André Paixão is an Assistant Researcher at the Transportation Department of the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) and collaborator as a Researcher with the R&D Unit CONSTRUCT at the University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering (FEUP). Holding a PhD in Civil Engineering from FEUP (2014) focused on the structural behaviour of railway track transition zones, he previously completed his degree in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) at the University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) (2006). His specialization and R&D activities have primarily focused on transport infrastructures, particularly the structural behaviour of railway track systems. He has extensive experience in a comprehensive range of approaches, including physical and numerical modelling of railway tracks, instrumentation, and laboratory characterization of materials. André's main research interests include unconventional solutions and emerging trends for railway track superstructures, railway track geometric quality and degradation behaviour, transition zones in railway tracks, instrumentation and monitoring of transport infrastructures, mechanical and morphological characterization of bound and unbound granular materials, numerical modelling of railway track superstructure and substructure, and asset management of transport infrastructures. Since 2018, he has focused on the three-dimensional morphological analysis of alternative aggregates for railway ballast using unconventional 3D scanning techniques based on close-range photogrammetry. He has participated in several R&D projects and has authored/co-authored 25+ articles in peer-reviewed international journals, 60+ in conference proceedings, and 100+ technical reports, with an h-index of 18 as of jan. 2025. He has co-supervised 10+ MSc students. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Transportation Geotechnics (ISSN 2214-3912) and the Deputy Coordinator of the "Geotechnics in resilient and sustainable transport infrastructures" WG/CPGT of the Portuguese Geotechnical Society. André Paixão was awarded PhD and Postdoc fellowships by FCT, and his PhD work received the awards 'Prémio Professor Doutor Joaquim Sarmento 2014' and LNEC's 'Prémio Manuel Rocha'.

Personal identification

Full name
André Paixão

Citation names

  • Paixão, André

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id


Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Civil Engineering - Transport Engineering
Degree Classification
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Civil (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
"Transition zones in railway tracks: An experimental and numerical study on the structural behaviour" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
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