
Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Sofia Kousi

Nomes de citação

  • Kousi, Sofia

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID
Grau Classificação
2013/02/01 - 2018/02/22
Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Marketing (Doktor (PhD))
Especialização em Doctoral Program
Athens University of Economics & Business, Grécia
"The contribution of experiential and material purchases to happiness: Expanding the Experience Recommendation" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
2003/09/01 - 2005/05/21
Masters in Business Administration (MBA) (Master)
Especialização em Marketing
New York University, Estados Unidos
1995/08/25 - 1999/05/21
Bachelor's (Marketing) (Bachelor)
Especialização em Marketing
University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, Estados Unidos
1995/08/25 - 1999/05/21
Bachelor's (Communication) (Bachelor)
Especialização em Communication
University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School for Communication, Estados Unidos
Percurso profissional

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2025/01/01 - Atual Professor Associado (Docente Universitário) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2018/09/01 - 2024/12/31 Professor Auxiliar (Docente Universitário) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2018/01/02 - 2018/05/30 Leitor (Docente Universitário) Athens University of Economics & Business, Grécia
2016/09/01 - 2017/05/30 Leitor (Docente Universitário) Mediterranean College, Grécia


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2023/09/01 - Atual Academic Director, Master's in Management Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
Research4Covid19 - Special research grant - 2d edition
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)


Artigo em conferência
  1. Hoang, D.; Kousi, S.; Martinez, L.F.. "Online Customer Engagement in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Opportunities for the Luxury Industry". 2022.
  2. Kousi, Sofia; Gaetano Naselli. Autor correspondente: Kousi, Sofia. "Digital technology in the retail environment & consumer emotions". Trabalho apresentado em European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional conference 2021, Warsaw, 2021.
Artigo em revista
  1. Consiglio, Irene; Kousi, Sofia; Anne-Laure Sellier. Autor correspondente: Consiglio, Irene. "Studying Debiasing Effects: A Commentary on Tests of Passive One-Shot Debiasing Interventions". Under review Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Making Processes (2026):
    Em revisão
  2. Sofia Kousi; Georgios Halkias; Flora Kokkinaki. "Hedonic objects and utilitarian experiences: The overriding influence of hedonism in driving consumer happiness". Psychology & Marketing (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21829.
  3. Duc Hoang; Sofia Kousi; Luis F. Martinez; Satish Kumar. "Revisiting a model of customer engagement cycle: a systematic review". The Service Industries Journal (2023): https://doi.org/10.1080/02642069.2023.2202912.
  4. Hoang, D.; Kousi, S.; Martinez, L.F.. "Online customer engagement in the post-pandemic scenario: a hybrid thematic analysis of the luxury fashion industry". Electronic Commerce Research 23 3 (2023): 1401-1428. doi.org/10.1007/s10660-022-09635-8.
Artigo em revista (magazine)
  1. Kousi, Sofia. "Women’s football and brand architecture ("Futebol Feminino e Arquitetura de Marca")", Marketeer, 2024, https://marketeer.sapo.pt/futebol-feminino-e-arquitetura-de-marca/.
  2. Kousi, Sofia. Autor correspondente: Kousi, Sofia. "Bye-bye-bye, and hello brand nostalgia ("Bye bye bye e a nostalgia pela marca")", 2024
  3. Kousi, Sofia. Autor correspondente: Kousi, Sofia. "Bringing joy to customers: experiences or objects? ("Propocionar alegria aos clientes: Atravês de experiências ou objectos?")", Marketeer, 2024
  4. Kousi, Sofia. "Brand activism: to do or not to do ("Activismo de marca: aderir ou não aderir?")", Marketeer, 2024, https://marketeer.sapo.pt/activismo-de-marca-aderir-ou-nao-aderir/.
  5. Kousi, Sofia. "How do you choose a brand name? ("Como escolher um nome para a sua marca?")", Marketeer , 2024, https://marketeer.sapo.pt/como-escolher-um-nome-para-a-sua-marca.
  6. Kousi, Sofia. "On remaining relevant ("Manter-se relevante")", Marketeer, 2024
  7. Kousi, Sofia. "Speaking each other’s language (“Falar a língua um do outro")", Marketeer, 2024, https://marketeer.sapo.pt/falar-a-lingua-um-do-outro.
  8. Kousi, Sofia. "The brand audit: Know thyself (“A auditoria à marca: Conheça-se a si próprio", Marketeer , 2024, https://marketeer.sapo.pt/a-auditoria-a-marca-conheca-se-a-si-proprio.
  9. Kousi, Sofia. "“What can Taylor Swift teach us about brand loyalty?” (“O que é que a Taylor Swift nos pode ensinar sobre fidelização à marca?”)", Marketeer, 2024
  10. Kousi, Sofia. "Marketing’s PR problem (“O problema de Relações Públicas do Marketing”),", Marketeer, 2024
  11. Kousi, Sofia. "“The forgotten customers” (“Clientes esquecidos”)", Marketeer, 2023
  12. Kousi, Sofia; Sim, Samantha. "Employee well-being 2.0", Harvard Deusto Business Review, 2021, https://www.harvard-deusto.com/sumando-ideas-bienestar-y-felicidad-en-el-entorno-laboral.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Kousi, Sofia; Gaetano Naselli. "Cashier-free supermarkets and consumer emotions". In Extending boundaries: The impact of the digital world on consumers and marketing, editado por Marcin Awdziej; Tkaczyk Jolanta, 47-58. 2022.
  2. Hoang, Duc; Kousi, Sofia; Martinez, Luis F.. Autor correspondente: Hoang, Duc. "Online customer engagement in the aftermath of COVID-19: Opportunities for the luxury industry". In Advances in Digital Marketing and eCommerce., editado por Martínez-López, F. J. & Martinez, L. F., 259-266. 2022.
Poster em conferência
  1. Kousi, Sofia; Flora Kokkinaki. "Decomposing the natural edge of experiential purchases on wellbeing". Trabalho apresentado em European Marketing Academy (EMAC) annual conference, Oslo, Norway, May 24-27, 2016.
Resumo em conferência
  1. Kousi, Sofia; Georgios Halkias; Hans Baumgartner. "Happy to have and happy to do: The role of self-expression (a)symmetry in material and experiential Purchases". Trabalho apresentado em Association for Consumer Research (ACR) conferences, Paris (virtual), 2020.
  2. Kousi, Sofia; Kim Preiksaitis. "The upside of imagining unattainable purchases". Trabalho apresentado em European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Hamburg, Germany, Hamburg, 2019.
  3. Georgios Halkias; Kousi, Sofia; Milena Micevski. "Consumer Culture Imagery and Foreign Brands: Ad-Brand Incongruity and Consumers' Desire for Authenticity". Trabalho apresentado em European Advertising Academy, International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Krems, Austria, June 27-29, Krems, 2019.
  4. Kousi, Sofia; Flora Kokkinaki. "The contribution of experiential and material purchases in happiness: the role of self-expression". Trabalho apresentado em Greek Psychology Association (ELPSE) Conference of Research in Psychology, Thessaloniki, Greece, Thessaloniki, 2017.
  5. Kousi, Sofia; Flora Kokkinaki; Stavros Drakopoulos. "The impact of purchase motivation on happiness: experiential and material purchases". Trabalho apresentado em Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 27-30., San Diego, CA, 2017.
  6. Kousi, Sofia; Kokkinaki, Flora. "The asymmetric nature and motivation of experiential and material purchases, and their impact on happiness". Trabalho apresentado em The Association for Consumer Research Conference, Berlin, 2016.
  7. Kousi, Sofia; Flora Kokkinaki. "Happiness and the asymmetric motivation behind experiential and material purchases". Trabalho apresentado em Global Marketing Conference (GMC), Hong Kong, 2016.
  8. Kousi, Sofia; Kokkinaki, Flora. "Happiness from experiential and material purchases: inherent asymmetries and potential". Trabalho apresentado em European Conference of Positive Psychology (ECPP), Angers, 2016.


Outra produção
  1. Taylor Swift & the next era: brand-building through loyalty. Teaching case study with instructor notes. Available at Nova SBE Case Center Publishing (NOVA 17-23006) and The Case Centre (524-0081-1). 2024. Kousi, Sofia; Mitzlaff Joana. https://www.thecasecentre.org/products/view?id=200374.
  2. Tiffany & Co: Revitalizing an old icon. Teaching case study with instructor notes. Available at Nova SBE Case Center Publishing (NOVA 17-23007) and The Case Centre (524-0101-1). 2023. Kousi, Sofia. https://www.thecasecentre.org/products/view?id=201510.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/11/21 “Hedonic objects and utilitarian experiences: The overriding influence of hedonism in driving consumer happiness” – invited seminar at University of Algarve, Faro, 21/11/24, part of Westmont Institute of Tourism & Hospitality seminar series. Invited research seminar, part of Westmont Institute of Tourism & Hospitality seminar series
University of Algarve, Faro (Faro, Portugal)
2024/07/11 "From gratitude to sustainability: Unpacking product value for conscious consumption". European Conference of Positive Psychology (ECPP), Innsbruck, Austria, July 10 – 13. European Conference of Positive Psychology (ECPP)
(Innsbruck, Áustria)
2023/11/16 "Hedonic objects and utilitarian experiences: The overriding influence of hedonism in driving consumer happiness" Invited research seminar, University of Algarve Invited research seminar, part of Westmont Institute of Tourism & Hospitality seminar series
University of Algarve, Faro (Portugal)
2022/07/01 "Corporate well-being programs and organizational support: the role of program variety", European Conference of Positive Psychology (ECPP) European Conference of Positive Psychology (ECPP)
(Reykjavik, Islândia)
2022/06/30 "Imagining unattainable dream purchases: a vicarious well-being boost or a sad reminder of their out of reach nature?" European Conference of Positive Psychology (ECPP) European Conference of Positive Psychology (ECPP)
(Reykjavik, Islândia)
2021/10/15 Invited talk: "Shall we talk about wellbeing at work?" (Vamos falar sobre wellbeing e bem-estar no trabalho?), PLMJ
PLMJ (Lisbon, Portugal)
2021/09/23 "Digital technology in the retail environment & consumer emotions" (EMAC) European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Regional conference 2021
(Warsaw, Polónia)
2021/03/11 "Debiasing training in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic", III Seminário Internacional Vulnerabilidades Sociais e Saúde, at Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal III Seminário Internacional Vulnerabilidades Sociais e Saúde
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
2021/03/01 Invited talk: "The importance of social relationships for wellbeing", Nova SBE Wellbeing Week Nova SBE Wellbeing week
Nova SBE
2020/10/16 Invited talk: 'Effective Leadership roundtable', Nova SBE Executive Education
Nova SBE
2017/01/20 "Happiness from experiential and material purchases: the role of the hedonic and utilitarian nature of purchases" (SPSP) Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Convention, San Antonio, TX, January 19-21. 2017
Society for Personality and Social Psychology (San Antonio, Estados Unidos)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2025/02/01 - 2025/05/16 Master's thesis: "Understanding the brand equity of Portuguese beer brands"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2025/02/01 - 2025/05/05 CEMS Business Project: "Understanding & implementing Inclusion in the Home Care and Laundry Category: Can a Detergent Be Inclusive?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2025/02/01 - 2025/05/05 CEMS Business Project: "Increasing NIVEA MEN face care product usage penetration among men in Germany"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2024/09/01 - 2024/12/17 Master's thesis: "In-store experiences that captivate Gen Z in Germany's luxury fashion sector"
2024/09/01 - 2024/12/17 Master's thesis: "Bridging the gendered green gap: Targeted marketing strategies to promote sustainable consumption among men"
2024/04/01 - 2024/06/16 Master's thesis: "A strategic brand audit gap analysis: A case study of the beer brand Peroni in Germany"
2024/02/01 - 2024/05/17 Master's thesis: "Top 10 European business schools: masters in management degree offering and areas of expertise"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Creating a Brand Strategy for Careceiver – Careceiver’s Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Creating a Brand Strategy for Careceiver – Careceiver’s Brand Personality, Verbal and Visual Identity"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Creating a Brand Strategy for Careceiver – Crafting Effective Communication Strategies for Careceiver"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Understanding and reaching the new Gen Z & Millennial pet parents: Communication Program and Media Plan for New Dog Parents"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Understanding and reaching the new Gen Z & Millennial pet parents: Profiling the New Dog Parents and their Decision Journey"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Understanding and reaching the new Gen Z & Millennial pet parents: Profiling the New Cat Parents and their Decision Journey"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Understanding and reaching the new Gen Z & Millennial pet parents: Communication Program and Media Plan for New Cat Parents"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/19 Master's thesis: "Understanding and reaching the new Gen Z & Millennial pet parents: Marketing Mix of the New Dog and Cat Parents"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/17 Master's thesis: "From eco-anxiety to action: Unraveling the dynamics of message framing and attitudes on purchase intention"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/17 Master's thesis: "The Impact of Gratitude on Sustainable Behavior – Gratitude and Sustainable Behavior in a Utilitarian Context"
2023/09/01 - 2023/12/17 Master's thesis: "The Impact of Gratitude on Sustainable Behavior – Gratitude and Sustainable Behavior in a Hedonic Context"
2023/04 - 2023/09 Master's thesis: "How can face brands increase purchase intention from female Gen Z through Tiktok in Hungary?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2023/04 - 2023/09 Master's thesis: "How brand tribalism influences brand relationships and brand extensions? The Oakley case"
2023/04 - 2023/09 Master's thesis: "The influence of sociodemographic factors on attitudes and purchase intention of sustainable cosmetics packaging"
2023/03 - 2023/06 Master's thesis: "Beyond the tools: An in-depth study of Hilti's branding"
2023/01 - 2023/06 Master's thesis: "Long Live Taylor Swift a case study on building and growing a brand through loyalty"
2023/01 - 2023/06 Master's thesis: "Using brand personality to increase Dercos brand trust among young adults in Germany"
2023/01 - 2023/06 Master's thesis: "Exploring the impact of endorsement marketing on consumer perceptions: a case study of Vichy endorsement of Dercos"
2023/02/01 - 2023/05/05 CEMS Business Project: "Growing the Dercos brand"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2022/09/01 - 2023/01/25 Master's thesis: "Growing Be-Kind in the healthy snacks category in Portugal: How to increase trial rate & brand preference via sales Promotion"
2022/09 - 2023/01 Master's thesis: "Growing Be-Kind in the healthy snacks category in Portugal – How can distribution increase brand awareness and sales?"
2022/09 - 2023/01 Master's thesis: "Growing Be-Kind in the healthy snacks category in Portugal – Increase brand awareness using social media"
2022/09 - 2023/01 Master's thesis: "Strengthening the positioning of Tazzi through the development of a brand strategy - Development of a verbal identity strategy"
2022/09 - 2023/01 Master's thesis: "Strengthening the positioning of Tazzi through the development of a brand strategy: How can Tazzi’s brand strategy be expressed through visual identity?"
2022/09 - 2023/01 Master's thesis: "Strengthening the positioning of Tazzi through the development of a brand strategy: How can Tazzi acquire drivers and build on relationships with them to ensure retention and increased engagement?"
2022/09 - 2023/01 Master's thesis: "Strengthening the positioning of Tazzi through the development of a brand strategy: Evaluating the brand extension and the potential success of the ABZZ app"
2018 - 2023 PhD Dissertation: "Three Essays on Online Customer Engagement Cycle"
Coorientador de Duc Hoang
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2022/03 - 2022/07 Master's thesis: "Suitability of TikTok and strategies for marketing of the LUMINOUS630 franchise"
2022/03 - 2022/07 Master's thesis: "The impact of sustainability seals in advertising on the brand perception of Gen Z consumers: an experiment for the brand CeraVe"
2022/03 - 2022/07 Master's thesis: "Evaluating the use of "3Corações" brand name in the context of 3Corações's international expansion: a comparison between German and Portuguese consumers"
2022/03 - 2022/07 Master's thesis: "A Tal Da Castanha brand audit: How do Brazilian consumers perceive A Tal da Castanha brand?"
2022/03 - 2022/07 Master's thesis: "Finding the optimal positioning for a K-Beauty company in the German skincare market"
2022/01/01 - 2022/06/25 Master's thesis: "Communication strategy for Vichy to attract Generation Z on tiktok"
2022/03 - 2022/06 Master's thesis: "Embracing social commerce: How can Vichy leverage e-commerce and Instagram shopping to boost sales among younger consumers?"
2022/03 - 2022/06 Master's thesis: "Environmental sustainability and young consumers: Exploring communication strategies in online advertising for a leading dermo-cosmetic brand"
2022/02/01 - 2022/05/05 CEMS Business Project: "Vichy Laboratories: Attracting the younger consumer"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2021/09/01 - 2022/01/25 Master's thesis: "How Scoop 'n Dough can increase brand awareness through search engine marketing"
2021/09/01 - 2022/01/25 Master's thesis: "Strengthening the positioning of Scoop 'n Dough: Evaluating the product portfolio and product extension opportunities"
2021/09/01 - 2022/01/25 Master's thesis: "How can Scoop 'n Dough's brand strategy be expressed through visual identity?"
2021/09/01 - 2022/01/25 Master's thesis: "Strengthening the positioning of Scoop 'n Dough: Developing a verbal identity strategy"
2021/09/01 - 2022/01/25 Master's thesis: "Creating and retailing loyal customers to foster a Scoop 'n Dough community"
2021/09/01 - 2022/01/25 Master's thesis: "Strengthening the positioning of Scoop 'n Dough: Online content & communication strategy"
2021/09/01 - 2022/01/25 Master's thesis: "The impact of sustainability related imagination on consumer well-being"
2021/03/01 - 2021/09/10 Master's thesis: "How do key consumer growth drivers impact the future of brick-and-mortar retail experience in the Beauty and Personal Care category?"
2021/03/01 - 2021/07/05 Master's thesis: "LinkedIn as a personal branding tool. Branding digitally and driving non-linear growth for disruptive businesses and innovative companies"
2021/03/01 - 2021/07/05 Master's thesis: "How is it possible to increase Pringle's relevance during the aperitivo time in Italy?"
2021/03/01 - 2021/07/05 Master's thesis: "To what extend does Pringle's need to adapt their World Cup marketing strategy to the Spanish potato market? A detailed analysis on how to shape an already existing activation plan to suit the demands of the Spanish population"
2021/01/01 - 2021/06/11 Master's thesis: "Developing a brand identity strategy for the Nova SBE Behavioral Lab: Verbal & Visual identity"
2021/01/01 - 2021/06/11 Master's thesis: "Developing a brand identity strategy for the Nova SBE Behavioral Lab: Segmentation, targeting & positioning in the sponsor segment"
2021/01/01 - 2021/06/11 Master's thesis: "Developing a Brand Identity Strategy for the Nova SBE Behavioral Lab: Communications plan & Website content"
2021/01/01 - 2021/06/11 Master's thesis: "Traditional vs natural celebrity endorsements: An empirical investigation of their impact on brand attitude, purchasing intent and willingness to pay"
2021/01/01 - 2021/06/07 Master's thesis: "The influence of organizational support factors on employee participation in well-being programs. Examining the effects of Perceived Co-Worker and Perceived Organizational Support, perceived organisation's commitment, and variety of programs"
2021/01/14 - 2021/01/21 Master's thesis: "The impact on consumer well-being from imagining dream purchases"
2020/09/01 - 2021/01/15 Master's thesis: "Consumer engagement in virtual and collocated live music experiences: An empirical analysis"
2020/09/01 - 2021/01/15 Master's thesis: "The Impact of a Happy Positioning on Willingness to Pay for Utilitarian Products"
2020/09/01 - 2021/01/15 Master's thesis: "Adapting to a post-Covid19 reality and extending the brand to a new segment: The case of Human Hotel"
2021/01/14 - 2021/01/14 Master's thesis: "How to build a personal brand in the niche sport Big Wave Surfing - An analysis of Sebastian Steudtner"
2020/06/03 - 2020/06/03 Master's thesis: "The impact of design aesthetics on willingness to pay for utilitarian products"
2020/06/03 - 2020/06/03 Master's thesis: "Customer behaviour and experience through a new concept of grocery shopping"
2020/01/24 - 2020/01/24 Master's thesis: "Reaching digital success in Luxury Fashion: What can Masscob learn from Gucci?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2020/01/24 - 2020/01/24 Master's thesis: "The impact of influencer marketing onto Portuguese consumers' value perceptions and purchase intentions towards premium beauty brands."
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2020/01/23 - 2020/01/23 Master's thesis: "How Booking.com's brand equity compares to its brand image"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2020/01/23 - 2020/01/23 Master's thesis: "What motivates customers to use Booking.com besides the online rates?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2020/01/23 - 2020/01/23 Master's thesis: "Discovering who the Opel brand ambassador should be in the younger segment"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2020/01/23 - 2020/01/23 Master's thesis: "How to improve Opel Portugal active engagement among the younger segment of Opel consumers through a concept store"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2020/01/23 - 2020/01/23 Master's thesis: "Analysing the new Opel Corsa Advertisement: will it improve brand salience & imagery among the younger Portuguese drivers?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/09/09 - 2019/09/09 Master's thesis: "What are the determinants to encourage household food waste recycling behavior in Brazil?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/07/03 - 2019/07/03 Master's thesis: "Repositioning the Beronia Brand in Germany: Understanding Consumers and Competition"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/07/03 - 2019/07/03 Master's thesis: "Should Monster Energy reposition their beverages as hedonic goods to better penetrate coffee shops in the Republic of Ireland?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05 Master's thesis: "Analysing Parfois' Brand Salience: Raising Awareness in the Apparel Category"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05 Master's thesis: "A Brand Equity Report for Parfois: Setting Strong Foundations for a Growing Portuguese Brand An in-depth analysis on Brand Relationships (Brand Resonance)"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05 Master's thesis: "The role of the physical supermarket stores and how they survive in the omnichannel era, in the Portuguese market"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05 Master's thesis: "The viability of adding a subscription component to Men Expert's business in Portugal"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05 Master's thesis: "How Should L'Oréal Group Rethink L'Oréal Paris Men Expert Packaging Strategy in Order to Establish a Coherent Brand Image and Identity"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05 Master's thesis: "The concept of masculinity in Portugal and its influence on local marketing solutions: The case of L¿Oréal Paris Men Expert"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/05 - 2019/06/05 Master's thesis: "The e-loyalty for Fast Moving Consumer Goods, in Russia. A research study on factors contributing to the e-loyalty of customers in D2C online commerce and its impact on businesses profitability"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/03 - 2019/06/03 Master's thesis: "Embrace your age: Growing Elvive's market share in Portugal by introducing a new product line Elvive Pro Age"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/06/03 - 2019/06/03 Master's thesis: "Is the new-age elderly an age-subgroup within the 55+ portuguese female population? A recommendation to L'Oreal Paris Elvive concerning the hair case brand's competitive landscape in Portugal"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/02/01 - 2019/05/05 CEMS Business Project: "L’Oréal Paris Elvive: Growing Elvive’s market share in Portugal by understanding its competitive environment"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/01/01 - 2019/05/05 CEMS Business Project: "L’Oréal - How to strengthen the brand equity of L’Oréal Paris Men Expert and establish it as a strong, credible brand in Portugal?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/01/15 - 2019/01/15 Master's thesis: "Robijn vs Lenor Megabrand: What can Lenor learn from their competitor Robijn to scale up their megabrand strategy in Europe?"
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2020/03/15 - 2021/03/15 "MARKETING WITH PURPOSE COLLOQUIUM" In this colloquium, we bring together marketing scholars, practitioners, and society, to discuss the role of consumers and companies in humankind’s efforts to achieve important societal goals, including responsible production and consumption, public health, consumer welfare, and equality. (2021/03/15 - 2021/03/15)
Conferência (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal

Participação em evento

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de evento
Nome do evento
Instituição / Organização
2024/12/11 - 2024/12/11 “Marketing research at Nova SBE” roundtable – invited talk, Nova SBE Executive Education, Lisbon, 11/12/24
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal

Júri de grau académico

Tipo de participação
Nome do candidato (Tipo de grau)
Instituição / Organização
2024/04/10 Doctor of Business Administration Committee Examiner: "Factors Driving C2C E-Commerce Sales Performance: A Study in the Luxury Second-hand Market"
Arguente principal
Ashraf El Arabaty (Doutoramento)
SKEMA Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lille, França

Arbitragem científica em conferência

Nome da conferência Local da conferência
2019/01/01 - Atual European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference - Reviewer University of Hamburg
2019/01/01 - Atual 18th International Conference on Research in Advertising 2019 - Reviewer IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
2022/01/01 - 2022/05/01 Business Association of Latin American studies (BALAS) - Track chair Nova SBE
2016/02/01 - 2020/04/27 Association for Consumer Research (ACR) conferences - Reviewer
2017/01/19 - 2017/01/21 Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Convention - Reviewer

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2020/02/01 - 2026/12/20 Nova SBE Master's in Management: "Brand Management" Master's in Management (Mestrado) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/09/01 - 2025/12/17 Nova SBE Master's in Management: "Evidence-based practices for well-being" Master's in Management (Mestrado) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2024/12/06 - 2024/12/06 Nova SBE Executive Education, “Brisa | In Depth Workshops | Projeto com Mentores”, Brisa Academia de Marketing, Customized program for Brisa (Outros) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2024/06/01 - 2024/07/01 Universidad de los Andes School of Management, International Summer School 2024: "Wellbeing Principles for Better Marketing & Consumption" (Master)
2023/02/01 - 2024/05/31 Nova SBE Master's in Management: "Better Marketing for Consumer Wellbeing" (Mestrado) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2024/03/18 - 2024/03/18 "Marketing research primer", invited lecture at Parsons School of Design, NY, USA, 18/3/24. New School University Parsons The New School for Design, Estados Unidos
2023/06/20 - 2023/06/30 Universidad de los Andes School of Management, International Summer School 2023: "Wellbeing Principles for Better Marketing & Consumption" Wellbeing Principles for Better Marketing & Consumption (Master) Universidad de los Andes, Colômbia
2020/09/01 - 2023/06/01 Nova SBE Master's in Management: "Brand Management in Hospitality" (Mestrado) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2022/01/01 - 2023/05/30 Nova SBE Master's in Management: "Advanced Branding and Brand Development", Project-based Learning (Mestrado) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2020/04/24 - 2023/05/24 Nova SBE PhD: "Consumer wellbeing", session in Hot Topics in Exemplary Research course Hot topics in exemplary research (Pós-doutoramento) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2023/05/05 - 2023/05/05 Nova SBE Executive Education: “Strategic Brand management”, Brisa Academia de Marketing, Customized program for Brisa Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2023/04/24 - 2023/04/24 Copenhagen Business School, Erasmus+: "The rise & fall of a hot topic" (Doutoramento) Copenhagen Business School, Dinamarca
2020/01 - 2023/01 Nova SBE PhD program, “Hot topics in exemplary research" course coordination (Doutoramento) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2022/12/22 - 2022/12/22 Invited lecture: "Wellbeing as wholebeing", American College of Greece (Bachelor) The American College of Greece, Grécia
2022/09 - 2022/12 Nova SBE Executive Master's: "Brand Management" (Mestrado)
2022/09 - 2022/09 Nova SBE Executive Education: "Happiness as wholebeing", Program launch - Adam's Choice (Outros) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2022/04/04 - 2022/04/04 Invited lecture: "Brand Strategy for designers", IADE (Mestrado) IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Portugal
2022/03/22 - 2022/03/22 Nova SBE Executive Education: "Building resilience", invited talk at the Effective Leadership program (Outros) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2022/03/14 - 2022/03/14 Invited lecture: "Marketing trends: cross-generational marketing. How do brands stay relevant with younger audiences?", IPAM (Mestrado) Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing de Lisboa, Portugal
2022/03 - 2022/03 Nova SBE Executive Education: "Customer-Centric Marketing, Marketing strategy & management", Novartis customized program (Outros) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2022/01/22 - 2022/01/22 Invited lecture: "Evidence-based practices for wellbeing", Escola National de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2021/11/25 - 2021/11/25 Nova SBE Executive Education, invited lecture: "Social relationships for wellbeing and success", Alumni Talks (Outros) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2019/02/01 - 2021/05/21 Nova SBE Master's in Management: "Advanced Marketing" Master's in Management (Mestrado) Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2018/01/15 - 2018/05/30 Advertising Advertising (Master)
2017/02/01 - 2017/05/30 Creating and managing brand equity, Graduate (Spring 2017) (Master)
2017/02/01 - 2017/05/30 Brand impact and popular culture, Undergraduate (Spring 2017) (Bachelor)
2017/04/21 - 2017/04/21 Invited Lecture: "Buying happiness: how experiential and material purchases contribute to consumer well-being", Athens University of Economics & Business Lecture for University of Coventry Erasmus exchange program (Master) Athens University of Economics & Business, Grécia
2016/09/01 - 2016/12/20 Markets, customers and marketing, Graduate (Fall 2016) (Master)
2014/03/03 - 2014/03/03 Invited lecture: "Luxury brand management", Mediterranean College Managing Brand Equity (Master) Mediterranean College, Grécia

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2024/06/17 Aos 39, CR7 tem instinto goleador como trunfo na Eurocopa? Fohla de S.Paulo
2023/09/01 “Do experiential purchases make us happier?” (As compras experienciais fazem-nos mais felizes?), interview for Marketeer magazine covering the paper Kousi et al, 2023. Marketeer, #326, p. 16–23. Marketeer
2022/08 Com ou sem caixa? E a emoção vai à parte? Media coverage of book chapter "Cashier-free supermarkets and consumer emotions" in Extending boundaries: The impact of the digital world on consumers and marketing in Marketeer magazine, print, August 2022, p. 80¿84 Marketeer
2021/02/28 Tendência para confirmar crenças pré-estabelecidas persiste mesmo sabendo que informação é enviesa Polígrafo
2021/02/13 “Mesmo sabendo que a informação a que acedem é enviesada, as pessoas não mudam o que escolhem ler” Público

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2022/01/01 - Atual FAE Case competition coordination and internal jury for Nova SBE (Forum de Administradores e Gestores de Empresas). The FAE Case Study Award is an annual initiative of the Forum of Corporate Directors and Managers, with Caixa Geral de Depósitos, which aims to distinguish the best management cases of Portuguese or foreign companies operating in Portugal that serve as a model for growth and / or innovation.
2023/09/01 - 2024/12/31 Hiring committee: Nova SBE Behavioral lab – La Caixa grant
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2024/09/01 - 2024/12/15 Master’s Recognition committee
Presidente / Vice-presidente
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
2017/01/01 - 2018/01/01 Student Committee: SPSpotlight co-editor
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Estados Unidos

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2024/04/10 - 2024/04/10 Doctor of Business Administration Defense Committee: Examiner SKEMA Business School, Lille, France Ashraf El Arabaty Jury members: Chitu Okoli, Paul Gardiner, Moutaz Haddara, Sarra Dahmani, Bernardo Pagnoncelli SKEMA Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Lille, França
2023/07/05 - 2023/07/05 PhD Doctoral defense jury for Duc Hoang Universidade Nova de Lisboa Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal

Revisão ad hoc de artigos em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2025/01/01 - 2025/01/31 Arts and the Market (2056-4945) Emerald
2023/08/28 - 2023/09/26 International Journal of Consumer Studies
2023/03/01 - 2023/04/20 Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
2022/01/01 - 2022/12/30 Electronic Commerce Research
2021/08/11 - 2021/11/24 Electronic Commerce Research (1389-5753) Springer


Tópico Nome do aluno
2025/01/16 - 2025/01/31 "Design Sessions Manteigas", 1st Design Hackathon at Manteigas in Serra da Estrela Several students (5)
2021/09/01 - 2022/06/30 Advisory Board, NOMA Marketing Consulting student club Student groups within NOMA Marketing Consulting student club
2022/05/04 - 2022/05/04 Madeira startup retreat (5th edition), Nova SBE Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute Several startups in the ecosystem


2016 Graduate Travel Award
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Estados Unidos