 (2016): 1624-1634. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84996598819&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  38. Sampaio-Dias, I.E.; Sousa, C.A.D.; García-Mera, X.; Ferreira Da Costa, J.; Caamaño, O.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.. "Novel l-prolyl-l-leucylglycinamide (PLG) tripeptidomimetics based on a 2-azanorbornane scaffold as positive allosteric modulators of the D2R". Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 14 47 (2016): 11065-11069. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85000366326&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  39. Maatougui, Abdelaziz; Guerrero, Jhonny A.; Gómez, González M.; Míguez, G.; Crespo, Abel; Carbajales, Carlos; Luz, Escalante; et al. "Discovery of Potent and Highly Selective A2B Adenosine Receptor Antagonist Chemotypes". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2016):
  40. Prado-Prado, F.J.; Arguello-Chan, A.G.; Estrada-Domínguez, C.I.; Aguirre-Crespo, A.; Aguirre-Crespo, F.J.; García-Mera, X.. "Model for classification of a ChEMBL dataset of anti-breast cancer-compounds conforming to multiple pharmacological parameters, biological assays, and receptors". Letters in Drug Design and Discovery 13 (2016): 491-496. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84990983929&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  41. Rizzo-Aguiar, F.; Sousa, C.A.D.; Garcia-Mera, X.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.. "Synthesis and characterization of 1-pyrindane derivatives as rasagiline analogues". Chemical Data Collections 5-6 (2016): 21-27. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85016122749&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  42. Sousa, Carlos; Sampaio-Dias, Ivo E.; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Reactivity of diphenylphosphanes with methyl glyoxylate, methyl/8 phenylneomenthyl glyoxylate oximes and methyl cyanoformate". Heteroatom Chemistry (2015):
  43. Sousa, Carlos A. D.; Sampaio-Dias, Ivo E.; Rizzo-Aguiar, F.; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, J. E.. "Enantiopure synthesis of 7-(1-pyrindanyl)propargyl ethers as rasagiline analogues via chemical or enzymatic resolution of 1-pyrindan-7-ol". RSC Advances (2015):
  44. da Costa, Joana F.; García, Marcos D.; Mera, Xerardo; Pérez-Castro, Isabel; Caamano, Olga. "A click chemistry approach to the synthesis of 3'-deoxy-2'-substituted carbanucleoside precursors". Tetrahedron (2015):
  45. da Costa, Joana F.; Mera, Xerardo; Caamano, Olga; Brea, José M.; Loza, María I.. "Synthesis by microwave-assisted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of 1,2,3-triazole 1’-homo-3’-isoazanucleosides and evaluation of their anticancer activity". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2015):
  46. Durán, Francisco J. R.; Alonso, Nerea; Caamano, Olga; Mera, Xerardo; Yanez, Matilde; Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; González-Díaz, Humberto. "Prediction of Multi-target Networks of Neuroprotective Compounds with Entropy Indices and Synthesis, Assay, and Theoretical Study of New Asymmetric 1,2-Rasagiline Carbamates". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2014):
  47. Sousa, Carlos A. D.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and N-functionalization of isoxazolidines: a new approach to nucleoside analogues". Tetrahedron Letters (2014):
  48. Azuaje, Jhonny; El Maatougui, Abdelaziz; Mera, Xerardo; Sotelo, Eddy. "Ugi-Based Approaches to Quinoxaline Libraries". ACS Combinatorial Science (2014):
  49. Tenorio-Borroto E; Peñuelas-Rivas CG; Vásquez-Chagoyán JC; Castañedo N; Prado-Prado FJ; García-Mera X; González-Díaz H. "Model for high-throughput screening of drug immunotoxicity--study of the anti-microbial G1 over peritoneal macrophages using flow cytometry.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24445280.
  50. Sousa, C.A.D.; Maestro, M.A.; Garcia-Mera, X.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.. "Endo-benzonorbornen-2-ol as an efficient non-natural chiral auxiliary in the asymmetric aza-Diels-Alder reactions between cyclopentadiene and (1-phenylethyl)iminoacetates". RSC Advances 4 101 (2014): 57768-57772. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84909952315&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  51. Carbajales, Carlos; Prado, Miguel A.; Gutiérrez-de-Terán, Hugo; Cores, Angel; Azuaje, Jhonny; Novio, Silvia; Nunez, María J.; et al. "Structure-Based Design of New KSP-Eg5 Inhibitors Assisted by a Targeted Multicomponent Reaction". ChemBioChem (2014):
  52. Tenorio-Borroto, Esvieta; Mera, Xerardo; Penuelas-Rivas, Claudia G.; Vasquez-Chagoyan, Juan C.; Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Castanedo, Nilo; Gonzalez-Diaz, Humberto. "Entropy Model for Multiplex Drug-Target Interaction Endpoints of Drug Immunotoxicity". Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (2013): http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/15680266113139990114.
  53. Crespo, Abel; El Maatougui, Abdelaziz; Biagini, Pierfrancesco; Azuaje, Jhonny; Coelho, Alberto; Brea, José; Loza, María I.; et al. "Discovery of 3,4-Dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ones as a Novel Class of Potent and Selective A2B Adenosine Receptor Antagonists". ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2013):
  54. Alonso, Nerea; Caamano, Olga; Romero-Duran, Francisco, J; Luan, Feng; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.; Yanez, Matilde; Gonzalez-Diaz, Humberto; García-Mera, Xerardo. "Model for High-Throughput Screening of Multi-Target Drugs in Chemical Neurosciences; Synthesis, Assay and Theoretic Study of Rasagiline Carbamates". ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2013):
  55. da Costa, Joana F,; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Sampaio-Dias, Ivo E.; Brea, José M.; Cadavid, María, I.. "Synthesis and allosteric modulation of the dopamine receptor by peptide analogs of L-prolyl-L-leucylglycinamide (PLG) modified in the L-proline or L-proline and L-leucine scaffolds". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2013):
  56. Sousa, Carlos A. D; Lima, Carlos, F. R. A. C; Andrade, Mariana; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "The Origin of Stereoselectivity in Cycloaddition Reactions Promoted by Stereoisomers of 8-Phenylmenthyl and Glyoxylate Oxime". Tetrahedron (2013):
  57. Prado-Prado, F.J.; Escobar, M.; García-Mera, X.. "Review of bioinformatics and theoretical studies of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors". Current Bioinformatics 8 4 (2013): 496-510. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84882749776&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  58. Yaziji, Vicente; Rodríguez, David; Coelho, Alberto; Mera, Xerardo; El Maatougui, Abdelaziz; Brea, José; Loza, María I.; et al. "Selective and potent adenosine A3 receptor antagonists by methoxyaryl substitution on the N-(2,6-diarylpyrimidin-4-yl)acetamide scaffold". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2013):
  59. Pereira, Cidália S.; Salgado, Sofia; Rizzo-Aguiar, Fabio; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Synthesis of New Propargylated 1-Pyrindane Derivatives as Rasagiline Analogues". Synlett (2013):
  60. Prado-Prado, F.; Garcia-Mera, X.; García-Mera, Xerardo; Concu, R.; Perez-Montoto, L.G.; Gonzalez-Diaz, H.; Duardo-Sanchez, A.. "Patents of bio-active compounds based on computer-aided drug discovery techniques". Frontiers in Bioscience 5 E 2 (2013): 399-407. http://dx.doi.org/10.2741/e623.
  61. Luan, Feng; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.; Alonso, Nerea; Mera, Xerardo; Caamano, Olga; Romero-Duran, Francisco J. ; Yanez, Matilde; González-Díaz, Humberto. "TOPS-MODE model of multiplexing neuroprotective effects of drugs and experimental-theoretic study of new 1,3-rasagiline derivatives potentially useful in neurodegenerative diseases". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2013):
  62. Mera, Xerardo; Alves, Maria J.; Goth, Albertino; do Vale, Maria L.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Highly Stereoselective Cycloadditions of Danishefsky’s diene to (-)-8-Phenylmenthyl and (+)-8-Phenylneomenthyl Glyoxylate N-Phenylethylimines". Tetrahedron (2013):
  63. Nino, Helena; García-Pintos, Isela; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Escobar-Cubiella, Manolo; Mera, Xerardo; Prado-Prado, Francisco. "Review of Synthesis, Biological Assay, and QSAR Studies of HMGR Inhibitors". Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (2012): 10.2174/157340911798260322.
  64. Miranda, Margarida S.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; da Silva, Joaquim C. G E.; Mera, Xerardo. "Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction between Cyclopentadiene and protonated N-phenylethyliminoacetates of 8-Phenylmenthol and 8-Phenylneomenthol: a DFT Study". Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry (2012):
  65. Borroto-Tenorio, Esvieta; Rivas, Claudia G. P.; Chagoyán, Juan C. V.; Castanedo, Nilo; Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Mera, Xerardo; González-Díaz, H.. "ANN multiplexing model of drugs effect over macrophages; theoretical and flow cytometry study of the cytotoxicity of the anti-microbial drug G1 in spleen". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2012):
  66. Nino, Helena; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Mera, Xerardo; Prado-Prado, Francisco J.. "Review of Synthesis, Assay, and Prediction of ß- and ¿-secretase inhibitors". Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (2012):
  67. Sousa, Carlos A. D.; Rizzo-Aguiar, Fabio; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Mera, Xerardo; Caamano, Olga; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "A route to selective functionalization of polyhydroxypyrrolidines". Tetrahedron Letters (2012):
  68. Sousa, Carlos A. D.; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "1,3- versus 1,4- [p4+p2] cycloadditions between methyl glyoxylate oxime and cyclopentadiene". Tetrahedron (2012): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tet.2011.12.073.
  69. Tenorio-Borroto E; Peñuelas-Rivas CG; Vásquez-Chagoyán JC; Prado-Pradoa FJ; García-Mera X; González-Díaz H. "Immunotoxicity, flow cytometry, and chemoinformatics: review, bibliometric analysis, and new QSAR model of drug effects over macrophages.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23030616.
  70. Sousa, Carlos A. D.; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Structural analysis of three methyl N-phosphorylated 5,6-dihydroxy-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-3-carboxylates". Journal of Molecular Structure (2012):
  71. Prado-Prado F; García-Mera X. "Editorial: QSAR models for computer-aided drug design and molecular docking for disorders of the central nervous system and other diseases.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23030608.
  72. Prado-Prado F; García-Mera X; Escobar M; Alonso N; Caamaño O; Yañez M; González-Díaz H. "3D MI-DRAGON: new model for the reconstruction of US FDA drug- target network and theoretical-experimental studies of inhibitors of rasagiline derivatives for AChE.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23030618.
  73. Niño H; García-Pintos I; Rodríguez-Borges JE; Escobar-Cubiella M; García-Mera X; Prado-Prado F. "Review of synthesis, biological assay and QSAR studies of ß-secretase inhibitors.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22050682.
  74. Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Escobar-Cubiella, Manuel; Mera, Xerardo. "Review of Bioinformatics and QSAR Studies of b-Secretase Inhibitors". Current Bioinformatics (2011): http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/157489311795222428.
  75. Mera, Xerardo. "NL MIND-BEST: a web server for ligands & proteins discovery; theoretic-experimental study of proteins of Giardia lamblia and new compounds active against Plasmodium falciparum". Journal of Theoretical Biology (2011):
  76. Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Alves, Maria J.. "Highly Diastereoselective Synthesis of 2-Azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene Derivatives: Bronsted Acid Catalized Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction between Cyclopentadiene and Imino-acetates with Two Chiral Auxiliaries". Tetrahedron (2011):
  77. Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Mera, Xerardo; Escobar, Manuel; Sobarzo-Sánchez, Eduardo; Yanez, Matilde; Riera-Fernandez, Pablo; González-Díaz, H.. "2D MI-DRAGON: a new predictor for protein-ligands interactions and theoretic-experimental studies of US FDA drug-target network, oxoisoaporphine inhibitors for MAO-A and Human parasite proteins". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2011):
  78. Mera, Xerardo. "Entropy Multi-Target QSAR model for Prediction of Antiviral drugs Complex Networks". Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (2011):
  79. González-Díaz, H.; Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Mera, Xerardo; Alonso, Nerea; Abeijón, Paula; Caamano, Olga; Yánez, Matilde; et al. "MIND-BEST: web server for drugs & target discovery; design, synthesis, and assay of MAO-B inhibitors and theoretic-experimental study of G3PD protein from Trichomona gallineae". Journal of Proteome Research (2011):
  80. Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Mera, Xerardo; Abeijón, Paula; Alonso, Nerea; Caamano, Olga; Yánez, Matilde; Gárate, Teresa; et al. "Using entropy of drug and protein graphs to predict FDA drug-target network: theoretic-experimental study of MAO inhibitors and hemoglobin peptides from F. hepatica". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2011):
  81. Yaziji, Vicente; Rodríguez, David; Gutiérrez-de-Terán, Hugo; Coelho, Alberto; Caamano, Olga; Brea, José; Mera, Xerardo; et al. "Pyrimidine Derivatives as Potent and Selective A3 Adenosine Receptor Antagonists". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2011):
  82. Caría, Isabel; Fall, Yagamare; Mera, Xerardo; Prado-Prado, Francisco. "Theoretical study of GSK-3a: Neural Networks QSAR studies for the design of new 2 inhibitors using 2D-descriptors". Molecular Diversity (2011):
  83. da Costa, Joana F.; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Midón, Pilar; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Synthesis of methyl (±)-3,5-bis(substitutedmethyl)pyrrolidine-2-carboxylates: A convenient approach to proline-mimetics". Tetrahedron (2010):
  84. Sousa, Carlos A. D.; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Mera, Xerardo. "Phosphorylation of 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene and 2-hydroxy-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene systems: synthesis and mechanistic study". New Journal of Chemistry (2010):
  85. Prado-Prado, Francisco J.; Mera, Xerardo; González-Díaz, H.. "Multi-Target Spectral Moment QSAR vs ANN for antiparasitic drugs against different parasite species". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2010):
  86. Helguera, Aliuska M.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Caamano, Olga; Mera, Xerardo; González, Maykel P.; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.. "Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Antineoplastic Activity of Novel Carbocyclic Nucleosides". Molecular Informatics (2010):
  87. Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Mera, Xerardo; Balo, María C.; Brea, José; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; López, Carmen; Loza, María I.; Nieto, María I.. "Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel 1,3,8- and 1,3,7,8-Substituted Xanthines as Adenosine Receptor Antagonists". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2010):
  88. Nieto, María I.; Balo, María C.; Brea, José; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen; et al. "Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel Substituted-9-deazaxanthines as A2B Receptor Antagonists". European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2010):
  89. Abeijón, Paula; Blanco, José M.; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; García, Marcos D.; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Balzarini, Jan; De Clercq, Erik. "Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 6-Substituted Purinylcarbanucleosides with a Cyclopenta[b]thiophene Pseudosugar". Synthesis (2009):
  90. Sousa, Carlos A. D; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Mera, Xerardo. "Methyl 2-diphenylphosphoryloxy-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-3-exo-carboxylate". Acta Crystallographica Section E (2009):
  91. Balo, María C.; Brea, José; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen; Loza, María I.; Nieto, María I.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel 1-and 8-Substituted-3-furfuryl Xanthines as Adenosine Receptor Antagonists". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2009):
  92. Molina-Ruiz, Reinaldo; Saíz-Urra, Liane; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Pérez-Castillo, Yunierkis; González, Maykel P.; Mera, Xerardo; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.. "A TOPological Sub-Structural Molecular Design (TOPS-MODE)-QSAR Approach for Modeling the Antiproliferative Activity against Murine Leukemia Tumour Cell Line (L1210)". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2009):
  93. Alves, José M.; Lemos, Américo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Mera, Xerardo; Fortes, Gil A.. "Ethyl 2-(Diisopropylphosphoryl)-2H-Azirine-3-Carboxylate: Reactions with Nucleophilic 1,3-Butadienes". Synthesis (2009):
  94. Carlos, Sousa A. D. ; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Mera, Xerardo. "(1RS,4RS,5RS)-Methyl 2-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)-2-oxa-3-azabicyclo[3.3.0]-oct-7-ene-4-carboxylate". Acta Crystallographica Section E (2009):
  95. Saíz-Urra, Liane; Pérez-Castillo, Yunierkis; González, Maykel P.; Ruiz, Reinaldo M.; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; García-Mera, Xerardo. "Theoretical Prediction of Antiproliferative Activity against Murine Leukemia Tumor Cell Line (L1210). 3D-Morse Descriptor and its Application in Computational Chemistry". QSAR & Combinatorial Science (2009):
  96. Fernández, Franco; Caamano, Olga; Nieto, María I.; López, Carmen X; García-Mera, Xerardo; Stefanachi, Angela; Nicolotti, Orazio; et al. "1,3-Dialkyl-8-N-substituted-benzyloxycarbonylamino-9-deazaxanthines as Potent A2B Adenosine Receptor Antagonists: Design, Synthesis, Structure-Affinity and Structure-Selectivity Relationships". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2009):
  97. Yaziji, Vicente; Coelho, Alberto; El Maatougui, Abdelaziz; Brea, José; Loza, María I.; García-Mera, Xerardo; Sotelo, Eddy. "Divergent Solution-Phase Synthesis of Diarylpyrimidine Libraries as Selective A3 Adenosine Receptor Antagonists". Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (2009):
  98. Nieto, María I.; Belo, María C.; Brea, José; Caamano, Olga; Cadavid, María I.; Fernández, F.; García-Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Synthesis of Novel 1-Alkyl-8-substituted-3-methoxypropyl Xanthines as Putative A2B Receptor Antagonists". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2009):
  99. Mera, Xerardo. "A Click Chemistry Approach to Assembly Proline Mimetic Libraries Containing 1,4-Substituted 1,2,3-Triazoles". Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (2008):
  100. Meyers, Caroline; Yánez, Matilde; Emaatougi, Abdelaziz; Verhelst, Tom; Coelho, Alberto; Fraiz, Nuria; Lemière, Guy L. F.; et al. "2-Substituted 4-, 5- and 6-[(1E)-3-oxo-3-phenylprop-1-en-1-yl]pyridazin-3(2H)-ones and 2-Substituted 4,5-bis[(1E)-3-oxo-3-phenylprop-1-en-1-yl]pyridazin-3(2H)-ones as Potent Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors: Design, Synthesis and SAR Studies". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2008):
  101. Rodriguez-Borges, J.E.; Vale, M.L.C.; Aguiar, F.R.; Alves, M.J.; García-Mera, X.. "Synthesis of polyhydroxylated pyrrolidines and aziridinopyrrolidines from [4p+2p] cycloadducts of cyclopentadiene and imines/2H-azirines". Synthesis 6 (2008): 971-977. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-41349123253&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  102. Carlos, Sousa A. D.; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; García-Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Otero, Jesús. "Acid-catalyzed Aza-Diels Alder versus 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions of Methyl Glyoxylate Oxime with Cyclopentadiene". Tetrahedron Letteers (2008):
  103. Balo, Carmen; López, Carmen; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Synthesis of a novel purinyl-1’-homocarbanucleosides based on a cyclopenta[c]pyrazine system". Chem. Pharm. Bull. (2008):
  104. Alonso, Nerea; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; Morales, Melvin; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; De Clercq, Eric. "Synthesis and Antiviral Activities of Novel Purinyl- and Pyrimidinylcarbanucleosides Derived from Indan". Synthesis (2008):
  105. Helguera, Aliuska M.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; García-Mera, Xerardo; Fernández, Franco; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.. "Probing the Anticancer Activity of Nucleoside Analogues: A QSAR Model Approach Using an Internally Consistent Training Set". Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2007):
  106. Vale, M. Luísa C.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo. "The use of (-)-8-phenylisoneomenthol and (-)-8-phenylmenthol in the enantioselective synthesis of 3-functionalized 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1heptane derivatives via aza-Diels Alder reaction". Tetrahedron (2006):
  107. García, Marcos D.; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; Pérez-Castro, Isabel. "Synthesis of purinyl and pyrimidinyl 1’(N)-homocarbonucleosides based on a 1-methylcyclopenta[c]pyrazole scaffold. Part 2.". Synthesis (2006):
  108. Alves, M. José ; García-Mera, Xerardo; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Santos, Teresa P.; Aguiar, Fábio R.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Stereoselective synthesis of polyhydroxylated pyrrolidines: A route to novel 3,5-bis(hydroxymethyl)pyrrolidines from 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1hept-5-enes". Tetrahedron Letters (2006):
  109. Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; García-Mera, Xerardo; Fernández, Franco; Lopes, V. Hugo C.; Magalhães, A. L.; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.. "Experimental and DFT Study of the Aza-Diels-Alder Reaction between Cyclopentadiene and Protonated Benzylimine Derivatives from Glyoxylates". Tetrahedron (2005):
  110. Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen; Morales, Melvin; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "A Convenient Synthesis of Novel Pyrimidinyl-5'-nor-1'-homocarbanucleosides Based on Indanol". Synthesis (2005):
  111. Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; Vale, M. Luísa C.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Enantioselective synthesis of [(1R,3-exo)-2-benzyl-2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-3-yl]methanol via aza-Diels-Alder reaction". Synlett (2005):
  112. Hergueta, Antonio R.; López, Carmen; Mera, Xerardo; Fernández, Franco. "Anionic ring opening of norbornenes fused to heterocycles". Tetrahedron (2004):
  113. Caamano, Olga; Gómez, Generosa; Fernández, Franco; García, Marcos D.; Mera, Xerardo; De Clercq, Eric. "A convenient synthesis of new purinyl-homo-carbonucleosides on a cyclopentane ring fused with pyridazine". Synthesis (2004):
  114. Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Morales, Melvin; Vilarino, Leonardo; Caamano, Olga; De Clercq, Eric. "Synthesis of new 6-substituted purinyl-5’-nor-1’-homocarbanucleosides based on indanol". Tetrahedron (2004):
  115. Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Vale, M. Luísa C.. "The exo-selectivity of the new non-natural chiral auxiliary: (+)-(1R,endo)-2-benzonorbornenol in an asymmetric aza-Diels-Alder reaction". Tetrahedron Letters (2003):
  116. Yao, S.-W.; Lopes, V. H. C; Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; Morales, M; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Cordeiro, M. Natália D. S.. "Synthesis and QSAR study of the anticancer activity of some novel indane carbocyclic nucleosides". Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry (2003):
  117. Blanco, J.M.; Fernández, F.; García-Mera, X.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.. "Divergent synthesis of two precursors of 3'-homo-2'-deoxy- and 2'-homo-3'-deoxy-carbocyclic nucleosides". Tetrahedron 58 43 (2002): 8843-8849. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0037152620&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  118. Figueira, María J.; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; García, Marcos D.. "Synthetic Approaches to (±)-c-4-Amino-r-1,c-2,t-3-cyclopentanetrimethanol: A Precursor of Higher Homologues of xylo-Carbocyclic Nucleosides". Tetrahedron (2002):
  119. Fernández, F.; García-Mera, X.; Morales, M.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.; De Clercq, E.; Mera, Xerardo. "Synthesis and cytostatic activities of new 6-substituted purinylcarbonucleosides derived from indan". Synthesis 8 (2002): 1084-1090. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0036284117&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  120. Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Blanco, José M.. "A New, Convenient Synthesis of The Chiral Auxiliary (+)-8-Phenylisomenthol". Tetrahedron Letters (2001):
  121. Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "A convenient route to both enantiomers of endo-2-benzonorbornenol via lipase catalyzed resolution of the racemic mixture". Tetrahedron: Asymmetry (2001):
  122. Abad, F. ; Alvares, F.; Fernández, Franco; García-Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "New Carbocyclic Nucleosides derived from Indan". Nucleosides & Nucleotides (2001):
  123. Valente, Anabela A.; Gonçalves, Isabel S.; Lopes, André D.; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Pillinger, Martyn; Romão, Carlos C.; Rocha, João; García-Mera, Xerardo. "Studies on olefin epoxidation with t-BuOOH catalysed by dioxomolybdenum (VI) complexes of a novel chiral pyridyl alcohalate ligand". New Journal of Chemistry (2001):
  124. Fernández, F.; García-Mera, X.; Morales, M.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.; Mera, Xerardo. "A short, efficient synthesis of substituted uracil: An indane carbocyclic nucleoside". Synthesis 2 (2001): 239-242. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0035125287&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  125. Balo, Carmen; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen. "UNEXPECTED DIECKMANN CONDENSATION IN THE SYNTHESIS OF METHYL 6-(6-METHOXY-2-NAPHTHYL)-6-OXOHEXANOATE WITH AN ARYLCADMIUM REAGENT". Organic Preparations and Procedures International (2000): http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00304940009355951.
  126. Balo, Carmen; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen. "SYNTHESIS OF FLUORESCENCE PROBES WITH A 2,6-AMINONAPHTHALENE-CARBONYL CHROMOPHORE". Organic Preparations and Procedures International (2000): http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00304940009355936.
  127. Caamaño, O.; Fernández, F.; García-Mera, X.; Rodríguez-Borges, J.E.. "A short, efficient synthesis of the chiral auxiliary (+)-8- phenylneomenthol". Tetrahedron Letters 41 21 (2000): 4123-4125. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0343238903&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  128. Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen; Rodríguez, Gonzalo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Synthesis and Characterization of all Stereoisomers of 8-phenylmenthol". Tetrahedron: Asymmetry (2000):
  129. Figueira, M. José; Blanco, J. Manuel; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen. "Synthesis of (1R,3R)-3-[2-(Aminoethyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclobutyl]methanol and (1S,3R)-(3-Amino-2,2-dimethylcyclobutyl)methanol from (+)-Nopinone". Synthesis (2000): http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-2000-7112.
  130. Figueira, M. José; Blanco, J. Manuel; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; López, Carmen. "Synthesis and antiviral and cytostatic activities of carbocyclic nucleosides incorporating a modified cyclobutane ring. Part 1: Guanosine analogues.". Archiv der Pharmazie (1999): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/10575367.
  131. Isabel Nieto M; Manuel Blanco J; Caamaño O; Fernández F; García-Mera X; López C; Balzarini J; De Clercq E. "Synthesis and antiviral activity of carbocyclic nucleosides incorporating a modified cyclopentane ring. Part 3: Adenosine and uridine analogues.". (1999): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/10616729.
  132. Fernández F; García-Mera X; Rodríguez G; Urrutia A. "New hexahydrocarbazoles and spiro indoles, and their affinity for D2 dopamine and 5-HT2A serotonin receptors.". (1999): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/10434402.
  133. Escobar, M.; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.. "Synthesis of (±)-cis-3-Aminomethyl-1-indanylmethanol as a Precursor of Carbocyclic Analogues of Nucleosides". Nucleosides and Nucleotides (1999): http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15257779908041520.
  134. Blanco, Jose M.; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Hergueta, Antonio R.; Lopez, Carmen; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Balzarini, Jan; De Clercq, Eric. "Synthesis and Antiviral and Antineoplastic Activities of Some Novel Carbocyclic Guanosine Analogues with a Cyclobutane Ring.". CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN (1999): http://dx.doi.org/10.1248/cpb.47.1314.
  135. Figueira, M.J.; Blanco, J.M.; Caamaño, O.; Fernández, F.; García-Mera, X.; López, C.; Andrei, G.; et al. "Synthesis and antiviral and cytostatic activities of carbocyclic nucleosides incorporating a modified cyclobutane ring. Part 1: Guanosine analogues". Archiv der Pharmazie 332 10 (1999): 348-352. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0032694692&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  136. Blanco, Jose M.; Caamano, Olga; Fernández, Franco; Mera, Xerardo; Lopez, Carmen; Rodríguez-Borges, José E.; Hergueta, Antonio R.. "An Efficient Method for Preparation of Chiral Arylmenthol Glyoxylates". Synthesis (1998): http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-1998-2198.
  137. Nieto MI; Blanco JM; Caamaño O; Fernández F; García-Mera X; Balzarini J; Padalko E; Neyts J; De Clercq E. "Synthesis, antiviral and cytostatic activities of carbocyclic nucleosides incorporating a modified cyclopentane ring. Part 2: Adenosine and uridine analogues.". (1998): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/9708318.
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Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2023/11 Insights on the Influence of Proline Residue on the Biological Effects of Glypromate Bioconjugates EPI 2023 – XVIII Iberian Peptide Meeting
(Sesimbra, Portugal)
2023/11 Synthesis of pyridine-based melanostatin derivatives EPI – XVIII Iberian Peptide Meeting
(Sesimbra, Portugal)
2023/11 A Biodisosteric Approach in the Research of Potent Melanostatin Analogs Using Alicyclic Beta-Amino Acids. Invited Lecture at ComBioMed Research Group
(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
2023/07 Exploring the biological impact of proline residue on Glypromate bioconjugates MedChem 2023
(Thessaloniki, Greece)
2023/05 Probing (tri)phosgene-free assembly of semicarbazides in aza-peptide synthesis IJUP – Encontro de Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2023/05 Tackling Parkinson’s Disease by Modulation of Dopamine Receptors Using Chiral Non-Proteinogenic Melanostatin Analogs IJUP ¿ Encontro de Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2023/04 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of a Potent Melanostatin Analogs with Application in Parkinson's Disease ENEQUI – Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Química
(Porto, Portugal)
2023/03 Effective Peptide-Based Conjugates for Application in Central Nervous System Disorders ENEQUI – Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Química
(Porto, Portugal)
2023/02 Glypromate Conjugates for Application in Neurodegenerative Diseases Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Farmacologia
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2023 Exploring stereodynamic effects on Melanostatin neuropeptide. MedChem 2023
(Thessalokini, Greece)
2023 Exploring The Effect Of Amide-To-Semicarbazide Replacement In Melanostatin Neuropeptide IX Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry Young Researchers
(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
2022/11 Synthesis, Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Melanostatin-Based Peptidomimetics to Tackle Parkinson’s Disease Simpósio de Investigação da Faculdade de Fármacia da Universidade do Porto
(Porto, Portugal)
2022/11 Melanostatin Aza-Peptides as Potent Allosteric Modulators of the Dopamine D2 Receptors XXVI Encontro Galego Portugués de Química
(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
2022/11 Discovery of Melanostatin-Based Potent Modulators of the Dopamine D2 Receptors Using Furoic Acids as Proline Surrogates XXVI Encontro Galego Portugués de Química
(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
2022/11 Uma Abordagem Bioisostérica na Descoberta de Potentes Análogos da Melanostatina Usando ß-Aminoácidos XXVI Encontro Galego Portugués de Química
(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
2022/11 Synthesis, Pharmacological and Toxicological Evaluation of Potent Melanostatin Peptidomimetics Incorporating Chiral ß-Amino Acids as Proline Surrogates 8th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry
2022/11 A Chemical Strategy to Improve Bioavailability of Glypromate Peptide-Conjugates 8th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry
2022/05 Thiophene-Based Melanostatin (MIF-1) Neuropeptide Analogues by O-to-S Bioisosteric Replacement in MIF-1 Furoyl Peptidomimetics IJUP – Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto
2022/05 Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Melanostatin Peptidomimetics using ß-Amino Acids as Proline Surrogates with Application in Parkinson’s Disease IJUP – Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto
2021/07 Probing Heteroaromatic Scaffolds in the Melanostatin Neuropeptide: A Bioisosteric Approach Using Niacin as a Pro Surrogate XXVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
2021/05 Exploring the Role of the N-terminal Secondary Amine in Melanostatin Neuropeptide: A Bioisosteric Approach using (S)-Tetrahydro-2-furoic Acid as a Proline Surrogate IJUP – Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto
2021/05 A Bioisosteric Approach using Aza-Proline (azPro) as a Proline Surrogate in Melanostatin Neuropeptide IJUP – Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto
2021/03 Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel Melanostatin (MIF-1) Peptidomimetics Using 2-Furoic Acid as a Proline Surrogate Digital Colloquium 2021
2021 Constrained Glypromate® Analogues Incorporating a Bicyclic Proline Surrogate 7th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2020 - Current NeuroPro: Peptide Conjugates for Neurodegenerative Diseases using Constrained Prolines.
Co-supervisor of Sara Carolina Silva Reis
Sustainable Chemistry (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2022 - 2023 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Melanostatin Aza-Peptides for Application in Parkinson’s Disease
Bioquímica (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2014 - 2018/10/10 Enantioselective Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of PLG and GPE Proline Mimetics
Co-supervisor of Ivo Emanuel Sampaio Dias
Sustainable Chemistry (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2012 - 2016/07/15 Neuroinformatic models for the discovery of neuroprotective drugs "Modelos neuroinformáticos para a descoberta de fármacos neuroprotectores"
Supervisor of Francisco Xavier Romero Durán
Pharmacy (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2014 - 2016 Synthesis of lipophilic tripeptide mimetics of proline as potential neuroprotectors "Síntese de tripéptidos lipofílicos miméticos da prolina como potenciais neuroprotetores"
Co-supervisor of Sara Raquel Alçada Bragança Ribeiro
Chemistry (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2011 - 2013/11 Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of PLG Prolinomimetics with Potential Neuroprotective Activity "Síntese e Avaliação Biológica de Prolinomiméticos do PLG com Potencial Atividade Neuroprotetora"
Co-supervisor of Ivo Emanuel Sampaio Dias
Biochemistry (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2009 - 2013/07/29 Synthesis of 3,5-disubstituted proline mimetics and their application in the construction of molecules with potential biological activity "Síntesis de prolina-miméticos 3,5-disustituidos y su aplicación en la construcción de moléculas con potencial actividad biológica"
Co-supervisor of Joana Raquel Ferreira da Costa
Pharmacy (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2008 - 2012/07/13 Bioinformatic models and study of protein receptors through the use of complex networks for the development and design of effective drugs in pathologies of the central nervous system "Modelos bioinformáticos y estudio de receptores de proteínas mediante el uso de redes complejas para el desarrollo y diseño de fármacos eficaces en patologías del sistema nervioso central"
Supervisor of Manuel Quintín Escobar Cubiella
Pharmacy (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Campus de Lugo, Spain
2008 - 2012/07/06 Synthesis and biological evaluation of new compounds based on the indane ring "Síntesis y evaluación biológica de nuevos compuestos basados en el anillo de indano"
Supervisor of Nerea Alonso Sousa
Química (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2011 - 2012/07 Synthesis and biological evaluation of new neuroprotectants based on the indane ring "Síntesis y evaluación biológica de nuevos neuroprotectores basados en el anillo del indano"
Supervisor of Helena Sánchez Lorenzo
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2008 - 2012/02/17 Multicomponent strategies in drug discovery. Identification and optimization of selective antagonists of adenosine receptors using the Biginelli reaction
Chemistry (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2006 - 2010/06/10 QSAR construction of complex networks of compounds of interest in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Microbiology and Parasitology "Construcción QSAR de redes complejas de compuestos de interés en Química Farmacéutica, Microbiología y Parasitología"
Supervisor of Isela García Pintos
Pharmacy (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2004 - 2008/07/07 New indan-derived carbonucleoside analogs with potential biological activity "Nuevos análogos carbonucleosídicos derivados del indano con potencial actividad biológica"
Supervisor of Melvin Manuel Morales Aguilera
Chemistry (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2006 - 2007/01 Synthesis of new purine carbonucleosides derived from indanylmethanol "Síntesis de nuevos carbonucleosidos púricos derivados de indanilmetanol"
Supervisor of Nerea Alonso Sousa
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2004 - 2005/12 Synthesis of new pyrimidine carbonucleosides derived from indanylmethanol "Síntese de novos carbonucleosidos pirimidínicos derivados de indanilmetanol"
Supervisor of Beatriz Trastoy Bello
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2002 - 2003/10 New indanol-derived carbonucleoside analogs with potential biological activity "Nuevos análogos carbonucleosídicos derivados del indanol con potencial actividad biológica"
Supervisor of Jorge Ojea Rodríguez
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2002 - 2003/10 Contribution to the synthesis of carbonucleosides derived from indanol "Contribución a la síntesis de carbonucleosidos derivados del indanol"
Supervisor of Leonardo Javier Vilariño Espasandín
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2000 - 2001/10 Study of the inductive effect achieved in aza-Diels-Alder reactions using 1-phenylethylamine and 8-phenylmenthol as chiral auxiliaries "Estudio del efecto inductivo conseguido en reacciones de aza-Diels-Alder utilizando 1-feniletilamina y 8-fenilmentol como auxiliares quirales"
Supervisor of Felipe José Álvarez Manceñido
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2000 - 2001/07 Preparation of carbocyclic nucleoside analogs with indane backbone "Preparación de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos con esqueleto de indano"
Supervisor of Patricia Abalde Comesaña
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1998 - 1999/10 Contribution to the synthesis of Carbocyclic Analogs of Nucleosides: preparation of amino alcohols derived from indanol "Contribución a la síntesis de Análogos Carbocíclicos de Nucleósidos: preparación de aminoalcoholes derivados del indanol"
Supervisor of Cristina Barreales Cardín
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1998 - 1999/07 Preparation of carbocyclic nucleoside analogs derived from (±)-cis-3-aminomethyl-1-indanylmethanol "Preparación de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos derivados de (±)-cis-3-aminometil-1-indanilmetanol"
Supervisor of Sonia Villarino Fernández
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1996 - 1997/07 Contribution to the synthesis of carbocyclic nucleoside analogues: synthesis of the precursor (±)-cis-3-aminomethyl-1-indanylmethanol "Contribución a la síntesis de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos: síntesis del precursor (±)-cis-3-aminometil-1-indanilmetanol"
Supervisor of Manuel Quintín Escobar Cubiella
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1996 - 1997/03 Contribution to the synthesis of carbocyclic nucleoside analogues: preparation of (±)-cis-3-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-ylmethyl)indanylmethanol and (±)-cis-3-(6-N-isopropylamino -9H-purin-9-ylmethyl)indanylmethanol "Contribución a la síntesis de análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos: preparación de (±)-cis-3-(6-amino-9H-purin-9-ilmetil)indanilmetanol y (±)-cis-3-(6-N-isopropilamino-9H-purin-9-ilmetil)indanilmetanol"
Supervisor of Beatriz Alonso Torrente
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1992 - 1995/10/17 Addition of chiral azadienephiles to cyclopentadiene: enantioselective preparation of 2-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane derivatives "Adición de azadienófilos quirales a ciclopentadieno: preparación enantioselectiva de derivados de 2-azabiciclo[2.2.1]heptano"
Supervisor of José Enrique Rodríguez Borges
Chemistry (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1994 - 1995/09 Carbocyclic analogs of nucleosides: synthesis of precursor (±)-cis-3-amino-1-indanylmethanol "Análogos carbocíclicos de nucleósidos: síntesis del precursor (±)-cis-3-amino-1-indanilmetanol"
Supervisor of Francisco Casás Sabarís
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1994 - 1995/07 Nucleoside Carbocyclic Analogs: precursor synthesis (1R, cis)-3-amino-1,2,2-trimethylcyclopentylmethanol "Análogos Carbocíclicos de Nucleósidos: síntesis del precursor (1R, cis)-3-amino-1,2,2-trimetilciclopentilmetanol"
Supervisor of Paula Coya Pintos
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1990 - 1991/09 Preparation of chiral imines as dienophiles with cyclopentadiene "Preparación de iminas quirales como dienófilos frente a ciclopentadieno"
Supervisor of Ana María García Bastos
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1989 - 1990/07 Preparation of chiral glyoxylates: derivatives of 8-arylmenthols "Preparación de glioxilatos quirales: derivados de 8-arilmentoles"
Supervisor of Carmen Gómez Villalobos
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1987 - 1988/07 Studies on the preparation of iminoacetic acid derivatives "Estudios sobre la preparación de derivados del ácido iminoacético"
Supervisor of Rosa Alonso Álvarez
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1985 - 1986/07 Contribution to the synthesis of 2-nitro-5-(N4-substituted-N1-piperazinyl)anilines as intermediates in the synthesis of antiparasitics "Aportación a la síntesis de 2-nitro-5-(N4-sustituidas-N1-piperazinil)anilinas como productos intermedios en la síntesis de antiparasitarios"
Supervisor of Julio García Gayo
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1984 - 1985/07 Pyridazine derivatives as potential antihypertensive agents, VI. Synthesis and pharmacological study of 3-hydrazinocycloalkenyl(c)pyridazines "Derivados de la Piridazina como antihipertensores potenciales, VI. Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de 3-hidrazinocicloalquenil(c)piridazinas"
Supervisor of Rosa María Sánchez Alonso
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Campus de Lugo, Spain
1983 - 1984/07 Pyridazine derivatives as potential antihypertensives, V. Synthesis and pharmacological study of 3-hydrazino-5,6-dihydrobenzo(h)kinolines "Derivados de la Piridazina como antihipertensores potenciales, V. Síntesis y estudio farmacológico de 3-hidrazino-5,6-dihidrobenzo(h)cinolinas"
Supervisor of María del Carmen Terán Moldes
Pharmacy (Degree)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Other distinction

2018 Insignia Fonseca of the University of Santiago de Compostela "Insignia Fonseca da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1994 Insignia de Ouro da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela "Insignia de Ouro da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela"
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain