Nuno L. Alves is a group leader at Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S) in Porto. He graduated in Biology from the University of Porto in 2000 and completed his a Ph.D. in Immunology at the University of Amsterdam in 2007 with the support of a GABBA/FCT PhD fellowship. Next, he obtained a long-term EMBO fellowship to develop his post-doctoral research at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. In 2010, he returned to Portugal under the Ciência2008 program and started his independent research team at Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (IBMC) in Porto. In 2014, he established his research group at Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde(i3S), which is the largest research center in Portugal. He was a recipient of an ECR Starting Grant and holded the position of Principal Investigator, first under the umbrella of the FCT investigator program and then under the Scientific Employment Stimulus program. Since 2023, he is part of the i3S research staff with an open-ended contract as PI. Throughout his career as Immunologist, he has been interested in the mechanisms underlying the homeostasis of T cells, which represent a chief arm of the immune system. During his PhD and Post-Doctoral periods, he studied the role of the cytokines Interleukin 7 (IL-7) and IL-15 in the function of T cells. The studies in his laboratory are focused on the differentiation of thymic epithelial cells (TECs), which play a prominent role in T-cell development and in the establishment of immunological tolerance. He has published 44 articles in high ranked journals, supervised 6 PhD thesis and 7 MSc dissertation thesis. He has received several awards and/or honors and participates and/or participated as Principal investigator in several national and international grants. These 20 years of experience in a highly competitive academic environment have provided him with consolidated experience in all aspects of research and development, the design, and the coordination of multiple projects. He has also extensive experience in securing international and nationally competitive funding, grant writing and management, supervision and mentorship of researchers, and scientific and public, outreach communication activities with the media. Besides his activities as a researcher, he has been responsible for teaching Immunology to under graduated (Uni Algarve) and post-graduated (Uni. Porto) and he has participated as examiner in several Master and Ph.D. thesis in Portugal and abroad. Moreover, he regularly acts as reviewer for several important Immunology-related scientific journals and International Funding Agencies. Between 2018-2021, he was the Vice-President of the Portuguese Society of Immunology (SPI) and he is currently the Vice-Coordinator of the Infection, Immunity and Regeneration research program at i3S, which holds 36 research groups at i3S .

Identificação pessoal

Nome completo
Nuno Miguel de Oliveira Lages Alves

Nomes de citação

  • Alves, Nuno L.

Identificadores de autor

Ciência ID

Domínios de atuação

  • Ciências Médicas e da Saúde - Medicina Básica - Imunologia
  • Ciências Naturais - Ciências Biológicas - Biologia Molecular


Idioma Conversação Leitura Escrita Compreensão Peer-review
Inglês Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1) Utilizador proficiente (C1)
Francês Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador independente (B1) Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador independente (B1)
Holandês Utilizador elementar (A1) Utilizador elementar (A1)
Grau Classificação
2010 - 2010/09/14
Course in Laboratory Animal Science, FELASA Category C (accreditation No 020/08) (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2010 - 2010
Accreditation Investigator-Coordinator at Direcção-Geral de Veterinária (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
Immunology - Medicine (Doutoramento)
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Países Baixos
"How To Keep T Cells Alive and Kicking" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Cum Laude
Biologia (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Not applicable" (TESE/DISSERTAÇÃO)
Final Mark 17/20 (85%)
Percurso profissional


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2013 - Atual Investigador principal (carreira) (Investigação) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2009 - 2013 Investigador Contratado (Investigação) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2007/02/28 - 2009/07/31 Pós-doutorado (Investigação) Institut Pasteur, França
2001/10/01 - 2007/02/01 Estagiário de Investigação (Investigação) Academisch Medisch Centrum Faculteit Geneeskunde, Países Baixos

Docência no Ensino Superior

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2012 - Atual Professor Auxiliar Convidado (Docente Universitário) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
Universidade do Algarve Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Portugal

Cargos e Funções

Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2018 - 2020 Vice-Presidente Sociedade Portuguesa de Imunologia, Portugal
2015 - 2018 Member of the direction Sociedade Portuguesa de Imunologia, Portugal


Categoria Profissional
Instituição de acolhimento
2018 - Atual Vice-Coordinator Research Program Infection, Immunity and Regeneration Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2011 - 2014 Co-representative of the researchers at Executive Council of IBMC Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal


Designação Financiadores
2023/12/31 - 2027/12/31 The molecular regulation of T cell development in the thymus: Implications for Infectious Diseases
Investigador responsável
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Fundação 'la Caixa'
Em curso
2020 - 2027 An Immunological Hub of Excellence in Porto tailored to fulfil the ERA Priorities
Horizon 2020
2023/12/31 - 2026/12/31 Deciphering the impact of Leukaemia on Immunological Fitness beyond disease
Co-Investigador Responsável (Co-IR)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Fundação 'la Caixa'
Em curso
2022/03/01 - 2025/02/28 Molecular Control of Foxn1 Expression in Thymic Epithelial Cells: Advances in Thymus Regenerative Therapies
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2022/03 - 2025/02 Molecular Control of Foxn1 Expression in Thymic Epithelial Cells: Advances in Thymus Regenerative Therapies
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
2021/04 - 2024/03 Molecular principles underlying T cell development and tolerance induction in the thymus: Defining the role of RNA binding proteins in thymic epithelial cell lineage specification and function in vivo
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2022/03 - 2023/06 Genetic Reprogramming of Thymic Epithelial Cells: A new manufacturable platform to study the molecular mechanisms underlying thymic function
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020 - 2022 SPINY: Identifying and Modulating the Mechanisms Responsible for Functional Recovery and Axon Regeneration of the Injured Acomys Spinal Cord
not applicable
Participant: Co-Principal Investigator
Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa
2018/07/01 - 2021/06/30 Determining the Role of the Microenvironment in Shaping the Spectrum of Genetic Mutations Acquired During Cancer Development
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2018 - 2021 Thymus Regeneration: Development of a high-content discovery program to identify new bioactive compounds and molecular determinants that induce Foxn1 expression in thymic epithelial cells
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015/07 - 2020 Molecular control of self-renewal and lineage specification in thymic epithelial cell progenitors in vivo.
Investigador responsável
ERC Starting Grant - Horizon 2020
2016 - 2019 Bioengineered Therapies for Tissue Regeneration and Infectious Diseases.
Investigador responsável
FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI)
2015 - 2018 The yin and yang of somatic mutations in cancer immunosurveillance
Participant: Co-Principal Investigator
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/04 - 2014 The function of the thymus in pathophysiological conditions: A systematic approach to study the expression of interleukin 7 during stress-induced thymic injury
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
2010 - 2013 Unveiling the thymic interleukin 7 niche in vivo - A framework to study the cellular and molecular control of a master regulator of T lymphopoiesis
Investigador responsável
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia


Designação Financiadores
2023/03/01 - 2026/02/28 Decifrar como as células T não convencionais são reguladas por micronutrientes e seu papel na malignidade epitelial.
team member
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Em curso
2011/01/01 - 2012/12/31 Projecto Estratégico - LA 2 - 2011-2012
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal

Instituto Nacional de Engenharia Biomédica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Artigo em revista
  1. Ribeiro, Camila; Ferreirinha, Pedro; Landry, Jonathan J. M.; Macedo, Fátima; Sousa, Laura G.; Pinto, Rute; Benes, Vladimir; Alves, Nuno L.. "Foxo3 regulates cortical and medullary thymic epithelial cell homeostasis with implications in T cell development". Cell Death & Disease 15 5 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41419-024-06728-0.
    Publicado • 10.1038/s41419-024-06728-0
  2. Silva, Catarina S.; Pinto, Rute D.; Pires, Ricardo A.; Correia-Neves, Margarida; Reis, Rui L.; Alves, Nuno L.; Martins, Albino; Neves, Nuno M.. "The Influence of Feeder Cell-Derived Extracellular Matrix Density on Thymic Epithelial Cell Culture". ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 9 5 (2023): 2514-2523. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.3c00148.
  3. Alves, Inês; Santos-Pereira, Beatriz; de la Cruz, Noelia; Campar, Ana; Pinto, Vanda; Rodrigues, Pedro M.; Araújo, Marco; et al. "Host-derived mannose glycans trigger a pathogenic ¿d T cell/IL-17a axis in autoimmunity". Science Translational Medicine 15 687 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.abo1930.
  4. Sousa, Laura G.; Rodrigues, Pedro M.; Alves, Nuno L.. "T-cell selection in the thymus: New routes toward the identification of the self-peptide ligandome presented by thymic epithelial cells". European Journal of Immunology 53 3 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eji.202250202.
  5. Gonçalves, Rute; Couto, Joana; Ferreirinha, Pedro; Costa, José Maria; Silvério, Diogo; Silva, Marta L.; Fernandes, Ana Isabel; et al. "SARS-CoV-2 variants induce distinct disease and impact in the bone marrow and thymus of mice". iScience 26 2 (2023): 105972. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.105972.
  6. Ferreirinha, Pedro; Pinheiro, Ruben; Landry, Jonathan J. M.; Alves, Nuno L.. "Identification of fibroblast progenitors in the developing thymus". Development (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1242/dev.200513.
  7. Rodrigues, Pedro M.; Sousa, Laura G.; Perrod, Chiara; Maceiras, Ana R.; Ferreirinha, Pedro; Pombinho, Rita; Romera-Cárdenas, Gema; et al. Autor correspondente: Alves, Nuno L.. "LAMP2 regulates autophagy in the thymic epithelium and thymic stroma-dependent CD4 T cell development". Autophagy (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15548627.2022.2074105.
    Publicado • 10.1080/15548627.2022.2074105
  8. Nuno L. Alves; Pedro Ferreirinha. "The quest for the “HOIL-1” grail of T-cell development". Cell Death & Differentiation (2021): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41418-021-00856-2.
  9. "The Early Postnatal Life: A Dynamic Period in Thymic Epithelial Cell Differentiation". Frontiers Immunology (2021): https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.668528/full.
  10. Alves, Nuno L.. "Fibronectin-Functionalized Fibrous Meshes as a Substrate to Support Cultures of Thymic Epithelial Cells.". Biomacromolecules (2020): https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.0c00933.
  11. Alves, Nuno L.. "A novel method to identify Post-Aire stages of medullary thymic epithelial cell differentiation.". European journal of immunology (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/eji.202048764.
  12. Alves, Nuno L.. "The Portuguese Society for Immunology (SPI): history and mission.". European journal of immunology (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/eji.202070075.
  13. Alves, Nuno L.. "Medullary thymic epithelial cells: Deciphering the functional diversity beyond promiscuous gene expression". Immunology Letters (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.imlet.2019.01.012.
  14. Ghezzo, Marinella N; Fernandes, Mónica T; Pacheco-Leyva, Ivette; Rodrigues, Pedro M; Machado, Rui S; Araújo, Marta A S; Kalathur, Ravi K; et al. "FoxN1-dependent thymic epithelial cells promote T-cell leukemia development". Carcinogenesis 39 12 (2018): 1463-1476. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/carcin/bgy127.
  15. Ghezzo, Marinella N; Fernandes, Mónica T; Pacheco-Leyva, Ivette; Rodrigues, Pedro M; Machado, Rui S; Araújo, Marta A S; Kalathur, Ravi K; et al. "FoxN1-dependent thymic epithelial cells promote T-cell leukemia development". Carcinogenesis 39 12 (2018): 1463-1476. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/carcin/bgy127.
  16. Pedro M. Rodrigues; Ana R. Ribeiro; Nicolas Serafini; Catarina Meireles; James P. Di Santo; Nuno L. Alves. "Intrathymic Deletion of IL-7 Reveals a Contribution of the Bone Marrow to Thymic Rebound Induced by Androgen Blockade". The Journal of Immunology (2018): ji1701112-ji1701112. https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.1701112.
  17. Rodrigues, Pedro M.; Peterson, Pärt; Alves, Nuno L.. "Setting Up the Perimeter of Tolerance: Insights into mTEC Physiology". Trends in Immunology 39 1 (2018): 2-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.it.2017.11.001.
  18. Catarina Meireles; Ana R. Ribeiro; Rute D. Pinto; Catarina Leitão; Pedro M. Rodrigues; Nuno L. Alves. "Thymic crosstalk restrains the pool of cortical thymic epithelial cells with progenitor properties". European Journal of Immunology 47 6 (2017): 958-969. https://doi.org/10.1002/eji.201746922.
  19. Resende, M.; Cardoso, M.S.; Ribeiro, A.R.; Flórido, M.; Borges, M.; Gil Castro, A.; Alves, N.L.; Cooper, A.M.; Appelberg, R.. "Innate IFN-¿-Producing cells developing in the absence of IL-2 receptor common ¿-chain". Journal of Immunology 199 4 (2017): 1429-1439. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85027298608&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  20. Rodrigues, P.M.; Ribeiro, A.R.; Perrod, C.; Landry, J.J.M.; Araújo, L.; Pereira-Castro, I.; Benes, V.; et al. "Thymic epithelial cells require p53 to support their long-term function in thymopoiesis in mice". Blood 130 4 (2017): 478-488. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85026293874&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  21. Alves, N.L.; Ribeiro, A.R.. "Thymus medulla under construction: Time and space oddities". European Journal of Immunology 46 4 (2016): 829-833. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84962197424&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  22. Remmerswaal, E.B.M.; Klarenbeek, P.L.; Alves, N.L.; Doorenspleet, M.E.; van Schaik, B.D.C.; Esveldt, R.E.E.; Idu, M.M.; et al. "Clonal evolution of CD8+ T cell responses against latent viruses: Relationship among phenotype, localization, and function". Journal of Virology 89 1 (2015): 568-580. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84919433921&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  23. Fernandes, M.T.; Ghezzo, M.N.; Silveira, A.B.; Kalathur, R.K.; Póvoa, V.; Ribeiro, A.R.; Brandalise, S.R.; et al. "Lymphotoxin-ß receptor in microenvironmental cells promotes the development of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with cortical/mature immunophenotype". British Journal of Haematology 171 5 (2015): 736-751. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84955381960&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  24. Ribeiro, A.R.; Meireles, C.; Rodrigues, P.M.; Alves, N.L.. "Intermediate expression of CCRL1 reveals novel subpopulations of medullary thymic epithelial cells that emerge in the postnatal thymus". European Journal of Immunology 44 10 (2014): 2918-2924. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84925298291&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  25. Alves, N.L.; Takahama, Y.; Ohigashi, I.; Ribeiro, A.R.; Baik, S.; Anderson, G.; Jenkinson, W.E.. "Serial progression of cortical and medullary thymic epithelial microenvironments". European Journal of Immunology 44 1 (2014): 16-22. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84892472653&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  26. Ribeiro, A.R.; Rodrigues, P.M.; Meireles, C.; Di Santo, J.P.; Alves, N.L.. "Thymocyte selection regulates the homeostasis of IL-7-expressing thymic cortical epithelial cells in vivo". Journal of Immunology 191 3 (2013): 1200-1209. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84880685834&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  27. Huntington, N.D.; Alves, N.L.; Legrand, N.; Lim, A.; Strick-Marchand, H.; Plet, A.; Weijer, K.; et al. "Autonomous and extrinsic regulation of thymopoiesis inhuman immune system (HIS) mice". European Journal of Immunology 41 10 (2011): 2883-2893. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80053139523&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  28. Wensveen, F.M.; Alves, N.L.; Derks, I.A.M.; Reedquist, K.A.; Eldering, E.. "Apoptosis induced by overall metabolic stress converges on the Bcl-2 family proteins Noxa and Mcl-1". Apoptosis 16 7 (2011): 708-721. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80051546884&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. Huntington, N.D.; Alves, N.L.; Legrand, N.; Lim, A.; Strick-Marchand, H.; Mention, J.-J.; Pletf, A.; et al. "IL-15 transpresentation promotes both human T-cell reconstitution and T-cell-dependent antibody responses in vivo". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 15 (2011): 6217-6222. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79955010744&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  30. Alves, N.L.; Huntington, N.D.; Mention, J.-J.; Richard-Le Goff, O.; Di Santo, J.P.. "Cutting edge: A thymocyte-thymic epithelial cell cross-talk dynamically regulates intrathymic IL-7 expression in vivo". Journal of Immunology 184 11 (2010): 5949-5953. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77953449167&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  31. Lalanne, A.I.; Moraga, I.; Hao, Y.; Pereira, J.P.; Alves, N.L.; Huntington, N.D.; Freitas, A.A.; Cumano, A.; Vieira, P.. "CpG inhibits pro-B cell expansion through a cathepsin B-dependent mechanism". Journal of Immunology 184 10 (2010): 5678-5685. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77954714801&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  32. Huntington, N.D.; Labi, V.; Cumano, A.; Vieira, P.; Strasser, A.; Villunger, A.; Di Santo, J.P.; Alves, N.L.. "Loss of the pro-apoptotic BH3-only Bcl-2 family member Bim sustains B lymphopoiesis in the absence of IL-7". International Immunology 21 6 (2009): 715-725. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-66249096306&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  33. Alves, N.L.; Goff, O.R.-L.; Huntington, N.D.; Sousa, A.P.; Ribeiro, V.S.G.; Bordack, A.; Vives, F.L.; et al. "Characterization of the thymic IL-7 niche in vivo". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 5 (2009): 1512-1517. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-60849114415&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  34. Huntington, N.D.; Legrand, N.; Alves, N.L.; Jaron, B.; Weijer, K.; Plet, A.; Corcuff, E.; et al. "IL-15 trans-presentation promotes human NK cell development and differentiation in vivo". Journal of Experimental Medicine 206 1 (2009): 25-34. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-60549117539&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  35. Alves, N.L.; Huntington, N.D.; Rodewald, H.-R.; Di Santo, J.P.. "Thymic epithelial cells: the multi-tasking framework of the T cell "cradle"". Trends in Immunology 30 10 (2009): 468-474. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-70349556314&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  36. Alves, N.L.; Van Leeuwen, E.M.M.; Derks, I.A.M.; Van Lier, R.A.W.. "Differential regulation of human IL-7 receptor a expression by IL-7 and TCR signaling". Journal of Immunology 180 8 (2008): 5201-5210. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-45449109453&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  37. Hallaert, D.Y.H.; Spijker, R.; Jak, M.; Derks, I.A.M.; Alves, N.L.; Wensveen, F.M.; de Boer, J.P.; et al. "Crosstalk among Bcl-2 family members in B-CLL: seliciclib acts via the Mcl-1/Noxa axis and gradual exhaustion of Bcl-2 protection". Cell Death and Differentiation 14 11 (2007): 1958-1967. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-35549012854&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  38. Alves, N.L.; Arosa, F.A.; van Lier, R.A.W.. "Common ¿ chain cytokines: Dissidence in the details". Immunology Letters 108 2 (2007): 113-120. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33846650265&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  39. Alves, N.L.; van Lier, R.A.W.; Eldering, E.. "Withdrawal symptoms on display: Bcl-2 members under investigation". Trends in Immunology 28 1 (2007): 26-32. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33845636846&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  40. Alves, N.L.; Van Leeuwen, E.M.M.; Remmerswaal, E.B.M.; Vrisekoop, N.; Tesselaar, K.; Roosnek, E.; Ten Berge, I.J.M.; Van Lier, R.A.W.. "A new subset of human naive CD8+ T cells defined by low expression of IL-7Ra". Journal of Immunology 179 1 (2007): 221-228. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34250834965&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  41. Alves, N.L.; Derks, I.A.M.; Berk, E.; Spijker, R.; van Lier, R.A.W.; Eldering, E.. "The Noxa/Mcl-1 Axis Regulates Susceptibility to Apoptosis under Glucose Limitation in Dividing T Cells". Immunity 24 6 (2006): 703-716. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33745006592&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  42. Alves, N.L.; Arosa, F.A.; Van Lier, R.A.W.. "IL-21 sustains CD28 expression on IL-15-activated human naive CD8+T cells". Journal of Immunology 175 2 (2005): 755-762. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-23244444668&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  43. Gimeno, R.; Weijer, K.; Voordouw, A.; Uittenbogaart, C.H.; Legrand, N.; Alves, N.L.; Wijnands, E.; Blom, B.; Spits, H.. "Monitoring the effect of gene silencing by RNA interference in human CD34+ cells injected into newborn RAG2-/- ¿c -/- mice: Functional inactivation of p53 in developing T cells". Blood 104 13 (2004): 3886-3893. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-10244237695&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  44. Alves, N.L.; Hooibrink, B.; Arosa, F.A.; Van Lier, R.A.W.. "IL-15 induces antigen-independent expansion and differentiation of human naive CD8+ T cells in vitro". Blood 102 7 (2003): 2541-2546. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0141705313&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Capítulo de livro
  1. Matsumoto, Minoru; Rodrigues, Pedro M.; Sousa, Laura; Tsuneyama, Koichi; Matsumoto, Mitsuru; Alves, Nuno L.. "The Ins and Outs of Thymic Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Function". In Thymus Transcriptome and Cell Biology, 35-65. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
  2. Arosa, Fernando A.; Fonseca, Ana M.; Santos, Susana G.; Alves, Nuno L.. "The Impact of Environmental Signals on the Growth and Survival of Human T Cells". In Biophysical Aspects of Transmembrane Signaling, 1-32. Springer-Verlag, 2005.
    Publicado • 10.1007/3-540-26511-2_1


Outra produção
  1. FoxN1-dependent thymic epithelial cells promote T-cell leukemia development. 2018. Marinella N. Ghezzo; Mónica T. Fernandes; Rui S. Machado; Ivette Pacheco-Leyva; Marta A.S. Araújo; Ravi K. Kalathur; Matthias E. Futschik; Nuno L. Alves; Nuno R. dos Santos. https://doi.org/10.1101/247015.

Apresentação oral de trabalho

Título da apresentação Nome do evento
Anfitrião (Local do evento)
2024/04/11 Molecular Control of Thymic Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Function Invited speaker at 31ST ANNUAL HENRY KUNKEL SOCIETY MEETING
2023/03/23 The transcription factor Foxo3 controls the homeostasis and functional heterogeneity of medullary thymic epithelial cells ThymOz 2023
Global Thymus Network (Austrália)
2021 The choreography of T cell development by thymic epithelial cells Seminar series Department of Immunology
Ana Cumano (Paris, França)
2021 The choreography of T cell development by thymic epithelial cells Portuguese Society of Immunology
2019/09 Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction CEDOC seminar
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2019/05 Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction ThymE: T cell and thymus biology
(Rehovot, Israel)
2018/09/22 Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction 9th Meeting on Signal Transduction
2018/09/18 Choreographing Immunity and Tolerance Induction in the Thymus Lund University Immunology Seminar
Prof. William Agace (Lund, Suécia)
2018/05/16 Choreographing Immunity and Tolerance Induction in the Thymus 11th International Congress on Autoimmunity
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2018/03/21 Intrathymic deletion of IL-7 reveals a contribution of the bone marrow to thymic rebound induced by androgen blockade. ThymOZ: An International Conference on Thymus and T-cell Biology
(Queenslad , Austrália)
2018/02/14 Choreographing Immunity and Tolerance Induction in the Thymus iBiMED Winter 2018 Seminar Series
Prof. Manuel Santos (Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/11/21 Choreographing Immunity and Tolerance Induction in the Thymus 3rd Meeting on Thymus Transcriptome and Cell Biology
Prof. Geraldo Passos (São Paulo , Brasil)
2017/10/05 Choreographing Immunity and Tolerance Induction in the Thymus Universidade Complutense
Prof. Agustin Zapatta (Madrid , Espanha)
2017/05/27 Choreographing Immunity and Tolerance Induction in the Thymus XV Congress of the Iberian Cytometry Society (SIC)
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2016/11/17 The Quest for the Thymus, Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction 2nd Meeting on Thymus Transcriptome and Cell Biology
Prof. Geraldo Passos (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
2016/06/06 Thymic epithelial cells require p53 to support their role in T-cell development and tolerance induction.   2016 ThymUS International Conference
(Maui, Estados Unidos)
2016/04/04 The Quest for the Thymus, Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction Cell Functional And Phenotypical Analysis Course,
(Braga, Portugal)
2015/06/26 The Quest for the Thymus, Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction CNC seminar series
Dr. Filipe Pereira (Coimbra, Portugal)
2015/06/23 The Quest for the Thymus, Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction Sanquin Seminars Series
Prof. Rene van Lier (Amsterdam , Países Baixos)
2015/02/02 The Quest for the Thymus, Thymic Epithelial Cell differentiation and Function: The foundation of Immunity and Tolerance Induction IMM Monday Lecture
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2015/01/12 The Quest for the Thymus, Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms required to understand the development and function of Thymic Epithelial Cells University Children's Hospital of Basel seminar series
Prof. George Hollander (Basel, Suiça)
2013 Molecular control of thymus biology 4th International Symposium Immunomedicine, Harvard Medical School, Portugal Program
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2012 Molecular control of thymus biology MRC Centre for Immune Regulation – John Squire Seminars, School of Immunity and Infection
(Birmingham, Reino Unido)
2011 Molecular control of thymus biology symposium Modelos Animales e Investigación Traslacional en Biomedicina
(Santiago, Espanha)
2009 Molecular control of thymus biology XXXV meeting of the Portuguese Society of Immunology
2008 Molecular control of thymus biology Friday Noon seminars
(Porto, Portugal)


Título / Tema
Papel desempenhado
Curso (Tipo)
Instituição / Organização
2025/01/01 - 2028/12/31 The Molecular Regulation of Thymic Epithelial Cell Function in T Cell Development and Its Impact on Immune Responses. FCT (2025-2028) 2024.03905.BD
Orientador de João Cardoso
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2025/01/01 - 2028/12/31 Deciphering the impact of leukaemia on immune development beyond disease . FCT (2025-2028) 2024.03557.BD
Orientador de Francisco Sobral
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2019/03/01 - 2024/06/21 Delineating the molecular control of medullary thymic epithelial cell differentiation and function. (Delivered and to be defended before July 2024)
Orientador de Camila Ribeiro
Doutoramento (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2020 - 2024/05/03 Identification of the genetic program underlying the control of Foxn1 expression during thymic epithelial cell lineage specification in vivo
Orientador de Laura Sousa
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2017 - 2023/05/25 The establishment of the stromal microenvironment in the thymus and its implications for T-cell development
Orientador de Ruben Pinheiro
PhD thesis (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2018 - 2022/02 Post-doc fellowship: ERC – Starting Grant 2014 ref 637843
Orientador de Pedro Rodrigues
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2017 - 2022 Post-doc fellowship: ERC – Starting Grant 2014 ref 637843
Orientador de Pedro Ferreirinha
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2015 - 2022 Research Fellow
Orientador de Leonor Araújo
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2020/10 - 2021/12 Molecular Insights into the Role of FoxN1 in Thymic Epithelial Cell Development and Function: Generation of a platform for T-cell development through FoxN1-induced cell reprogramming
Orientador de Nuno André Roque David
Master Thesis (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Unravelling the functional consequences of TEC specific deletion of p53 in T cell homeostasis
Orientador de Laura Sousa
Master (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Defining novel stages in medullary thymic epithelial cells: Implications for Tolerane Induciton
Orientador de Maria Camila Trindade Ribeiro
Master (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2015 - 2018 FCT Post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/101420/2014)
Orientador de Rute Pinto
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2015 - 2018 Post-doc fellowship: ERC – Starting Grant 2014 ref 637843
Orientador de Chiara Perrod
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2018 Refining thymic epithelial cell differentiation: from progenitor cell isolation to the identification of discrete mature lineages
Orientador de Helena Catarina Meireles
PhD (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2013 - 2018 How to Keep the Thymus in Shape: New Molecular Insights on Thymic Epithelial Cell homeostasis and function
Orientador de Pedro Miguel Mendes Rodrigues
PhD (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Post-doc fellowship: Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero
Orientador de Gema Romera
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2015 - 2016 The impact of CD8+ T cell selection in medullary thymic epithelial microenvironment
Orientador de Laura Sousa
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2012 - 2016 Unveilling thymic epithelial cell ontogeny : a road map to study the microenvironment for T-cell generation and tolerance
Orientador de Ana Rosalina Ribeiro
PhD (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2013 - 2014 The importance of the dynamics of CD8 T-cell selection for the establishment of thymic cortical and medullary epithelial microenvironments
Orientador de Helena Xavier Ferreira
Master (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2012 - 2013 Research Fellow
Orientador de Catarina Meireles
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2011 - 2012 Dissecting the Thymic Microenvironment : an approach to unveil the impact of defective T cell development in the maintenance of cortical thymic epithelium
Orientador de Pedro Mendes Rodrigues
Master (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2010 - 2011 Uncovering the Thymic IL-7 niche in vivo: The impact of Thymic Epithelial Cell-Thymocyte crosstalk on the control of IL-7 expression
Orientador de Ana Rosalina Ribeiro
Master (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal

Organização de evento

Nome do evento
Tipo de evento (Tipo de participação)
Instituição / Organização
2023/06/01 - 2024/05/31 Chairman of the International Meeting | ThymE 24. T cell & thymus biology. (2024/05/27 - 2024/05/31)
Congresso (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Thymus Global Network, Estados Unidos
2023/04/17 - 2024/04/19 Co-organizer of the 49th annual meeting of the Portuguese Society for Immunology (2024/04/17 - 2024/04/19)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Imunologia, Portugal
2018/06/19 - 2019/05/24 Co-organizer EMBO WorkShop, “ThymE: T cell and thymus biology”, Rehovot, Israel (2019/05/19 - 2019/05/24)
Conferência (Coorganizador)
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
2016 - 2018 Organizer of the Immunology Day (2016 - 2018)
Encontro (Membro da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Chairmam of the XLIII annual meeting of the Portuguese Society of Immunology, “Breaking the barriers of immunotherapy and vaccination: realities and challenges” (2017 - 2017)
Encontro (Outra)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Organizer SPI/IBMC workshop “Thymus@Porto2” (2013 - 2013)
Oficina (workshop) (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Chairman of the XXXVIII annual meeting of the Portuguese Society of Immunology, “From Immune Disorders to Immunotherapies” (2012 - 2012)
Encontro (Outra)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Co-organizer SPI workshop “Thymus@Porto” (2011 - 2011)
Oficina (workshop) (Coorganizador)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal

Arbitragem científica em revista

Nome da revista (ISSN) Editora
2021 - Atual European Journal of Immunology Wiley Online Library
2019 - Atual Frontiers in Immunology (1664-3224) Frontiers Media SA

Comissão de avaliação

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de assessoria
Instituição / Organização Entidade financiadora
2019 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Nature Immunology
2019 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Nature Communications
2018 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Scientific Reports
2016 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Journal of Experimental Medicine
2012 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal, Jornal of Immunology
2011 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal European Journal of Immunology
2010 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Human Immunology
2010 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Molecular and Cell Biology
2010 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal British Journal of Pharmacology
2009 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Apoptosis
2009 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Molecular Cell Research
2008 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal International Immunology
2007 - Atual Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Blood
2017 - 2017 Grant peer-reviewing for the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity UK
2016 - 2016 Grant peer-reviewing for the Arthritis Research UK
2015 - 2015 Grant peer-reviewing for the Welcome Trust
2015 - 2015 Grant peer-reviewing for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Reino Unido
2013 - 2015 Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Plos One
2014 - 2014 Grant peer-reviewing for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Alemanha
2008 - 2011 Peer-reviewing for the Scientific Journal Immunology Letters

Curso / Disciplina lecionado

Disciplina Curso (Tipo) Instituição / Organização
2018 - Atual Invited Professor in the Ph.D. program MCBiology, University of Porto. Teaching Immunology to 1st year PhD students. Immunology (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2012 - Atual Invited Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Science. Teaching Human Immunology to 3rd year Biomedical Science undergraduate students. Imunologia Humana (Licenciatura) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2018 - 2019 Invited Professor at the Advanced Immunology Course, Université Paris descartes, Paris diderot et sorbonne Université Immunology (Master) Université de Paris, França
2018 - 2019 Invited Professor in the Ph.D. program in Biomedicine, University of Aveiro. - Teaching Immunology to 1st year PhD students. Imunologia (Doutoramento) Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2007 - 2018 Invited Professor in the Ph.D. program GABBA, University of Porto. Teaching Immunology to 1st year PhD students. Immunology (Doutoramento) Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2015 - 2017 Invited Professor, Master in Molecular Therapies, CESPU, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Norte. Teaching immunology to 1st year master students. Immunology (Mestrado) Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal
2010 - 2011 Invited Professor, Master in Molecular Therapies, CESPU, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Norte. Teaching immunology to 1st year master students. Immunology (Mestrado) Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Invited Professor, Master in Bioengineer, ICBAS, Porto. Teaching Immunology to 1st year Master students. Immunology (Mestrado) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Entrevista (jornal / revista)

Descrição da atividade Jornal / Forum
2021/06/26 JN Newspaper Report participation JN
2021/05/27 Participation in Diário de Notícias Newspaper Report Diário de Notícias
2018/05/05 This report covers the attribution of the Crioestaminal award
2017 This article covers our discoveries on Thymus Biology Jornal de Noticias - National newspaper
2017 This article covers our discoveries on Thymus biology. Diário de Noticias - National Newspaper
2013 Outreach activity describing the discoveries of our laboratory on thymus biology. "Publico" Portuguese National Newspaper

Entrevista / Programa (rádio / tv)

Programa Tema
2022/02/18 - Atual CNN Portugal News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2022/02/16 - Atual CNN Portugal News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2022/02/08 - Atual CNN Portugal News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2022/01/14 - Atual RTP News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2022/01/04 - Atual CNN Portugal News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2021/12/22 - Atual Observador Radio Station News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2021/12/16 - Atual CNN Portugal News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2021/11/30 - Atual Antena 1 Radio Station News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2021/11/29 - Atual CNN Portugal News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2021/11/26 - Atual RTP3 News COVID-19 and Vaccines
2021/08/27 - Atual RTP News COVID-19 and Vaccines and Group Immunity
2021/07/12 - Atual Observador Radio Station Program E=mc2 COVID-19 and Vaccines
2021/05/20 - Atual Observador Radio Station Program E=mc2 COVID-19 and Vaccines
2018/10/11 - 2018/10/12 90 segundos de ciencia Autoimmunity
2017/12/17 - 2017/12/18 Mentes que Brilham - Porto Canal Autoimmunity

Membro de associação

Nome da associação Tipo de participação
2009 - Atual Portuguese Society of Immunology (SPI)
2011 - 2013 European Society of Microbiology and Infection

Membro de comissão

Descrição da atividade
Tipo de participação
Instituição / Organização
2021 - Atual Associated Editor : European Journal of Immunology
2012 - Atual Representative of the Advisory Board of the IBMC animal facility
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal
2020 - 2020 PhD thesis Advisory Board. Samuel Gonçalves, Escola de Ciências da Saúde, Univ. Minho, 2020
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2016 PhD thesis Advisory Board. Marinella Ghezzo, Programa de Doutoramento em Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina da Universidade do Algarve 2012-2016.
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Outro júri / avaliação

Descrição da atividade Instituição / Organização
2019 - 2019 PhD Thesis Examiner. Vânia Cardoso, Faculdade de Medicina, Univ. Lisboa, January 2019 Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2018 - 2018 PhD Thesis Examiner. Kerstin Wendland, Lund University, September 2018. Lunds Universitet, Suécia
2018 - 2018 PhD Thesis Examiner. Marie Pouzolles, Univiversité Montpellier, September 2018 Institut de Génétique Moléculaire Montpellier, França
2018 - 2018 Master Thesis Examiner. Mariana Esteves Ávila, Instituto Superior Técnico, November 2018. Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2017 - 2017 PhD Thesis Examiner. Ricardo Miragaia, Univ. Minho, September 2017. Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017 - 2017 PhD Thesis Examiner. Olaya Lamas Gonzalez, Universidade Santiago de Compostela, February 17 2017 Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, Espanha
2017 - 2017 PhD Thesis Examiner. Bethania Cassani, Faculdade de Medicina, Univ. Lisboa, March 2017. Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2016 - 2016 PhD Thesis Examiner. Marco Barsanti, Monash University, Australia, November 2016. Monash University, Austrália
2016 - 2016 PhD Thesis Examiner. Ana Rita Gomes, ICBAS, Uni. Porto, January 2016 Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2015 - 2015 PhD Thesis Examiner. Francisca Almeida, Faculdade de Medicina, Univ. Lisboa, July 2015. Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Master Thesis Examiner. Ana de Oliveira Rodrigues Amorim, Faculdade de Ciências, Univ. Porto, 2014 Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Master Thesis Examiner. Inês Baldaia, Faculdade de Ciências, Univ. Porto, November 2013. Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2012 - 2012 PhD Thesis Examiner. Ricardo Sousa Paiva, Univ. Nova Lisboa ITQB, October 2012. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2012 - 2012 PhD Thesis Examiner Ana de Barros, Faculdade de Medicina, Univ. Lisboa, February 2012. Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Master Thesis Examiner. José Pedro Alves Quintanilha, ICBAS/Faculdade de Engenharia, 2012 Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Master Thesis Examiner. Bruno Rodrigues, Escola de Ciências da Saúde, Univ. Minho, July 2011. Universidade do Minho, Portugal


2018 10th Edition Crioestaminal Prize

Outra distinção

2018 Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus 2018
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2014 Investigator FCT Development Award
2014 ERC Starting Grant
European Commission, Bélgica
2009 Post-Doctoral FCT fellowship (Reference: SFRH/BPD/45932/2008) - Contest for individual post-doctoral fellowships 2008 - classification 4,925 (scale 0-5). 1st place on the Scientific Domain: Health Sciences.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2009 Research Grant Ciência 2008 FCT-Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2007 First Prize AMC thesis award
2007 Cum laude distinction on the PhD thesis.
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Países Baixos
2007 Post-Doctoral Long-Term fellowship (Reference: ALTF 630-2006).
2000 GABBA PhD fellowship. FCT- Portugal - SFR/B/2740/2000.